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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Berättelsen under deras fötter : Fem musiklärares livshistorier

Georgii-Hemming, Eva January 2005 (has links)
<p>Georgii-Hemming, Eva (2005): Berättelsen under deras fötter. Fem musiklärares livshistorier. (The Story Beneath Their Feet. Five music teachers’ life histories.) Örebro Studies in Music Education 1, 377 pp.</p><p>The dissertation concerns five music teachers who teach on the course Artistic Activity at upper secondary school and the main aim is to acquire an understanding of the teachers’ views of the core subject Music. A further aim is to describe the five teachers' personal experiences of music in various social, educational and musical contexts, and how these experiences affect their teaching.</p><p>The empirical material is designated life stories and comprises narratives, written by the teachers themselves and orally related to the researcher through conversations. The problem area concerns relations between life’s different directions in a number of interacting temporal and contextual dimensions. For this reason the interpretation of the teachers’ views of music as experience and as school subject is carried out on three levels of abstraction regarded as interacting with one another. The individual teachers’ narratives concerning their lives were on a first level of abstraction analysed and contextualised biographically, from which emerged five life histories which constituted the basis for in-depth hermeneutic interpretation. By way of interpretations on the personal, educational and institutional level the discussion concludes on the third level of abstraction, where focus is on the relationship between the teachers’ work and the broader educational discourse in society.</p><p>The study also offers a discussion of the possibilities and problems of hermeneutics as an overall theoretical frame of reference. Furthermore it takes up theoretical angles of approach concerning narratives, this in connection with life history method.</p><p>The study indicates that what is essential in the relationship between the five music teachers’ personal experience of music and their work is not the concrete experience of different types of music, of different musical contexts or of particular educational environments where such experience has been acquired. There is no straightforward relation of cause and effect and indeed there are certain differences between the teachers in this respect. However, there is a vital relation in that what</p><p>the teachers have derived from their own musical experiences – pleasure and play, skill, a sense of community, outlet for emotion – is what they want to pass on to the pupils. Musical knowledge is regarded as personal and as being generated in processes where the pupils’ everyday culture is reconstructed. When this basic attitude to music comes into conflict with the teacher’s work, there appears another, joint discourse which is considered distinctive of contemporary life. Accordingly, the discussion takes up the theme of the individual in the centre, both in education – where the focus is on the pupil’s resources, requirements and need to assume responsibility – and in society as a whole, where such values as freedom of choice have acquired greater importance than collective ones.</p>

Mot överstatlighet? : Den framtida inriktningen på EU:s utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik. En jämförande fallstudie om Frankrike och Danmark / Towards supranationality? : The future of the EU’s Common Foreign- and Security Policy. A comparative case study of Denmark and France

Zufferey, Sophie, Lindberg, Sofie January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this paper is to explain how the European Union’s common strategy for theCommon Foreign- and Security Policy (CFSP) will change with the implementation of the Treaty of Lisbon. A comparative case study and qualitative method is used. On the basis of Smith’s theory of institutionalization we will analyze two member states: France and Denmark. Our aim is to see which standpoints these countries have taken concerning the CFSP. We have chosen, in order to analyse the inner and outer factors, to use the liberal intergovernmental “two level game” theory as a theoretical approach. The purpose of the CFSP is to gradually increase the sovereign states’ foreign policy cooperation. The aim of the CFSP is to become an international visible and active player that represents the people of the European Union. At the moment the CFSP is an intergovernmental part of the EU, however there are presentiments that this will change and that CFSP will achieve supranationality. In conclusion, the results of the case study shows that Denmark is aiming for the CFSP cooperation to remain on an intergovernmental platform. France is aiming toward supranationality and a stronger cooperation within the CFSP. In time, with the full implementation of the CFSP, the EU will be able to compete on a global platform.</p>

Kommersialisering av medicinteknik sprungen ur grundforskning : <em>En studie av SciBase AB:s utveckling av diagnosverktyget elektronisk biopsi </em><em>- för tidig upptäckt av malignt melanom</em>

Thuresson, David, Oscar, Malmqvist January 2009 (has links)
<p>Sverige är ett framstående land inom medicinteknik, och har genom åren producerat flera viktiga innovationer, såsom pacemakern, ultraljud och kuvösen, vilka bidragit till bättre och effektivare vård. Många av idéerna till dessa innovationer har sitt ursprung inom grundforskning, medan utveckling och kommersialisering sker inom industrin. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera och analysera vilka problem som kan föreligga då teknik utvecklad i ett forskningssammanhang vidareutvecklats och kommersialiseras i en affärskontext.</p><p>Studien bygger på en kvalitativ fallstudie av hur teknikutvecklingen fortskridit mot kommersialisering inom det medicintekniska företaget SciBase AB, som utvecklat en produkt och metod för diagnostik av hudcancern malignt melanom. Analysen har genomförts utifrån ett sociotekniskt perspektiv, och bygger på teorier hämtade från STS- och IMP-fältet.</p><p>Studien bekräftar svårigheten att inpassa något nytt i ett befintligt affärssammanhang, och hur befintliga relationer och regulatorer har en avgörande inverkan på vad som utvecklas till en innovation. Vidare visas att teknik påverkas av det sammanhang i vilken den utvecklas, vilket senare påverkar möjligheten att inbädda tekniken i en affärskontext.</p>

Inom vilka områden behövs framtida biogassatsningar? : Future support to biogas production in Sweden

Gillgren, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Energimyndigheten har från Regeringen blivit tilldelad 100 miljoner kronor att fördela som investeringsstöd för att främja en effektiv och utökad produktion, distribution samt användning av förnybara gaser såsom biogas. Myndigheten har samtidigt fått i uppdrag att utveckla en sektorsövergripande biogasstrategi och föreslå åtgärder som på kort och lång sikt kan bidra till ökad användning av biogas. Denna strategi ska också tjäna som ett underlag för fördelning av olika former av stöd inom sektorn.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att sammanställa information som kan bidra som underlag vid upprättandet av den sektorsövergripande biogasstrategin. Ett annat syfte är att bidra med underlag för Energimyndighetens bedömning av var ett investeringsstöd kan ge störst effekt för den fortsatta utvecklingen inom biogasområdet. Detta stöd avser den senaste, ovan nämnda, utlysning som Energimyndigheten gjort inom området. Examensrapporten innehåller bland annat en sammanställning av gjorda insatser inom forskningsområdet biogas de senaste åren, finansierat av framför allt Energimyndigheten, men även en inblick i vilka biogassatsningar som är gjorda av andra nationella aktörer. Ett antal personer från bland annat branschorganisationer har intervjuats för att ta del av deras syn på den framtida biogasmarknaden, vilka satsningar som bör göras och vilka hinder som har störst inverkan. Organisationerna är valda utifrån kriteriet att de ska representera olika delar av biogasbranschen och att olika synvinklar därigenom ska framkomma. Rapporten innehåller slutsatser som dragits av tidigare biogassatsningar hos Energimyndigheten och identifiering av biogasområden där det föreligger stort behov av framtida satsningar för utökad produktion, distribution och användning. </p><p>Ett område som i detta examensarbete har identifierats ha stort behov av framtida biogassatsningar är bland annat framtagande av alternativa rötningssubstrat, eftersom mängden tillgängligt substrat nuläget inte är tillräcklig. Detta utgör idag en begränsning för biogasproduktionen. Det bör även satsas mer på förbehandling av substrat innan rötning, vilket ökar gasproduktionen och förbättrar substratutnyttjandet i större utsträckning. Mer satsningar behövs också kring hur biogasprocessens slutprodukt, rötresten, kan bli en mer attraktiv produkt så att återcirkulering av växtnäring kan ske i större grad genom rötrestspridning på åkermark. Detta är av stor vikt eftersom en ökad volym rötningssubstrat ger upphov till större mängd rötrester som ska hanteras. Andra områden som är i behov av framtida stöd är utveckling av befintliga anläggningar för att öka och effektivisera produktionen. För att optimera processerna bör framför allt mer medel satsas på kunskapsuppbyggnad och spridning av den vetenskap som finns tillgänglig. Att länka samman universitet, högskolor och naturbruksgymnasium med anläggningar i drift kan vara det mest effektiva sättet att nå ut med relevant information och kunskap. Ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv bör mer medel läggas på att öka gödselrötning då detta minskar metanläckage.</p> / <p>Swedish Energy Agency has been allocated SEK 100 million from the government to distribute as investment grant to promote efficient and expanded production, distribution and use of renewable gases such as biogas. The Agency has also been given the task to develop a multidisciplinary strategy for biogas and propose measures which can contribute to increased use of biogas in the short and long term. This strategy will also serve as a basis for the allocation of various forms of support in the biogas sector. </p><p>The purpose of this study is to compile information which can be used as input for the establishment of the multidisciplinary strategy for biogas. Another purpose is to provide information to support the Swedish Energy Agency in the assessment of which areas an investment grant will have the greatest impact for the future development of biogas. This grant refers to the latest call of Swedish Energy Agency in the sector. This report includes a summary of what areas grants have been given for research of biogas in recent years, mainly financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, but also an insight into efforts made by other national operators. A number of people from professional biogas organizations have been interviewed to share their views on the future biogas market. Which efforts should be made and the main obstacles to be overcome are other questions discussed. The report contains conclusions from the experience of previous support from the Swedish Energy Agency as well as identification of areas in which there is great need for future efforts in order to expand the production, distribution and use of biogas.</p><p>Some areas which have been identified in this thesis for need of future efforts in the biogas sector is for example the development of alternative substrates for anaerobic digestion, because the amount of available substrate is at present not sufficient. This is currently a limitation for the biogas production. There is also a need to further develop the pre-treatment of the substrate before digestion, in order to increase the gas production and improve substrate utilization to a greater extent. More focus are also needed on how the end product from the biogas process, the digestion residues, can become a more attractive product to the recycling of plant nutrients by use as a bio fertilizer on farmland. This is of great importance because larger volume of digestion will result in greater volume of digestion residues to be managed. Other areas in need of future investments are the development of existing facilities to increase and optimize the production. In order to optimize the production processes, more resources should be devoted to capacity building and dissemination of the available knowledge. Linking universities and colleges together with operating biogas plants could be the most effective way to reach out with relevant information and knowledge. From a socioeconomic perspective more resources should be spent on increasing the volume of manure digestion then it is today, which also will result in reduced methane leaks.</p>

Etik, moral och myndighetsutövande

Hedström, Richard January 2009 (has links)
<p>Militär och polis har vid en hastig överblick en gemensam nämnare, nämligen legal våldsanvändning som en väg att lösa sina respektive uppgifter. Vad ställer detta för krav i fråga om etik och moral på respektive yrkesgrupp? Finns det fler likheter och vad finns det för skillnader, ur ett etiskt och moraliskt perspektiv? Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera vilka likheter och skillnader i krav på etik och moral det finns mellan officerare och poliser. Detta sker genom att beskriva vilka krav som ställs på en officer för att sedan beskriva vilka krav som ställs på en polis. Därefter sker en jämförelse och en analys i syfte att tydliggöra de likheter och skillnader som identifierats.</p><p> Uppsatsen visar att likheter förekommer i fråga om krav på att behålla sin etik i perioder då den inte sätts på prov och efter långa tider av passivitet i verksamheten. Likheter har även identifierats i respektive myndighets värdegrund då dessa ställer tydliga krav på sina anställda i fråga om människosyn och normer. Skillnaderna som har identifierats handlar bland annat om agerandet innan vapenanvändning. En officer har i uppgift att leda underställda i strid och blir tagen i anspråk när inga andra metoder har fungerat. En polis däremot, förväntas kunna ta till mindre våldsamma metoder för att lösa sin uppgift, innan han använder sitt vapen. Detta ställer högre krav på en polis. Ytterligare en skillnad som identifierats är förhållandet mellan befäl och underställd personal. Resultatet i detta fall visar att det ställs högre krav på en officer då dennes underställda har en lägre ålder, kortare utbildning och mindre livserfarenhet än polisbefälets underställda.</p> / <p>A quick overview tells us that legal use of force is the lowest common denominator between military officers and police officers. Which demands does this legal use of force make on the two categories, in terms of ethics and moral? Are there more similarities and what differences in an ethical perspective are there? The purpose of this essay is to identify the similarities and differences between military officers and police officers in terms of demands in an ethical and moral perspective. This is made by describing the demands on a military officer followed by a description of the demands on a police officer. Thereafter, a comparison and an analysis is made in purpose to clarify the similarities and differences which have been identified.</p><p>The essay shows that similarities occur in question of keeping your ethics in times when it is not tested and after long periods of passivity in the daily activities. Similarities have also been identified in each authority’s declaration of values. The declarations of values are making demands in terms of human value and norms. The differences that have been identified are mainly about the behavior before use of violence. A police officer is expected to use other methods, in order to solve his assignment, before he uses his weapon. A military officer, on the other hand, is trained to lead subordinates in combat and is assigned when all other methods has failed. The demands on a police officer are therefore considered higher, in that very case. Another difference that has been identified is the relation between the commander and his subordinates. The result in this case shows that the demands on a military officer are higher due to the subordinates’ younger age, shorter training and lesser life experience, compared to the police officers subordinates.</p>

Spontaneous reporting of adverse drug reactions : Possibilities and limitations

Bäckström, Martin January 2005 (has links)
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) constitute a major problem in society and in drug therapy. They are a common cause of short-term hospitalization, prolonged hospitalization and death. Spontaneous reporting of ADRs remains one the most effective methods for detecting new and serious drug reactions. In Sweden physicians are legally required to report fatal and serious ADRs. We know from previous studies that there is a substantial degree of under-reporting of ADRs also in Sweden. Attitudes towards reporting of ADRs among physicians in the northern region of Sweden were investigated using a questionnaire. The most important factor for not reporting ADRs among physicians and general practioners in our region was that the reaction was considered to be well known. However, their attitudes could also allow for a considerable rate of under-reporting. The effect on the reporting rate when nurses received instruction and were encouraged to report ADRs was studied. During a 12-month study period, 18 ADR reports with a total number of 22 ADRs were sent in by the nurses participating in the study to test nurses as reporters of ADRs. Using the Swedish ADR database, we calculated the risk of agranulocytosis associated with the use of metamizole by using consumption data from the case records of scrutinized patients’ and stored prescriptions. Over the period from 1996 to 1999, ten cases of agranulocytosis during treatment with metamizole were reported to SADRAC. Metamizole was prescribed to 666 (19%) inpatients during the 3-month study period and 112 prescriptions were identified at the participating pharmacies. Thirty-eight percent of them indicated treatment for more than 15 days. Making certain assumptions, the calculated risk of agranulocytosis was one out of every 31 000 inpatients and one out of every 1400 outpatients. The degree of under-reporting of serious ADRs was studied in five hospitals. More than 1300 case records were scrutinized and among these we found 107 cases that according to current rules for ADR reporting, should have been reported. Only fifteen of these were found in the SADRAC database, indicating a under-reporting rate of 86%.The effect on the reporting rate of ADRs was studied in an intervention study in which a small economical inducement was given to those who reported ADRs. The effect of a small economical stimulation to increase the reporting rate was studied. From the intervention area we received 62 suspected ADRs compared with 50 from the control area. The increase in the number of reports was 59% compared with an unchanged reporting rate from the control area. The physicians in northern Sweden have a relatively good knowledge of the existing rules for ADR reporting. Nurses could play an important role in detecting and reporting suspected ADRs. The risk of developing an metamizole induced agranulocytosis is considerably increased if metamizole is given to patients for a longer time than recommended. The rate of reported ADRs is very low, also for serious and fatal reactions. An increase in the reporting rate of suspected ADRs was observed during study period.

Corruption in Sweden : Exploring Danger Zones and Change.

Andersson, Staffan January 2002 (has links)
In this dissertation I study corruption in the public sector in Sweden, a country which the literature regards as having few corruption problems. Sweden is therefore classified as a “least corrupt” case, and such countries are seldom studied in corruption research. My work is thus an effort to fill a gap in the literature. This research is also motivated by a conviction that such a case provides a fertile ground for studying danger zones for corruption. For example, this work allows me to explore how institutional and contextual changes impact on corruption and danger zones. Though the main focus of this work is on Sweden, I also have comparative ambitions. First, I locate Sweden in a cross-national context. I then study corruption in Sweden using a comparative methodology and with an eye to international comparisons. I apply a combined theoretical approach and a multi-method investigation based on several empirical sources and both quantitative and qualitative techniques. This research strategy enables me to capture a phenomenon (corruption) that is more difficult to identify in countries with relatively few obvious corruption scandals than it is in countries in which the phenomenon has traditionally been studied. Regarding danger zones for corruption, the results show that some of the zones identified in the international literature, such as public procurement, are also important in Sweden. For the Swedish case, my empirical research also identifies the types of corruption that occur, perceptions of danger zones and corruption, how corruption changes over time, and how corruption is fought. With regard to the latter, one conclusion is that ingrained (male) sub-cultures can be problematic and may need to be opened up using a combination of measures like promoting a more heterogeneous group of politicians, creating more transparent proceedings in decision groups and conducting more effective audits. The research also highlights the importance of adapting control measures to existing structures of delegation. For example, if delegation arrangements are changed to improve efficiency and cut costs, new accountability measures may be necessary. In general, delegation and control structures should be structured in such a way as to make the cost of shirking quite high. Finally, based on the results of this multi-method investigation, I conclude that one avenue for further corruption research is to connect our knowledge of danger zones to what we know about mechanisms effecting corrupt behaviour, and then to apply this to discussions of new models of the politics of management in multi-level governance.

Etik, moral och myndighetsutövande

Hedström, Richard January 2009 (has links)
Militär och polis har vid en hastig överblick en gemensam nämnare, nämligen legal våldsanvändning som en väg att lösa sina respektive uppgifter. Vad ställer detta för krav i fråga om etik och moral på respektive yrkesgrupp? Finns det fler likheter och vad finns det för skillnader, ur ett etiskt och moraliskt perspektiv? Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera vilka likheter och skillnader i krav på etik och moral det finns mellan officerare och poliser. Detta sker genom att beskriva vilka krav som ställs på en officer för att sedan beskriva vilka krav som ställs på en polis. Därefter sker en jämförelse och en analys i syfte att tydliggöra de likheter och skillnader som identifierats.  Uppsatsen visar att likheter förekommer i fråga om krav på att behålla sin etik i perioder då den inte sätts på prov och efter långa tider av passivitet i verksamheten. Likheter har även identifierats i respektive myndighets värdegrund då dessa ställer tydliga krav på sina anställda i fråga om människosyn och normer. Skillnaderna som har identifierats handlar bland annat om agerandet innan vapenanvändning. En officer har i uppgift att leda underställda i strid och blir tagen i anspråk när inga andra metoder har fungerat. En polis däremot, förväntas kunna ta till mindre våldsamma metoder för att lösa sin uppgift, innan han använder sitt vapen. Detta ställer högre krav på en polis. Ytterligare en skillnad som identifierats är förhållandet mellan befäl och underställd personal. Resultatet i detta fall visar att det ställs högre krav på en officer då dennes underställda har en lägre ålder, kortare utbildning och mindre livserfarenhet än polisbefälets underställda. / A quick overview tells us that legal use of force is the lowest common denominator between military officers and police officers. Which demands does this legal use of force make on the two categories, in terms of ethics and moral? Are there more similarities and what differences in an ethical perspective are there? The purpose of this essay is to identify the similarities and differences between military officers and police officers in terms of demands in an ethical and moral perspective. This is made by describing the demands on a military officer followed by a description of the demands on a police officer. Thereafter, a comparison and an analysis is made in purpose to clarify the similarities and differences which have been identified. The essay shows that similarities occur in question of keeping your ethics in times when it is not tested and after long periods of passivity in the daily activities. Similarities have also been identified in each authority’s declaration of values. The declarations of values are making demands in terms of human value and norms. The differences that have been identified are mainly about the behavior before use of violence. A police officer is expected to use other methods, in order to solve his assignment, before he uses his weapon. A military officer, on the other hand, is trained to lead subordinates in combat and is assigned when all other methods has failed. The demands on a police officer are therefore considered higher, in that very case. Another difference that has been identified is the relation between the commander and his subordinates. The result in this case shows that the demands on a military officer are higher due to the subordinates’ younger age, shorter training and lesser life experience, compared to the police officers subordinates.

Livsstilsförändring på livstid? : Projekt med inriktning mot unga, överviktiga, på Väddö Folkhögskola, 2005 - 2008

Sellström, Ebba January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Anhörigas upplevelse av sjuksköterskans bemötande. : Vid akuta somatiska sjukdomstillstånd. / Relatives’ experience of the nursesresponse. : in acute somatic illness.

Stjernfeldt, Anna, Heijbel, Annika January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: I en rapport från socialstyrelsen framgår det att akutmottagningarna runt omi landet har ca 2,5 miljoner patientfall, därtill kommer ännu fler anhöriga ochnärstående. Patientnämnden, som är det organ som hanterar klagomål från patienter ochanhöriga, uppger att det varje år kommer ungefär 4000 anmälningar där patienter ochanhöriga har känt sig kränkta och dåligt bemötta i sjukvården. Syfte: Syftet var attbeskriva hur vuxna anhöriga upplever bemötandet av sjuksköterskan vid akutasjukdomstillstånd inom somatisk vård. Metod: Arbetet skrevs som en allmänlitteraturstudie, enligt metod för kvalitativ manifestinnehållsanalys. Resultat:Anhörigas upplevelser i bemötandet från sjuksköterskorna kunde delas in i tre olikakategorier: trygghet-otrygghet, att bli sedd och bekräftad och sjuksköterskansmaktutövande. I det trygga och bekräftande bemötandet upplevde anhöriga känslor avtrygghet och betydelsefullhet, detta gav dem förutsättningar att skapa en handlingsplanför framtiden. När sjuksköterskan istället utövade sin maktställning upplevde anhörigakänslor av maktlöshet och att befinna sig i en beroendeställning. Detta gjorde attanhöriga fastnade i känslor av skuld och kunde inte ta sig vidare. / Background: A report from the National Board shows that emergency departmentsaround the country has about 2.5 million patient cases, which must be added even morefamily and friends. Patients Board, which is the body that handles complaints frompatients and relatives, said that each year, approximately 4000 notifications in whichpatients and families have felt insulted or badly treated in health care. Objective: Theaim was to describe how adult relatives are experiencing the hospitality of the nurse inacute illness in somatic care. Methods: This work was written as a general literaturestudy, by method of qualitative manifest content analysis. Results: Relatives'experiences of nurses' attitudes could be divided into three different categories:security-insecurity, to be seen and confirmed and nurses exercise of power. In the safeand confirmatory hospitality experienced relatives feelings of security and greatness,this gave them the ability to create an action plan for the future. When the nurse insteadexercised their position of power experienced relatives feelings of powerlessness andbeing in a position of dependence. This meant that families got stuck in feelings of guiltand could not get on.

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