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Between death as escape and the dream of life : Psychosocial dimensions of health in young menliving with substance abuse and suicidal behaviour / Mellom døden som befrielse og drømmen om liv. : Helsens psykososiale dimensjoner hos yngre menn med rusavhengighet og selvmordBiong, Stian January 2008 (has links)
Substance abuse and suicidal behaviour are major challenges to public health. These phenomena are mainly studied by quantitative designs. This qualitative thesis aims at gaining a deeper understanding of substance abuse and suicidal behaviour, as experienced by young men in different types of treatment. By describing, exploring and interpreting lived experiences, in this thesis I try to give a more nuanced language of both substance abuse and suicidal behaviour, also in young migrating men. I also focus on the system of services related to the prevention and follow-up of life-threatening overdoses by describing and exploring how this phenomenon is experienced by individuals and professionals in Oslo. By researching the lived experiences of substance abuse and suicidal behaviour, combined with researching the phenomenon of life-threatening overdoses, a deeper insight is gained and this can be an important source to both prevention and health promotion for the group in question. The first three papers are based on descriptive, explorative and interpretative studies. How meaning is constructed is the core research question. In the fourth study I describe and explore life-threatening overdoses as a contemporary phenomenon in its context. The research questions are on a descriptive level. In the first three papers, the research object is the personal narratives from in-depth interviews, which are analysed using a phenomenological hermeneutic method. The case study is composed of data collected from different sources, and analysed by triangulation. The main finding in the first paper is that substance abuse and suicidal behaviour can be understood as goal-oriented, communicative and meaning-making activities about the individuals’ balance between death as an escape from pain and the hope of a life. In the second study, metaphorical expressions about a shifting sense of self is understood as balancing being an agent or a victim. In migrating young men these phenomena are interpreted as goal-oriented, communicative and meanig-making activities about existing in a maze that is perceived as closed. The findings of the case study show that different forms of life-threatening overdoses in Oslo are experienced in a state of existential and material stress. A wish of follow-up might not be expressed by the individual. Due to structural problems, such as lack of goals, professionals do not prevent such events in a planned way, nor do they cooperate between different levels. Professionals decide what is good quality in prevention and follow-up of life-threatening overdoses / Rusavhengighet og selvmordsadferd representerer store folkehelseproblemer. Disse fenomenene er hovedsakelig studert med kvantitative design. Målet med denne kvalitative avhandlingen er å få dypere kunnskap om rusavhengighet og selvmordsadferd slik fenomenene er opplevd av yngre menn i ulike typer behandling. Gjennom å beskrive, undersøke og tolke levde opplevelser forsøker avhandlingen å få fram en mer nyansert forståelse av, og språk om, både rusavhengighet og selvmordsadferd, også hos yngre menn med migrasjonserfaring. Avhandlingen fokuserer systemnivået gjennom å beskrive og undersøke hvordan livstruende overdoser oppleves og erfares som levde erfaringer og som yrkesutfordring i Oslo. Et omverdensperspektiv, kombinert med en dypere forståelse og et rikere språk kan være viktige bidrag til forebyggende og helsefremmende tiltak. Det første, andre og tredje arbeidet i avhandlingen er beskrivende, undersøkende og tolkende studier som fokuser yngre menns levde erfaringer med rusavhengighet og selvmordsadferd. Hvordan mening konstrueres er det sentrale forskningsspørsmålet. Det fjerde arbeidet, case studien, undersøker livstruende overdoser i en nå-tidig kontekst, og forskningsspørsmålene er beskrivende. I de første tre arbeidene er forskningsobjektet personlige narrativer samlet gjennom åpne dybdeintervjuer, og som er tolket ved bruk av en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk analyse. I case studien er data fra ulike kilder analysert ved hjelp av triangulering. Hovedfunnet i den første studien er at rusavhengighet og selvmordsadferd kan forstås som måltettede, kommunikative og meningsfulle handlinger om personens balanse mellom døden som befrielse fra smerte og håpet om et bedre liv. I den andre studien kommer metaforiske beskrivelser av en skiftende opplevelse av seg selv i prosessene knyttet til både rusavhengighet og selvmordsadferd tydelig fram. Dette kan forstås som å balansere en selvopplevelse mellom aktør og offer. I den tredje studien kan rusavhengighet og selvmordsadferd hos migrerte menn forstås som målrettede, kommunikative og meningsfulle handlinger om personens opplevelse av å eksistere i en stengt labyrint. Funnene i case studien tyder på at livstruende overdoser i Oslo erfares i eksistensielt stressfulle omstendigheter. Et personlig ønske om oppfølging gis ikke alltid eksplisitt. Strukturelle problemer medfører at profesjonelle arbeider med livstruende overdoser uten overordnete mål og uten samordnet planlegging. Profesjonelle bestemmer derfor selv hva som er god kvalitet når det gjelder forebygging og oppfølging av livstruende overdoser
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Barns och ungas livsfrågor och ämnet livskunskap : Existentiella tema på BRIS diskussionsforumAndrén, Karin January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Utsikt mot havet : Mot en förändrad förståelse av mellanneolitikums kultur- och samhällsliv i östra MellansverigeSamuelsson, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Erik Samuelsson: A View Towards the Sea – Towards a Changed Understanding of the Culture and Social Life of the Middle Neolithic in Eastern Central Sweden. The objective of this essay is to undertake an investigation and critical review of the Neolithic cultural groups as defined by contemporary archaeologists. This will be achieved through the analysis of empirical material derived from the Neolithic site of Tibble, located in the Björklinge parish of Uppland, Sweden. The primary aim is to develop a more comprehensive understanding and interpretation of not only the specific site but also the cultural and social aspects of the Neolithic period as a whole. Key questions addressed in this study include the impact of material studies on the overall interpretation of Neolithic culture and social life, as well as the potential for attaining a more holistic understanding of a time and place through an analytical approach that oscillates between detailed analysis and broader contextual perspectives. The primary sources utilized in this research consist of material artifacts, reports, and relevant literature pertaining to the Middle Neolithic settlement at Tibble, Björklinge parish, Uppland, Sweden. The theoretical framework employed in this study, as well as the chosen methodology, is rooted in the hermeneutic spiral. Previous investigations into the Stone Age have been largely characterized by the classification of cultural groups, with limited consideration given to the criticism of the concept of culture itself. Consequently, substantial changes in the interpretation of the Neolithic period and its inhabitants have not been extensively pursued. In this essay, the integration of hermeneutics and interdisciplinary approaches is demonstrated as a valuable means to foster a transformative understanding of both specific sites and broader chronological periods. By doing so, it becomes possible to harness the knowledge embedded in material studies.It is important to note that this essay does not aspire to provide an ultimate solution to the perceived problem but rather represents an initial step towards a new direction of inquiry. This process is not necessarily confined to a singular location or region but can be applied to the interpretative work concerning other Neolithic sites as well.
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"Att skakas om" : Erfarenheter och konsekvenser av traumatisk hjärnskada / "To be jolted" : on experiences from Traumatic Brain InjuryMalm, Elisabeth January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats och är beskrivande till sin form.Dess övergripande syfte var att öka förståelsen för traumatisk hjärnskada. Syftet var att förstå meningsaspekter av skadan och att ge ett bidrag till förståelsen av olika variationer av livsvärldsförändringen. Hur traumatisk hjärnskada kan förstås utifrån ett existentiellt perspektiv var särskilt fokuserat. Forskningsfrågan löd: Vad och hur berättar några vuxna personer som i vuxen ålder drabbats av en traumatisk hjärnskada om erfarenheter och konsekvenser av skadan och vilka slutsatser kan dras av en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk analys av detta.</p><p>Åtta personer som varit patienter inom hjärnskaderehabilitering intervjuades. Intervjuerna spelades in på band och skrevs ner ordagrant. Analys och tolkningsarbetet följde en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk metod utarbetad av Lindseth och Norberg(2004).</p><p>Huvudtema med huvudspår, teman och subteman utkristalliserades. Begreppet gränssituation bildar huvudtema. Därpå följer konsekvenser med identitetsförskjutning, relation och tid, samt ytterligare fyra teman. I berättelserna visade sig både gemensamma och unika drag. Ett innehållsperspektiv och ett stämningsperspektiv framträdde. En slutsats som dras är att skadan provocerar det som man tidigare tagit för givet. Dels vad det gäller synen på vem man själv är och dels hur man förhåller sig till en större kontext. Relationen till mening visar sig genom att den världsbild som man gjort till sin förloras, förändras och/eller fördjupas.</p> / <p>This thesis has a qualitative approach and is descriptive in form. The overaching aim was to increase the understanding of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The purpose was to understand aspects of changing meaning as a consequence of the injury and unique variations in clients´changed life-worlds. Particular attention was devoted the issue of how TBI can be understood from an existential perspective. The research questions were: What and how do adults who suffered from TBI relate their experiences and the consequences of the injury, and what conclusions can be drawn from a phenomenological hermeneutical analysis of their stories?</p><p>Eight persons, all former patients in rehabilitation, were interviewed. Analysis and interpretations followed a phenomenological-hermeneutical method outlined by Lindseth and Norberg (2004). Main themes and subthemes were crystallised. The concept limitsituation constitutes a main theme. There follows consequences as for example to identity dislocation, relation and time. In the informant´s stories common as well as unique characteristics transpired. Emphasis was on the mood, and the context under which experiences arised. A conclusion was that the injury provokes one´s already esatblished world-view and the relation to meaning was exposed and challanged. The world-view was lost, reduced and/or challenged.</p>
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"Att skakas om" : Erfarenheter och konsekvenser av traumatisk hjärnskada / "To be jolted" : on experiences from Traumatic Brain InjuryMalm, Elisabeth January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats och är beskrivande till sin form.Dess övergripande syfte var att öka förståelsen för traumatisk hjärnskada. Syftet var att förstå meningsaspekter av skadan och att ge ett bidrag till förståelsen av olika variationer av livsvärldsförändringen. Hur traumatisk hjärnskada kan förstås utifrån ett existentiellt perspektiv var särskilt fokuserat. Forskningsfrågan löd: Vad och hur berättar några vuxna personer som i vuxen ålder drabbats av en traumatisk hjärnskada om erfarenheter och konsekvenser av skadan och vilka slutsatser kan dras av en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk analys av detta. Åtta personer som varit patienter inom hjärnskaderehabilitering intervjuades. Intervjuerna spelades in på band och skrevs ner ordagrant. Analys och tolkningsarbetet följde en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk metod utarbetad av Lindseth och Norberg(2004). Huvudtema med huvudspår, teman och subteman utkristalliserades. Begreppet gränssituation bildar huvudtema. Därpå följer konsekvenser med identitetsförskjutning, relation och tid, samt ytterligare fyra teman. I berättelserna visade sig både gemensamma och unika drag. Ett innehållsperspektiv och ett stämningsperspektiv framträdde. En slutsats som dras är att skadan provocerar det som man tidigare tagit för givet. Dels vad det gäller synen på vem man själv är och dels hur man förhåller sig till en större kontext. Relationen till mening visar sig genom att den världsbild som man gjort till sin förloras, förändras och/eller fördjupas. / This thesis has a qualitative approach and is descriptive in form. The overaching aim was to increase the understanding of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The purpose was to understand aspects of changing meaning as a consequence of the injury and unique variations in clients´changed life-worlds. Particular attention was devoted the issue of how TBI can be understood from an existential perspective. The research questions were: What and how do adults who suffered from TBI relate their experiences and the consequences of the injury, and what conclusions can be drawn from a phenomenological hermeneutical analysis of their stories? Eight persons, all former patients in rehabilitation, were interviewed. Analysis and interpretations followed a phenomenological-hermeneutical method outlined by Lindseth and Norberg (2004). Main themes and subthemes were crystallised. The concept limitsituation constitutes a main theme. There follows consequences as for example to identity dislocation, relation and time. In the informant´s stories common as well as unique characteristics transpired. Emphasis was on the mood, and the context under which experiences arised. A conclusion was that the injury provokes one´s already esatblished world-view and the relation to meaning was exposed and challanged. The world-view was lost, reduced and/or challenged.
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Barn med astma og deres foreldre : læring, deltakelse og samarbeidTrollvik, Anne January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrunn og hensikt: Astma er den hyppigste kroniske sykdommen i barnealderen, den påfører barn og familierpersonlige og sosiale påkjenninger samtutgjør et betydelig folkehelseproblem. For å handtere hverdagen trenger barna og foreldrene kunnskap. Det overgripende målet med avhandlingen er å utvikle læringstilbud til barn og foreldre der den pedagogiske tilnærmingen tar utgangspunkt i barns, foreldres og helsepersonells vurderinger om hva som er viktig å lære. Metode: Avhandlingen inkluderer 5 studier (I–V) ut fra 2 prosjekter som forgikk på en barneavdeling i Norge, i 1995–1998 og 2004–2007. I studie I og IIble hermeneutisk fenomenologi brukt der 9 foreldre deltok i dypintervju. I studie IIIble innholdsanalyse brukt i et aksjonsforsknings prosjekt, handlings-orientert forskningssamarbeid, der 90 personer deltok. I studie IV ble hermeneutisk fenomenologi brukt der 15 barn i alderen 7–10 år tegnet og deltok i dypintervju. I studie V ble innholdsanalyse brukt der samhandlingen mellom 3 barn og 2 helsepersonellble observerti et læringstilbud. Resultateneviser at både barn med astma og foreldrene erfarte engstelse og redsel i hverdagen (I,IV). Foreldrene uttrykte følelser av usikkerhet,hjelpeløshet og skyld (I). Barna var redde for forverrelser av astmaenog hvordan sykdommenpåvirket kroppen. De brukte mange forskjellige ord når de beskrev astma.De kjente astma i hele kroppenogsituasjonenkunne endre seg raskt fra vanliglek til at all energi var borte. Barna var redde for å bli utestengt fra lek og aktivitet, og opplevde det som et dilemma om de skulle fortelle om astmaen til andre eller holde det hemmelig(V). Både barn og foreldre erfarte det å dele erfaringer i gruppe som betydningsfullt (II, V). Barnas perspektiv og deltakelse ble ivaretatt gjennom intervensjonsfasen, mens barneperspektivet ble ivaretatt av voksne gjennom hele prosjekt 2 (III). I læringstilbudet kjente barna seg trygge, var aktive, lærte av hverandre og satte ord på egne følelser(IV). Fortellinger og bilder fungerte godt i pedagogisk tilnærming til barn. Barnas egne tegninger var et godt redskap for å kommunisere med barn og for å få tilgang til deres livsverden(V). Konklusjon: Denne avhandlingen viser at for å støtte barn og foreldre til å handtere astma i hverdagen, er det viktig at helsepersonell legger tilrette for læring ved å utforme læringstilbud som tar utgangspunkt i deres perspektiver. Det at barna selv er aktive, at deres egne erfaringer brukes og verdsettes i dialogen, viser et nedenfraperspektiv som er en god kilde til empowerment-prosesser. Slike prosesser styrker barna i troen på egne krefter og gir dem handlekompetanse. Læringsprosessene som er beskrevet i meningsfull læringvil styrke barnas begripelighet, handterbarhet og meningsfullhet og derved styrke barnas Sense of Coherence (SOC). Ved styrket SOC vil barna i større grad mestre utfordringer i livet og derved oppnå bedre helse og livskvalitet / Background and aim: Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease,many children and families are personally and socially affected which makes asthma a public health problem. The overall aim of this thesis was to develop an asthma education programme for children with asthma and their parents, where the pedagogic approach takeschildren’s, parents’and health care personnel’s experiences and views as a starting point. Methods: This thesis includes 5 studies (I–V) from 2 projects performed in a paediatric ward in Norway in 1995–1998 and 2004–2007. In studies I and IIa hermeneutic phenomenological approach was used, in which 9 parents participated in qualitative research interviews. In study III, 90 persons participated in a co-operative inquiry. Data were analysed by content analysis. Study IV used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach: 15 children (7–10 years of age) participated in qualitative research interviews. In study V, 3 children and 2 health care personnel participated in an observational study. Content analysis was used in the analysis. The results showed that both the children and the parents experienced fear in their experiences of asthma in everyday life (I, IV). The parents expressed feelings of uncertainty, helplessness and guilt (I). The children experienced fear of exacerbations and how the asthma affected their bodies. They used many different words when they described how asthma affected them. They felt asthma in their whole body,and the condition could change quickly. The fear of being ostracised concerned all aspects of the children’s livesand they related a dilemma of keeping the asthma secret or being open about it (V). Sharing experiences in group settings was experienced as meaningful to both children and parents (II, V). The adult’s child perspectives were taken into account throughout the project, while the children’sown perspectives were taken into account during the period of intervention (III). During the asthma education programmethe children actively participated and learned from each other. As the pictures and stories were related to their experiences made it easier for them to express their own feelings. Drawings were a good way toinitiate a dialogue with the children and to get access to their lifeworld (V). Conclusion: This thesis shows that in order to support children and parents to cope with asthma, it is crucial to build on their perspectives in learning processes. Active involvement of the children shows a bottom-up perspective that can lead to confidence in their own strength and empowerment. Overall, this approach corresponds to an educational approach and learning theory that takes meaningful learning into account. Meaningful learning strengthens children’s comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness and their Sense of Coherence (SOC). A strong SOC leads to better health and a better quality of life
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Ett skepp kommer lastat…med mänskliga rättigheter : Bruket av ett begrepp hos Sida och dess föregångare 1956–2019Hällje, Pelle January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur den svenska myndigheten Sida med föregångare använt människorättsbegreppet i årsredovisningar 1956 – 2019. Specifikt undersöks vilken relation detta har till epistemiska jämlikhetsdimensioner i materialet. Med epistemisk makt menas makten att påverka de begrepp och diskurser som ligger till grund för förståelsen av bistånd och utvecklingssamarbeten. Människorättsbegreppet var i stort sett osynligt i materialet fram till1980. Från och med slutet av 1980-talet associeras mänskliga rättigheter starkt till demokratibegreppet på ett sätt som därefter dominerar stora delar av materialet. Under 2010-talet syns också en ökande association mellan mänskliga rättigheter och jämställdhets- respektive miljöfrågor. Även om det finns exempel på formuleringar som reproducerar epistemisk ojämlikheteller återspeglar en eurocentrisk universalism, är exemplen förhållandevis få. Givet Sidas speciella uppdrag, är det naturligt att fokus ligger på problem och lösningar i länder i det globala Syd. Samtidigt bidrar detta dock till en epistemiskt ojämlik helhet av diskurser där den sammantagna bilden blir att det globala Syd utgör arenan där både hinder och lösningar för hållbar utveckling finns. Det kan leda till att de förändringar som krävs i Nord för att uppnå en hållbar global utveckling inte får tillräckligt med uppmärksamhet. / This study examines how the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)and its predecessors have used the concept of human rights in annual reports 1956 – 2019, and what relation this use has to epistemic equality. Epistemic power is the power over the conceptsand discourses, forming the basis for the understanding of international development. Human rights as a notion is almost invisible in the reports until 1980. As from the end of the 1980s and onwards, the concept is associated to democracy in a way that dominates large parts of the reports. In the 2010s, the concept is also increasingly connected to gender equality and environmental issues. Although there are examples of reproduction of epistemic inequality or mirroring of an eurocentric universalism, these are proportionately few. Due to Sida’s mission, it’s natural to focus on problems and solutions in the Global South. At the same time, this contributes to an epistemically unequal entirety of discourses, in which the overall picture is that the Global South is where both obstacles and solutions to sustainable development are to be found. This way, changes in the Global North that are also necessary to achieve global sustainable development will not be paid sufficient attention. / <p>Godkänt datum 2020-06-05</p>
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