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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

To Be Magic: The Art Of Ana Mendieta Through an Ecofeminist Lens

Baker, Elizabeth Ann 01 January 2016 (has links)
Ana Mendieta was a Cuban-born American artist whose unique body of work incorporated performance, activism, Earth art, installation, and the Afro-Cuban practices of Santería. She began her career at the University of Iowa, were she initially received her degree in painting in 1969. It was not until 1972 that Mendieta shifted radically to performance art. Though she was raised Catholic, she developed an interest in the rituals involved with Santería, a culturally predominant Cuban religion, and it deeply influenced her work in her choice of materials and settings. Santería is one of the major faith-based lifestyles of Cuba and is characterized by a synthesis of Afro-Cuban and Catholic characteristics, along with its own unique teachings and rituals. Also a prominent theme in Mendieta’s work was her sense of displacement and her insatiable desire to reconcile her Cuban heritage, which she attempts to resolve, not only through her art, but also during several trips to Cuba. Greater still in its contribution of influence to Mendieta’s work was the ecofeminist movement which amalgamated elements of the feminist and environmental movements; Ecofeminism’s emergence in the United States coincided with the rise of Mendieta’s career during the 1970’s. The movement focused on the correlation between the oppression, degradation, and exploitation of women and the oppression, degradation, and exploitation of the Earth. This thesis examines the life of Ana Mendieta and analyzes how her works may be viewed in an ecofeminist context. It analyzes how Mendieta’s work acts as a reflection of her cultural, social, and political reality and discusses ways in which characteristics of Santería and ecofeminism as a discourse influenced the imagery and symbolism used in Mendieta’s artwork throughout her brief career. Formal analysis of Mendieta’s artwork and contextual and historical analysis of Mendieta’s life, the ecofeminist discourse, and Afro-Cuban spirituality are explored in this research.


JACI DE FATIMA SOUZA CANDIOTTO 14 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] A Teologia feminista e seus giros hermenêuticos: Reinterpretações de Deus, do ser humano e da criação. O propósito desta tese é mostrar que a teologia, se analisada a partir da hermenêutica feminista bíblico-cristã e seus desdobramentos sistemáticos, tem condições de propor uma imagem de Deus compatível com os desafios de nossa época, diante da prevalência de sua identificação masculina sedimentada pelo patriarcado. Além disso, ela realiza uma releitura da antropologia teológica e da teologia da criação a partir das mediações de gênero e do ecofeminismo, capazes de questionar os dualismos hierárquicos entre Deus/mundo, homens/mulheres, seres humanos/demais seres. A insistência em relações de reciprocidade que respeitem as diferenças, bem como na prática eclesial do discipulado de iguais por parte de mulheres e homens, é imprescindível para reavaliar nossa inserção no mundo. Por sua vez, relações harmoniosas entre seres humanos e natureza resultarão em imagens de Deus menos distantes do mundo, e em um mundo menos vazio de Deus. A teologia feminista bíblico-cristã, portanto, apresenta uma contribuição inconteste para o conjunto da teologia, ao imaginar o mundo como corpo de Deus; e Deus, em sua presença no mundo. / [en] Feminist Theology and its hermeneutic turns: Reinterpretations of God, the Human beings and the Creation. The purpose of present thesis is to show that theology, if analyzed from the biblical-Christian feminist hermeneutics and its systematic unfoldings, is able to propose an integrated image of God, given the prevalence of male identification sedimented by patriarchy. In addition, it performs a re-reading of theological anthropology and theology of creation from the mediations of gender and ecofeminism, able to question the hierarchical dualisms between God/world, men/women, human/ others beings. The insistence on reciprocal relationships that respect the differences as well as on Church s practice of discipleship of equals by men and women, it is essential to reassess our place in the world. In turn, harmonious relationships between humans and nature will result in images of God, the less distant from the world, and in a world less empty of God. The biblical-Christian feminist theology, therefore, presents an undeniable contribution to the whole of theology, to imagine the world as the body of God, and God in his presence in the world.

“Some say that happy women are immaterial:” ecofeminist materiality in the work of Virginia Woolf and Mina Loy

Jones, Alyssa 12 1900 (has links)
Mon mémoire explore les représentations d’environnements matériels et naturels dans des œuvres littéraires de Virginia Woolf et Mina Loy, et comment ces écrivaines conçoivent les connections entre leurs personnages féminins et leurs environnements. À travers l’analyse de leurs œuvres respectives et à l’aide de préceptes de l’écocritique et de sujets connexes tels la matérialité, l’écoféminisme et la trans-corporalité, j’établis la possibilité de réévaluer la perception anti-nature du Modernisme et des opportunités pour enrichir les études écocritiques et modernistes. En premier lieu, j’observe l’inséparabilité entre l’humanité et ces environnements de vie dans Between the Acts, dernier roman complété par Woolf, et comment cela constitue une évolution par rapport à sa nouvelle « Kew Gardens ». De plus, je présente les bénéfices de cette relation pour les femmes et leurs ambitions artistiques en me basant sur les arguments de Woolf dans son essai A Room of One’s Own et en conversant avec des études qui explorent les éléments écocritiques de l’œuvre de Woolf. En deuxième lieu, je m’intéresse à une sélection des premiers poèmes de Mina Loy pour leurs examens de thèmes féministes et leur intégration dans les représentations des lieux visités dans les poèmes. J’illustre le rôle actif d’espaces domestiques et publics dans le maintien de discours dominants du patriarcat, et donc dans la résultante subjugation des femmes à son pouvoir. Ce travail d’analyse me permet de conclure avec de nouvelles avenues de recherche pour solidifier la place des femmes modernistes au sein du mouvement à l’aide de leurs intérêts environnementaux et pour reforger les liens ignorés ou effacés entre elles. / My thesis explores the depictions of material and natural spaces in literary works by Virginia Woolf and Mina Loy, and how both writers conceive the interconnections between their female characters and their surrounding environments. With the help of precepts of ecocriticism and of related fields such as materiality, ecofeminism and trans-corporeality in analyzing Woolf’s and Loy’s respective works, I demonstrate how the misguided preconception of Modernism’s contempt for nature can be reassessed to offer new opportunities for both ecocritical and modernist studies. Firstly, I observe the inseparability between humanity and its living environments in Woolf’s last completed novel Between the Acts and how this evolved from her earlier short story “Kew Gardens.” I also discuss the benefits of this relation for women and their artistic ambitions with the aid of Woolf’s own claims in her essay A Room of One’s Own and in conversation with studies which have attested the ecocritical elements of Woolf’s work. Secondly, I take an interest in Mina Loy’s early poetry for its exploration of feminist themes and how those intertwine with her depictions of her poems’ environments. I illustrate the active role of domestic and public spaces in the maintenance of ambient ruling patriarchal discourses and the subjugation of women to their power. This work of analysis allows me to conclude with new avenues from which to solidify the places of women modernists in the movement by the means of their environmental interests and to reforge the ignored or erased affiliations between them.

NATURAL HYSTERIA (a queer response to ecocide): An exercise in Living Art, Participatory Rituals and Queer Ecology -or- How I discovered Geyserbird, the Transgender Shaman within

Bell, Graham 05 November 2018 (has links)
[ES] Natural Hysteria... es una investigación basada en una practica transdisciplinaria que documenta el proceso de producción de un ciclo de performances basadas en el texto: rituales, presentaciones teatrales, acciones callejeras y presentaciones de video, canciones y talleres. Es una respuesta artística al deterioro de nuestro medio ambiente y los ataques contra la diversidad cultural y biológica que están llevando a cabo un sistema capitalista basado en la acumulación de riqueza a toda costa que nos esta' llevando al borde de un colapso ecológico. Se procede a través de un análisis de otras prácticas artísticas disidentes que comparten una perspectiva queer, feminista, postcolonial o ecológica que las vincula a los conceptos explorados en mi trabajo para contextualizarlo en el campo expandido de las artes contemporáneas. La "histeria" alternativa que forma la base conceptual de este proyecto tiene sus inicios en los albores de la edad moderna y traza una historia de dominación de los "otros": se centra principalmente en las mujeres, en el género y en los disidentes sexuales, las personas de color y los animales. La explotación de los recursos naturales y humanos es una consecuencia de una cosmovisión basada en el establecimiento de oposiciones binarias que permiten que el "otro" sea clasificado y dominado. Por ejemplo: hombre / mujer, blanco / negro, hetero / homosexual, cultura / naturaleza. La construcción de estos "otros" - "femenino", "nativo", "queer", "naturaleza" - excluye a estos sujetos de la construcción de una identidad dominante que, sin embargo, depende de estas categorías para su existencia. En el Renacimiento, los campos de las ciencias y las humanidades no estaban separados. La visión mecanicista del mundo no había superado por completo las creencias paganas en la magia y en una fuerza espiritual que reside en todos los seres. Esta visión era una reliquia de la era precristiana y finalmente sería erradicada por las fuerzas unidas del Estado y la Iglesia a través de los procesos de la Inquisición, la caza de brujas, la colonización y la nueva religión de la "Ciencia". Todos estos procesos han producido un gran cambio en nuestra relación con la naturaleza, que en la actualidad se considera una entidad totalmente inerte. La naturaleza ya no forma parte de nuestro ser y se ha convertido simplemente en materia prima. La colonización continua hoy bajo una política neoliberal que utiliza el concepto de desarrollo para requisar territorio de los pueblos indígenas a fin de explotar sus recursos naturales. Esto se justifica clasificando estas personas como primitivas porque su modo de vida se basa en vivir en equilibrio con la naturaleza. La funcio'n de una práctica artística poli'ticamente comprometida es desafiar la noción de que no existe una alternativa al sistema actual. El marco teórico y artístico de esta investigación ha conducido al desarrollo de un alter ego performativo, el chaman transgénero Geyserbird, y a la configuración de una serie de performances que incluye rituales participativos, instalaciones con presencia y la reapropiacio'n queer de espacios industriales abandonados. El chama'n transge'nero es un ser espiritual que va más allá de las limitaciones del sistema de genero binario y se conecta con las culturas indígenas. El despliegue de esta figura en un contexto contemporáneo invita al publico a imaginar otras posibilidades para si' mismos y para nuestra sociedad. / [EN] Natural Hysteria... is a trans-disciplinary practice led investigation which documents the process of production of a cycle of text based performances -rituals, street actions, theatrical presentations, and video presentations, songs and workshops. It is an artistic response to the deterioration of our environment and the attacks on cultural and biological diversity being carried out by a capitalist system based on the accumulation of wealth at all costs which is leading us to the border of an ecological collapse. It proceeds through an analyses of other dissident artistic practices which share a queer, feminist postcolonial or ecological perspective linking them to the concepts explored in my work in order to contextualise it in the expanded field of the contemporary arts. The alternative "hysteria" that forms the conceptual basis of this project has its beginnings in the dawn of the modern age and traces a history of domination of those "others": focusing mainly on women, gender and sexual dissidents, people of colour and animals. The exploitation of natural and human resources is a consequence of a worldview based on the establishment of binary oppositions that allow the "other" to be classified and dominated. For example: man / woman, white / black, hetero / homosexual, culture / nature. The construction of these "others" - the "feminine", the "native", the "queer", "nature" - excludes these subjects from the construction of a master identity that, nevertheless, depends on these categories for its existence. In the Renaissance the fields of the sciences and the humanities were not separated. The mechanistic view of the world had not completely overcome pagan beliefs in magic and in a spiritual force which resides in all beings. This vision was a relic of the pre-Christian era and would finally be eradicated by the united forces of State and Church through the processes of the Inquisition, the witch hunts, colonization and the new religion of "Science". All of these processes have produced a huge change in our relationship with nature, currently seen as a totally inert entity. Nature is no longer part of our being and has became nothing more than raw material. Colonisation continues today under a neoliberal politics which uses the concept of development to requisition territory from indigenous people in order to exploit its natural resources. This is justified by qualifying these people as primitive because their way of life is based on living in equilibrium with nature. The function of a politically engaged artistic practise is to challenge the notion that no alternative exists to the current system. The theoretical and artistic framework of this investigation has led to the development of a performative alter ego, the transgender shaman Geyserbird, and to the configuration of a series of performances which included participatory rituals, installations with presence and the queer appropriation of abandoned industrial spaces. The transgender shaman is a spiritual being who goes beyond the limitations of the binary gender system and connects to indigenous cultures. The deployment of this figure in a contemporary context, invites the public to imagine other possibilities for themselves and for our society / [CA] Natural Hysteria... e's una investigacio' basada en una pra¿ctica transdisciplina¿ria que documenta el proce's de produccio' d'un cicle de performances basades en el text: rituals, presentacions teatrals, acciones al carrers i presentacions de vi'deo, canc¿ons i tallers. E's una resposta arti'stica a la deteriorament del nostre medi ambient i els atacs contra la diversitat cultural i biolo¿gica que esta¿ duent a terme un sistema capitalista basat en l'acumulacio' de riquesa costi el que costi que ens esta¿ portant a la vora d'un col·lapse ecolo¿gic. Es procedeix a trave's d'una ana¿lisi d'altres pra¿ctiques arti'stiques dissidents que comparteixen una perspectiva queer, feminista, postcolonial o ecolo¿gica que les vincula amb els conceptes explorats en el meu treball per contextualitzar-ho en el camp expandit de les arts contempora¿nies. La "histe¿ria" alternativa que forma la base conceptual d'aquest projecte te' els seus inicis en les albors de l'edat moderna i trac¿a una histo¿ria de dominacio' dels "altres": se centra principalment en les dones, en el ge¿nere i en els dissidents sexuals, les persones de color i els animals. L'explotacio' dels recursos naturals i humans e's una consequ¿e¿ncia d'una cosmovisio' basada en l'establiment d'oposicions bina¿ries que permeten que l'"altre" sigui classificat i dominat. Per exemple: home / dona, blanc / negre, hetero / homosexual, cultura / naturalesa. La construccio' d'aquests "altres" - "femeni'", "natiu", "queer", "naturalesa" - exclou aquests subjectes de la construccio' d'una identitat dominant que, no obstant aixo¿, depe'n d'aquestes categories per a la seua existe¿ncia. En el Renaixement, els camps de les cie¿ncies i les humanitats no estaven separats. La visio' mecanicista del mo'n no havia superat per complet les creences paganes en la ma¿gia i en una forc¿a espiritual que resideix en tots els e'ssers. Aquesta visio' era una reli'quia de l'era precristiana i finalment seria eradicada per les forces unides de l'Estat i l'Esgle'sia a trave's dels processos de la Inquisicio', la cac¿a de bruixes, la colonitzacio' i la nova religio' de la "Cie¿ncia". Tots aquests processos han produi¿t un gran canvi en la nostra relacio' amb la naturalesa, que en l'actualitat es considera una entitat totalment inerta. La naturalesa ja no forma part del nostre e'sser i s'ha convertit simplement en mate¿ria preval. La colonitzacio' continua avui sota una poli'tica neoliberal que utilitza el concepte de desenvolupament per a requisar territori dels pobles indi'genes a fi d'explotar els seus recursos naturals. Aixo¿ es justifica classificant aquestes persones com a primitives perque¿ la seua manera de vida es basa en viure en equilibri amb la naturalesa. La funcio' d'una pra¿ctica arti'stica poli'ticament compromesa e's desafiar la nocio' que no existeix una alternativa al sistema actual. El marc teo¿ric i arti'stic d'aquesta investigacio' ha condui¿t al desenvolupament d'un alter ego performatiu, el xaman transge¿nere Geyserbird, i a la configuracio' d'una se¿rie de performances que inclou rituals participatius, instal·lacions amb prese¿ncia i la reapropiacio' queer d'espais industrials abandonats. El xaman transge¿nere e's un ser espiritual que va me's enlla¿ de les limitacions del sistema de ge¿nere binari i es connecta amb les cultures indi'genes. El desplegament d'aquesta figura en un context contemporani convida al pu'blic a imaginar altres possibilitats per a ells mateixos i per a la nostra societat. / Bell, G. (2018). NATURAL HYSTERIA (a queer response to ecocide): An exercise in Living Art, Participatory Rituals and Queer Ecology -or- How I discovered Geyserbird, the Transgender Shaman within [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/111925

La representación de la Diosa en el arte feminista de los años sesenta y setenta en U.S.A.: Goddess Art

Menéndez Requeno, Elena 04 April 2024 (has links)
[ES] Este proyecto busca conocer los orígenes y el desarrollo del Goddess Art, un tipo de arte basado en el arquetipo de la Gran Madre, estudiado por autores como Carl Gustav Jung o Erich Neumann, y que floreció de mano de diferentes artistas ligadas al movimiento feminista de segunda ola durante las décadas de los sesenta y setenta, principalmente en los Estados Unidos de América. Sus características de ser un arte principalmente desarrollado por mujeres, estar asociado al movimiento feminista-esencialista, y su cercanía con el movimiento de espiritualidad feminista le valió un gran descrédito, tanto por parte de un mundo del arte de marcado carácter androcéntrico, como por la rama política del movimiento feminista. A través de un análisis del contexto histórico trazamos paralelismos con diferentes sucesos y movimientos, que fueron clave para su surgimiento, como el interés del feminismo de rescatar a la mujer en la historia (Herstory), un incremento de la violencia en las calles, una mayor libertad sexual, un revival espiritual, el movimiento antiguerra, un creciente interés proteccionista hacia la naturaleza, o la conformación de la contracultura, entre otros. Este análisis sirve como base para un estudio posterior en el que observamos cómo el Goddess Art recogió los principales intereses de algunas de las artistas vinculadas al movimiento feminista-esencialista, que encontraron en el arquetipo de la Diosa la inspiración para manifestar sus inquietudes, y para desarrollar imágenes de poder en las que otras mujeres pudiesen verse reflejadas. A lo largo de los diferentes apartados se explora la obra de varias artistas, algunas de ellas de gran reconocimiento internacional, y otras menos conocidas, con el objetivo de dar visibilidad a las múltiples aportaciones que se dieron en esta época. A través de nuestra investigación hemos tratado de recuperar y unificar muchas de las obras realizadas en estos años, así como de mostrar su impacto posterior, exponiendo cómo hoy en día este tema se encuentra de gran actualidad, ya que varias de las artistas que lo abordaron en un primer momento han recuperado sus obras, confiriéndoles una gran relevancia dentro de sus exhibiciones retrospectivas realizadas en los últimos años, así como también es un tema que algunos artistas emergentes han recuperado, lo que muestra su gran actualidad. De este modo, este proyecto busca difundir el Goddess Art, y promover su conocimiento en nuestro país, contribuyendo a abordar facetas más desconocidas de artistas de gran prestigio, así como ayudar a revelar la obra de quienes no han gozado de tanto reconocimiento. / [CA] Este projecte busca conéixer els orígens i el desenvolupament del Goddess Art, un tipus d'art basat en l'arquetip de la Gran Mare, estudiat per autors com Carl Gustav Jung o Erich Neumann, i que va florir de mà de diferents artistes lligades al moviment feminista de segona ona durant les dècades dels seixanta i setanta, principalment als Estats Units d'Amèrica. Les seues característiques de ser un art principalment desenvolupat per dones, estar associat al moviment feminista-essencialista, i la seua proximitat amb el moviment d'espiritualitat feminista li va valdre un gran descrèdit, tant per part d'un món de l'art de marcat caràcter androcèntric, com per la branca política del moviment feminista. A través d'una anàlisi del context històric tracem paral·lelismes amb diferents successos i moviments, que van ser clau per al seu sorgiment, com l'interés del feminisme de rescatar a la dona en la història (Herstory), un increment de la violència als carrers, una major llibertat sexual, un revival espiritual, el moviment antiguerra, un creixent interés proteccionista cap a la naturalesa, o la conformació de la contracultura, entre altres. Esta anàlisi serveix com a base per a un estudi posterior en el qual observem com el Goddess Art va recollir els principals interessos d'algunes de les artistes vinculades al moviment feminista-essencialista, que van trobar en l'arquetip de la Deessa la inspiració per a manifestar les seues inquietuds, i per a desenvolupar imatges de poder en les quals altres dones pogueren veure's reflectides. Al llarg dels diferents apartats s'explora l'obra de diverses artistes, algunes d'elles de gran reconeixement internacional, i altres menys conegudes, amb l'objectiu de donar visibilitat a les múltiples aportacions que es van donar en esta época. A través de la nostra investigació hem tractat de recuperar i unificar moltes de les obres realitzades en estos anys, així com de mostrar el seu impacte posterior, exposant com hui dia este tema es troba de gran actualitat, ja que diverses de les artistes que el van abordar en un primer moment han recuperat les seues obres, conferint-los una gran rellevància dins de les seues exhibicions retrospectives realitzades en els últims anys, així com també és un tema que alguns artistes emergents han recuperat, la qual cosa mostra la seua gran actualitat. D'aquesta manera, este projecte busca difondre el Goddess Art, i promoure el seu coneixement al nostre país, contribuint a abordar facetes més desconegudes d'artistes de gran prestigi, així com ajudar a revelar l'obra dels qui no han gaudit de tant de reconeixement. / [EN] This project seeks to know the origins and development of Goddess Art, a type of art based on the archetype of the Great Mother, studied by authors such as Carl Gustav Jung or Erich Neumann, and which flourished at the hands of different artists linked to the second wave of the feminist movement during the sixties and seventies, mainly in the United States of America. Its characteristics of being an art mainly developed by women, being associated with the feminist-essentialist movement, and its proximity with the feminist spirituality movement caused it a great discredit, both by an art world with a strong male-centered orientation, as well as by the political branch of the feminist movement. Through an analysis of the historical context, we draw parallelisms with different events and movements that were key to its emergence, such as feminism's interest in rescuing women from history (Herstory), an increase of violence in the streets, a greater sexual freedom, a spiritual revival, the anti-war movement, a growing interest in protecting nature, or the formation of the counterculture, among others. This analysis serves as the basis for a subsequent study in which we observe how Goddess Art gathered the main interests of some of the women artists linked to the feminist-essentialist movement, who found in the archetype of the Goddess the inspiration to express their concerns, and to develop images of power in which other women could see themselves reflected. Throughout the different sections we explore the work of several women artists, some of them highly recognized internationally, but also others who are less known, in order to give visibility to the multiple contributions that occurred in this era. Through our research we have tried to recover and unify many of the works made in these years, as well as to show its subsequent impact, exposing that nowadays the Goddess archetype in art is of great relevance, as several of the artists who first addressed it have brought back their works in recent years, giving them a great emphasis in their retrospective exhibitions, as well as it is a theme that some emerging artists have recovered, which shows its significance in the present time. Therefore, this project seeks to promote Goddess Art, and to enhance its diffusion in our country, exploring an aspect that is not so widely studied in the work of prestigious artists, as well as helping to reveal the contributions of those who have not enjoyed so much recognition. / Menéndez Requeno, E. (2024). La representación de la Diosa en el arte feminista de los años sesenta y setenta en U.S.A.: Goddess Art [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203268

Ecofeminism: towards integrating the concerns of women, poor people and nature into development

Nhanenge, Jytte 02 1900 (has links)
Ecofeminism perceives an interconnection between the domination of women and poor people, and the domination of nature. This domination is founded on modern, Western, patriarchal, dualised structures, which subordinate all considered as "the other" compared to the superior masculine archetype. Hence, all feminine is seen as inferior and may therefore be exploited. This is presently manifested in the neo-liberal economic development ideal. Its global penetration generates huge economic profits, which are reaped by Northern and Southern elites, while its devastating crises of poverty, violence, environmental destruction, and human rights abuses makes life increasingly unmanageable for Southern women, poor people and nature. Feminism and ecology have therefore come together aiming at liberating women, poor people and nature. They want to change the dualised, reductionist perception of reality into a holistic cosmology. Ecofeminism consequently aims to integrate the concerns of women, poor people and nature into development. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Theorising the environment in fiction: exploring ecocriticism and ecofeminism in selected black female writers’ works

Pasi, Juliet Sylvia 09 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This thesis investigates the relationship between humans and the nonhuman world or natural environment in selected literary works by black female writers in colonial and post-colonial Namibia and Zimbabwe. Some Anglo-American scholars have argued that many African writers have resisted the paradigms that inform much of global ecocriticism and have responded to it weakly. They contend that African literary feminist studies have not attracted much mainstream attention yet mainly to raise some issues concerning ecologically oriented literary criticism and writing. Given this unjust criticism, the study posits that there has been a growing interest in ecocriticism and ecofeminism in literary works by African writers, male and female, and they have represented the social, political (colonial and anti-colonial) and economic discourse in their works. The works critiqued are Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions (1988) and The Book of Not (2006), Neshani Andreas’ The Purple Violet of Oshaantu (2001) and No Violet Bulawayo’s We Need New Names (2013). The thrust of this thesis is to draw interconnections between man’s domination of nature and the subjugation and dominance of black women as depicted in different creative works. The texts in this study reveal that the existing Anglo-American framework used by some scholars to define ecocriticism and ecofeminism should open up and develop debates and positions that would allow different ways of reading African literature. The study underscored the possibility of black female creative works to transform the definition of nature writing to allow an expansion and all encompassing interpretation of nature writing. Contrary to the claims by Western scholars that African literature draws its vision of nature writing from the one produced by colonial discourse, this thesis argues that African writers and scholars have always engaged nature and the environment in multiple discourses. This study breaks new ground by showing that the feminist aspects of ecrocriticism are essential to cover the hermeneutic gap created by their exclusion. On closer scrutiny, the study reveals that African women writers have also addressed and highlighted issues that show the link between African women’s roles and their environment. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)

Ecofeminism: towards integrating the concerns of women, poor people and nature into development

Nhanenge, Jytte 02 1900 (has links)
Ecofeminism perceives an interconnection between the domination of women and poor people, and the domination of nature. This domination is founded on modern, Western, patriarchal, dualised structures, which subordinate all considered as "the other" compared to the superior masculine archetype. Hence, all feminine is seen as inferior and may therefore be exploited. This is presently manifested in the neo-liberal economic development ideal. Its global penetration generates huge economic profits, which are reaped by Northern and Southern elites, while its devastating crises of poverty, violence, environmental destruction, and human rights abuses makes life increasingly unmanageable for Southern women, poor people and nature. Feminism and ecology have therefore come together aiming at liberating women, poor people and nature. They want to change the dualised, reductionist perception of reality into a holistic cosmology. Ecofeminism consequently aims to integrate the concerns of women, poor people and nature into development. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Ecological Art: Ruth Wallen and Cultural Activism

Birchler, Susan 15 May 2007 (has links)
Twentieth century modernity has provoked multiple problems ranging from environmental degradation to human rights violations. Globally, diverse communities of people have organized to promote, not just reactive reforms, but a fundamental alteration of the foundational worldview underlying these issues. Radical activists committed their work to promoting an alternative ethos based on egalitarian, democratic, and ecologically-wise concepts. An array of methodologies emerged from these endeavors. More radical political groups focused on cultural tools to engage people in the construction of an alternative worldview. Radical activists utilized two forms of cultural politics: prefigurative politics, the physical presentation of an envisioned future and direct theory, the constant interaction between theory and practice. Within the artistic community, Ecological Artists centered their practice on cultural activism, creating publicly accessible, site-specific collaborative pieces that illuminate and utilize ecosystem principles to promote an eco-wise worldview. The concept of utilizing cultural production as a method for achieving social transformation has only recently been analyzed within the social movement discipline. Artists rarely utilize social movement vocabulary, or the term "activism" to describe their practices. To date, no correlation between artistic production and social movement strategies has been made. I argue in this thesis that Ecological Artists are cultural activists who simultaneously developed strategies and methods similar to those being worked out by radical social movement activists. While prefigurative politics and direct theory are terms defined within social movement discipline, the cultural activities are similar. Political activists' internal organization and external political work, prefigurative of an envisioned future and the result of constant interaction between theory and practice, correlates to the necessary collaborative organizations of Eco-Art and the physical presence of the work, a manifestation of the constant interaction between ecosystem theory and artistic practice. In this thesis I analyze the work of Ecological Artist Ruth Wallen as a form of cultural activism. I argue that the intention, execution, and content of her work are forms of prefigurative politics and direct theory. Ruth Wallen has been practicing Eco-Art for twenty years. Her work is focused on the heart of Eco-Art, its intention to produce an eco-wise future through artistic practice.

L'eau de l'art contemporain : une dynamique d'une esthétique écosophique / Water of Art : a dynamic of ecosophical aesthetics

Marty, Patrick 19 December 2014 (has links)
L’eau est porteuse d’aspects différents de consciences, tout en étant un espéranto planétaire. Doit-on parler des artistes de l’eau ? ou bien de l’eau des artistes ? Quel que soit le point de vue que l’on considère, il se dégage une synergie de pensées oeuvrant à une réflexion consensuelle et paradigmatique. Cette recherche propose une nouvelle lecture de l’interaction de l’élément naturel avec la place qu’il occupe dans l’art contemporain ; comment l’eau dans l’art contemporain devient, grâce à sa puissance évocatrice, l’Eau de l’Art, une source inépuisable d’adaptabilité transculturelle qui se fait l’écho d’une nécessaire métamorphose. L’eau est devenu un médium parmi tant d’autres. L'eau, matière naturelle par excellence, se retrouve utilisée indifféremment par un peu tous les courants artistiques actuels notamment dans des vidéos, des performances, des sculptures, en architecture ou dans des expériences à la frontière de l’art et des sciences cognitives. On peut examiner trois aspects de la culture de l'eau : en tant que vecteur à la fois d'une culture enracinée, et d'une éthique de l'Universel commun, la force symbolique de l'eau dans l'histoire de l’art, et l'actualité écologique, scientifique et psychologique. L’eau couvre tous les champs du possible, et rend accessible les moindres recoins de la pensée, aussi bien la part d’ombre que la lumière de la psyché humaine. Elle accompagne et interagit sur les non dits des sociétés, car elle contient leurs savoirs ; elle est la matrice de leur philosophie, leur sociabilité, leur géographie (compréhension de l’espace et des milieux de vie), leur communication, leur histoire, leur langage. L’Eau de l’Art dynamise ainsi une esthétique écosophique en puisant dans la poésie du temps. / Water is a messenger of various aspects of consciousness, while being a global Esperanto. Should we talk about artists of water? Or the water of artists? Whatever point of view one considers, a synergy of thoughts emerges involving a consensual and paradigmatic vision. This research proposes a new reading of the interaction of the natural element with its role in contemporary art; how water in contemporary art becomes, with its evocative power, Water of Art, an inexhaustible source of crosscultural adaptability that echoes a necessary metamorphosis. Water has become a medium among many others. Water, a natural material par excellence, is used interchangeably by almost all the current artistic trends, including video, performance, sculpture, architecture and experiences on the frontier of art and cognitive science. There are three aspects of the culture of water: as a vector of both an ingrained culture and the Universal ethic; the symbolic force of water in art history; and the ecological, scientific and psychological information. Water covers all possible fields, and allows access to every corner of the mind, the dark side as well as the light of the human psyche. It supports and interacts on the unspoken aspects of society because it contains their knowledge; it is the matrix of their philosophy, their sociability, their geography (understanding of space and living environments), communication, history, language. Therefore, Water of Art adds a dynamic to ecosophical aesthetics in drawing from the poetics of time.

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