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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Increasing the profitability of a PV-battery system : A techno-economic study of PV-battery systems as resources for primary frequency regulation

Samuel, Forsberg January 2018 (has links)
In order to handle the mismatch between photovoltaic (PV) electricity production and household electricity use, battery storage systems can be utilized. However, the profitability of PV-battery systems in Sweden is poor, and economic incentives for households to invest in such systems are therefore missing. Hence, it is important to improve the profitability to increase the number of PV-battery installations. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the techno-economic potential of a PV-battery system offering ancillary services, more specifically the primary frequency regulation FCR-N. Five cases of residential PV-battery installations are investigated: the first with a PV system only, the second with a PV-battery system to store surplus PV electricity, and the three other cases with PV-battery systems with the ability to regulate the grid through FCR-N to varying degrees. The results show that providing FCR-N with a PV-battery system offers a substantial techno-economic potential for the system owner. By using available battery capacity for FCR-N, the payback time for a PV-battery system can be shortened significantly. With a battery price of EUR 570 per kWh (VAT excluded) and a discount rate of 2%, the payback time for the entire system can decrease from 32 to 9 years if the battery is used for FCR-N regulation. Furthermore, the payback time for a battery storage can be shortened with FCR-N. Calculated with respect to the economic added value of a battery and with a discount rate of 5%, the payback time can decrease from over 100 years to 4 years.

Topologia híbrida e métodos de controle aplicados à regulação de tensão de geradores de indução auto-excitados / Hybrid topology and control methods applied to voltage regulation of self-excited induction generators

Scherer, Lucas Giuliani 23 May 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This doctoral thesis deals with the study, analysis and development of a new hybrid topology for voltage regulation of stand-alone microgeneration systems employing self-excited induction generators. The hybrid topology proposed considers a three-phase four-wire system and employs a distribution static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM) in combination with banks of switchable capacitors (BCC) to perform the regulation of the terminal voltages of the induction generator. As a result of using the proposed topology, it is expected the regulation of the amplitude of the terminal voltages of the induction generator, with effective reduction of the power processed by DSTATCOM, regardless of the characteristic of the applied load. Therefore, it is considered the compensation of reactive currents of the system in terms of phase, amplitude and shape, performed by a suitable control system. The control structure applied to control the DSTATCOM and the switching of BCC ensures the regulation of voltages with low harmonic distortion (THD) and reduced distortion factor among voltages, in addition to keeping the generator currents sinusoidal and balanced. This thesis also investigates two distinct forms of frequency control using the electronic load control: (i) auxiliary load controlled by chopper element connected to the DC bus DSTATCOM and (ii) auxiliary load controlled by chopper element connected to the AC bus system through non-controlled three-phase rectifier. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate and demonstrate the suitable performance of the proposed hybrid topology in the regulation of voltages and system frequency. The system is tested by load transient including three-phase and single-phase loads, linear and non-linear loads, resistive and reactive loads. / Esta tese de doutorado trata do estudo, análise e desenvolvimento de uma nova topologia híbrida de regulação das tensões de sistemas isolados de microgeração empregando geradores de indução auto-excitados. A topologia híbrida proposta considera um sistema trifásico a quatro fios e emprega um compensador síncrono estático de distribuição (DSTATCOM) em associação a bancos de capacitores comutáveis (BCC) para efetuar a regulação das tensões terminais do gerador de indução. Como resultado da utilização da topologia proposta, espera-se a regulação da amplitude das tensões terminais do gerador, com efetiva redução da potência processada pelo DSTATCOM, independentemente da característica da carga aplicada. Considera-se, portanto, a compensação de correntes reativas do sistema em termos de fase, amplitude e forma, realizada a partir de sistema de controle adequado. A estrutura de controle aplicada ao controle do DSTATCOM e à comutação dos BCC, garante a regulação das tensões com reduzida taxa de distorção harmônica (THD) e reduzido fator de desequilíbrio de tensão (FD), além de manter as correntes do gerador senoidais e balanceadas. Neste trabalho também são investigadas duas formas distintas de controle de frequência a partir do controle eletrônico de carga: (i) carga auxiliar controlada por elemento chopper conectada ao barramento CC do DSTATCOM e (ii) carga auxiliar controlada por elemento chopper conectada ao barramento CA do sistema através de retificador trifásico não-controlado. Resultados de simulação e resultados experimentais são apresentados para validar e demonstrar o bom desempenho da topologia híbrida proposta na regulação das tensões e frequência do sistema. O sistema é testado mediante transitórios de cargas trifásicas e monofásicas, lineares e não-lineares, resistivas e reativas.


CARLOS JUAREZ VELASCO 25 January 2005 (has links)
[pt] Com a modificação estrutural do setor de produção, transmissão e distribuição de energia elétrica em vários países do mundo, inclusive no Brasil, serviços caracterizados como ancilares, que sempre foram oferecidos de forma integrada com o fornecimento de energia elétrica, sem que fossem remunerados especificamente, devem hoje ser tratados e remunerados de forma independente. A necessidade de otimizar custos, em função dos novos ambientes comerciais, muitas vezes competitivos, tem feito com que os agentes geradores vejam o fornecimento de reserva de potência operativa e a regulação de freqüência como novas oportunidades de prestação de serviços. Com isto, novos custos e responsabilidades foram criadas, o que reforça a necessidade de remuneração desses serviços ancilares. Devem-se valorizar os benefícios por eles agregados ao sistema elétrico, representados pelo aumento da confiabilidade e da qualidade da energia. Assim, questões que merecem ser tratadas cuidadosamente são a determinação dos preços a serem pagos pelos consumidores pelos serviços, a determinação correta da participação de cada agente e a necessidade de mecanismos justos de distribuição dos recursos financeiros recebidos por estes serviços entre os agentes que realmente os forneceram. Neste trabalho desenvolve-se uma estrutura de remuneração dos serviços de reservas operativas e regulação de freqüência, baseada no benefício por eles determinado, premiando-se a eficiência e permitindo-se a recuperação dos custos incorridos. Através de estudos de casos com dados reais verifica-se a consistência da proposta de remuneração, comparando os seus resultados com valores já praticados, e analisando o seu impacto sobre as atuais tarifas de energia elétrica. / [en] Nowadays, with the structural modification of the electric energy industry around the world, including in Brazil, services characterised as ancillary, that always were offered bundled with energy supply, without specific remuneration, should be dealt with independently. The need for cost optimisation, caused by the new commercial environment, sometimes competitive, has made the generating agents to understand operating reserves and frequency regulation as a new opportunity of providing services. Furthermore, new costs and obligations have been created, thus reinforcing the need for these ancillary services to be remunerated. It is necessary to recognise the benefits aggregated to the electric system by ancillary services, represented by improvement of reliability and energy quality. In this way, issues that deserve to be carefully treated are i) the prices to be paid by consumers, ii) the participation of each agent that really provided the service, and iii) the fairness of the mechanism for distribution of the financial resources among the providers. In this work it is developed a structure for the remuneration of operating reserves and frequency regulation, based on the benefit of this services, awarding efficiency and allowing the recuperation of incurred costs. Through study-cases with actual data, it is verified the consistency of the proposal, by comparing its results with values in practice, and by analysing its impact over current electric energy tariffs.

Využití velkokapacitních baterií v provozu Červený Mlýn k rozšíření podpůrných služeb vůči ČEPS / Utilization of Battery Energy Storage Systems in the Červený Mlýn Plant to Extend Support Services to ČEPS

Zajac, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The aim of master´s thesis is analysis of utilization of large-capacity battery energy storage systems, used in cooperation with facility Červený mlýn to supply ancillary services to ČEPS, a.s.. In the first part, categorisation of ancillary services is presented. Within the categorisation technical and legislative requirements on subjects providing individual services are defined, the overview of ancillary services providers is listed and the mechanisms of ancillary services procurement are elucidated. The thesis continues with an overview of accumulation technologies used in high-capacity application around the world and in Czech republic. Subsequently three technologies are presented – Li-Ion, NaS and VRB, which are considered as suitable technological solutions for given application. The last part of thesis deals with specification of parameters of the accumulation system, with selection of installation site within the facility and with description of operating modes while providing ancillary services. In order to evaluate the investment from an economic point of view, a model of sensitivity analysis is created and described and its outputs are presented and discussed at the end of the thesis.

Grid Scale Storage Placement In Power Systems

Bodegård, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
The increasing amount of renewable energy sources is applying more and more pressure on today’s power system. Additionally, plannable sources of energy, which are mostly non-renewable, are being decommissioned at a high rate to combat climate change. The decommissioning of non-renewable producers and the increasing number of intermittent sources of energy are causing an increasingly volatile power system. In addition to the lack of plannable production, the inertia from synchronously rotating machines is decreasing due to the lack of contribution from renewable sources. The inertia of a power system assists in slowing down large frequency changes. When a notably large difference between production and consumption occurs in a power system with low inertia, components which can quickly counteract these effects by supplying the system with active power, are needed. The low inertia can also cause problems to the synchronicity of the synchronously rotating machines in the system, namely the rotor angle stability. A lack of rotorangle stability can cause the synchronicity of the synchronously rotating machines to be questioned. Fast frequency response units supply the power system with active power for a short period of time to reduce the rate of change of frequency and frequency deviation, which in turn allows the self-regulating units more time to adjust their production. Furthermore, these units can improve rotor angle stability. Such units can consist of batteries which are both serially and parallel connected with their associated control unit. This thesis aims to, with the help of the power system analysis program PowerFactory, and its associated dynamic simulation tools, formulate a methodology which can be used in power system models to locate the best placement for fast frequency response units. The results show that the formulated methodology can be used to find the best position of fast frequency response units for frequency deviation-, rate of change of frequency- and rotor angle stability support.

Implementation of battery energy storage systems in the Swedish electrical infrastructure / Implementering av batterilagringssystem i den svenska elinfrastrukturen

Arnberg, Gustav January 2022 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utreder den tekniska och ekonomiska passbarheten av batterilagringssystem (BESS) inom den svenska el infrastrukturen. Syftet är att konstruera tre olika affärsfall för att representera den tekniska och den ekonomiska passbarheten av BESS inom den svenska el infrastrukturen, specifikt med uppkoppling mot distributionsnätverket på den regionala nivån, 6 kilovolt till 132 kilovolt (kV). Affärsfallen adresserar dem tekniska funktioner och kunder inom infrastrukturen som utifrån en litteraturstudie anses vara dem mest attraktiva att bygga ett affärsfall utifrån. Litteraturstudien utreder den svenska el infrastrukturens struktur samt dess existerande och uppkommande utmaningar. Studien utforskar även hela spektrumet energilagringssystem (ESS) för att rättfärdiga valet av litium-jon BESS. Litium-jon BESS är närmare undersökt, där systemets operativa parametrar samt komponenter är kartlagda. Vidare undersöks dem tekniska funktionernas tekniska krav och ekonomiska incitament i en marknadsanalys. Slutligen utforskas regler och lagar omkring BESS implementering i den svenska el infrastrukturen samt placeringen och de kostnader för att bygga en BESS anläggning. De tre affärfallen som är konstruerade i denna studie är: Kombinationen av frekvensrelaterade nätverksstödtjänster för en fristående BESS-tillgångsoperatör. Avbrottsfri strömtillförsel för ett datacenter. Skala effekttoppar och kombination av frekvensrelaterade nätverksstöddtjänster för en industri. Litium-jon BESS anses vara den mest tillämpliga tekniken på grund av dess snabba responstid, höga effekt- och energidensitet samt skalbarheten för att passa majoriteten av de tekniska funktioner som undersökts inom studien. Affärsfallens ekonomiska passbarhet utvärderas efter två ekonomiska indikatorer, nuvärdesberäkning (NPV) samt återbetalningstiden. Affärsfall nummer tvås tekniska funktion erbjuder ingen möjlighet att generera en inkomst vilket gör att den kommer bli utvärderad efter kostnad för service, där utgifterna är uppdelade utöver projektets livstid genom linjär amortering. Vidare används linjär amortering för att räkna ut kostnaden per kilo sparat CO2 utöver livstiden på projektet. Både affärsfall 1 (NPV= 231,0 MSEK, återbetalningstid= 7,8 år) samt affärsfall 3 (NPV= 17,3 MSEK, återbetalningstid= 8,8 år) visar en lönsamhet där affärsfall 2 ger en kostnad för service mellan 5,4 och 5,8 MSEK/år och där kostnaden per sparat kilo CO2 mellan 20,9 och 22,7 SEK/kg CO2. Denna studie fokuserar på de tre största distributionsnätverksoperatorerna (DNO) inom distributionsnätverket på en regional nivå: Vattenfall, Eon och Ellevio. Lönsamheten av de undersökta affärsfallen är starkt kopplade till placeringsområde inom nätverket, spänningsnivån och typ av DNO. Möjlighet att koppla upp BESS till en existerande transformatorstation på anläggningen för affärsfall två och tre minskar investeringskostnaden samt driftkostnaderna vilket vidare förbättrar dess lönsamhet. Affärsfall ett behöver gå igenom en noggrann bedömning för att försäkra sig om lönsamheten. NPV samt återbetalningstiden kan påverkas i affärsfall ett och tre på grund av den ständigt förändrande frekvensregleringsmarknaden där priserna är volatila på grund av nya marknadsinitiativ. Att konstruera ett BESS affärsfall medför att flertalet osäkerheter bör räknas in, såsom de ekonomiska incitamenten som inte visar någon garanti på att vara fortsatt lönsamt. Det höga priset på litium-jon batterier saktar ner attraktiviteten av affärsfallen och måste vidare sjunka för att främja ett lönsamt affärsfall. Andra ESS som flödesbatterier och vätgaslagringssystem visar god passbarhet att bli implementerad i den svenska el infrastrukturen men måste vidare utveckla sin tekniska och kommersiella mognadsgrad innan dem kan vara konkurrenskraftiga med litium-jon BESS.  Examensarbetet är utfört i samarbete med Omexom Infratek Sverige AB med målet att bidra till en större förståelse av BESS roll i den svenska el infrastrukturen och vidare bidra till att konstruera ett tekniskt erbjudande för Omexom Infratek Sverige AB. / This master thesis investigates the technical and economic feasibility of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in the Swedish electrical infrastructure. The aim is to construct three business cases to represent the technical and economic feasibility of BESS implementation in the Swedish electrical infrastructure in the distribution network on the regional level, 6 kilovolts to 132 kilovolts (kV). The business cases address the technical functions and customers within the infrastructure that is recognized through a literature study to build the most attractive and incentivized business cases from. The literature study investigates the Swedish electrical infrastructure’s structure and its existing and upcoming challenges. It investigates the spectrum of energy storage systems (ESS) to justify the choice of the lithium-ion (Li-ion) BESS. The Li-ion BESS is closer examined, where the systems operational parameters and components are mapped out. Furthermore, the technical functions technical requirements and economic incentives are investigated in a market analysis. Lastly, considerations regarding regulations and permits, the placement of BESS within the infrastructure and its surrounding costs is evaluated. The three business cases that are constructed within the thesis are:  Combination of frequency related grid support services for a standalone BESS asset operator. Uninterruptable power supply for a data center. Peak shaving and a combination of frequency related grid support services for an industrial plant.  The, Li-ion BESS is considered to most applicable technology due its fast response time, high power and energy density and scalability to suit the majority of technical functions investigated in the thesis. The business cases economic feasibility is evaluated after two economic indicators, the net present value (NPV) and the payback period. Business case two’s technical function offers no possible revenues and is evaluated as a cost for service where the expenses is divided throughout the project lifetime through linear amortization and the cost per saved kg CO2 is calculated over the lifetime of the BESS. Both business case 1 (NPV= 231.0 MSEK, payback period= 7.8 years) and case 3 (NPV=17.3 MSEK, payback period= 8.8 years) show profitability where business case 2 gives a cost per service between 5.4 and 5.8 MSEK/year and cost per saved kg CO2 between 20.9 and 22.7 SEK/kg CO2.  This thesis focuses on the three largest distribution network operators (DNO) in the distribution network on a regional level: Vattenfall, Eon, and Ellevio. The profitability of the business cases investigated are strongly connected to the location in the network, the voltage connection level, and the type of DNO. Being able to connect to an existing substation on site as for business cases 2 and 3 will lower the capital and operational costs and further improve the profitability. Business case 1 needs a thorough assessment of placement in the electrical infrastructure in Sweden to assure profitability. The NPV and payback period in business cases 1 and 3 could conflict with the interchanging frequency regulation market where prices are rather volatile due to new market initiatives. Therefore, looking forward, building a BESS business case to be implemented comes with lots of uncertainties as the economic incentives shows no guarantee to continuously be profitable. The high price of Li-ion batteries is slowing down the attractiveness of the business cases and need to further decrease to promote profitable business cases. Other ESS technologies as flow batteries and hydrogen storage systems show good applicability to be implemented in the Swedish electrical infrastructure but needs to develop its technical and commercial maturity until it can become competitive with Li-ion BESS.  The master thesis is performed in conjunction with Omexom Infratek Sverige AB with the aim to contribute to a broader understanding of the role of BESS in the Swedish electrical infrastructure and to help building BESS technical offers for Omexom Infratek Sverige AB.

Optimal Control of An Energy Storage System Providing Fast Charging and Ancillary Services / Optimal styrning av ett energilager som tillhandahåller snabbladdning och systemtjänster

Völcker, Max, Rolff, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
In this thesis, we explore the potential of financing a fast charging system with energy storage by delivering ancillary services from the energy storage in an optimal way. Specifically, a system delivering frequency regulation services FCR-D Up and FCR-D Down in combination with energy arbitrage trading is considered. An optimization model is developed that could be implemented operationally and then used in a Monte-Carlo simulation to estimate the net present value of the system for four identified cases at three different energy market price scenarios. The main modeling approach is to formulate the system as a state-space model serving as the foundation for model predictive control, with the delay between decision and delivery of the frequency regulation services incorporated as a part of the system state. The optimization of the system is implemented using a dynamic programming approach with a time horizon of 48h, where the choice of admissible controls is optimized for computational efficiency. The result shows that the system could profitable under optimal operation, but it is heavily dependent on the size of the grid connection, future price levels for ancillary services, and the nature of fast-charging demand. As such, the business case and profitability should be evaluated with a specific use case in mind. The developed model showed relatively good computational efficiency for operational implementations with a run time for one iteration of the optimization problem of 15 seconds. The model could therefore be used as the foundation for future research within the specific field and for similar control problems considering delayed controls and stochastic demand. Several proposed improvements and suggested areas of future research are proposed. / I den här uppsatsen utforskar vi huruvida det är finansiellt lönsamt att leverera snabbladdning från ett energilager samtidigt som energilagret används för att leverera systemtjänster på ett optimalt sätt. Mer specifikt undersöks ett potentiellt system som levererar frekvensregleringstjänsterna FCR-D Up och FCR-D Down samt energiarbitragehandel. Vi utvecklar en optimeringsmodell som kan implementeras i ett fysiskt system och använder sedan modellen i en Monte-Carlo-simulering för att estimera nuvärdet av fyra olika systemkonfigurationer för tre olika prisscenarion. Den huvudsakliga modelleringsmetoden är att formulera systemet som en tillstånds-rum modell, som sedan används som grund för modellprediktiv styrning, där fördröjningen mellan beslut och leverans av frekvensregleringstjänster inkluderas som en del av systemets tillstånd. Optimeringen av systemet implementeras med en dynamisk programmeringsmetodik med en tidsram på 48 timmar, där valet av tillåtna kontroller optimeras för beräkningseffektivitet. Resultatet visar att systemet kan vara lönsamt under optimal drift, men det är starkt beroende av storleken på nätanslutningen, framtida prisnivåer för systemtjänster och typen av snabbladdningsbehovet. Därför bör lönsamheten utvärderas för varje specifikt fall. Den utvecklade modellen visade relativt god beräkningseffektivitet för praktiskt implementation med en körtid för en enskilt iteration på 15 sekunder. Modellen kan därför användas som grund för framtida forskning inom området och för liknande problem inom optimal styrteori som involverar fördröjda kontroller och stokastisk efterfrågan. Flera föreslagna förbättringar och områden för framtida forskning föreslås.

Smart charging of an electric bus fleet

Färm, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Controlling the balance of production and consumption of electricity will become increasingly challenging as the transport sector gradually converts to electric vehicles along with a growing share of wind power in the Swedish electric power system. This puts greater demand on resources that maintain the balance to ensure stable grid operation. The balancing act is called frequency regulation which historically has been performed almost entirely by hydropower. As the power production becomes more intermittent with renewable energy sources, frequency regulation will need to be performed in higher volumes on the demand side by having a more flexible consumption. In this report, the electrification of 17 buses Svealandstrafiken bus depot in Västerås has been studied. The aim has been to assess different charging strategies to efficiently utilize the available time and power but also to investigate if Svealandstrafiken can participate in frequency regulation. A smart charging model was created that demonstrated how smart charging can be implemented to optimize the charging in four different cases. The simulated cases were: charging with load balancing, reduced charging power, frequency regulation, and electrifying more buses. The results show that the power capacity limit will be exceeded if the buses are being charged directly as they arrive at the depot and without scheduling the charging session. By implementing smart charging, Svealandstrafiken can fully charge the 17 buses within the power capacity limit of the depot with 82 minutes to spare. By utilizing this 82-minute margin in the four different charging strategies, it was found that Svealandstrafiken can save 88 200SEK per year by load balancing, save 30 000 SEK per year by reducing the charging power by 10 %, earn 111 900 SEK per year by frequency regulation or electrify five more buses. Reducing the charging power may also increase the lifetime of the batteries but quantifying this needs further studies. Conclusively, there is economic potential for Svealandstrafiken for implementing smart charging.

The local potential of V2G : Estimation of the benefits of Vehicle to Grid in the energy community of Stenberg

Drommi, Cyprien January 2022 (has links)
In the countries willing to follow an energy transition towards decarbonization, a strong emphasis is put on electrification. Carbon-free power production tends to rely more on intermittent renewable energies, bringing many uncertainties on the electricity output to the grid. The transportation sector aims to reach a high penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road to overcome its fossil fuels dependency, adding an important load to charge their batteries. The V2G technology intends to alleviate these new issues by allowing the fleet of EVs to act like a storage system for the grid. This concept was proven to be mature but requires more pilot projects to build a greater consensus. The energy community BRF Stenberg, under construction in Hudiksvall, is willing to integrate V2G in its energy system. In this paper a model of the energy system for the whole community is built. Different types of V2G application are simulated and compared to a baseline. The constraints are formulated as a quasi-linear optimisation, where the cost from electricity purchase is minimized. A direct DCDC connection between PV production and EV charging is investigated, as well as the impact on the degradation of the batteries. The results show that it is necessary to integrate frequency regulation services to build a profitable project. The DC connection does not bring a significant benefit to the system. The battery degradation is proven to be a critical parameter that must be accounted for in the design of the system. / I de länder som är villiga att följa en energiomställning mot en koldioxidfri utveckling läggs stor vikt vid elektrifiering. Kolfri elproduktion tenderar att vara mer beroende av intermittenta förnybara energikällor, vilket medför många osäkerhetsfaktorer i fråga om elproduktionen till elnätet. Transportsektorn strävar efter att uppnå en hög penetration av elfordon på vägarna för att övervinna sitt beroende av fossila bränslen, vilket ger en viktig belastning för att ladda deras batterier. V2G-tekniken syftar till att lindra dessa nya problem genom att låta fordonsflottan fungera som ett lagringssystem för nätet. Konceptet har visat sig vara moget men kräver fler pilotprojekt för att skapa ett större samförstånd. Energisamfälligheten BRF Stenberg, som håller på att byggas i Hudiksvall, är villigt att integrera V2G i sitt energisystem. I den här artikeln byggs en modell av energisystemet för hela Energisamfälligheten. Olika grader av V2G-tillämpning simuleras och jämförs med en baslinje. Begränsningarna formuleras som en kvasilinjär optimering, där kostnaden för elinköp minimeras. En direkt DC-DC-anslutning mellan solcellsproduktion och fordonsladdning undersöks, liksom effekten på batteriernas nedbrytning. Resultaten visar att det är nödvändigt att integrera frekvensregleringstjänster för att bygga ett lönsamt projekt. Likströmsförbindelsen ger inte någon betydande fördel för systemet. Batteridegraderingen visar sig vara en kritisk parameter som måste beaktas vid utformningen av systemet.

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