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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Devenir afrodescendant à Bogotá Catégories, expériences et entreprises d’identification ethno-raciale en Colombie à l’ère multiculturelle / Becoming an Afrodescendent in Bogotá. Categories, experiences, and the work of ethnic-racial identification in Colombia in multicultural times

Hellebrandova, Klara 02 February 2017 (has links)
La race est autant une catégorie sociale qu’une catégorie analytique, et cette dualité représente un défi pour les chercheurs et chercheuses qui s’intéressent aux rapports de pouvoir dans les sociétés racialisées. Afin d’étudier la reproduction et la contestation de la race dans l’ordre racial multiculturel en Colombie, je propose d’analyser les discours et la pratique d’acteurs sociaux qui, en interaction avec les institutions étatiques, contribuent à la reproduction et à la transformation de la race et des ordres raciaux dans lesquels ils s’insèrent. Je m’intéresse en particulier à l’entreprise identitaire des acteurs sociaux et politiques racisés qui participent à la reproduction ou à la transformation de l’ordre racial multiculturel. Ces acteurs, nombreux et variés, vont des leaders ethniques jusqu’aux chercheurs. Si tous ces acteurs peuvent être qualifiés d’entrepreneurs raciaux, cette thèse se concentre sur un groupe spécifique de jeunes Afrodescendant.e.s de Bogotá, pour une grande partie d’entre eux provenant des familles mixtes, ayant eu accès à l’Université, faisant l’expérience d’une ascension sociale et travaillant dans des domaines relatifs à la défense des droits de la population noire en Colombie. Je montrerai l’importance de ces facteurs dans leur identification en tant qu’Afrodescendant.e.s à travers l’analyse de leurs discours et de leurs processus identitaires. En même temps qu’ils en sont exclus, ils reproduisent et contestent le cadre multiculturel en élargissant la conception ethnicisée de la population noire à une conception directement liée à l’expérience historique du racisme et de la racisation, qui s’insère dans le contexte global de la diaspora africaine. Enfin, en ayant recours à l’approche intersectionnelle, à travers l’analyse des relations familiales et intimes des personnes enquêtées, je mettrai en évidence non seulement comment le privé devient politique mais également comment le politique imprègne le privé, afin de rendre compte de la place centrale du corps et de la blanchité dans le processus de racisation et dans les stratégies qui visent à défier celle-ci. / Race is as much social as an analytical category. Its duality represents a challenge for researchers interested in power relations within racialized societies. To study how race is simultaneously reproduced and contested in Colombia’s multicultural racial order, I set out to analyze social actors whose discourses and practices, in interaction with official institutions, contribute to reproduce and transform race and the racial orders within which they are embedded. My focus is on the identity entrepreneurship of racized social and political actors who participate in both the reproduction and transformation of the multicultural racial order. From ethnic leaders to researchers, these actors are many and diverse. Although they may all be described as racial entrepreneurs, this dissertation is centered on a specific group of young Afro-descendants from Bogotá, many of whom come from mixed-race families, are college-educated, are experiencing upward social mobility, and are working with black rights advocacy organizations in Colombia. I will show the importance of these factors for their identification as Afro-descendants through an analysis of their discourses and identity processes. They reproduce and contest the multicultural framework of which they are excluded by broadening the ethnic conception of the Black population to a conception that is directly linked to the historical experience of racism and racialization, one that is embedded within the global context of the African diaspora. Finally, by turning to an intersectional approach, through the analysis of their family and intimate relationships, I will demonstrate how privacy is politicized and politics privatized, to account for the central position of the body and of whiteness in both the racialization process and the strategies that aim at challenging it

Envelhecer na contemporaneidade: subjetivações, modelos e resistências / Aging in contemporaneity: subjectifications, models and forms of resistance

Azevedo, Celina Dias 22 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-03-16T12:13:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Celina Dias Azevedo.pdf: 4854913 bytes, checksum: 295b55404a50beaf2c781d6a8a2b2c01 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-16T12:13:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Celina Dias Azevedo.pdf: 4854913 bytes, checksum: 295b55404a50beaf2c781d6a8a2b2c01 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-22 / We provide a series of texts with the objective of discussing how aging is presented in contemporaneity, its subjectifications, its models based on the precepts of active aging – which permeate a large part of the reflections on aging –, and its guiding documents, as well as possible forms of resistance. The guiding questions were: How can the fear of disease, of frailty, of dependence, of old age, of a non-standard body be produced, mobilized and transformed into an engine of obedience to prescripts for a good aging? How do the demands of neoliberalism back the creation of a market of educational and cultural projects targeted at old people and establish the figure of the old person who is the Entrepreneur of him/herself as the model to grow old? In what way does the reflection on old age, preferably grounded on biological aspects and on health, neglect other dimensions of life and incorporate and strengthen the idea that life must be guided by knowledge and specialists who dictate norms to longevity, based on viewing the biological body as the object of an action that does not need the participation of the person who receives such action? The answers might be in one’s care for oneself, in the perception of singularity, in experimentation, in the construction of small forms of resistance in daily life. Thus, permanent education, health, control by means of fear, and the neoliberal notion of the entrepreneur of oneself were the axes selected to interrogate and visualize what lies beyond what is proposed by documents that prescribe active aging as the formula for a good aging. References to fragments of movies and literary works pervade the entire text and help in the construction of the current reflection. The fragments talk to each other, take root, and connect with the text in a creative flow, opening themselves to other reading possibilities and forming a multiple and diverse look that cuts paths and points to other directions. Spinoza, Nietzsche, Deleuze and Foucault, “philosophers of the potency of life”, have stimulated us to take philosophy as a tool, a lens for this observation / Apresentamos uma série de textos com objetivo de discutir como se apresenta o envelhecimento na contemporaneidade, suas subjetivações, seus modelos com base nos preceitos do Envelhecimento ativo - que permeiam grande parte das reflexões sobre o envelhecer - e seus documentos norteadores, além das possíveis resistências. A partir das seguintes questões: como o medo da doença, da fragilidade, da dependência, da velhice, do corpo fora dos padrões pode ser produzido, mobilizado e transformar-se em motor de obediência a ditames para o bom envelhecer? Como as demandas do neoliberalismo respaldam a criação de um mercado de projetos educativos e culturais voltados aos velhos e estabelecem a figura do velho Empreendedor de si como modelo de envelhecer? De que forma o olhar sobre a velhice fundamentado, preferencialmente, nos aspectos biológicos e na saúde, acarreta além do descuido e negligência a outras dimensões da vida, a incorporação e reforço da ideia de que a vida deve, necessariamente, ser orientada por saberes e especialistas que se encarregam ditar normas para a longevidade, baseada na tomada do corpo biológico como objeto de uma ação que prescinde da participação de quem a recebe? As respostas poderiam estar no cuidado de si, na percepção da singularidade, na experimentação, na construção de pequenas resistências no cotidiano. Assim, a educação permanente; a saúde; o controle por meio do medo; a noção neoliberal do empreendedor de si foram os eixos selecionados para interrogar e visualizar o que está para além do que propõem os documentos, que prescrevem o envelhecimento ativo como fórmula para o bom envelhecer. Perpassando todo o texto, referências a fragmentos de filmes e obras literárias auxiliam na composição da reflexão. Os fragmentos dialogam entre si, deitam raízes, conectam-se com o texto, em fluxo criativo abrindo-se para outras possibilidades de leituras. Um olhar múltiplo e diverso que corta caminhos e aponta para outras direções. Spinosa, Nietzsche, Deleuze e Foucault, “filósofos da potência da vida”, nos instigaram a tomar a filosofia como ferramenta, como uma lente para essa observação

We did it : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnligt entreprenörskap i musikbranschen / We did it : A qualitative study about the women entrepreneurship in the music business

Windelhed, Emmy January 2019 (has links)
Syfte och forskningsfrågor Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur kvinnliga musikartister går tillväga för att lansera sitt artisteri oberoende av de större skivbolagen. Eftersom musikindustrin till större delen är dominerad av män samt beroende av de större skivbolagen riktar sig denna forskning in på det kvinnliga entreprenörskapet inom musikindustrin. De framtagna forskningsfrågorna handlar om hur kvinnliga musikartister tar sig fram när det kommer till lansering av sitt artisteri oberoende av de större skivbolagen. Alltifrån hur lanseringen ser ut, vilka redskap som kan användas samt vilka möjligheter och begränsningar som existerar för kvinnliga artister i musikbranschen. Metod Denna studie innehar en kvalitativ metodundersökning med en induktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in via fem stycken intervjuer genomförda med kvinnliga självständiga artister som alla är aktiva i dagens musikbransch. Därefter har en framtagen analys tydliggjort svaren av forskningsfrågorna. Slutsatser Det som gör att en kvinnlig artist i musikbranschen kan klara sig oberoende av de större bolagen handlar om att ta hjälp av det kvinnliga musiknätverket. Med en noggrann utveckling av det personliga varumärket och en utförlig lansering kan man genom det kvinnliga musiknätverket som redskap ta sig fram i musikbranschen oberoende av de större bolagen. / Purpose and research questions The purpose of this essay is to examine the way that female musicians work to launch their artistry independent of larger record labels. Since the music industry is prominently dominated by men and dependent on the larger record companies this research will focus on the entrepreneurship of women in said industry. The research questions will therefore focus on how female music artists make their way when it comes to launching their artistry independent of larger records companies. How does the launch work, what tools are used and what possibilities and limitations do the women of the music industry face? Method This study features a qualitative method research with an inductive approach. By gathering the empiric material through five interviews with female independent artists that are currently active in the music business. Thereafter an analysis produced has made the answers to the research questions clear. Conclusion The conclusion of what makes a female artist successful in the music business, independent of the larger record labels, is the social network between female musicians. With a thorough development of the personal brand and a detailed launch you can use the social network between female musicians to make their way in the music business.

Transfert de technologie : les dimensions oubliées. A partir de l'étude et la comparaison de trois cas au sein de PME béninoises.

Lejosne, Nicolas 06 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'enjeu de la maîtrise des transferts technologiques ne cesse de croître pour les entreprises qui se trouvent confrontées à une mondialisation de plus en plus importante des échanges. Paradoxalement, alors que les sciences de gestion proposent de nouvelles sources de compréhension des transferts technologiques, celles-ci ont été très peu utilisées dans la littérature spécialisée. L'objectif de cette recherche est en conséquence de revisiter les concepts entourant les transferts technologiques en proposant une « grounded theory ». Dans ce cadre, les apports de la thèse sont de plusieurs ordres :

De första verksamhetsåren : en studie av sex olika företag / The first years of a corporate : a study of six different companies

Halse, Pehr, Trulsson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syfte: Vi kommer i denna promemoria försöka skapa en förståelse för hur det är att driva ett nystartat företag samt vad som påverkar företagaren/företaget under de första åren.</p><ul><li>Vad tycker företagare att de kan stöta på för utmaningar under de första åren?</li><li>Hur utvecklas ett företag och vad kan hända i det under de första åren?</li></ul><p>Metod: Det är den kvalitativa metoden och det hermeneutiska synsättet som har använts i denna uppsats. Vidare har vi arbetat med primärdata insamlad från intervjuer på ett induktivt arbetssätt. Teorin har insamlats från litteratursökning på högskolan i Gävles bibliotek samt genom internetsökningar. Analysen har skett genom en jämförelse mellan empiri och teori. Sedan har diskussionen om analysen samt slutsatser redovisats i efterföljande kapitel följt av egna kommentarer samt lärdomar.</p><p>Resultat & slutsats: Vi har genom uppsatsen sett att empiri och teori delvis stämmer överrens med varandra. Dock har vi kommit fram till att empirin inte helt stämmer överrens med det teoretiska materialet om entreprenörskap. Det viktigaste vi har kommit fram till är att läran om entreprenörskap bäst erhålls genom empiriska studier i stället för teoretiska.</p><p>Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Begränsningar i uppsatsen är bland annat att forskningen endast representerar ett mindre urval företagare samt teoretiska källor. För framtiden vill vi se en djupare och mer omfattande forskning för att se om våra slutsatser trots begränsningarna är korrekta.</p><p>Uppsatsens bidrag: Inom uppsatsens problemområde ser vi att praktisk kunskap är mycket mer givande än teoretisk, när man driver ett företag. Uppsatsen visar för utbildningsorganisationer samt intresserade att den teori som finns i dagsläget ej är komplett. Med det menas att utbildning inom företagande bör ske av företagare och inte genom teori och/eller av praktiskt okunniga inom området.</p> / <p>Aim: In this study we are going to try to create an understanding of how a new corporate can be operated and how it/the owner can be affected during the first years.</p><ul><li>What challenges does corporate owners think they can be exposed of during the first years?</li><li>How does a corporate develop and what can happen during the first years?</li></ul><p>Method: We used the qualitative method and the view of hermeneutics in this essay. Further on we worked with primary data based on interviews in an inductive way of investigation. The theory was collected from the library of the University of Gävle with help of their search engine and through searching the internet. Analyzing has been conducted through a comparison between empirical and theoretical data. The discussions about the analyze and the final result have later on been shown in the following chapters followed by our own comments and what we've learned.</p><p>Result & Conclusions: From writing this essay we've seen that empirical and theoretical data partly tells the same. Our final results have shown us that empirical and theoretical data of entrepreneurship doesn't correspond to each other. The most important aspect of entrepreneurship is given through empirical studies instead of theoretical studies.</p><p>Suggestions for future research: Some of the limitations in this essay are that the research only represents a minor selection of corporate and theoretical sources. For future studies we want to see a deeper and wider research to see if our conclusions, though the restrictions, are correct.</p><p>Contribution of the thesis: Within the approach of the essay we have seen that practical knowledge is more giving than theoretical, when running a corporation. For educational organizations and those who are interested in the subject, the theoretical data that is known today aren't complete. With that said the education to be an entrepreneur should be led by those who are running a company and not through theoretical data and/or not by those who lack competence.</p>

Debaser : en "ångvält" på Stockholms livemusikscen

Isaksson, sara, Ihrstedt, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att göra en deskriptiv studie av drivkrafter bakom Debasers uppkomst och utveckling på Stockholms livemusikscen samt försöka identifiera dominerande idéer på fältet som kan ha påverkat Debaser och livemusikscenens utveckling. Med fält syftar vi på fältet för musikbranschen. Inom fältet ryms bland andra olika aktörer på livemusikscenen, boknings- och skivbolag, musiker och kulturpolitiker.</p><p>Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie som till stor del baseras på primärdata från intervjuer med Debasers grundare och med personer inom fältet för musikbranschen. Vid intervjuerna har vi utgått ifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide som tar upp vissa teman och förslag på specifika frågor baserade på syftet och den givna referensramen för studien. Referensramen består av teorier inom det institutionella perspektivet, organisationsidentitet, entreprenörskap och tillväxt.</p><p>De slutsatser som vi kommit fram till är bland annat att Debasers uppkomst till stor del möjliggjordes av tre dominerande idéer inom fältet som kommit att påverka Stockholms livemusikscen. Till att börja med fanns en idé om att det fanns en brist på Stockholms livemusikscen, vilket var något som konstaterats från många håll. Debasers grundare som redan var aktiva inom fältet kände av denna brist som i sin tur skapade ett utrymme för dem som intentionellt handlande entreprenörer att starta sin verksamhet. Även den andra idén om att det skedde ett så kallat attitydskifte från politiskt håll gentemot pop och rock men även mot själva livemusikscenen skapade ytterligare möjligheter för Debasers grundare att förverkliga sin affärsidé. Attitydskiftet påverkade inte bara Debaser utan även andra entreprenörer inom fältet vars möjligheter att skapa nya livemusikscener ökade i kölvattnet av Debasers uppkomst, så kallade svärmar. Den tredje idén var att det skett ett fokusskifte inom fältet då livemusik fått allt större utrymme vilket kan ha påverkat den positiva tillväxt som Debaser haft sedan sin start. Debaser har kommit att bli en stark aktör inom fältet som kämpat för sina intressen och har skapat organisering kring idén om behovet av en levande livemusikscen i Stockholm.</p> / <p>The purpose of this thesis is to do a descriptive study of driving forces behind the origin and development of Debaser on the live music scene in Stockholm and also the dominating ideas within its field. The field is the music business field within which different actors operate, such as booking agents, record companies, musicians, politicians and the live scene itself. <strong></strong></p><p>The study is based on qualitative primary data from interviews with the founders of Debaser and with persons within the field for the music business. When executing the interviews we used a semi-structured template, focusing on specific themes with suggestions for questions based on the purpose and the given frame of reference. The frame of reference of the study consists of theories regarding the institutional perspective, organizational identity, entrepreneurship and growth in small companies. <strong></strong></p><p>The conclusions we have come to is for one that the origin of Debaser was made due to three dominating ideas within the field that has come to affect the scene for live music in Stockholm. The first was an idea of a gap on the scene for live music and that there was a need for a concert venue of middle-size. This idea was confirmed from various actors. The founders of Debaser who were already active within the field were aware of the gap, which in turn enabled them as intentionally acting entrepreneurs to establish their business. The second idea deals with a change of attitude among politicians towards pop and rock music and the scene for live music which also created possibilities for the founders to realize their business. This change of attitude also affected other entrepreneurs within the field, so called swarms that were able to start up new scenes for live music in the wake of Debaser. The third idea deals with a focus shift in the music business that gives live music more space, which could have affected the growth of Debaser in a positive way. As we see it, Debaser has become a powerful actor within the field who works hard to gain its interests and has created organization around the idea of the need of a dynamic scene for live music in Stockholm.</p>

Det svårgripbara nätverket : en sociologisk studie av företagare i nätverk

Lind, Martin January 2002 (has links)
The questions for this study are: 1. What are networks? 2. How do networks work? These questions are answered by means of two different investigations. The first is chiefly theoretical and the second is primarily empirical. The theoretical investigation begins with an examination of four different concepts of networks used in social research: network as a perspective, network as a phenomenon, network as a research method and network as a method for development. The concept is then further investigated on three levels. On the first level, the parts of a network and the relationships between these parts are analysed. The second level focuses on the emergent properties of a network. The emergent properties refer to those irreducible features that make it a network, and that at the same time mark the difference between networks and other types of social entities (organizations, rituals etc.). Two such properties form the starting point for the examination, namely value-adding and diffusion. The third level of analysis places the network in relation to space and organization. This three level analysis is used throughout the thesis. In the empirical section, four cases of entrepreneurial networks are examined. The aim of the case studies is to identify the network and to study how the network works. What in the example is the network? How does the network work in the actual case? What does the network do? What properties can be assigned to the network and the way it works? Or, more comprehensively, from the examination of four cases of networks, what conclusions can be drawn about what networks are and how they function? From the case studies I have concluded that personal ties are fundamental to a network, and that the chains of production are a type of tie that may, but does not have to, occur when the network is activated in an entrepreneurial context. For the entrepreneurs and their enterprises, the social exchange has no value in itself, but if it can add value, for example as a lubricant in coordinating production chains, it fulfils an important purpose. I have also concluded that what makes an entrepreneurial network a network is not the coordination of production chains, but the personal relationships that manage these chains. Thus it is not the coordination itself, but the way of coordinating that is of importance. Networks can be found in structures of many different types of ties, but for the emergent properties to emerge there has to be a structure of personal ties at the core. I have assumed that a network is not a method or a perspective, but a social entity with certain properties. The investigation has provided support for this assumption. There is extensive research on SME networks, industrial districts and value-adding chains that shows that networks in production contexts form social constellations with their own distinctive features and ways of working. The relationship between networks and space is temporary, but not essential. Networks can be bound to places, but they do not have to be. An important structural difference between organizations and networks is that networks are formed of separate units that cooperate, while organizations form a single unit that may, but does not have to be characterized by cooperation. The most important conclusion from the comparison of organizations and networks is that these concepts together provide a better explanation of the case studies than either of the concepts alone. To understand and explain the complex social interplay that occurs in the case studies, it is a great advantage to use networks and organizations as concepts for different social entities with different properties and different ways of working.

Entrepreneurs and Small-Scale Enterprises : Self Reported Health, Work Conditions, Work Environment Management and Occupational Health Services

Gunnarsson, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focused on factors contributing to improved work environment in small-scale enterprises and sustainable health for the entrepreneurs. In Study I, implementation of the provision of Systematic Work Environment Management (SWEM) with and without support was investigated. Two implementation methods were used, supervised and network method. The effect of the project reached the employees faster in the enterprises with the supervised method. In general, the work environment improved in all enterprises. However, extensive support to small-scale enterprises in terms of advice and networking aimed at fulfilling SWEM regulations had limited effect – especially considering the cost of applying these methods. Studies II, III, and IV focused on entrepreneurs’ health, work conditions, strategies for maintaining good health, and utilisation of Occupational Health Service (OHS). A closed cohort of entrepreneurs in ten different trades responded to two self-administered questionnaires on health and work conditions, with five years between the surveys: at baseline, 496 entrepreneurs responded, and 251 entrepreneurs responded at follow-up. Differences were tested by Chi2-test, and associations estimated with logistic regression analyses. Qualitative interviews on entrepreneurs’ strategies for maintaining good health were included. In Study II, the most frequently reported complaints, musculoskeletal pain and mental health problems, were associated with poor job satisfaction and poor physical work environment. In Study III, consistent self-reported good health, i.e. good health both at baseline and at follow up, was associated with self-valued good social life when adjusted for physical work conditions and job satisfaction. Entrepreneurs’ strategies for maintaining good health included good planning and control over work, flexibility at work, good social contact with family, friends and other entrepreneurs, and regular physical exercise. Study IV concerned entrepreneur’s utilisation of OHS. Entrepreneurs affiliated to OHS had either better or more adverse work conditions than non-affiliated entrepreneurs. Medical care and health check-ups were the services most utilised. Affiliation to OHS correlated with use of specific information sources and active work environment management. The entrepreneurs were not consistently affiliated to OHS over the five-year-period.

Debaser : en "ångvält" på Stockholms livemusikscen

Isaksson, sara, Ihrstedt, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att göra en deskriptiv studie av drivkrafter bakom Debasers uppkomst och utveckling på Stockholms livemusikscen samt försöka identifiera dominerande idéer på fältet som kan ha påverkat Debaser och livemusikscenens utveckling. Med fält syftar vi på fältet för musikbranschen. Inom fältet ryms bland andra olika aktörer på livemusikscenen, boknings- och skivbolag, musiker och kulturpolitiker. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie som till stor del baseras på primärdata från intervjuer med Debasers grundare och med personer inom fältet för musikbranschen. Vid intervjuerna har vi utgått ifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide som tar upp vissa teman och förslag på specifika frågor baserade på syftet och den givna referensramen för studien. Referensramen består av teorier inom det institutionella perspektivet, organisationsidentitet, entreprenörskap och tillväxt. De slutsatser som vi kommit fram till är bland annat att Debasers uppkomst till stor del möjliggjordes av tre dominerande idéer inom fältet som kommit att påverka Stockholms livemusikscen. Till att börja med fanns en idé om att det fanns en brist på Stockholms livemusikscen, vilket var något som konstaterats från många håll. Debasers grundare som redan var aktiva inom fältet kände av denna brist som i sin tur skapade ett utrymme för dem som intentionellt handlande entreprenörer att starta sin verksamhet. Även den andra idén om att det skedde ett så kallat attitydskifte från politiskt håll gentemot pop och rock men även mot själva livemusikscenen skapade ytterligare möjligheter för Debasers grundare att förverkliga sin affärsidé. Attitydskiftet påverkade inte bara Debaser utan även andra entreprenörer inom fältet vars möjligheter att skapa nya livemusikscener ökade i kölvattnet av Debasers uppkomst, så kallade svärmar. Den tredje idén var att det skett ett fokusskifte inom fältet då livemusik fått allt större utrymme vilket kan ha påverkat den positiva tillväxt som Debaser haft sedan sin start. Debaser har kommit att bli en stark aktör inom fältet som kämpat för sina intressen och har skapat organisering kring idén om behovet av en levande livemusikscen i Stockholm. / The purpose of this thesis is to do a descriptive study of driving forces behind the origin and development of Debaser on the live music scene in Stockholm and also the dominating ideas within its field. The field is the music business field within which different actors operate, such as booking agents, record companies, musicians, politicians and the live scene itself. The study is based on qualitative primary data from interviews with the founders of Debaser and with persons within the field for the music business. When executing the interviews we used a semi-structured template, focusing on specific themes with suggestions for questions based on the purpose and the given frame of reference. The frame of reference of the study consists of theories regarding the institutional perspective, organizational identity, entrepreneurship and growth in small companies. The conclusions we have come to is for one that the origin of Debaser was made due to three dominating ideas within the field that has come to affect the scene for live music in Stockholm. The first was an idea of a gap on the scene for live music and that there was a need for a concert venue of middle-size. This idea was confirmed from various actors. The founders of Debaser who were already active within the field were aware of the gap, which in turn enabled them as intentionally acting entrepreneurs to establish their business. The second idea deals with a change of attitude among politicians towards pop and rock music and the scene for live music which also created possibilities for the founders to realize their business. This change of attitude also affected other entrepreneurs within the field, so called swarms that were able to start up new scenes for live music in the wake of Debaser. The third idea deals with a focus shift in the music business that gives live music more space, which could have affected the growth of Debaser in a positive way. As we see it, Debaser has become a powerful actor within the field who works hard to gain its interests and has created organization around the idea of the need of a dynamic scene for live music in Stockholm.

De första verksamhetsåren : en studie av sex olika företag / The first years of a corporate : a study of six different companies

Halse, Pehr, Trulsson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Vi kommer i denna promemoria försöka skapa en förståelse för hur det är att driva ett nystartat företag samt vad som påverkar företagaren/företaget under de första åren. Vad tycker företagare att de kan stöta på för utmaningar under de första åren? Hur utvecklas ett företag och vad kan hända i det under de första åren? Metod: Det är den kvalitativa metoden och det hermeneutiska synsättet som har använts i denna uppsats. Vidare har vi arbetat med primärdata insamlad från intervjuer på ett induktivt arbetssätt. Teorin har insamlats från litteratursökning på högskolan i Gävles bibliotek samt genom internetsökningar. Analysen har skett genom en jämförelse mellan empiri och teori. Sedan har diskussionen om analysen samt slutsatser redovisats i efterföljande kapitel följt av egna kommentarer samt lärdomar. Resultat &amp; slutsats: Vi har genom uppsatsen sett att empiri och teori delvis stämmer överrens med varandra. Dock har vi kommit fram till att empirin inte helt stämmer överrens med det teoretiska materialet om entreprenörskap. Det viktigaste vi har kommit fram till är att läran om entreprenörskap bäst erhålls genom empiriska studier i stället för teoretiska. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Begränsningar i uppsatsen är bland annat att forskningen endast representerar ett mindre urval företagare samt teoretiska källor. För framtiden vill vi se en djupare och mer omfattande forskning för att se om våra slutsatser trots begränsningarna är korrekta. Uppsatsens bidrag: Inom uppsatsens problemområde ser vi att praktisk kunskap är mycket mer givande än teoretisk, när man driver ett företag. Uppsatsen visar för utbildningsorganisationer samt intresserade att den teori som finns i dagsläget ej är komplett. Med det menas att utbildning inom företagande bör ske av företagare och inte genom teori och/eller av praktiskt okunniga inom området. / Aim: In this study we are going to try to create an understanding of how a new corporate can be operated and how it/the owner can be affected during the first years. What challenges does corporate owners think they can be exposed of during the first years? How does a corporate develop and what can happen during the first years? Method: We used the qualitative method and the view of hermeneutics in this essay. Further on we worked with primary data based on interviews in an inductive way of investigation. The theory was collected from the library of the University of Gävle with help of their search engine and through searching the internet. Analyzing has been conducted through a comparison between empirical and theoretical data. The discussions about the analyze and the final result have later on been shown in the following chapters followed by our own comments and what we've learned. Result &amp; Conclusions: From writing this essay we've seen that empirical and theoretical data partly tells the same. Our final results have shown us that empirical and theoretical data of entrepreneurship doesn't correspond to each other. The most important aspect of entrepreneurship is given through empirical studies instead of theoretical studies. Suggestions for future research: Some of the limitations in this essay are that the research only represents a minor selection of corporate and theoretical sources. For future studies we want to see a deeper and wider research to see if our conclusions, though the restrictions, are correct. Contribution of the thesis: Within the approach of the essay we have seen that practical knowledge is more giving than theoretical, when running a corporation. For educational organizations and those who are interested in the subject, the theoretical data that is known today aren't complete. With that said the education to be an entrepreneur should be led by those who are running a company and not through theoretical data and/or not by those who lack competence.

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