Spelling suggestions: "subject:"genderperspective"" "subject:"genderperspektive""
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It's just a job : a new generation of physicians dealing with career and work idealsDiderichsen, Saima January 2017 (has links)
Background: Today, women constitute about half of medical students. However, women are still underrepresented in prestigious specialties such as surgery. Some suggest that this could be explained by women being more oriented towards work-life balance. Aim: The overall aim of this dissertation was to explore aspects of gender in work-life priorities, career plans, clinical experiences and negotiations of professional ideals among medical students and newly graduated doctors, all in a Swedish setting. Method: We based the analysis on data from two different sources: an extensive questionnaire exploring gender and career plans among medical students (paper I-III) and interviews with newly graduated doctors (study IV). In paper I, four classes of first- and final-year medical (N=507, response rate 85%) answered an open-ended question about their future life, 60% were women. We conducted a mixed methods design where we analyzed the answers qualitatively to create categories that could be analyzed quantitatively in the second stage. In paper II, five classes of final-year medical students were included (N = 372, response rate 89%), and 58% were women. We studied their specialty preference and how they rated the impact that the motivational factors had for their choice. In order to evaluate the independent impact of each motivational factor for specialty preference, we used logistic regression. In paper III, final-year medical students answered two open-ended questions: “Can you recall an event that made you interested of working with a certain specialty?” and “Can you recall an event that made you uninterested of working with a certain specialty?”. The response rate was 62% (N = 250), and 58% were women. The analysis was similar to paper I, but here we focused on the qualitative results. In paper IV, thematic interviews were conducted in 2014 and 2015. We made a purposeful sampling of 15 junior doctors, including nine women and six men from eight different hospitals. Data collection and analysis was inspired by constructivist grounded theory methodology. Results: When looking at the work-life priorities of medical students and junior doctors it is clear that both men and women want more to life than work in their ideal future. The junior doctors renounced fully devoted and loyal ideal and presented a self-narrative where family and leisure was important to cope and stay empathic throughout their professional lives. The specialty preferences and the highly rated motives for choosing them were relatively gender neutral. However, the gender neutrality came to an end when the final-year medical students described clinical experiences that affected their specialty preference. Women were more often deterred by workplace cultures, whereas men were more often deterred by knowledge area, suggesting that it is a male privilege to choose a specialty according to interest. Among the newly graduated doctors, another male privilege seemed to be that men were able to pass more swiftly as real doctors, whereas the women experienced more dissonance between their self-understanding and being perceived as more junior and self-doubting. Conclusions: The career plans and work-life priorities of doctors-to-be were relatively gender neutral. Both female and male doctors, intended to balance work not only with a family but also with leisure. This challenges the health care system to establish more adaptive and flexible work conditions. Gender segregation in specialty choice is not the result of gender-dichotomized specialty preferences starting in medical school. This calls for a re-evaluation of the understanding where gender is seen as a mere background characteristic, priming women and men for different specialties.
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Vilket kön dominerar i det svenska klassrummet? : En studie om klassrumsinteraktion ur ett genusperspektivGulunay, Maria-Diana January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to investigate classroom interaction from a gender perspective in Swedish subject in grade 5. The purpose of the study is to investigate if gender structures exist in the classroom of Swedish subject. Here you also include a study of the distribution of speech space and if the case is - such that there exist power structures - what problems these power structures involve and how these affect teachers. I used both qualitative and quantitative interventions combined together as a method for best effect when the methods intertwine. Four descriptive research questions have been formulated to be studied in this study. The main theory utilization in the study is the socio-cultural perspective, gender theory, power perspective and the double hidden curriculum. The quantitative methods consisted an app called Gendertimer. The Gendertimer calculates the space each gender takes, which results in how the speech space in the classroom is distributed. The qualitative methods I used in this study was 4 classroom observations and four teacher interviews in two different schools, geographically located south of Stockholm. The Gendertimer was used during all four observation sessions. The first two lessons in Swedish subject that were observed were teacher-led, while the remaining two were studentled conversations in small groups. The results showed that the majority of the four observation cases were dominated by the boys in the classrooms. During three observation cases, the boys dominated and during one observation the girls dominated. In conjunction with the observation cases and the percentage that was shown, I linked to, among other, Einarsson and Hultman's study (1984) about the so-called two-thirds rule. The rule is that the teacher takes approximately 2/3 of the total speaking in the classroom while the remaining 1/3 is given to the students. Within the students, the male gender takes about 2/3 of the speaking time and the remaining 1/3 is given to the female gender. That rule can be linked to this study.
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Manliga och kvinnliga kockar : En analys av kokböckers omslagsdesign ur ett genusperspektiv / Male and female chefs : A visual analysis of cookbook covers from a gender perspectiveKostic, Petra, Bergqvist, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att genom en visuell innehållsanalys undersöka hur kokböcker normalt såg ut för varje genus. Resultatet skulle sedan jämföras för att hitta skillnader och likheter mellan manliga och kvinnliga omslag för att sätta ett genusperspektiv på utformningen, samt undersöka om designen berodde på författarens eller målgruppens kön. Den visuella innehållsanalysen utfördes på sammanlagt 84 svenska kokböcker där hälften var skrivna av kvinnor och hälften av män. Analysen visade att kvinnor hade ett mer feminint utseende på sin omslagsdesign, men att även männens omslag var mer feminina än maskulina. Detta resultat berodde både på målgruppens och författarens kön. Omslagen var i övrigt lika varandra i utformning och i modellens posering då kokböckers egentliga målgrupp ska vara alla matintresserade och inte ett bestämt kön. / The purpose of the present study was to through a visual content analysis examine how cookbooks usually are designed for each gender. The result would then be compared to identify similarities and differences between the male and female covers to bring a gender perspective on the design, and examine whether the design was due to the author or the audiences sex. The visual content analysis was preformed on a total of 84 Swedish cookbooks, half of which were written by women and half by men. The analysis showed that the women had more of a feminine cover design, but also that men’s cover design had a more feminine look than masculine. This result was both based on the audiences and the authors sex. The covers were generally equal to each other in how they were designed and how the model was posing, since the market segment is supposed to be everyone with a food interest and not based on gender.
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Bara ett nagellack eller en iögonfallande kristallyta med djupa, klassiska färger? : Om översättning från svenska till polska av reklamtexter för Oriflame kosmetikaprodukter. / Just a nail polish or an eye-catching crystal surface with deep, classic colours? : Translation from Swedish into Polish of advertising texts for Oriflame cosmetics.Wojtysiak, Zofia January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att utröna huruvida Oriflames svenska reklamtexter skiljer sig från sina polska översättningar samt om eventuella skillnader beror på kulturell anpassning till målkulturen. Vidare har en bildanalys genomförts med syfte att undersöka samspelet mellan text och bild samt hur detta samspel eventuellt kan påverka konsumenterna. Trots att den kvantitativa analysen visar att käll- och måltexterna inte skiljer sig åt särskilt mycket, avviker texterna dels innehållsmässigt, dels när det gäller de könsroller som konstrueras i de undersökta texterna. / The aim of this thesis has been to find out how Oriflame’s Swedish advertising texts differ from their Polish translations and if the potential differences depend on a cultural adaption to the target culture. Furthermore, an image analysis was conducted in order to study the interaction between text and image as well as how this relation is likely to influence the customers. Even though the quantitative analysis has shown that the source and target texts do not differ much, they are contrastive when it comes to their content and the gender roles which are present in the analyzed texts.
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Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR očima pamětníků / Institute of Contemporary HistoryŠťastná, Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
This degree work sets itself the objective to extend well-known information about the Institute of Contemporary History, bringing precise description of the first ten years of its existence. The main purpose of this work is to elaborate further on the Institute's activities from the perspective of the so-called non-scholarly component of its staff. In the first theoretical part of this work, the theme of the structure and activities of the Institute is put into the context of time, with special attention to previous perspectives and problems of historiography as a scientific discipline; in this scope a general description of historiography as such is examined. Subsequent chapters characterize the methods of examination in the field of contemporary History in the U.S.A, France, Germany, Austria, Great Britain and Poland. It also gives a rough outline of changes in topical and geographical analysis as manifested in the attempt of specialisation in the above mentioned countries. In regards to the management of the Institute, the next chapter deals with the institutional structure of The Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. The methodological part of this work is focused on the clasification of the concept of a reaserch project including relevant expectations and objectives; it describes...
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“Den som har mandat och definiera om man är utsatt för ett våld, är ju den som är utsatt” : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers förebyggande arbete med pojkars våld mot flickor / "The one who has the mandate to define whether one is exposed to violence, is the one who is exposed" : A qualitative study of school counselors 'preventive work with boys' violence against girlsNilsson, Sanna, Karlsson, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
In order to reduce and prevent domestic violence, preventive work needs to begin at an early age. In previous research it is suggested that preventive work needs to begin as early as between grade six and eight. Recently, it has been discovered that many young people have a distorted view of what constitutes a healthy and equal relationship. In this interview study, six social workers employed as school counselors, employed in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades has participated. Central questions have investigated how and if they work preventively with boys' perceptions of violence, intimate relationships and sex. Through the interviews, it emerged that the school counselors' preventive work takes place in different ways. For example, they defined violence in different ways and the limits for what is supposed to constitute violence is interpreted differently. The preventive work turned out to consist of differences and similarities. For example, theme weeks, presence in open spaces and external lecturers were common elements in their preventive work. The differences could show up for example that they focused on different topics. To gain an understanding of the school counselor's preventive work with boys' violence against girls, this study has included the gender perspective. By looking at how their preventive work can be understood from the point of view of gender, it concluded that the school counselor's own gender perspective affects how they work. The study found that school counselors do work to prevent gender norms.
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Bristen på kvinnlig kompetens : En kvalitativ studie om orsakerna till varför kvinnor lämnar IT-branschen samt vilka motivationsfaktorer som är viktiga att ta hänsyn tillSjösten, Emelina, Westin, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka vilka faktorer som får kvinnliga medarbetare att lämna IT-branschen samt vilka motivationsfaktorer som är viktiga att ta hänsyn till för att få kvinnliga medarbetare att vilja stanna kvar. Studien har en kvalitativ utgångspunkt där sex kvinnor som har erfarenhet inom branschen deltog som informanter. Vad gäller vår första frågeställning rörande vilka anledningar som får kvinnor att lämna IT-branschen har vi kunnat utläsa att de faktorer som påverkar är ett bristande ledarskap, att mångfald inte återfinns i alla led, att det finns en jargong, att de känner sig annorlunda behandlade samt en mansdominerad kultur. Vår andra frågeställning behandlade vad som motiverar kvinnor att stanna kvar i branschen. Fyra faktorer har spelat störst roll och dessa var ett bra ledarskap, arbeta för ett gott syfte, att organisationen arbetar med jämställdhetsfrågor, arbetstrygghet samt lön. Den tredje och sista frågeställningen handlade om vad organisationer kan göra för att motivera sina kvinnliga medarbetare. Där var de mest förekommande anledningarna en god arbetsmiljö, vara medveten om olika behov och stöd, ge medarbetare möjlighet att påverka sitt eget arbete, visa uppskattning samt att ge kvinnliga medarbetare chans till att kunna utvecklas. Vår slutsats är att den största anledningen till att kvinnor väljer att lämna IT-branschen är på grund av en mansdominerad kultur, vilket i sin tur påverkar branschens bristande jämställdhet. Arbetsgivaren behöver vara medvetna om att förutsättningar och möjligheter skiljer sig mellan kvinnor och män vilket leder till att olika faktorer motiverar dem att stanna kvar.
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„Das ist mein absoluter Lieblingsfilm!“ Zu den Kino- und FernsehheldInnen von 10- bis 12-Jährigen aus GeschlechterperspektiveEbner-Zarl, Astrid 31 August 2018 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer Analyse von Kinderaufsätzen, die 10- bis 12-Jährige über ihre Lieblingsfilme verfasst haben. Der Schwerpunkt der Analyse liegt auf einer Genderperspektive: Welche Identifikationsfiguren, Themen und Interessen von Mädchen und Buben bilden sich in den Aufsätzen ab? Wie gehen die Kinder mit Geschlechterstereotypen um? Die Ergebnisse zeigen ein hohes Maß an Facettenreichtum und Individualität in den Aufsätzen – über die Geschlechtergruppen hinweg. Manche Tendenzen und Muster zeichnen sich in der einen Geschlechtergruppe stärker ab als in der anderen, augenfällige Unterschiede liegen mit wenigen Ausnahmen im untersuchten Sample aber nicht vor. Auch auf Geschlechterstereotype greifen die Kinder beim Schreiben nur selten zurück.
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Madame arkivvetenskap & herr kontra : En undersökning om genus och representation i tidskriften Archival Science mellan 2001–2020Wiberg, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Archive profession, just like other professions, has not so long ago observed the lack of women in the archive world. The old patriarchal order and other power relations kept women out of archives and the labor market. Today, the labor market and the archive world look completely different as women just like men, are treated equally. There is even talk of a shift, that the norm of male archivist has instead become a norm of women archivist. The aim of this studie was to discover if a possible shift can be expressed within the international archival journal Archival Science, by examining what the gender distribution looks like among writers and how gender issues are addressed in the articles. With a qualitative and quantitative content analysis as method and a theory of gender systems by Yvonne Hirdman, the studie where able to obtain gender statistics and scheme from the contributing writers in the journal, and also what the writers dealt with when gender was mentioned in their research. The main result showed that women, both when it came to gender distribution among Archival Science writers and which of them touched on gender in their articles, the gender distribution of the various subject categories based on what was treated subjectively when gender was raised, were most numerous in all results. On the other hand, it was clear that both gender issues and women became more towards the end of the study period, and that the gender category of men shrunk in number, at the same time as the number of writers who wrote articles together regardless of gender, grew. Which means that the gender order changed during the period examined.
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Cambios de imágenes a personajes femeninos en las películas para adolescentes / Makeovers of female characters in teen moviesCalderón Medina, María Jimena 10 May 2021 (has links)
Este documento propone analizar desde una perspectiva de género el recurso cinematográfico de los cambios de imagen en las películas para adolescentes provenientes de Hollywood. En primer lugar, cómo estos son construidos desde una visión masculina que perpetúa cánones de belleza impuestos por una sociedad patriarcal y heteronormativa. Y por otro lado, evidenciar a partir de un estudio narrativo la relevancia de revisar los valores y creencias que se transmiten en estos productos hacia un público femenino adolescente en etapa de desarrollo y búsqueda de la identidad. El mainstream cinematográfico proveniente de Hollywood nos vende la idea del sueño americano a través de su cine de género y es relevante revisar procesos de homogeneización cultural a través de las películas como productos culturales. / This document proposes to analyze makeover in teen movies from a gender perspective. First of all, how these are built from a male view. And how this vision is the image of a woman or how a woman is seen by man. However It’s not a woman. This view is a social construct that satisfies the canons of beauty imposed to woman by man
On the other hand, how these makeovers change the way teen girls audiences see their own bodies. Those who are in transition. Also analyze how the film industry sells an impossible ideal body to achieve. / Trabajo de investigación
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