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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integration and analysis of phenotypic data from functional screens

Paszkowski-Rogacz, Maciej 29 November 2010 (has links)
Motivation: Although various high-throughput technologies provide a lot of valuable information, each of them is giving an insight into different aspects of cellular activity and each has its own limitations. Thus, a complete and systematic understanding of the cellular machinery can be achieved only by a combined analysis of results coming from different approaches. However, methods and tools for integration and analysis of heterogenous biological data still have to be developed. Results: This work presents systemic analysis of basic cellular processes, i.e. cell viability and cell cycle, as well as embryonic stem cell pluripotency and differentiation. These phenomena were studied using several high-throughput technologies, whose combined results were analysed with existing and novel clustering and hit selection algorithms. This thesis also introduces two novel data management and data analysis tools. The first, called DSViewer, is a database application designed for integrating and querying results coming from various genome-wide experiments. The second, named PhenoFam, is an application performing gene set enrichment analysis by employing structural and functional information on families of protein domains as annotation terms. Both programs are accessible through a web interface. Conclusions: Eventually, investigations presented in this work provide the research community with novel and markedly improved repertoire of computational tools and methods that facilitate the systematic analysis of accumulated information obtained from high-throughput studies into novel biological insights.

A recombineering pipeline for functional genomics applied to Caenorhabditis elegans

Sarov, Mihail 11 December 2006 (has links)
Genome sequencing and annotation projects define the complete sets of RNA and protein components for living systems. They also present the challenge to generate functional information for thousands of previously uncharacterized genes. Protein tagging with fluorescent or affinity tags provides a generic way to describe protein expression and localization patterns and protein-protein interactions. The genome wide application of this approach in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has resulted in a comprehensive picture of the core proteome of a simple, well-studied model system. Extending these studies to more complex, multicellular model organisms, would allow us to place protein function onto a 4 dimensional space-time map, and will improve our understanding of the complex processes of development and differentiation. This will require efficient protein tagging methods and new high performance tags. Here we present a generic protein tagging approach for the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The method is based on recombination mediated DNA engineering of genomic BAC clones into tagged transgenes for integrative transformation. C.elegans offers unique advantages for function discovery through protein tagging: compact and a well annotated genome, combined with a simple and well-understood anatomy and pattern of development. However, the methods for protein tagging in C.elegans have so far been inefficient and largely dependent on artificial cDNA based constructs, which can lack important regulatory elements. In contrast, our approach combines the advantages of authentic regulation with a new application of recombineering, which is simple, fast and efficient. For the first time we apply liquid culture cloning for multiple recombineering steps. This is particularly important when high throughput applications are considered, as it offers significant advantages in scale up and automation. We show that the BAC derived transgenes can be used for stable, integrative transformation in C. elegans. We show that the tagged transgene can take over the function of its endogenous counterpart. Using florescent reporter, we reproduce known and document new expression patterns. The second part of the thesis describes a project that we undertook to develop improved double affinity cassettes for protein purification. We evaluated the performance of 5 new double tag combinations in vitro and in mammalian culture cells. All of the new cassettes performed well and present a valuable tool for protein interaction studies in higher model systems.

Multifunctional Droplet-based Micro-magnetofluidic Devices

Lin, Gungun 23 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Confronted with the global demographic changes and the increasing pressure on modern healthcare system, there has been a surge of developing new technology platforms in the past decades. Droplet microfluidics is a prominent example of such technology platforms, which offers an efficient format for massively parallelized screening of a large number of samples and holds great promise to boost the throughput and reduce the costs of modern biomedical activities. Despite recent achievements, the realization of a compact and generic screening system which is suited for resource-limited settings and point-of-care applications remains elusive. To address the above challenges, the dissertation focuses on the development of a compact multifunctional droplet micro-magnetofluidic system by exploring the advantages of magnetic in-flow detection principles. The methodologies behind a novel technique for biomedical applications, namely, magnetic in-flow cytometry have been put forth, which encompass magnetic indexing schemes, quantitative multiparametric analytics and magnetically-activated sorting. A magnetic indexing scheme is introduced and intrinsic to the magnetofluidic system. Two parameters characteristic of the magnetic signal when detecting magnetically functionalized objects, i.e. signal amplitude and peak width, providing information which is necessary to perform quantitative analysis in the spirit of optical cytometry has been proposed and realized. Magnetically-activated sorting is demonstrated to actively select individual droplets or to purify a population of droplets of interest. Together with the magnetic indexing scheme and multiparametric analytic technique, this functionality synergistically enables controlled synthesis, quality administration and screening of encoded magnetic microcarriers, which is crucial for the practical realization of magnetic suspension arrays technologies. Furthermore, to satisfy the needs of cost-efficient fabrication and high-volume delivery, an approach to fabricate magnetofluidic devices on flexible foils is demonstrated. The resultant device retains high performance of its rigid counterpart and exhibits excellent mechanical properties, which promises long-term stability in practical applications.

Adaptive Evolution und Screening bei Cyanobakterien

Tillich, Ulrich Martin 31 March 2015 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Erhöhung der Temperaturtoleranz des Cyanobakteriums Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 mittels ungerichteter Mutagenese und adaptiver Evolution. Trotz des erneuten Interesses an Cyanobakterien und Mikroalgen in den letzten Jahren, gibt es nur relativ wenige aktuelle Studien zum Einsatz dieser Methoden an Cyanobakterien. Zur Analyse eines mittels Mutagenese erzeugten Gemischs an Stämmen, ist es von großem Vorteil Hochdurchsatz-Methoden zur Kultivierung und zum Screening einsetzen zu können. Auf Basis eines Pipettierroboters wurde solch eine Plattform für phototrophe Mikroorganismen neu entwickelt und folgend stetig verbessert. Die Kultivierung erfolgt in 2,2ml Deepwell-Mikrotiterplatten innerhalb einer speziell angefertigten Kultivierungskammer. Schüttelbedingungen, Beleuchtung, Temperatur und CO2-Atmosphäre sind hierbei vollständig einstellbar.Die Plattform erlaubt semi-kontinuierliche Kultivierungen mit automatisierten Verdünnungen von hunderten Kulturen gleichzeitig. Automatisierte Messungen des Wachstums, des Absorptionsspektrums, der Chlorophyllkonzentration, MALDI-TOF-MS sowie eines neu entwickelten Vitalitätsassays wurden etabliert. Für die Mutagenese wurden die Letalität- und die nicht-letale Punktmutationsrate von ultravioletter Strahlung und Methylmethansulfonat für Synechocystis charakterisiert. Synechocystis wurde mit den so ermittelten optimalen Dosen mehrfach behandelt und anschließend einer in vivo Selektion unterzogen. Somit wurde dessen Temperaturtoleranz um bis zu 3°C erhöht. Über die Screeningplattform wurden die thermotolerantesten monoklonalen Stämme identifiziert. Nach einer Validierung wurde das vollständige Genom der Stämme sequenziert. Hierdurch wurden erstmals Mutationen in verschiedenen Genen mit der Langzeittemperaturtoleranz von Synechocystis in Verbindung gebracht. Bei einigen dieser Gene ist es sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass sie mittels anderer Verfahren hätten identifiziert werden können. / The goal of this work was the increase of the thermal tolerance of the cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 via random mutagenesis and adaptive evolution. Even with the renewed interest in cyanobacteria in the recent years, there is relatively limited current research available on the application of these methods on cyanobacteria. To analyse a mixture of various strains typically obtained through random mutagenesis, a method allowing high-throughput miniaturized cultivation and screening is of great advantage. Based on a pipetting robot a novel high-throughput screening system suitable for phototrophic microorganisms was developed and then constantly improved. The cultivation was performed in 2,2 ml deepwell microtiter plates within a cultivation chamber outfitted with programmable shaking conditions, variable illumination, variable temperature, and an adjustable CO2 atmosphere. The platform allows semi-continuous cultivation of hundreds of cultures in parallel. Automated measurements of growth, full absorption spectrum, chlorophyll concentration, MALDI-TOF-MS, as well as a novel vitality measurement protocol, have been established. Prior to the mutagenesis, the lethality and rate of non-lethal point mutations of ultraviolet radiation and methyl-methanesulphonate were characterized for Synechocystis. The thus determined optimal dosages were applied to Synechocystis followed by in vivo selection in four rounds of mutagenesis, thereby raising its temperature tolerance by 3°C. The screening platform was used to identify the most thermotolerant monoclonal strains. After validation, their whole genomes were sequenced. Thus mutations in various genes were identified which promote the strains'' thermal tolerance. For some of the genes it is very unlikely that their link to high thermal tolerance could have been identified by other approaches.

Charakterisierung des Proteoms von Ralstonia eutropha H16 unter lithoautotrophen und anaeroben Bedingungen

Kohlmann, Yvonne 18 June 2015 (has links)
Das Biopolymer-produzierende Knallgasbakterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 gilt mit seinem außergewöhnlichen Stoffwechsel als vielversprechender Produktionsstamm für die weiße Biotechnologie. Es wächst auf einer Vielzahl organischer Substrate sowie chemolithoautotroph mit H2 und CO2 als einzige Energie- bzw. Kohlenstoffquelle. Unter anaeroben Bedingungen ist es zudem zur Denitrifikation befähigt. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Proteinprofil von R. eutropha unter chemolithoautotrophen sowie anaeroben Bedingungen mittels GeLC-MS/MS untersucht. Beide Proteomstudien offenbarten, dass die Nutzung unterschiedlicher Elektronendonoren bzw. -akzeptoren mit zahlreichen Veränderungen im Proteinbestand der Zellen einherging. Hierbei waren neben Proteinen metabolischer und Transportprozesse auch jene der Zellbewegung betroffen. Die Ergebnisse stellen im Vergleich zu vorangegangenen Studien den bisher umfassendsten Überblick zum Proteinbestand beim H2-basierten sowie anaeroben Wachstum in R. eutropha dar. Von besonderer Bedeutung war dabei das Einbinden der Analyse der Membran als Ort wichtiger Energie- und Transportprozesse. Besonderes Interesse galt einem unter H2/CO2-Bedingungen abundanten Zweikomponentensystem. Sequenzvergleiche zeigten Ähnlichkeit zum Regulationssystem der Katabolitrepression des Biphenylabbaus in Acidovorax sp. KKS102. Die Deletion des Response-Regulator-Gens führte zu vielfältigen Wachstumseffekten auf Substraten wie Fructose, Glycerin sowie auf H2/CO2. Der pleiotrope Phänotyp sowie die Ergebnisse von Genexpressionsstudien und der Suche nach Regulator-Bindestellen lassen eine globale Rolle des Systems im Energie- und/oder Kohlenstoffmetabolismus von R. eutropha H16 annehmen. Histidin-Kinase und Response Regulator wurden in GloS bzw. GloR umbenannt. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt eindrucksvoll das Potential der Proteomik als Teil der funktionellen Genomik für den Anstoß neuer Forschungsansätze zur Evaluierung des biotechnologischen Potentials von Mikroorganismen. / Due to its remarkable metabolism the bioplastic-producing “Knallgas” bacterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 is ranked as a promising production strain for white biotechnology. It grows on a wide range of organic substrates as well as lithoautotrophically on H2 and CO2 as sole energy and carbon source, respectively. Under anaerobic conditions it thrives by denitrification. This thesis focused on characterizing the protein profiles of lithoautotrophically and anaerobically grown R. eutropha cells. Proteome analyses revealed an extensive protein repertoire adapting the organism to alternative electron donors and acceptors, respectively. Changes concerned proteins involved in metabolic and transport processes as well as in cell movement. Compared to previous studies the results reported here offer the most comprehensive proteomic survey regarding the H2-based as well as anaerobic lifestyle of R. eutropha so far. In this context analyzing the cell membrane as a place for a number of energy, transport and signal transduction processes was of particular importance. Special interest aroused the identification of a two-component system upregulated on H2/CO2. Sequence analysis offered high similarity to the regulatory system for catabolite control of biphenyl degradation in Acidovorax sp. KKS102. Deletion of the response regulator gene led to versatile growth effects on substrates such as fructose and glycerol as well as H2/CO2. This pleiotrophic phenotype as well as the results of gene expression studies and the search for regulator binding sites suggests that the two-component system is a global player in energy and/or carbon metabolism in R. eutropha and possibly other bacteria. Thus, histidine kinase and response regulator have been renamed GloS/R. Since their characterization was initiated by proteomic data this study impressively elucidates the power of functional genomics in terms of revealing new research approaches to evaluate the biotechnological use of microbes.

Combinatorial Synthesis and High-Throughput Analysis of Halide Perovskite Materials for Thin-Film Optoelectronic Devices

Näsström, Hampus 30 September 2022 (has links)
Metallhalogenid-Perowskite (MHP) haben sich als hervorragende Materialklasse im Bereich der Optoelektronik erwiesen, obwohl die Degradation der häufig verwendeten organischen Komponenten ihre Langzeitstabilität begrenzt. Um schnell stabile Alternativen zu finden, ist eine Parallelisierung des Prozesses der Materialentwicklung durch kombinatorische Synthese und Hochdurchsatzanalyse erforderlich. In dieser Arbeit wird dies durch die Entwicklung, Implementierung und Validierung zweier komplementärer Methoden für die kombinatorische Synthese realisiert. Zum einen wurde die lösungsmittelbasierte Methode des kombinatorischen Tintenstrahldrucks weiterentwickelt, indem ein neuer Algorithmus für eine verbesserte Tintenmischung bereitgestellt und validiert wurde. Zum anderen wurde die Synthese von CsyPb1-y(BrxI1-x)2-y-Doppelgradientenschichten durch Co-Verdampfung erreicht. Kombinatorische Bibliotheken, die durch diese beiden Methoden hergestellt wurden, wurden für die Hochdurchsatzuntersuchung der strukturellen und optischen Eigenschaften der anorganischen CsyPb1-y(BrxI1-x)2-y-MHP verwendet. Dies ermöglichte die schnelle Erstellung vollständiger Phasendiagramme für Dünnfilme des CsPb(BrxI1-x)3-Mischkristalls, die zeigen, dass die Zugabe von Br die halbleitende Perowskitphase stabilisiert und niedrigere Verarbeitungstemperaturen ermöglicht. Darüber hinaus wurden CsyPb1-y(BrxI1-x)2-y-Bibliotheken mit automatisierten, kontaktlosen optischen Raster-Messungen untersucht, die eine schnelle Sichtung von über 3400 Zusammensetzungen ermöglichten. Dies ermöglichte die Bewertung des photovoltaischen Potenzials von CsyPb1-y(BrxI1-x)2-y über einen sehr breiten Bereich von Zusammensetzungen. Das höchste Wirkungsgradpotenzial wurde für stöchiometrische Zusammensetzungen gefunden, wobei ein Überschuss an Pb oder Cs zu erhöhten Verlusten durch nichtstrahlende Rekombination führt. Diese Ergebnisse liefern wichtige Erkenntnisse für die weitere Entwicklung von anorganischen MHP-Bauelementen. / To keep up with the increasing need for specialized materials, a parallelization of the materials discovery process is needed through combinatorial synthesis and high-throughput analysis. The acceleration of materials discovery is especially of interest in the area of optoelectronics where metal halide perovskites (MHPs) have proven to be an excellent material class and have achieved impressive performance in photovoltaic devices among other applications. However, the degradation of the frequently employed organic components contributes to limiting the long-term stability of MHP devices. In this work, accelerated materials discovery is addressed through the development, implementation, and validation of two complementary methods for combinatorial synthesis. Firstly, the solution-based method of combinatorial inkjet printing was further developed by providing and validating a new algorithm for improved ink mixing. Secondly, the vapor-based synthesis of double-gradient CsyPb1-y(BrxI1-x)2-y was achieved by co-evaporation. Combinatorial libraries created by both methods were used for the high-throughput investigation of the structural and optical properties of the inorganic CsyPb1-y(BrxI1-x)2-y MHPs. This enabled the fast construction of complete phase diagrams for thin-films of the CsPb(BrxI1-x)3 solid solution which show that the addition of Br stabilizes the semiconducting perovskite phase and allows for lower processing temperatures. Additionally, CsyPb1-y(BrxI1-x)2-y libraries were investigated by automized, contact-less, optical mapping measurements, enabling the rapid screening of over 3400 compositions. This enabled the assessment of the photovoltaic potential of CsyPb1-y(BrxI1-x)2-y over a very broad compositional range. The maximum efficiency potential was found for stoichiometric compositions, with excess of Pb or Cs causing increased losses by non-radiative recombination. These results provide vital knowledge for further development of inorganic MHP devices.

Combining induced protease fragment assembly and microarray analysis to monitor signaling in living cells. / Combining induced protease fragment assembly and microarray analysis to monitor signaling in living cells.

Botvinnik, Anna 25 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Multifunctional Droplet-based Micro-magnetofluidic Devices

Lin, Gungun 16 August 2016 (has links)
Confronted with the global demographic changes and the increasing pressure on modern healthcare system, there has been a surge of developing new technology platforms in the past decades. Droplet microfluidics is a prominent example of such technology platforms, which offers an efficient format for massively parallelized screening of a large number of samples and holds great promise to boost the throughput and reduce the costs of modern biomedical activities. Despite recent achievements, the realization of a compact and generic screening system which is suited for resource-limited settings and point-of-care applications remains elusive. To address the above challenges, the dissertation focuses on the development of a compact multifunctional droplet micro-magnetofluidic system by exploring the advantages of magnetic in-flow detection principles. The methodologies behind a novel technique for biomedical applications, namely, magnetic in-flow cytometry have been put forth, which encompass magnetic indexing schemes, quantitative multiparametric analytics and magnetically-activated sorting. A magnetic indexing scheme is introduced and intrinsic to the magnetofluidic system. Two parameters characteristic of the magnetic signal when detecting magnetically functionalized objects, i.e. signal amplitude and peak width, providing information which is necessary to perform quantitative analysis in the spirit of optical cytometry has been proposed and realized. Magnetically-activated sorting is demonstrated to actively select individual droplets or to purify a population of droplets of interest. Together with the magnetic indexing scheme and multiparametric analytic technique, this functionality synergistically enables controlled synthesis, quality administration and screening of encoded magnetic microcarriers, which is crucial for the practical realization of magnetic suspension arrays technologies. Furthermore, to satisfy the needs of cost-efficient fabrication and high-volume delivery, an approach to fabricate magnetofluidic devices on flexible foils is demonstrated. The resultant device retains high performance of its rigid counterpart and exhibits excellent mechanical properties, which promises long-term stability in practical applications.

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