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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur känns harmoni? : En musikpsykologisk undersökning om betydelsen av ackord för framkallade känslor / What does harmony feel like? : A study in the field of music psychology regarding the significance of chords for induced emotions

Almer, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Denna undersökning handlar om hur en reharmonisering påverkar unga vuxna musikers känslomässiga uppfattning av låten ”Tryggare kan ingen vara”. För att få reda på vilka känslor deltagarna kände fick de fylla i ett formulär som var baserat på Geneva Emotional Music Scale (förkortat som GEMS). Utöver detta formulär fick de även svara på två korta frågor samt fylla i ett formulär om sin musikaliska bakgrund. Studien visar att unga vuxna musiker känslomässigt reagerar annorlunda på olika harmoniseringar av ”Tryggare kan ingen vara”. De mest intressanta skillnaderna presenteras och analyseras med hjälp av uträknade median- och medelvärden utifrån formuläret som är baserat på GEMS. Dessa siffror jämförs sedan med de andra frågorna som deltagarna fick svara på och det förs resonemang kring varför de möjligen svarade som de svarade.

Goodwillnedskrivningens värderelevans inom industribranschen i Sverige / The value relevance of goodwill impairments within the industrial sector in Sweden

Rosén, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Till följd av redovisningens utveckling och att olika länder har olika regleringar, har det blivit problematiskt att harmonisera och standardisera redovisningsinformation världen över. För att lösa det problemet lanserade FASB och IASB nya redovisningsregleringar, där t.ex. goodwillavskrivning ersattes med nedskrivningsprövning. I och med de nya regleringarna har det uppstått en diskussion om huruvida goodwillnedskrivning ger värderelevant information till investerare. Det är det som är syftet med den här studien; finns det ett samband mellan goodwillnedskrivning och börsvärde inom industribranschen i Sverige? Således om goodwillnedskrivning används av investerare vid företagsvärdering för räkenskapsåren 2005–2017. Studien har en kvantitativ metod och en deduktiv ansats. Datamaterialet har hämtats från Retriever Business samt direkt från bolagens årsredovisningar. Datamaterialet har analyserats genom en multipel regressionsanalys. Den multipla regressionsanalysen resulterade i ett negativt signifikant samband mellan börsvärde och goodwillnedskrivning, således är goodwillnedskrivning ett värderelevant mått för investerare inom industribranschen i Sverige. / Due to accounting development and different regulations in different countries, it has become difficult to harmonise and standardise accounting information worldwide. To solve this problem FASB and IASB launched a new regulation, where goodwill amortisation was replaced with impairments. With the new regulation, a discussion has arisen as to whether goodwill impairments provide value relevant information to investors. The purpose with this study is to evaluate if there is a relation between market value and goodwill impairments within the industrial sector in Sweden. Thus, if goodwill impairments are used by investors at company valuation for the financial years of 2005-2017. This study has a quantitative method and a deductive approach. The data have been retrieved from Retriever Business and from the company’s annual reports. The data have then been analysed via a multiple regression. The multiple regression showed a negative significant relation between market value and goodwill impairment, thus goodwill impairments are value relevant information for investors within the industrial sector in Sweden

Friskrivningsklausuler i kommersiella standardavtal : En detaljstudie angående harmoniseringen av avtalsrätten inom EU

Hansson, Tanja, Nilsson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
During the later half of the 20th century standard form contracts began to be used more frequently in contract situations. This trend has been consistent and in today’s world numerous commercial parties employ such contracts in their business transactions. The reasons for the extended use of standard form contracts are the benefits that can be obtained for the parties such as time efficiency, effectiveness and price advantages. Standardised contracts often regulate certain issues of the contract for example the way of delivery, remedies and complaints. The definition of such contracts is corresponding in Sweden and England as contracts containing in advance standardised terms with an aim to be used similarly in contract situations with most clients or customers. As the usage of standard form contracts increased, the number of unfair contract terms also enhanced. Therefore, the legislative powers in Sweden and England realised that the rules concerning the freedom of contract had to be restricted and governed. As a result, the legislative powers introduced an open control device through statutory control. This was done in Sweden in 1976 with the enforcement of Section 36 of the Contracts Act, and in England the year after when UCTA came into force. The statutory control in both Sweden and England makes it possible to appraise the fairness of exemption clauses. The statutory control is not identical in the two states. UCTA only concerns exclusion clauses and limitation clauses regarding contract terms and non-contractual notices. In Sweden, on the other hand, there is a general doctrine of unfairness and Section 36 of the Contracts Act can set aside all kinds of agreements. The statutory control is complemented by indirect means of controlling the content of a contract through non statutory methods. The non statutory methods are concerned with the incorporation, interpretation and construction of clauses in a contract. To be valid and for a party to be able to rely on a term it must have been incorporated into the contract. The rules concerning the interpretation of standard form contracts and exclusion clauses are also of great importance. In both states the approach held is that the statutory control should be used preferably over the indirect control means, though the indirect means still has a prominent role in England through common law. Both England and Sweden agree on that the weaker party in a contract situation is in a greater need of protection by the rules of law in unfair contract situations. However unfairness can only arise if the superior party has wrongfully used the exclusion clause. Our study shows the differences between Swedish and English contract law that can result in difficulties in the harmonisation process. These differences concern the test of reasonableness of exemption clauses, the doctrine of good faith, the legal effects and to what extent the indirect means of control should be applied. The Swedish test of reasonableness may include all relevant circumstances irrespective of the time of their occurrence, before or after the entry of the contract. The courts in England are limited to circumstances that have occurred before the closure of the contract. Section 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act includes a general rule of unfairness applicable to all kinds of contract terms. The rule of unfairness in the UCTA on the other hand, is only applicable to exemption clauses and indemnity clauses and there is no general rule of unfairness in English contract law. Instead the courts rely on indirect means of control, which therefore is of greater importance in English contract law. Finally, adjustments of unfair exemption clauses has a significant role in Swedish contract law, in contrast to English contract law where any adjustment is regarded as an intrusion of the freedom of contract. To endorse one of the most important aims of the EU; a well working inner market, discussions commenced in 2001. The discussions concerned the harmonisation of the contract law within the union. The questions that arose were whether or not it was possible at all to form a European common contract law and if so, what the effects would be. An action plan was developed by the Commission and today both the EU Parliament and the Council are positive in regard to the continuing work with a reference frame. The Commission aims to pass the reference frame in 2009. Since the EU member states are diverse and have different legal systems a harmonisation of the contract law could cause difficulties. There are differences concerning legal traditions and legal values, hence the legal expertise in Europe is divided in the harmonisation question. The following study aims to analyse the existing rules of law in Sweden and England representing two diverse legal systems existing in Europe; civil law and common law. The focus of this study regards the control of exclusion clauses in standard form contracts in both legal systems. The comparison will then be used to analyse the fundamental question if the harmonisation of contract law in the EU is feasible. Specific areas within the contract law have already been harmonised, which shows a possibility to coordinate common law and civil law. Directive 93/13/EEC on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts is one example of harmonised contract law in the EU and the principles in PECL is another example which shows that it is possible to coordinate common law and civil law. A harmonisation of the contract law will probably promote the commerce within the union and be the next step towards one of the most prominent goals of the EU, namely a well functioning common market. However, our study shows that the differences between national legislation and the differences between the legal traditions within the EU are not insignificant and a harmonisation will probably not be enforced without difficulties.

Det nya gränsvärdet : konsekvenser för K-2 bolagen

Klintelius, Lena, Furland, Jakob January 2006 (has links)
Ett av EU:s främsta syfte är att skapa fri rörelse av kapital. Genom att kontinuerligt reducera handelshinder strävar de efter att skapa lika förutsättningar mellan medlemsstaterna. I och med den globalisering som skett och fortfarande sker blir det allt mer vanligt förekommande att svenska bolag konkurrerar och samverkar med andra europeiska bolag. Mycket har hänt på redovisnings- och revisionsområdet det senaste decenniet vilket har gjort att den svenska lagstiftningen delvis har skrivits om och anpassats efter EG:s direktiv. Internationella redovisningsstandarder har fått stort inflytande på framförallt de stora svenska bolagen. Dessa standarder var ursprungligen anpassade för börsnoterade bolag vilket har medfört att mindre svenska bolag under de senaste åren ålagts orimligt omfattande redovisningsskyldigheter. I november 2004 presenterade Justitiedepartementet en promemoria vilken bland annat avsåg förenklade redovisningsregler. Deras bedömning var att de två gränsvärdena som i dag benämns i ÅRL och BFN bör samordnas till ett gemensamt. Motiveringen till detta var att små och medelstora bolag i större utsträckning bör undantas från betungade regler gällande bokföring och bokslut. Under vintern 2005/2006 har en lag-rådsremiss och en proposition offentliggjorts där remissinstanserna BFN, FAR, SRS m.fl. givit uttryck för sina åsikter. Detta resulterade i att delvärdena i den samordnade gränsvärdet fastställdes till 50 anställda, 25 miljoner kronor i balansomslutning samt 50 miljoner kronor i totala intäkter. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda vilka konsekvenser detta får för de små och medelstora bolagen i Sverige. Undersökningen har genomförts ur två perspektiv, dels för att återspegla de generella konsekvenserna med harmoniseringen och dels vilka konsekvenser det samordnade gränsvärdet blir redovisningsmässigt. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes fyra expertintervjuer. Resultatet av dessa var att redovisningsprinciperna blir något förenklade men eftersom förslaget ej trätt i laga kraft ännu är det svårt att peka på konkreta konsekvenser. Dock kan man förutse vissa skillnader avseende bland annat delårsrapportering, balansering av egenupparbetade immateriella anläggningstillgångar och restvärdesavskrivningar. Efter att ha tagit del av respondenternas svar samt vad som sägs i lagrådsremissen kan vi konstatera att förändringarna på flera plan går mot att uppgifter ej är lagstadgade utan snarare styrs av intressenterna. Delårsrapporter är en sådan uppgift, då det ej åligger revisionsplikt på dem ser vi det som en naturlig utveckling att ta bort den lagstadgade uppgiftsskyldigheten för K3 – bolagen. Vidare diskuteras huruvida K2 – blocket kommer innefatta bolag med allt för stora skillna-der i omfattning av verksamhet och hur detta skulle kunna undvikas. Vi föreslår en höjning av K1-blocket från tre till fem miljoner kronor i nettoomsättning där aktiebolag ej ska in-kluderas. Anledningen till detta är att få bort de minsta bolagen ur K2 – blocket genom att fler bolag bör överväga alternativa bolagsformer för att undvika allt för omfattande redovisningsmässiga skyldigheter. Från och med den första januari 2007 träder ett nytt regelverk beträffande redovisningsprinciper i kraft i Sverige. Regelverket är delvis utformat efter EU:s redovisningsdirektiv och är ett steg i harmoniseringen. De bolag som vid årsskiftet skall till-lämpa det nya regelverket är de som ej överskrider det nya 50/25/50 - värdet, dvs. K1 och K2 - bolagen. För större bolag, K3 samt K4, kommer reglerna träda i kraft med det räkenskapsår som påbörjas första januari 2010. / One of EU:s primary purposes is to create freedom of movement for capital. Through continuous reducing of trade obstacles they strive to create equal conditions between the member nations. Through the globalization that has taken place and still is taking place it is increasingly common for Swedish companies to compete and cooperate with European companies. A lot has happened in the accounting and auditor area during the last decade which has forced the Swedish legislation partly to be rewritten and adjusted to EG directives. International accounting standards has had a great deal of influence on the major Swedish companies. These standards are originally adapted for stock exchange introduced companies which in the last couple of years have resulted in unreasonable extensive accounting obligations for smaller Swedish companies. In November 2004 the ministry of Justice presented a memorandum which among other things intended to simplify accounting obligations. Their assessment was that the two threshold values that today are termed in ÅRL and BFN should be coordinated into one common threshold. The motivation for this was that small and medium companies in a greater extent should be able to make exceptions from onerous rules concerning bookkeeping and closure. During the winter 2005/2006 a referral and a government bill was made public where BFN, FAR and SRS gave expression of their opinions. This resulted in that the partial value in the coordinated threshold was established to 50 employees, 25 million in balanced turnover and 50 million in total reve-nue. The purpose of this paper is to investigate which consequences this will have to the small and medium companies in Sweden. The investigation has been carried out through two perspectives, one to reflect the general consequences with the harmonious and also which consequences the coordinated threshold value will bring to the accounts. To reach the pur-pose four expert interviews were carried out. The conclusion of these interviews was that the accounting standards will be a bit more simplified but since the proposal has not yet become legally binding it is hard to point to concrete consequences. We can still predict to a certain extend with respect to among other things; quarterly reports, balancing of non-material internally acquired inventory and depreciation of residual values. After studying the respondents’ answers and the referral we can establish that the changes on several levels will progress to the point of information not being statutory but rather controlled by interest organisations. Quarterly reports are that sort of task, when it is not mandatory audit on this sort of report we can not see any reason not to remove the statu-tory information obligation for the K – 3 companies. The thesis further discusses whether the K2 – block will include companies with much too large differences in the extent of activity and how this should be avoided. We suggest a raise of the K-1 block from three too five million in net turnover, where joint-stock companies not will be included. The reason for this is to get rid of the smallest companies in the K-2 block; more companies should consider alternative company forms to avoid all too extensive accounting obligations. Starting on the first of January 2007, the new regulation concerning accounting principles will take effect in Sweden. The regulations are partly designed according to the EU:s ac-counting directives and are a step in the harmonious direction. Those companies who will apply the new regulation at the turn of the year are those which do not exceed the new 50/25/50 value i.e. K-1 and K-2 companies. For the bigger companies, K-3 and K-4, the new regulation takes effect with the accounting year that starts on the first of January 2010.

Internationella skillnader i uppfyllelsegraden av IFRS upplysningskrav för goodwill : En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Storbritannien

Thorsell, Evelina, Ninnad, Angelica January 2012 (has links)
Since 2005 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has prescribed a mandatory requirement that all ‘Publicly Consolidated Entities’ abide by the ‘International Financial Reporting Standards’ (IFRS). However, due to a difference in institutional elements, between countries, differences in financial reporting are still possible. This essay aims to identify such differences between Swedish and British companies in their adaptation of the IFRS, specifically differences in; ‘Disclosure Requirements for Goodwill’ specified in ‘IAS 36 p 134’. By performing a content analysis that graded 60 companies’ financial reporting within the Stockholm OMX (Large Cap) and the London Stock Exchange (FTSE100) it has been quantifiably concluded that differences are significant within this analysis.

Friskrivningsklausuler i kommersiella standardavtal : En detaljstudie angående harmoniseringen av avtalsrätten inom EU

Hansson, Tanja, Nilsson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>During the later half of the 20th century standard form contracts began to be used more frequently in contract situations. This trend has been consistent and in today’s world numerous commercial parties employ such contracts in their business transactions. The reasons for the extended use of standard form contracts are the benefits that can be obtained for the parties such as time efficiency, effectiveness and price advantages. Standardised contracts often regulate certain issues of the contract for example the way of delivery, remedies and complaints. The definition of such contracts is corresponding in Sweden and England as contracts containing in advance standardised terms with an aim to be used similarly in contract situations with most clients or customers.</p><p>As the usage of standard form contracts increased, the number of unfair contract terms also enhanced. Therefore, the legislative powers in Sweden and England realised that the rules concerning the freedom of contract had to be restricted and governed. As a result, the legislative powers introduced an open control device through statutory control. This was done in Sweden in 1976 with the enforcement of Section 36 of the Contracts Act, and in England the year after when UCTA came into force. The statutory control in both Sweden and England makes it possible to appraise the fairness of exemption clauses. The statutory control is not identical in the two states. UCTA only concerns exclusion clauses and limitation clauses regarding contract terms and non-contractual notices. In Sweden, on the other hand, there is a general doctrine of unfairness and Section 36 of the Contracts Act can set aside all kinds of agreements.</p><p>The statutory control is complemented by indirect means of controlling the content of a contract through non statutory methods. The non statutory methods are concerned with the incorporation, interpretation and construction of clauses in a contract. To be valid and for a party to be able to rely on a term it must have been incorporated into the contract. The rules concerning the interpretation of standard form contracts and exclusion clauses are also of great importance. In both states the approach held is that the statutory control should be used preferably over the indirect control means, though the indirect means still has a prominent role in England through common law. Both England and Sweden agree on that the weaker party in a contract situation is in a greater need of protection by the rules of law in unfair contract situations. However unfairness can only arise if the superior party has wrongfully used the exclusion clause.</p><p>Our study shows the differences between Swedish and English contract law that can result in difficulties in the harmonisation process. These differences concern the test of reasonableness of exemption clauses, the doctrine of good faith, the legal effects and to what extent the indirect means of control should be applied. The Swedish test of reasonableness may include all relevant circumstances irrespective of the time of their occurrence, before or after the entry of the contract. The courts in England are limited to circumstances that have occurred before the closure of the contract. Section 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act includes a general rule of unfairness applicable to all kinds of contract terms. The rule of unfairness in the UCTA on the other hand, is only applicable to exemption clauses and indemnity clauses and there is no general rule of unfairness in English contract law. Instead the courts rely on indirect means of control, which therefore is of greater importance in English contract law. Finally, adjustments of unfair exemption clauses has a significant role in Swedish contract law, in contrast to English contract law where any adjustment is regarded as an intrusion of the freedom of contract.</p><p>To endorse one of the most important aims of the EU; a well working inner market, discussions commenced in 2001. The discussions concerned the harmonisation of the contract law within the union. The questions that arose were whether or not it was possible at all to form a European common contract law and if so, what the effects would be. An action plan was developed by the Commission and today both the EU Parliament and the Council are positive in regard to the continuing work with a reference frame. The Commission aims to pass the reference frame in 2009. Since the EU member states are diverse and have different legal systems a harmonisation of the contract law could cause difficulties. There are differences concerning legal traditions and legal values, hence the legal expertise in Europe is divided in the harmonisation question.</p><p>The following study aims to analyse the existing rules of law in Sweden and England representing two diverse legal systems existing in Europe; civil law and common law. The focus of this study regards the control of exclusion clauses in standard form contracts in both legal systems. The comparison will then be used to analyse the fundamental question if the harmonisation of contract law in the EU is feasible. Specific areas within the contract law have already been harmonised, which shows a possibility to coordinate common law and civil law. Directive 93/13/EEC on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts is one example of harmonised contract law in the EU and the principles in PECL is another example which shows that it is possible to coordinate common law and civil law. A harmonisation of the contract law will probably promote the commerce within the union and be the next step towards one of the most prominent goals of the EU, namely a well functioning common market. However, our study shows that the differences between national legislation and the differences between the legal traditions within the EU are not insignificant and a harmonisation will probably not be enforced without difficulties.</p>

Det nya gränsvärdet : konsekvenser för K-2 bolagen

Klintelius, Lena, Furland, Jakob January 2006 (has links)
<p>Ett av EU:s främsta syfte är att skapa fri rörelse av kapital. Genom att kontinuerligt reducera handelshinder strävar de efter att skapa lika förutsättningar mellan medlemsstaterna. I och med den globalisering som skett och fortfarande sker blir det allt mer vanligt förekommande att svenska bolag konkurrerar och samverkar med andra europeiska bolag.</p><p>Mycket har hänt på redovisnings- och revisionsområdet det senaste decenniet vilket har gjort att den svenska lagstiftningen delvis har skrivits om och anpassats efter EG:s direktiv. Internationella redovisningsstandarder har fått stort inflytande på framförallt de stora svenska bolagen. Dessa standarder var ursprungligen anpassade för börsnoterade bolag vilket har medfört att mindre svenska bolag under de senaste åren ålagts orimligt omfattande redovisningsskyldigheter. I november 2004 presenterade Justitiedepartementet en promemoria vilken bland annat avsåg förenklade redovisningsregler. Deras bedömning var att de två gränsvärdena som i dag benämns i ÅRL och BFN bör samordnas till ett gemensamt. Motiveringen till detta var att små och medelstora bolag i större utsträckning bör undantas från betungade regler gällande bokföring och bokslut. Under vintern 2005/2006 har en lag-rådsremiss och en proposition offentliggjorts där remissinstanserna BFN, FAR, SRS m.fl. givit uttryck för sina åsikter. Detta resulterade i att delvärdena i den samordnade gränsvärdet fastställdes till 50 anställda, 25 miljoner kronor i balansomslutning samt 50 miljoner kronor i totala intäkter.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda vilka konsekvenser detta får för de små och medelstora bolagen i Sverige. Undersökningen har genomförts ur två perspektiv, dels för att återspegla de generella konsekvenserna med harmoniseringen och dels vilka konsekvenser det samordnade gränsvärdet blir redovisningsmässigt. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes fyra expertintervjuer. Resultatet av dessa var att redovisningsprinciperna blir något förenklade men eftersom förslaget ej trätt i laga kraft ännu är det svårt att peka på konkreta konsekvenser. Dock kan man förutse vissa skillnader avseende bland annat delårsrapportering, balansering av egenupparbetade immateriella anläggningstillgångar och restvärdesavskrivningar.</p><p>Efter att ha tagit del av respondenternas svar samt vad som sägs i lagrådsremissen kan vi konstatera att förändringarna på flera plan går mot att uppgifter ej är lagstadgade utan snarare styrs av intressenterna. Delårsrapporter är en sådan uppgift, då det ej åligger revisionsplikt på dem ser vi det som en naturlig utveckling att ta bort den lagstadgade uppgiftsskyldigheten för K3 – bolagen.</p><p>Vidare diskuteras huruvida K2 – blocket kommer innefatta bolag med allt för stora skillna-der i omfattning av verksamhet och hur detta skulle kunna undvikas. Vi föreslår en höjning av K1-blocket från tre till fem miljoner kronor i nettoomsättning där aktiebolag ej ska in-kluderas. Anledningen till detta är att få bort de minsta bolagen ur K2 – blocket genom att fler bolag bör överväga alternativa bolagsformer för att undvika allt för omfattande redovisningsmässiga skyldigheter.</p><p>Från och med den första januari 2007 träder ett nytt regelverk beträffande redovisningsprinciper i kraft i Sverige. Regelverket är delvis utformat efter EU:s redovisningsdirektiv och är ett steg i harmoniseringen. De bolag som vid årsskiftet skall till-lämpa det nya regelverket är de som ej överskrider det nya 50/25/50 - värdet, dvs. K1 och K2 - bolagen. För större bolag, K3 samt K4, kommer reglerna träda i kraft med det räkenskapsår som påbörjas första januari 2010.</p> / <p>One of EU:s primary purposes is to create freedom of movement for capital. Through continuous reducing of trade obstacles they strive to create equal conditions between the member nations. Through the globalization that has taken place and still is taking place it is increasingly common for Swedish companies to compete and cooperate with European companies.</p><p>A lot has happened in the accounting and auditor area during the last decade which has forced the Swedish legislation partly to be rewritten and adjusted to EG directives. International accounting standards has had a great deal of influence on the major Swedish companies. These standards are originally adapted for stock exchange introduced companies which in the last couple of years have resulted in unreasonable extensive accounting obligations for smaller Swedish companies. In November 2004 the ministry of Justice presented a memorandum which among other things intended to simplify accounting obligations. Their assessment was that the two threshold values that today are termed in ÅRL and BFN should be coordinated into one common threshold. The motivation for this was that small and medium companies in a greater extent should be able to make exceptions from onerous rules concerning bookkeeping and closure. During the winter 2005/2006 a referral and a government bill was made public where BFN, FAR and SRS gave expression of their opinions. This resulted in that the partial value in the coordinated threshold was established to 50 employees, 25 million in balanced turnover and 50 million in total reve-nue.</p><p>The purpose of this paper is to investigate which consequences this will have to the small and medium companies in Sweden. The investigation has been carried out through two perspectives, one to reflect the general consequences with the harmonious and also which consequences the coordinated threshold value will bring to the accounts. To reach the pur-pose four expert interviews were carried out. The conclusion of these interviews was that the accounting standards will be a bit more simplified but since the proposal has not yet become legally binding it is hard to point to concrete consequences. We can still predict to a certain extend with respect to among other things; quarterly reports, balancing of non-material internally acquired inventory and depreciation of residual values.</p><p>After studying the respondents’ answers and the referral we can establish that the changes on several levels will progress to the point of information not being statutory but rather controlled by interest organisations. Quarterly reports are that sort of task, when it is not mandatory audit on this sort of report we can not see any reason not to remove the statu-tory information obligation for the K – 3 companies.</p><p>The thesis further discusses whether the K2 – block will include companies with much too large differences in the extent of activity and how this should be avoided. We suggest a raise of the K-1 block from three too five million in net turnover, where joint-stock companies not will be included. The reason for this is to get rid of the smallest companies in the K-2 block; more companies should consider alternative company forms to avoid all too extensive accounting obligations.</p><p>Starting on the first of January 2007, the new regulation concerning accounting principles will take effect in Sweden. The regulations are partly designed according to the EU:s ac-counting directives and are a step in the harmonious direction. Those companies who will apply the new regulation at the turn of the year are those which do not exceed the new 50/25/50 value i.e. K-1 and K-2 companies. For the bigger companies, K-3 and K-4, the new regulation takes effect with the accounting year that starts on the first of January 2010.</p>

"Fully Acceptable" : Policies on Homosexuality in the Swedish Parliament between 1933-2010

Sjölén Gustafsson, Markus January 2020 (has links)
This study looks at the development in policy towards homosexuals in Sweden from criminalization to constitutional protection. A study on the ideational development in parliament has yet to be conducted. By studying the frames expressed in the official documents between 1933 and 2010 the study analyses ideas in terms of problems and solutions to describe how change occurred. The result is that Swedish policy towards homosexuals has been determined by two frames of understanding: a sexual frame  and an emotional frame. The policy process of the frames developed similarly in terms of institutionalization. Initially both frames saw homosexuals as dangerous which resulted in a different legal status. The frames gradually harmonized with a new scientific understanding that reinterpreted homosexuality as harmless and the different legal status problematic.

USA:s reaktion mot harmoniseringen med IFRS : Ett historiskt perspektiv / USA´s reaction towards harmonization with IFRS : A historical perspective

Lundin, Max, Malm, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
Trots fördelarna med minskad informationsasymmetri och ökad marknadseffektivitet har inte alla länder implementera den globala redovisningsstandarden IFRS. Syftet med studien var att analysera hur USA ur ett historiskt perspektiv reagerat mot harmoniseringen med den globala redovisningsstandarden IFRS. Det teoretiska ramverket grundar sig i institutional theory med fokus på de olika aktörernas beteende. Dessutom de olika strategiska reaktionerna som organisationer antar som ett resultat av institutionellt påtryck mot överensstämmelse. Studien baseras på arkivforskning genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studien finner att USA är benägna att byta reaktion flera gånger från året 1970. Dessutom ökar USA gradvis hur aktiv deras reaktion mot harmoniseringen med IFRS är. Slutligen den senaste reaktionen USA visar är manipulate. / Despite the benefits of reduced information asymmetry and increased market efficiency, not all countries have adopted the global accounting standard IFRS. The purpose of this study was to investigate how US from a historical perspective reacted towards the harmonization with the global accounting standard IFRS. The theoretical framework is derived from the institutional theory with an emphasis on the behavior of actors. Furthermore, the different strategic responses that organizations enact as a result of institutional pressures toward conformity. This study is based on archival research through a qualitative content analysis. Findings shows that US is prone to change responses several times from the year 1970. In addition, US is gradually increasing how active its response to harmonization with IFRS is. Lastly, the most recent response US shows are manipulate.

Utvärdering av den svenska gasmarknadsmodellen

Cederborg, Max, Heumann Bauer, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport syftar till att utvärdera de för- och nackdelar den svenska gasmarknadsmodellen har relativt de shippermodeller som finns i Europa, där modellernas lämplighet att stimulera ökad konkurrens i synnerhet beaktas. Därtill behandlas de krav som nuvarande och kommande EU-lagstiftning ställer och vilka konsekvenser detta får för Sveriges del. Studien ska ge underlag för en bedömning om den svenska modellen är välfungerande eller om en förändring kan motiveras, och i så fall i vilken riktning. Till fördel för nuvarande svenska modell lyfts lättförståelighet och lägre motpartsrisk vid kapacitetsbokning fram. Även pristransparensen bedöms vara bättre till följd av att gas och transport faktureras separat. Transportkostnad fram till den svenska gränsen ingår likväl fortfarande i gaspriset. En shippermodell å andra sidan, bedöms skapa bättre förutsättningar för konkurrens och därmed öka incitamenten för utländska aktörer att ta sig in på den svenska marknaden. Dels ges aktörerna möjlighet att konkurrera om transport, dels skulle modellen överenstämma med de modeller utländska aktörer har på sina hemmamarknader. Många aktörer menar att den svenska modellen fungerar tillfredsställande i sin nuvarande utformning och att val av marknadsmodell inte är viktigast för utvecklandet av naturgasmarknaden. Mot bakgrund av detta samt de fördelar modellen har och den svenska marknadens ringa storlek, så framstår det som ett rimligt alternativ att behålla den. Vad gäller EU:s harmoniseringsarbete är det två nätkoder som i nuläget är mest aktuella, CMP och CAM, där CAM får konsekvenser för kapacitetsbokning i gränspunkter ellanentry/exit-zoner. Gränspunkten mellan Sverige och Danmark är i nuläget undantaget från CAM men åsikterna om huruvida detta är möjligt framöver eller inte går isär, ytterligare införselpunkter kan komma att skapa problem. Därtill vet vi inte i nuläget vilka konsekvenser kommande lagstiftning kan få för Sverige. Ett modellbyte kan således bli oundvikligt i slutändan. Vid ett byte är vår rekommendation är att undersöka möjligheten att övergå till en hel shippermodell, där både transmissions- och distributionsnät inkluderas i entry/exitzonen. Att ha en avvikande modell är tidskrävande, primärt för Energimarknadsinspektionen och Swedegas, till följd av EU:s harmoniseringsarbete som utarbetas för en shippermodell då detta är den vanligaste lösningen i Europa i allmänhet. Vi tror dessutom att en sådan lösning skulle gynna konkurrensen på marknaden, inte minst på hushållsmarknaden till följd av att kunden enbart får en kontaktpunkt oavsett om gasleverantör och distributionsbolag befinner sig inom samma koncern eller inte. / This report aims to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the Swedish gas market model in comparision to shipper models, which are common in the EU in general. The models’ suitability to stimulate competition is especially considered. In addition, the requirements of present and future EU legislation sets and the resulting consequences for Sweden are covered in the report. The study will provide a basis for assessing whether the Swedish model is well functioning or if a change is needed, and if so in which direction. Advantages of the Swedish model are that it is easy to understand and that it has a lower counterparty risk when it comes to capacity reservation. Also, the price transparency is considered to be better since the gas and transport charges are invoiced separately. Transportation cost to the Swedish border is nevertheless still included in the gas price. A shipper model on the other hand, is expected to create a more competitive market and to increase incentives for foreign players to enter it. The players are given the opportunity to compete for transportation and the model would also match the models foreign players face in their home markets, thus lowering the entry barriers. Many respondents think that the Swedish model works well in its present form and that the choice of market model is not of highest importance for the development of the natural gas market. In light of this, the benefits of the current model and the Swedish market's small size, it seems like a reasonable option to keep it. As for the EU harmonization, there are two network codes that are currently most relevant, CMP and CAM. The CAM network code has implications for capacity reservation in the cross-border points between different entry/exit-zones. The point between Sweden and Denmark is currently excluded from CAM, but opinions regarding whether this is possible in the future or  not differ. Additional entry points might create problems. In addition, at this point we do not know what impact future legislation may have. A model change can thus be inevitable in the  end.   If changing, our recommendation is to investigate the possibility of switching to a full shipper model where both the transmission and distribution networks are included in the entry/exit-zone. Having a model that differs from the rest of EU is time consuming, primarily for EI and Swedegas, since the harmonization efforts made by the EU are tailored for a shipper model since this is the prevailing system in Europe in general. We also believe that such a solution would benefit market competition. This is particularly true for the residential market because the customer only gets one contact point, whether gas suppliers and distribution companies are in the same Group or not.

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