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Hallway, HouseLanni, Katherine Elizabeth 04 June 2013 (has links)
This project uses the program of a house on Claytor Lake as a vehicle for exploring the role of turning in protecting and uniting adjacent spaces. Drawing was the primary means for this process of exploration, and can be read wholly and without the support of related text. Figures at various scales -- from column to tree, resident to house -- both inhabit and articulate the project. This house celebrates the preeminence of the hallway, and emphasizes its authority with the presence of subordinate figures and an agonistic landscape. / Master of Architecture
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Kommunikativa samspel mellan barn och pedagoger : Vad utmärker en fungerande tambursituation?Engström, Lise-Lotte January 2010 (has links)
Abstract This text deals with one of the preschool everyday routine chores, and the phenomenon I have chosen to investigate is the hallway situation. The purpose of the study was to see if the hallway situation offers good communicative interactions between children and teachers, and investigate if the teachers use special strategies to make the hallway situation work. The method of this study was survey, qualitative interviews and observations. The three methods have deliberately been selected to best suite and reply to the different issues. Today’s groups of children in preschool are very big, and some of the preschools are not adapted to these large groups of children that we have today. This means that teachers are forced to think about and use their skills to get the business to work. During the 1990 - century was unfortunately substantial financial savings and cuts made, which today results in too large groups of children. But these cuts and savings have also generated a positive trend, and that trend is that the teachers consider themselves increased in their expertise and that they now have to use there skills to make the hallway situation work.The outcome of my case study shows that teachers and the children together create and allow for communicative interaction between them. But it then depends on educators' skills and willingness to reflect on their own activities. One way of looking at life is the postmodern perspective that centers the child. The child exists through its relationships with other people and in a unique context. Therefore it is important that we choose to see knowledge as a perishable commodity. Key words: Preschool, hallway situation, communication, interaction, everyday routines
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”Jag behöver inte lite mer hjälp” : Förskollärares intentioner och agerande i bemötandet av barn i tamburen ur genusperspektiv / ”I don´t need a little bit more help” : Preschool teachers intentions and actions when treating children in the hallway through gender perspectiveBylander, Sofia, Gradh, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Det vilar ett stort ansvar på förskolan som verksamhet vad gäller att motverka traditionella könsmönster. Att flickor och pojkar ska ha samma möjligheter samt att förskolan inte ska begränsa utifrån stereotypa könsroller beskrivs i läroplanen för förskolan, Lpfö 98/2010. Studien är intressant att ta del av då den belyser intentioner och handlingar i tambursituationen som är en del i förskolans verksamhet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förskollärares intentioner och agerande i bemötandet av pojkar och flickor i tambursituationen ur ett genusperspektiv. Till vår hjälp hade vi frågeställningarna Vilka intentioner har förskollärare avseende samspel med flickor respektive pojkar i tambursituationen? Vilka praktiska handlingar när det gäller hjälp kan urskiljas i samspelet med pojkar respektive flickor? Studien är kvalitativ. Vi har använt videoobservationer i tamburen för att få en förståelse för hur samspel och bemötande mellan förskollärare och pojke respektive flicka ser ut i praktiken. Intervjuer har sedan genomförts enskilt med förskollärare för att bland annat få fram deras intentioner och förväntningar kring tambursituation och samspelet med flickor respektive pojkar. Resultatet av studien visar att det inte finns några synbara skillnader avseende samspel och bemötande mot flickor respektive pojkar. Snarare visar resultatet på att aspekterna – Att utveckla självständighet, Individuell förmåga, Individuellt bemötande, Verbal och icke verbal kommunikation samt Fostran har betydelse för hur samspel och bemötande tar sig uttryck i tamburen. I resultatdiskussionen reflekterar vi kring hur dessa aspekter påverkar tambursituationen och vilka förutsättningar och möjligheter det ger barnen. / Preschool, as an institution, has a big responsibility to counteract traditional gender role behavior. According to preschools curriculum, Lpfö 98/2010, girls and boys are suppose to always have the same opportunities and preschool is not allowed to have a stereotyped view of gender role when treating children. This study is interesting because it illustrates intentions and actions when children and preschool teachers interact in the hallway. The purpose of this study was to research about preschool teacher’s intentions and actions when in treatment with boys and girls in the hallway, through a gender perspective. The following questions were tied to this study: Which intentions do preschool teachers have regarding interplay with children? What kind of actions can be distinguished in the interplay between preschool teachers and boys or girls? This is a qualitative study. We made video observations to get an understanding of how preschool teachers interact and treat boys and girls in the hallway. Then we interviewed preschool teachers, one at a time, to find out their intentions and expectations regarding the situation in the hallway and the interaction with boys and girls, among other things. The result of this study shows than differences regarding interactions and treatment with boys and girls is not apparent. The result rather shows that aspects like – To develop independence, individual ability, individual care, verbal and nonverbal communication and also bringing up the child as an individual is of importance when looking at how interaction and treatment is expressed in the hallway. How these aspects affect the situation in the hallway and what kind of conditions and possibilities the children gets is reflected by us in the discussion of the result.
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"Man utgår från individen och inte deras könstillhörighet" : En diskursanalys av hallsituationer och förskollärares berättandeFrisk, Sonya, Martinez, Ofelia January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to, through gender theory and an equality perspective, identify which discourses emerge during hallway situations and preschool teachers descriptions. The guiding questions for the study were: how does the preschool teachers talk about hallway situations and their approach against boys and girls?, how does the preschool teachers treat children in hallway situations? and which discourses emerge during the preschool teachers descriptions?. The theoretical outset for this study is gender theory, with a focus on gender studies scholar Davies. The chosen analysis method is discourse analysis. The studies result indicate that there is an ambition amongst the preschool teachers to treat boys and girls equal as well as to work more aware with equality. The preschool teachers seem to express insecurity about talking about the studies subjects. The preschool teachers describe hallway situations as stressful, in which their approach against boys and girls sometimes is affected negatively. This could be expressed in for example gender binary words or expectations being projected at the children. When the preschool teachers described gender stereotypical examples they distanced themselves from these, which indicate that they don’t want to be associated with society’s binary image of gender. However the studies data show that this image of gender is expressed through preschool teachers approach against boys and girls in preschool.
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Are you in the mood for a virtual fika? : A single-case study on Jönköping International Business SchoolSchützler, Felicia, Reis, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Background – Digitalization has enabled multiple opportunities, where one opportunity is working remotely. Remote work is a concept used to describe working conditions performed outside of the traditional office walls. It has been used for many years to enable flexibility in terms of work, and thus allow workers to do their job while, for example, traveling or caring for their sick child. COVID-19 virus impacted the world in many different ways. Organizations faced forced lockdown as a recommendation, and the employees had to shift their daily routine to working primarily from home. The shift to remote work meant a decrease in physical, social interactions and less networking amongst employees. Organizational culture is a concept used to describe the fundamental values, artifacts, and internal language of an organization and one key pillar in organizational culture is the people and the social interactions within a workplace. The shift to remote work has thus created multiple gaps in research, where there is a need to understand the impact on organizations and their organizational culture. Purpose – This thesis aims to understand the impact on organizational culture as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and shift to remote work. Method – Empirical data was collected from a single-case interview study with employees from Jönköping International Business School. The interviewees have experienced the shift from office to remote work from home the past year, and hence contributed with valuable insights that were then used to understand the impact on the organizations’ culture. The data was analyzed using the Gioia method and hence allowed for categorization of the data. Findings – The findings of this thesis showed that the employees experienced a digital and virtual fatigue from working virtually and remotely at home. The fatigue is based on not being able to catch smaller breaks which are engraved in the foundational culture at Jönköping International Business School, in combination with an unclear communication strategy. Furthermore, with the removal of physical presence and interactions in the employee’s daily activities, the internal relationships within Jönköping International Business School has started to fade away, and the attitude on nurturing them has also been impacted. Many attempts by the organization have been made to keep together the employees and the culture, although what is evident in the findings is that by duplicating all activities from the physical office activities to the virtual world, the experience does not give the same response virtually. In fact, it can be even more damaging to the attitude of the organization and the internal network.
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"Hallsituationer kan vara stressiga med många barn på liten yta" : Förskollärares perspektiv på interaktioner vid utgång / "Hallway situations can be stressful with many children in a small space" : Preschool teachers' perspective on interactions when going outChiriac, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Genom en skriftlig intervju med strukturerade och öppna frågor samlasförskollärares perspektiv på interaktioner i tamburen in. Tolkning av förskollärarnassvar visar att det, som är viktigt för att en bra interaktion ska ske mellan barn ochvuxen i en tambursituation, krävs tid för kommunikation genom en väl utveckladarbetsstrategi. Bidraget av denna studie kan användas som inspiration förreflektionsarbete för att förbättra för alla som har förskolan som sin arbetsmiljö,vuxen som barn.
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Flur im Fokus: Nutzungsanalyse der Verkehrsfläche einer intensivpädagogischen WohngruppeHeise, Delia 07 August 2024 (has links)
In diesem Artikel sollen Potenziale im Flurbereich einer Wohngruppe für Menschen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung (ASS) betrachtet werden. Die Bewohner:innen dieser Wohngruppe haben einen äußerst hohen Bedarf an Unterstützung und können zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt keine Sozialkontakte eingehen bzw. sind nicht gruppenfähig.
Die Erkenntnisse sollen ermöglichen, dass Flure nicht nur die Funktion eines Durchgangsbereiches einnehmen, sondern auch als Orte der Begegnung, der Orientierung und der Förderung von Selbstständigkeit dienen. Und auch als solche konzeptionell berücksichtigt werden.
Um sich der Frage zu nähern, ob es diese Potenziale gibt und wie diese durch architektonische Elemente unterstützt werden können, wurde ein ortszentriertes Behavior Mapping im Flur der intensivpädagogischen Wohngruppe durchgeführt. Ziel der Beobachtungen war das Nutzungsverhalten von Bewohner:innen und Personal der Wohngruppe zu analysieren, um daraus Gestaltungsempfehlungen abzuleiten.
Folgende Elemente der Flurgestaltung ließen sich aus den Beobachtungen und der Literaturrecherche ableiten: Reizarmut der Umgebung zur Vermeidung von sensorischen Reizen. Ausreichend Platz für funktionelle Verkehrsfläche und Durchwegung sowie Arbeitsabläufe. Orientierungs- und Leitsysteme, um die Funktion von Bereichen zu kennzeichnen und die Orientierung zu erleichtern. Zonierung nach Funktionen zur Stärkung bestimmter Aktivitäten wie Kommunikation. Rückzugsmöglichkeiten tragen durch eine kontrollierbare Umwelt zur Stressreduktion bei. [... aus dem Text]
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Uncovering Weak Ties : An interconnected neighborhood of familiarity to promote social capital and well being / Synliggöra Tunna Band : Ett sammanlänkat grannkvarter av bekantskaper för att främja socialt kapital och välmåendeBergman, Saga January 2024 (has links)
Avoiding your neighbor is common among Swedes in urban stairwells, leading to a lack of daily interactions and thereby social isolation. Feeling unseen in your own home makes 7 out of 10 people desire better relationships with their neighbors. The concept of "Weak Ties," which refers to recurring superficial relations, is essential for strengthening social capital and a sense of belonging. Prioritizing shared spaces in apartment block designs can transform avoidance into greetings, nurturing social health rather than loneliness. An existing neighborhood in Umeå is used as a case study. Current common indoor spaces are cramped, dark, and unwelcoming. Developing new thresholds, indoor intermediate spaces that are scattered across all levels, encourage movement and interaction without feeling intrusive. Key spaces includes a shared hallway, a stairwell, and a wintergarden. The shared hallway fosters interactions amongst your closest neighbors, while the redesigned stairwell integrates seamlessly from private to common, making the shift more convenient by encapsulating the people within it, customized for the cold climate of Umeå. The wintergarden, positioned above the garbage house, offers a social extension of your livingroom, for gatherings and gardening. Through this system of interventions focused on reconfiguring common spaces and encouraging interpersonal encounters, the proposal seeks to disrupt the regular spatial demarcations and enhance social connections among residents; Uncovering Weak Ties. By reimagining the role of architectural design in promoting social cohesion, the project underscores the potential for creating more vibrant and supportive urban neighborhoods in forthcoming developments. / Att undvika sina grannar är vanligt bland svenskar i stadsmiljöer, vilket leder till brist på dagliga interaktioner och därmed social isolering. Att känna sig osedd i sitt eget hem gör att 7 av 10 personer önskar bättre relationer med sina grannar. Konceptet "svaga band", som syftar på återkommande ytliga relationer, är avgörande för att stärka socialt kapital och en känsla av tillhörighet. Att prioritera gemensamma utrymmen i utformningen av lägenheter kan omvandla undvikande till hälsningar och vårda vår sociala hälsa istället för ensamhet. Ett befintligt bostadsområde i Umeå används som en fallstudie. Nuvarande gemensamma inomhusutrymmen är trånga, mörka och oinbjudande. Genom att utveckla nya trösklar, mellanrum spridda över alla nivåer, uppmuntras rörelse och interaktion utan att kännas påträngande. Nyckelutrymmen inkluderar en gemensam hall, ett trapphus och ett vinterträdgård. Den gemensamma hallen främjar interaktioner med dina närmaste grannar, medan det omdesignade trapphuset integreras sömlöst från privat till gemensamt, vilket gör övergången mer bekväm genom att omsluta människorna inom det, anpassat för Umeås kalla klimat. Vinterträdgården, placerad ovanför sophuset, erbjuder en social förlängning av ditt vardagsrum, för sammankomster och trädgårdsarbete. Genom detta system av interventioner som fokuserar på att omkonfigurera gemensamma utrymmen och uppmuntra möten, syftar förslaget till att bryta de vanliga rumsliga gränsdragningarna och stärka sociala kopplingar mellan invånarna; att synliggöra svaga band. Genom att omforma den arkitektoniska designens roll i att främja social sammanhållning, understryker projektet potentialen för att skapa mer livfulla och stödjande grannskap i stadskvarter i framtida utvecklingar.
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