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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gendering Gardasil: Framing Gender and Sexuality in Media Representations of the HPV Vaccine

Pisciotta, Maura Kathleen 01 January 2012 (has links)
In an age of biomedicine, technologies, drugs, and treatments are expanding in new and diverse ways. Especially relevant to biomedicalization and this research is how such information is conveyed to the public through the media. Medical information is omnipresent in the media through direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising and regular coverage of health topics in the news. The accessibility and proliferation of medical information provides an important opportunity to examine the ways in which these topics are framed in the media. This research specifically examines the framing of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil in the mass media. In this study, I explore how Gardasil was framed, how gender and sexuality were utilized within such frames, and what groups influenced these frames. I employ frame analysis to examine the presentation of Gardasil in the mass media. Due to the vaccine's intricate connection to gender and sexuality, I examine how these dimensions are utilized and reproduced in such frames. Gardasil was originally approved only for women, making gender a salient aspect of the vaccine. The current body of research examining Gardasil in the media presents data from the time the vaccine was only available to women. Now that the HPV vaccine is approved for men, this research seeks to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of how Gardasil was framed in the media now that it is available to men and women. And given that Gardasil prevents a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in men and women, it is uniquely tied to issues of sexuality. To analyze Gardasil in the media, I examine newspaper articles, magazine articles, and media representations from stakeholder groups, including DTC advertising, official statements, and group websites. Analysis of key sources indicates that Merck dominated the framing of the vaccine in DTC advertisements and the news media, illustrating the power of the pharmaceutical industry. Findings indicate that the initial marketing of Gardasil constructed the vaccine as uniquely tied to femininity and later, women's empowerment. However, once the drug was approved for men, messages were reframed to appeal to a wider audience. Overall, the media continued to frame the vaccine specifically for women, further constructing HPV as a "woman's disease." The dominant focus on women concomitantly silenced the sexual health of men and sexual minorities. In conclusion, the marketing, discourse, and structural elements of Gardasil make it less accessible to those most in need, therefore contributing to the ongoing problem of cervical cancer and HPV.

Responsibility and the Media : A critical discourse analysis of climate change representations in the U.S and Nigerian news outlets

Fujiwara, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Scientists have reached a consensus that human activities have contributed to global climate change, yet its outcomes affect societies disproportionately. Often the least responsible countries are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. This study will therefore be looking at vulnerable countries and highest carbon emitters, by engaging in a critical discourse analysis of climate change representations in the U.S and Nigerian news. Through the analysis of the Nigerian floods in 2018 and the U.S Campfires in 2018, functions of systemic functional linguistics and critical discourse analysis such as frame analysis, transitivity analysis, deemphasis/emphasis were used as tools to investigate how responsibility was discursively constructed in the media. The analyses show that the media coverage of Nigerian floods present frames of ‘government accountability’ and ‘victim accountability’ while the U.S Camp Fires media coverage present frames of ‘heroism’ and ‘victims’. No explicit mention of climate change is present in the texts and responsibility is discursively constructed away from climate change and human activities as a responsible agent and towards the actual fires themselves, government, or victims.

Kde se potkávají hry a příběhy: Čtyři rámce významu v herním systému City of Mist / Where Games and Stories Meet: Four Frames of Meaning in the City of Mist TTRPG System

Picková, Tereza January 2022 (has links)
. a. by the plurality of "worlds" the players operate in, and pertinent plurality of roles adopted frame analysis (see Fine 2002), describes three of these "worlds of meaning": the frame of the "the frame of the storytellers". Ad playing games resemble "storytelling events" (Georges 1969), and how this fact differentiates this genre from "classical" games. This framework broadens the understating of players d with the storyteller's agenda and expectations linked to this role. This unique form gaming world in the primary framework of the "real"

Multi-level policy in the Baltic Sea : An Environmental Policy Integration analysis of the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone

Miyatani, Johan January 2021 (has links)
It is no secret that policy, to a large degree, informs what policy objectives should and can be pursued given a sector or policy domain. However, what happens when multiple levels of policy exist and regulate the same geographical area? The present study explores how complex multi-leveled policy areas affect Environmental Policy Implementation (EPI) and what happens when policy objectives from one level stand against policy objectives on another. By looking at national, supranational, and international policy governing the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone (SEEZ) and comparing these to the Swedish government decisions on the Nord Stream I and II pipelines (2009 and 2018); the present study has explored to what extent policy objectives and underlying frames from the different policy levels have affected the decisions. The study has worked through the theoretical lenses of Environmental Policy Integration and Frame theory; and has applied thematic analysis and frame analysis methods. The study has concluded that, while policy objectives reflecting strong EPI exist in national policy, the weak EPI of the supranational and international policies policy objectives makes it implausible for effective EPI to be the outcome of decisions in the SEEZ. Without a strong value hierarchy prioritizing environmental objectives, it is unlikely that the Baltic Sea, or other similar multi-leveled policy areas, can achieve sustainable development.

Framing the Great Divide: How the Candidates and Media Framed Class and Inequality During the 2012 Presidential Debates

Collins, Connie L. 21 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

"For the fact that I'm black" : Analysing black peoples' accounts of everyday racism in South Africa, employing the theories of Frame Analysis and Othering

Olsson, Matilda, Peschel, Josephine January 2024 (has links)
With the purpose of contributing to the field of social science research regarding racism in South Africa, this thesis aims to investigate how peoples’ experiences of everyday racism manifest in their lives. As well as explore their views of changes in society, regarding everyday racism, during their lifetime employing the theoretical frameworks of Erving Goffman’s (1986) Frame Analysis, and Othering. The purpose was achieved through semi-structured qualitative interviews with five black South Africans. The interviews generated an empirical data which displayed patterns of microaggressions, radicalisation, and white supremacy. The study concluded that the respondents have different views on changes regarding everyday racism in South Africa, some identifying a more progressive society, while others believe that apartheid still has a hold on society. / I syfte att bidra till området av samhällsvetenskaplig forskning om rasism i Sydafrika, syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur människors upplevelser av vardagsrasism tar sig uttryck i deras liv. Vidare utforskar studien respondenternas syn på förändringar i samhället angående vardagsrasism under sin livstid genom att använda de teoretiska ramverken Inramningsteori av Erving Goffman (1986), och Andrafiering. Syftet uppnåddes genom semistrukturerade, kvalitativa intervjuer med fem svarta sydafrikaner. Intervjuerna genererade empiriska data som visade mönster av mikroaggressioner, rasifiering och vit överlägsenhet. Studien kom fram till att de tillfrågade besitter varierande åsikter angående förändringar kring vardagsrasism i Sydafrika, vissa identifierar ett mer progressivt samhälle, medan andra anser att apartheid fortfarande har ett grepp om samhället.


林怡瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究認為要了解台灣新聞媒體在「焚化風險/污染議題」上的表現,必須將其置放在台灣焚化政策爭議的整個歷史脈絡中來作探討,才能跨越「從媒體文本看世界」的侷限,了解國家、社會運動、媒體在「焚化政策爭議」中的互動關係。 研究方法方面,本研究以文獻分析法分析國家推動焚化爐的制度設計與「風險管理」的配套措施則,以參與觀察法、深度訪談與歷史文獻分析民間反焚化爐運動發的發展,並試圖辨識國家與社會運動各提出了哪些詮釋架構。在媒體文本方面,採用框架分析法。 本研究發現,從民國73年《都市垃圾處理方案》開始,「焚化」一直被定為主要垃圾處理政策;國家一方面以各種優惠、補貼、保障利潤的長期合約等機制扶植/圖利國內廠商;另一方面以「中央給錢、地方找地」的權責劃分原則搭配回饋金、公權力、民有民營模式三個機制來排除居民的反對與抗爭。 國家在推動焚化爐的過程中,鼓吹焚化有「減量化、安定化、衛生/無害化、資源回收、占地小、台灣垃圾適於焚化、焚化是先進國家主要垃圾處理方法」等優點,根本未提及戴奧辛及其他污染。待環保團體提出質疑,國家才透過新聞媒體來安撫社會大眾,提出「積極改善」、「配套措施」與「安全保證」,把問題導向「如何補救」而非「是否還要繼續接受污染」。在空氣污染防制方面,大型爐的戴奧辛排放標準遲至民國86年才訂出,小型爐管制最遲至92年才生效。鼓勵民間投資灰渣再利用的政策更是大大增加這些毒物流散到環境中的機率,而且因為我們看不見、不知道,所以毫無警覺。 早期的反焚化爐運動分成兩股力量,草根組織在社區抵擋焚化爐進入,專業環保團體則多次在媒體上揭露「焚化風險/污染」。民國88年起,開始有環保團體引介國外的反焚化論述給社區草根組織;在環保團體與地方組織緊密互動、串聯的過程中,發展出反焚化論述的「在地版本」,更快速壯大運動的影響力,迫使國家重新檢討焚化政策。在反美濃焚化爐的個案中,人們更見識到,在中央/地方政府施政作為與焚化技術雙雙失去正當性之後,焚化利益的政經共生體如何操弄法律、科學/技術與官僚體系特性來抗拒反對與改變。 在焚化風險的決策點上,中時、聯合兩大報並未提供警訊,主動揭露焚化爐可能帶來的風險/污染,也沒有自我批判或學習的能力,在下一次報導時提出警告。 在環保團體揭露焚化風險/污染時,兩報傾向用「兩面並陳、各說各話」的「衝突對立框架」來處理,但聯合報傾向凸顯兩造說法的兩極化、沒有交集,中時則是「形式對立、內容不強調對立」。不過,在揭露之後,民間團體還是很難得到媒體近用,但國家卻能輕鬆得到媒體進用,以科學研究的內部不確定性和外部權威、「安全保證」等機制,將議題引導至「風險管理」的詮釋框架,解除焚化政策的正當性危機。 在「反對焚化污染/風險運動」的媒體再現中,美濃反焚化爐運動完全被擠壓在地方版,只有官員圖利廠商被偵辦的新聞才上得了全國版,但此類「司法新聞」無法呈現中央/地方政府互踢皮球、集體卸責等整套「風險政治」的運作過程,不利於各地受害者的交流、串聯,亦不利社會輿論壓力的形成。 在討論垃圾問題的社論中,兩報均接受焚化是國家「既定政策」的事實,以「肯定並催促興建」、「視為既定事實」、「討論如何排除焚化爐興建困難的問題」、「信任科學/技術」等框架來支持「焚化爐是最佳方案」。「減量回收」政策從頭到尾都被套上個人實踐的道德化框架,削弱其可獨當一面,取代焚化爐的正當性,亦排除了國家在減量回收政策上的責任。 兩報探討垃圾與焚化爐問題的社論絕大多數是應垃圾大戰而寫,只有一篇聯合報社論以焚化爐風險為主題。兩報對於焚化爐爭議大致上有固定的框架,中國時報很一貫地抱持「焚化是不得不然的選擇」,所以要作好管制/公關工作的詮釋框架,聯合報則是一直強調源頭管制(減量)的重要性,只可惜該報的言論並不認為源頭管制可以完全取代焚化,故在立場上是採取「嚴格管制焚化爐,加上個人要作好源頭減量才是戴奧辛的治本之道」。不過,這種一致性僅限於全國版,地方版無法歸納出類似規則。

從台美兩地北京奧運新聞報導看中國國家形象 / China's image in the coverage of 2008 Beijing-Olympic: A comparison of major newspapers in the US and in Taiwan

黃瀚霆, Huang, Han Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過分析比較台灣與美國重要報紙媒體上的北京奧運相關報導,檢視中國主辦2008年北京奧運會,所投射出來的媒體國家形象(projected national image),進而探討舉辦全球性媒體活動(global media events)做為國家形象管理策略一環的應用性。本研究挑選台灣的《聯合報》、《自由時報》,與美國的《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》為兩地重要媒體的代表,並經過搜尋篩選程序之後,共得到375則新聞報導。再以內容分析法與框架清單(the list of the frame)分析法,對構成媒體國家形象的各個變項進行相關統計分析。 本研究主要得到三點發現。首先,就台灣與美國報紙整體而言,中國國家形象偏向負面,且報導方向與新聞框架、報導型式之間皆存有顯著關係,而該負面形象的來源,未必是直接與奧運會相關的新聞主題。其次,若將美國報紙與台灣報紙進行比較,則發現兩地的中國國家形象均呈現負面,而台灣報紙的整體報導量以及負面新聞主題較多。另外,本研究發現,同一個國家內的不同媒體之間,也有顯著的差異,《華盛頓郵報》與《自由時報》的負面報導多過中立報導,而《紐約時報》及《聯合報》則仍然以中立報導最多,且《自由時報》的新聞框架運用偏重在政治的角度,而《聯合報》則較多元。 最後,本研究認為北京奧運成功帶來了許多相關的正面主題與正面框架報導,與奧運活動本身較不相關的負面主題,則顯示良好的國家形象需要長期多方面的努力建構。 / To host global media events is one of the important kinds of strategies for the national image management. This study focuses on news coverage of 2008 Beijing-Olympic from the New York Times, Washington Post in the US, and the United Daily, Liberty Times in Taiwan to examine China's projected national image. The content analysis, and the list of the frame analysis were carried out to analyze several variables forming the projected national image in the 375 news items. Through statistic analysis, this study found three main points. First, for four newspapers, China's projected national image was negative. The valence was related to news frames and news style evidently, and also a few indirect news topics were the source of the negative image as well. Secondly, in comparison of newspapers in the US and in Taiwan, both images of china were negative. The total number of stories and negative news topics in Taiwan's newspapers were more than in the US counterpart. Thirdly, in terms of valence, Washington Post and Liberty Times had more negative news than neutral ones, but the neutral news were still the most in the New York Times and United Daily. The Liberty Times reporting had much more political frames, but the United Daily reporting emphasized on several kinds of news frames. Finally, this study found 2008 Beijing-Olympic event brought mass positive news topics and news frames in the news items. The negative news topics showed that building good national image takes much more time and efforts to achieve.

The Plastic Behaviour of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow Sections

Wilkinson, Timothy James January 2000 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the suitability of cold-formed rectangular hollow sections (RHS) for plastic design. The project involved an extensive range of tests on cold-formed Grade C350 and Grade C450 (DuraGal) RHS beams, joints and frames. A large number of finite element analyses was also carried out on models of RHS beams. The conclusion is that cold- formed RHS can be used in plastic design, but stricter element slenderness (b/t) limits and consideration of the connections, are required. Further research, particularly into the effect of axial compression on element slenderness limits, is required before changes to current design rules can be finalised. Bending tests were performed on cold-formed RHS to examine the web and flange slenderness required to maintain the plastic moment for a large enough rotation suitable for plastic design. The major conclusions of the beam tests were: (i) Some sections which are classified as Compact or Class 1 by current steel design specifications do not maintain plastic rotations considered sufficient for plastic design. (ii) The current design philosophy, in which flange and web slenderness limits are independent, is inappropriate. An interaction formula is required, and simple formulations are proposed for RHS. Connection tests were performed on various types of knee joints in RHS, suitable for the column - rafter connection in a portal frame. The connection types investigated were welded stiffened and unstiffened rigid knee connections, bolted plate knee joints, and welded and bolted internal sleeve knee joints, for use in RHS portal frames. The ability of the connections to act as plastic hinges in a portal frame was investigated. The most important finding of the joint tests was the unexpected fracture of the cold-formed welded connections under opening moment before significant plastic rotations occurred. The use of an internal sleeve moved the plastic hinge in the connection away from the connection centre- line thus eliminating the need for the weld between the RHS, or the RHS and the stiffening plate, to carry the majority of the load. The internal sleeve connections were capable of sustaining the plastic moment for large rotations considered suitable for plastic design. Tests on pinned-base portal frames were also performed. There were three separate tests, with two different ratios of vertical to horizontal point loads, simulating gravity and horizontal wind loads. Two grades of steel were used for comparison. The aims of the tests were to examine if a plastic collapse mechanism could form in a cold-formed RHS frame, and to investigate if plastic design was suitable for such frames. In each frame, two regions of highly concentrated curvature were observed before the onset of local buckling, which indicated the formation of plastic hinges and a plastic collapse mechanism. An advanced plastic zone structural analysis which accounted for second order effects, material non-linearity and member imperfections slightly overestimated the strength of the frames. The analysis slightly underestimated the deflections, and hence the magnitude of the second order effects. A second order plastic zone analysis, which did not account for the effects of structural imperfections, provided the best estimates of the strengths of the frames, but also underestimated the deflections. While cold-formed RHS did not satisfy the material ductility requirements specified for plastic design in some current steel design standards, plastic hinges and plastic collapse mechanisms formed. This suggests that the restriction on plastic design for cold-formed RHS based on insufficient material ductility is unnecessary, provided that the connections are suitable for plastic hinge formation, if required. A large number of finite element analyses were performed to simulate the bending tests summarised above, and to examine various parameters not studied in the experimental investigation. To simulate the experimental rotation capacity of the RHS beams, a sinusoidally varying longitudinal local imperfection was prescribed. The finite element analysis determined similar trends as observed experimentally, namely that the rotation capacity depended on both the web slenderness and flange slenderness, and that for a given section aspect ratio, the relationship between web slenderness and rotation capacity was non-linear. The main finding of the finite element study was that the size of the imperfections had an unexpectedly large influence on the rotation capacity. Larger imperfections were required in the more slender sections to simulate the experimental results. There should be further investigation into the effect of varying material properties on rotation capacity.

The Plastic Behaviour of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow Sections

Wilkinson, Timothy James January 2000 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the suitability of cold-formed rectangular hollow sections (RHS) for plastic design. The project involved an extensive range of tests on cold-formed Grade C350 and Grade C450 (DuraGal) RHS beams, joints and frames. A large number of finite element analyses was also carried out on models of RHS beams. The conclusion is that cold- formed RHS can be used in plastic design, but stricter element slenderness (b/t) limits and consideration of the connections, are required. Further research, particularly into the effect of axial compression on element slenderness limits, is required before changes to current design rules can be finalised. Bending tests were performed on cold-formed RHS to examine the web and flange slenderness required to maintain the plastic moment for a large enough rotation suitable for plastic design. The major conclusions of the beam tests were: (i) Some sections which are classified as Compact or Class 1 by current steel design specifications do not maintain plastic rotations considered sufficient for plastic design. (ii) The current design philosophy, in which flange and web slenderness limits are independent, is inappropriate. An interaction formula is required, and simple formulations are proposed for RHS. Connection tests were performed on various types of knee joints in RHS, suitable for the column - rafter connection in a portal frame. The connection types investigated were welded stiffened and unstiffened rigid knee connections, bolted plate knee joints, and welded and bolted internal sleeve knee joints, for use in RHS portal frames. The ability of the connections to act as plastic hinges in a portal frame was investigated. The most important finding of the joint tests was the unexpected fracture of the cold-formed welded connections under opening moment before significant plastic rotations occurred. The use of an internal sleeve moved the plastic hinge in the connection away from the connection centre- line thus eliminating the need for the weld between the RHS, or the RHS and the stiffening plate, to carry the majority of the load. The internal sleeve connections were capable of sustaining the plastic moment for large rotations considered suitable for plastic design. Tests on pinned-base portal frames were also performed. There were three separate tests, with two different ratios of vertical to horizontal point loads, simulating gravity and horizontal wind loads. Two grades of steel were used for comparison. The aims of the tests were to examine if a plastic collapse mechanism could form in a cold-formed RHS frame, and to investigate if plastic design was suitable for such frames. In each frame, two regions of highly concentrated curvature were observed before the onset of local buckling, which indicated the formation of plastic hinges and a plastic collapse mechanism. An advanced plastic zone structural analysis which accounted for second order effects, material non-linearity and member imperfections slightly overestimated the strength of the frames. The analysis slightly underestimated the deflections, and hence the magnitude of the second order effects. A second order plastic zone analysis, which did not account for the effects of structural imperfections, provided the best estimates of the strengths of the frames, but also underestimated the deflections. While cold-formed RHS did not satisfy the material ductility requirements specified for plastic design in some current steel design standards, plastic hinges and plastic collapse mechanisms formed. This suggests that the restriction on plastic design for cold-formed RHS based on insufficient material ductility is unnecessary, provided that the connections are suitable for plastic hinge formation, if required. A large number of finite element analyses were performed to simulate the bending tests summarised above, and to examine various parameters not studied in the experimental investigation. To simulate the experimental rotation capacity of the RHS beams, a sinusoidally varying longitudinal local imperfection was prescribed. The finite element analysis determined similar trends as observed experimentally, namely that the rotation capacity depended on both the web slenderness and flange slenderness, and that for a given section aspect ratio, the relationship between web slenderness and rotation capacity was non-linear. The main finding of the finite element study was that the size of the imperfections had an unexpectedly large influence on the rotation capacity. Larger imperfections were required in the more slender sections to simulate the experimental results. There should be further investigation into the effect of varying material properties on rotation capacity.

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