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Women Becoming: a Feminist Critical Analysis of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan's "The Joy Luck Club" and "The Kitchen God's Wife"Curton, Carman C. 12 1900 (has links)
This analysis of Tan's first two novels reveals that her female characters suffer from the strains critics like Amy Ling say result from the double paradox of filling the roles of mother or daughter as minority women in a white, male society. Recognizing this double paradox offers Tan's characters, and her readers, the opportunity to resolve the conflicts between mothers and daughters in The Joy Luck Club. Using the theories of psychologist Kathie Carlson helps readers understand how the protagonist of The Kitchen God's Wife resolves similar conflicts with her daughter and her own mother by seeking support from a mythic mother-figure, a Goddess of her own making.
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La réinvention de la maternité dans l'oeuvre de Nancy HustonGuarino, Angelina 08 1900 (has links)
Le principal objectif de ce mémoire est l’étude de l’inscription de la maternité dans L’empreinte de l’ange, La virevolte et Prodige de Nancy Huston. Les trois romans précités constituent mon corpus de base. Néanmoins, des allusions à d’autres écrits de l’auteure, notamment à Journal de la création, donneront une plus grande profondeur à l’analyse, car on ne peut ni écarter les traces du thème de la maternité dans ses autres textes ni mésestimer l’influence de l’expérience de l’auteure sur son œuvre. Dans la foulée de la réflexion féministe contemporaine sur la maternité et faisant recours, selon le besoin, à la Nouvelle Histoire et à la psychanalyse, pour éclairer le contexte sociohistorique et le non-dit des textes, nous essaierons de dégager la singularité de l’écriture hustonienne en ce qui concerne ses idées sur la maternité. En effet, Nancy Huston s’inscrit dans la lignée d’écrivaines qui ont contribué à redéfinir l’identité féminine dans la fiction contemporaine en esquissant, à travers ses romans et essais, une multiplicité d’expériences féminines, toutes différentes, bien que plus ou moins soumises aux valeurs sociales dont l’auteure mesure la force.
Nous abordons notre analyse par une mise en contexte historique, culturelle et éthique de la maternité. En effet, comme le thème de la maternité est omniprésent dans le discours social passé et contemporain, il est intéressent de voir comment Nancy Huston compose avec les stéréotypes traditionnellement attribués à la mère en suivant les enjeux, les conséquences et les variations de la maternité dans les œuvres à l’étude. Suivront à la mise en contexte historique et théorique les chapitres destinés à l’analyse des œuvres. Le deuxième chapitre portera sur L’empreinte de l’ange dévoilant les perplexités qui naissent d’une maternité non désirée et ombragée par les séquelles d’un passé tragique. Le troisième chapitre, consacré à l’analyse de La virevolte, s’articule autour de la tension entre la création et la procréation. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier chapitre aborde la maternité dans Prodige, roman où il est surtout question du lien entre emprise maternelle et construction de l’identité de la fille. À travers cette analyse, nous verrons comment Nancy Huston déconstruit le lieu commun voulant que la mère soit cet être idéalisé, privé de passions professionnelles et de pulsions artistiques, se dédiant uniquement à la protection et aux soins de l’enfant pour représenter plutôt des mères animées par des sentiments contradictoires, des mères qui se positionnent avant tout comme femmes sans inhiber leurs élans, leurs passions ni leurs tourments. / The main purpose of this master’s paper is the study of the theme of maternity in Nancy Huston’s novels L’empreinte de l’ange, La virevolte and Prodige. The three aforesaid novels constitute the basic corpus of our study. Nevertheless, allusions to the other essays by the author, in particular to Journal de la création, will give a major depth to the analysis, because we cannot push aside the traces of the theme of maternity in her other writings nor underestimate the influence of the experience of the author on her work. Influenced by the ideas of the contemporary feminist reflexion to redefine the maternal experience and recurring, according to the needs, to the New History’s and the psychoanalysis’s theories, to enlighten the sociohistorical context and the unspoken of the texts, we shall try to find the peculiarity of Nancy Huston’s writing regarding maternity. In fact, Nancy Huston, by sketching through her novels a multiplicity of feminine experiences more or less influenced by social values, joins the lineage of women writers which have contributed to redefine the feminine identity in contemporary fiction.
We approach our analysis by an historical, cultural, and ethical contextualization of the ideas surrounding maternity. As the subject of maternity is present in the past and contemporary social discourse, it is interesting to see how Nancy Huston composes with stereotypes traditionally attributed to mothers by following the consequences and the variations of maternity in her novels. The study of the novels follows this contextualization. The second chapter concerns L’empreinte de l’ange and reveals the perplexities which arise from a maternity that is unwanted and shaded by the after effects of a tragic past. The third chapter, dedicated to the analysis of La virevolte is articulated around the tension between creation and procreation. Finally, the fourth and last chapter studies the theme of maternity in Prodigy, a novel that reveals the link between maternal influence and the construction of the daughter’s identity. Through this entire study, we shall see how Nancy Huston deconstructs the common idea wanting that the mother is an idealized being, deprived of professional passions and artistic drives, dedicated only to the protection and to the care of the child. On the contrary, the author represents mothers animated by contradictory feelings, mothers who position themselves as women without inhibiting their passions nor their agonies.
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Corps, identité et féminité chez Nelly Arcan et Marie-Sissi LabrècheDugas, Marie-Claude 08 1900 (has links)
Dans une société qui assiste à la confusion des territoires du privé et du
public, le culte du corps et la valorisation de normes esthétiques féminines
semblent littéralement envahir l’espace narratif et magnifier le dualisme entre
l’être et le paraître. Il va sans dire que cette nouvelle façon de penser et de
concevoir le corps, notamment le corps féminin, a une incidence sur l’écriture des
femmes contemporaines. Intimement lié à la construction identitaire du sujet, le
corps incarne dans les oeuvres littéraires une nouvelle « féminité » dont le présent
mémoire vise à explorer les paramètres littéraires, psychanalytiques et
C’est dans le contexte d’une corporalité reconfigurée que l’inscription de la
triade corps/identité/féminité dans les textes littéraires de Nelly Arcan et de Marie-Sissi Labrèche sera étudiée par l’analyse d’oeuvres significatives publiées au début de ce troisième millénaire : Putain et À ciel ouvert, d’une part, Borderline et La Brèche, d’autre part. Le corps est au coeur de la quête identitaire des protagonistes présentées dans ces récits. Mais ce corps s’érigeant souvent en obstacle devient le lieu d’une difficile image de soi et contribue à renforcer l’agentivité négative, soit cette incapacité du sujet à tracer son avenir de manière positive, contre laquelle se battent les personnages féminins tout au long de la narration. C’est à ce propos que la position ambivalente des deux auteures est représentative des questions de filiation qui marquent la littérature contemporaine. / In a society in which boundaries between the private and the public are confused, body worship and the prizing of women’s beauty standards seem to pervade fiction and magnify the dualism between being and appearing. The new way of thinking about and conceiving the body, the female body in particular, has certainly had an effect on contemporary women’s writing. Inasmuch as the body is entwined with the formation of the protagonist’s identity, it embodies a new
femininity in literary works, of which this master’s thesis strives to explore the
literary, psychoanalytical and sociological parameters.
In the context of a remapped corporality, this thesis studies the body, identity
and femininity in four contemporary novels: Putain and À ciel ouvert by Nelly
Arcan, and Borderline and La Brèche by Marie-Sissi Labrèche. Although the body is
at the heart of the protagonists’ search for identity, it also often constitutes a hurdle
for them, resulting in a bad self-image and reinforcing the protagonists’ negative
agency against which all the female characters are struggling. The authors’
ambivalent positions on this matter are representative of the filiation issues
characterizing contemporary fiction.
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L’éthos maternel dans Lettres à sa fille (1916-1953) de ColetteCourville, Vanessa 05 1900 (has links)
Depuis les Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille, la pratique épistolaire permet à la mère et à la fille d’entretenir un lien à distance. Outre la valeur communicative à l’origine de ce lien, l’espace de la lettre fait intervenir le moi de l’épistolière dans le mouvement de l’écriture. Cette particularité est propice à l’élaboration d’une image propre aux buts recherchés de la correspondance en adoptant une rhétorique qui crée un effet sur la destinataire incitée à répondre, à prendre position, à construire une image de soi par le biais de l’échange épistolaire. Une forme de littérarité se manifeste dans ce genre de lettres comme nous le démontrons à propos des Lettres à sa fille (1916-1953) de Colette.
L’étape de la maternité constitue une fatalité redoutée ou refusée pour certaines femmes qui connaissent un amour tardivement, voire jamais. Colette s’inscrit dans cette lignée de mères atypiques en refusant le rôle maternel pour consacrer sa vie à sa carrière d’écrivaine. Elle entretient néanmoins pendant trente-sept ans une correspondance avec sa fille, Colette de Jouvenel, afin de satisfaire à la représentation sociale voulant que la mère soit religieusement dévouée à son enfant. Mère physiquement absente la plupart du temps, Colette construit un éthos épistolaire qui oscille entre garder sa fille près d’elle grâce aux mots tout en maintenant la distance physique et sentimentale avec celle qui doit trouver sa place dans la correspondance. Colette se défile, mais s’impose aussi par son omniprésence dans l’univers de son enfant en témoignant d’une sévérité propre à sa posture d’auteure. Le déploiement de cette facette de l’écrivaine dans l’échange épistolaire à priori privé est rendu possible en raison du statut générique de la lettre : de fait, l’écriture épistolaire favorise, non seulement un rapport de soi à l’autre, mais également de soi à soi à travers divers effets spéculaires. L’étude de l’éthos maternel nous amène à nous interroger finalement sur l’éthos de la jeune fille contrainte de se construire dans une relation de dépendance avec l’image de la sur-mère. / Since the Letters of Madame de Sévigné to her daughter, the epistolary practice allows the mother and the daughter to maintain a bond from a distance. In addition to the communicative value at the origin of this bond, the space of the letter involves the self of the writer in the writing’s movement. This particularity is conducive to the development of an image which adapts itself to the goals of the correspondence, adopting a rhetoric that creates an effect on the recipient encouraged to respond, to take position, to build a self-image through the epistolary exchange. Literariness is manifested in this kind of letters, as we demonstrate in our study of Lettres à sa fille (1916-1953) from Colette.
Motherhood step constitutes a fatality for some women who develop love tardily, if ever. Colette belongs to this line of atypical mothers refusing the maternal role in order to dedicate her life to her career as writer. Nevertheless, she maintains a thirty-seven years correspondence with her daughter, Colette de Jouvenel, to answer this social representation that requires the mother to be religiously devoted to her child. A physically absent mother most of the time, Colette builds an epistolary ethos that oscillates between keeping her daughter beside her through words, while maintaining a physical and a sentimental distance with the one who has to find her place in the correspondence. She slips away, but also imposes herself with her omnipresence in her child's world, demonstrating a severity that derives from her authorial posture. The deployment of this facet of the writer in the epistolary exchange, at first private, is possible because of the letter’s generic status: in fact, epistolary writing promotes a relationship from oneself to the other, but also to oneself through various specular effects. The study of the maternal ethos finally leads us to interrogating the ethos of the young girl forced to build herself in a relationship of dependency with the mother’s image.
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Changing seasons : examining three decades of women's writing in Greater Syria and EgyptElayan, Suzanne January 2012 (has links)
Throughout the last three decades, the Arab region has attracted the unwanted attention of the rest of the world because of its spiralling political upheaval. This unrest has caused migration, economic and cultural changes, and eventually a spring of revolutions and protests in demand of reform. Arab countries are now in the spotlight of global current affairs, and all the imperfections regarding their cultural, social, and gender inequalities have surfaced to the foreground. Arab women novelists have been addressing feminist issues for centuries, chipping away at the stereotypical image of the meek and voiceless Arab woman that comes hand in hand with Orientalism. Through their fiction, writers such as Nawal El Saadawi, Hanan Al- Shaykh and Fadia Faqir have promulgated a bold brand of Arab feminist thought. This interdisciplinary thesis explores the Greater Syrian and Egyptian woman's novel written between 1975 and 2007. Through the in-depth analysis of Arab women's novels available in English, I attempt to uncover the many reasons behind today's gender inequality in Greater Syria and Egypt. By examining contemporary Arabic narrative styles and cultivating traditional Arab story-telling methods, the creative element of this thesis uses fiction to expose social and political injustice. The novel within this thesis challenges different forms of patriarchy that are dominant in the region, and endeavours to document a historical, on-going revolution.
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Jiftách (Sd 11,29-40) - exegeze a interpretace biblického textu / Jephthah (Jdg 11:29-40) - Explanation and Interpretation of a Particular Biblical TextPáleník, Dan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on exegesis and interpretation of Judges 11, 29-40. Main method used in this thesis is narrative analysis, via which I investigate and interpret the chosen text as one story unit in its contemporal form. I focus on the course of action, how and with whom the characters act and what is the meaning of these in the whole narrative. I examine the structure of the text, because it's essential for the story told. I examine the context of the chosen text as well, because it's in the middle of broader narrative about Jephthah, of the book of Judges and of the Old Testament. Behavior and actions of characters, as well as facts used in the story, may have different meanings, which may not be apparent from the text itself. The aim of this thesis is to find one or several interpratiations, which will be based in the text itself and its context as much as possible. That will aslo enable me to deal with other intepratations. In the conclusion, I will shortly speak about text's influence on arts and present several themes for homiletic or pastoral use, which the story presents and contents.
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Döttrars upplevelse av uppväxten med en mamma med ätstörning : “Still, even as a little girl, I felt that I needed to protect her from the world; a world that had cracked her open and taken out her soul.”Schelin, Malin, Westberger, Caroline January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Title: Daughters experience of growing up with a mother with eating disorder Authors: Malin Schelin and Caroline Westberger Daughters risk negative identity development if they grow up with mothers with EA. Previous research shows how children of parents with mental illness easily are forgotten. This thesis investigates daughters experience of growing up with mothers with eating disorder (EA) and if and how their identity development got affected. A qualitative text analysis was carried out of six newspaper articles and nine chat posts from four chat forums. The articles and the posts were written from the daughters perspective. The result showed that the daughters felt forgotten. That they took an adult responsibility for themselves and their mothers, several of the daughters wished that they would have been given information of the mothers illness. The daughters emphasized a feeling of guilt and several of them have developed an EA. They describe that they handled their upbringing by increasing the distance to their mother, and by defining the mother's disease differently. / Sammanfattning Titel: Döttrars upplevelse av uppväxten med en mamma med ätstörning Författare: Malin Schelin and Caroline Westberger Döttrar riskerar negativ identitetsutveckling om de växer upp med en mamma med ätstörning. Tidigare forskning har uppmärksammat hur barn till föräldrar med psykisk ohälsa bortprioriteras. Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka döttrars upplevelse av uppväxten med en mamma med ätstörning samt om och hur döttrarnas identitetsutveckling påverkats. En kvalitativ textanalys genomfördes av sex tidningsartiklar och nio chattinlägg från fyra chattforum. Både tidningsartiklarna och chattinläggen var skrivna utifrån döttrarnas perspektiv. I resultatet framkom att döttrarna upplevt sig bortglömda och att de tog ett vuxenansvar för sig själva och sin mamma. Flera av döttrarna önskade att vuxna i deras närhet gett dem information om mödrarnas sjukdom. Döttrarna framhåller en stark skuld och flera av dem har själva utvecklat en ätstörning. En del av döttrarna beskriver att de hanterat sin uppväxt dels genom att öka distansen till sin mamma, dels genom att definiera mammans sjukdom på ett annorlunda sätt.
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Considerações sobre a devastação mãe-filha: elementos para uma clínica da adolescência feminina / Considerations about the mother-daughter devastation: elements to a female adolescence clinical praticeBrunner, Isadora Lins Porto Dantas 25 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-25 / This work deals with the question of the mother-daughter devastation. It
intends to go deeper into what comes to be devastation, understood, at first,
as the failure of the daughter in acceding to femininity owing to lived
obstacles in the relation with her mother. From seeing girls in adolescence, it
appeared the idea to investigate such question in a more attentive way. Thus,
this research uses a work of the contemporaneous cinema in order to take
advantage of the resources of this condenser of livings art. With the purpose
of articulating the problematic of devastation to what Freud called civilization
and Lacan, discourses , that is, to an economy of the accepted or prescript
jouissances of the social bond, this investigation considers aspects related to
both the capitalism of production in Freud s time and specially, the late
capitalism or current capitalism of consume. It also elaborates questions
related to adolescence which, due to its turbulence, is presented as a
privileged moment to the devastation occurrence. In conclusion, it develops
the idea which, in each woman s trajectory to her own constitution as unique,
to identify herself and, at the same time, to get separated from her mother,
not finding a signifier that says The Woman, the devastation is presented as a
contingence that can become real or not happens. However, when it takes
place, it implies a suffering to the subject to whom the clinic can t stay
indifferent / Este trabalho trata da questão da devastação mãe-filha. Pocura-se
aprofundar o que vem a ser a devastação, entendida, em princípio, como o
malogro da filha em aceder à feminilidade devido a obstáculos vividos na
relação com a mãe. Foi a partir de atendimentos com meninas na
adolescência que surgiu a idéia de investigar tal questão de forma mais
atenta. Assim sendo, esta pesquisa vale-se de uma obra do cinema
contemporâneo a fim de aproveitar os recursos dessa arte condensadora de
vivências. Com o propósito de articular a problemática da devastação com o
que Freud chamou de civilização , e Lacan, de discursos , ou seja, a uma
economia dos gozos aceitos ou prescritos do laço social, esta investigação
considera aspectos relativos tanto ao contexto do capitalismo de produção da
época de Freud como, especialmente, ao capitalismo tardio ou capitalismo
de consumo da atualidade. Elaboram-se também, questões relacionadas à
adolescência que, pela sua turbulência, apresenta-se como um momento
privilegiado para a ocorrência da devastação. Como conclusão, desenvolvese
a idéia de que, na trajetória de cada mulher constituir-se como única, ao
identificar-se e, ao mesmo tempo, ao separar-se de sua mãe, não
encontrando um significante que diga A Mulher, a devastação apresenta-se
como uma contingência que pode tornar-se real ou não acontecer. Porém,
quando se efetiva implica um sofrimento tal para o sujeito ao qual a clínica
não pode ficar indiferente
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De mãe para filha: um estudo sobre a transmissão intergeracional dos significados atribuídos pelas mulheres judias à sexualidade femininaSetton, Marcia Zalcman 08 September 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-09-08 / This study is concerned to a comprehension of the transmission process of the meanings attributed to feminine sexuality by Jewish mothers to their daughters, considering that this theme is one of the main propulsive points of social changes on the twentieth century. The guide question of this work is how this woman, who lived and is still living this whole transformation is getting to integrate the social changes and what is transmitted to the new generation: if there are modifications and of what type, in the education that these women could provide to their daughters in the sexuality area.
To achieve this general purpose, a qualitative research was made, based on the new paradigmatic systemic assumptions, which specific aims were: comprehend what values and beliefs about sexuality the actual mothers received from their own mothers; how this transmission was made; what values and beliefs about sexuality theses mothers are transmitting to their daughters; in what manner this transmission is done; what values and beliefs the daughters have and how they intend to transmit to their own daughters; how these values and beliefs help in the construction of the femininity sense to these women.
There have been made semi-structured interviews with women of the Jewish Community, between 45 and 55 years old and their respective daughters, between 20 and 30 years old, six secular pairs of mother and daughter and two orthodox pairs, in order to observe the difference of groups more closed to traditions and groups more integrated to the general society. These mothers are women that lived their youth on the seventeenth decade and received a traditional education, based in the cultural and social desirable stereotypes for them, but that lived during the sexual revolution, that means, a rupture in the beliefs, values and patterns of learned behaviors.
As a result it was possible to observe a great influence from the social and cultural changes in the transmission of the meanings from mother to daughter, although it was noted a repetition of the familiar patterns. However, these changes weren t uniforms, varying in according with the history, beliefs, values and behaviors of each family. The secular families looked for, each one in his measure, to be opened for new reflexions to the new demands, while the orthodox needed to develop a whole range of specific resources to have their traditions survival granted. It was also observed a great women difficulty to have the autonomy preconized by the speech of the sexual revolution incorporated in their personal lives. Only one of the women interviewed crossed this limit, confronting a lot of resistance in her familiar and social life. It is important to have this in mind for the professional that is going to receive this contemporaneous woman in his clinic, in ethics parameters, to accept the other as a legitimized other, and from this base, build with her new possibilities / O interesse deste estudo se volta para uma compreensão do processo de transmissão dos significados atribuídos à sexualidade feminina pelas mães judias às suas filhas, visto que este tema é um dos principais focos propulsores das mudanças sociais do século XX. A questão norteadora do trabalho é como esta mulher, que viveu e vive toda esta transformação, está conseguindo integrar as mudanças sociais, e o que é transmitido para a nova geração: se houve alterações e de que tipo, na educação que estas mulheres conseguiram proporcionar para suas filhas na área da sexualidade.
Para atingir este objetivo geral proposto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa a partir dos pressupostos do pensamento sistêmico novo-paradigmático, cujos objetivos específicos, foram de: compreender quais valores e crenças a respeito da sexualidade as mães atuais receberam de suas próprias mães; de que forma se deu esta transmissão; quais valores e crenças a respeito da sexualidade estas mulheres estão transmitindo para suas filhas; de que forma se dá esta transmissão; quais valores e crenças as filhas têm e de que forma elas pretendem transmitir às suas filhas; como estes valores e crenças ajudam a construir o sentido de feminilidade para estas mulheres.
Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com mulheres da comunidade judaica, com idades de 45 a 55 anos e suas respectivas filhas, com idades de 20 a 30 anos, sendo seis duplas mãe e filha laicas e duas duplas ortodoxas, de modo que se pudessem observar as diferenças de grupos mais voltados para a tradição e de grupos mais integrados à sociedade em geral. Estas mães são mulheres que viveram sua juventude na década de 70 e que receberam uma educação tradicional, baseada nos estereótipos culturais e socialmente desejáveis para elas, mas que vivenciaram a revolução sexual, ou seja, uma ruptura nas crenças, valores e padrões de comportamentos aprendidos.
Como resultado, pôde-se observar que houve uma influência muito grande das alterações sócio-culturais na transmissão dos significados de mãe para filha, embora se notasse uma repetição dos padrões familiares. Entretanto, estas mudanças não foram uniformes, variando de acordo com a história, crenças, valores e comportamentos de cada família. As famílias seculares procuraram cada uma na sua medida, se abrir para novas reflexões frente às novas demandas, enquanto que as ortodoxas precisaram desenvolver uma série de recursos específicos para garantir a sobrevivência de suas tradições. Observou-se também uma grande dificuldade das mulheres para incorporarem em sua vida pessoal uma autonomia preconizada pelo discurso da revolução sexual. Apenas uma das entrevistadas conseguiu transpor este limiar, enfrentando muita resistência em seu meio familiar e social. É importante ter isto em vista para o profissional que vai atender esta mulher contemporânea em sua clínica, dentro dos parâmetros de uma ética, para aceitar o outro como um legítimo outro, e a partir daí construir com ela novas possibilidades
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De herdeira a sucessora: uma trajetória de luta na sucessão empresarialOliveira, Blenda Sueny Marcelletti de 22 October 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-10-22 / The objectives of this thesis are to identify and understand the aspects that are
present in the succession process from father to daughter within the family
business environment. A qualitative inquiry, in which, participated five heirs
(married and single) with ages between 28 and 50 was carried out. The factgathering
was carried out individually with the heirs by means of a semi-directed
interview. The interviews focused on the history of the family of origin, of the
constituted family, on the formation of the concept of work, on gender related
questions and on the inherent aspects of the succession process. All these
aspects were discussed under the auspices of patriarchy formation, history of
women in Brazil and the formation of a family business. The results showed that
these women became socialized with the work of the family business since their
childhood. Although they have received an education culturally entrenched on
patriarchy and gender discrimination, they were also trained to do the work and
to be the head of the businesses. However, during the succession period the
aspects regarding gender showed prominent. From this study it was observed
that when these daughters constitute their own families many education
patterns from the relationships with the families of origin are repeated, however
they attempt to let their sons choose freely in regards to professional path, not
feeding them with expectations that they must work in the family business. For
the heirs to become successors it is necessary that the parents invest and
orient them on the phases of education, socialization and growth (childhood and
adolescence), aiming to incorporate the daughters in the business, to develop
their personal trajectory in the company and to create a vision of the future / Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e compreender os aspectos que
estão presentes no processo de sucessão de pai para filha, na empresa
familiar. Tratou-se de uma investigação qualitativa da qual participaram cinco
herdeiras, solteiras e casadas entre 28 e 50 anos. A coleta de dados foi
realizada individualmente com as herdeiras por meio de entrevista semidirigida.
Nas entrevistas privilegiou-se a história da família de origem, da família
constituída, da formação do conceito de trabalho, das questões de gênero e
dos aspectos inerentes ao processo sucessório. Todos esses aspectos foram
discutidos sob a luz da formação do patriarcado, da história da mulher no Brasil
e da formação da empresa familiar. Os resultados mostraram que a
socialização dessas mulheres para o trabalho nos negócios da família iniciouse
desde a infância. Embora tenham recebido uma educação com traços de
uma cultura patriarcal e discriminatória quanto às questões de gênero, foram
treinadas para o trabalho e para o exercício da chefia desde sempre.
Entretanto, no momento da sucessão as questões de gênero mostraram-se
relevantes. Constatou-se que quando as filhas constituem suas famílias, muitos
padrões de relacionamento das famílias de origem são repetidos na educação
dos filhos; entretanto, buscam sempre deixar que eles façam escolhas mais
livres quanto a trajetória profissional, não alimentando expectativas de que
trabalhem na empresa familiar. Para as herdeiras tornarem-se sucessoras, é
preciso que as etapas de educação, socialização e formação (infância e
adolescência) sejam investidas e orientadas por seus pais, visando à
incorporação na empresa, sua trajetória nela e uma visão de futuro
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