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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do acometimento de pequenas vias aéreas em pacientes com pneumonite de hipersensibilidade crônica e sua repercussão na limitação ao exercício / Evaluation of small airway involvement in patients with chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis and its impact on exercise limitation

Olívia Meira Dias 13 June 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A pneumonite de hipersensibilidade (PH) é uma doença intersticial causada pela inalação de antígenos orgânicos específicos ou substâncias de baixo peso molecular em indivíduos geneticamente suscetíveis. A PH crônica representa seu estágio final, na qual a exposição antigênica prolongada leva à fibrose. Na PH crônica, o envolvimento das pequenas vias aéreas (PVA) é proeminente; entretanto, uma avaliação detalhada através de métodos funcionais e de avaliação quantitativa e automatizada pela tomografia computadorizada (TC) não foi realizada previamente. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal de 28 pacientes com PH crônica, com avaliação através de provas de função pulmonar (PFPs); oscilometria forçada (FOT); análise automatizada do volume pulmonar através da TC, incluindo quantificação de aprisionamento aéreo; e teste cardiopulmonar de exercício (TCPE) incremental em cicloergômetro para avaliar performance ao exercício, incluindo medidas seriadas da capacidade inspiratória e hiperinsuflação dinâmica (HD). Foram incluídos pacientes entre 18 a 75 anos, com diagnóstico confirmado pela combinação de achados tomográficos, exposição antigênica e biópsia compatível e/ou LBA com linfocitose. Foram excluídos pacientes com CVF e/ou VEF1 < 30% predito, tabagismo > 20 anos-maço, uso de oxigênio suplementar; diagnóstico prévio de asma ou DPOC, diagnóstico de hipertensão arterial pulmonar ou impossibilidade de realizar TCPE. Os dados foram comparados com controles saudáveis. RESULTADOS: 28 pacientes (16 mulheres; idade média 56 +- 11 anos; CVF 57 +- 17% predito) foram avaliados, e todos apresentavam padrão ventilatório restritivo sem resposta broncodilatadora. Na FOT, 4 pacientes apresentaram resistência aumentada a 5 Hz (R5), enquanto todos apresentaram baixa reactância (X5), sendo que nenhum apresentou resposta broncodilatadora significativa. Pacientes com PH crônica tiveram menor capacidade de exercício com menor O2 de pico, diminuição da reserva ventilatória, hiperventilação, dessaturação de oxigênio e escores de dispneia (Borg) aumentados quando comparado aos controles. A prevalência de HD foi encontrada em apenas 18% da coorte. Ao comparar pacientes com PH crônica com O2 normal e baixo (< 84% predito, LIN), o último grupo apresentou maior hiperventilação (slope E/CO2), um menor volume corrente e menores escores de capacidade física na avaliação do questionário de qualidade de vida (SF-36). A análise da curva ROC mostrou que volumes pulmonares reduzidos (CVF%, CPT% e DLCO%) foram preditores de baixa capacidade ao exercício. Na TC, a PH crônica teve aumento de áreas com alta densidade em unidades Hounsfield, inferindo maior extensão de opacidades em vidro fosco e fibrose em relação aos controles saudáveis. A extensão das áreas de atenuação reduzida (AAR) e aprisionamento aéreo em relação ao volume pulmonar total é pequena, e não se correlaciona com índices funcionais obstrutivos; entretanto, pacientes com maior percentual dessas áreas apresentam menos fibrose e função pulmonar mais preservada. CONCLUSÃO: a PH crônica se caracterizou por um acometimento eminentemente restritivo, e não de obstrução de vias aéreas, nos diferentes métodos diagnósticos aplicados. A redução da capacidade de exercício foi prevalente devido à limitação ventilatória e de troca gasosa, a exemplo de outras doenças intersticiais pulmonares, e não pela HD. Redução dos volumes pulmonares foram bons preditores das respostas ventilatórias durante o exercício / INTRODUCTION: Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is an interstitial lung disease caused by the inhalation of specific organic antigens or low molecular weight substances in genetically susceptible individuals. Chronic HP represents its final stage, in which prolonged antigenic exposure causes fibrosis. In chronic HP, small airway involvement is prominent; however, a detailed characterization through functional evaluation and through automatic quantitative evaluation of computed tomography (CT) has not been previously assessed. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 28 chronic HP patients, with evaluation by pulmonary function tests (PFTs), forced oscillometry (FOT), automated lung volume analysis through CT, including quantification of air trapping (AT); and incremental cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) on a cycle ergometer to evaluate exercise performance, including serial measurements of inspiratory capacity to establish dynamic hyperinflation (DH). Inclusion criteria: patients aged 18 to 75 years, with a chronic HP diagnosis confirmed by the combination of CT findings, known antigenic exposure and compatible biopsy and / or BAL with lymphocytosis. Exclusion criteria: FVC and / or FEV1 < 30% predicted, smoking > 20 pack-years, supplemental oxygen use; previous diagnosis of asthma or COPD; pulmonary arterial hypertension, or medical conditions that could interfere with CPET. Data were compared with healthy controls. RESULTS: All patients (16 women; mean age 56 +- 11 years; FVC 57 +- 17% predicted) had restrictive ventilatory pattern without bronchodilator response. In FOT, 4 patients had increased resistance at 5 Hz (R5), all patients presented low reactance (X5) values, and none presented a significant bronchodilator response. Chronic HP patients had reduced exercise performance with lower peak V?O2, diminished breathing reserve, hyperventilation, oxygen desaturation and augmented Borg dyspnea scores when compared with controls. The prevalence of DH was only found in 18% of patients. When comparing chronic HP patients with normal and low peak VO2 (< 84%predicted, LLN), the later exhibited higher hyperventilation (VE/VCO2 slope), lower tidal volumes, and poorer physical functioning scores on Short-form-36 health survey. ROC curve analysis showed that reduced lung volumes (FVC%, TLC% and DLCO%) were high predictors of poor exercise capacity. On CT, chronic HP is characterized by increased pulmonary densities (Hounsfield Units) inferring the extension of ground glass opacities and fibrosis when compared with healthy subjects. The extension of low attenuation areas (LAA) and AT in relation to the hole lung volume is low and does not correlate with PFT indexes of obstruction; however, patients with greater extension of these areas had less fibrosis and more preserved PFTs. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic HP was characterized by an imminently restrictive lung disorder, and not by airway obstruction, according to the different diagnostic methods applied in this study. Reduction of exercise capacity was prevalent due to ventilatory and gas exchange limitation, similarly to other fibrotic interstitial lung diseases, rather than due to DH. Reduced lung volumes were good predictors of ventilatory responses during exercise

Estudo do comportamento hemodinâmico e variáveis metabólicas no teste de esforço cardiopulmonar e teste de caminhada de seis minutos em portadores de insuficiência aórtica crônica assintomáticos / Study of hemodynamic and metabolic variables in cardiopulmonary exercise testing and six-minute walk test in patients with asymptomatic chronic aortic regurgitation

Daniela Caetano Costa dos Reis 12 August 2016 (has links)
A insuficiência aórtica (IAo) crônica é uma lesão regurgitante, caracterizada pelo fluxo retrógrado de sangue durante a diástole. A utilização do exercício físico como forma de exploração das repercussões funcionais, caracterização da gravidade da IAo e determinação da classe funcional objetivamente, além da identificação de parâmetros funcionais capazes de identificar o estágio clínicofuncional na IAo é bastante atraente. Objetivos: avaliar a capacidade funcional dos portadores de IAo através do teste de esforço cardiopulmonar (TCP) e do teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6\'), subdivididos de acordo com a gravidade da regurgitação da válvula; comparar o desempenho desses portadores de IAo no TCP a um grupo de voluntários saudáveis; testar a reprodutibilidade do TC6\' nessa amostra de portadores de IAo. Casuística e métodos: os pacientes foram submetidos à ressonância magnética cardíaca e distribuídos em grupos IAo leve (n=6), IAo moderada (n=9) e IAo grave (n=10). Doze voluntários saudáveis foram incluídos (grupo controle - GC). Os voluntários estudados foram submetidos a um TCP máximo em cicloergômetro, com protocolo incremental do tipo rampa e a dois testes de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6\'-1 e TC6\'-2), com intervalo de 30 minutos entre eles. Resultados: no repouso, não encontramos diferença estatisticamente significante dos valores de VO2, frequência cardíaca e pressão arterial diastólica; a pressão arterial sistólica foi menor no GC, comparada ao grupo IAo grave. No esforço submáximo não identificamos diferença estatisticamente significante nos parâmetros, exceto pela potência que foi menor no grupo IAo grave quando comparada ao GC. A FC pico foi maior no GC, comparado ao grupo IAo leve e IAo moderada; a potência no pico do esforço foi maior no GC comparado aos grupos IAo leve, IAo moderada e IAo grave; a Ve no pico do esforço foi menor no grupo IAo grave quando comparado ao GC. No 9 grupo IAo grave, a medida de VO2 pico real foi menor que o VO2 pico predito, representando 77% do predito. Ve/VCO2 slope, OUES e pulso de O2 não foram diferentes entre os grupos. As medidas obtidas no TC6\', no repouso, no pico ou na recuperação, não demonstraram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos; os TC6\'-1 e TC6\'-2 se mostraram reprodutíveis e houve fraca correlação entre VO2 pico obtido no TCP e distância percorrida do TC6\'-2 nos portadores de IAo, independente da gravidade da regurgitação da válvula. Conclusão: em portadores de IAo crônica pura assintomáticos, as medidas de trocas gasosas e as respostas hemodinâmicas e metabólicas frente ao exercício físico podem não caracterizar a gravidade da regurgitação da válvula. Apesar de assintomáticos ou minimamente sintomáticos, e de apresentarem modestos sinais de remodelamento ventricular esquerdo, os portadores de IAo grave apresentavam-se com capacidade funcional reduzida, podendo ser resultado do processo evolutivo da doença. O TC6\' não foi capaz de diferenciar os portadores de IAo crônica pura assintomáticos, porém mostrou ser reprodutível nessa amostra de pacientes com IAo, o que sugere ser essa ferramenta útil no seguimento desses pacientes e possível identificação de limitações funcionais que possam vir a surgir com a evolução da doença. / Aortic regurgitation (AR) is a chronic regurgitant lesion, characterized by the backflow of blood during diastole. The use of physical exercise as a form of exploration of functional repercussions, characterizing the severity of AR and objectively determining the functional class, and identification of functional parameters able to identify the clinical and functional stage in AR is quite attractive. Objectives: To evaluate the functional capacity of patients with AR through cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) and the six-minute walk test (6MWT), subdivided according to the severity of valve regurgitation; compare the performance of these carriers in the CPET with group of healthy volunteers; test the reproducibility of the 6MWT in this sample of patients with AR. Methods: Patients underwent cardiac resonance magnetic and distributed in mild AR groups (n = 6), moderate AR (n = 9) and severe AR (n = 10). Twelve healthy volunteers were included (control group - CG). Volunteers studied were submitted to a maximum CPET ergometer with incremental protocol ramp type and two sixminute walk test (6MWT-1 and 6MWT-2) with an interval of 30 minutes between them. Results: at rest, no statistically significant difference in VO2 values, heart rate (HR) and diastolic blood pressure; systolic blood pressure was lower in the CG compared to the severe AR group. In submaximal effort, we did not identify statistically significant differences in the parameters, except for the load that was less severe AR group compared to the CG. HR peak was higher in the CG compared to the mild group and moderate AR; load at peak exercise was greater in the CG compared with the mild AR groups, moderate and severe AR; the Ve at peak exercise was lower in severe AR group when compared to the CG. In severe AR group, the measure VO2 real peak was lower than the predicted peak VO2, representing 77% of predicted. Ve / VCO2 slope, OUES and O2 pulse were not different between groups. The measurements obtained in the 6MWT, at rest, at 11 the peak or recovery, showed no statistically significant difference between the groups; the 6MWT-1 and 6MWT-2 proved to be reproducible and there was a weak correlation between peak VO2 obtained in TCP and the distance traveled 6MWT-2 in patients with AR, independent of valve regurgitation severity. Conclusion: in patients with pure chronic asymptomatic AR, measures gas exchange and hemodynamic and metabolic responses during physical exercise can not characterize the valve regurgitation severity. Although asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic, and present modest signs of left ventricular remodeling, the severe AR carriers presented with reduced functional capacity, may be the result of the evolutionary process of the disease. The 6MWT was not able to differentiate patients with pure chronic AR asymptomatic, but proved to be reproducible in this sample of patients with AR, which suggests that this useful tool in monitoring these patients and possible identification of functional limitations that may arise with the evolution of the disease.

Ein präventivmedizinisches Konzept zur Untersuchung der kardiovaskulären Gesundheit / A Preventive medicine conception to encompass cardiovascular health

Simon, Peter 10 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen spielen eine immer dominanter werdende Rolle als Ursachen von Morbidität und Mortalität. Endotheliale Dysfunktion, Arteriosklerose und ischämische Herzerkrankungen sind unangefochten die häufigsten Todesursachen in hochentwickelten Ländern. Die Krankheitslast kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen wird durch die globale Zunahme von Risikofaktoren wie Übergewicht, metabolischem Syndrom und Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 in Zukunft wohl weiter steigen. Keines der in der heutigen Form existierenden Gesundheitssysteme ist den gesundheitlichen Folgen dieser bedenklichen epidemiologischen Entwicklung gewachsen, ohne dafür beträchtliche Einschnitte in Qualität oder Quantität hinnehmen zu müssen. Präventivmedizinische Strategien haben im Vergleich zur Akutmedizin bisher eine wesentlich geringere Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Aufgrund der weiterhin steigenden Krankheitslast werden gerade präventivmedizinische Strategien immer wichtiger. Die Ermittlung der individuellen kardiovaskulären Gesundheit beinhalten neben einer Untersuchung wichtiger physiologsicher Kernsysteme, einen besonderen Fokus auf die Stärkung der gesundheitlichen Eigenverantwortung durch Vermittlung entsprechender medizinischer Zusammenhänge. Dies kann durch geeignete und prognostisch wertvolle Untersuchungsmethoden und laienverständliche Interpretationen der komplexen kardiovaskulären Zusammenhänge realisiert werden. Mithilfe eines besseren Verständnisses für die eigene kardiovaskuläre Gesundheit und gezielter konkreter Hilfestellungen von ärztlicher Seite, können grundlegende Strukturen für einen achtsameren Umgang mit der eigenen Gesundheit geschaffen werden. Alltägliche körperliche Aktivität, Körperzusammensetzung, Gefäßsteifigkeit und die maximale Leistungsfähigkeit bilden aktuellen Studien zufolge vier relativ einfach zu erhebend Hauptdeterminanten kardiovaskulärer Gesundheit mit großer prädiktiver Vorhersagekraft für kardiovaskulärer Ereignisse. Die Einordnung der Untersuchungsbefunde unter Berücksichtigung altersentsprechender Referenzdaten bietet zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, chronologisches und biologisches Alter zu differenzieren. Darüber hinaus könnte das hier vorgestellte Untersuchungskonzept ebenso dafür eingesetzt werden, die Effektivität von zuvor eingeleiteten therapeutischen Strategien zu überprüfen und eine Übermedikation zu vermeiden. Ein stärkerer Fokus auf nachhaltige kardiovaskuläre präventivmedizinische Strategien birgt das Potential Morbidität und Mortalität zu Reduzieren und die Lebensqualität und Selbstbestimmung der Klienten zu steigern. / Nowadays endothelial dysfunction, arteriosclerosis and ischaemic heart disease depict major issues in most developed countries. Chronic diseases cause an increasing number of deaths worldwide. Responsible for approximately 30% of all deaths, this number is shocking despite the knowledge that these lives could be saved in a realistic point of view. However, disturbing global tendencies and the increase in epidemic overweight, obesity, glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus type 2 seem to amplify cardiovascular diseases and deaths. No existing medical care system could ever sufficiently match these emergent burdens of global chronic diseases if these tendencies will continue to grow. Due to fatal epidemiological changes general practitioners will not only have to treat more diseases of elderly people, but also be the first contact person for enquiries about their health concerning the cardiovascular systems of younger and older generations. Strengthening prevention concerning cardiovascular diseases is probably the most efficient and only way to escape the vicious circle of pathophysiological processes. To implement cardiovascular prevention it is essential to focus on cardiovascular health rather than on cardiovascular disease. In order to master this challenge sufficiently a deliberate concept of preventive examinations for cardiovascular health is required to quantify cardiovascular wellness and sharpen the awareness of one’s health. Therefore, it is to establish precise, predictive and cost-efficient examination methods to quantify cardiovascular health and subclinical changes at early stages of a disease. Broader acceptance of the preventive potential and the use of modern technological advances could therefore be a powerful instrument to solve the growing global problem of chronic diseases. In this context the routine evaluation of daily physical activity, body composition, arterial stiffness and the maximum physical performance could be a starting point for a preventive diagnostic approach. They can serve as future parameters reflecting health, detecting subclinical diseases and encouraging people’s responsibility for their own health. Detailed information about the major cardiovascular parameters opens specific and efficient course of action to create multiple strategies for gaining or rehabilitating cardiovascular wellbeing

Altérations de la repolarisation ventriculaire induites par l’exercice dans la sténose congénitale modérée de la valve aortique

Beauséjour, Louis-Simon 05 1900 (has links)
Introduction: La surcharge de pression ventriculaire augmente à l’exercice chez les patients avec une sténose de valve aortique (SVA). Lorsqu’il n’y a aucun symptôme apparent, il est cependant difficile d’indiquer l’intervention chirurgicale en utilisant seulement les indices de surcharge de pression ventriculaire. D’autres paramètres, tels que la dispersion de la repolarisation ventriculaire (d-QT), qui augmentent avec le gradient de pression transvalvulaire (GPT), n’ont pas été étudiés dans la SVA. L’objectif de l’étude était de déterminer le modèle de réponse du segment QT et de la d-QT à l’épreuve d’effort chez des enfants avec une SVA congénitale modérée afin d’évaluer l’impact de la surcharge de pression ventriculaire selon une perspective électrophysiologique. Matériel et méthodes: 15 patients SVA modérés ont été comparés à 15 sujets contrôles appariés pour l’âge (14.8±2.5 ans vs. 14.2±1.5 ans) et pour le sexe (66,7% de sujets mâles). Tous les sujets ont fait une épreuve d’effort avec enregistrement électrocardiographique à 12 dérivations. Le segment QT a été mesuré à partir du début du complexe QRS jusqu’à l’apex de l’onde T (QTa) au repos, à l’effort maximal ainsi qu’après 1 et 3 minutes de récupération. La longueur du segment QT a été corrigée selon l’équation de Fridericia et la d-QT a été calculée. Résultats: La longueur du segment QT corrigée (QTc) était similaire au repos entre les groupes d’étude, mais était significativement élevée chez les SVA en comparaison avec le groupe contrôle à l’effort maximal (p=0.004) ainsi qu’après 1 (p<0.001) et 3 (p<0.001) minutes de récupération. Une interaction significative a été identifiée entre les groupes pour la d-QT (p=0.034) et les tests post hoc ont révélé une différence significative seulement au repos (p=0.001). Conclusions: Les anomalies de repolarisation ventriculaire peuvent être révélées par l’évaluation de la repolarisation électrique lors de l’épreuve d’effort chez les SVA modérées asymptomatiques. L’utilisation de la réponse du QT à l’effort pourrait être bénéfique pour l’optimisation de la stratification du risque chez ces patients. / Introduction: Pressure overload increases in patients with moderate aortic valvular stenosis (AVS) during acute exercise. In the absence of symptoms, it remains difficult however, to discriminate patients for surgery based only on pressure overload. Other parameters, such as the dispersion of ventricular repolarisation (d-QT), which reportedly increases with the transvalvular pressure gradient, have not been fully studied in AVS. The aim of the study was to determine the pattern of QT and d-QT response to exercise testing in children with moderate AVS to evaluate the impact of pressure overload from an electrophysiological perspective. Materials and methods: 15 moderate AVS patients were compared to 15 controls paired for age (14.8±2.5 vs. 14.2±1.5 years old) and gender (66.7% male). All subjects underwent exercise stress testing with 12-lead ECG recording. QT was measured from the onset of QRS to the apex (QTa) at rest, peak exercise, 1 and 3 minutes of recovery. QT was corrected using the Fridericia equation and d-QT was calculated. Results: Resting QTc was similar among the study groups, but increased significantly in AVS in comparison to the control group at maximal effort (p=0.004) and after 1 (p<0.001) and 3 (p<0.001) minutes of recovery. A significant interaction was identified between groups for d-QT (p=0.034) and post-hoc tests revealed a significant difference only at rest (p=0.001). Conclusions: Ventricular repolarisation abnormalities can be unmasked and highlighted by the assessment of electrical repolarisation during exercise challenge in asymptomatic moderate AVS. Using QT response to exercise could be beneficial for better optimisation of risk stratification in these patients.

Avaliação e reabilitação de pacientes hospitalizados por doenças pulmonares agudas e crônicas agudizadas / Evaluation and rehabilitation of patients hospitalized for acute and descompensated chronic pulmonary disease

José, Anderson 19 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-05-16T19:40:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Anderson Jose.pdf: 974286 bytes, checksum: 4ca01416343b27ba5d201fd52e0ce8cb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-16T19:40:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Anderson Jose.pdf: 974286 bytes, checksum: 4ca01416343b27ba5d201fd52e0ce8cb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-19 / Background: The effects of exercise training have not been evaluated in patients hospitalized with acquired pneumonia (CAP). Additionally, the field tests that assess functional capacity (FC) need to be more solidly studied in patients hospitalized for acute pulmonary diseases. Objectives: Article 1: To assess the reproducibility of the six-minute walk test (6MWT) and Glittre ADL-test (GT) in patients hospitalized for acute pulmonary diseases; Article 2: To evaluate FC and safety of the Chester step test (CST) and the modified incremental step test (MIST) in patients hospitalized for acute lung diseases and Article 3: Compare the effects of a physical training program with respiratory physiotherapy in patients hospitalized for CAP on peripheral muscle strength, functional capacity and quality of life. Methods: Article 1: 81 patients underwent two 6MWT and GT, in randomized order on two visits. Article 2: 77 patients underwent CST and MIST and were compared to a control group of 20 healthy volunteers. Article 3: 41 patients were randomized into two groups: For eight consecutive days, the control group (CG, 14 patients) performed respiratory physiotherapy program and the experimental group (EG, 27 patients) performed physical training program. Results: Article 1: 6MWT was reproducible [349 m (285-419) and 363 m (288-432); ICC: 0.97(0.95-0.98)], and time in GT [286s (220-378) and 244s (197-323); ICC: 0.91(0.95-0.96)], but with a huge variability in the results was observed by the large limits of agreement in the Bland-Altman analysis. Article. 2: patients in CST climbed 66±63 steps and 113±121 steps in MIST (P < 0.05). The tests correlated with the 6MWT (CST, r=0.54 and MIST, r= 0.61) and no adverse events were observed. Compared to the control group, patients had a lower number of steps in the two tests. Article 3: The FC tests initial and final of CG and EG, respectively, were: Shuttle Walk Teste Incremental (ISWT): from 327±93m and 367±88m (P=0.87) to 363±131m and 555±171m (P<0.0001); GT: from 219±47s and 205±38s (P=0.77) to 213±46s and 152±33s (P<0.0001). EG patients also showed significant improvement in the quality of life (QoL), increase in peripheral muscle strength (PMS) and decrease in dyspnea. The groups did not differ in terms of lung function, evolution, and time of hospitalization. Conclusion: The 6MWT and the GT were reproducible, however, due to the large variability of the results, two tests are needed to obtain reliable measurements. The CST and MIST showed to be safe and can be used to assess FC in hospitalized patients. The effects of exercise training program compared to physiotherapy treatment promoted an improvement in FC, increase in PMS, improve dyspnea and QoL. The treatment was not associated with the time of hospitalization. / Introdução: Os efeitos de um programa de treinamento físico ainda não foram avaliados em pacientes hospitalizados por pneumonia adquirida na comunidade (PAC). Adicionalmente, o uso de testes de campo que avaliam a capacidade funcional (CF) nos pacientes hospitalizados por doenças pulmonares agudas precisa ser solidamente estudado neste contexto. Objetivos: Artigo 1: avaliar a reprodutibilidade do teste de caminhada dos seis minutos (TC6) e do Glittre ADL-test (GT) em pacientes hospitalizados por doenças pulmonares agudas; Artigo 2: avaliar a CF por meio do teste do degrau de Chester (TDC) e do teste do degrau incremental modificado (TDIM) e a sua segurança em pacientes hospitalizados por doenças pulmonares agudas e Artigo 3: Comparar os efeitos de um programa de treinamento físico na capacidade funcional, força muscular periférica e qualidade de vida com a fisioterapia respiratória em pacientes hospitalizados por PAC. Métodos: Artigo 1: 81 pacientes realizaram dois TC6 e GT, em ordem randomizada em duas visitas. Artigo 2: 77 pacientes realizaram o TDC e o TDIM e foram comparados a um grupo controle de 20 voluntários saudáveis. Artigo 3: 41 pacientes foram aleatorizados em dois grupos: O Grupo Controle (14 pacientes) realizou o programa de fisioterapia e o Grupo Experimental (27 pacientes) realizou o programa de treinamento físico durante oito dias consecutivos. Resultados: Artigo 1: As distâncias do TC6 [349m (285–419) e 363m (288–432); CCI: 0,97(0,95-0,98)] foram reprodutíveis, assim como o tempo do GT [286s (220–378) e 244s (197–323); CCI: 0,91(0,95-0,96)], mas com uma grande variabilidade observada pelos largos limites de concordância na análise de Bland-Altman. Artigo 2: os pacientes escalaram 66±63 degraus no TDC e 113 ± 121 no TDIM (P<0,05). Os testes se correlacionaram com o TC6 (TDC, r=0,54 e TDIM, r=0,61) e não ocorram complicações durante a execução dos testes. Em comparação ao grupo controle, os pacientes apresentaram um menor número de degraus nos dois testes. Artigo 3: Os testes de CF inicial e final dos Grupos Controle (GC) e Experimental (GE), respectivamente, foram: Shuttle Walk Teste Incrementale (ISWT): de 327±93 m e 367±88 m (P=0,87) para 363±131m e 555±171m (P<0,0001); de GT: 219±47s e 205±38s (P=0,77) para 213±46s e 152±33s (P<0,0001). Os pacientes do GE também apresentaram melhora significante na qualidade de vida (QV), aumento da força muscular periférica (FMP) e diminuição da dispneia. Os grupos não diferiram quanto à função pulmonar, evolução e tempo de hospitalização. Conclusão: O TC6 e o GT foram reprodutíveis, porém, devido à grande variabilidade dos resultados, dois testes são necessários para obter medidas confiáveis. O TDC e o TDIM mostraram-se seguros e podem ser usados para avaliar a CF de pacientes hospitalizados. Os efeitos do programa de treinamento físico comparado ao tratamento fisioterapêutico promoveu uma melhora da CF, aumento da FMP, melhora da dispneia e da QV. O tipo de tratamento não esteve associado ao tempo de hospitalização.

Estudo do teste de caminhada de seis minutos, variabilidade da frequência cardíaca, função pulmonar e força muscular respiratória em crianças e adolescentes submetidos à correção cirúrgica de cardiopatia congênita / Study of six minute walk test, heart rate variability, pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength in children and adolescents who underwent to congenital heart disease surgery

Angela Sachiko Inoue 21 March 2013 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Verificar o impacto da condição física e pulmonar pré-operatória sobre a evolução pós-operatória intra-hospitalar e o desempenho funcional após alta hospitalar, por meio de avaliação de teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6M), comportamento de variabilidade de frequência cardíaca (VFC), função pulmonar e força muscular respiratória em crianças e adolescentes submetidos à correção cirúrgica de cardiopatias congênitas. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 96 pacientes; dos quais 81 entraram no protocolo. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados utilizando TC6M, VFC, analisados nos domínios tempo e frequência em repouso, espirometria e pressões inspiratórias (PImax) e expiratória (PEmax) máximas nos momentos pré, pós-operatório e 90 dias após a alta hospitalar. As variáveis respostas compreenderam dados de pré-operatório, pós-operatório, complicações hemodinâmicas, cirúrgicas, respiratórias, infecciosas e óbito. Consideramos, além disso, tempo de permanência em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) e de internação hospitalar. Para análise estatística foi aceito nível mínimo de significância de p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Observamos impacto positivo 90 dias após a alta hospitalar na distância caminhada no TC6M com o valor de pré-operatório de 521,88±96,94 metros para 579,28±83,36 metros após 90 dias (p<0,001). A queda significativa na SpO2 imediatamente após o TC6M esteve relacionada com o aumento do tempo de internação em UTI e hospitalar (rP = -0,386 e -0,283 e p = 0,006 e 0,014, respectivamente). Na espirometria os pacientes apresentaram padrão restritivo com recuperação de seus valores 90 dias após a alta e a força muscular respiratória indicou correlação positiva na distância caminhada (rP = 0,4, p<0,05). Valores baixos de VFC demonstraram correlação negativa e significativa durante a internação hospitalar (rP = -0,286, p < 0,05). Na análise multivariada, a variável pNN50 da VFC demonstrou associação significante com a presença de morbimortalidade (p = 0,009). Para as variáveis respostas (complicações) foi observado que LF apresentou associação com complicações hemodinâmicas (p = 0,014) e cirúrgicas (p = 0,007); SpO2 em repouso foi a variável associada com complicações respiratórias (p = 0,033) e IMC, com complicações infecciosas (p = 0,026). CONCLUSÕES: Nossos dados sugerem que a magnitude da reserva dos sistemas cardiovascular e respiratório no período pré-operatório, caracterizada pela distância caminhada e SpO2 reduzidas, associou-se com o tempo de internação na UTI e hospitalar. As variáveis pNN50 e LF, representantes da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca, a SpO2 em repouso e o índice de massa corpórea foram os fatores que se associaram à ocorrência de morbimortalidade. A variabilidade da frequência cardíaca esteve reduzida, com diminuição da atividade parassimpática e aumento da atividade simpática, sugerindo a existência da disfunção autonômica em crianças e adolescentes com cardiopatias congênitas / PURPOSE: To evaluate the impact of the preoperative physical and pulmonary condition on the immediate postoperative course and the functional performance after hospital discharge by means of six minute walk test (6MWT), behavior of heart rate variability (HRV), lung function and respiratory muscle strength in children and adolescents who underwent congenital heart diseases surgery. METHOD: Ninety-six patients were evaluated, of whom 81 entered the protocol. All patients were evaluated using the 6MWT, HRV performed at rest in the time and frequency domains, spirometry, maximum inspiratory (MIP) and expiratory (MEP) pressures, during pre, postoperative and 90 days after discharge. Outcome variables included preoperative, postoperative data and hemodynamic, surgical, respiratory infectious complications and mortality. We also considered time of intensive care unit (ICU) and discharge. For statistical analysis was considered a minimum significance level of p < 0.05. RESULTS: We observed a positive impact 90 days after hospital discharge on the 6MWT distance, with the preoperative value 521.88 ± 96.94 meters to 579.28 ± 83.36 meters 90 days after discharge (p <0.001). A significant decrease in SpO2 immediately after 6MWT is related to the increase in the length of ICU and hospital stay (rP = -0.386 and -0.283 and p = 0.006 and 0.014, respectively). Spirometry showed a restrictive pattern with recovery the values 90 days after hospital discharge and respiratory muscle strength was positively correlates with walked distance (rP = 0.4; p < 0.05). Lower values of HRV had a negative correlation during hospital stay (rP = -0.286, p < 0.05). In multivariate analysis, pNN50 value of HRV showed significant association with the presence of morbidity and mortality. To outcome variables (complications) was observed that LF value was associated with hemodynamic (p = 0.014) and surgical complication (p = 0.007), SpO2 at rest was the variable associated with respiratory complications (p = 0.033) and IMC, with infectious complications (p = 0.026). CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that the magnitude of the reserve of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in the preoperative period characterized by the distance walked and SpO2 was associated with the reduced length of stay in ICU and hospital. The variables pNN50 and LF, representatives of the HRV, SpO2 at rest and body mass index were factors that were associated with the occurrence of morbidity and mortality. The heart rate variability was reduced, with decreased parasympathetic and increased sympathetic activity suggesting the impaired autonomic function in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease

Valor prognóstico de provas funcionais na evolução tardia de pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio tratados com angioplastia coronária transluminal percutânea primária com implante de stent / Prognostic value of non-invasive functional tests during the follow-up of acute myocardial infarction treated with primary coronary stenting

Rica Dodo Delmar Büchler 25 June 2007 (has links)
Introdução: A angioplastia primária associada ao implante de stent é o tratamento de escolha no infarto agudo do miocárdio. Discute-se o valor de provas funcionais na abordagem de reestenose coronária, bem como o tempo ideal para sua realização. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a importância do teste ergométrico, da cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica e do ecocardiograma bidimensional em repouso, no diagnóstico de reestenose em pacientes tratados durante as primeiras 12 horas de evolução do infarto com supra desnivelamento do segmento ST. Métodos: No período de agosto de 2003 a janeiro de 2006 foram selecionados 64 pacientes tratados com angioplastia primária e implante de stent nas primeiras 12 horas de evolução do primeiro infarto. Os pacientes realizaram ecocardiograma bidimensional em repouso, teste ergométrico com adição de derivações precordiais direitas e cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com captação tomográfica (SPECT) sincronizada ao ECG (GATED SPECT), seis semanas (etapa1), seis meses (etapa 2) e um ano (etapa3) após a angioplastia primária. Foi realizado reestudo angiográfico no sexto mês de evolução. Resultados: A idade média foi 56,2 ±10,2 anos; 53 pacientes eram do sexo masculino. Doença uniarterial > = 50% foi observada em 46,9% dos casos. A artéria descendente anterior foi tratada em 48,4% dos pacientes, artéria coronária direita em 34,4%, artéria circunflexa em 10,9%, tronco de coronária esquerda em 3,1%,grande ramo diagonal em 1,6% e ponte safena em 1,6%. Reestenose angiográfica ocorreu em 28.8% dos 59 casos submetidos a reestudo. A fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo ao ecocardiograma foi em média: 0,55 (etapa 1), 0,55 (etapa 2) e 0,56 (etapa 3). Observou-se diferença entre a fração de ejeção dos pacientes com e sem reestenose um ano após o procedimento (p=0,003). Sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo e acurácia do teste ergométrico foram respectivamente: 53,3%, 69% , 38,1%, 80,6% e 64,9% na etapa 1 (p=0,123); 54,5%, 70,7%, 33,3%, 85,3% e 67,3% na etapa 2(p=0,159) e 38,5%, 66,7%, 27,8% ,76,5% e 59,6% na etapa 3 (p=0,747). A adição de derivações precordiais direitas não elevou os índices de sensibilidade em nenhuma das etapas. Os valores de sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo e acurácía obtidos após a cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com MIBI, quando considerada a diferença de escores entre esforço e repouso >2, foram respectivamente 40%,78,6%, 40%, 78,6% e 68,4% na etapa1(p=0,185); 54,5%,87,8%,54,5%,87,8% e 80,8% na etapa 2 (p=0,006) e 25%,91,7%,50%,78,6% e 75% na etapa 3(p=0,156). Quando considerada a diferença de escores >4 os valores foram respectivamente: 13,3%,88,1%,28,6% ,74% e 68,4% na etapa 1(p>0,999); 36,4%,95,1%,66,7%,84,8% e 82,7% na etapa 2 (p=0,014) e 8,3%,94,4 %,33,3%,75,6% e 72,9 % na etapa 3 (p >0,999). Conclusões: O teste ergométrico não permitiu discriminar reestenose na população estudada, em nenhuma das etapas durante a evolução. A cintilografia miocárdica realizada seis meses após o infarto apresentou associação com reestenose. Os pacientes com reestenose apresentaram menores valores de fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo um ano após a angioplastia primária, por avaliação ecocardiográfica. / Primary coronary angioplasty and stenting during acute myocardial infarction is the first treatment choice. Non-invasive testings have been used in the diagnosis of restenosis but its efficacy and time to be performed have to be determined. The purpose of this study was to evaluate exercise treadmill test, myocardial perfusion imaging and rest two-dimensional echocardiogram in the diagnosis of restenosis in patients treated during the first 12 hours of STelevation myocardial infarction.Methods: From August 2003 to January 2006, 64 patients were selected after primary coronary angioplasty and stenting. Rest two- dimensional echocardiogram, exercise treadmill test associated to right precordial leads and myocardial perfusion imaging according to GATED-SPECT were performed 6 weeks (step 1), 6 months (step 2) and one year (step 3) after the procedure.Coronary angiography was performed during the sixth month of follow-up.Results : Mean age was 56.2 ± 10.2 years; 53 patients were male. Single vessel disease > = 50% was observed in 46.9% of patients. The left anterior descending coronary artery was treated in 48.4%, the right coronary artery in 34.4%, the left circumflex in 10.9%, the left main coronary artery in 3.1%, a large diagonal branch in 1.6% and saphenous vein graft in 1.6% of the cases. Angiographic restenosis occurred in 28.8% from 59 patients submitted to coronary angiography. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction observed during rest two-dimensional echocardiogram was: 0.55 (step 1), 0.55 (step 2) and 0.56 (step 3). It was observed in patients with and without restenosis a significant difference in the left ventricular ejection fraction one year after the procedure (p= 0.003). Exercise treadmill test sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and accuracy were respectively: 53.3%, 69%, 38.1%, 80.6% and 64.9% in step 1(p=0.123); 54.5%, 70.7%, 33.3%, 85.3% and 67.3% in step 2 (p=0.159) and 38.5%, 66.7%, 27.8%, 76.5% and 59.6% in step 3 (p=0.747). Right precordial leads did not show any additional significance. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and accuracy during myocardial perfusion imaging when considering summed difference score > 2 were respectively: 40%, 78.6%, 40%, 78.6% and 68.4% in step 1(p=0.185); 54.5%, 87.8%, 54.5%,87.8% and 80.8% in step 2(p=0.006) and 25%, 91.7%, 50%, 78.6% and 75% in step 3(p=0.156). When considering summed difference score > 4 they were respectively: 13.3%, 88.1%, 28.6%, 74% and 68.4% in step 1(p> 0.999); 36.4%, 95.1%,66.7%, 84.8% and 82.7% in step 2 (p=0.014) and 8.3%, 94.4%, 33.3%, 75.6% and 72.9% in step 3(p> 0.999). Conclusions: Exercise treadmill test did not allow to discriminate restenosis in this population in all steps.Myocardial perfusion imaging performed 6 months after acute myocardial infarction was associated to restenosis. Patients with restenosis showed lower left ventricular ejection fraction one year after acute myocardial infarction by rest two-dimensional echocardiogram.

Função endotelial em crianças pré-púberes com cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática, insuficiência cardíaca com fração de ejeção de ventrículo esquerdo preservada e saudáveis / Endothelial function in prepubertal children with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction and healthy ones

Aline Cristina Tavares 09 June 2016 (has links)
Adultos com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) desencadeada por cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática (CMDid) apresentam disfunção endotelial. Esta, por sua vez, está relacionada a baixo prognóstico. Assim, o objetivo principal desse estudo foi avaliar a função endotelial de crianças com CMDid e com IC por CMDid prévia e função de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) preservada. O estudo, então, foi composto por três grupos. O grupo CMDid foi composto de 15 crianças com CMDid e FEVE<40%.O grupo IC foi composto de 16 crianças com IC por CMDid prévia e FEVE > 50%. O grupo controle (CON) foi composto de 11 crianças saudáveis. As crianças dos três grupos foram submetidas a avaliações de função endotelial pelo índice de hiperemia reativa (RHI), ergoespirometria e classificação da classe funcional. Os resultados mostram que a estatura das crianças do CMDid foi menor que a das crianças do CON (1,20 ± 0,20 contra 1,40 ± 0,10; p=0,02). A FEVE foi significativamente menor no CMDid (35,2 ± 10,4) em comparação com a no IC (59,1 ± 5,9) e no CON (62,5 ± 3,4; p=0,0001). Os valores de RHI do CON se apresentaram significativamente 31% maiores que o CMDid e 25% maiores no IC, de forma que houve efeito principal significativo estatisticamente apenas para o grupo em relação à variável RHI [F(2,39)=10,310;p < 0,001; ?2=0,35; poder = 0,98].As crianças do CMDid apresentaram os valores de RHI e de pressão arterial sistólica no pico do exercício significantemente menores que as crianças do IC e do CON. A FEVE esteve moderadamente correlacionada com os valores do RHI (r=0,46; p < 0,006). Para cada unidade de medida de RHI, houve um acréscimo de 10,5 no VO2max. Os menores valores de RHI estiveram diretamente correlacionados com os menores valores de VO2max (r=1; p =< 0,01). A classificação de Weber foi significativamente associada às três classes funcionais (da criança, do responsável e do médico) / Adults with heart failure (HF) due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) have endothelial dysfunction. The latter is related to poor prognosis. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to evaluate endothelial function in children with DCM, with HF due to previous DCM and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). The study was composed by three groups. CMDid group was composed by 15 DCM children with LVEF < 40%.ICgroup was composed by 16 HF children (by previous DCM) with LVEF > 50%. Control group (CON) was composed by 11 healthy children. All children were assessed by endothelial function via reactive hyperemia-peripheral artery tonometry (RH-PAT) testing, CPT and functional class classification. The results point that CMDid children were shorter than CON (1.20 ± 0.20 contra 1.40 ± 0.10; p=0.02). LVEF was significantly lower in children from CMDid (35.2 ± 10.4) compared to those from IC (59.1 ± 5.9) and from CON (62.5 ± 3.4; p=0.0001). CON had significant higher RHI values than CMDid in 31% and than IC in 25%.There was statistically significant main effect only for group in relation to the variable RHI [F(2,39)=10.310;p < 0.001; ?2=0.35; power = 0.98]. Children in CMDidhad significantly lower values of RHI and lower systolic pressure at peak of exercise than ICand CON. LVEF was moderate correlated to RHI values (r=0.46; p < 0.006). For each point of RHI, there is an addition of 10.5 in the VO2max. Lower RHI values were correlated to lower VO2max values (r=1; p =< 0.01).Weber\'s classification was significantly associated to the three functional classes (children\'s self report, parents\' and medical\'s)

Jämförelse mellan kvinnor och mäns överlevnad baserad på resultat från arbetsprov och myokardscintigrafi

MIRBAZEL, SEYEDEH HOURIEH January 2011 (has links)
Mirbazel SH. Jämförelse mellan kvinnor och mäns överlevnad baserad på resultat från arbetsprov och myokardscintigrafi. Examensarbete i Biomedicinsk Laboratorievetenskap, 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, utbildningsområde för Biomedicinsk Laboratorievetenskap, 2011.En av de vanligaste orsakerna till död både i utvecklingsländerna och i västvärlden är hjärtinfarkt som drabbar vanligtvis individer över 65 år. Hjärtischemi är den vanligaste orsaken till hjärtinfarkt/ plötsligt hjärtstopp. För diagnostik av hjärtischemi används oftast arbetsprov som förstahandsval, eftersom metoden är billig, icke-invasiv och relativt ofarlig. Myokardscintigrafi utförs ofta efter arbetsprovet, om detta varit inkonklusivt. Syftet i denna retrospektiva studie var att ta reda på om prognosen och överlevnaden skiljer sig åt mellan kvinnor och män beroende på undersökningsresultat från arbetsprov och myokardscintigrafi. I denna studie analyserades 2045 patienter som var registrerade att utföra arbetsprov för misstänkt eller tidigare känd koronarkärlssjukdom under 2006 & 2007. Patienternas resultat delades i tre grupper: normalt, patologiskt och intermediärt enligt bestämda kriterier. Intermediärgruppen analyserades också om de hade utfört ett myokardscintigrafi inom 6 månader. Intermediärgruppen delades därefter in i tre grupper: de med normal myokardscintigrafi, de med patologisk och de som inte hade utfört någon. Patienter med normalt arbetsprov var 1110, med intermediärt arbetsprov 540 och med patologiskt arbetsprov 254 personer. Det finns statistiskt signifikanta skillnader av antal levande och avlidna mellan män och kvinnor i intermediärt arbetsprov (p < 0,001) och i undergruppen, intermediär utan utförd myokardscintigrafi (p < 0,001). Det finns också en statistiskt signifikant skillnad i överlevnad i huvudgruppen med intermediärt arbetsprov(p < 0,01). Inga analyser av överlevad utfördes för undergrupperna. Sammanfattningsvis har denna studie visat att det inte finns några statistiskt säkerställda skillnader i överlevnad mellan män och kvinnor med normalt och patologiskt arbetsprov däremot finns det en signifikant skillnad i intermediärgruppen. / Mirbazel SH. Comparison between men and women’s survival based on the results from the exercise tests and myocardial perfusion imaging. Degree Project in Biomedical Laboratory Science, 15 points. Malmö University: Health and Society, Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, 2011.One of the most common causes of death in both developing countries and in the Western world is heart attack that hits usually individuals over 65 years. Cardiac ischemia is the most common cause of myocardial infarction/sudden cardiac arrest. For the diagnosis of cardiac ischemia, exercise test is the first choice, because the method is inexpensive, non-invasive and relatively harmless. Myocardial perfusion imaging is often performed after an inconclusive exercise test. The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine if the prognosis and survival differ between women and men depending on the outcome of the investigation from the exercise test, and the myocardial perfusion imaging. In this study 2045 patients were analyzed who were registered to perform the exercise tests for a suspected or previously known coronary artery disease in 2006/2007. Patient’s results were divided into three groups: normal, pathological and intermediate findings. The intermediary group was further divided according to results of myocardial perfusion imaging within 6 months of the exercise test: those with normal, those with pathologic and those who had not carried out any myocardial perfusion imaging. Patients with normal exercise test were 1110, with intermediate exercise test 540 and with pathologic exercise test were 254 people. There are statistically significant differences in the number of living and deceased between men and women in intermediate exercise tests (p < 0, 001) and in the subgroup, intermediary without myocardial perfusion imaging (p < 0,001). There is also a statistically significant difference in survival in the main group with the intermediate exercise tests (p < 0.01). No analysis was performed for sub-groups. In conclusion, this study has shown that there are no statistically significant differences in survival between men and women with normal and pathological exercise test. However there is a significant difference in intermediary group.

Exercise Dependence of N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Patients with Precapillary Pulmonary Hypertension

Grachtrup, Sabine, Brügel, Mathias, Pankau, Hans, Halank, Michael, Wirtz, Hubert, Seyfarth, Hans-Jürgen January 2012 (has links)
Background: N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is secreted by cardiac ventricular myocytes upon pressure and volume overload and is a prognostic marker to monitor the severity of precapillary pulmonary hypertension and the extent of right heart failure. Objectives: The impact of physical exercise on NT-proBNP levels in patients with left heart disease was demonstrated previously. No data regarding patients with isolated right heart failure and the influence of acute exercise on NT-proBNP serum levels exist. Methods: Twenty patients with precapillary pulmonary hypertension were examined. Hemodynamic parameters were measured during right heart catheterization. Serum NT-proBNP of patients was measured at rest, after a 6-min walking test, during ergospirometry and during recovery, all within 7 h. Significant differences in sequential NT-proBNP values, relative changes compared to values at rest and the correlation between NT-proBNP and obtained parameters were assessed. Results: At rest, the mean serum level of NT-proBNP was 1,278 ± 998 pg/ml. The mean level of NT-proBNP at maximal exercise was increased (1,592 ± 1,219 pg/ml), whereas serum levels decreased slightly during recovery (1,518 ± 1,170 pg/ml). The relative increase of serum NT-proBNP during exercise correlated with pulmonary vascular resistance (r = 0.45; p = 0.026) and cardiac output (r = –0.5; p = 0.015). Conclusions: In this study, we demonstrated acute changes in NT-proBNP levels due to physical exercise in a small group of patients with precapillary pulmonary hypertension. Our results also confirm the predominant usefulness of NT-proBNP as an intraindividual parameter of right heart load. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

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