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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influences on small firm growth rates in Ghana : factors which influence small firm growth rates and which are important in distinguishing rapid-growth small firms from slow-growth small firms

Dzotefe, S. A. January 2008 (has links)
Although the development of small businesses is generally considered important for income generation and job creation, there has been relatively little research in developing countries such as Ghana on understanding why some small firms succeed and grow rapidly while others do not in. This thesis investigates the influences on small firm growth rates in Ghana using data from a random sample of 252 manufacturing and services firms from the database of the Association of Ghana Industries. The general hypothesis is that, growth is a function of the characteristics of the entrepreneur; characteristics of the firm; strategic factors; environmental factors; and cultural factors. Consequently, the research tests 36 hypotheses drawn from the five main categories of variables using the turnover and the employment growth measures. It also uses logistic regression analysis to isolate significant factors differentiating rapid-growth firms from slow-growth firms. Overall, the research finds strong evidence which suggests that, perception of a market opportunity; university education; multiple founders; entrepreneurs with marketing skills; workforce training; new product development; presence of a clear vision and mission statement; majority non-family members in management and membership of professional or business associations were associated with rapid-growth firms. iv Factors which were significant in discriminating between rapid-growth and slow-growth firms but were more likely to be associated with slow-growth firms included threat of unemployment or actual unemployment as a motivation for starting a business; production skills; legal form (limited liability companies); access to external equity (post-formation); exporting; access to public or external aid; unionization and frequent management meetings.

La GRH et le travail : de l'impensé du sens du travail à l'émergence du travailleur entrepreneur de lui-même. L'exemplarité des métiers du social

Dreyfuss, Laurence 16 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse repose sur des analyses théoriques qui viennent expliciter les constats et résultats de recherche issus du terrain. Il s'agit de présenter les dynamiques actuelles du travail et de tracer le lien, entre le sens et le vécu du travail. Le déplacement d'une conception collective à une appréhension très individuelle du métier conduit à penser l'émergence d'un nouveau modèle de travailleur, entrepreneur de lui-même. Le champ des mondes des métiers du social est présenté comme exemplaire, sorte de laboratoire pour l'analyse de ces mutations. La méthodologie mise en oeuvre sur trois terrains distincts mais articulés dans cette recherche est essentiellement qualitative ; elle donne ainsi l'opportunité de retranscrire les paroles des acteurs dans ce champ spécifique où la relation est primordiale. L'ancrage théorique et méthodologique de cette thèse permet de penser l'intérêt de ce détour par le sens pour concevoir de nouvelles pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines qui ré-attestent la centralité et la valeur du travail tant pour l'individu que pour l'organisation. Des facteurs clés décisifs pour la conduite des activités sont mis en évidence et structurés autour de deux grandes orientations managériales : la réintroduction du dialogue dans les collectifs de travail inspirée par la méthode de la prospective des métiers,-la mise en oeuvre d'un management par le sens en construisant les coopérations au sein des métiers et des organisations, c'est-à-dire là où se condense le travail.

Leadership entrepreneurial en communauté pour une performance durable : études de cas dans le tourisme à base communautaire Homestay, en Thailande / Entrepreneurial leadership in the community for sustainable performance : case studies from the successful Homestay community-base tourism in Thailand.

Chaiyakhet, Netdao 18 July 2014 (has links)
Le but principal de cet étude est de fournir un état des lieux complet du style deleadership entrepreneurial effectif dans le tourisme à base communautaire Homestay pour uneperformance durable, en utilisant la bonne performance du tourisme à base communautaireHomestay qui opère en faveur du développement durable. La stratégie du cas d'étude, qui estune des stratégies de la méthodologie de la recherche qualitative, est utilisée. Les données sontcollectées depuis plusieurs sources: preuve documentaire, observation des participants, etentretiens avec le leader et les personnes de trois communautés. La principale conclusion decette étude a montré que pour développer un leadership entrepreneurial effectif pour uneperformance durable, le leadership entrepreneurial nécessite trois principes : ambidextriecognitive, SEERS (responsabilité et durabilité sociale, environnementale et économique), etconscience de soi et sociale, comme le principe de Greenberg et al. (2011). Toutefois, l'aspectambidextrie cognitive peut être substitué par l'utilisation d'équipes de consultants effectives. Deplus, ces caractéristiques de personnalité peuvent être développées pour des communautésdurables. / The main purpose of this study was undertaken in order to provide a comprehensivepicture of the effective entrepreneurial leadership style in Homestay community-based tourism(CBT) for sustainable performance by using the good-performance of Homestay CBT inThailand with has the operation toward to sustainable development. The case study strategies,which is one of the strategies in the qualitative research methodology was used. Data werecollected from multiple sources: documentary evidence, participant observation, and interviewswith the leader and people in three communities. The main finding of this study showed that todevelop the effective entrepreneurial leadership for sustainable performance, theentrepreneurial leadership needs three principles; Cognitive ambidexterity, SEERS (social,environmental, and economic responsibility and sustainability), and self-and social awarenessas the principle of Greenberg et al. (2011). However, in Cognitive ambidexterity aspect couldsubstitute by using the effective consultant teams. Besides, those of personality characteristicsare able to develop for sustainable communities.

Análise do perfil empreendedor de Lair Antonio de Souza: um estudo de caso no Laticínio Xandô / Analysis of the entrepreneurial profile of Lair Antonio de Souza: a case study in Xandó dairy products

Rocha, Michele Roberta 03 March 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo aborda uma análise de fundamentação teórica a partir de um estudo de caso, com base no perfil empreendedor de um agente do agronegócio do setor leiteiro: Lair Antonio de Souza. Ele foi o fundador da marca de Laticínio Xandô, no ano de 1982, em Araras/SP embora sua trajetória empreendedora tenha começado bem antes. O trabalho atual objetiva contribuir para o estudo comportamental do empreendedorismo, enquanto se propõe a aprofundar aspectos envolvidos na construção e consolidação do perfil empreendedor do principal responsável pela história de sucesso da marca Xandô. A metodologia proposta permite a realização de pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória, parte apoiada em entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas junto aos diferentes tipos de atores que conheceram e interagiram com o empresário Lair Antonio de Souza no passado e parte apoiada em pesquisa de entrevistas concedidas por ele em diferentes mídias e de depoimentos de familiares e funcionários. Como base metodológica para o tratamento das informações será utilizada a técnica de análise de discurso. Extrai-se dos resultados de que a forma com que o empreendedor enxergava o trabalho, como componente de sua cultura e visão de mundo, é tida por todos como a \"pedra fundamental\" de sua trajetória de sucesso. Na análise da história de vida deste empreendedor, busca-se entender como se deu a combinação de habilidades de liderança, inovação, articulação, assunção de riscos e de captura de oportunidades frente aos desafios que contextualizam, histórica, econômica e socialmente, o empreendimento na área de produção e comercialização de uma das mais antigas e relevantes marcas de leite tipo A no país. / An analysis of a case is adopted in this study - based on the entrepreneurial profile of an agent in the agribusiness, more specifically, in the dairy sector: Lair Antonio de Souza, founder of Xandô dairy brand in 1982 in Araras / SP (even though his entrepreneurial trajectory had begun a lot earlier). The results to be achieved aim to contribute to the study of entrepreneurship and deepen aspects involved in building and consolidating the entrepreneurial profile of the main responsible for the story of success related to Xandô brand as well. The proposed methodology allows the accomplishment of a qualitative and exploratory research supported by semi-structured interviews with the different types of actors who knew and interacted with the entrepreneur (Lair Antonio de Souza) in the past. Some interviews he gave to different media together with accounts provided by family members and employees were also taken into consideration in our research. As a methodological basis for the processing of the information the discourse analysis technique will be used. We conclude that the way the entrepreneur considered the activities related to the operation was a component of his culture and world view, and as such viewed as the \"cornerstone\" of his trajectory of success. Through the analysis of this entrepreneur\'s history of life we attempt to understand how the combination of abilities such as leadership, innovation, articulation, risk-taking, and the capture of opportunities in the face of challenges (which contextualize historically, economically and socially the entrepreneurship related to the production and commercialization of one of the oldest and most relevant brands of type \'A\' milk in the country) took place.

Plano tecnológico para líderes de grupo de pesquisa: possibilidades, conteúdo e práticas comparadas em áreas de engenharia do Brasil e Canadá / Technological Plan for research group leaders: possibilities, content and comparative practices in engineering areas of Brazil and Canada

Atayde, Gisele Rodrigues 25 February 2019 (has links)
A literatura de gestão tecnológica reconhece o planejamento como fonte de sucesso para o desenvolvimento de inovações, e traz recomendações e sugestões para sua elaboração. Quando a inovação é gerada à partir de conhecimento científico, os líderes de grupos de pesquisa habitualmente adotam como fundamento o planejamento da pesquisa acadêmica. Quais as práticas de planejamento de tecnologia utilizadas por líderes de grupos de pesquisa no ciclo de vida da pesquisa acadêmica? Há correspondência entre tais práticas e as recomendações das teorias sobre Plano Tecnológico? Há lacunas entre os conteúdos identificados e as práticas adotadas? Estas questões são investigadas por meio de um estudo comparativo entre quatro líderes de pesquisa de áreas da engenharia, inseridos em ecossistemas de inovação distintos: Brasil e Canadá. Os relatos dos líderes sobre sua experiência no desenvolvimento da inovação foram comparados à luz das práticas e conteúdos identificados em revisões de literatura em Gestão de Tecnologia, Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produtos, Gestão de Projetos e Empreendedorismo Tecnológico. Conclui-se que há suficiente evidência para elaboração de uma metodologia para aplicação do plano tecnológico no contexto de grupos de pesquisa e consequentemente o monitoramento da efetiva relevância junto aos seus líderes, bem como a melhoria deste instrumento quanto à sua assertividade como facilitador na tomada de decisão em pesquisa quanto na criação e transferência de novas tecnologias. / The technological management literature recognizes planning as a source of success for the development of innovations, bringing recommendations and suggestions for its elaboration. When innovation emerges from scientific knowledge, research group leaders usually base their planning on academic research. What are the technology planning practices used by research group leaders for the academic research lifecycle? Are there any correspondence between such practices and the recommendations of the theories regarding Technological Plan? Are there any gaps between the identified content and the practices adopted? These questions are investigated through a comparative study between four research leaders from engineering areas, inserted in different innovation ecosystems: Brazil and Canada. The leaders\' reports on their innovation development experience were compared in the light of the practices and contents identified in literature reviews in Technology Management, Product Development Management, Project Management and Technological Entrepreneurship. It is concluded that there is sufficient evidence to elaborate a methodology for a technological plan application in the research groups context and consequently monitoring its effectiveness and relevance along with research group leaders, as well as the improvement of this instrument regarding its assertiveness as a research facilitator and as a support to create and transfer of new technologies.

Big data : a new alternative approach to sampling in the digital age

Yearwood, Maurice January 2018 (has links)
Survey research plays a significant role in the way psychologists investigate key relationships which impact human behaviours—and which inform us about undercurrents of a population. Samples are generally taken with the primary function of being able to make inferences which can be generalised to the target population—however, historically the field has consistently relied on small and niche datasets which are not truly representative of the general population. As a consequence, there is an abundance of published research which lacks ecological validity. The alternative approach is to collect larger amounts of data—this approach is extremely costly and in most instances impractical for the researcher. I have termed this conundrum, the cost-insight trade-off, which has traditionally exasperated psychologists. To address this dilemma, I conducted three studies using two alternative methods. Study 1 investigated the relationship between social status and international friendships at a micro and macro level. The building social status hypothesis states that higher social status individuals would reach out more to people and have more international friendships than their poorer counterparts. In contrast, the restrictive social status hypothesis states the higher social status individuals would be reclusive and have fewer international friendships than their poorer counterparts. Findings at both the micro (N = 857; U.S. participants) and macro levels (approximately 50 billion friendships across 187 countries) were in alignment with the restrictive social status hypothesis. Investigating this relationship at this large a scope would not have been possible without utilising Facebook Data—furthermore, for most research projects collecting data at this scale is both too costly and impractical. Study 2 aims to address the limitation of study 1. In this light, a new alternative method, the Survey Forecasting Method, is introduced and used to demonstrate creative capability of combining the latest technology, machine learning techniques and big data (i.e. Twitter). The findings were proof positive that a data collection of only 1,000 participants (at minimum) can be transformed into the power of having a dataset of several hundred thousand participants. In other words, the findings suggest that it is possible to efficiently and effectively forecast scores for potentially millions of people, without them having to complete a single survey. This is a significant step towards developing an alternative survey method; however, the method has only been applied to the Big Five & NEO-IPIP personality traits. Study 3 provides further evidence for the Survey Forecasting Method as a viable alternative to traditional sampling methods. The study examined the relationship between entrepreneurs’ self-efficacy, fear of failure, and well-being at two levels: (a) self-report and forecasted individual level, and (b) forecasted state level (across all 50 U.S. states). Findings show there are differences between each level which provides insights into effects and potential mechanisms which would not potentially be found using traditional “silo’d” methods. The primary aim of this thesis is to provide a viable alternative method to conducting survey research—which allows the researcher to gain deeper insights into the population at less cost and time. Furthermore, this alternative method addresses poor data representativeness. Limitations are addressed and future directions to improve its capability and robustness as a viable survey research methodology are provided.

Design e empreendedorismo: a atuação mutante do designer nos ecossistemas criativos

Serafini, Thaís Pagnussat 17 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-06-13T16:10:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Thaís Pagnussat Serafini_.pdf: 534174 bytes, checksum: 117dfbbc4a390c76600b2be0c206f4a3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-13T16:10:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thaís Pagnussat Serafini_.pdf: 534174 bytes, checksum: 117dfbbc4a390c76600b2be0c206f4a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-17 / Nenhuma / Novas abordagens estão surgindo e transformando a relação tradicional entre designers e empresas. Elas são decorrentes de fatores como a globalização, as novas tecnologias de informação, novas tendências de consumo e o surgimento de um novo panorama industrial. Os sistemas de fabricação, distribuição e consumo e os processos de design também são influenciados. Neste contexto, os designers passam a ser cada vez menos dependentes de demandas empresariais e cada vez mais solicitados na resolução de problemas sociais complexos. Se antes era inviável projetar, produzir, distribuir e propor de maneira autônoma, hoje as novas tecnologias e os ecossistemas criativos propiciam estas atividades. Surgem assim novas formas de atuar no design. Em casos onde o surgimento de uma organização é consequência da articulação de uma rede criativa, emerge a figura do designer empreendedor. Se empreender surge como uma estratégia para os jovens designers, torna-se necessário compreender como se transforma a profissão diante deste novo cenário e a partir da atuação em ecossistemas criativos. Desta maneira, este trabalho busca analisar as mudanças na atuação do designer à luz da sobreposição dos processos de design, empreendedorismo e inovação. Para tanto, a presente pesquisa exploratória realizou entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas com designers empreendedores. Nos resultados da pesquisa, são apresentadas considerações sobre as características do designer empreendedor e sua atuação Mutante, definida pela pluralidade de finalidades de projetos que ele desenvolve, pela sobreposição de papéis e pelas relações horizontais que desenvolve com outros atores do ecossistema criativo. Além disso são apresentados insumos sobre mudanças nas relações que ele desenvolve e no próprio processo de design. Estes são sinais de expansão da atuação dos designers para desenvolver e participar de processos de projeto junto a ecossistemas criativos para a inovação social. Além disso, se prospecta que a formação dos futuros designers poderá ser impactada por estas transformações na atuação. / The traditional relationships between designers and companies are being transformed by new approaches. They result from factors such as globalization, new information technologies, new consumer trends and the rise of a new industrial panorama. Production, distribution and consumerism systems are also being influenced. In this context, designers are growing less dependent of comissions and more and more requested in complex social problems. If once designing, producing and proposing projects autonomously was not viable, today the new technologies and the creative ecosystems enable these activities. In cases where the rise of a new organization is a consequence of the articulation of a creative network, emerges the designer entrepreneur. If becoming an entrepreneur is a strategy for the young designers, it is necessary to comprehend how the profession transforms within this new scenario. The present work aims to analise the changes in design from the superposition of the design, innovation and entrepreneurship processes. For that, this research has conducted individual interviews with designers entrepreneurs as a way to comprehend their practices. In the results will be presented considerations about the characteristics of the designer entrepreneur and his mutant acting, which is defined by the plurality of design goals, by the superposition of roles and by the horizontal relationships he creates with other actors from the creative ecosystem. Besides, inputs about the changes in the design process will be presented. These are signs of the designer’s acting expansion in order to develop and participate in design processes within the Creative ecosystems for social innovation. Also, it can be prospected that these transformations will impact the instruction of future designers.

A identidade do empreendedor social

Silva, Daniel Branchini da 20 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Branchini da Silva.pdf: 532572 bytes, checksum: ad6bc341b47c91a44ad543482789afe0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-20 / The word entrepreneur, which comes from the French entrepreneur, means the one that takes in hands , and it was originally coined by economists such as Jean-Baptiste Say around 1800 to describe the individual that transfers economic resources from a sector of lower productivity to a higher and more profitable one. Later, in the 20th Century, Joseph Schumpeter adds the perspective of innovation as an essential feature, showing that the entrepreneur is the one who promotes a true destruction of the economic order by the introduction of new products and services. Such background reveals how much the word entrepreneur still preserves these features even today, for now it is being used to describe somebody who identifies opportunities, takes risks and makes things happen. In the last three decades, in a context marked by the State s social welfare bankruptcy and by the strengthening of the companies, the word social entrepreneur has appeared to outline the action of a specific type of entrepreneur who works in favor of the collectivity, searching for innovative solutions to emergent demands in areas such as education, health, environment, job and income generation, advocacy and other similar causes, aiming to promote systemic social changes in a sustainable perspective. Therefore, the objective of this research was to investigate the identity of this social entrepreneur, considering his historical roots, ideals and achievements in order to find out if there was an effective emancipation movement towards a post-conventional identity on his part. Thus, seven half-controlled interviews were carried out with individuals formally recognized as social entrepreneurs, whose life histories revealed that most of them continue playing the conventional role labeled by society, but that some have already been anticipating a movement that could indicate a new role to arise soon. Amongst the newly identified characters, one of them seems more like a regulating agent , whose cause involves the normatization of the system, and the other one seems like an emancipatory activist , whose cause is to give voice to the population segments that are ignored by society, stimulating the community itself to obtain its own emancipation / O termo empreendedor, derivado do francês entrepreneur, que significa aquele que toma em mãos , foi originalmente cunhado por economistas como Jean-Baptiste Say, em torno de 1800, para descrever o indivíduo que transfere recursos econômicos de um setor de menor produtividade para outro mais elevado e de maior rendimento. Mais tarde, no século XX, Joseph Schumpeter acrescenta a dimensão da inovação como característica essencial, mostrando que o empreendedor é aquele que promove uma verdadeira destruição da ordem econômica por meio da introdução de novos produtos e serviços. Tal histórico revela o quanto ainda hoje o termo empreendedor preserva essas características, por ser utilizado para descrever alguém que identifica oportunidades, assume riscos e faz acontecer. Nas últimas três décadas, em um contexto pautado pela falência do Estado do bem-estar social e pelo fortalecimento das empresas, o termo empreendedor social surge para delimitar a atuação de um tipo específico de empreendedor que age em prol da coletividade, buscando soluções inovadoras para demandas emergentes em áreas como educação, saúde, meio-ambiente, geração de emprego e renda, defesa de direitos e outras causas similares, com a pretensão de promover transformações sociais sistêmicas, em uma perspectiva sustentável. Portanto, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi investigar a identidade deste empreendedor social, considerando suas raízes históricas, ideais e realizações, com o propósito de descobrir se havia por parte dele um efetivo movimento emancipatório em direção a uma identidade pós-convencional. Para tal, foram feitas entrevistas semi-dirigidas com sete sujeitos caracterizados formalmente como empreendedores sociais, cujas histórias de vida revelaram que a maioria deles continua desempenhando o papel convencionalizado pela sociedade, mas que alguns já estão antecipando um movimento que pode indicar uma mudança de papel em breve. Dentre as novas personagens encontradas, uma se assemelha mais a um agente regulador , cuja causa envolve a normatização do sistema e outra a um ativista emancipatório cuja causa é dar voz a segmentos da população que não são ouvidos, incentivando que a própria comunidade consiga se emancipar

Perfil do franqueado: investigação da relação entre o perfil idealizado pelos franqueadores e o das pessoas interessadas em adquirir uma franquia

Sousa, Marcia Aparecida da Rocha 13 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia Aparecida da Rocha Sousa.pdf: 1588799 bytes, checksum: 8cc2c505ede38d533556177c140b245c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-13 / This study aims to investigate the desired profile of the franchisee disclosed by franchisors in the prospecting phase of candidates and the profile of candidates interested in acquiring a franchise. Based on data collected, evaluate if both profiles, the ones disclosed by franchisors and the profile of people interested in acquiring a franchise, are aligned. The research, qualitative and quantitative, was structured in 2 steps. The 1st step was conducted with 165 franchisors who received the Seal of Excellence in Franchising 2013, awarded by the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF). The main characteristics that a franchisee must possess were defined in the researched literature. The data, collected on websites and promotional material, were analyzed using content analysis method. The 2nd step was based on secondary data sourced by ABF, related to a research with 18.472 people who had interest in acquiring a franchise. The data of 820 respondents were entered in IBM SPSS.20 Statistics tool, where graphs and spreadsheets allowed identifying the sample profile. The content analysis method was used to support processing open questions. Finally, it was applied the triangulation technique, aiming to identify the relationship among the profiles selected in both researches. The 1st survey results revealed that managerial ability is the most quoted characteristic profile of the franchisee by franchisors, followed by financial capacity, entrepreneurial skills and personal commitment to the business. The 2nd survey, related to the people interested in acquiring a franchise, revealed that majority of respondents are men, 26 to 35 years old, graduated or post graduated and total income between 7,5 and 13 Brazilian official minimum wages. Besides that, we identified the following main characteristics: management skills, financial capacity, personal commitment with the business and believe the products or services are relevant. Finally, we concluded that profile of the franchisee disclosed by franchisors and the profile of candidates interested in acquiring a franchise are relatively aligned to the following characteristics: individuals who are between traditional managers and corporate entrepreneurs, participating directly in the business rather than delegating tasks, graduated, with managerial skills to handle appropriately the business; being able to increase customers value perception, adding value to the brand, products and services / Este estudo tem como objetivo principal identificar o perfil do franqueado desejado pelos franqueadores e o perfil das pessoas que desejam adquirir uma franquia. A partir dessas informações, avaliar se existe alinhamento entre o perfil idealizado pelos franqueadores e o perfil das pessoas que pretendem comprar uma franquia. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, foi realizada em duas etapas. A primeira foi realizada com as 165 empresas franqueadoras que receberam o Selo de Excelência em Franchising 2013, concedido pela Associação Brasileira de Franchising (ABF). As características do franqueado foram definidas a partir da bibliografia levantada. Os dados foram coletados nos websites e no material promocional das empresas e analisados utilizando análise de conteúdo. A segunda etapa da pesquisa contou com dados secundários fornecidos pela ABF, referentes à pesquisa com 18.472 pessoas que tinham interesse em comprar uma franquia. Os dados dos 820 respondentes foram transportados para a ferramenta estatística, denominada IBM SPSS.20, em seguida foram construídas tabelas e gráficos para identificar o perfil da amostra. Para processar as perguntas abertas foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo. Por fim, foi aplicado o método de triangulação, com o objetivo de identificar a relação entre os perfis identificados nas duas etapas da pesquisa. Com relação ao perfil desejado pelos franqueadores, os resultados da primeira etapa da pesquisa revelaram que habilidade gerencial é a característica do perfil do franqueado mais citada pelos franqueadores, seguida da capacidade financeira da empreendedora e do comprometimento pessoal com o negócio. Quanto ao perfil das pessoas que desejam comprar uma franquia, a segunda etapa da pesquisa revelou que a maioria dos respondentes são homens, na faixa etária entre 26 e 35 anos, com formação de nível superior (graduação e pós-graduação), e renda familiar entre 7,5 a 13 salários mínimos. Além disso, foram identificadas as seguintes características desse perfil: habilidade gerencial, capacidade financeira, comprometimento pessoal com o negócio, identidade com o ramo e marca e educação formal. Finalmente, foi possível concluir que o perfil do franqueado idealizado pelos franqueadores está alinhado ao perfil das pessoas que desejam comprar uma franquia, em relação às seguintes características: são indivíduos que estão entre gerentes tradicionais e empreendedores; que participam do negócio ativamente ao invés de delegar tarefas; que têm formação e qualificação profissional para gerir o negócio; e que poderão aumentar a percepção de valor que os consumidores terão em relação à marca produtos e serviços

O caráter preventivo do Processo Penal nos delitos empresariais

Palazzi, Leonardo 25 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo Palazzi.pdf: 1102003 bytes, checksum: 5d3fad90cd64ee52afc0d0a5437b9b2d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-25 / The purpose of this paper is to examine criminal, dogmatic and politicalcriminal statements on preventive procedural proposals regarding economic crimes, especially entrepreneur offenses, however narrowing its content. To do so, some legal procedural specificities of the preventive treatment of economic offences are addressed in a selective manner, as this is the only method that makes this paper viable. After the introduction, Chapter Two places the subject of this paper in the criminal context in which the entrepreneur crime is committed, and in view of legal omission, proposes a definition based on its characteristics. Still, on Chapter Two, it has been verified legal criminal treatment under domestic and worldwide juridical rule towards economic order, and shows the fundamental rights and guarantees that must be observed under economic criminal control. Chapter Three deals with the justification for criminal intervention and dogmatic interactions both constitutional and criminal-political, specifically of methods devised by functionalism with a view to precaution through the Criminal Law. Chapter Four, key point of this paper, rely broadly on procedural treatment towards economic crimes, seen as decisive perspective for preventive purposes of the Economic Criminal Law / A presente dissertação busca fazer a leitura das proposições criminológicas, dogmáticas e político-criminais sobre as propostas processuais preventivas quanto aos crimes econômicos, especialmente na figura dos delitos empresariais, sem deixar de delimitar o seu conteúdo. Para tanto, são abordadas de maneira seletiva e somente dessa forma seria viável a presente dissertação , algumas particularidades jurídico-processuais no tratamento preventivo dos delitos econômicos. Após a introdução do tema, o Capítulo 2 cumpriu situar o objeto de estudo no contexto criminológico em que se desenvolve o crime empresarial, propondo-se, diante da omissão legal, uma definição baseada nas suas características. Ainda no Capítulo 2, passou-se ao tratamento jurídico-penal conferido pela ordem jurídica interna e internacional à ordem econômica, bem como a demonstração dos direitos e garantias fundamentais que devem ser observados ao controle da criminalidade econômica. O Capítulo 3 trata da justificativa da intervenção penal e as interações dogmáticas, constitucionais e político-criminais contemporâneas, especificamente dos métodos desenvolvidos pelo funcionalismo, com vistas à precaução no Direito Penal. O Capítulo 4, como ponto chave da dissertação, aborda seletivamente o tratamento processual destinado à criminalidade econômica, como perspectiva decisiva para delimitação dos fins preventivos do Direito Penal Econômico

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