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Le rêve, la magie et la métaphore : pour une sociologie de l'homme éveillé / Dream, magic & the metaphor : for a sociology of the awaken manDandrieux, Michaël V. 25 June 2014 (has links)
En 1967, dans la revue Diogène, Roger Caillois écrivit un article sur le prestige et les problèmes du rêve. Il écrivit que, par le passé, dans un monde qui lui accordait un crédit démesuré, il y avait une correspondance entre le rêve et le sentiment quotidien que tout, même les choses les plus intimes, peut être éprouvé en commun. Mais l’intuition que plusieurs rêves se vérifient ou se contrôlent mutuellement était une manière de civiliser le rêve. Inversement, aujourd’hui, dans un monde où il n’est plus une source de pouvoir politique, où il ne constitue plus un témoignage authentique, considéré comme un phénomène étanche, rétif à tout partage, dont le rêveur seul peut se souvenir, le rêve porte cette nostalgie communautaire. La même année, Roger Bastide réfléchit à ce que serait une sociologie du rêve, une étude du rêve comme phénomène social. Il pensait que la sociologie ne s’intéressait qu’à l’homme éveillé, comme si l’homme endormi était un homme mort. Il se demandait si la sociologie pouvait ignorer cet homme couché et rêvant. Cette thèse se propose de penser le quotidien à partir de l’intuition de Roger Caillois, qui cherche moins à penser l’homme couché et rêvant que l’homme debout, dans son quotidien, son travail, sa famille, son rapport aux objets de tous les jours, empreinte à ce tiers de sa vie où il dort. Il ne s’agit cependant pas de faire l’interprétation de rêves, ou d’en tirer les contenus latents. Leur contenu n’est pas le terrain de cette thèse. Chaque fois, la visée est de savoir comment le rêve est-il vécu en tant que mythe, c’est-à-dire dans quelle mesure l’attention que le rêveur a prêtée à la structure étrange du rêve, ou à son contenu, a influencé sa relation à la communauté ; comment le phénomène du rêve est-il utilisé comme clef de lecture pour donner du sens à la quotidienneté de l’homme au sein de la société. En un mot : comment le rêve se déverse et contamine le réel. La magie et la métaphore seraient deux expressions de la manière dont le rêve se répand dans la vie quotidienne. La magie, comme lecture sociale des phénomènes dans lesquels la cause est sans relation apparente à la conséquence, cependant que les phénomènes étudiés ont une efficace propre : cette relation sans cause et qui pourtant rassemble deux termes distincts du paysage est l’un des fondements essentiels de la pensée symbolique. La métaphore, enfin, qui est l’expression littéraire et linguistique où deux symboles que rien de connecte cohabitent néanmoins harmonieusement, une stratégie de discours par laquelle le langage se dépouille de sa fonction de description directe pour accéder au niveau mythique. Cela est une proposition : alimenter une sociologie de l’homme éveillé, comme voulait l’appeler Bastide, qui ne rechigne pas à voir que « les états crépusculaires » et « la moitié obscure et sombre de l’homme prolongent le social », une sociologie qui ne peine pas à accepter que nombre des moteurs qui président aux comportement des sociétés humaines trouvent leur source dans les mêmes logiques saltatoires, ou acausales, en toutes les manières dénuées du lignage et des filiations déterministes, que l’on retrouve dans le rêve, dans la magie et dans la métaphore. Une sociologie qui s’autorise à penser que le lien social visible, quotidien, structurant des civilisations, puisse être atteint par une transformation profonde de la manière dont nous envisageons le lien en général. Une sociologie qui se propose de questionner l’inconséquence de l’invisible. / In 1967, in the review Diogène, Roger Caillois wrote an article on the prestige and the problems of dreams. He wrote that, in the past, in a world where dreams had excessive credit, there was a connection between the act of dreaming and the everyday feeling that all things, even intimate ones, could be experienced collectively. Yet, quite ironically, the intuition that dreams could cross-verify, or control one another, acted as a way to civilise them. Conversely, nowadays, in a world where they are no longer source of political power, where they can’t be taken as authentic testimonies, where they are considered impervious phenomena, reticent to be shared, dreams carry a sort of community nostalgia. On the same year, Roger Bastide gave a thought about what a sociology of dreams would be. A study of dreams as social phenomena. He thought that sociology had only interest for the awaken Man, as if the Man asleep were a dead man. He wondered how sociology could ignore this lying, dreaming man. The present thesis offers a framework to think the everyday life through this intuition of Roger Caillois. Consider Men in society not as occasional lying, dreaming bodies. But look at the structures of work, family, and the realm of objects throughout the ways this third of our life we spend sleeping affect them. The interpretation of dreams is not the subject of this thesis, nor is the “latent contents” they might hold. Our purpose is to find out how dreams are experienced and lived as myths. That is to wonder: to which extend the attention given by the dreamer to the weird structure of his dreams, or to its content, have positively influenced his relationship to the community. How does the phenomenon of dreaming can be used as a key to read and make sense out of the everyday life of Men in society. In a word: how dreams overflow and contaminate reality. Magic and the metaphors could be two expressions of this contamination. Magic as a social interpretation of phenomena in which causes remain in seemingly decorrelation with their consequences, whereas the studied phenomena have an effectiveness of their own. This relationship without determinism which yet connect two distinct terms is an essential core of symbolical thinking. The metaphor, finally, the literary and linguistic expression where two symbols that nothing links, nevertheless cohabit harmoniously. A strategy of discourse through which language strips of of its descriptive function, to reach a mythical aspect. This would be the thesis: contribute to a sociology of the awaken Man, as Bastide wanted to call it. A human science which wouldn’t turn its back to the fact that “twilight states of mind” and “an obscure, sombre, half of Man extends the social life”. A sociology that wouldn’t disregard the many drivers of humain societies relying on saltatory logics, indirect causality, and all the human ways escaping determinism, all of which could be found in dreams magic and the metaphor. A sociology which would consider that the invisible, everyday link that structures civilisations, could benefit from an inquiry on the very way we think of the social link in general. A sociology which would question the inconsequence of what is not visible.
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Whether we have free-will and whether it mattersOstrowick, John Montague 01 March 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9112588A -
MA Dissertation -
School of Social Sciences -
Faculty of Humanities / There is a concern that causal determinism might render free-will impossible. I compare some
different perspectives, namely Compatibilism, Incompatibilism, Libertarianism, and Hard
Determinism, and conclude that Hard Determinism is correct—we lack free-will. To further
bolster the case, I consider the work of Libet, who has found neuropsychological evidence that
our brains non-consciously cause our actions, prior to our being aware of it. Thus we are also
not choosing consciously. I then consider Dennett’s work on the role of the conscious self. I
defend his model—of a fragmented self—which could not cause our actions. Finally I argue that
many things that free-will purportedly provides, eg., justification for the penal system and
reactive attitudes, can be reconstructed without free-will. I then end with some speculations about
why people still want free-will.
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[pt] Esta tese procura explorar a experiência da subjetividade à luz das interpretações de Nietzsche sobre a história. O texto está desenvolvido em três partes. A primeira parte trata do papel do indivíduo no pensamento do jovem Nietzsche. A segunda propõe uma aproximação com a sua crítica da cultura por meio de uma leitura de Goethe e Dostoievski. A questão que orienta a terceira parte é baseada na sua autobiografia, Ecce homo, compreendida como uma atitude radical com relação à experiência da subjetividade. / [en] This thesis intends to explore the experience of subjectivity in the light of Nietzsche s interpretations about history. The text is developed in three parts. The first one is about the role of individual in Nietzsche s early
thought. The second part proposes an approach to his critique of culture through a reading of Goethe and Dostoievski. The question that guides the third part is based on his autobiography, Ecce homo, as a
radical attitude toward the experience of subjectivity.
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Arqueobotânica e mudanças socioeconômicas durante o Holoceno Médio no sudoeste da Amazônia / Archaeobotany and Social Changes in the Southwestern Amazon during the Middle HoloceneFurquim, Laura Pereira 14 May 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos dez anos, há um crescente esforço na Arqueologia Amazônica para repensar as mudanças sociais e econômicas acerca dos processos de longa duração dos povos indígenas durante o período pré-colonial. O Período Formativo, cunhado para alocar tais populações em um estágio intermediário de evolução, vem sendo descontruído em prol de perspectivas alternativas sobre as formas de organização e interação que refletem o tecer e o constante re-tecer das redes ameríndias, com base em historicidades cíclicas contra-estatais que inibem a centralização política. Neste contexto, diversos estudos vêm contribuindo para a desvinculação dos traços materiais \"formativos\", tais quais a emergência da vida sedentária, de plantas domesticadas, da produção de cerâmicas utilitárias e um processo progressivo de intensificação da produtividade agrícola. Há uma gradativa mudança do fator ambiental, de gatilho de adaptações humanas para produto das escolhas sociais na formação de florestas antrópicas e criação de uma biodiversidade de plantas úteis. A crítica ao determinismo agrícola e à presença de staple foods se combina com um crescente investimento na compreensão acerca da convivência entre espécies domesticadas e silvestres e da existência de contextos de abandono de espécies domesticadas (como o milho), e nos abrem espaço para repensar o papel do cultivo na Amazônia Antiga. Neste cenário, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo reunir e produzir dados arquebotânicos que permitissem uma avaliação do modelo de intensificação agrícola e da construção de florestas antropogênicas. O Sudoeste Amazônico, marcado por uma transição entre savanas, cerrados e florestas, é a região em que teria ocorrido a domesticação de importantes cultivares indígenas (como a mandioca e a pupunha), e foi caracterizado como um dos locais de avanço do Período Formativo no passado. Através de uma análise diacrônica dos macro-vestígios vegetais presentes no sambaqui Monte Castelo entre as ocupações dos estratos Sinimbu (cal 7.423 - 6.936 A.P. a cal. 4.987 - 4.566 A.P.) e Bacabal (cal. 4.628 - 3.982 a cal. 803 - 624 A.P.), buscamos avaliar estas mudanças socioeconômicas transcorridas entre o Holoceno Médio e Tardio. Caracterizamos uma assembleia botânica formada por espécies domesticadas, manejadas e silvestres, típicas de diferentes ambientes, que indicam uma prática conjunta e constante de cultivo, manejo e coleta, que pode ter sido modificada no Holoceno Tardio por conta de transformações sociais na bacia do Rio Guaporé. Em suma, acompanhamos a história dos cultivos, junto à história dos processos de mudanças e continuidades nos padrões de mobilidade humana, e de dispersão das espécies identificadas, permeando-nos por um debate crítico acerca dos conceitos de agricultura, domesticação, evolução e complexidade social. / In the last ten years, there has been a growing effort in Amazonian Archeology to rethink the social and economic changes in the long-term processes of indigenous peoples during the pre-colonial period. The Formative Period, coined to allocate such populations in an intermediate stage of evolution, has been deconstructed in favor of alternative perspectives on the forms of organization and interaction that reflect the weaving and constant re-weaving of Amerindian networks, based on cyclical historicities and counter-state policies that inhibit political centralization. In this context, several studies have contributed to the untying of the \"formative\" material traits, such as the emergence of sedentary life, domesticated plants, the production of utilitarian ceramics and a progressive process of intensification of agricultural productivity. There is a gradual change in the environmental factor, from the trigger of human adaptation to the product of social choices in the formation of anthropic forests and the creation of a biodiversity of useful plants. The critique of agricultural determinism and the presence of staple foods is combined with a growing investment in the understanding of the coexistence between domesticated and wild species and the existence of contexts of abandonment of domesticated species (such as corn), and open space for us to rethink the role of cultivation in the Ancient Amazon. In this scenario, the present research had the objective of gathering and producing archeobotanical data that allowed an evaluation of the model of agricultural intensification and the construction of anthropogenic forests. The Amazon Southwest, marked by a transition between savannas and forests, is the region in which the domestication of important indigenous cultivars (such as cassava and peach palm) would have occurred, and was characterized as one of the places of advancement of the Formative Period in the past. Through a diachronic analysis of plant macro-remains present in sambaqui Monte Castelo between the occupations of Sinimbu strata (cal 7423-6936 AP to cal 4987 - 4566 PA) and Bacabal (cal 4628 - 3982 to cal 803 - 624 AP ), we sought to evaluate these socioeconomic changes between the Middle and Late Holocene. We characterized a botanical assembly formed by domesticated, managed and wild species, typical of different environments, indicating a joint and constant practice of cultivation, management and collection that may have been modified in the Late Holocene due to social transformations in the Guaporé River basin. In short, we follow the history of crops, together with the history of the processes of changes and continuities in the patterns of human mobility, and of dispersion of the identified species, permeating us by a critical debate about the concepts of agriculture, domestication, evolution and social complexity.
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Enunciado asseverativo e contingência em Aristóteles: A batalha naval amanhã em De Interpretatione 9 / Asseverative ciscourse and contingency in Aristotle: The sea battle tomorrow in De Interpretatione 9Ferreira, Paulo Fernando Tadeu 11 March 2009 (has links)
Julgo que a recusa do determinismo causal em Metaphysica E3/K8 mediante a tese de que nem todo evento se deve a causas necessitantes de seus efeitos acarreta (mediante a concepção em Categoriae 5 segundo a qual a proposição é verdadeira ou falsa conforme em um tempo se dê ou não se dê a correspondência entre a proposição e um estado de coisas situado nesse mesmo tempo) a recusa do determinismo lógico em De Interpretatione 9 mediante a tese de que proposições a respeito de eventos futuros contingentes não são nem verdadeiras nem falsas ex ante facto e, por conseguinte, nem toda proposição é em qualquer tempo verdadeira ou falsa. Julgo, ademais, que o comprometimento com a tese de que nem todo evento se deve a causas necessitantes de seus efeitos decorre de o filósofo comprometerse com a noção de deliberação. Acompanha o presente trabalho a tradução comentada de De Interpretatione 9. / Aristotles refusal of causal determinism in Metaphysics E3/K8 by means of the thesis that not every event is necessitated entails (given the conception put forward in Categories 5 that a proposition is either true or false according to its either corresponding or not corresponding at a given time to a state of affairs at that same given time) his refusal of logical determinism in De Interpretatione 9 by means of the thesis that propositions about future contingent events are neither true nor false ex ante facto but become either true or false afterwards. Aristotles commitment to non-necessitated events stems, it is argued, from his commitment to the notion of deliberation. This work includes a translation, with commentary, of De Interpretatione 9.
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A redescoberta da geografia por economistas: um comentário a partir de Geografia é destino? / The rediscovery of geography by economists: a commentary based on Is geography destiny?Sutermeister, Paul 14 September 2011 (has links)
Apresentamos idéias geográficas contidas em Geografia é destino? (livro publicado em 2003 pelo Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento) e fontes afins. Focamos em David Landes, Jared Diamond e Jeffrey Sachs, considerados neste livro como líderes da redescoberta da geografia. Eles se diferenciam da nova geografia econômica de Paul Krugman por terem abordagens menos matemáticas e mais focadas na história, na biologia e na política, respectivamente. Diamond nos leva a Darwin, Landes discute certa noção de influência climática sobre desenvolvimento, e Sachs sintetiza essas abordagens para compor a parte geográfica de sua nova sociologia do desenvolvimento econômico. Diamond, Landes e Sachs levam, cada um por caminhos diferentes, a uma dicotomia entre zona tropical e zonas temperadas. Concluímos com algumas observações céticas acerca destas redescobertas da geografia. / We look at geographic ideas contained in Is geography destiny? (a book published in 2003 by the Inter-American Development Bank) and in related sources. We focus on David Landes, Jared Diamond and Jeffrey Sachs, who are considered as champions of the rediscovery of geography in this book. Their approaches differ from the new economic geography of Paul Krugman in being less mathematical and more focused on history, biology and policy, respectively. Diamond brings us to Darwin, Landes discusses a certain notion of climatic influence on \"development\", and Sachs makes a synthesis of the aforementioned approaches in order to compose the geographical part of his new sociology of economic development. Diamond, Landes and Sachs lead, each in different ways, to a dichotomy between the tropics and temperate zones. We conclude with some sceptical observations about these rediscoveries of geography.
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命運與自主: 以孟子與莊子為例. / On 'ming' and 'autonomy': a dialogue between Mencius and Zhuangzi / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Ming yun yu zi zhu: yi Mengzi yu Zhuangzi wei li.January 2013 (has links)
Yuan Ai. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 45-48). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Yuan Ai.
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Contingência e necessidade em Hegel: pressupostos do sistema éticoCastagnetti, Tiago 22 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T21:01:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A liberdade humana de escolha, pressuposta pela ética, exige que haja contingência. Se aceitarmos um sistema filosófico sem contingência, estaremos defendendo um sistema necessitario. Como tal, nele não há espaço para o exercício da liberdade. Sem liberdade não há espaço para a ética, para o direito ou para a história. Não obstante a acusação de que Hegel defenda uma concepção de mundo necessitarista, seu sistema filosófico corretamente interpretado deixa espaço para a contingência e assim para a liberdade do homem. Hegel coloca na verdade, no segundo livro da Ciência da Lógica, contingência e necessidade como duas faces de uma mesma moeda. / Man’s freedom of choice, presupposed by ethics, requires contingency. If we accept a philosophic system without contingency, we will be defending a necessitarian system. And in it there is no place for the exercise of freedom. Without freedom there is no place for ethics, for rights, for history. Despite Hegel’s statement defending a necessitarian conception of the world, his philosophical system correctly interpreted leaves place for contingency and therefore for Man’s freedom. In fact, Hegel states in his second book Science of Logic that contingency and need are two sides of the same coin.
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O ensino de estatística e a busca do equilíbrio entre os aspectos determinísticos e aleatórios da realidade / The teaching of statistics and the search for the equilibrium between deterministic and random aspects of realityAra, Amilton Braio 26 October 2006 (has links)
Em nossa prática docente no ensino da Estatística para os cursos de engenharia temos constatado a dificuldade dos alunos no entendimento dos conceitos envolvidos nos métodos estatísticos, tendo como conseqüência a falta de motivação para a sua aprendizagem e, em geral, um elevado índice de reprovação. Passamos, então, a refletir sobre as causas dessa dificuldade e os meios de eliminá-las. Verificamos que o caráter problemático do ensino da Estatística decorre de uma equivocada visão da realidade, conseqüência da pouca familiaridade dos alunos com os fenômenos aleatórios que, embora estejam presentes em seu cotidiano, devido ao caráter excessivamente determinista dos currículos escolares, em geral, não são estudados no ensino fundamental e médio. Os objetivos do presente trabalho consistem em: (1) explicitar uma concepção da realidade em que o equilíbrio determinístico/aleatório seja restaurado; (2) repensar o ensino da Probabilidade e da Estatística nos diversos níveis tendo em vista tal equilíbrio e, a partir dele; (3) propor uma nova organização da disciplina Estatística nos cursos de graduação em Engenharia. Fomos buscar no pensamento filosófico e na evolução das idéias da ciência física a concepção predominante sobre os aspectos determinísticos e aleatórios dos fenômenos naturais, e constatamos que esses aspectos convivem e interagem continuamente e que a aleatoriedade é uma característica intrínseca da natureza. Apresentamos algumas reflexões sobre o conceito de Probabilidade e o conhecimento estatístico, destacando sua importância para se alcançar uma adequada compreensão da realidade e do mundo que nos cerca. Uma formação deficiente no conhecimento probabilístico e estatístico pode conduzir o aluno a uma visão distorcida da realidade. Entendendo que o livro didático utilizado pelo professor é um indicador importante de sua concepção sobre a Estatística e, conseqüentemente, de sua forma de ação docente, fizemos um estudo dos principais livros didáticos utilizados pelos professores de Estatística nos cursos de Engenharia. Constatamos que, salvo algumas poucas exceções, esses livros são baseados em uma concepção predominantemente determinística da realidade. Nessa concepção, priorizam-se o aspecto matemático e a aplicação das técnicas, em relação à construção dos significados dos conceitos necessários ao entendimento da realidade. A verificação desse desequilíbrio entre os aspectos determinísticos e aleatórios no ensino da Estatística nos cursos de Engenharia nos conduziu à proposta de uma nova prática docente, com a qual imaginamos que o desejado equilíbrio seja restaurado. Em sintonia com o fato de que a aleatoriedade é uma característica importante da realidade, propõe-se uma organização do processo de ensino aprendizagem partindo-se de exemplos contextualizados nas áreas de interesse dos alunos, valorizando-se o trabalho em grupos com a utilização de programas estatísticos para computador e permitindo-se a participação ativa do aluno na construção do conhecimento. Para viabilizar a implantação dessa nova prática são necessárias algumas ações relacionadas com a inclusão do estudo dos fenômenos aleatórios na educação básica e com a formação de professores. Acreditamos que com a nova prática docente proposta se conseguirá uma maior compreensão da realidade, promovendo-se o equilíbrio entre as técnicas e os significados dos conceitos, restaurando-se o equilíbrio entre os aspectos determinísticos e aleatórios da realidade, e aumentando no aluno a motivação pela aprendizagem da Estatística. / In our daily teaching experience in Statistics in Engineering curricula we notice the student\'s difficulties to understand the concepts related to the statistics methods that give rise to lack of motivation in learning, and consequently to high rates of failure. We reflected on the causes of these difficulties and on means to surpass them. We observed that the problematic aspect of teaching Statistics is due to a wrong vision of reality, as a consequence of the low familiarity of the students with random phenomena, although their presence in the every day lives of the students, are not studied in colleges and schools because of the excessive deterministic character of the various curricula. The objectives of this work are: (1) to give an explicit conception of reality in which the deterministic/random equilibrium is restored; (2) to reconsider the teaching of Probability and Statistics in all levels keeping in mind that equilibrium, and, after that; (3) suggest a new organization of the discipline Statistics in undergraduate Engineering curriculum. We looked into the philosophical thinking and into the evolution of ideas in the physical sciences about the dominant conception of deterministic and random aspects of the natural phenomena; we then became aware that these aspects interact and continually live side by side and that the randomness is a intrinsic characteristic of nature. We present some reflections about the concept of Probability and the Statistics knowledge, highlighting its importance to achieve an adequate comprehension of reality and the world which surrounds us. A deficient training in probabilistic and statistic knowledge can guide the student to a distorted comprehension of reality. As we think that the textbook adopted in a course indicates how the instructor has his/her own conception about Statistics, and consequently how he/she teaches the subject, we established that, with few exceptions, the textbooks are based on a deterministic conception of reality; they pay more attention to the mathematics and application of techniques than to the building of the necessary concepts to understand it. The observation of this unbalance between deterministic and random aspects in the teaching of the subject in engineering made us propose a new teaching practice to recover it. Being aware that randomness is an important characteristic of reality, we propose an organization in the teaching-learning process starting from examples taken from the student\'s areas of interest, placing a high value on jobs taken in groups with the help of statistics computer software which enables an active participation of the student in the building of knowledge. For doing so it is necessary to take some actions related to the inclusion of the study of random phenomena in basic education and in the training of instructors. We believe that, with this new approach, a better understanding of reality will be achieved, with the equilibrium between techniques and the comprehension of concepts, as well as the equilibrium between deterministic and random aspects of reality, increasing the student motivation to learn Statistics.
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L’agent automate. Le concept de disposition chez Spinoza / The Agent as an Automaton. Spinoza’s Concept of DispositionLantoine, Jacques-Louis 25 November 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à élaborer une théorie de la pratique et une philosophie morale qui n’accorderaient aucune réalité à des possibles ou à des virtualités. Si l’inspiration bourdieusienne hante notre propos, c’est à partir de Spinoza que nous tentons dans un premier temps de construire un concept de disposition qui soit débarrassé de toute connotation indéterministe en référant les dispositions à des états de corps actuels et en clarifiant le sens de la notion, trop souvent confondue avec d’autres (aptitude, capacité, habitus). Nous montrons dans une deuxième partie que l’incorporation de l’extériorité dans des dispositions actuelles s’accompagne, conformément à la philosophie spinoziste, d’un effort nécessaire et déterminé pour accomplir aussitôt ce que l’agent est condamné à accomplir. La disposition désigne une puissance qui va au bout de ce qu’elle peut, abstraction faite de contrariétés internes ou externes. Si la puissance d’agir peut augmenter ou diminuer, l’effort ne peut être qu’aidé ou contrarié. L’agent est un automate, mais un automate qui s’efforce d’effectuer de gré et nécessairement ce qu’il est forcé d’effectuer, même s’il s’avère que c’est pour le pire. Cela nous conduit dans une troisième partie à contester les interprétations de la philosophie pratique spinoziste en terme d’aliénation. Nous montrons aussi que l’intellectualisme spinoziste doit être largement redéfini, la libération ne pouvant s’effectuer sans compter sur les « dispositions du dehors », y compris l’imagination d’un progrès possible. Enfin, si l’agent automate se signale par la grande inconstance de ses dispositions, il faut le disposer à agir dans un sens favorable à la raison. Le fonctionnement de l’État doit reposer sur la seule mécanique des institutions, puisqu’il est acquis qu’on ne peut vraiment compter sur personne. / This research aims at developing a theory of practice and a moral philosophy that leaves no place for what is merely possible and virtual. While inspired by the sociology of Bourdieu, I first draw on Spinoza to develop a concept of disposition that is freed of all indeterminist connotations by referring dispositions to actual states of the body so as to clarify the meaning of the term, which is so often confused with concepts such as aptitude, capacity, habitus. In the second part of this work, I show that the incorporation of the exteriority comes with the necessary effort to immediately accomplish what the agent is condemned to accomplish. « Disposition » refers to a power that sees through to the end what it can, notwithstanding internal and external impediments. If the power to act increases or diminishes, effort itself can only be helped or hindered. Thus, the agent is an automaton, but one that willingly strives to do what it is compelled to do, even if it is for the worst. Consequently, in the third part, I contest interpretations that relate human bondage in Spinoza’s ethics to alienation. I argue that Spinoza’s intellectualism must be redefined : emancipation cannot occur without relying on the dispositions we receive from the common order of Nature, including imagining possible progress. Finally, although the automaton is characterized by the inconstancy of his dispositions, he has to be disposed in a way that is favorable to reason. The workings of the state should rest solely on the mechanism of the institutions, as it has been established that we really cannot rely upon anyone.
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