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Die Erarbeitung eines inhaltlichen Besucher:innenleitfadens unter Verwendung leicht verständlicher Sprache am Beispiel der Gläsernen Manufaktur der Volkswagen AG in DresdenKörner, Lydia 30 August 2023 (has links)
Wie lassen sich Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Elektromobilität sowie Architektur der Gläsernen Manufaktur barrierefrei und in leicht verständlicher Sprache formulieren und darstellen?
Für die Beantwortung dieser Frage ist die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung folgendermaßen gegliedert:
Der Einleitung folgend befasst sich Kapitel 2 mit der Thematik der mündlichen Kommunikation. Das Ergebnis der Kommunikation entsteht durch das Zusammenwirken einzelner Dimensionen. Ein Bestandteil ist die Verständlichkeit der gesprochenen Sprache. Durch komplexe Formulierungen können in der Kommunikation Barrieren auftreten. Die Kommunikationsbarrieren lassen sich in verschiedene Arten unterteilen und werden im Kapitel vorgestellt.
Die deutsche Standardsprache kann nicht von allen Menschen gleich erfasst werden. Es gibt Menschen, welche Probleme haben die Inhalte zu verstehen. Dies stellt ein Hindernis für die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe dar. Gründe dafür sind kognitive Einschränkungen oder geringe Deutschkenntnisse. Das Kapitel 3 stellt einen Überblick von Konzepten sprachlicher Vereinfachung dar, bei denen die Konzepte Leichte Sprache und Einfache Sprache erklärt und gegenübergestellt werden.
In den letzten Jahren entstanden auch Konzepte der verständnisorientieren Sprache. Kapitel 4 stellt Konzepte, wie Klare Sprache, capito und VERSO vor. Alle haben zum Ziel, die deutsche Sprache leicht verständlich anzuwenden, um allen Menschen die Möglichkeit zu geben, an der Gesellschaft teilnehmen zu können.
Im Kapitel 5 wird der Begriff Partizipative Forschung betrachtet. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Unternehmen VERSO Dresden gGmbH steht vor allem die gemeinsame Erarbeitung von Materialien mit der jeweiligen Zielgruppe im Vordergrund.
Kapitel 6 und 7 weisen auf den Musealen Kontext sowie auf bestimmte Begriffe der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit hin. Die Gläserne Manufaktur bietet Besucher:innenführungen durch das Haus. Die Guides vertreten die Marke Volkswagen. Aus diesem Grund werden einige Begriffe im Kontext des Marketings behandelt. Vor allem die vier Marketing-Ps sind während der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der Gläsernen Manufaktur wichtig.
Kapitel 8 bildet den praktischen Teil der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit. Ziel ist die Erarbeitung eines Besucherleitfadens in leicht verständlicher Sprache für die Gläserne Manufaktur der Volkswagen AG in Dresden in Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen mit kognitiver Beeinträchtigung und Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund. Die sprachliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Führungsthemen in leicht verständlicher Sprache wird durch das Unternehmen VERSO Dresden gGmbH unterstützt. Im praktischen Teil werden die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte betrachtet und vorgestellt. Dieser gliedert sich in die Erstellung eines Fragebogens, der Erarbeitung des leicht verständlichen Besucherleitfadens sowie der Auswertung der einzelnen Besucherführungen.:ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS I
1. Einleitung 1
2. Sprache, Verständlichkeit und Kommunikationsbarrieren 4
3. Konzepte der sprachlichen Vereinfachung 8
3.1 Das Konzept Leichte Sprache 8
3.1.1 Allgemeine Informationen 8
3.1.2 Ziele, Funktionen und Merkmale der Leichten Sprache 9
3.1.3 Zielgruppe der Leichten Sprache 11
3.1.4 Kritische Aspekte der Leichten Sprache 13
3.2 Einfache Sprache 15
3.3 Vergleich Leichte Sprache und Einfache Sprache 16
3.4 Zwischenfazit: Eine exkludierende Inklusion? 17
4. Konzepte der Verständnisorientierten Sprache 19
4.1 Klare Sprache 19
4.2 capito 20
4.3 VERSO Dresden 20
5. Partizipative Forschung 22
6. Musealer Kontext 25
6.1 Kulturelle Orte 25
6.2 Besucher:innenführungen 25
6.3 Umgang mit leicht verständlichen Besucherführungen 26
6.4 Zwischenfazit 28
7. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Marketing 29
7.1 Definition und Aufgaben des Marketingprozess 29
Vier Ps des Marketing Mix am Beispiel der Gläsernen Manufaktur 31
7.2 Content Marketing und Corporate Influencer 32
7.3 Zwischenfazit 33
8. Implementierung eines leicht verständlichen Besucherleitfadens 35
8.1 Projektvorstellung 35
8.1.1 Beschreibung und Begründung des Projekts 35
8.1.2 Ablauf des Projektes 35
8.1.3 Vorstellung der Gläsernen Manufaktur von Volkswagen 36
8.2 Vorbereitungen 38
8.2.1 Vorstellung des Fragebogens 38
8.2.2 Auswertung der Fragebögen 42
8.3 Vorstellung der Gruppen 52
8.4 Besucherleitfaden in leicht verständlicher Sprache 53
8.5 Aufbau des Auswertungsbogen 58
8.6 Reflexion der Führungen 59
8.6.1 Besucher:innenführung 09. August 2021 59
8.6.2 Besucher:innenführung 12. August 2021 61
8.6.3 Zwischenfazit 63
8.6.4 Besucher:innenführung 13. September 2021 64
8.6.5 Besucher:innenführung 15. September 2021 65
8.7 Erstellung des Handouts 66
9. Fazit und Ausblick 70
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Математическое моделирование магнитных свойств структурированных ансамблей суперпарамагнитных наночастиц с интенсивным межчастичным диполь-дипольным взаимодействием : магистерская диссертация / Mathematical modeling of magnetic properties of structured ensembles of superparamagnetic nanoparticles with intensive interparticle dipole-dipole interactionРадушнов, Д. И., Radushnov, D. I. January 2024 (has links)
The object of study is an ensemble of interacting magnetic nanoparticles that models a ferrocomposite. The aim of the research is to study, within the framework of a bidisperse approximation, the effect of polydispersity on the structural and magnetic properties of an ensemble of stationary interacting magnetoactive nanoparticles: a bidisperse model will be considered. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: to create a mathematical model that takes into account the bidispersity of the filler and the interparticle interactions; to derive analytical formulas for the magnetic and structural properties; to analyze the effect of system parameters on the structural and magnetic properties of the material. During the work, various methods were applied: statistical physics, virial expansion, and combinatorics. In the master's thesis, a theory was developed that allows predicting the properties of composite materials with a magnetic filler that possesses orientational texturing. The theory includes dipole-dipole interactions between particles and takes into account the bidispersity of the filler. This makes it possible to link the conditions of polymerization with the orientational-spatial distribution of the magnetic filler and, consequently, with the physical properties of the resulting composite. / Объектом исследования является ансамбль взаимодействующих магнитных наночастиц, который моделирует феррокомпозит. Цель исследования — в рамках бидисперсного приближения изучить влияние полидисперсности на структурные и магнитные свойства ансамбля неподвижных взаимодействующих магнитоактивных наночастиц: будет рассмотрена бидисперсная модель. Для достижения цели были поставлены следующие задачи: построить математическую модель, учитывающую бидисперсность наполнителя и межчастичные взаимодействия; вывести аналитические формулы для магнитных и структурных свойств; проанализировать влияние системных параметров на структурные и магнитные свойства материала. В ходе работы были применены различные методы: статистической физики, вириального разложения и комбинаторики. В магистерской диссертации разработана теория, которая позволяет прогнозировать свойства композитных материалов с магнитным наполнителем, обладающим ориентационным текстурированием. Теория включает в себя диполь-дипольные взаимодействия между частицами и учитывает бидисперсность наполнителя. Это дает возможность связать условия полимеризации с ориентационно-пространственным распределением магнитного наполнителя и, как следствие, с физическими свойствами получаемого композита.
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Vícejazyčná komunikace ve zdravotnickém zařízení v česko-rakouském pohraničí.Problematika komunikace s cizinci v nemocnici v Gmündu / Multilingual communication in a health-care setting on the Czech-Austrian border.Problems in the Communication with Foreigners in the Hospital in GmündChrtová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to carry out a qualitative research of communication problems with foreigners in a hospital in Lower Austria (Landesklinikum Gmünd). The research is focused on finding out, which problems the hospital staff has to solve, how they deal with them (e.g. language courses provided by the language competence center from Lower Austria) and which foreign languages (Czech, Turkish) are related to these problems. The research uses the method of semi-structured interviews for collecting the data. The theoretical basis of the dissertation is the language management theory. Moreover, the dissertation also deals with the cross-border cooperation of the Czech Republic with Austria and Germany. This cooperation is represented by some selected projects, which objective is to support the language of the neighbouring country (Czech, German).
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[pt] Este trabalho propõe um novo modelo linear por partes
para a extração de regras de conhecimento de banco de
dados. O modelo é uma heurística baseada em análise de
árvore de regressão, como introduzido por Friedman (1979)
e discutido em detalhe por Breiman (1984). A motivação
desta pesquisa é trazer uma nova abordagem combinando
técnicas estatísticas de modelagem e um algoritmo de
busca por quebras eficiente. A decisão de quebra usada no
algoritmo de busca leva em consideração informações do
ajuste de equações lineares e foi implementado tendo por
inspiração o trabalho de Tsay
(1989). Neste, ele sugere um procedimento para construção
um modelo para a análise de séries temporais chamado TAR
(threshold autoregressive model), introduzido por
Tong (1978) e discutido em detalhes por Tong e Lim (1980)
e Tong (1983). O modelo TAR é um modelo linear por partes
cuja idéia central é alterar os parâmetros do modelo
linear autoregressivo de acordo com o valor de uma
variável observada, chamada de variável limiar. No
trabalho de Tsay, a Identificação do número e
localização do potencial limiar era baseada na analise de
gráficos. A idéia foi então criar um novo algoritmo todo
automatizado. Este processo é um algoritmo que preserva
o método de regressão por mínimos quadrados recursivo
(MQR) usado no trabalho de Tsay. Esta talvez seja uma das
grandes vantagens da metodologia introduzida neste
trabalho, visto que Cooper (1998) em seu trabalho de
análise de múltiplos regimes afirma não ser possível
testar cada quebra. Da combinação da árvore de decisão
com a técnica de regressão (MQR), o modelo se tornou o
TS-TARX (Tree Structured - Threshold AutoRegression with
eXternal variables). O procedimento consiste numa busca
em árvore binária calculando a estatística F para a
seleção das variáveis e o critério de informação BIC para
a seleção dos modelos. Ao final, o algoritmo gera como
resposta uma árvore de decisão (por meio de regras) e as
equações de regressão estimadas para cada regime da
partição. A principal característica deste tipo de
resposta é sua fácil interpretação. O trabalho conclui
com algumas aplicações em bases de dados padrões
encontradas na literatura e outras que auxiliarão o
entendimento do processo implementado. / [en] This research work proposes a new piecewise linear model to
extract knowledge rules from databases. The model is an
heuristic based on analysis of regression trees, introduced
by Friedman (1979) and discussed in detail by Breiman
(1984). The motivation of this research is to come up with
a new approach combining both statistical modeling
techniques and an efficient split search algorithm.
The split decision used in the split search algorithm
counts on information from adjusted linear equation and was
implemented inspired by the work of Tsay (1989). In his
work, he suggests a model-building procedure for a
nonlinear time series model called by TAR (threshold
autoregressive model), first proposed by Tong (1978) and
discussed in detail by Tong and Lim (1980) and Tong (1983).
The TAR model is a piecewise linear model which main idea
is to set the coefficients of a linear autoregressive
process in accordance with a value of observed variable,
called by threshold variable. Tsay`s identification of the
number and location of the potential thresholds was based
on supplementary graphic devices. The idea is to get the
whole process automatic on a new model-building process.
This process is an algorithm that preserves the method of
regression by recursive least squares (RLS) used in Tsay`s
work. This regression method allowed the test of all
possibilities of data split. Perhaps that is the main
advantage of the methodology introduced in this work,
seeing that Cooper, S. (1998) said about the impossibility
of testing each break.Thus, combining decision tree
methodology with a regression technique (RLS), the model
became the TS-TARX (Tree Structured - Threshold
AutoRegression with eXternal variables). It searches on a
binary tree calculating F statistics for variable selection
and the information criteria BIC for model selection. In
the end, the algorithm produces as result a decision tree
and a regression equation adjusted to each regime of the
partition defined by the decision tree. Its major advantage
is easy interpretation.This research work concludes with
some applications in benchmark databases from literature
and others that helps the understanding of the algorithm
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Možnosti využití vláken na bázi druhotných a snadnoobnovitelných surovin při výrobě pokročilých stavebních materiálů / Possibilities of utilization fiber-based and secondary easy-renewable raw sources in the production of lightweight building materialsHoráková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis dealt with the possibilities of of utilization fiber-based and secondary easy-renewable raw sources in the production of lightweight building materials. The theoretical part includes literature search of the researches, which dealt with this issue. Appropriate sources of fibers were selected within the theoretical part and the findings were used in the practical part of the thesis. Within the practical part laboratory measurements and subsequent selection of the most suitable fibers were performed. Laboratory measurements and subsequent selection of the most suitable fibers were performed in the practical part. Subsequently, designs of thermal insulating plasters (with the possibility of using as repairing plasters) were made on the basis of lightweight glass aggregate, to which the production of test specimens was connected. Laboratory tests were performed on fresh and hardened mortars and subsequently evaluated. In conclusion, an economic evaluation and assessment of the competitiveness of the proposed plasters was carried out.
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Microwave Filters in Planar and Hybrid Technologies with Advanced ResponsesMarín Martínez, Sandra 31 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como principal objetivo el estudio, diseño, desarrollo y fabricación de nuevos dispositivos pasivos de microondas, tales como filtros y multiplexores con respuestas avanzadas para aplicaciones de alto valor añadido (i.e. comerciales, militares, espacio); orientados a distintos servicios, actuales y futuros, en sistemas inalámbricos de comunicación.
Además, esta investigación se centrará en el desarrollo de filtros encapsulados de montaje superficial y con un elevado grado de miniaturización. Para ello, se propone investigar distintas técnicas que consigan respuestas muy selectivas o con unas características exigentes en rechazo (mediante la flexible introducción de ceros de transmisión), así como una excelente planaridad en banda (aplicando técnicas tales como la mejora del Q o el diseño de filtros con pérdidas, lossy filters), obteniendo de este modo respuestas mejoradas, con respecto a soluciones conocidas, en los componentes de microondas desarrollados.
De forma general, la metodología seguida se iniciará con una búsqueda y conocimiento del estado del arte sobre cada uno de los temas que se acometerán en esta tesis. Tras ello, se establecerá un procedimiento de síntesis que permitirá acometer de forma teórica los objetivos y especificaciones a conseguir en cada caso. Con ello, se establecerán las bases para iniciar el proceso de diseño, incluyendo co-simulación circuital/electromagnética y optimización que permitirán, en última instancia, implementar la solución planteada en cada caso de aplicación concreto.
Finalmente, la demostración y validez de todas las investigaciones realizadas se llevará a cabo mediante la fabricación y caracterización experimental de distintos prototipos. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral té com a principal objectiu l'estudi, disseny, desenvolupament I fabricació de nous dispositius passius de microones, com ara filtres i multiplexors amb respostes avançades per a aplicacions d'alt valor afegit, (comercials, militars, espai); orientats a oferir diferents serveis, actuals i futurs, en els diferents sistemes sense fils de comunicació.
A més, aquesta investigació es centrarà en el desenvolupament de filtres encapsulats de muntatge superficial i amb un elevat grau de miniaturització. Per a això, es proposa investigar diferents tècniques que aconsegueixin respostes molt selectives o amb unes característiques exigents en rebuig (mitjançant la flexible introducció de zeros de transmissió), així com una excel·lent planaritat en banda (aplicant tècniques com ara la
millora de l'Q o el disseny de filtres amb perdues, lossy filters), obtenint d'aquesta manera respostes millorades, respecte solucions conegudes, en els components de micrones desenvolupats.
De forma general, la metodologia seguida s'iniciarà amb una recerca i coneixement de l'estat de l'art sobre cadascun dels temes que s'escometran en aquesta tesi. Després d'això, s'establirà un procediment de síntesi que permetrà escometre de forma teòrica els objectiusi especificacions a aconseguir en cada cas. Amb això, s'establiran les bases per iniciar el procés de disseny, amb co-simulació circuital / electromagnètica i optimització que permetran, en última instància, implementar la solució plantejada en cada cas d'aplicació concret.
Finalment, la demostració i validesa de totes les investigacions realitzades es durà a terme mitjançant la fabricació i caracterització experimental de diferents prototips. / [EN] The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the study, design, development and manufacture of new passive microwave components, such as filters and multiplexers with advanced responses for commercials, military and space applications; oriented to other different services, in current and future wireless communication systems.
In addition, this research will focus on the development of surface-mounted encapsulated filters with a high degree of miniaturization. With this purpose, it is proposed to investigate different techniques that achieve highly selective responses or with demanding characteristics in rejection (through the flexible introduction of transmission zeros), as well as an excellent in-band planarity (applying techniques such as the Q enhancement or lossy filters), thus obtaining improved responses, with respect to known solutions, in the developed microwave components.
In general, the followed methodology will begin with a search and knowledge of the state of the art on each of the topics addressed in this thesis. After that, a synthesis procedure will be established, which will allow the achievement of the objectives and specifications in a theoretical way, for each case. With this, the bases will be established to start the design process, with circuital and electromagnetic co-simulations and optimizations that will allow, ultimately, to implement the proposed solution, in every application case, specifically.
Finally, the demonstration and validity of all the investigations will be carried out through the manufacture and experimental characterization of different prototypes. / Marín Martínez, S. (2022). Microwave Filters in Planar and Hybrid Technologies with Advanced Responses [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188943
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Die Leseförderung in Spanien / eine Herausforderung im 21. JahrhundertCastronovo, Calogero 10 September 2009 (has links)
Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts ist in Spanien eine Leseförderungsoffensive gestartet worden, deren primäres Ziel es ist, die großen Schwächen der Lesegewohnheiten in der spanischen Bevölkerung zu beheben, und somit allen Bürgern den Zugang zur Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft zu ermöglichen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die historischen Hintergründe für die heutigen Defizite erläutert und eine Reihe von aktuellen Studien zum Leseverhalten der Spanier analysiert. Eine Untersuchung über das Verlagswesen und dessen Auswirkung auf die Lesehaltung der Gesellschaft, sowie eine genaue Darstellung des im Jahre 2007 erlassenen Gesetzes zur Buch-, Lektüre- und Bibliothekspolitik dienen dazu, einen Rahmen für die unternommenen Schritte zu bilden. In dem zweiten Teil richtet sich der Fokus auf die seit Beginn des Jahrhunderts gestarteten Maßnahmen zur Leseförderung, darunter, als integrativer Mittelpunkt den Leseförderungsplan der zentralen Regierung und weiter die Projekte der Landesregierungen und der Kommunen, sowie Aktionen die zum größten Teil auf private Initiative zurückgehen. Die öffentliche Präsentation des vom Bundeskulturministerium entwickelten, ersten, nationalen Leseförderungsplanes im Jahr 2001 markierte den Anfang für einen Wandelprozess in der Lesekultur des Landes. Im letzten Teil der Dissertation wird, angesichts der basalen Funktion der Bibliotheken als Zentren der Leseanimation, auf die Entwicklung des spanischen Bibliotheksystems in den letzten drei Dekaden und insbesondere der Öffentlichen und der Schulbibliotheken eingegangen. / At the beginning of the 21st century the Spanish government launched the most important reading promotion campaign in the history of the country. The objective campaign, that still continues, is to correct the important deficiencies of the reading habits of the Spaniards and to guarantee the access to the information and knowledge society for every citizen. In the first part of the thesis, the author describes the historical reasons for the present reading deficiencies in the population. He also analyzes the most important studies about the reading habits in Spain. An investigation about the situation of the publishing world and its effects on the reading culture, and an account oft the law on Books, Reading and Libraries from 2007 helped to create the context in which the new efforts to improve the reading competence are taking place. In the second part of the work the author analyzes the most representative projects of reading promotion, that have been started from the central, but also from regional and municipal administrations, as well as from private initiators. The most important among these projects is the National Reading Promotion Plan. It was developed from the Spanish Ministry of Culture and has the function of an integration and reference point for all the local reading promotion actions in the country. The public presentation of this Plan in 2001 represented the beginning of a deep transformation process of the reading culture of the nation. As the libraries have always been indispensable centres for reading promotion, the last part of the thesis describes the development of the Spanish librarian system in the three last decades focusing special interest on the school and public libraries. I
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IC卡應用發展趨勢之研究徐核朋, hsu,Hopeng Unknown Date (has links)
針對交通IC票卡,本研究說明北、中、南各地區電子票證IC智慧卡應用發展,包括悠遊卡、台中e卡通、Taiwan Money Card等,後續說明IC票卡規格發展及交通IC票卡系統架構發展,以更深入了解交通IC票卡目前應用發展現況。
本研究針對IC卡應用發展問題,進行更深入的分析,主要論述面向,包括技術面(IC卡規格、IC卡系統架構) 、法令面(IC卡法令規定)、經營管理面(含IC卡管理組織、發行、經營模式)等方面,以發掘問題,分析問題及提出解決策略。
本研究針對所提出之解決策略,予以聚焦,以提出更關鍵的解決策略,包括:(一)技術面:1.建立IC卡共同憑證。2.建立IC卡安全認證。3.建立IC卡整合架構。(二)法律面:1.修改銀行法及交通運輸相關法規中不合IC卡現有運作之規定。2.增訂電子票證法規。(三)經營管理面:1.建立規模經濟發卡量。2.建立IC卡發卡機構經營模式。 3.建立憑證認證機構公信力。4.建立IC卡資訊交換中心。
最後建議未來可持續探討之課題:1.IC卡一卡通用宜建立認證API(Application Programming Interface)程式介面及標準作業程序。2.IC卡一卡通用宜建立憑證整合認證中心及資訊中心之經營模式。3.IC卡一卡通用宜評估對IC卡產業及憑證認證產業之衝擊。 / A study of trends in the applications and developments of IC cards
The IC card is being used widely and it will deeply affect our future living mode. Therefore, trends in its applications and developments have become important subjects of study.
This research explores the possible outcome and related important subjects for the utilization of IC card, based on the following three propositions.
1. The IC card is one of the modern world’s primary information media.
2. Government units such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Ministry of Finance ROC, the Department of Health and the Executive Yuan ROC all have jurisdiction over the development and control of development and potential applications of the IC card.
3. Private enterprises have introduced or developed electronic cash-stored cards.
The information related to the research subject was collected from the relevant literatures in regard to the applications and developments of IC card in Taiwan, presenting the current safety and integration mechanism of IC ticket cards and the economical magnitude of IC card use, which are both topics that should be taken into consideration in the study of the applications and developments of IC cards.
Based on the current situation of the applications and developments for IC cards, the main purpose of this research is to show the evolution of IC cards promoted by the our government, including National Card, Citizen Digital Certificate IC Card, National Health Insurance IC Card, as well as current applications and developments of the Transportation IC Card, in order to help understand the current situation for the applications and developments for existing IC cards in Taiwan.
In the Transportation sector, this research shows the applications and developments of various IC smart cards in north, central and south Taiwan, i.e. Easy Card, Taichung e-Cartoon Ticket Card and Taiwan Money Card. It also shows the development of the specification for IC Ticket Cards as well as the development of Transportation IC Cards’ systematic infrastructure, in order to help understand the present situation for the applications and developments of a Transportation IC Card.
This research is an analysis of IC card’s applications and developments, covering technical issues (specification and systematic framework of IC card), legislation issues (laws and regulations for IC Card), management issues (operation and administration, release and business model for IC cards), so as to discover and analyze the possible problems as well as propose solutions.
Focusing on strategies for finding solutions, presenting more critical strategies for IC Cards, consisting of:
1. Technical:
(1) To establish a common certificate
(2) To establish safety authentication
(3) To establish integration infrastructure
2. Legislation:
(1) To revise the Banking Law as well as the laws and regulations relating to public transportation, which are not suitable for the existing operations
(2) To revise and augment the laws and regulations for electronic tickets
3. Management:
(1) To establish an economic circulation of scale
(2) To establish the management pattern for card-issuing organization
(3) To establish public credibility for a certificate authentication organization
(4) To establish information interchange center
To consolidate the above-mentioned three areas, this research proposes a core strategic solution – the concept of “one card for common use (All-in-One Card)” along with integrated solution scheme and operation steps. In addition, for an overall solution strategic plan, in this research it also presents a matrix composition for the integration of specifications to discover a more applicable specification scheme for the IC card. The matrix composition is proposed in four types of framework of specification integration with a file of advantages/disadvantages, based on the concept of X, Y coordinate system – X axis being “One Card integrated with Common Certificate” and “One Card integrated with Multi-Certificates”, Y axis being “No data deposited in the IC card specification” and “All sorts of data deposited in the IC the card specification”.
Through detailed research and analysis, it is suggested that at the primary stage, to create the “One card for common use” with an integration of “Common Certificate and Multi-Certificates but no data depositing in the IC card specification”, which is called “One card with common and multi-certificates but no any data deposited in the specification.” The long-term goal will be to achieve “One card with common certificate only and no data deposited in the card specification” for long-term use.
1. In this country, various IC cards have their own specifications and there is still no prospect for integration.
2. The IC card system being used by different industries is still not being integrated, so the market is full of different IC cards.
3. The enactment of the “law on electronic tickets” should be pursued more vigorously for the IC card applications and developments.
4. The stipulation of “A non-bank may not issue a stored value card” might have overtaken the stipulation of “Banking Act”. It should be amended.
5. So long as the IC Ticket Card agency issues IC cards through a bank, the agency will possess the business opportunity of charging the bank a card-issuing fee.
6. To establish an IC Ticket Card information center to integrate the operation of the many IC ticket cards using in Taiwan area.
7. It will be a win-win situation, if IC ticket card operations can be integrated, and this will increase card-issuing quantity as well.
8. On the technical front, integration technology for IC cards should be developed in order to achieve the goal of an “All-in-One Card”.
9. An “IC Card Information Interchange Center” and an “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” for the “All-in-One Card” should be established.
10. A standardized operational procedure should be established for an overall solution to the “All-in-One IC Card”.
11. The integration of the specifications of the “All-in-One IC Card” can be done through a matrix composition to assist analysis.
12. Technically, an “All-in-One IC Card” with “Common Certificate” is a feasible plan.
In the end, this research also offers suggestion on valuable topics that can be the subject of continued discussion in the future:
1. “All-in-One IC Cards” should have an authentication with API (Application Programming Interface) program as well as a standard operational procedure.
2. A business model for “IC Card Information Center” and “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” should be established.
3. An evaluation of the impact on the IC card industry and the certificate authentication industry should be made.
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