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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En reformerad lärare : Konstruktionen av en professionell och betygssättande lärare i skolpolitik och skolpraktik / School reform and the teacher : The construction of a professional and assessing teacher in policy and teacher interviews

Mickwitz, Larissa January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis investigates the interrelatedness between school policy and practice. In the thesis, the construction of “the teacher” is analysed in school policy documents and teacher interviews. I am particularly interested in the relation between school policy and school practice in light of the two latest curriculum reforms 1994 and 2011 and the teacher accreditation registration reform of 2011. The analysis focuses on two topics: grading and the professional teacher. In fact, an analytic link is made between the emphasis on grading and the discursive construction of the teacher in Swedish education policy. The theoretical framework is positioned within institutional theory within which I combine curriculum theory and the sociological new institutionalism with discourse theory. The analyses of policy documents reveals three types of different discursive constructions of “the teacher”. In the period of deregulation and decentralization, a professional teacher is constructed and the need for an autonomous teacher for school quality is expressed. By the 1990s -2000s an unprofessional grading teacher is constructed. In the period signifying the teacher accreditation and registration reform, a quality assured teacher is constructed. It is a teacher who is formally authorized and in need of continuing evaluation. In the focus groups interviews teachers constructs two types of professionalism. One is in line with the professionalism articulated in the policy texts and is about control and formal regulation and the other is about autonomy. Furthermore, the teachers relate to grading and teachers' ability to act in accordance with their overall teaching assignment. Grading were often constructed opposed to teaching. Demands for documentation, quality reports or the requirement of teacher accreditation is described as institutional practices defined from above. These practices make it difficult for teachers to complete their teaching assignments. The study indicates that teachers' ability to operate in an increasingly regulatory schooling culture has, through the types of requirements for transparency in teachers’ work, resulted in the decline of autonomy in their professional practice.

En diskursteoretisk analys av sju gymnasieelevers beskrivningar av att ha åtgärdsprogram : "det är väl ingen speciell människa så" / A discourse theoretical analysis of seven Upper Secondary School pupils’ descriptions of having an individual educational plan within a higher education preparatory programme

Sahlin, Kristina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ur ett diskursteoretiskt perspektiv beskriva rådande diskurs och inom diskursen tillgängliga subjektspositioner, då sju gymnasieelever beskriver sina åtgärdsprogram på högskoleförberedande program. Resultatet visar att det råder samstämmighet bland eleverna kring att de har fått åtgärdsprogram upprättade eftersom de ligger efter i skolarbetet och att de ligger på betyget F i en eller flera kurser. Resultatet visar vidare att det inte råder samstämmighet bland eleverna kring hur det kommer sig att de ligger efter och riskerar F, och att det heller inte råder samstämmighet kring hur åtgärdsprogrammet har bidragit till förbättrade resultat. Resultatet visar att det i elevernas beskrivningar också framkommer att de har ett flertal subjektspositioner tillgängliga inom diskursen. Av dessa tillgängliga subjektspositioner intar samtliga elever i studien subjektspositionen elev som riskerar att få F. Likaså visar resultatet att samtliga elever intar en subjektsposition som innebär att han eller hon inte är ovanlig. / The aim of this study is to describe, from a discourse theoretical perspective, the prevailing discourse and the subject positions available within this discourse among sevens pupils attending higher education preparatory programmes at Upper Secondary Schools in Sweden. The discourse emerges in qualitative interviews where the pupils talk about their experiences of individual educational plans. The result shows that concordance prevails among the pupils about the fact that their individual educational plans have been drawn up because they have fallen behind in their school work, and because they run the risk of having grade F. Furthermore, the result shows that concordance does not prevail among the pupils when it comes to why they have fallen behind in their school work or how the individual educational plan has helped to improve the results. The result shows that in the pupils’ descriptions several subject positions appear as accessible within the discourse. All pupils accept the subject position of a pupil running the risk of getting an F, likewise they all accept a subject position that signifies that he or she is not an unusual or special pupil.

Jag kan inte sjunga det här, kan vi byta tonart? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av sångpedagogers syn på musikteori inom ramen för sångundervisning. / I can’t sing this, could we change the key? : A study of singing teachers’ views on music theory within the frames of singing lessons.

Backman, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka sångpedagogers syn på och arbete med musikteori i sångundervisning. Studiens forskningsfrågor handlar om hur sångpedagoger konstruerar sin syn på lärandeobjektet musikteori inom ramen för sångundervisning och hur sångpedagoger konstruerar sitt sätt att arbeta med musikteori inom ramen för sångundervisning. För att undersöka detta har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med fyra olika sångpedagoger på gymnasieskolans estetiska program. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består av diskursteori med viss inspiration från diskurspsykologi. Intervjuerna spelades in med ljudinspelning för att sedan transkriberas och analyseras med hjälp av analysverktyg från det valda teoretiska ramverket. I resultatet beskrivs de sex diskurser som identifierades och som parvis strider mot varandra: musikteori som nödvändigt verktyg för att arbeta med sång kontra musikteori som icke nödvändigt verktyg för att arbeta med sång, musikteori som sångpedagogens ansvar kontra musikteori som andra lärares ansvar samt musikteori som icke beroende av ett ytterligare instrument kontra musikteori som beroende av ett ytterligare instrument. Resultatet visar också att olika diskurser kan existera parallellt med varandra i ett och samma samtal med en pedagog. Vidare visar resultatet hur respondenterna, utifrån dessa diskurser, arbetar med musikteori under sina lektioner och att de ger musikteoretiska hemläxor till sina elever. I diskussionen diskuteras de diskursiva kamperna som presenterats i resultatet i relation till det teoretiska perspektivet samt tidigare litteratur och forskning. / The purpose of this study is to examine voice teachers’ views on and work with music theory in singing lessons. The study’s research questions concern how voice teachers construct their views on the subject music theory within the framework of the singing lesson and how voice teachers construct their work with music theory within the framework of the singing lesson. To examine this semi structured interviews were held with four singing teachers working in high school. The theoretical framework of the study is discourse theory with some inspiration from discourse psychology. The interviews were recorded via audio recording and were then transcribed and analyzed. The analysis was conducted with tools from the chosen theoretical framework. In the result the six discourses found are presented, also presented is the fact that they conflict with each other in pairs of two: music theory as a necessary tool for singing versus music theory as an unnecessary tool for singing, music theory as the voice teacher’s responsibility versus music theory as other teacher’s responsibility and music theory as not dependent on another instrument versus music theory as dependent on another instrument. The result also shows that different discourses can exist collaterally within the same conversation with a singing teacher. Furthermore, the result shows how the respondents, on the basis of the discourses, work with music theory during their lessons and how they give home assignments in music theory. In the discussion the discoursive battles presented in the result are discussed in relation to the theoretical framework as well as previous literature and research.

Säkerhetiseringen av migration i svensk media : Konstruktionen av ett hot

Söderstedt, Jesper January 2018 (has links)
This paper aims to investigate a medial construction of securitization. It aims to comprehend the way a discourse of securitization is constructed and in what sense a certain group of immigrants are constructed as an existential threat within it. With postcolonialism, discourse theory and securitization theory providing the theoretical framework the discourse of a far-right internet newspaper is analysed. It is argued that the discourse indeed ought to be considered a discourse of securitization while also maintaining that the relevant group of immigrants are constructed as an existential threat. What this paper thus argues, is that, at least to a limited extent, a securitization of migration is occuring in Swedish far-right media.

Políticas de currículo: lutas pela significação no campo da disciplina História / Curriculum policies: struggles for meaning in the subject field of history

Ana de Oliveira 17 December 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como temática as políticas curriculares circunscritas à análise de processos articulatórios no campo disciplinar da História. Defendo que a Teoria do Discurso de Ernesto Laclau é mais potente para a compreensão de como sujeitos atuam na produção de políticas e de como seus significados são discursivamente produzidos e hegemonizados. Articulo os aportes teórico-metodológicos da Teoria do Discurso aos do Ciclo Contínuo de Produção de Políticas de Stephen Ball, retomando sua defesa de currículo como texto, mas questionando o risco de reintrodução de uma centralidade no processo de significação das políticas. De igual modo, articulo à Teoria do Discurso os aportes da História das Disciplinas Escolares de Ivor Goodson, recuperando sua defesa de que significados disciplinares são negociados nos processos de hegemonização, mas questionando o risco de essencialização dos sujeitos bem como sua subjetivação anterior à articulação política. Com essa construção teórica híbrida, defendo a concepção de currículo como política cultural discursiva e a delimitação de um campo discursivo disciplinar da História como campo ressignificador das políticas curriculares. Reforço os argumentos sobre as potencialidades da Teoria do Discurso a partir de analogias com a linguagem, conferindo centralidade aos conceitos imbricados de metonimização e metaforização e de lógica do significante. A partir de uma das ferramentas da Linguística de Corpus, o programa Wordsmith Tools 5, submeto à análise, por um de seus instrumentos o Concord , o material empírico selecionado. Assim, identifico nas edições da Revista Brasileira de História e da Revista História Hoje publicações da Associação Nacional de História (ANPUH); em Pareceres, Diretrizes, Orientações e Parâmetros Curriculares, dentre outros textos chancelados pelo Estado brasileiro no período compreendido entre os anos de 1960 e 2010; e, em seis entrevistas, a forma como nesses textos se significa conhecimento histórico, destacando a superposição de sentidos. Por fim, defendo, como nos processos de significação, sentidos se deslocam e se condensam simultaneamente, tornando hegemônica a concepção embutida na metáfora de História como construção. Identifico processos de subjetivação nos quais atores sociais, defendendo a centralidade do conhecimento histórico, constituem uma identidade da História, antagonizando-se a outros que constituem uma identidade pedagógica na luta pela hegemonização de sentidos nas políticas curriculares. / This thesis focuses on the curriculum policies which are inserted in the analysis of articulatory processes in the subject field of History. I defend that Ernesto Laclaus Discourse Theory is more effective for the understanding of how subjects act in the making of policies and how their meanings are produced and hegemonized through discourse. I articulate the methodological and theoretical contributions of the Discourse Theory to the contributions of Policy Cycle Approach proposes by Stephen Ball, retaking is defense of curriculum as text but putting in question the risk of the reintroduction of a centrality in the process of the meaning of the policies. I equally link the Discourse Theory to the Goodsons History of School Subjects, recovering his defense that the meanings of the school subjects are negotiated in the processes of hegemonization, but I put in question the risk of essencialization of the subjects as well as their subjectivation being prior to the political articulation. Based on this hybrid theoretical construction I defend the conception of curriculum as a discoursive cultural policy and the delimitation of a subject discoursive field of History as a field that sets new meanings to the curriculum policies. I reinforce the arguments about the potentialities of the Discourse Theory making analogies with language by giving centrality to the imbricated concepts of metonimization and metaphorization and those of logic of the significant. I submit the selected empiric material to analysis based on a tool of the Corpus Linguistics tools, the program Wordsmith Tools 5, through one of its instruments the Concord. Thus in the issues of The Brazilian Magazine of History (Revista Brasileira de História) and of the History Magazine Today (Revista História Hoje) publications of the History National Association (ANPUH); in official documents such as Reports, Directions, Orientations and National Parameters (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais), among other texts released by the Brazilian State between 1960s and 2010; and in six interviews, I identify the way in which in these previously mentioned texts the historic knowledge is meant by highlighting the superposition of meanings. Finally I defend how meanings are dislocate and condensed simultaneously in the processes of signification, making the conception embedded in the metaphor History as construction hegemonic. I identify subjectivation processes in which social actors constitute an identity of History by defending a centrality of the historic knowledge and in which they act in antagonism to others that constitute a pedagogic identity in the struggle for the hegemonization of meanings in the curriculum policies.

Medieteknik och historieundervisning : diskurser om teknik i klassrummet under 1980-talet och åren kring 2010 / Media Technology and History Education : Discourses of Classroom Technology during the 1980s and the years around 2010

Westerberg, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
The present study analyzes attitudes made manifest when media technology is used in teaching at Swedish upper secondary schools. It examines discourses related to the subject of history by comparing contemporary circumstances with those of the mid-1980s, making research in both educational history and history education indispensible to its execution. The study considers the impact of technology on human interaction as an essentially social construction. Furthermore, it addresses questions about the role media technology plays in current discourses, about the actors that are manifested in these discourses and about their didactic implications. Since the investigation focuses on discourse, it is an interpretive work. Analytical tools have been borrowed from the field of discourse theory to facilitate a broad understanding of discourse and communication. The analysis is conducted in order to reconstruct chains of analogy and nodal points of communication in media technology and teaching, with specific attention paid to matters related to the subject of history. Secondary school policy documents, curricula relevant to each period, teacher´s periodicals and interviews with history teachers are combined to reconstruct discourses on technology in education. Interviews were conducted with six history teachers, three of whom taught in the 1980s, while the remainder began teaching in the past fifteen years. The periodicals studied are Lärarnas tiding and Skolvärlden, including every issue published in the years 1983, 1985, 1987, 2008, 2010 and 2012. Four discourses on media technology in education have been reconstructed from this material. Two of the discourses are relevant to the mid-eighties, and have been called the discourse on the school of the future and the discourse on film, junk culture and education, respectively. The discourses reconstructed from the years around 2010 are named the discourse on the contemporary school and the discourse on good teaching. These discourses generally nurture an optimistic belief in what media technology can mean to school and teaching. The reasons for using technology in the classroom are based on notions of what is required from society or what is relevant to the students. The roles of media technology in education are affected by several groups of actors, including government officials, marketers, school leadership and teachers. The process was however never significantly affected by formal policy. One aspect central to a positive view of media technology in education was that it would improve the quality of teaching, especially in the case of history, characterized by storytelling and lecturing. Certain didactic considerations became visible in the study of these discourses, which risked being shallow and trend sensitive, insofar as it might be difficult for teachers to find suitable forums for peer-to-peer subject specific reflections on media technology.

Educação para a cidadania no ensino médio: uma aproximação das articulações discursivas de alunos, docentes e documentos curriculares no âmbito da sociologia / Citizenship education in secondary school: an approach to discursive articulations of students, teachers and curriculum documents in the field of Sociology

Maia, Angelica Araujo de Melo 18 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T15:09:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 12565097 bytes, checksum: ef1d94b51a832f975313347e08b4dd18 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis proposes an investigation of citizenship education in Brazil, taking as a reference the relationship between citizenship and the educational process that takes place at secondary school in the country, particularly in the scope of the school subject Sociology. The research focuses on the comparative analysis of the meanings of citizenship identified in students discourse by reference to their curricular experiences, especially in the field of Sociology, the conceptions of citizenship articulated in the discourse of curriculum guidelines for the teaching of Sociology at secondary school level and the considerations about citizenship education that emerge in the discourse of the Sociology teachers of the participating students. Students discourse was observed through the analysis of mind maps on the theme of citizenship constructed by 21 students from a local secondary school, and it was related to the analysis of specific curriculum guidelines for the teaching of Sociology at secondary school (the National Prescribed Outcomes, the National Guidelines and the local State Guidelines) and to the investigation of the teachers discourse, articulated through interviews. It is a case study, and the methodology used for analyzing data was anchored on the theoreticalepistemological framework and on categories of Discourse Theory proposed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, among which we highlight: discourse, hegemony, the axes of equivalence and difference, floating signifier, articulation, antagonism and dislocation. The study of the distinct discursive formations above-mentioned was aimed at analyzing which conceptions of citizenship appear as hegemonic in the educational arena, considering the dynamics of interdiscursivity and the intertwining of citizenship conceptions and the dimensions of agency, experience and identification. Citizenship education was discussed taking as a reference three analytical perspectives: a developmental perspective or of social responsibility, a critical or justice-oriented perspective and a perspective of everyday practice and process. In the end, we suggested some implications of the meanings of citizenship identified as hegemonic in the educational discourses observed. Those implications affect curriculum development and the pedagogical process in specific ways, enabling those aspects to contribute (or not) to the emergence of participatory citizens, not only from a social, but also from a political point of view, and facilitating (or not) the strengthening of radical and plural forms of democracy. / Essa pesquisa se dirige a investigar aspectos da educação para a cidadania no Brasil, tomando como referência a relação entre a cidadania e o processo educacional que ocorre no espaço escolar do ensino médio, sobretudo no âmbito da disciplina Sociologia. O foco da pesquisa é a comparação dos sentidos de cidadania identificados nos discursos de alunos, a partir de suas vivências curriculares de Sociologia, com os significados presentes nos discursos dos documentos curriculares para o ensino dessa disciplina no nível médio, e também cotejando tais sentidos com as considerações sobre as abordagens de educação para a cidadania que transparecem no discurso dos professores de Sociologia dos alunos participantes. O discurso dos alunos foi observado a partir de mapas mentais com foco na cidadania construídos por 21 estudantes de uma escola secundária da cidade de João Pessoa, e foi relacionado à análise de documentos curriculares para o ensino de Sociologia no nível médio (PCN, OCEM e Referenciais para o Ensino Médio da Paraíba), e ao discurso dos professores, observado a partir de entrevistas. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, e a metodologia de análise utilizada se apoiou em pressupostos teórico-epistemológicos e em categorias da Teoria do Discurso de Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe, dentre as quais destacamos: discurso, hegemonia, eixos da equivalência e diferença, significante flutuante, articulação, antagonismo e deslocamento. O estudo das diferentes formações discursivas mencionadas se voltou para analisar que concepções de cidadania são hegemonizadas no campo educacional, observando as dinâmicas de interdiscursividade e o imbricamento dessas concepções com as dimensões de agência, experiência e identificação. A educação para a cidadania foi discutida tendo por base três perspectivas de análise: uma perspectiva desenvolvimentista ou de responsabilidade social, uma perspectiva crítica ou voltada para a justiça social, e uma perspectiva de processo e prática do cotidiano. Ao final da pesquisa, sugerimos algumas implicações dos sentidos de cidadania priorizados nos campos educacionais observados. Tais implicações repercutem no desenvolvimento de um trabalho pedagógico e curricular de maneiras específicas, que podem contribuir (ou não) para a emergência de cidadãos participativos não só do ponto de vista social, mas também político, e que podem ser relevantes (ou não) para o fortalecimento de formas radicais e plurais de democracia.

Políticas de currículo: lutas pela significação no campo da disciplina História / Curriculum policies: struggles for meaning in the subject field of history

Ana de Oliveira 17 December 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como temática as políticas curriculares circunscritas à análise de processos articulatórios no campo disciplinar da História. Defendo que a Teoria do Discurso de Ernesto Laclau é mais potente para a compreensão de como sujeitos atuam na produção de políticas e de como seus significados são discursivamente produzidos e hegemonizados. Articulo os aportes teórico-metodológicos da Teoria do Discurso aos do Ciclo Contínuo de Produção de Políticas de Stephen Ball, retomando sua defesa de currículo como texto, mas questionando o risco de reintrodução de uma centralidade no processo de significação das políticas. De igual modo, articulo à Teoria do Discurso os aportes da História das Disciplinas Escolares de Ivor Goodson, recuperando sua defesa de que significados disciplinares são negociados nos processos de hegemonização, mas questionando o risco de essencialização dos sujeitos bem como sua subjetivação anterior à articulação política. Com essa construção teórica híbrida, defendo a concepção de currículo como política cultural discursiva e a delimitação de um campo discursivo disciplinar da História como campo ressignificador das políticas curriculares. Reforço os argumentos sobre as potencialidades da Teoria do Discurso a partir de analogias com a linguagem, conferindo centralidade aos conceitos imbricados de metonimização e metaforização e de lógica do significante. A partir de uma das ferramentas da Linguística de Corpus, o programa Wordsmith Tools 5, submeto à análise, por um de seus instrumentos o Concord , o material empírico selecionado. Assim, identifico nas edições da Revista Brasileira de História e da Revista História Hoje publicações da Associação Nacional de História (ANPUH); em Pareceres, Diretrizes, Orientações e Parâmetros Curriculares, dentre outros textos chancelados pelo Estado brasileiro no período compreendido entre os anos de 1960 e 2010; e, em seis entrevistas, a forma como nesses textos se significa conhecimento histórico, destacando a superposição de sentidos. Por fim, defendo, como nos processos de significação, sentidos se deslocam e se condensam simultaneamente, tornando hegemônica a concepção embutida na metáfora de História como construção. Identifico processos de subjetivação nos quais atores sociais, defendendo a centralidade do conhecimento histórico, constituem uma identidade da História, antagonizando-se a outros que constituem uma identidade pedagógica na luta pela hegemonização de sentidos nas políticas curriculares. / This thesis focuses on the curriculum policies which are inserted in the analysis of articulatory processes in the subject field of History. I defend that Ernesto Laclaus Discourse Theory is more effective for the understanding of how subjects act in the making of policies and how their meanings are produced and hegemonized through discourse. I articulate the methodological and theoretical contributions of the Discourse Theory to the contributions of Policy Cycle Approach proposes by Stephen Ball, retaking is defense of curriculum as text but putting in question the risk of the reintroduction of a centrality in the process of the meaning of the policies. I equally link the Discourse Theory to the Goodsons History of School Subjects, recovering his defense that the meanings of the school subjects are negotiated in the processes of hegemonization, but I put in question the risk of essencialization of the subjects as well as their subjectivation being prior to the political articulation. Based on this hybrid theoretical construction I defend the conception of curriculum as a discoursive cultural policy and the delimitation of a subject discoursive field of History as a field that sets new meanings to the curriculum policies. I reinforce the arguments about the potentialities of the Discourse Theory making analogies with language by giving centrality to the imbricated concepts of metonimization and metaphorization and those of logic of the significant. I submit the selected empiric material to analysis based on a tool of the Corpus Linguistics tools, the program Wordsmith Tools 5, through one of its instruments the Concord. Thus in the issues of The Brazilian Magazine of History (Revista Brasileira de História) and of the History Magazine Today (Revista História Hoje) publications of the History National Association (ANPUH); in official documents such as Reports, Directions, Orientations and National Parameters (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais), among other texts released by the Brazilian State between 1960s and 2010; and in six interviews, I identify the way in which in these previously mentioned texts the historic knowledge is meant by highlighting the superposition of meanings. Finally I defend how meanings are dislocate and condensed simultaneously in the processes of signification, making the conception embedded in the metaphor History as construction hegemonic. I identify subjectivation processes in which social actors constitute an identity of History by defending a centrality of the historic knowledge and in which they act in antagonism to others that constitute a pedagogic identity in the struggle for the hegemonization of meanings in the curriculum policies.

"Är det verkligen verkligt inflytande?" : En analys av förskollärares beskrivningar av inflytandearbete i planerade aktiviteter / ”Is that actually real influence?” : An analysis of preschool teachers' descriptions of children's influence in planned activities.

Karlsson, Olivia January 2018 (has links)
Demokrati och barns inflytande är en central del av Läroplan för förskolan, Lpfö 98 (Skolverket, 2016). Trots att detta är relevant visar tidigare forskning att styrdokumentet saknar utförlig beskrivning för hur demokratiuppdraget ska genomföras i praktiken. Det framhålls i tidigare forskning att det råder en förväntan på att förskollärare ska kunna omvandla demokratiuppdraget från teori till praktik, vilket har visat sig vara komplicerat. Förskollärares beskrivningar av sitt arbete för att möjliggöra barns inflytande i planerade aktiviteter har därför undersökts i denna studie. Kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra utbildade och verksamma förskollärare har genomförts för att samla in data. Resultatet analyserades sedan med inspiration från Laclau och Mouffes diskursteori. I resultatet framkom fem olika moment. Momenten visar att pedagogerna använder sig av en mängd olika arbetsformer för att möjliggöra barns inflytande, vidare att uppdraget är komplext och svårdefinierat samt att förskollärarens förhållningssätt till barnen är den viktigaste faktorn för att möjliggöra eller begränsa barns inflytande. / The Curriculum for preschool, Läroplan för förskolan, Lpfö 98 (Skolverket, 2016), states that one of the central objectives in this curriculum is democracy along with children’s right. The curriculum does not provide the practitioners any detailed description of how these objectives achieves. Previous research shows that it is complicated for preschool teachers to meet the expectations of transforming democracy from theory to practice. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present preschool teachers' telling from how they enable to manage the influence of children in planned activities. Qualitative interviews were conducted with active professional preschool teachers. The result was then analyzed with inspiration from Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory. The result shows that the teachers used multiple methods to enable this. Still the democratic goal is defined as complex and difficult. The moments that express the variety of methods are connected to how the preschool teacher approach the children, the differences in approach enabled or limited the children´s actual influence.

Secular Challenge to Power : An intercultural-analytical insight into two prominent member organizations of the European Humanist Federation: La Ligue de L'enseignement and the National Secular Society

Karakas, Ziya Mert January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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