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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Krikščioniškosios asmens sampratos reikšmė ir patirtis sutuoktinių bendrystėje (“Sutuoktinių susitikimų“ rekolekcinio judėjimo patirties analizė) / Christian notion of the person and its importance in marriage (The experience of the retreat movement “Encounters of spouses”)

Sinicienė, Julija 14 July 2011 (has links)
Visame pasaulyje vis plačiau toleruojamos antišeimiškos vertybės. Jaučiama taip pat ir moralinio reliatyvizmo įtaka, teigianti, kad nėra vienos privalomos etinės ar moralinės tiesos, ir skelbianti tariamą laisvę, iš tiesų tik atskiriančią žmogų nuo žmogaus. Tokioje situacijoje šiandieninė Katalikų Bažnyčia aktyviai vykdo teologines bei pastoracines paieškas, siekdama įveikti vis didėjantį tarpusavio susvetimėjimą ir individualizmą šeimoje bei dabartinę šeimos krizę, besireiškiančią plintančia kohabitacija bei skyrybomis. Katalikiškoji teologija akcentuoja Dievo trinitarinį gyvenimą esant tinkamiausiu santuokos pirmavaizdžiu. Šeima yra unikali būtent savo panašumu į Dievo paveikslą ir tam tikra prasme yra apreiškimas, nurodantis, koks turėtų būti žmonių santykis su Dievu ir vienas kitu. Savo meilės bendryste vyras ir moteris santuokoje atspindi Trivienio Dievo paveikslą. Žmogus sukurtas pagal Dievo paveikslą turi asmeninį Dievo kvietimą meilės dialogui, bendrystei. Dialogo, pokalbio, komunikacijos matmuo yra esminė žmogaus tiesa. Žmogus save suvokia tik akistatoje su kitu. Santuokos kaip dialogo supratimas reiškia kokybiškai naują sutuoktinių buvimą kartu - buvimą santykyje, dialoge su nuostata girdėti suprasti, dalintis ir atleisti. Būti žmogumi reiškia būti pašauktam tarpasmeninei žmogiškai bendrystei, kurios pavyzdys matomas Trejybės Asmenų bendrystėje, kur visų tarpasmeninių santykių pamatas - buvimas dovana. Sutuoktiniai realizuoja šį pašaukimą meilei per santuoką. ... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This bachelor paper studies the positive experience of the retreat movement “Encounters hof Spouses”. This movement aims at reconciliation of families where spouses have relationship problems. This movement encourages openness and dialogue between spouses which is based on discovering the image and likeness of God in the human person. The paper therefore, stresses the role of understanding both oneself and the other person as having natural dignity and worth due to the image and likeness of God. This understanding leads to an open dialogue between spouses which brings confidence, trust and new unity. The methodology of the research was participant observation. The spouses shared their experience by talking and analyzing the positive changes in their relationships. The paper aims at the theological anthropological generalization of this help to families and provides some recommendations of how to apply this experience more widely. Thus , the paper is relevant and important for today’s society and Christian communities. The first part of the paper discusses the theological aspects of the human person and marriage in God’s plan for this world as seen from the documents of the Catholic Church. It deals with the Christian idea of the family as a reflection of the Trinitarian Union and as a vocation for divine love, as well as complete self-giving. It also analyzes marriage as a sacrament. The second part of the paper is devoted to the phenomenon of the dialogue as the basic... [to full text]

Två synsätt på elevers lärande av ämnet statistik : En studie av elever i årskurs 7 / Two views of students learning statistics : A study of grade 7 students

Ghafouri, Soheila January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to create increased understanding of how pupils learn statistics. This includes gaining insight into pupils' use of their own experience and group experience to help to get a better understanding of statistical problem solving. The study's research questions are about how pupils learn to work with data in tables and diagram and how pupils learn to work with measures. The theoretical framework consists of two approaches to studying learning. One approach is based on pupils’ cognitive conditions, called set-befores, and the pupils' previous experiences, called met-befores. The second starting point is the pragmatic mindset that focuses on the language game – how pupils learn during meetings between pupils and between pupils and teachers. The survey was conducted by using structured observations of pupils' statistical problem solving and the discourse that went on in the classroom. The one teacher and the teacher's pupils were observed during six sessions with small groups of Year 7 pupils, who in turn were part of two larger groups. The result showed that pupils were able to identify, understand and interpret statistical data by seeing patterns, similarities and differences. The participants' learning was affected by the language they used. Pupils were able to recreate images using reflective thought experiments during the meetings. The discussions helped the participants to get started with their thoughts and to give those thoughts some structure in developing and understanding the relationships between different diagrams. The teacher and the group helped the pupils to learn to interpret data while working. It made it easier if pupils to used the correct words when pupils had to argue. Proper use of words from the statistical register, when pupils worked with measures of center, also helped the pupils to develop cognitively. The pupils who could use the statistical register also became easier understood and respected by the group. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en ökad förståelse för hur eleverna löser statistiska uppgifter och lär sig statistik. I detta ingår det även att få insikt i elevers användning av sina erfarenheter och gruppens erfarenhet till hjälp för att få bättre förståelse för statistisk problemlösning. Studiens forskningsfrågor handlar om: Hur elever lär sig att arbeta med data i tabeller och diagram samt hur elever lär sig att arbeta med lägesmått. Det teoretiska ramverket består av två synsätt på lärande. Ett synsätt utgår från elevernas kognitiva förutsättningar, set-befores, samt elevernas tidigare erfarenheter, met-befores. Den andra utgångspunkten är det pragmatiska tankesättet som fokuserar på språkspelet. Hur eleverna lär sig under möten mellan eleverna samt mellan elever och lärare. Undersökningen genomfördes genom att använda strukturerade observationsstudier av elevernas statistiska problemlösning och de diskurser som pågick i klassrummet. Observationerna utgick från en lärare och den lärarens elever vilka observerades under sex lektionspass med smågrupper av årskurs 7 elever, vilka i sin tur ingick i två större grupper. Resultatet visar att eleverna kunde identifiera, förstå och tolka statistiskuppgifter genom att se mönster, likheter och olikheter. Deltagarnas lärande påverkades av språket och språkspelet som pågick. Eleverna kunde återskapa bilder med hjälp av reflekterande tankeexperiment under mötena. Mötena hjälpte deltagarna att komma igång med sina tankar och få struktur över dem samt utvecklas och förstå relationerna mellan olika diagram. Läraren och gruppen hjälpte eleverna att lära sig tolka data under arbetet. Det underlättade att använda rätt ord och statistikregister när eleverna behövde argumentera. Korrekt användning av ord från statistikregistret, exempelvis när eleverna arbetade med lägesmått, hjälpte även eleverna att utvecklas kognitivt. De elever som kunde använda statistikregistret blev också lättare förstådda och de respekterades av gruppen.

Die erediens as uitdrukking van die dinamiese ontmoeting tussen God en mens : 'n pentakostalistiese perspektief / Andreas Petrus du Preez

Du Preez, Andreas Petrus January 2014 (has links)
Pentecostalism has, in recent times, undeniably contributed towards the growth of the church as a whole. Public worship services inherently submit and contribute towards the meeting between man and God as well as fellowship between the people who form part of said service. Public services in honor of God speak to the purposes of God and man’s fundamental desire to meet with our Creator. Consequently, research into this phenomenon proves vital in determining and even extending the role of the Pentecostal ideology in correlation to the longevity of honorary public services. Chapters 2 through 4 shed light on some of the key concepts that clarifies the dynamic nature of these events, throughout the service wherein the radiant power of God touches the human heart in some astounding ways. Exegetic studies have been undertaken into 2 Chronicles 5-7 which examines these instances of divine meeting in the Old Testament while the second chapter of Acts deals with the event from a New Testament perspective. In addition to this, 1 Corinthians 11-14 was utilized to highlight the role of the Holy Ghost as the instigator for divine meeting. Specific issues addressed by the research include service preparation and the role of music and its contribution to ambience preceding a meeting between man and God. Moreover, a keen focus on the sermon and the delivery thereof as well as its progression leading up to the conclusion and summary in closing and prayer, are all dealt with as part of this study. This dynamic, in essence, becomes visible through the statement issued by the life of each disciple as a living testament to this consuming and changing event. Honorary public services fit the bill as an event to promote divine meeting. Chapter 5 delves into some of the auxiliary sciences i.e. sociology, communication science, psychology and the field of antropology. The principles in chapters 2 through 4 are affirmed by these aspects of science and provide perspective on the practical applications thereof. All these factors in relation to practice have also been scrutinized through empirical research. This research clearly places divine meeting as a central to and inseparable from perceiver experience. Chapter 7 provides practical guidelines to alternative approaches in practicum. The study proposes a model whereby certain aspects can be examined from a Pentecostal point of view in order to tailor services as a dais for divine meeting. Most importantly it should be evident in the life of the participant that they have truly encounter God. This meeting is the prime objective and at the heart of public service. It serves and should always serve as a doorway to Christian life. / PhD (Liturgics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The lion and the frigate bird: visual encounters in Kiribati

Gilkes, Brian Eric, pharoseditions@bigpond.com January 2010 (has links)
In order to explain some of the paradoxes and mysteries of the artist's cross cultural experience in Kiribati, he constructed an Artist's Book depicting through visuality, anecdote and reflection, his research process, engaging with current visual perceptions through negotiation with the past. In Kiribati previous encounters with Europeans and Islanders was dominated by English and I Kiribati with significant contributions by French missionaries. Each viewed the other through cultural filters of identity, which were informed by concepts of myth-historical, often heroic pasts, modified by contemporary purpose such as power, trade, evangelism or personal gain. The method of transmission of beliefs about the past differed fundamentally as the Europeans were predominately informed by writing and the I-Kiribati by orality and performance. The non-literary epistemology of the I Kiribati contributed to a cosmology of non-iconic symbols that defined belief systems and social structures. These symbols connected place and space with time, self and group identities. The research found that the all surrounding visual symbol system of sacred meeting house (maneaba), dwelling (bata) and canoe (waa and baurua)) could be partly understood as an ongoing struggle since Deep Time, between the forces of the Ocea n represented by Bakoa, The Shark, and that of the triumph of the coming onto the Land and its people (aba) represented by Tabakea, The Turtle. The performative outcome of this triumph and the spirit of identity (Te Katai ni Kiribati) it engenders is expressed primarily in the ubiquitous I Kiribati Dance. The Artists Book is inspired by the creative classic I Kiribati form of oratory known as Te Kuna, using a structure analogous to the symbolic forms of narrative of Oceanic Voyaging traditionally employed by the I Kiribati. Differences in visual perceptions across cultural interface are understood not only as having the potential for conflict but also as providing positive dynamic force by the interchange of understood differences. The project contributes specifically to the ethnography of English and I Kiribati, semiotic systems and visual epistemologies, indicating directions towards positive outcomes in cross-cultural encounters.

From reductionism to contextualization : towards a relevant Pentecostal missiology in South Africa

Chetty, Dilipraj 30 June 2002 (has links)
In the first part of this dissertation I investigate whether the Pentecostal Churches in South Africa has a reductionist understanding of crucial missiological issues. Issues such as the definition of mission, motivation for missions, the role of the Holy Spirit in mission, mission as a quest for social justice, mission as anti-racism, mission as a quest for gender equality and mission as inter-religious encounter. In the second part of the dissertation I present a more contextual approach to these missiological issues, challenging the Pentecostal churches to move: towards the formation of a more relevant missiology. l finally present the 'cycle of missionary praxis' or 'the Pastoral cycle' as a tool that can be used to formulate a contextual missiology / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th.

Les échanges scolaires, espaces de négociation identitaires. Le cas du projet Comenius. San Vito (Sardaigne, IT), Rennes (Bretagne, FR), Coalway (Gloucerstershire, UK) / School partenerships a negociacion espace. The case of a Comenius project. San Vito Sardinia, Rennes (Brittany), Coalway (Gloucerstershire, UK) / I progetti di scambio scolastici uno,spazio di negoziazione. il caso di un progetto Comenius. San Vito (Sardegna), Rennes (Bretagne), Coalway (Gloucersterhire)

Rivieccio, Paola 03 July 2014 (has links)
Les projets d’échanges scolaires, dont le projet Comenius, sont accueillis avec un grand enthousiasme par les enseignants comme une promesse d’ouverture, à travers la mobilité dans d’autres pays et à travers la rencontre entre des enfants locuteurs de langues différentes. Dans notre étude, nous souhaitons problématiser cette idée d’ouverture, souvent donnée pour acquise, et le ferons à travers la notion de « négociation identitaire ». A travers deux séries d’entretiens qui ont eu lieu avant et après l’échange et la rédaction des Autobiographies des rencontres interculturelles nous avons essayé de comprendre quelles identités linguistiques et culturelles sont valorisées et trouvent un espace de négociation dans le cadre d’un échange qui implique trois écoles primaires situées en France (Bretagne), en Italie (Sardaigne) et en Grand Bretagne (Gloucestershire). / School partnerships, as Comenius project, are welcomed by European teachers who see in them an opportunity for their pupils to broaden their horizons through motilities inside Europe, thank to which they can meet other children from different countries. In this study I’d like to review the idea of “broaden horizons” in the context of a school exchange program and I’ll try to do it by turning to the notion of “identity negotiation”. Through the analysis of two series of interviews taken before and after the exchange and the redaction the of Autobiographies of intercultural encounters we’ll try to understand which identities find a place of negotiation in a Comenius project which involves three primary schools situated in France (Bretagne), Italie (Sardaigne) e England (Gloucerstershire). / I progetti di scambio scolastici, tra cui il progetto Comenius, sono accolti con ungrande entusiasmo iniziale da parte degli insegnanti che vedono in essi una promessa diapertura attraverso una mobilità verso altri paesi europei e attraverso l’incontro tra bambinilocutori di lingue diverse. Ciò che desideriamo fare attraverso il presente studio èproblematizzare l’idea di apertura che è spesso data come un risultato scontato di questiprogetti. Per fare questo ricorreremo alla nozione di « negoziazione identitaria ». Attraversodue serie di interviste realizzate prima e dopo gli incontri e la redazione delle Autobiografiedegli incontri interculturali cercheremo di capire quali identità possono essere valorizzate etrovano uno spazio di negoziazione nella realizzazione di uno scambio scolastico checoinvolge tre scuole primarie appartenenti alla Francia (Bretagna), Italia (Sardegna) eInghilterra (Gloucerstershire).

Comprendre la situation d’interaction entre des personnes vivant avec de l’aphasie et les interlocuteurs non-familiers de leur communauté

Anglade, Carole 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte L’aphasie, conséquence d’une lésion neurologique, est une difficulté à parler, comprendre, lire ou écrire. La diminution de qualité de vie des personnes vivant avec une aphasie (PVA) ne serait pas associée à la sévérité de l’aphasie, mais à leur participation - c’est à dire la façon dont une personne fonctionne dans la société. Les PVA réalisent moins d’activités sociales, et s’en montrent insatisfaites. Elles éprouvent de la difficulté à communiquer dans leurs échanges du quotidien, y compris avec des personnes non familières de la communauté comme les commis, serveurs, etc. Quand ces interactions sont jugées trop difficiles, les PVA peuvent en venir à éviter de communiquer avec d’autres interlocuteurs que leurs proches et s’enfermer dans un environnement de communication protégé mais limité. Ceci ne leur permet plus de s'engager dans la société autant qu’elles le souhaiteraient. En s’isolant ainsi, leur qualité de vie est menacée. Il est donc à la fois nécessaire et important de favoriser les interactions des PVA en dehors du domicile, ce qui est encore peu courant dans les interventions orthophoniques proposées en réadaptation. Pour cela, il faut pouvoir comprendre les situations dans lesquelles les PVA peuvent s'engager dans le cadre de leurs activités quotidiennes. Or peu d’écrits ont étudié en détail les situations d'interaction entre des PVA et les interlocuteurs non familiers de leur communauté. Objectif L’objectif de ce projet doctoral est de comprendre la situation d’interaction entre des PVA et des interlocuteurs non familiers de leur communauté. Méthodologie Trois études furent réalisées. - Nous avons effectué une première étude à visée exploratoire avec l'objectif de décrire, grâce à l'analyse de conversation, la structure de ces interactions de service récoltées auprès de 6 PVA (étude 1).  - À partir de la première étude et toujours grâce à l'analyse de conversation, nous avons réalisé une nouvelle étude, visant à décrire comment ces 6 PVA faisaient comprendre leurs requêtes lors des interactions de service malgré leur aphasie (étude 2). - Enfin, dans une troisième étude nous avons cherché à comprendre - avec une étude de cas - comment une personne dont l'aphasie était sévère vivait la situation d’interaction de service au quotidien (étude 3). Résultats Dans l'étude 1, nous avons décrit les situations d’interaction de service de la vie quotidienne (ISQ) pour les PVA, et en avons notamment relevé la structure en quatre étapes sur le plan de la communication. Les interlocuteurs doivent s’entendre sur : 1) leur disponibilité à réaliser l’interaction, 2) l’objet de l’achat, 3) son prix, 4) le fait que l’interaction commerciale est terminée. Cette étude a également révélé que : - Les étapes 1 et 4, au cours desquelles la PVA doit faire comprendre à l’interlocuteur qu’elle est prête à commencer / clore l’interaction, ne représentent pas de défi spécifique pour les PVA. - Les étapes 2 et 3 peuvent pour leur part représenter des défis sur le plan de la communication. L'étape 2 visant à faire comprendre à l’interlocuteur l’objet de l’achat ou de l’intérêt de la PVA, l’interaction sera facilitée si la PVA peut se servir elle-même ou pointer sur des supports visuels. L'étape 3 sera facilitée si le montant est visible au moment où la PVA prend connaissance du prix qu'elle doit payer. Cette première étude a ainsi permis de mieux circonscrire les sources de défis sur le plan de la communication pour les PVA lors d’interactions à la caisse. Dans la deuxième étude, nous nous sommes spécifiquement penchées sur l'étape 2 des interactions de service afin d'analyser comment les PVA font comprendre l’objet de leur intérêt à leurs interlocuteurs. Nous avons examiné comment la PVA exprimait sa requête, et comment l’interlocuteur y réagissait. Cette étude mit en lumière la façon dont les personnes vivant avec une aphasie même sévère pouvaient faire comprendre l’objet de leur requête lors des interactions de service en appuyant leur communication non verbale dans le contexte et l’environnement physique de l’interaction. Dans notre étude 3, nous avons montré que la participation aux interactions de service de la vie quotidienne (ISQ) semblait liée chez le participant de cette étude de cas à la confiance qu’il avait dans sa capacité à réaliser l’ISQ malgré son trouble du langage. Ce participant a démontré un éventail de savoir-être et savoir-faire lissant l’interaction là où l’aphasie aurait pu l’écorcher, lui permettant d'obtenir le bien ou le service qu'il désirait, tout en donnant l'image d'un bon client, et ce malgré son aphasie. Conclusions Les interactions de service représenteraient une situation de communication dans laquelle les PVA pourraient participer de façon autonome et efficace. Leur structure, contexte et environnement physique pourraient permettre d'appuyer la communication non-verbale des PVA, et la relation de service orienterait les interlocuteurs vers une collaboration dans l'échange. Il est possible pour les PVA - mêmes celles dont l'aphasie est sévère - d'avoir confiance dans leur communication dans les situations d’interactions de service avec des personnes non familières, et de participer dans leur communauté de façon plus satisfaisante. / Background Aphasia is a difficulty in speaking, understanding, reading or writing as a result of neurological damage. The quality of life of people living with aphasia (PLWA) is not related to the severity of aphasia, but to their participation - that is, how well a person functions in society. PLWA perform fewer social activities and are less satisfied with them. They find it difficult to communicate in their daily interactions, including with people unfamiliar within their community such as clerks, waiters, etc. They have difficulty communicating in their daily interactions. If these interactions are felt to be too difficult, PLWA may avoid communicating with people other than their relatives, and remain in a protected but limited communication environment. This does not allow them to engage in society as much as they would like. By isolating themselves this way, their quality of life is threatened. It is therefore important to encourage PLWA’s interactions outside their home, which is still uncommon in speech-language pathology interventions offered in rehabilitation. This requires an understanding of the situations in which PLWA may engage in their daily activities. However, there is little literature that has examined in detail the situations in which PLWA interact with unfamiliar people in their community. Objective The objective of this Ph.D. project is to understand the situation of interaction between PLWA and unfamiliar people within their community. Methodology Three studies were carried out. The first is an exploratory study whose objective is to describe through conversation analysis the structure of service encounters collected from 6 PLWA (study 1). Based on Study 1 and still using conversation analysis, we conducted a new study to describe how these 6 PLWA made their requests understood during service interactions despite their aphasia (study 2). Finally, in a third study we sought to understand with a case study how a person with severe aphasia experienced this communication situation in everyday life (study 3). Results In Study 1, we described the Daily Service Encounter (DSE) situations for PLWA, including the four-step communication structure. Interlocutors must agree on: 1) their availability to perform the interaction, 2) the purpose of the purchase, 3) the price, 4) that the business interaction is complete. This study also found that: -Steps 1 and 4, where the PLWA must make the interlocutor understand that they are ready to begin/end the interaction, do not present specific challenges for PLWA. -Steps 2 and 3 however may present communication challenges. Since Step 2 aims to make the clerk understand the purpose of the purchase, the interaction will be facilitated if PLWA can help themselves or point to visual aids. Step 3 will be facilitated if the price is visible when PLWA are ready to pay. This initial study thus made it possible to better identify the sources of communication challenges for PLWA at the checkout. In the second study, we specifically looked at Step 2 of the service interactions in order to analyze how PLWA make the clerks understand the purpose of their interest. We looked at how the PLWA expressed their request, and how the clerks responded to it. This study highlighted how PLWA – even severe aphasia - could make the subject of their request understood during service encounters by supporting their non-verbal communication in the context and physical environment of the interaction. In our third study, we found that participation in DSE appeared to be related - in this case study - to the confidence of the participant in his ability to perform the DSE despite his language impairment. This participant demonstrated a range of interpersonal skills and abilities that smoothed interaction where aphasia might have nicked it, enabling him to obtain the good or service he wanted, while still presenting the image of a good customer, despite his aphasia. Conclusion Service encounters provide communication situations in which PLWA could participate effectively. Their structure, context, and physical environment would support the non-verbal communication of PLWA, and the service relationship would direct the interlocutors towards collaborative exchange. It is possible for PLWA - even those with severe aphasia - to be confident in their communication with unfamiliar people in service encounters, and to participate in their community in a more satisfying manner.

Neural narratives and natives: cognitive attention schema theory and empathy in Avatar

Hills, Paul R. 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study offers a fine-grained analysis of James Cameron’s film, Avatar (2009), on several theoretical fronts to provide a view of the film from a cognitive cultural studies perspective. The insights gained from cognitive theory are used to situate the debate by indicating the value cognitive theories have in cultural criticism. The critical discourse analysis of Avatar that results is a vehicle for the central concern of this study, which is to understand the diverse, often contradictory, meaning-making exhibited by Avatar audiences. A focus on the construction of empathic responses to the film’s messages investigates the success of this polysemy. Ihe central propositions of the study are that meanings and interpretations of the experience of viewing Avatar are made discursively; they are situated in definable traditions, mores and values; and this meaning-making takes place in a cognitive framework which allows for the technical reproduction and reception of the experience while providing powerful, emerging and cognitively plausible narratives. In an attempt to situate the film’s commercial success and its plethora of awards, including an Oscar for best art direction, the analysis takes a critical view of Cameron’s use of cultural stereotypes and the framing of the exotic other, and considers the continuing development of these elements over the whole series and product line or, as Henry Jenkins (2007) defines it, “transmedia”. In drawing the theoretical boundaries of the methodologies used in this study and in arguing for their complementarities, the study contributes to a renewal of Raymond Williams’ (1961) mostly forgotten claim of the cross-disciplinary cognitive dimension of cultural studies and demonstrates an affirmation of this formulation as cognitive cultural studies. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Art History)

Outdoor Encounters in Nature as a Promoter for Environmental Consciousness of Primary School Students from their Teachers' Perspectives

Al-Qadasi, Eateman January 2022 (has links)
With the growing environmental concern, outdoor education has been looked at recently as one of the instruments that provoke environmental consciousness in an attempt to alleviate the ecological crises. The outdoor natural places are evidenced to have numerous affordances for children, one of which is raising their environmental consciousness, but what is the formula required for attaining this? This study aimed at exploring how outdoor activities in nature reinforce the young students' environmental consciousness, from their teachers’ perspectives. Thirteen primary school Swedish teachers from five national and international primary schools in Sweden were recruited conveniently as a representative sample for this thesis study. Data was collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews, then analyzed using the hermeneutic thematic analysis. The study findings showed the perceived affordances of outdoor education in regard to environmentalism, and the factors of the optimum implementation of outdoor activities in natural settings. The teachers' accounts manifested that outdoor encounters in nature allow experiential learning and enhance the young students' environmental consciousness in terms of their ecological literacy, connectedness to nature, appreciation for nature, positive attitudes toward nature, and prospective pro-environmental behaviour. Moreover, the teachers highlighted the necessity of pedagogical guidance accompanying the outdoor activities in nature, in terms of clear environment-oriented curriculum goals, environment-related content, motivated teacher guiding discussions, and modelling pro-environmental behaviour.

”Pensionärer om de e nån skillnad” : Kategoriseringsmetoder i serviceinteraktioner / “Seniors if that matters” : Categorization Methods in Service Encounters

Förell, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats bidrar till forskningen om social och språklig kategorisering i interaktion genom att undersöka kategoriseringsmetoder i serviceinteraktioner. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka metoder personal, kunder och personal och kunder tillsammans använder sig av för att identifiera kunderna som pensionärer i samband med rabatt, samt vilka metoder som används för att hantera aspekter av kategoriseringen pensionär som inte har med serviceärendet i sig att göra. Teoretiskt och metodologiskt bygger undersökningen på Conversation Analysis (CA), Membership Categorization Analysis (MCA) och multimodal interaktionsanalys. Studiens data består av 18 videoinspelade, transkriberade samtal vid teaterkassor. I studien identifieras och analyseras tre metoder för kategorisering: alternativa kategorier, överlämnande självkategorisering och retrospektiv nyansering. Analysen av metoderna visar bland annat att olika typer av deltagare behandlar olika aspekter av kategoriseringen som olika känsliga och olika relevanta, att deltagarna orienterar sig mot kategoriseringen som ett gemensamt projekt och att det vid vissa skeden i de i för övrigt målfokuserade servicesamtalen finns utrymme för kunder som kategoriserats som pensionärer att ge uttryck för personliga nyanseringar och positioneringar i förhållande till kategorin pensionär.

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