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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The atypical environmentalist : the rhetoric of environmentalist identity and citizenship in the Texas coal plant opposition movement

Thatcher, Valerie Lynn 18 February 2014 (has links)
Many contemporary grassroots environmental campaigns do not begin in urban areas but in small towns, rural enclaves, and racially or economically disadvantaged communities. Citizens with no previous activist experience or association with the established environmental movement organize to fight industry-created degradation in their communities, such as coal-fired power plants in Texas, the focus of this dissertation. The Texas coal plant opposition movement is identified as sites of environmental justice, particularly as discriminatory practices against sparsely populated communities. The movement’s collaborative efforts are defined as a new category of counterpublic, co-counterpublic, due to the discrete organizations’ shared focus and common purpose. The concept that a growing number of environmental activists are atypical is advanced; atypical environmentalists often engage in environmental practices while rejecting traditional environmentalist language and identity to avoid stigmatization as tree-huggers, extremists, or affluent whites. Presented are rhetorical analyses of identity negotiation and modalities of public enactments of citizenship within the Texas coal plant opposition movement and a critique of plant proponent hegemonic discourses. Research focused on five sites of coal plant opposition in Texas, gathered through ethnographic fieldwork and through a compilation of mediated materials. Asen’s discourse theory of citizenship was used to analyze the data for instances of rhetorical negotiation of environmentalist identity in politically conservative and in ethnically marginalized communities, their localized performances as public citizens, and the collaborative processes between established environmental groups and discrete local organizations. Texas anti-coal activists engaged in what Asen called hybrid citizenship; activists were primarily motivated toward enacted citizenship by a sense of betrayal by authorities. Issue and identity framing theories were implemented to critique rhetorical strategies used by plant proponents. In order to silence the opposition, plant supporters marginalized local anti-coal activists using what Cloud called identity frames by foil; proponents borrowed derogatory rhetorics from well-established anti-environmentalist discourse through which they self-identified positively by framing opponents as Other. The means through which proponents deflected their responsibility to the community by promoting technological solutions to pollution and deferring authority to industry executives and government agencies is analyzed within Chong and Druckman’s competing frames and frames in communication theories. / text

Hur gestaltar man ondska? : En multimodal analys om gestaltning och representation inom journalistiken, med fokus på Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters rapportering kring händelserna i Trollhättan och på Drottninggatan / How is evil framed? : A multimodal analysis on Aftonbladet's and Dagens Nyheter's coverage of the events in Trollhättan and Drottninggatan, with focus on framing and representation

Larsson Swärd, Josefin, Persson, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Nyhetsmedia har en stor påverkan på samhället, det är till dem vi med största sannolikhet vänder oss till när en stor händelse drabbar oss. Under de senaste åren har nyhetsmedia fått motstå kritik för hur de särbehandlar olika fall och händelser beroende på vem gärningsmannen är. Vi ville utforska om det faktiskt stämde att vita gärningsmän blir klassificerade som psykisk sjuka, när icke-vita gärningsmän blir beskrivna som terrorister. Genom att fokusera på representation, gestaltningsteorin och attributdagordningen utfördes en multimodal analys på Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters rapportering kring händelsen i Trollhättan respektive Drottninggatan. Målet var att se om det fanns några tendenser för särbehandling vid rapporteringen och porträtteringen av gärningsmän och deras dåd. Studien gav inte några definitiva resultat, däremot lade vi bland annat märke till att det fanns nyanser i artiklarna som kunde peka på särbehandling. Vi märkte bland annat att porträtteringen av gärningsmännen skilde sig drastiskt, när Rakhmat Akilov beskrivs som den invandrade brutala gärningsmannen med IS-sympatier, gestaltas Anton Lundin Pettersson som den tillbakadragne, svenska killen som tyckte om hårdrock OCH Nazityskland. / The influence news media has on society is huge, we most certainly turn to the news media whenever a big event affects us. For the last couple of years critique has been directed towards the news media concerning the coverage of crime and how some cases get special treatment depending on who the perpetrator is. We wanted to investigate if it actually is true that white criminals get described as ‘mentally ill’, while non white criminals are categorized as ‘terrorists’. By focusing on representation, the Attribute framing theory and the Framing theory, we did a multimodal analysis on the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet's and Dagens Nyheter’s coverage of the events in Trollhättan and at Drottninggatan. Our goal was to distinguish if there actually are any tendencies for special treatment while covering a case and portraying a perpetrator within the news media. With this study, we weren’t able to come to any conclusions, but the study did show that there were some nuances which pointed towards special treatment in the news articles. For instance we discovered that there were some differences in the portraying of the perpetrators; while Rakhmat Akilov was described as the immigrating veil criminal who shared sympathies with ISIS, Anton Lundin Pettersson was portrayed as the shy guy from Sweden who was passionate about metal AND Nazi Germany.

Livets lotteri- eller bara ett outnyttjat val? : En kvalitativ studie om skillnaderna i svenska dagstidningars gestalningar av skolsegregation i Sverige / Life's lottery, or a free choice? : A qualitative study of Swedish newspapers opinions' about school segregation in Sweden.

Kihlbom, Erik January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in how Swedish newspaper have written about school segregation in Sweden.  The newspapers that have been studied in the study are Aftonbladet (social democratic), Dagens Nyheter (liberal) and Svenska Dagbladet (conservative). The differences between the newspapers were examined based in the framing theory and  dimension individualism and collectivism.   The result showed that Aftonbladet framed school segregation as a social problem when it was thought to be caused by the private schools, the free school choice and Fredrik Reinfeldts government (2006-2014). Dagens Nyheter framed school segregation mostly as a social problem but initially defended the free school choice becuase they considered housing segregation as the main cause of the problem. Svenska Dagbladet framed school segregation as both a social problem and an individual problem. They highlighted that society must support the resource-poor pupils who do not use the free school choice. But they also wrote that school segregation was an excessive problem.

En hårfin skillnad mellan urval och censur : En analys av censurdebatten 2012 angående Tintin i Kongo / A fine line between selection and censorship : An analysis of the censorship debate 2012 regarding Tintin in the Congos

Lundberg, Gabriella, Norin, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
Vårt syfte med undersökningen har varit att analysera censurdebatten kring Tintin i Kongo från 2012. Med utgångspunkt från argumentet att barn måste skyddas från kontroversiell litteratur har vi framför allt varit intresserade av att förstå hur nyanser av debatten skapats genom den argumentation och det språkbruk som debattörerna har använt sig av.   Teoretiska utgångspunkter: Dagordningsteori. Gestaltningsteori. Frågeställningar: På vilka sätt är debatten kring Tintin, censur och barns förmåga att hantera kontroversiell litteratur intressant för vår förståelse av hur vi använder språk för att kommunicera? Vilka uttalar sig i debatten kring censuren av Tintin? Vilka argument används? Vilka är några vanligt förekommande teman i böcker för barn mellan 6-9 år 2017?   Metod: Vårt tillvägagångssätt för att kunna besvara frågorna har varit att använda oss av textanalys. Material: Vi har till vår undersökning valt att analysera artiklar. Urvalet har skett från de två dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet och kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen. Resultat: Det gör skillnad vilka ord vi använder och hur. Ord är makt och avslöjar normer i samhället. / Purpose: Our purpose with this study has been to analyze the debate regarding the attempt to ban Tintin in the Congos in 2012. With the starting-point being the argument made that children have to be protected from literature that is considered to be controversial, we’ve been interested in seeing how the nuances of the debate have been shaped by the use of arguments and language by those participating in the debate. Theoretical points of departure: Agenda setting theory, Framing theory Objectives and focus: The study has the following questions In what way is the debate surrounding Tintin in the Congos, censorship and children’s ability to handle literature considered controversial of interest in understanding how we use language to communicate? Who are the ones taking part in the debate regarding the ban of Tintin in the Congos? What are their arguments? What are some common themes presented in books aimed towards children between the ages of 6-9 2017?   Method: To answer our questions, we have analyzed our material through text analysis. Material: We have for our questions analyzed articles. They have been selected both from the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet as well as from the evening newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. Result: Your words matter. It matters how and when we use them. Words are an expression of power and reveals the norms of society.

Offer för lagens skott : En kvalitativ studie om journalistikens gestaltning av polisens dödsskjutning i Bagarmossen / Victim of the bullets of the law

Derblom Jobe, Michelle, Alisehovic, Dzenet January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the media coverage of a police shooting in Bagarmossen, Stockholm. According to the news the police claimed it was an act of self-defense as a man fired a gun at them which is why the man was shot to death, but a month later stated that the man had not even been armed. The following study seeks to analyze the differences and similarities between articles published before and after the modified information. It also examines social actors present and how the media portrays them. We applied discourse analysis on sixteen news articles to answer our research questions. The prominent differences we found were in the portrayals of the incident and the most protrusive social actors in­volved. Before the police changed their state­ment, the man shot dead was portrayed as a criminal with deviant behavior. After the changed statement, the media portrayed him as a family man with strong ties to his hometown. The police were another social actor in our study, portrayed before the changed statements as efficient with a strong work ethic. After, the police were por­trayed as dishonest and lacking severely in their communica­tion as a legitimate authori­ty. One of the similarities found before and after the changed statement was the pres­ence of the local community as a social actor and its significance for the news media's portrayal of the incident.

Framing body changes in patient-medical team conversations during treatment trajectories in surgical head and neck oncology

Cherba, Maria 02 1900 (has links)
Les personnes qui subissent une chirurgie pour un cancer de la tête et du cou sont souvent préoccupées par les changements dans l’apparence et les fonctions corporelles causés par le traitement et rapportent des problèmes d’image corporelle, des niveaux plus élevés d’anxiété et une diminution de la qualité de vie. La communication avec les professionnels de la santé peut affecter la façon dont les patients vivent avec ces changements, notamment en raison des différences dans la manière dont les patients et leur équipe médicale perçoivent le traitement et les aspects qu’ils jugent importants à discuter. Toutefois, peu d’études se sont penchées sur la communication entre les patients et leur équipe soignante autour des changements dans l’apparence et les fonctions corporelles lors de consultations cliniques. Cette étude répond à cette question en s’appuyant sur les recherches en oncologie psychosociale et sur les recherches en communication sur le cadrage. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre le processus de communication entre les patients et l’équipe interdisciplinaire de chirurgie cervicofaciale autour des changements dans l’apparence et les fonctions corporelles, ainsi que les impacts potentiels de cette communication sur l’expérience des patients au cours de leurs trajectoires de traitement. Une étude empirique sur la communication entre les patients et l’équipe médicale a été menée dans une clinique d’oncologie de la tête et du cou d’un grand hôpital universitaire au Québec, Canada. Vingt patients ont participé à l’étude pendant six mois et 88 visites pré-chirurgicales et post-chirurgicales ont été observées (totalisant 54 heures de données enregistrées par audio ou vidéo). Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées avec les patients avant et après leur chirurgie (n=45), ainsi qu’avec les membres de l’équipe médicale (n=6) à la fin de l’étude. Tout d’abord, cette étude révèle les patterns d’interaction qui caractérisent les visites pré-chirurgicales : comment les changements corporels sont abordés dans les discussions en rapport avec la survie et la guérison, comment les changements corporels sont établis comme étant une préoccupation (ou non), et comment différents membres de l’équipe peuvent jouer des rôles différents pour discuter des changements corporels avec les patients. Deuxièmement, les patterns d’interaction qui caractérisent les visites post-chirurgicales sont décrits : comment les changements corporels sont abordés dans les discussions en rapport avec la guérison et le rétablissement physique, comment l’amélioration et le progrès sont mis en évidence dans les consultations, et comment les différences entre les points de vue des patients et des soignants sont résolues dans les interactions. Les données des entrevues complètent les analyses, montrant les impacts positifs et négatifs potentiels de ces patterns d’interaction sur l’expérience des patients. Plus précisément, l’analyse révèle comment les préoccupations psychosociales peuvent être mises en arrière-plan dans les interactions cliniques. Les résultats de l’étude contribuent à la recherche sur la communication patient-soignant en permettant de comprendre comment les préoccupations émergent dans les interactions cliniques et comment les changements dans l’apparence et les fonctions corporelles sont abordés lors des consultations avec différents membres de l’équipe médicale. Ces résultats pourront être utilisés pour développer des programmes de formation pour étudiants et professionnels, afin de favoriser la prestation des soins intégrés répondant aux besoins des patients tant sur le plan physique que psychosocial. / People who undergo surgery for head and neck cancer are often concerned about treatment-related changes in appearance and functional impairments, and report body image difficulties, higher levels of anxiety, and lower quality of life. Communication with health care professionals may impact patients’ experience of body changes, notably due to the differences between how patients and their medical team view the treatment and what aspects they find important to discuss. However, relatively little is known about how patients and providers discuss changes in body appearance and functioning during clinical consultations. This study addresses this question by combining insights from psychosocial oncology research with communication research on framing. The aim is to better understand the process of communication between surgical patients and the interdisciplinary Head and Neck Surgery team around changes in appearance and function, as well as how patients are experiencing such communication during their treatment trajectories. An empirical study of patient-medical team communication was conducted at the head and neck oncology outpatient clinic of a large university-affiliated hospital in the province of Quebec, Canada. Twenty patients participated in this study for a period of six months, and 88 pre-surgical and post-surgical visits were observed and audio or video recorded (54 hours of recorded data). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with patients before and after the surgery (n=45), as well as with medical team members (n=6) at the end of the study. First, this study reveals the communication patterns that characterize pre-surgical visits: how body changes are discussed in relation to survival and cure, how body changes are established as (not) being a matter of concern, and how different team members may play different roles in discussing body changes with patients. Second, the communication patterns that characterize post-surgical visits are described: how body changes are discussed in relation to cure and physical recovery, how improvement and progress are emphasized in consultations, and how differences between patients’ and providers’ perspectives are resolved in interactions. Interview data complements the analyses, showing the potential positive and negative impacts of these interaction patterns on patients’ experience. Specifically, the analyses reveal how psychosocial concerns can be silenced in clinical interactions. The results of this study contribute to research on patient-health care provider communication by providing insight into how concerns emerge in clinical interactions and how changes in appearance and function are discussed in patients’ visits with different medical team members. These results can be used to inform students’ and professionals’ training by providing guidance on integrated care addressing patients’ needs in both the physical and the psychosocial domain.

Kuba och historiens slut : En studie om svenska tidningars gestaltningar av Kuba under Fidel Castros kommunistiska styre / Cuba and the end of history : A study on Swedish newspapers framing of Cuba under Fidel Castro's communist rule

Åhström, Magnus January 2020 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur tre rikstäckande svenska dagstidningar med varierande ideologisk grund gestaltat ett urval av politiska händelser på Kuba under Fidel Castros kommunistiska styre 1962–1994. De politiska händelserna på Kuba som granskats är Kubakrisen 1962, Olof Palmes Statsbesök 1975 samt Specialperioden 1990–1994. Frågeställningarnas fokus har dels legat på hur gestaltningarna av Kubas politik bibehållits eller förändrats under den undersökta perioden, och dels hur tidningarna förhållit sig till sin politiska grundideologi över tid. Avslut- ningsvis har detta resultat ställts mot Francis Fukuyamas tes om ”Historiens slut”. Gransk- ningen av materialet har skett med ett gestaltningsteoretiskt ramverk där en kvalitativ aspekt granskat gestaltningens perspektiv och urval, samt en kvantitativ aspekt som fokuserat på jour- nalistikens värdeomdömen mot Kubas politik. Resultat visar att det fanns betydande skillnader mellan tidningarnas gestaltningar och värdeomdömen under 1960- och 1970-talet. Under Spe- cialperioden på 1990-talet förenades dock samtliga tidningar i en samstämmig kritik mot Fidel Castros kommunistiska styre på Kuba. Detta tycks dels vara ett resultat av tidningarna i allt högre grad blivit nyhetsstyrda snarare än idéstyrda. Ideologiska nyanser skiljer tidningarnas gestaltningar åt, dessa perspektiv överskuggas dock på 1990-talet av att tidningarna samlas i en typ av liberaldemokratisk mittfåra som enhälligt fördömer kommunismen på Kuba. / This study examines how three nationwide newspapers in Sweden framed a sample of political events on Cuba during Fidel Castro's communist rule during the period 1962–1994. The news- papers are all linked to different political ideologies. The political events examined were the Cuban missile crisis 1962, Olof Palme's state visit 1975 and the Special Period 1990–1994. The purpose of the study was on one hand to examine if the framing of Cuba’s politics was main- tained or changed during this period, and on the other hand how the newspapers adhered to their political ideology over time. In conclusion these results are discussed in relation to Francis Fukuyamas thesis “The End of History?”. The study uses a frame analysis as a theoretical framework which has a qualitative aspect that examines the salient perspectives and selections, and a quantitative aspect which focus on value judgments towards Cuba's political leadership. The study shows that there were significant differences between the newspaper framing and value judgements during the 1960s and 1970s. During the 1990s there were a substantial shift, as the newspapers now united in a unanimous condemnation of the communist rule on Cuba. This seems to be a result of the newspapers becoming more news-driven rather than idea-driven. Although some ideological nuances persisted during the 1990s, overall the ideologies expressed by the newspapers seem to converge in the support of political and economic liberalism. Based on the results of this study, the major ideological battle of the 20th century was replaced by minor ideological disputes in the 1990s.

Kampaň Činoherního divadla v Ústí nad Labem - analýza rámování / Campaign of Cinoherni Divadlo in Ústí nad Labem - Framing Analysis

Rohanová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is a research of a case related to the theatre Cinoherni divadlo in Usti nad Labem, which happened in 2014. This case was about a conflict between Cinoherni divadlo and Usti nad Labem city councilmen. This conflict was reflected by the public in Usti nad Labem and other cities of the Czech Republic and the case was accompanied by various kinds of civic activism. Representatives of Cinoherni divadlo was making public statements about the conflict during the case and they was formulating their requirements and were trying to gain public support and mobilize public to join the collective action. This case of civic activism will be studied from the perspective of the framing theory. Participant's statements will be studied and for that will be used the framing analysis. There will identified diagnostic, prognostic and motivational frames, which were used by the represenatives of Cinoherni divadlo and how were the frames changing during the case. There will be also identified counterframes, which were used by the city councilmen in their reactions to the represenatitves of Cinoherni divadlo.

"Pod slupkou oblíbeného ovoce": rámování fair trade Ekumenickou akademií / "Under the skin of your favourite fruit": framing of fair trade by Ekumenická akademie

Homolková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe framing activity of non-profit organization Ekumenická akademie, z.s. that is linked with fair trade movement. It means I want to describe how it strategically constructs a communication made through leaflets that go to existing and potential supporters. The theoretical part focuses on the concept of fair trade movement and its work in the Czech Republic. Then it describes the framing theory, especially core framing tasks that are essential to this thesis. In the methodology, the research methods are explained, which was content analysis of the documents and it also describes the process of the analysis itself. The last part of the thesis describes the results of the research which means how the organization interpreted and constructed the reality with diagnostic, prognostic and motivational framing and thus formed the meaning of the whole communication.

Att gestalta hållbarhetskommunikation ur ett CSR-perspektiv : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av svenska barnklädesföretags hållbarhetsrapporter

Johansson Sikhinaram, Orawan, Askebrink, Martina January 2022 (has links)
Hållbarhetsfrågor är en ständig diskussion som på senare år har intensifierats. I och med detta kräver både lagstiftningen och samhället idag att företagen ska arbeta och redovisa sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Med en ökad konsumtion som även bidragit till massproduktion har klädindustrin väckt extra mycket uppmärksamhet på lokal och global nivå. Detta gör att det nu ställs hårdare krav på företagen. Tidigare forskning tyder på att det inte alltid är lätt att kommunicera sitt hållbarhetsarbete då företag måste ta hänsyn till flera CSR-aspekter. Vidare har även den tidigare kommunikationen avgränsat sig till fast-fashion för vuxenkläder. I kontrast till vuxenkläder finns barnkläder där fast-fashion sker som en naturlig del av tillväxtprocessen. Hos en människa sker den snabbaste tillväxten de första åren av ens liv som då ständigt är i behov av nya kläder. Detta leder till hög konsumtion samt en enorm påverkan på miljön. Problemområdet för denna studie är att den omfattande tidigare forskningen främst har fokuserat på hållbarhetsarbete hos vuxenkläder. Till vår studie, där vi har valt att fokusera på barnklädesföretag för att studera företagens kommunikation gällande deras hållbarhetsarbete då även de är med och bidrar till en ökad konsumtion och befinner sig i samma industri. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till en djupare förståelse för hur svenska barnklädesföretag kommunicerar ut sitt hållbarhetsarbete i relation till CSR samt diskutera vilka implikationer det kan ha för företagens legitimitet genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Avsikten med denna studie är att få en ökad förståelse för företagens kommunikation inom en marknad som ännu är relativt outforskat och bidra till en ökad uppmärksamhet inom barnklädesbranschen. Denna studie undersöker hållbarhetsrapporter publicerade av Mini Rodini och Polarn O. Pyret. Utifrån det teoretiska ramverket bestående av bland annat CSR, strategisk kommunikation och gestaltningsteorin genomförs denna studie utifrån följande frågeställningar: 1. Vilka sociala och miljömässiga aspekter framhåller barnklädesföretagen i sin hållbarhetsrapport och hur framhålls dessa? 2. På vilket/vilka vis framhävs eventuella olikheter och likheter i hållbarhetsrapporterna? Resultatet visar att de båda företagen redovisar sitt hållbarhetsarbete på olika sätt och omfattning men med liknande innehåll. Skillnaderna som lyfts uppstår i form av tonalitet eller på vilket sätt företaget väljer att lyfta fram informationen. Vidare indikerar resultatet att kommunikationen från företagen används som en marknadsföringsstrategi för att skapa bilden av sig själva som ansvarstagande företag. Slutligen uppvisar resultatet att det finns delar av respektive rapport där kommunikationen blir missvisande eller vagt. Vår studie bidrar därmed till en ökad förståelse för hur svenska barnklädesföretag kommunicerar ut sitt hållbarhetsarbete. / Sustainability issues have been an ongoing discussion that has intensified in recent years. As a result, both legislation and society today require companies to work and report their sustainability work. The increased consumption that has also contributed to mass production and the clothing industry has attracted special attention at a local and global level. This means that stricter requirements are now placed on companies. Previous research shows that it is not always easy to communicate their sustainability work as companies must take several CSR aspects into account. Furthermore, the previous communication interest has also been limited to fast-fashion for adult clothing. At the same time, the fastest growth of a human being occurs in a child in the first years, who then constantly is in need of new clothes where fast fashion takes place as part of the natural process. This leads to high consumption and a huge impact on the environment. The problem area for this study is that the extensive previous research has mainly focused on sustainability work in adult clothing. For our study, where we have chosen to also focus on children's clothing companies to study the companies' communication regarding their sustainability work as they are involved and contribute to increased consumption and are in the same industry. The purpose of this study is to contribute to a deeper understanding of how Swedish children's clothing companies communicate their sustainability work in relation to CSR and to discuss what implications this may have for companies' legitimacy through the use of a qualitative content analysis. The purpose of this study is to gain an increased understanding of companies' communication in a market that is still relatively unexplored and to contribute to increased attention in the children's clothing industry. This study examines sustainability reports published by Mini Rodini and Polarn O. Pyret. Based on the theoretical framework consisting of, among other things, CSR, strategic communication and design theory, the study is carried out based on the following questions: 1. What social and environmental aspects do children's clothing companies emphasize in their sustainability report and how are these emphasized? 2. In which way (s) are differences and similarities highlighted in the sustainability reports? The result of the study indicates that the two companies report their sustainability work in different ways and scope, but with similar content. The differences that are highlighted arise in the form of tonality or in which way the company chooses to present the information. Furthermore, the result shows that the communication from the companies is used as a marketing strategy to create the image of themselves as a responsible company. Finally, the results show that there are parts of each report where the communication becomes misleading or vague. Our study thus contributes to an increased understanding of how Swedish children's clothing companies communicate their sustainability work.

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