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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ciné-danse : histoire et singularités esthétiques d’un genre hybride / Screendance : history and aesthetic singularities of a hybrid genre

Walon, Sophie Geneviève 09 December 2016 (has links)
La ciné-danse est une forme artistique hybride qui entrelace étroitement les propriétés techniques et esthétiques de la danse et du cinéma. Ce n’est pas un genre nouveau: d’une certaine manière, la ciné-danse existe depuis les tout débuts du cinéma. Mais elle est théorisée pour la première fois au milieu des années 1940 par Maya Deren qui propose aussi avec A Study in Choreography for Camera (1945) un film-manifeste qui s’est avéré déterminant pour la reconnaissance et le développement decette catégorie la plus transdisciplinaire du film de danse.Néanmoins, c’est seulement à partir des années 2000 etsurtout depuis le début des années 2010 que les festivals spécialisés se sont multipliés et que le genre a commencé à recevoir un éclairage théorique. Cette thèse contribue ainsi à ce tout jeune domaine de recherche que sont les screendance studies en proposant un premier panorama historique de la ciné-danse et en examinant certaines de ses spécificités formelles et dramaturgiques dont beaucoup n’avaient pas encore été analysées.Cette étude prend notamment le parti d’explorer la ciné-danse sous l’angle inaperçu de son hyper-sensorialité et des corporéités originales qu’elle façonne.J’y commence par retracer l’histoire plus large dans laquelle la ciné-danse s’inscrit, celle de la danse au cinéma en général et du film de danse en particulier. Puis,je propose d’esquisser plus spécifiquement l’histoire du genre. Je souligne ensuite la fécondité de l’hybridation artistiquequi définit la ciné-danse en analysant certaines de ses singularités formelles et dramaturgiques. J’examine notamment l’usage sui generis du gros plan dans ces films, la (re)matérialisation des corps à laquelle ils procèdent par un traitement hyper-sensoriel et synesthésique des images et des sons ainsi que les corporéitésétranges qu’ils créent et les implications critiques que celles-ci renferment. Enfin, je me concentre sur un aspect capital de la ciné-danse : les lieux qu’elle investit et les rapports complexes entre corps et espaces qu’elle interroge. Cette thèse brosse ainsi le portrait historique et esthétique d’un art hybride, d’un genre éminemment corporel et sensoriel et d’une pratique in situ. J’y mets au jour des oeuvres expérimentales qui explorent la capacité de ce croisement artistique à mettre en exergue la matérialité des corps ainsi que la sensorialité des films et de l’art chorégraphique. / Screendance is a hybrid artistic form which inextricably interweaves the technical and aesthetic properties of both dance and cinema. It is not a new genre: in a certain sense, screendance has existed since the very beginnings of cinema. It was first theorised, however, in the mid-1940s by Maya Deren, whose film-manifestoA Study in Choreography for Camera (1945) proved central to the recognition and development of this most transdisciplinary category of dance films. Nevertheless, it is only from the 2000s and even more-so from the 2010s onwards that specialisedfestivals have proliferated and that the genre has begun to receive theoretical attention. This dissertation is thus a contribution to the emerging field of screendance studies: it proposes a historical panorama of the genre and examines its formal and dramaturgical specificities, many of which have not yet been the object of in-depth analysis. This examination aims in particular to explore screendance from the previously unconsidered perspective of its hyper-sensoriality and the originalcorporealities it constructs.I begin by retracing the larger history within which screendance has grown that of dance in film and especially that of dance films. I then propose a more specific history of screendace proper. Next, I emphasise the fecundity of the artistic hybridisation which defines screendance by analysing certain of its formal and dramaturgical singularities. More specifically, I examine its sui generis usage of closeups, its (re)materialisation of bodies through a hyper-sensorial and synaesthetic treatment of images and sounds, as well as its strange corporealities and the critical implications they suggest. Finally, I focus on a crucial dimension of screendance: the places it investigates and its complex interrogations of the relationships between body and space. This dissertation paints a historical and aesthetic portrait of a hybrid art, an eminently corporeal and sensorial genre, a site-specific practice; it celebrates experimental works which explore the richness of an artistic cross-over and highlight the materiality of bodies as well as the sensoriality of dance and film.

Reglas del juego: Pautas, constricciones y dispositivos creativos en el cine de no ficción

Marín Ramos, Rubén 16 June 2022 (has links)
[ES] La presente Tesis aborda el cine de no ficción construido en base a reglas preestablecidas, constricciones o estrategias formales heterodoxas. Piezas fílmicas y videográficas radicales en su forma y en su aproximación a lo real que desafían las convenciones del cine documental y se vinculan con otras prácticas artísticas. Esta investigación teórico-práctica se centra, por un lado, en la búsqueda y análisis de obras de no ficción con una clara vocación minimalista, ligadas al documental de vanguardia, el cine experimental y el videoarte, que se fundamentan en estrategias muy precisas, no como un mero hecho anecdótico, sino como elemento básico que determina la construcción de las mismas. La selección de los filmes y de los videos se ha llevado a cabo analizando sus cualidades para establecer tipologías de estudio y definir la base de modelos teóricos de análisis. Según la técnica o mecanismo utilizado, las cualidades de las películas que se analizan se basan en la restricción del espacio-tiempo, la elección de un único dispositivo formal o algoritmo que estructura toda la pieza, el empleo de estrategias reduccionistas en las que se omiten procedimientos esenciales del cine (como el abandono de la cámara o del montaje) o el uso de fórmulas propias del juego (como el azar o la participación), entre otras. No obstante, nuestro propósito no es tanto hacer un ejercicio de clasificación como de análisis y comprensión de estas fórmulas renovadoras que abren nuevas vías en el cine de lo real. Asimismo, a partir del análisis anterior, nos hemos propuesto idear y generar fórmulas (reglas del juego) que puedan servir de soporte a nuevas obras, ya sean propias o de otros y que presentamos en forma de catálogos y, además, hemos puesto en práctica algunas de estas estrategias en obras videográficas propias e inéditas. / [CA] La present Tesi aborda el cinema de no ficció construït sobre la base de regles preestablides, constriccions o estratègies formals heterodoxes. Peces fílmiques i videogràfiques radicals en la seua forma i en la seua aproximació al real que desafien les convencions del cinema documental i es vinculen amb altres pràctiques artístiques. Aquesta investigació teoricopràctica se centra, d'una banda, en la cerca i anàlisi d'obres de no ficció amb una clara vocació minimalista, lligades al documental d'avantguarda, el cinema experimental i el videoart, que es fonamenten en estratègies molt precises, no com un mer fet anecdòtic, sinó com a element bàsic que determina la construcció d'aquestes. La selecció dels films i dels vídeos s'ha dut a terme analitzant les seues qualitats per a establir tipologies d'estudi i definir la base de models teòrics d'anàlisis. Segons la tècnica o mecanisme utilitzat, les qualitats de les pel·lícules que s'analitzen es basen en la restricció de l'espaitemps, l'elecció d'un únic dispositiu formal o algorisme que estructura tota la peça, l'ús d'estratègies reduccionistes en les quals s'ometen procediments essencials del cinema (com l'abandó de la càmera o del muntatge) o l'ús de fórmules pròpies del joc (com l'atzar o la participació), entre altres. No obstant això, el nostre propòsit no és tant fer un exercici de classificació com d'anàlisi i comprensió d'aquestes fórmules renovadores que obrin noves vies al cinema del real. Així mateix, a partir de l'anàlisi anterior, ens hem proposat idear i generar fórmules (regles del joc) que puguen servir de suport a noves obres, ja siguen pròpies o d'uns altres i que presentem en forma de catàlegs i, a més, hem posat en pràctica algunes d'aquestes estratègies en obres videogràfiques pròpies i inèdites. / [EN] This thesis deals with non-fiction cinema built upon the premise of pre-established rules, constraints or heterodox formal strategies. Radical filmic and videographic pieces both in terms of their form their approach to reality that defy the conventions of documentary cinema and are related to other artistic practices. On the one hand, this theoretical-practical research is centred around the search and analysis of non-fiction works with a clear minimalist vocation, linked to avant-garde documentary, experimental cinema and video art, which are based on very precise strategies, not just as a mere anecdote, but rather as a basic element that determines their construction. The selection of films and videos has been carried out by analysing their qualities to establish study typologies and hence define the basis for theoretical analysis models. Depending on the technique or mechanism used, the qualities of the films that are analysed are based on the restriction of space-time, the choice of a single formal device or algorithm that structures the entire piece, the use of reductionist strategies in which essential cinema procedures are omitted (such as abandoning the camera or montage)or the use of game-related formulas (such as chance or participation), among others. Nevertheless, our purpose is not so much to carry out a classification as to analyse and understand these renovating formulas that open up new avenues in the cinema of reality. Similarly, drawing from the previous analysis, we have suggested to devise and generate formulas (rules of the game) that can serve as support for new works -whether they are our own or those of others- and that we present in the form of catalogues and, in addition, we have put into practice some of these strategies in our own and unpublished videographic works. / Marín Ramos, R. (2022). Reglas del juego: Pautas, constricciones y dispositivos creativos en el cine de no ficción [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183361 / TESIS

Appartenance, corporalité, matérialité : m’exposer, performer et toucher le cinéma expérimental

Bouzoubaa, Mehdi 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de recherche-création propose une recherche pratique et théorique dans le domaine du cinéma expérimental. Les notions d’autoexposition de performance et de matérialité y seront discutées à travers le prisme de l’appartenance en vue de proposer une approche autoethnographique du médium cinématographique. La position d’artiste-étudiant-immigrant que j’assume vient réfléchir ces concepts à travers une pratique autopoïétique. La première partie du mémoire se penche sur ma nécessité d’immigrer. En prenant exemple sur mes congénères marocains, comme Ahmed Bouanani, j’explique pourquoi rester au Maroc risque de mettre ma pratique en péril. La deuxième partie vise à décortiquer un enchevêtrement cinématographique en remontant le temps de ma pratique par l’entremise des outils cinématographiques qui ont façonné mon regard. Ainsi, je commence à dessiner une voix artistique. La troisième partie explique le processus par lequel mon corps d’artiste et l’appareillage cinématographique que j’emploie se couplent dans une sorte de va-et-vient théorico-pratique pour performer et s’exposer. La quatrième partie est l’explication d’une étape importante du processus de recherche-création, qui est la prise de conscience s’exprimant par la concrétisation du processus autopoïétique, soit par l’exécution, sur la place publique, de ma démarche : montrer comment je montre. Enfin, le mémoire se termine par la proposition du protocole de ma création, Translation cinématographique. / This works of research-creation offers practical and theoretical research in the field of experimental cinema. The ntions of self-exposure, performance and materiality will be discussed through the prism of belonging in order to make an autoethnographic approach to the cinematographic medium. The position of artist-student-immigrant that I assume reflects these concepts through an autopoietic practice. The first part of the thesis looks at my need to immigrate. By taking an example from my Moroccan counterparts, such as Ahmed Bouanani, I explain why staying in Morocco risks jeopardizing my practice. The second part aims to dissect a cinematographic entanglement by going back in time to my practice through the cinematographic tools that have shaped my gaze. So, I start to draw an artistic voice. The third part explains the process by which my body as an artist and the cinematographic equipment that I use are coupled in a kind of theoretical-practical back and forth to perform and exhibit. The fourth part is the explanation of an important stage of the research-creation process, which is the awareness expressed by the concretization of the autopoietic process, or by the execution, in the public place, of my approach: showing how I show. Finally, the thesis ends with the proposal of the protocol of my creation, Cinematographic Translation.

La Forme-Evénement : le cinéma révolutionnaire mozambicain et le cinéma de libération / The Form-Event : mozambican Revolutionary Cinema and the Cinema of Liberation

Schefer, Maria Raquel 06 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les représentations filmiques de la guerre de Libération(1964-1974) et de la Révolution mozambicaine (1975-1987) et vise à analyser les enjeux esthétiques et politiques du cinéma révolutionnaire de ce pays. La compréhension de cette problématique passe dans un premier temps par un examen des différentes logiques qui ont présidé aux positionnements de la théorie anticoloniale à l’égard de la culture pour ensuite interroger la politique du cinéma d’État et ses contradictions. Les représentations filmiques de es deux processus historiques furent un instrument essentiel pour la formation de l’identité nationale, à l’intérieur d’un dispositif épistémique historiographique. En reconstituant les principes d’une culture de libération transnationale, cette thèse envisage de considérer les conditions politiques, idéologiques et technologiques qui conduisirent à la fondation de l’Institut national de cinéma mozambicain (INC) en mars 1976 et l’orientation que le Front de libération du Mozambique (FRELIMO) tenta d’imprimer au cinéma.La délimitation des trois phases du cinéma révolutionnaire mozambicain mettra en exergue les déséquilibres entre la coexistence d’un projet de production cinématographique collective, l’expérimentation formelle et les postulats du programme étatique. La notion de «forme-événement » nous permettra de concilier deux dimensions de la production esthétique :celle qui envisage l’art comme reflet ; celle qui le considère à partir de ses effets. À travers l’analyse esthétique formelle et historique d’un ensemble de films singuliers réalisés entre 1966et 1987, nous chercherons à mettre en évidence les positions prises par les cinéastes, les résistances et les rapports successifs et contradictoires entre le cinéma collectif, d’auteur et d’État. De l’étude approfondie du film Mueda, Memória e Massacre (1979-1980) de Ruy Guerraet de son histoire matérielle émergera une connaissance archéologique et critique du programme politique et culturel mozambicain.Cette thèse envisage également une insertion du cinéma révolutionnaire mozambicain dans son contexte historique et culturel en élaborant une cartographie du cinéma de Libération en relation avec la conjoncture politique des années 1960 et 1970. La notion de « cinéma de Libération » se trouve dans un cadre historique, géographique et catégoriel par rapport à l’histoire du cinéma politique, d’avant-garde et expérimental et de l’histoire du cinéma en général. L’étude d’une série d’oeuvres filmiques nous permettra d’établir une cartographie extensible du cinéma de Libération, englobant le cinéma révolutionnaire portugais (1974-1982)et l’« état de la forme » de ce cinéma. / The dissertation focuses on the filmic representations of the War of Liberation(1964-1974) and of the revolution (1975-1987) in Mozambique, and aims to analyse the aesthetic and political issues of Mozambican revolutionary cinema. To understand this question,the various logics that guided the positions of anti-colonial theory with regard to culture are examined in the first instance, while the State cinema policy and its contradictions are reassessed in the second instance. The filmic representations of these two historical processes were an essential instrument for the construction of national identity, within an epistemic historiographical apparatus. By reconstructing the principles of a culture of transnational liberation, the dissertation intends to consider the political, ideological, and technological conditions which led to the foundation of Mozambique’s National Institute of Cinema (INC) inMarch of 1976, and the orientation that the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO) attempted to ascribe to cinema.The identification of three phases of Mozambican revolutionary cinema will highlight the discrepancy between the coexistence of a project for the collectivisation of film production,formal experimentation and the premises of the State programme. The notion of ‘form-event’will allow us to reconcile two dimensions of the aesthetic production: one, which considers art as a reflection; another, which considers it in terms of its outcomes. Through the formal aestheticand historical analysis of a set of singular films produced between 1966 and 1987, we will seekto problematize the positions adopted by the filmmakers, the points of resistance, as well as the succession of contradictory forms of relation between collective, auteur and State cinema. Anarchaeological and critical knowledge of the Mozambican political and cultural programme will emerge from the comprehensive analysis of Ruy Guerra’s Mueda, Memória e Massacre(1979-1980).The dissertation purports to replace Mozambican revolutionary cinema in its historicaland cultural context by drawing a cartography of the Cinema of Liberation in relation to the political situation of the 1960s and 1970s. The concept of ‘Cinema of Liberation’ is sited in a historical, geographical and categorial framework with respect to the history of political, avantgarde,and experimental cinema, and to the history of cinema in general. The analysis of a selection of films will allow us to extensively map the Cinema of Liberation, including the cinema of the Portuguese Revolution (1974-1982) and the ‘state of the form’ of this cinema.

Le temps décomposé : cinéma et imaginaire de la ruine

Habib, André January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Le temps décomposé : cinéma et imaginaire de la ruine

Habib, André January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Vers une esthétique du signal. Dynamiques du flou et libérations du code dans les arts filmiques (1990-2010) / Towards an Aesthetic of Signal. Dynamics of Blur and Liberations of Code in the Filmic Arts (1990-2010)

Jacobs, Bidhan 12 September 2014 (has links)
Au cours de la décennie 1990, l'introduction puis l’expansion accélérée du numérique par les industries techniques ont favorisé le développement dans les arts filmiques d’un courant critique spontané et collectif portant sur le signal. Nous élaborons une histoire des techniques et des formes esthétiques critiques du signal, en faisceaux de segments, selon une taxinomie qui prolonge le structuralisme matériologique des années 70 (Malcolm Le Grice, Peter Gidal, Paul Sharits, Anthony McCall). Cette histoire embrasse et met en perspective cinéma, vidéo et numérique, de manière à réorganiser nos conceptions distinctes de ces champs selon le domaine des sciences (duquel dépendent détection, codification et visualisation du signal). Nous proposons une histoire des techniques à rebours sous l’angle particulier de la computation du signal, processus systématique commun à l’ensemble des technologies filmiques et entendu comme un ensemble de règles opératoires propres à un traitement calculatoire de données. Dans la double tradition d’une part de Jean Epstein, Marcel L’Herbier ou Jean Renoir, et de l’autre du structuralisme expérimental (Paul Sharits, Malcolm Le Grice…), de nombreux artistes contemporains, tels Paolo Gioli, Philippe Grandrieux, Peter Tscherkassky, Marylène Negro, Leighton Pierce, Augustin Gimel, Jacques Perconte ou HC Gilje (pour n’en mentionner que quelques uns), ont élaboré une intelligence du signal grâce à deux entreprises critiques simultanées. La première, au registre du dispositif, conteste la technologie programmante et vise les libérations du code ; la seconde, au registre de l’image, conteste les normes de visualité et enrichit les palettes visuelles et sonores du flou. Nous tentons d’établir, formuler et organiser les logiques qui, traversant et déterminant la diversité des initiatives artistiques dont nous observons les spécificités et singularités, relèvent d’un même combat artistique contre la standardisation. / During the 90s, with the introduction, then accelerated expansion of digital by the technical industries, has promoted the development of a spontaneous and collective critical current on the signal in the filmic arts. We develop a history of technics and critical aesthetic forms of signal, in beam segments, according to a taxinomy that extends the 70s’ materiologic structuralism (Malcolm le Grice, Peter Gidal, Paul Sharits, Anthony McCall). This history embrace film, video and digital, to reorganize our different conceptions of these fields according to the scientific viewpoint (which detection, codification and display of the signal depend on). We propose a backward technological history from the viewpoint of the signal computation, a systematic process common to all filmic technologies, and understood as a set of operating rules specific to computational data processing.In the double tradition, first of Jean Epstein, Marcel L'Herbier or Jean Renoir, on the other hand experimental structuralism (Paul Sharits, Malcolm Le Grice...), many contemporary artists such as Paolo Gioli, Philippe Grandrieux Peter Tscherkassky, Marylène Negro, Leighton Pierce, Augustin Gimel, Jacques Perconte or HC Gilje (just to mention a few) has developed a signal intelligence thanks to two simultaneous critical enterprises. The first, on the register of the apparatus, challenges the programming technology and aims the liberation of the code ; the second, on the register of the image, challenges the norms of the visuality and expand the visual and sound palettes of blur. We try to formulate and organize the logics which, crossing and determining the diversity of artistic initiatives whom we observe specificities and singularities, belong to the same artistic battle against standardization.


SAMANTHA RIBEIRO DE OLIVEIRA 21 May 2021 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação recorta o período inicial da trajetória artística e afetiva da atriz Helena Ignez, desde sua infância e juventude, na primeira metade do século XX em Salvador, até o início dos anos 70, no Rio de Janeiro, com foco na personagem Angela Carne e Osso, protagonista do filme A Mulher de Todos (1969). Adota narrativa estruturada por microplatôs que se entrecruzam e são conduzidos pela voz da atriz em primeira pessoa, mesclada à ambientação histórica e à reflexão teórica, centrada nos conceitos de máquina de guerra e de hipersensibilidade dos corpos. Nessa construção múltipla e multifacetada observam-se marcas identitárias difusas, em que aspectos dos agenciamentos de sua vida e de sua personagem apontam para o nosso desejo de diálogo com a contemporaneidade. Passando por sua formação na Escola de Teatro da Universidade Federal da Bahia, a relação artística e afetiva com o cineasta Glauber Rocha, a sua atividade como atriz profissional, em teatro e cinema, e o seu acoplamento com o diretor Rogério Sganzerla, a partir das filmagens de O Bandido da Luz Vermelha (1968) o trabalho fecha seu enquadramento no filme A Mulher de Todos, experimento cinematográfico considerado até hoje ímpar, pelo ineditismo na representação de um feminino desviante. Como efeito desse filme a dissertação toca nos sete longas-metragens protagonizados pela atriz, logo após, e sob influência de A Mulher de Todos, em agenciamento com os diretores Rogério Sganzerla e Júlio Bressane, na produtora fictícia Belair (1970). / [en] The dissertation portrays the initial period of the artistic and emotional trajectory of actress Helena Ignez, from her childhood and youth, in the first half of the 20th century in Salvador, until the start of the 1970s in Rio de Janeiro, focusing on the character Angela Carne e Osso [Angela Flesh and Bone], the protagonist of the movie the A Mulher de Todos [Everyone s Woman] (1969). It adopts a narrative structured by micro-plateaux which interlace and are driven by the actress s voice in the first person, merged with the historical setting and theoretical reflection, centered on the concepts of war machine and body hypersensitivity. In this multiple and multifaceted construction, diffuse identity marks are seen, where life and character agencying aspects point to our desire for dialogue with contemporaneity. Going through her training at the drama school of the Federal University of Bahia, the artistic and emotional relationship with filmmaker Glauber Rocha, her activity as a professional actress in theater and movies, and her connection with the director Rogério Sganzerla, during the filming of O Bandido da Luz Vermelha [Red Light Bandit] (1968), the work ends with her role in the movie A Mulher de Todos, a cinematic experiment considered unique even today for its innovation in representing a deviant female. As an effect of this film, the dissertation touches on the seven feature films in which the actress played the leading role, shortly after and under the influence of A Mulher de Todos, in collaboration with Rogério Sganzerla and Júlio Bressane, in the fictional production company Belair (1970).


BARBARA BERGAMASCHI NOVAES 03 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] Na nova cena da poética da obsolescência, dentro do campo específico do cinema do found footage de vanguarda contemporânea, um cineasta célebre e laureado nos festivais de cinema tem se colocado frontalmente na trincheira em prol do analógico: Peter Tscherkassky (1958-). Esta tese é escrita no entroncamento fulcral entrea sua biografia, a historiografia e teoria do cinema e as análises fílmicas críticas ad hoc de sua filmografia. A metodologia da tese reflete o pensamento excessivo anti-axiomático de Georges Bataille assim como a ideia da constelação intempestiva de Walter Benjamin. Desse modo criamos uma série de afinidades eletivas que compõe uma rede de autores basilares para a tese, sendo eles: Georges Didi-Huberman, Mark Fisher, Rosalind Krauss, Jacques Derrida, Thomas Elsaesser, Roland Barthes, entre outros. Tscherkassky opera uma transgressão da semelhança conforme das imagens, fazendo vir à tona a parte maldita da historiografia cinematográfica. No lugar de uma ontologia indexical clássica, ele nos faz adentrar no campo da hantologia, na condição estrutural do cinema enquanto espectros. Seu trabalho é uma tentativa genealógica de reencantamento com as imagens do cinema hoje apaziguado pelo controle da teleologia narrativa do cinema comercial e da dominância do regime representativo. / [en] At the intersection between the museum and the movie theater, a number of contemporary artists have been investigating the corporeality of analog images. In this new scene of the poetics of obsolescence, within the specific field of contemporary found footage avant-garde cinema, our object of study, the Austrian Peter Tscherkassky (1958-) occupies a prominent place. The thesis is written at the central injunction of three lines: i - The biography and critical fortune of the director; ii- the dialogue with a classical historiography and film theory; and iiithe ad hoc critical film analysis of his filmography. In an inflection with Georges Bataille s excessive anti-axiomatic and formless thought and, as well, into Walter Benjamin s idea of constellation, we seek to create a series of elective affinities that compose a network of authors that are fundamental to the thesis, namely: George Didi -Huberman, Mark Fisher, Rosalind Krauss, Jacques Derrida, Thomas Elseasser, Roland Barthes, among others. From a genealogical and extemporaneous re-elaboration of the filmic ruin, he operates a transgression of the mimesis and the conform similarity of the images, bringing to light the cursed part of cinematographic historiography. Instead of a classic indexical ontology, Tscherakassky takes us into the field of hauntology, in other words, the structural condition of cinema as specters.His work would be a genealogical attempt of re-enchantment with images of cinema that are today appeased by the control of narrative teleology and the representative regime. We conclude that the filmmaker s extemporaneous and anachronistic cinema are strong responses and symptoms of problematics of the contemporary cinema scene.

Cinema ao vivo e experiências audiovisuais em tempo real / -

Molina Júnior, Jair Sanches 15 September 2017 (has links)
Refletir sobre as experiências com imagens e sons em tempo real é pensar em uma ampla gama de possibilidades e experiências pela humanidade, desde os tempos mais remotos. Pelo fato dessas experiências audiovisuais em tempo real serem numerosas no tempo e no espaço, e já amplamente citada em diferentes estudos, esta apresentação tem por objetivo realizar um recorte mais restrito às experiências audiovisuais em tempo real no campo cinematográfico contemporâneo: uma arte, meio e processo em expansão que culmina na existência de um fenômeno semiótico, realizado principalmente através de modos experimentais com a presença do(s) autor(es) concebendo a experiência audiovisual, conjuntamente ao aparato tecnológico e ao público, todos participantes da criação e exibição da obra audiovisual no mesmo tempo em que ela ocorre, em transmissão direta para a tela de cinema, monitores, telas digitais ou espaços arquitetônicos. Com base em obras audiovisuais realizadas entre 2007 a 2017 desenvolveremos uma reflexão e análise das poéticas e técnicas das experiências audiovisuais em tempo real, de maneira a compreender com um olhar mais atento as possibilidades criativas e contribuir com a reflexão sobre estes formatos do audiovisual contemporâneo, cujos meios e processos estão em contínua expansão de suas fronteiras. Em estética do cinema, esta pesquisa segue em continuidade aos estudos e práticas do cinema experimental e em sua vértice ao cinema expandido. / Reflecting about real-time imagery and sounds experiences is thinking about a wide range of possibilities and experiences for humanity, from the earliest times. Because the real-time audiovisual experiences are numerous in time and space, and already widely quoted in different studies, this presentation aims to make a more restricted cut-off to real-time audiovisual experiences in the contemporary cinematographic field: an art, medium and an expanding process that culminates in the existence of a semiotic phenomenon, performed mainly through experimental modes with the presence of the author(s) directing the audiovisual experience in real-time, together with the technological apparatus, the cast, and the public, all participants in the creation and exhibition of the audiovisual work at the same time as it occurs, in direct transmission to the cinema screen, monitors, digital screens or architectural spaces. Based on audiovisual works carried out between 2007 and 2017 we will develop a reflection and analysis of the poetics and techniques of audiovisual experiences in real-time, in order to understand with a closer look the creatives possibilities in live cinema and contribute with reflection on these forms of the contemporary audiovisual, whose means and processes are in continuous expansion of its borders. In aesthetics of the cinema, this research follows in continuity to the studies and practices of the experimental cinema, and in its vertex to the expanded cinema.

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