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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ŽIV užsikrėtusių žmonių edukaciniai poreikiai ir jų tenkinimas Lietuvoje / The importance of educational needs and ability to meet them for people infected with HIV

Andrijevskaja, Irena 11 July 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe pateikiamas ŽIV užsikrėtusių žmonių edukacinių poreikių vertinimas ir tenkinimo svarba Lietuvoje. Darbe atskleidžiama ugdymo reikšmė ir pateikiamas ugdymo svarbos vertinimas šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje. Taip pat analizuojama užsikrėtusiųjų ŽIV diskriminacija ir lygių galimybių visuomenėje vertinimas. Darbe vertinama užsikrėtusiųjų ŽIV socialinė integracija bei dalyvavimas ugdymo procese, vertinama sergančiųjų užkrečiamomis ligomis lygių galimybių edukacinėje sistemoje didinimo svarba, pateikiamas ŽIV profesinės reabilitacijos būtinumas, atskleidžiamas ugdymo įstaigų specialistų specialiosios pagalbos teikimas sergantiesiems. Kokybinio tyrimo metodu vertinamas užsikrėtusiųjų ŽIV edukacinių poreikių ir jų tenkinimo svarbos suvokimas. Temos aktualumui pagrįsti buvo atliktas interviu su ŽIV užsikrėtusiais žmonėmis, siekiant nustatyti užsikrėtusiųjų ŽIV edukacinius poreikius. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos teorinės ir praktinės dalių išvados ir rekomendacijos. / This paper presents an analysis of the importance of educational needs and ability to satisfy them for people infected with HIV in Lithuania. The significance of education and it's evaluation in contemporary society is discussed; also the issues of discrimination of HIV infected and the value of equal rights are addressed. Furthermore, this paper presents the evaluation of social integration of HIV infected people and their participation in educational system, reveals the importance of increasing equal rights in education for people with infectious diseases, the necessity of professional rehabilitation of people infected with HIV and the need for specialists of educational institutions to provide special assistance. Qualitative research presented in the paper evaluates how HIV infected perceives their educational needs and the level of their fulfilment. This research is based on semi-structured interviews with people infected with HIV. At the end of the paper conclusions coming from both theoretical and empirical research parts are made and recommendations are formulated.

Aukštasis mokslas ir praktiškai orientuotas mokymas Lietuvos poligrafijos pramonėje / Higher education and practice-oriented training in lithuanian printing industry

Šnipaitė, Rasa 23 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe yra analizuojamos poligrafijos pramonės ir aukštojo mokslo institucijų glaudaus bendradarbiavimo būtinumo prielaidos. Darbe parodoma, pirma, kad formalios edukacijos metodai nebeatitinka laikmečio, antra, kokie galimi šios problemos sprendimo būdai. Pilnai situacijos analizei yra pasitelkiamos Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo plėtros strategijos, analizuojami kitų šalių pramonės ir aukštojo mokslo bendradarbiavimo modeliai bei galimybės, atliekamas kokybinis tyrimas, apklausiant Lietuvos poligrafijos įmonių vadovus bei aukštųjų mokyklų poligrafijos katedrų vedėjus. / This paper explores the conditions for close collaboration between higher education institutions and printing industry. Firstly, the author demonstrates that formal methods in education fail to correspond to a present day reality, and, secondly, she sets recommendations for tackling the problems. For a thorough analysis of the situation, the author considers strategic development plans for higher education in the European Union and Lithuania, analyses models and options for collaboration between higher education institutions and industry in other countries, a qualitative survey is carried out in the form of an interview of managers of Lithuanian printing companies and of the printing department of higher education institutions.


Lukienė, Ingrida 26 September 2008 (has links)
Raida – tai progresuojantys ir nuoseklūs vaiko motorinės, kognityvinės, socialinės, kalbos bei adaptacinio elgesio plėtotės pokyčiai. Siekiant suteikti pagalbą raidos problemų turintiems vaikams, pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas ankstyvajai psichomotorinės raidos sutrikimų diagnostikai, rizikos veiksnių išaiškinimui ir ankstyvajam ugdymui. Temos aktualumas leido suformuluoti hipotezę - tinkamai parengtas bei pradėtas ankstyvuoju kūdikystės periodu psichomotorinis ugdymas, priklausomai nuo tėvų edukacijos ir tikslingo dalyvavimo motoriniame ugdyme, sudaro didesnes galimybes kūdikiui kuo anksčiau ir pilniau atgauti sutrikusių judesių raidą. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti psichomotorinio ugdymo poveikį kūdikių motorinei raidai skirtingais kūdikystės periodais. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) įvertinti įvairaus amžiaus tiriamųjų motorinę raidą prieš kineziterapijos (KT) procedūras; 2) nustatyti KT poveikį kūdikių motorinei raidai; 3) palyginti skirtingo amžiaus kūdikių raidos ypatumus prieš ir po KT taikymo; ir 4) įvertinti psichomotorinio ugdymo poveikio kūdikių motorinei raidai skirtumus priklausomai nuo tėvų dalyvavimo ugdymo procese. Tyrimo metodai: teorinės analizės ir apibendrinimo metodas, Miuncheno funkcinės raidos diagnostikos testas, eksperimentas, statistika. Tyrime dalyvavo 34 įvairaus amžiaus kūdikiai, kuriems nustatytas motorinės raidos sutrikimas, bei jų tėvai. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjama motorinių funkcijų (ropojimo, sėdėjimo, vaikščiojimo ir griebimo) kaita taikant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Evolution is progressive and successive changes of child’s motor, cognitive, social speech and adaptive behaviour. The main attention is paid to diagnosis of early psychometric education, clearing up of risk factors and early education with the aim of helping children who have evolution problems. Urgency of the topic allowed to formulate the following hypothesis – well prepared and begun psychometric education at the period of early childhood creates better conditions for a baby earlier and better get back evolution of disordered motion. Of course, it is related to the education of parents and their participance in motoric education. The aim of investigation is to evaluate influence of psychometric education on children’s motoric evolution at different periods of childhood. The goals of investigation: 1) to evaluate motoric evolution of different ages for procedures of kinezytherapy (KT); 2) to establish the influence of KT on children’s motor evolution; 3) to compare specialities of evolution of different ages of children before and after KT application; 4) to estimate the influence of psychometric education on children’s motor evolution and differences in it depending on parents` participance in educational process. The methods of investigation: theoretical analysis and generalization, Miunchen functional evolution diagnostic tests, experiment, statistics. 34 children who have motor evolution disorder and their parents took part in the investigation. In the... [to full text]

Bendruomenės kūrimo realijos ir perspektyvos / Realia and perspectives of community development

Slesoriūnienė, Rasa 17 June 2005 (has links)
The need to establish communities grows as a reaction to the losses of human’s emotional and social safety. The transformation of the world invites to be not only under action but also be acting. Teachers, their colleagues, educatee and their parents develop a school community with joint efforts. This form of social organization meet natural need of a child to belong to a certain group, tries to maintain child’s individuality, positively influences his/her socialization and educational success. This paper analyses the realia and perspectives of community development as an index of democratic school change. Research object– the community of a school-kindergarden. The aim of the research is to analyse the attitude of the parents and teachers towards the realia and perspectives of school community development in order to create a favorable school for all the children. The following are the objectives of the research: 1. Find out the attitude of the parents towards a school-kindergarden community. 2. Find out the attitude of the teachers towards a school-kindergarden community. 3. Identify the attitude of the parents towards the perspectives of a school community development. 4. Identify the attitude of the teachers towards the perspectives of a school community development. The methods of the research are as follows: the analysis of the scientific references, document analysis, a question-based inquiry, statistical analysis of a question-based inquiry processed using SPSS... [to full text]

Šiuolaikiškos šeimos poreikiai ir galimybės moderniame muziejuje / Modern museum for needs and possibilities of a contemporary family

Paukštienė, Lina 08 September 2009 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Ilgą laiką pagrindinė muziejų funkcija buvo žmonijos atminties saugojimas ir perdavimas ateities kartoms. Tačiau šiuo metu yra neabejojama, kad muziejai atlieka daug platesnį vaidmenį visuomenėje. Lankytojai muziejuje turiningai leidžia laisvalaikį, susitinka ir bendrauja su savo draugais ar artimaisiais. Jie ne tik apžiūri eksponatus, grožisi, džiaugiasi jais, bet ir semiasi žinių. Muziejai jau pradeda segmentuoti lankytojus ir kiekvienam apsibrėžtam segmentui stengiamasi pasiūlyti skirtingas paslaugas. Tokiu būdu išaiškėja ir mažiausiai dėmesio mūsų muziejuose susilaukiantis segmentas – šeima. Daugelyje Lietuvos muziejų paslaugos šeimoms yra tuščia ir menkai užpildyta niša, kuri dar tik dėliojasi iš pavienių projektų, vykdomų įvairiuose muziejuose, kaip naujai kuriama mozaika. Mokslinė problema yra ta, kad Lietuvoje nėra mokslinių tyrimų apie šeimą ir muziejų, jų tarpusavio santykių potencialą ir realijas. Taigi, tyrimo objektu pasirinktas šeimos ir muziejaus santykis. Darbo tikslas buvo atskleisti šeimos ir muziejaus sąveiką bei pateikti mokslines rekomendacijas, kaip šią sąveiką vystyti. Darbo uždaviniai: atskleisti šiuolaikiškos šeimos ir modernaus muziejaus sampratas; išanalizuoti šeimos ir muziejaus santykio problematiką; išnagrinėti šeimos mokymosi muziejuje specifiką ir reikšmę. Tyrimo metu naudoti tiek kiekybiniai, tiek kokybiniai empiriniai tyrimo metodai: šeimomis muziejuose besilankančių tėvų anketavimas; edukacinę veiklą Lietuvos muziejuje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Actuality of the Theme. The main function of museums for a long time was to preserve the memory of humanity and to transmit it to future generations. However, today there are no doubts that museums play a much broader role in the society. Visitors in museum spend their leisure time in a meaningful way, meet their friends and communicate with them. They not only examine the exhibits, admire and enjoy them, but also acquire knowledge. Museums are starting to segment their visitors and they try to propose various differentiated services for every particular pre-defined segment. Thus, it was clarified that the family is a segment, which gets least attention in our museums. In many Lithuanian museums services for families serve as an empty niche which is like a puzzle, which fiddles around like a new mosaic from solitary projects in various museums of the country. Scientific problem is the absence of research undertakings related to the issues of family and museum, the potential and reality of their correlation in Lithuania. So the object of the research was chosen the relation between family and museum. The purpose of the project was to reveal the reciprocity of family and museum and to suggest the scientific recommendations for its development. The goals of the project were: to reveal the concepts of the contemporary family and the modern museum; to traverse the problematic of the family and museum reciprocity; to scrutinize the peculiarities and importance of families’ learning... [to full text]

Edukacinės animacinių filmų plotmės: Simpsonų filmas / Educational Planes of Cartoons: The Simpsons Movie

Čirplienė, Renata 16 September 2009 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti edukacinį filmo poveikį (per užslėptojo ugdymo/si bei savaiminio mokymo/si momentus). Tyrimo metu buvo analizuojamas Simpsonų filmas focus grupės metodu. Tyrimo duomenys nagrinėjami pagal autorės išskirtas kategorijas. Magistro darbe, remiantis lietuvių ir užsienio mokslinės literatūros analize, atskleistos edukacinės medijų plotmės: pristatyta neregimojo ugdymo/si bei savaiminio mokymo/si raiška animaciniuose filmuose; supažindinama su kino edukacija, kaip edukacinių plotmių sklaidos perspektyva animaciniuose filmuose. Tyrimas įrodo, kad animaciniai filmai (konkrečiai Simpsonų filmas) turi edukacinį poveikį paauglių atžvilgiu. / The aim of this work is to examine the effect of educational movie (through hidden curriculum and self-directed learning moments). During the research the Simpsons Movie was analysed by a focus group method. The research data is examined after authoress categories that she has excluded. This master‘s work is based on lithuanian and foreign nonfiction literature analysis, what is more the educational media planes are revealed: the hidden curriculum and informal learning expression in cartoon movies is introduced; the cinema education is introduced, like educational planes of scattered perspective in animated movies. The research proves that animated movies (The Simpsons Movie) have an educational impact on teenagers.

Edukativni i opšti model kritičnih protoka materijala PD - Precedence Diagramming Structure / The Educative and General Model of the Critical Material Flows, PDM-Precedence Diagramming Structure

Letić Duško 06 May 1996 (has links)
<p>Rad,Edukativni i op&scaron;ti model kritičnih protoka materijala PD - Precedence Diagramming Structure, predstavlja integralni deo teorijskih i eksperimentalnih istraživanja vezanih za razvoj stohastičkih mreža PD-modela iz operacionih istraživanja, kao i modela za odgovarajuću edukaciju kadrova iz oblasti mrežnog upravljanja tokovima materijala u ma&scaron;inogradnji. U tom smislu u radu su razvijeni i re&scaron;avani, putem analitičkih i numeričkih metoda, sledeći modeli:</p><ul><li>Mrežni PD-model sa jednim kritičnim tokom.</li><li>Mrežni PD-model sa isključivo autonomnim (paralelnim) kritičnim tokovima.</li><li>Op&scaron;ti model sa varijantom kritičnih tokova autonomno-unijatnog tipa.</li><li>Edukativni model za efikasno re&scaron;avanje postavljenih problema upravljanjatokovima materijala u pojedinačnoj proizvodnji.</li><li>Modeli za vrednovanje metoda i postupaka iz ovih oblasti operacionih istraživanja, kao i samog edukativnog modela, na bazi razvijenih kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih kriterijuma.</li></ul><p>Ovim istraživanjem stvorene su određene podloge za dalji rad u predmetnom području, posebno sa stanovi&scaron;ta neinvesticionog povećanja efekata materijalne proizvodnje, putem primene razvijenih opercionih modela i edukativnih metoda za njihovo re&scaron;avanje.</p> / <p>The paper &quot;THE EDUCATIVE AND GENERAL MODEL OF THE CRITICAL MATERIAL FLOWS, PD-PRECEDENCE DIAGRAMMING STRUCTURE&quot; makes the integral part bof the theoretical and experimental researches connected for the development of the stochastic network PD - models of the opertions research, as well the models for the appropriote personal cadres edu cation in the field of network control of materijal flows in production of machinery. In the paper are also developed and solved, by analytic and numeric methods, the next models:</p><p>* The network PD-model with one critical flow.</p><p>* The network PD-model with excusively autonomus (parallel) critical flows.</p><p>* The general model with the variant of the critical flows of the autonomus -uniate type.</p><p>* The educative model for the effective solving of the stated problems of the material flows control in isolated production.</p><p>* The models and methods valuation of these fields of the operations researches, as well the educative model itself on the basic of the developed quantative and qualitative criteria.</p><p>With these researches are created the defined bases for further work in the subject field, particularly from the attitude of the noninvestment increasing of the effects of the materijal production, using the developed operations models and the educative models for their solving.</p>

Etnografinis muziejus kaip ugdymo erdvė: Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejaus atvejis / Ethnographical museum as educational space: case of open-air museum in lithuania

Levickaitė, Inga 01 July 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – etnografinio muziejaus kaip ugdymo erdvės funkcionavimas. Tyrimo tikslas – pasitelkus Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejuje taikomų eksponavimo formų, priemonių, rengiamų edukacinių programų analizę, atskleisti etnografinio muziejaus kaip ugdymo erdvės funkcionavimo specifiką. Tikslui įgyvendinti siekiama šių uždavinių: 1. išsiaiškinti prioritetines muziejų veiklos kryptis Lietuvos muziejų veiklą reglamentuojančiuose dokumentuose ir atskleisti Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejaus veiklos prioritetų ištakas bei kaitą; 2. nustatyti eksponavimo formų Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejuje specifiką; 3. ištirti mokymo bei mokymosi neformalioje Lietuvos liaudies buities aplinkoje galimybes; 4. išsiaiškinti, ar esama komercijos elementų savitoje Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejaus edukacinėje programoje – tradicinėse šventėse; 5. atskleisti ugdymo medijų naudojimo muziejuose kaitą ir tos kaitos pasekmes ugdymo procesui. Paskutiniais dešimtmečiais pasaulinėje praktikoje ugdymas yra laikomas yra visų muziejų veiklos pagrindu. Nors Lietuvos muziejų veiklą reglamentuojančiuose įstatymuose bei Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejaus statute daugiau akcentuojamos paveldosauginės muziejaus kaip institucijos funkcijos, atgavus nepriklausomybę, muziejus pradėjo teikti pirmenybę edukacinei veiklai. Nuo 1991 metų čia rengiamos veikiančios ekspozicijos, kuriose eksponatai naudojami pagal paskirtį. Jos ne tik suteikia lankytojui didesnes išmokimo bei susipažinimo su praeities kontekstu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Subject of investigation: The functioning of the ethnographic museum as an educational space. Goal of investigation: To determine the specific nature of the functioning of the ethnographic museum as an educational space through an analysis of the forms and methods of exhibition and educational programs of the Open Air museum of Lithuania. The following tasks were pursued to implement this goal: 1. to determine the fundamental direction of priority activities of museums in documents regulating the activity of Lithuanian museums and to determine the source and changes of priority activities at the Open Air museum of Lithuania; 2. to determine the specific character of forms of exhibition at the Open Air museum of Lithuania; 3. to examine the prospects for learning and teaching within the informal environment of Open Air museum of Lithuania; 4. to determine whether there are commercial elements in the educational program of the Open Air museum of Lithuania, during traditional celebrations; 5. to elucidate changes in the use of educational media at museums and the effects of those changes on the educational process. Over the preceding decades in global practice education has been considered the foundation for all museum activities. Although laws regulating the activities of Lithuanian museums and the statute of the Open Air museum of Lithuania place greater emphasis on the heritage protection functions of the museum as an institution, following Lithuanian independence the museum... [to full text]

Efekat strukturiranog edukativnog programa o tipu 2 dijabetesa u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti na zdravstveno ponašanje i glikoregulaciju pacijenata / The effects of the structured Type 2 diabetes educational programme in primary health care on health behaviour and patient glucoregulation

Požar Hajnalka 30 November 2020 (has links)
<p>Dijabetes melitus je metaboliĉki poremećaj koji karakteri&scaron;e hroniĉna hiperglikemija i predstavlja veoma ozbiljan javno-zdravstveni problem u celom svetu. Najveći potencijal za pobolj&scaron;anje zdravlja obolelih leţi u postizanju i odrţavanju optimalne glikoregulacije. Podaci iz literature pokazuju da se sprovođenjem strukturiranih edukativnih programa o tipu 2 dijabetesa postiţu pozitivni efekti na zdravstveno pona&scaron;anje i glikoregulaciju kod obolelih koji su pohađali edukaciju. Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je da se proceni efekat strukturirane edukacije o tipu 2 dijabetesa u primarnoj zdravstvenoj za&scaron;titi na promenu nivoa znanja, zdravstveno pona&scaron;anje, antropometrijske i biohemijske parametre glikoregulacije pacijenata. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u vidu prospektivne studije od februara do avgusta 2018. godine u Savetovali&scaron;tu za dijabetes Doma zdravlja Subotica. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 91 pacijenta sa dijagnostikovanim tipom 2 dijabetesa. Ispitanici su pohađali strukturirani &scaron;estonedeljni grupni edukativni program, kreiran za potrebe ovog istraţivanja. U cilju procene efekata edukativnog programa, na poĉetku i ĉetiri meseca nakon edukacije, prikupljeni su podaci o: zdravstvenom pona&scaron;anju, nivou znanja o dijabetesu (Diabetes Knowledge Test), o aktivnostima samonege u prethodnih sedam dana (The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities) i o aktivnostima samonege prethodnih osam nedelja (The Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire), određeni su antropometrijski (telesna teţina, indeks telesne mase, obim struka i nivo arterijskog krvnog pritiska) i biohemijski parametri glikoregulacije (nivo &scaron;ećera u krvi na&scaron;te, dva sata nakon jela, nivo HbA1c) i lipidni status pacijenata. Na početku strukturirane edukacije 79% pacijenata imalo je nizak nivo znanja o dijabetesu, prosečna vrednost na DKT bila je 46,4%. Nivo samonege pacijenatna bio je nizak i prethodnih 7 dana (SDSCA 45,8%) i prethodnih 8 nedelja (DSMQ 6,75). Trećina (35%) pacijenata imala je prekomernu telesnu masu, a njih 45% bilo je gojazno (BMI 29,85&plusmn;5,47). Povi&scaron;ene vrednosti sistolnog krvnog pritiska imalo je 43%, a dijastolnog 54% pacijenata. Polovina (54,9%) pacijenata imala je idealnu glikoregulaciju (HbA1c 6,56&plusmn;0,96%). Trećina (35%) pacijenata imala je visokorizičan nivo holesterola, a 26% visokoriziĉan nivo triglicerida u krvi. Ispitivanja sprovedena ĉetiri meseca nakon strukturirane edukacije pokazuju značajno povi&scaron;en nivo znanja pacijenata o dijabetesu, tj. visok nivo sa prosečnom vredno&scaron;ću DKT 81,5%. Nivo aktivnosti samonege prethodnih 7 dana i prethodnih 8 nedelja dostigao je umeren nivo (SDSCA 57,7%; DSMQ 7,9). Utvrđeno je značajno smanjenje telesne mase pacijenata za 1,5 kg i indeksa telesne mase, BMI, za 0,58 kg/m2. Procenat gojaznih pacijenata smanjen je na 40%. Povi&scaron;ene vrednosti sistolnog krvnog pritiska imalo je 26,4% (uz proseĉno smanjenje od 4 mmHg), a dijastolnog krvnog pritiska kod 44% pacijenata (uz prosečno smanjenje od 3 mmHg). Utvrđeno je znaĉajno smanjenje nivoa HbA1c za 0,36%, idealnu glikoregulaciju postiglo je 68% pacijenata. Zabeleţeno je smanjenje nivoa ukupnog holesterola za 0,3 mmol/L i nivoa triglicerida u krvi pacijenata za 0,23 mmol/L. Broj pacijenata sa visokorizičnim nivoom holesterola smanjen je za 19,6%, a u visokoriziĉnoj kategoriji triglicerida za 12%. Rezultati studije ukazuju da su efekti strukturiranog edukativnog programa o tipu 2 dijabetesa u primarnoj zdravstvenoj za&scaron;titi značajni, povećani su nivoi znanja i aktivnosti samonege, znaĉajno je smanjena telesna masa, vrednosti arterijskog krvnog pritiska su smanjene a pobolj&scaron;ane su vrednosti pokazatelja glikoregulacije i lipidnog statusa pacijenata.</p> / <p>Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia and is a very serious public health issue worldwide. Achieving and maintaining optimal glucoregulation represents major potential for the improvement of affected persons&rsquo; health. According to information available in relative literature, the implementation of restructured Type 2 diabetes education programmes, positive results on health behaviour and glucoregulation in persons who took part in the education. The objective of the research was to assess the effect of structured education on Type 2 diabetes in primary health care, on changes in the level of knowledge, health behaviour and the anthropometric and biochemical parameters of patients&rsquo; glucoregulation. The research was conducted in the form of a prospective study between February and August 2018 in the Diabetes Support Group of the Subotica Health Centre. The research included 91 patients who were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Research subjects attended a structured six-week group educational programme, which was specifically developed for the purpose of this research. In order to assess the effects of this educational programme from its outset and four months following the education, data concerning the following were gathered: health behaviour, level of knowledge on diabetes (Diabetes Knowledge Test - DKT), self care activities in the past seven days (The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities - SDSCA) and self care activities in the past eight weeks (The Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire - DSMQ). These data were anthropomorphic measurements (weight, height, waist circumference and the level of arterial blood pressure) and biochemical glucoregulation parameters (blood sugar levels on an empty stomach, two hours after a meal, HbA1c levels) and patient lipid status. When the structured education first started, 79% patients had a low level of knowledge on diabetes, and the average score at the DKT was 46.4%. The level of patient self care was also low in the past seven days (SDSCA 45.8%) and past eight weeks (DSMQ 6.75%). One third (35%) of patients had excess body mass, of whom 45% were obese (Body Mass Index &ndash; BMI 29.85&plusmn;5.47). 43% of patients had higher systolic blood pressure values while 54% had higher diastolic blood pressure values. In one half of patients (54.9%), glucoregulation was ideal (HbA1c 6.56&plusmn;0.96%). One third of patients (35%) had highly elevated cholesterol levels, with 26% who had highly elevated triglyceride blood levels. Research conducted during the four-month structured education show a significantly higher level of patient knowledge of diabetes, i.e. high level with the average DKT score of 81.5%. The level of self care activities in the past seven days and eight weeks reached a moderate level (SDCA 57.7%; DSMQ 7.9). A significant reduction in body mass by 1.5 kg as well as Body Mass Index, BMI by 0.58 kg/m2 was determined. The percentage of obese patients was reduced to 40%. 26.4% of patients had increased values of systolic blood pressure (with an average reduction of 4 mmHg), diastolic blood pressure 44% of patients (with an average reduction of 3 mmHg). A significant reduction in HbA1c level by 36% was determined, while 68% of patients achieved ideal glucoregulation. The reduction of total cholesterol level by 0.3% mmol/L as well as triglycerides level by 0.23% mmol/L was recorded. The number of patients with a high-risk cholesterol level was reduced by 19.6%, and the number of patients in high-risk category of triglycerides by 12%. The results of the study indicate that the effects of a structured educational programme on Type 2 diabetes in primary health care are significant. Knowledge levels were increased along with self care activities, body mass was significantly reduced, arterial blood pressure values were reduced and glucoregulation and lipid status values improved.</p>

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