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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aprender a empreender: um pilar na educação de jovens e adultos.

Leal., Antonio Fernando 26 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T15:09:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1053318 bytes, checksum: e1be5a97b7a60e11f19332dd0bc92f1b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis aims to evaluate the importance of the entrepreneurial education activities offered by Sebrae, especially those related to distance education, considering the changes occurred in the world of work. Based on the pillars of knowledge suggested by UNESCO as relevant to education of people up the XXI century learning how to know; learning how to do; learning how to live together and learn how to be this study suggests as additional issue in the education of young people and adults, the pillar of learning to be an entrepreneur. This type of learning aims to develop the search for autonomy by the participants, in order to face effectively the diverse situations of life, specially those related to the maintenance of themselves and their own families. The assessment is made possible by the analysis of documentary records produced and made available by Sebrae and the literature on the national and international practices related to EJA. Throughout the search has been sought evidences of increasing rates of enterprises survival in the period which educational programs have been offered by Sebrae in mode of EAD, concluding, from survey data, that there is a connection between these offerings and the young people and adults learning assimilation of how to undertake businesses. / Esta Dissertação tem por objetivo investigar as ações educacionais especialmente as de ensino a distância e a contribuição do Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas Sebrae, para o aumento da capacidade de empreender de jovens e adultos, face às mudanças ocorridas no mundo do trabalho. Tendo como base os pilares do conhecimento sugeridos pela UNESCO como relevantes para a educação das pessoas no século XXI aprender a conhecer, aprender a fazer, aprender a viver juntos e aprender a ser o estudo sugere como complementar na Educação de Jovens e Adultos, o pilar do Aprender a Empreender. A orientação desse aprendizado visa à busca da autonomia pelo sujeito, para dar conta das diversas situações enfrentadas na vida, especialmente aquelas ligadas à manutenção de si e da própria família. A avaliação é possibilitada a partir da análise documental de registros produzidos e disponibilizados pelo Sebrae e pela literatura específica, sobre as práticas nacionais e internacionais relacionadas com a EJA. Ao longo do estudo procuram-se evidências do aumento dos índices de sobrevivência das empresas no período em que são oferecidas pelo Sebrae ações educacionais na modalidade de EAD, constatando-se, a partir de pesquisas, uma relação entre essas ofertas e a conformação do aprendizado para empreender de pessoas jovens e adultas.

O empresário local e a zona franca de Manaus : reprodução social e globalização econômica

Carvalho, Marcelo Bastos Seráfico de Assis January 2009 (has links)
O foco da análise desta tese são as relações econômicas e políticas do empresário local com a Zona Franca de Manaus. O empresário local é entendido como o proprietário dos meios de produção que tem na cidade seu centro decisório, o que o diferencia de empresários nacionais e de executivos de empresas transnacionais. As relações econômicas são analisadas segundo as modalidades de localização desse empresário na economia da zona franca, compreendidas em termos das oportunidades diretas e indiretas de lucratividade criadas pelos incentivos fiscais característicos desse mecanismo de dinamização da economia. As relações políticas são consideradas a partir das posições coletivas que adota, particularmente no que diz respeito ao período pós-liberalização da economia nacional. A pesquisa se baseou em entrevistas realizadas com empresários tradicionais e modernos, com lideranças empresariais locais, consultores econômicos e técnicos governamentais, e em análise documental. As conclusões mostram que os empresários locais são economicamente dependentes da Zona Franca de Manaus e que essa dependência se traduz em termos da defesa do modelo. Isso se deve ao fato de que a manutenção da zona franca, a despeito dos impasses e ameaças postos para sua existência, assegura-lhes condições de lucratividade. Nesse sentido é que se pode dizer que o empresário local se subordina economicamente e acomoda politicamente à zona franca, e que isso lhe permite reproduzir-se socialmente. / The focus of the analysis of this thesis are the economic and political relations of the local entrepreneur with the free zone of Manaus. By local entrepreneur I understand the owner of the means of production whose center of decision is located in the city, definition that allows me to set a difference among him and the national entrepreneur and the executives of transnational enterprises. The economic relations are analyzed through the modalities of localization of this entrepreneur in the free zone economy, understood in terms of the direct and indirect profit opportunities generated by the fiscal incentives characteristic of this mechanism of economic dinamization. The political relations selected are the collective positions of this entrepreneur regarding, mainly, the context of national economic liberalization. The research is based on interviews with local entrepreneur leaders, economic consultants and governmental technicians, as well as on documental analysis. The conclusions show that the local entrepreneur is dependent fo the free trade zone and that this dependence is translated in terms of the political defende of the economic model. It is explained by the fact that the maintenance of the free zone, no matter the impasses and menaces put to its existence, ensure for them favorable profit conditions. In this sense, It is possible to affirm that the local entrepreneur is economically subordinated and politically accommodated to the free zone, and does not portrays any political alternative of regional development. / El foco de la análisis intentadas en esta tesis son las relaciones económicas y políticas del empresario local con la Zona Franca de Manaus. Entiendo al empresario local como el propietario de los medios de producción que tiene a la ciudad como centro de decisiones de sus empresas, lo que establece su diferencia con los empresarios nacionales y con los executivos de empresas transnacionales. Las relaciones económicas son analizadas por medio de las modalidades de localización de ese empresario en la economía de la zona franca, la cual es comprendida en términos de las oportunidades directas e indirectas de lucro generadas por los incentivos fiscales característicos de ese mecanismo de dinamización económica. Las relaciones políticas son consideradas a partir de las posiciones colectivas que asume, particularmente en lo que toca la liberalización de la economía nacional. La investigación se ha basado en entrevistas con líderes empresariales locales, consultores económicos y técnicos gubernamentales, así como en análisis documentales. Las conclusiones muestran que los empresarios locales son económicamente dependientes de la zona franca e que esa dependiencia es traducida en términos de la defensa del modelo. Esto se debe al hecho de que la manutención de la zona franca, no obstante los impases y amenazas colocados a su existencia, les garantiza condiciones favorables de ganancia. En ese sentido es que se puede decir que el empresario local subordinase económicamente y acomodase políticamente a la zona franca, sin proponer un proyecto alternativo de desarrollo para la región.

Governmental Agenda-Setting: The Role of Political Entrepreneurs in Two Peruvian Case Studies / Estableciendo la agenda: emprendedores de políticas en dos casos peruanos

Alza Barco, Carlos January 2014 (has links)
El artículo enfatiza el papel que cumplen los emprendedores de política en la definición de las agendas gubernamentales, cuya relevancia cobra mayor visibilidad en contextos donde el sistema político y la institucionalidad gubernamental se encuentran debilitados. Para ello se desarrolla el proceso de establecimiento de agenda de políticas públicas con un enfoque politológico, revisando los subprocesos que lo conforman: la estructuración del problema público y la solución de alternativas.El enfoque metodológico del artículo considera los casos como fuente de identificación de prácticas, estrategias y discursos, instrumentalizándolos para la generación de evidencia desde donde se revisa la teoría. A partir de la evidencia recogida en dos casos de estudio referidos al feminicidio y al trabajo infantil, el artículo discute algunos aspectos teóricos sobre el establecimiento de agenda, reconociéndolo como un proceso compuesto de prácticas realizadas por los actores aplicando estrategias para lograr su cometido y usando discursos, como el de los derechos humanos, para lograr la aceptación de sus propuestas. En el desarrollo teórico construido a partir de bibliografía relevante sobre el tema y de la evidencia ofrecida por los casos de estudio, se propone diferenciar entre prácticas y estrategias, planteando la necesidad de recuperar la retórica como elemento de análisis para el establecimiento de la agenda, tema frecuentemente olvidado en los estudios de agenda en nuestro medio. El análisis de los casos permite identificar actores claves para el establecimiento de agenda: por un lado, la cooperación internacional que, a través de la OIT como ente canalizador de recursos, legitimó su participación en los procesos de establecimiento de agenda sobre la erradicación del trabajo infantil; y por otro, la incursión de feministas en el espacio burocrático y político, fortaleciendo las capacidades institucionales del Estado para el diseño de las políticas públicas para enfrentar la violencia contra las mujeres.

The utilization of Project Management methods and tools in start-ups considering the influence of the entrepreneurs’ work background : A study on software development start-ups in Sweden

Boehnke, Anna-Lena, Spindler, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to increase knowledge about the usage and relevance of Project Management (PM) methods and tools within start-up companies, with regard to the previous work experience of the entrepreneur. The underdeveloped connection of PM and entrepreneurship will be further explored by following the research question proposed below that guides the study. What PM methods and tools do entrepreneurs apply in the process of launching the business versus the operation of the start-up, especially considering their previous work experience and contact with PM? In order to answer the proposed research question and pursue the set objectives, the thesis is structured as follows. First, the methodology within this study is represented in theoretical and practical form in chapter 2 and 4. Furthermore, the theoretical context in the field is summarized in chapter 3. The topics of traditional PM and agile PM (APM) with their characteristics and tools are portrayed; especially the latter is extensively presented in chapter 3.2 due to the need of flexibility and adaptability in the highly dynamic business environment nowadays, as well as the strong connection between APM and the IT development sector. Existing theories about the topics of entrepreneurship and start-ups are described in the subsequent chapter, whereby a focus is set on the entrepreneur itself and his or her previous work experience. To summarize the existing theory in the fields of PM and entrepreneurship a conceptual framework was created by the researchers of this study in chapter 3.4, which also serves to represent the findings of the study in the concluding chapter. The empirical findings, which are presented in chapter 5, were organized in chronological order of the conducted semi-structured, qualitative interviews with software development start-ups in Sweden. Valuable results for the research areas of entrepreneurship and PM, as well as for the practical usage in those fields could be generated. The summarized results of this qualitative study are summarized and presented in chapter 6, titled empirical analysis. The authors found out that the majority of the contacted start-ups did not plan a lot in the launching phase of the business, in fact, they did not apply specific PM tools. While the business was growing, so did its complexity, which is why the need for applying PM tools became more present. Even though no clear connection between the previous work experience of the entrepreneur and the applied PM tools could be established, it was noticeable that prior exposure to PM made the entrepreneurs more aware of the methods and tools. They specifically looked for some and used them more knowingly. Further drivers for choosing a PM method and tools were recommendations and personal research. Next to the stage and scale of the business, especially the team size, the location of the team members and their familiarity with each other appeared to influence the decision on using specific tools tremendously. In general, it could be detected in this study, that the APM framework was commonly recognized as highly valuable for start-ups and many of the respondents already follow it or want to do so in the future. Moreover, primarily only one or very few tools were applied within the start-ups to not lose track of the business development and keep everything concise.

Varför uppkommer nya partier? : En motivanalys av Miljöpartiet och Junilistans bildande

Eriksson, Leif January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to investigate why we saw the formation of the green party and junilistan in Swedish politics. The questions being asked is why the individuals behind the party decided to take the step towards forming a new party as well as why they felt it worth forming it. The theories being used is the sequential model created by Gissur Ó Erlingsson, which is complemented with theoretical assumptions by Paul Lucardie. The sequential model illustrates the party forming processes in three steps, which then through process-tracing allows for the identification of events that have exerted an influence on the entrepreneur to decide taking the step towards forming a new party. With the help of Lucardie I presented assumptions which gave me possibility to investigate why they then felt it worth forming the new party. The conclusion showed that the step toward party formation in both cases occurred when the entrepreneurs experienced that their demands where not met. The second question was divided in to two sub questions which showed that the entrepreneurs in both cases made the calculation that a new party would find support amongst the electorate but regarding the ability to finance and attach competence the result was more diverging.

Det osynliga entreprenörskapet : - en intervjustudie av företagare med utländsk bakgrund / The invisible entrepreneurship : - a study based on interviews with owners of businesses with foreign heritage

Landerholm Martinovic, Emilia January 2006 (has links)
The invisible entrepreneurship is a study of owners of businesses with foreign heritage. It describes the unexplored relationship between ethnicity and class within this group of entrepreneurs. The result of the study is a model which I have found to be suitable to use when depicting the relationship between the ethnic profile and class. The model indicates that the importance of ethnicity decreases as both the owner of, and the business reach a more prominent class. The method of collecting data has been interviews with owners of businesses and Grounded theory has been used to analyse this data. Theories on ethnicity, owners of businesses with foreign heritage, and class in relation to ethnicity have been discussed on the basis of social constructivism. Also, the conception of ethnicity, foreigners, and owners of businesses with foreign heritage, entrepreneur and class has been discussed and defined.

Entreprenörernas gymnasieskola : En kritisk diskursanalys av värdeord i gymnasieskolors informationstexter / The entreprenurial upper secondary school : A critical discourse analysis of buzz words in upper secondary schools informational texts

Bernövall, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att se hur två diskurser, marknadsdiskurs och skoldiskurs, konstrueras i gymnasieskolors informationstexter. Dels genom värderingar, dels genom hur eleverna framställs. Texterna är tagna från skolornas hemsidor. Jag undersöker totalt fem skoltexter samt en text från Skolverket som belyser skolan som institutions värderingar. Undersökningen utgår från Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys samt textanalys, bland annat den systemisk-funktionella grammatiken (SFG). Uppsatsen är språkvetenskaplig och utgår från det textuella. Jag utgår i min analys främst från värdeord, eller buzz words, där jag belyser positivt värderade ord i texterna. Jag utgår även från en analys av fraser samt den interpersonella analysens språkhandlingar och modalitet. Analysresultatet visar att skolornas texter präglas av en marknadsdiskurs där värdeord som ”entreprenör” och ”företag” ofta förekommer. Ett tydligt resultat är hur ord som realiserar en marknadsdiskurs betydligt oftare värderas som positiva i sig själva än ord som realiserar en skoldiskurs. Det är även tydligt att de värderingar som framkommer i skolornas texter inte återfinns i Skolverkets text. De elever som framträder i skolornas texter är oftast ambitiösa, drivna och självgående. Även om det finns vissa undantag. Uppsatsens resultat kan på ett större plan kopplas till en allmän samhällsförändring där ett marknadsspråk tar större plats inom den offentliga sektorn. För gymnasieskolorna innebär det att det målas upp en bild av en skola som finns till för elever som är högpresterande och intresserade av entreprenörskap och företagande.

Resultados da política do microempreendedor Individual (MEI) para os empreendedores de baixa renda / Results of the individual microentrepreneur policy (MEI) for low income entrepreneurs

Tondolo, Luana Pontes 26 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-06-04T15:34:19Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Luana Pontes Tondolo - 2018.pdf: 3377781 bytes, checksum: 8f74d3a6aebe5be30075641ed86f9b17 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-06-05T10:38:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Luana Pontes Tondolo - 2018.pdf: 3377781 bytes, checksum: 8f74d3a6aebe5be30075641ed86f9b17 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-05T10:38:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Luana Pontes Tondolo - 2018.pdf: 3377781 bytes, checksum: 8f74d3a6aebe5be30075641ed86f9b17 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-26 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / This paper aims to analyze the results of the MEI public policy on low-income entrepreneurs. It is an exploratory and descriptive study of qualitative nature. A single case study strategy was adopted: the city of Silvânia. It was called upon interviews with semi structured scripts in two groups: entrepreneurs and local policy actors, and, in addition, documents as data resource. A content analysis was conducted through the software NVivo. The results show that, altogether, entrepreneurs had an informal business before formalizing, and had benefits resulted from the accession to the MEI policy, such as new market access, better relations with suppliers, income improvement, citizenship and social security. It is possible to conclude that the objectives of the policy that made MEI possible, such as the entrepreneurs’ formalization, social inclusion and social protection are being achieved. The MEI is providing positive impact on entrepreneurs, businesses and the region. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os resultados da política do MEI para os empreendedores de baixa renda. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva de natureza qualitativa. Adotou-se a estratégia de estudo de caso único, o município de Silvânia. Recorreu-se a entrevistas com roteiros semiestruturados em dois grupos: empreendedores e atores locais da política, e a documentação como fonte de dados. Para a análise dos dados, foi realizada análise de conteúdo e adotado o software NVivo para suporte à condução da análise. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam que no geral, os empreendedores tinham um negócio informal antes da formalização e tiveram como benefícios pela adesão ao MEI, acesso a novos mercados, melhora da relação com fornecedores, melhora na renda, cidadania, e os benefícios da previdência social. É possível concluir que os objetivos da política que criou o MEI, qual sejam, a formalização dos empreendedores, a inclusão social e a proteção previdenciária estão sendo alcançados. O MEI está proporcionando impactos positivos nos empreendedores, no negócio e na região.

A construção do capital social coletivo a partir do engajamento cívico e a confiança dos empreendedores: uma análise em regiões com elevados índices de pobreza

Uchôa, Mariana Torres 03 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Liliane Ferreira (ljuvencia30@gmail.com) on 2018-08-09T11:59:11Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Mariana Torres Uchôa - 2018.pdf: 7519600 bytes, checksum: 0f267ee345ebdece3f4d14551c340e7e (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-08-09T12:23:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Mariana Torres Uchôa - 2018.pdf: 7519600 bytes, checksum: 0f267ee345ebdece3f4d14551c340e7e (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T12:23:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Mariana Torres Uchôa - 2018.pdf: 7519600 bytes, checksum: 0f267ee345ebdece3f4d14551c340e7e (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-03 / Poverty affects about 41% of Africa´s total population and a promising method to reduce such low index is social capital. Social Capital can be measured by the level of institutional confidence and civic engagement, and entrepreneurs are direct contributors to ramp it up within society. Thus, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the influence of entrepreneurs civic engagement in their level of institutional confidence. To support the research´s purpose, the Afrobarometer database from 34 countries and multiple regression analysis has been used. The results show that entrepreneurs´ political and social engagement influence in their institutional confidence; entrepreneurs contribute more to building institutional confidence through civic engagement than non-entrepreneurs; lastly, entrepreneurs out of opportunity contribute more than entrepreneurs out of necessity. / A pobreza afeta cerca de 41% da população total da África e um possível mecanismo de redução desse índice é o capital social, formado, entre outros, pelo nível de confiança institucional e pelo engajamento cívico. Um dos possíveis atores que podem construir esse capital social são os empreendedores. Nesse contexto essa pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do engajamento cívico formado pelo engajamento comunitário e político dos empreendedores em seu nível de confiança institucional. Para cumprir com o objetivo, foi utilizado a base de dados Afrobarômetro, constituída a partir de dados de 34 países africanos. E como método foi realizada a análise de regressão múltipla. Os resultados mostraram que tanto o engajamento político quanto o comunitário dos empreendedores influenciam em sua confiança institucional; que o grupo dos empreendedores contribuem mais para a construção da confiança institucional por meio do engajamento civíco do que o grupo dos não empreendedores; assim como os empreendedores por oportunidade que também contribuem mais do que os empreendedores por necessidade.

A gênese do empresário gaúcho : uma interpretação a partir dos modelos de matriz institucional e de construção mental de Douglass North

Costa, Ana Monteiro January 2010 (has links)
Dentro da proposta de estudo do desenvolvimento, a presente pesquisa propõe a análise da gênese do empresário no Rio Grande do Sul sob a perspectiva institucional, mais propriamente segundo os modelos de matriz institucional e de construção mental de Douglass North. Para tanto, recorre-se a teoria de Schumpeter para caracterizar esse empresário, bem como o seu papel no sistema capitalista. Os primeiros empresários gaúchos são imigrantes ou descendentes de germânicos e, ao contrário do que acontece em São Paulo, na sua maioria são descapitalizados. Boa parte exerce também a função de capitalista, e assume-se a tese de Pesavento de que o capital industrial é acumulado na atividade comercial, prioritariamente vinculada à economia colonial. Deste modo, apesar de ser a economia pecuária-charqueadora a mais rentável durante a formação econômica do estado, não é dela que surgem o capital e a mão-de-obra da indústria, nem o empresário. Visando compreender o ambiente tradicional não propício ao surgimento do empresário vis-à-vis o capitalismo moderno, são utilizadas as teses de Weber e Veblen sobre o desenvolvimento das sociedades, relacionando as instituições com as trajetórias seguidas. Ainda, para o estudo dessa dicotomia entre instituições tradicionais e modernas, são apresentadas as análises de Florestan Fernandes e Sérgio Buarque de Holanda para a sociedade brasileira. Assume-se que o legado cultural dos imigrantes alemães, tanto a ética protestante, quanto a superação das adversidades, foi um dos vetores de estímulo da matriz institucional que permitiu o surgimento do empresário no Rio Grande. Ainda, a dominação do capital e a disciplina do trabalho, bem como a aliança com o Estado e a constituição da classe empresarial, são os três outros vetores da matriz institucional que se forma na transição capitalista no estado, durante a República Velha. Na aplicação do modelo de construção mental são estudadas as biografias de alguns empresários do escalão regional onde se verifica um comportamento diferenciado que procurava aproveitar as oportunidades econômicas, na tentativa de mostrar como a leitura do ambiente institucional desses atores é influenciada pela herança cultural. / Within development study purpose, this present research proposes to analyze the genesis of entrepreneur in Rio Grande do Sul under institutional perspective, more specifically following institutional matrix and mental construction models created by Douglass North. It is based in the theory of Schumpeter to characterize this entrepreneur as well as its role in the capitalist system. The first gaúchos entrepreneurs are Germanic immigrants or descendants and, unlike what happens in São Paulo, most of them are undercapitalized. Much of them also had capitalist functions, and it is assumed Pesavento's thesis that industrial capital is accumulated in commercial activity, primarily linked to the colonial economy. Thus, although the livestock-dry beef economy was the most profitable activity during the economic formation of the state, is not from it that that appears the capital and labor of industry neither the entrepreneur. To understand the traditional environment not auspicious to the emergence of the entrepreneur vis-à-vis modern capitalism, are used Weber and Veblen thesis on the development of societies, relating institutions with the paths followed. To the study of this dichotomy between traditional and modern institutions, are presented the analysis of Florestan Fernandes and Sergio Buarque de Holanda to Brazilian society. It is assumed that the cultural legacy of German immigrants (both Protestant ethic, and overcoming adversity) was one of the vectors to stimulate institutional matrix that allowed the emergence of the entrepreneur in the Rio Grande. Still, the domination of capital and labor discipline, as the alliance with the State and the constitution of a business class are the three other vectors of institutional matrix that forms in capitalist transition during the República Velha in the state. In the application of mental construction model are studied the biographies of some entrepreneurs from regional level where there is a differentiated behavior that seek to take advantage of economic opportunities in an attempt to show how the perception of the institutional environment of these actors is influenced by cultural heritage.

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