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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What factors affect formative assessment and how these factors impact the implementation in the k-3 classroom? / Vilka faktorer påverkar formative bedömning och vilken inverkan har dessa på genomförandet i ett F-3 klassrum?

Abed Ali, Ali, Henning, Julia January 2024 (has links)
This study's purpose is to see what factors affect formative assessment and how these factors impact the implementation in the k-3 classroom. The primary methods used have been electronic searches in the databases, ERIC, and Education research complete. Some studies showed that teachers have a positive attitude toward formative assessment, but they have some difficulties with its implementation. Time limitation is another factor that could impact the teachers' planning and the implementation of formative assessment in their classrooms. In some cases, formative assessment tends to lead more towards grades and results rather than proper feedback from the teacher. Teachers' understanding of formative assessment differs from one another depending on for example teachers' experience in teaching, teachers' background, male or female teachers, etc. A couple of studies focused on feedback as both a tool for teachers to assess students and in some situations for praising the students. It is up to the teachers to find a way to present the feedback effectively and equally between the students. Some researchers focused on the dialog between teachers and students as an essential part of the student's learning and development. Other researchers mean that the establishment of “sustained shared thinking” is essential where the focus lies on co-construction in adult-child collaborations.

Är AI vår nya lärare? : En komparativ studie om gymnasielärares och AI:s skriftliga respons på vetenskapligt skrivande i svenskämnet / Is AI our new teacher? : A comparative study of upper secondary school teachers’ and AI’s written feedback on academic writing in the subject of Swedish

Eeliya, Onel January 2024 (has links)
Studien behandlar respons på elevtexter där målet är att bidra till en diskussion om AI som hjälpmedel på gymnasiet. Därför är syftet med studien att explorativt utforska potentialen hos AI och dess genererade respons på elevers utredande texter i svenska 3 jämfört med kvaliteten hos respons given av lärare. Materialet består av tolv elevtexter, två från varje betygsnivå (A-F), insamlade från fyra lärare med varierande antal texter per lärare. Analysmetoden kombinerar kvalitativ textanalys av lärarresponsen med en explorativ jämförande analys av AI-responsen. Det teoretiska ramverket består av en kombination av Hattie och Timperleys (2007) responsmodell samt Cerratto Pargmans och Jahnkes (2019) begrepp om aktörer. Resultatet visar att lärarresponsen på elevtexterna varierar i stadium och nivå, med Feed Up som den vanligaste responsen och Feed Back som den minst förekommande. ChatGPT tenderar att inte ge liknande bedömningar som lärare och saknar ofta den detaljerade och specifika återkoppling som lärarna ger, särskilt när det gäller att främja elevens utveckling och nyansering av resonemang. Studien kommer fram till att det finns stor potential för generativ AI i skolan, men med vissa begränsningar i nuläget. / The study addresses feedback on student texts, aiming to contribute to the discussion of AI as an aid in upper secondary school education. Consequently, the purpose of the study is to exploratively investigate the potential of AI and its generated responses to students' analytical texts in Swedish 3, compared to the quality of feedback provided by teachers. The material consists of twelve student texts, two from each grade level (A-F), collected from four teachers with varying numbers of texts per teacher. The analysis method combines qualitative text analysis of the teacher feedback with an exploratory comparative analysis of the AI feedback. The theoretical framework consists of a combination of Hattie and Timperley's (2007) feedback model and Cerratto Pargman and Jahnke's (2019) concept of agency. The results show that the teacher feedback on student texts varies in stage and level, with Feed Up being the most common response and Feed Back being the least frequent. ChatGPT tends not to provide similar assessments as teachers and often lacks the detailed and specific feedback that teachers give, especially when it comes to promoting the student's development and nuanced reasoning. The study concludes that there is great potential for generative AI in schools, but with certain limitations at present.

Designförslag för hur digitala utbildningsmedier kan designas för att stötta formativ feedback mellan lärare och studerande

Hedin, William, Olsson, Benjamin January 2019 (has links)
I dagsläget har lärare inom e-lärande svårt att identifiera var de studerande befinner sig i sitt lärande. Tidigare forskning inom traditionellt klassrumslärande visar på att formativ feedback är väsentligt för att utöka sina kunskaper, däremot har formativ feedback inte utforskats lika väl inom e-lärande. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur tidigare etablerade teorier för formativ feedback inom traditionellt klassrumslärande kan användas inom e-lärande. Detta genomfördes med en designorienterad forskningsansats där kategorier för formativ feedback inom traditionellt klassrumslärande implementerades i en prototyp. Detta för att kunna identifiera vilka delar av formativ feedback som var mest väsentliga inom e-lärande. Studien resulterade i tre designförslag för hur digitala utbildningsmedier bör designas för att kunna stötta formativ feedback mellan lärare och studerande.

5000 timmar för att bli en god läsare : Studie om lärares inställning till läsläxa / 5000 hours to become a skilled reader : Study of teachers attitude towards reading homework

Angelica, Olsson January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate teachers attitudes towards reading homework and their thoughts regarding feedback. The study will also be looking at what type of support pupils are given regarding their reading homework and homework in general. This study will also evaluate the teachers’ thoughts on equality in connection with the pupils varying home conditions that affect how much support and help they receive with their reading homework.  I collected data for this study by using survey and interview methods. These two methods complement each other as they give a wide and in-depth-look at the questions in this study.  The results from this study show teachers attitudes towards reading homework as well as different forms of feedback that can be given. It also highlights teachers experiences when it comes to their schools homework support practice relating to reading and other types of homework that their pupils are given. Also included are the teachers’ thoughts regarding equality when related to pupils varying home conditions that affect help and support related to reading homework. The word that best describes teachers’ opinions on the current equivalent schooling is unfairness. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka lärares inställning till läsläxa samt deras tankar angående återkoppling och skolans stöd till eleverna med deras läsläxa och läxor i övrigt. Studien syftar även till att undersöka lärares tankar gällande likvärdighet kopplat till elevers olika förutsättningar till stöd och hjälp i hemmet med deras läsläxa.  Studiens tillvägagångssätt gällande datainsamling har skett via två metoder, enkät samt intervju. Datainsamlingsmetoderna kompletterar varandra och ger en bredd samt ett djup i frågorna.  Resultatet i studien redovisar lärares inställning till läsläxa samt varianter på återkoppling till den. Studiens resultat lyfter även lärares upplevelser om skolans stöd med läsläxa och övriga läxor till sina elever samt lärares tankar angående likvärdighet kopplat till elevers olika förutsättningar i hemmiljön gällande stöd och hjälp med läsläxa. Ordet som beskriver lärarnas åsikt gällande likvärdighetstanken är orättvisa.

Teachers' practices of assessment for learning in science education at East Gojjam preparatory schools, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia

Askalemariam Adamu Dessie 11 1900 (has links)
Empirical research evidences have confirmed the pedagogical power of formative assessment to improve students‟ learning, particularly in science education. Thus, this study investigated science teachers‟ practice of assessment for learning in second cycle secondary schools at East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional State. To meet this objective mixed method research design, particularly concurrent mixed method was used. The subjects of the study were all of science teachers in the randomly selected schools. Questionnaire, semi-structured interview, and observation were used to collect the data. From 186 science teachers, 153 teachers properly filled and returned the questionnaire. Moreover, 8 purposively selected teachers were included in the interview and observation sessions. To analyze the quantitative data, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-sample t-test, multiple regression, MANOVA, and ANOVA were used. For the qualitative data content analysis was used. The results of the quantitative and qualitative data showed that the practice of assessment for learning in the selected schools was very low. Most science teachers administered tests, home works, assignments, and class works at the end of the lesson to consolidate what they taught and to collect marks, but they did not integrate different assessment for learning methods throughout their instruction for the sake of learning. Teachers mentioned lack of science resources, large class size, shortage of instructional time, inadequate school support, lack of appropriate professional development activities, lack of instructional materials, students‟ and teachers‟ negative perception on formative assessment, teachers‟ lack of knowledge and skill about formative assessment, and large content of courses as major factors for not implementing assessment for learning. Besides, this study revealed a significant relationship between teachers‟ perception and school supports with teachers‟ overall practice of assessment for learning. Teaching experience has also significant effect on the combined practice of assessment for learning, particularly teaching experience significantly affects the collection of learning evidences than other factors. However, class size, subject taught, and teaching load per week have no significant effect on the combined practice of assessment for learning. Moreover, the pre-service and in-service assessment trainings have no significant contributions to the practice of assessment for learning. Therefore, comprehensive and relevant assessment trainings should be given for science teachers on a regular basis to integrate assessment with daily instruction to improve learning. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

The use of quality formative assessment to improve student learning in West Ethiopian universities

Fisseha Mikre Weldmeskel 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the ways by which student learning improvement and the self-regulation of learning are possible through the use of quality formative assessment in the teaching of a university course. In recent years, researchers in educational assessment are showing an increased interest to the improvement of learning resulting from the use of formative assessment. Formative assessment is generally recognised as an improvement oriented assessment. It is believed to result in instructional effectiveness. Quality formative assessment includes formative feedback, self-assessment and peer assessment. Previous studies show the contribution of each of these quality formative assessments to learning improvement. However, less attention has been given to studying the combined effect of quality formative assessments on learning improvement. On the other hand, the predominant use of summative assessment remains a challenge to the improvement in instruction. Thus, the question was to determine the extent to which the use of quality formative assessment improves learning. The literature review in this study show an over reliance upon summative assessment in the context of higher education classrooms. There is also recognition in that formative assessment improves learning and enhances self-regulation. This study followed a mixed-methods research design of the type partially mixed sequential and applied a quasi-experimental intervention, where the educators used quality formative assessment on lessons with the students in the intervention group. The quasiexperimentation was implemented with 378 (214 male and 164 female) first year students of three universities enrolled for “General Psychology” course and six educators who were teaching the course. The students in this study were taken from intact classes, because this is possible in quasi experimental research. Data for the quantitative part of the study were generated using a structured questionnaire and achievement tests. Interviews with the educators, focus group discussions with the students, and classroom observations were used to generate data for the qualitative phase of study. The pretestposttest scores as well as the students’ perceptions on self-regulating learning were compared between the intervention (N =191) and the comparison (N = 187) groups. The quantitative analysis used different inferential statistics, which proved the presence of statistically significant variations between the intervention and comparison groups for the outcome measures (posttest achievement and perception about self-regulating learning). Although the qualitative study showed the presence of positive perceptions towards quality formative assessment, the practice was found to be inconsistent. Perhaps, this may be because of the predominantly summative assessment tradition and the reluctance to use quality formative assessment. Finally, recommendations were made to promote the use of quality formative assessment aiming at the improvement and the self-regulation on learning. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

The effects of formative feedback : A quantitative study of the effects of formative feedback on written proficiency in the Swedish upper secondary school L2 writing classroom

Skarp, Eddie January 2018 (has links)
This independent degree project investigates how formative feedback on written assignments affect Swedish upper secondary school pupils’ writing skills regarding form, what the effects are, and if the effects are the same for pupils in different ability bands. This was done by a time series analysis of tests where a collection of texts from pupils in different ability bands (E, C, and A) in two different classes was collected. All errors in the texts were counted and categorised, as well with the teachers’ highlighted errors on the pupils’ texts. The errors were further calculated into number of errors per 100 words due to different lengths of the texts. The results showed that there was a somewhat positive effect of the teachers’ feedback overall, and that pupils in lower ability bands processed feedback more effectively than pupils in higher ability bands. However, the results also suggested that in order to fully draw conclusions such as these, a statistical study is necessary to strengthen the results due to the low numbers in the results. The pedagogical implications found showed that teachers need to work differently with feedback for high-grade pupils. In order to do so, teacher education programs must emphasise this and address to teachers how to do this.

Inverkan av utformingen av kamratrespons på måluppfyllelse och motivation att läsa biologi i högstadiet / Impact of instructional formate of peer review process on motivation to learn and educational goal achievement in middle school Biology

Areskoug, Veronika, Ahlroth, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
Vi har undersökt hur instruktionernas utformning inför deltagande i en kamratrespons påverkar högstadieelevers motivation att lära sig samt måluppfyllelse av kunskapskravet att utforma egen undersökning i ämnet biologi. Efter en kort genomgång av hur en egen undersökning ska utformas fick eleverna från tre åk 7 klasser och två åk 8 klasser i uppgift att utforma en egen undersökning i ämnet biologi. Uppgiften var utformad efter nationella provet del 3 från 2017. Vid nästa lektion blev elever indelade i par efter likvärdig måluppfyllelse. Slumpmässigt fick elevparen antingen förenklade, ospecificerade instruktioner som inbjöd till öppen, elevledd dialog eller detaljerade, punktformade instruktioner som uppmuntrade till en specifik innehåll och samtalsstruktur. Vi genomförde en enkät före och efter deltagandet i kamratresponsen som uppmätte elevens motivation att lära sig de olika kunskapskraven för biologi i högstadiet samt elevens upplevelse av deltagandet och sitt eget lärande. Uppgiften bedömdes efter Skolverkets bedömningsmall för rättning av nationella prov. Vi fann inga belägg för att elevers motivation att lära sig kunskapsmålen i ämnet biologi påverkades av varken kamratrespons som helhet eller instruktionernas utformning. Däremot fann vi en högre förbättringsgrad av måluppfyllelse bland de elever som fick de detaljerade, strukturerade instruktionerna jämfört med de förenklade, öppna instruktionerna. Vi drar slutsatserna att kamratrespons är ett användbart pedagogisk verktyg för att ge individuell formativ bedömning som leder till förbättrad måluppfyllelse under arbetes gång i kunskapskravet att forma egen undersökning och att utformningen av instruktionerna bör vara tydliga och detaljerade för att nå maximal resultat.

Formative Feedback in EFL Writing : An Analysis of Students' Utilization of Feedback During the Writing Process / Formativ återkoppling vid skrivning i engelska som andra språk : En analys av elevers användande av återkoppling i skrivprocessen

Al-kefagy, Murtadha, Nagy, Cristina January 2022 (has links)
The study aims to examine (1) the extent to which EFL learners in upper secondary school use feedback comments from teachers and peers to revise their texts and how the usage patterns vary by type of feedback approach, (2) how the students use feedback to revise their texts and how the usage patterns vary by type of feedback approach, and (3) What positive or negative effects the type of feedback approach has on students’ revisions. Moreover, the study aims to investigate the extent the type of feedback approach affects students’ usage patterns in their revisions. The findings will provide a basis for discussions about the possible qualities of written feedback that could be included to help students improve their writing skills. Content analysis of 28 argumentative essays written by first-year upper secondary students in Sweden is used to identify the type of feedback provided by teachers and peers and the type of revisions made by the students. Using the identified types of feedback and revisions, a text analysis was adopted to examine the frequency of feedback and revisions, and how students used it to revise their text. Furthermore, the results are presented and compared to different relevant studies (e.g., Baker, 2016; Lee; 2008) and theories such as Krashen's (1985) input hypothesis and Swain's (2005) output hypothesis, to draw some insights into the effects of feedback on students' revisions. The results show that students utilized corrective feedback on the micro level more than the macro level – especially indirect corrective feedback on the micro level. The students used most of the feedback to revise their errors on the micro level such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation; however, a few revisions were made on the macro level where students improved their text by restructuring their arguments and ideas. Finally, the findings indicate that formative feedback had a positive effect on students' revisions both on the macro and micro level where students improved the coherence and cohesion of their texts in the final draft. Therefore, if formative feedback is applied in the appropriate context, it may help students develop their writing abilities.

Teachers' Feedback to Foster Scientific Discourse in Connected Science Classrooms

Lee, Soon Chun 16 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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