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Les mutations de la rhétorique dans l'oeuvre de Guillevic / Mutations of the notion of rhetoric in the work of GuillevicGarnaud, Delphine 19 June 2013 (has links)
Chez Guillevic, le statut de la rhétorique est paradoxal. Toute l’œuvre est traversée par un impératif des choses et du réel qui s’accompagne d’un vœu de simplicité. Cette poésie, qui se voit rappelée à l’ordre du concret, se méfie d’une rhétorique qui viendrait éclipser la réalité des choses, ou accroître la distance entre ces deux pôles, que sont l’expérience du monde et sa mise en mots. Les poèmes, denses et resserrés sur eux-mêmes, se présentent alors manifestement comme un défi à la rhétorique. Pourtant, nous n’assistons pas à une éviction de la notion, mais plutôt à un ensemble de mutations, qui supposent une subrogation des valeurs la définissant. En effet, si Guillevic passe pour un poète qui se serait spontanément tourné vers le monde et vers les objets, ce rapport au réel, au départ, n’a rien d’euphorique. Il reste à construire car le monde se rétracte. Il faut retrouver une force dans le langage ; une force agissante. Se méfier d’une rhétorique éloquente et ornementale revient alors à inscrire dans le poème une tension qui fait du langage un support solide auquel se raccrocher ; les figures ne sont plus de l’ordre de la figuration mais de celui de la mise en rapport. On assiste donc à des processus de relittéralisation et de défiguration du langage, ce qui fait qu’il n’est plus question d’une rhétorique de surface, mais d’une rhétorique fondamentale, qui passe par un engagement de l’être dans le langage. Et comme il s’agit toujours de chercher à faire l’expérience du monde, plutôt que de s’obstiner à lui trouver un sens, la rhétorique est alors dissociée de ces notions de conceptualité, de représentation et de signification qu’elle a tendance à véhiculer. Enfin, chez Guillevic, se méfier de la rhétorique, c’est aussi remplacer la métaphore par l’ellipse et instaurer dans le poème un creux, ou un entre-deux, qui, sans pour autant annuler ce constat d’une inadéquation fondamentale entre le langage et la réalité, ne se présente pas moins comme le lieu où peut advenir une dimension neuve et originelle du sujet, du langage et du monde. / In the work of Guillevic, the status of rhetoric is paradoxical. All the work is characterised by an imperative of reality. The most important is simplicity. So, this poetry, which is called to reality, constantly distrusts rhetoric : indeed, rhetoric could overshadow the reality of the things and increase the distance between these two poles, that are the experience of the world, and its implementation in word. The poems, dense and tight on themselves, appear clearly as a challenge to rhetoric.However, in the work of Guillevic, the notion of rhetoric is not totally forgotten. On the contrary, we can note some mutations of the notion. The defining values are modified. Indeed, Guillevic is considered as a poet who spontaneously turned himself to the world and to the objects, but, first, this contact with reality is very difficult. This contact needs to be built or to be modified because, in the beginning, the world frightens. It is reluctant to welcome the poet. That is why Guillevic must find a strength in the language in order to build or to appease this relation between the subject and the world. And, paradoxically, distrust big rhetoric and its eloquence enables to do that, because this distrust puts a tension in the poem. First, this tension transforms the language of the poem and makes it as a solid to cling to. Then, the figures of speech no more belong to the order of representation but they belong to this necessity of a better relation between the subject, the language and the world. The poem tends to literality and to ‘disfiguration’. So, it is no more about a superficial rhetoric ; the rhetoric is now fundamental and joins the language and the being. The experience of the world is more important than the meaning, so that we can say that the notion of rhetoric is no longer connected to the concepts of conceptuality, representation and meaning. And we can also note that Guillevic replaces the metaphor by the ellipse : distrust rhetoric opens in the poem an empty place where these three elements that are the language, the poetic subject and the world can revive.
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Kegelsnedes as integrerende faktor in skoolwiskundeStols, Gert Hendrikus 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Real empowerment of school learners requires preparing them for the age of technology. This empowerment can be achieved by developing their higher-order thinking skills. This is clearly the intention of the proposed South African FET National Curriculum Statements Grades 10 to 12 (Schools). This research shows that one method of developing higher-order thinking skills is to adopt an integrated curriculum approach. The research is based on the assumption that an integrated curriculum approach will produce learners with a more integrated knowledge structure which will help them to solve problems requiring higher-order thinking skills. These assumptions are realistic because the empirical results of several comparative research studies show that an integrated curriculum helps to improve learners' ability to use higher-order thinking skills in solving nonroutine problems. The curriculum mentions four kinds of integration, namely integration across different subject areas, integration of mathematics with the real world, integration of algebraic and geometric concepts, and integration into and the use of dynamic geometry software in the learning and teaching of geometry. This research shows that from a psychological, pedagogical, mathematical and historical perspective, the theme conic sections can be used as an integrating factor in the new proposed FET mathematics curriculum. Conics are a powerful tool for making the new proposed curriculum more integrated. Conics can be used as an integrating factor in the FET band by means of mathematical exploration, visualisation, relating learners' experiences of various parts of mathematics to one another, relating mathematics to the rest of the learners' experiences and also applying conics to solve real-life problems. / Mathematical Sciences / D.Phil. (Wiskundeonderwys)
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Indefinite problems for a homogeneous perturbation of the p-laplacian / Problèmes indéfinis pour une perturbation homogène du p-laplacienRamos Quoirin, Humberto 22 October 2009 (has links)
Note de l'administrateur du service :le résumé de cette thèse est disponible dans le fichier déposé par l'auteur. Il ne peut techniquement pas être placé sous cette rubrique, dans la mesure où il contient des formules mathématiques avec des caractères grecs. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Ebene Geodätische Berechnungen: Internes ManuskriptLehmann, Rüdiger 28 September 2018 (has links)
Dieses Manuskript entstand aus Vorlesungen über Geodätische Berechnungen an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden. Da diese Lehrveranstaltung im ersten oder zweiten Semester stattfindet, werden noch keine Methoden der höheren Mathematik benutzt. Das Themenspektrum beschränkt sich deshalb weitgehend auf elementare Berechnungen in der Ebene.:0 Vorwort
1 Ebene Trigonometrie
1.1 Winkelfunktionen
1.2 Berechnung schiefwinkliger ebener Dreiecke
1.3 Berechnung schiefwinkliger ebener Vierecke
2 Ebene Koordinatenrechnung
2.1 Kartesische und Polarkoordinaten
2.2 Erste Geodätische Grundaufgabe
2.3 Zweite Geodätische Grundaufgabe
3 Flächenberechnung und Flächenteilung
3.1 Flächenberechnung aus Maßzahlen.
3.2 Flächenberechnung aus Koordinaten
3.3 Absteckung und Teilung gegebener Dreiecksflächen
3.4 Absteckung und Teilung gegebener Vierecksflächen
4 Kreis und Ellipse
4.1 Kreisbogen und Kreissegment
4.2 Näherungsformeln für flache Kreisbögen
4.3 Sehnen-Tangenten-Verfahren
4.4 Grundlegendes über Ellipsen
4.5 Abplattung und Exzentrizitäten
4.6 Die Meridianellipse der Erde
4.7 Flächeninhalt und Bogenlängen
5 Ebene Einschneideverfahren
5.1 Bogenschnitt
5.2 Vorwärtsschnitt
5.3 Anwendung: Geradenschnitt
5.4 Anwendung: Kreis durch drei Punkte
5.5 Schnitt Gerade ⎼ Kreis oder Strahl ⎼ Kreis
5.6 Rückwärtsschnitt
5.7 Anwendung: Rechteck durch fünf Punkte
6 Ebene Koordinatentransformationen
6.1 Elementare Transformationsschritte
6.2 Rotation und Translation.
6.3 Rotation, Skalierung und Translation
6.4 Ähnlichkeitstransformation mit zwei identischen Punkten
6.5 Anwendung: Hansensche Aufgabe
6.6 Anwendung: Kleinpunktberechnung
6.7 Anwendung: Rechteck durch fünf Punkte
6.8 Ebene Helmert-Transformation
6.9 Bestimmung der Parameter bei Rotation und Translation
6.10 Ebene Affintransformation
7 Lösungen / This manuscript evolved from lectures on Geodetic Computations at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (Germany).
Since this lecture is given in the first or second semester, no advanced mathematical methods are used.
The range of topics is limited to elementary computations in the plane.:0 Vorwort
1 Ebene Trigonometrie
1.1 Winkelfunktionen
1.2 Berechnung schiefwinkliger ebener Dreiecke
1.3 Berechnung schiefwinkliger ebener Vierecke
2 Ebene Koordinatenrechnung
2.1 Kartesische und Polarkoordinaten
2.2 Erste Geodätische Grundaufgabe
2.3 Zweite Geodätische Grundaufgabe
3 Flächenberechnung und Flächenteilung
3.1 Flächenberechnung aus Maßzahlen.
3.2 Flächenberechnung aus Koordinaten
3.3 Absteckung und Teilung gegebener Dreiecksflächen
3.4 Absteckung und Teilung gegebener Vierecksflächen
4 Kreis und Ellipse
4.1 Kreisbogen und Kreissegment
4.2 Näherungsformeln für flache Kreisbögen
4.3 Sehnen-Tangenten-Verfahren
4.4 Grundlegendes über Ellipsen
4.5 Abplattung und Exzentrizitäten
4.6 Die Meridianellipse der Erde
4.7 Flächeninhalt und Bogenlängen
5 Ebene Einschneideverfahren
5.1 Bogenschnitt
5.2 Vorwärtsschnitt
5.3 Anwendung: Geradenschnitt
5.4 Anwendung: Kreis durch drei Punkte
5.5 Schnitt Gerade ⎼ Kreis oder Strahl ⎼ Kreis
5.6 Rückwärtsschnitt
5.7 Anwendung: Rechteck durch fünf Punkte
6 Ebene Koordinatentransformationen
6.1 Elementare Transformationsschritte
6.2 Rotation und Translation.
6.3 Rotation, Skalierung und Translation
6.4 Ähnlichkeitstransformation mit zwei identischen Punkten
6.5 Anwendung: Hansensche Aufgabe
6.6 Anwendung: Kleinpunktberechnung
6.7 Anwendung: Rechteck durch fünf Punkte
6.8 Ebene Helmert-Transformation
6.9 Bestimmung der Parameter bei Rotation und Translation
6.10 Ebene Affintransformation
7 Lösungen
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Traduction de termes textiles français en suédois : - traduction d’un extrait du livre Textiles techniques et fonctionnels, matériaux du XXIe siècleIvarsson, Petra January 2015 (has links)
In this essay, the domains of translation studies and technical textiles are brought together. A section of the French book Textiles techniques et fonctionnels, matériaux du XXIe siècle is translated into Swedish. The different translation procedures are presented, as well as particular difficulties which might occur during the translation process. The study also treats the field of terminology and various relations between terms. All textile terms are extracted from the translated text and a bilingual glossary is created. The essays secondary purpose is to simulate a publication of the book in Sweden and to examine if any adjustments are made to the translated text specifically because of this. During the translation, a large number of borrowed words were found. Both the French and the Swedish text contain several Anglicisms. The Swedish text contains a number of fashion related words which originates from France and the French text contains similar words which are borrowed from Italy. Both France and Italy are important countries within the fashion industry. Several words of German origin were also found in the Swedish text. The names of the synthetic fibers are often derived from the chemical composition of the material and the names are highly standardized in different languages. Translation procedures such as adaptation, transposition, modulation, equivalence and explication are used to adjust the Swedish text, for the purpose of obtaining an idiomatic language. Some reoccurring elements were detected, such as the prefix anti- in French and the suffix -kläder in Swedish. A few « false friends » and ellipses where also found. When studying the terms, a number of hyponyms and a few antonyms were found, as well as a group of words with temporal relations. Both the Swedish and the French text contains some quasi-synonyms and a few terminology variations. Several cases of eponyms were found, most of them are trademarks of different materials which has developed into generic names (i.e. nylon, lycra, gore-tex). The translated text is a scientific text of denotational character and the translation did not pose any major difficulty. Though it is of great importance that the translator is aware of the different ranges of meaning implied in both the source and the target languages. Three adjustments were made due to the fictitious publication in Sweden ; one generalization of geographical character, one explication of a French textile brand and one cultural adjustment. The most recent Swedish-French textile dictionary we found is the Swedish standard TNC 76, which was latest updated in 1981. By consequence, it does not contain recent textile words such as for example microfiber. A palpable difficulty when translating textile texts is to determine whether a material is a trademark or a generic name. If the material has started a development towards becoming an eponym, it can be difficult to determine if the brand name is referred to, or the material in a more general meaning. Several questions arouse regarding this issue. How do the companies who own trademarks act to protect their brands and is this transformation even possible to prevent? What are the consequences of a genericized trademark? This would be a very interesting subject to investigate further.
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Rotação não linear da polarização elíptica: novas propostas para o estudo de não linearidades refrativas / Nonlinear rotation of elliptical polarization: new proposals on the study of refractive non-linearitiesMiguez, Maria Luiza 08 December 2017 (has links)
Nesse doutorado desenvolvemos um método para aumentar a precisão e sensibilidade das medidas de rotação não linear da polarização elíptica, RNLPE, usando um polarizador girante como analisador e um amplificador lock-in de fase dupla. Medidas de RNLPE são úteis na determinação da magnitude e sinal do índice de refração não linear, n2. Por se tratar de uma nova metodologia, confrontamos nossos resultados com resultados obtidos por varredura-Z, um método bem estabelecido e amplamente utilizado na determinação de n2. Com essa finalidade realizamos medidas de RNLPE e de varredura-Z em amostras com não linearidade eletrônica não ressonante, na condição de feixe fracamente focalizado. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram a equivalência entre as duas técnicas em termos de sensibilidade, precisão e simplicidade. Propusemos ainda uma configuração na qual múltiplas amostras são medidas simultaneamente em uma única varredura, condição de feixe fortemente focalizado. Esse método autorreferenciado permite melhor comparação entre os materiais já que o sinal de uma referência e da amostra em estudo são obtidos simultaneamente, sob as mesmas condições experimentais, além de permitir uma investigacão das não linearidades locais. Uma vez comprovado o potencial das medidas de RNLPE na condição de focalização forte passamos a estudar a contribuição de não linearidades não instantâneas pela medida de n2 em função da duração do pulso. Variando a duração do pulso estudamos não linearidades em amostras líquidas que possuem além da contribuição de efeito instantâneo eletrônico, efeitos nucleares não instantâneos como os de origem reorientacional lento. Um modelo empírico da dependência da não linearidade em função da duração do pulso foi proposto para explicar os resultados obtidos, no qual foi possível diferenciar as não linearidades instantâneas das não instantâneas e atribuir à última um tempo de resposta. / In this work we have developed a method to increase accuracy and sensitivity of the nonlinear rotation of elliptical polarization measurements by NER using a rotating polarizer as an analyzer and a dual-phase lock-in amplifier. NER measurements are useful in determining the magnitude and signal of the nonlinear refractive index, n2, of different materials. Because this is a new methodology, we compared our results with those obtained by Z-scan, a well-established and widely used method in determining n2. For this purpose we performed NER and Z-scan measurements on samples with pure non-resonant electronic nonlinearity, at weakly focused beam condition. The results obtained have shown the equivalence between both techniques in terms of sensitivity, precision and simplicity. We also proposed a configuration in which multiple samples are measured simultaneously in a single scan, at strongly focused beam condition. This self-referenced method allows better comparison between the materials since the signal of a reference and the sample under study are obtained simultaneously, under the same experimental conditions, besides allowing measuring the local nonlinearities. Once we verified the potential of NER measurements in the tightly focused condition we proceeded to study the contribution of non-instantaneous nonlinearities by measuring n2 as a function of the pulse duration. By varying the pulse duration we studied nonlinearities in liquid samples that have, besides the contribution of electronic instantaneous effect, contribution of non-instantaneous nuclear effects of slow orientational origin. An empirical model of the dependence of nonlinearity as a function of pulse duration was proposed to explain the results obtained, in which instantaneous nonlinearities and non-instantaneous nonlinearities could be discriminate and a response time to the latter could be assigned.
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Cônicas para o ensino médio, da contextualização à álgebra / Conic for secondary education, contextualization álgebraSantos, Marcelo Honório dos 21 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2014-09-26T20:47:54Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-09-26T21:21:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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MARCELO HONORIO- MESTRADO tcc_conicas.pdf: 5656991 bytes, checksum: 05c5cab8ff0c2648cedd216aa5c49247 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / Aiming to arouse student interest in the subject, even before their algebraic treatment work Conic for Secondary Education, contextualization algebra begins with the historical context of the theme conical, showing the origin their studies and discoursing a little about the reasons responsible for this mathematical theory. Discuss the algebraic treatment of the three conical study: The ellipse, the parable and the hyperbola it is so that students see the basic education during the 3rd year of high school. Also will cite some basic concepts of analytic geometry which will be necessary for statements of properties and propositions that permeate the work. We will also present the GEO GEBRA program with explanations of its basic functions which will support everyday situations to enrich the classroom whose theme includes conical. Some dynamic constructions will be presented using the program and it should serve as motivation for the teacher to some geometric statements. Finally, we will present proposals to approach the subject in the classroom differently since contextualizaremos with historical facts and everyday situations each conic, together with a proposal for discussion of conical, linked to your application. / Visando despertar o interesse do aluno pelo tema, antes mesmo do seu tratamento algébrico; o trabalho Cônicas para o Ensino Médio da contextualização álgebra inicia-se com o contexto histórico do tema cônicas, mostrando a origem dos seus estudos e discorrendo um pouco sobre os matemáticos responsáveis pela fundamentação dessa teoria. Abordaremos o tratamento algébrico das três cônicas em estudo: A elipse, a parábola e a hipérbole pois é assim que os alunos da educação básica os veem durante o 3° ano do ensino médio. Citaremos também alguns conceitos básicos da geometria analítica os quais serão necessários para as demonstrações das propriedades e das proposições que permearão o trabalho. Apresentaremos também o programa GEOGEBRA com explicações das suas funções básicas as quais servirão de suporte para enriquecer situações cotidianas da sala de aula cuja temática inclui cônicas. Algumas construções dinâmicas serão apresentadas utilizando o programa e isto poderá servir para o professor como motivação para algumas demonstrações geométricas. Finalmente; apresentaremos propostas para a abordagem do tema em sala de aula de maneira diferenciada uma vez que contextualizaremos com fatos históricos e situações cotidianas cada uma das cónicas. Juntamente com uma proposta de problematização da cônica, vinculada à sua aplicação.
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Narration graphique : l'ellipse comme figure et signe peircéen dans la bande dessinéeNguyen, Nhu-Hoa January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but d'analyser le phénomène de l'ellipse dans la narration graphique afin d'y asseoir son rôle souverain. L'étude rend explicite la nature et le fonctionnement d'une technique d'écriture fondamentale qui jusqu'à présent a été reconnue de façon brève, instinctive ou implicite. S'articulant autour de trois axes, ses définitions, ses expressions et la logique de son interprétation, la thèse examine la nature et les caractéristiques de l'ellipse avant de vérifier son opérationnalité dans les bandes dessinées et de faire la lumière sur les étapes inférentielles que traverse toute interprétation possible de la figure. Pour ce faire, le premier axe revisite les concepts existants dans quelques champs d'étude principaux, soit la rhétorique, la linguistique, la littérature et la cinématographie. Une fois l'assise théorique générale posée, le deuxième axe porte un regard sur les diverses expressions de ces concepts en bande dessinée à travers une centaine d'occurrences puisées dans une vaste collection internationale, en particulier la France, les États-Unis et le Japon. Le troisième axe détermine le trajet interprétatif de ces expressions au moyen de la trichotomie inférentielle (abduction -déduction -induction) du philosophe pragmatiste Charles S. Peirce. Les recherches menées ont révélé qu'une compréhension plus complète de l'ellipse passait par d'autres figures rhétoriques de nature semblable qui, elles aussi, adoptent le non-dit et le non-montré comme lieux d'expression. La cohabitation avec ces figures et la confrontation de diverses conceptions de l'ellipse à travers différents domaines ont permis de synthétiser les résultats en une définition applicable généralement. Elles ont aussi donné lieu à une typologie générale, qui peut être modifiée pour s'adapter aux besoins particuliers; en l'occurrence, on s'est retrouvé avec une taxonomie plus détaillée des ellipses en bande dessinée qui couvre les formes des plus courues aux moins courantes. L'application de la classification à l'expression concrète de la bande dessinée a aussi révélé que le transfert des notions rhétoriques amène une modification notable du statut figural des procédés elliptiques, qui présentent un double comportement, tantôt sans aucun changement sémantique, tantôt avec modification de sens.
Par ailleurs, le processus d'interprétation par l'inférence peircéenne a fourni l'outil nécessaire pour confirmer le travail incessant d'interprétation d'une bande dessinée, déterminer de façon logique l'existence d'une ellipse dans sa lecture et élucider la concordance entre les genres de raisonnement logique et les types d'ellipse. Ainsi les ellipses déductives procurent un sentiment de satisfaction dans la pratique de lecture de progression, alors que les ellipses abductives et inductives réjouissent davantage le lecteur de la compréhension, à qui elles ouvrent des horizons riches de possibilités et de probabilités. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Ellipse, Figure, Rhétorique, Taxonomie, Bande dessinée, Narration graphique, Interprétation, Peirce, Inférence, Abduction, Déduction, Induction.
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Estimation of Orthogonal Regression Under Censored Data.Ho, Chun-shian 19 July 2008 (has links)
The method of least squares has been used in general for regression analysis. It is usually assumed that the errors are confined to the dependent variable, but in many cases both dependent and independent variables are typically measured with some stochastic errors. The statistical method of orthogonal regression has been used when both variables under investigation are subject to stochastic errors. Furthermore, the measurements sometimes may not be exact but have been censored. In this situation doing orthogonal regression with censored data directly between the two variables, it may yield an incorrect estimates of the relationship. In this work we discuss the estimation of orthogonal regression under censored data in one variable and then provide a method of estimation and two criteria on when the method is applicable. When the observations satisfy the criteria provided here, there will not be very large differences between the estimated orthogonal regression line and the theoretical orthogonal regression line.
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Überschriften in der Presse im deutsch-litauischen Vergleich / Lyginamoji vokiškų ir lietuviškų antraščių spaudoje analizė / Comparative analysis of the German and Lithuanian headlinesRamonaitė, Dovilė 05 August 2013 (has links)
Das Ziel der qualitativen und quantitativen Analyse in der vorliegenden Magisterarbeit ist es deutsche und litauische Überschriftenarten zu vergleichen, die Tendenz der Ellipsenverwendung zu präsentieren, sowie Zitate und Metaphern in Überschriften zu untersuchen. Es wurden 200 Überschriften aus der Süddeutschen Zeitung und 200 Überschriften aus Lietuvos rytas ausgesucht. Die Analyse hat gezeigt, dass die Überschriften in der deutschen und der litauischen Zeitung Unterschiede in ihrer Struktur aufweisen, aber sie dienen primär demselben Ziel – das Thema des Artikels darzustellen. Die Syntaxanalyse hat ergeben, dass die Ellipse eine häufige Erscheinung in Überschriften ist, trotzdem kommen elliptische Konstruktionen in der deutschen Zeitung öfter vor als in der litauischen. Das dritte Untersuchungsobjekt war das Zitieren: In der deutschen Zeitung wird lieber zitiert als in der litauischen. Als Letztes wurden Metaphern untersucht: Die Analyse hat gezeigt, dass 18,7% deutscher Überschriften metaphorisch sind. Im Litauischen beträgt ihr Anteil 27,3%. Am häufigsten kommen Gewächs-Metaphern im Bereich Wirtschaft und Kampf/Krieg-Metaphern im Bereich Sport vor. / Nepaisant didelės antraščių reikšmės laikraščiuose, jos yra viena mažiausiai tyrinėtų temų lingvistikoje. Antraštės perteikia pagrindinę straipsnio temą ir padeda skaitytojui išsirinkti jam įdomiausias temas. Magistriniame darbe analizuojamos ir lyginamos vokiškos ir lietuviškos antraštės. Analizei pasirinkti laikraščiai: die Süddeutsche Zeitung ir Lietuvos rytas. Iš kiekvieno laikraščio išrinkta po 200 antraščių – 100 antraščių iš ekonomikos ir 100 antraščių iš sporto skilčių. Darbo tikslas analizuoti ir palyginti antraščių tipus, aptarti elipsės vartojimo tendencijas, citatų naudojimą ir metaforų rūšis vokiškose ir lietuviškose antraštėse. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad vokiškos ir lietuviškos antraštės skiriasi savo struktūrine sandara, tačiau jos tarnauja bendram tikslui – formuluoti pagrindinę straipsnio temą. Sintaksės analizė paneigė Burger (2005) prognozes - elipsės vartojimas yra vis dar dažnas reiškinys tiek vokiškose, tiek lietuviškose antraštėse, nors pastarosiose jos sutinkamos rečiau. Citatų analizė parodė, kad vokiškuose laikraščiuose cituojama dažniau, nei lietuviškuose. Be to, vokiškos citatos pasižymėjo platesniu pakeitimų spektru. Paskutinis tyrimo objektas – metaforos. Analizė atskleidė, kad 18,73% vokiškų antraščių yra metaforinės, lietuviškame laikraštyje jų dalis didesnė - 27,31%. Abiejuose laikraščiuose vyrauja tos pačios tematikos metaforos – ekonomikos skiltyje dažniausia yra augalo metafora, tuo tarpu sporto – kovos/karo. / The purpose of the qualitative and quantitative analysis is to compare the German and Lithuanian headline types, to present the tendency of the ellipsis use in headlines and to analyse quotations and metaphors in headlines. 200 headlines from Süddeutsche Zeitung and Lietuvos rytas were chosen for the analysis. The analysis showed that the structure of the headlines in the German newspaper is different than in the Lithuanian newspaper, but they have the same intention – to inform about the subject of the article. The syntax analysis showed that ellipsis is an usual phenomenon in the headlines, but it comes in the German headlines more often than in the Lithuanian headlines. The third topic of the analysis was the quotations: there are more quotations in the German headlines than in the Lithuanian headlines. The last subject of the analysis were metaphors: 18,7% of the German and 27,3% of the Lithuanian headlines are metaphorical. In the economy column comes mostly the plant-metaphor and in the sport column comes mostly the war-metaphor.
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