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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O impacto do empobrecimento na velhice / The impact of impoverishment on old age

Salviano, Ednéia 08 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:47:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edneia Salviano.pdf: 357505 bytes, checksum: d046d3fb7b40bdacb2d6b71e73b7b9b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-08 / Research focusing on the elderly population shows that one of the several fears associated with aging is fear of economic dependence. In light of this scenario and in view of the lack of specific studies on this theme, I became interested in investigating the impact that impoverishment had on the aging process of elderly individuals who had a good financial situation throughout their life. To achieve this, a qualitative research was developed in which six people (two men and four women) between the ages of 59 and 82 were interviewed. These individuals used to be rich and, due to some event, became impoverished in old age. The hypothesis that guided the study was that these subjects denied that possibility during their entire life and did not think of protecting themselves financially; this fact aggravated the impact they suffered due to the negative life event. The collected data allowed me to conclude that the impact of impoverishment on elderly individuals who used to have a good financial situation was felt with less or more intensity depending on the type of life trajectory constructed by each subject. Those who cultivated a social network supported by multiple axes showed greater capacity to adapt to stressful events deriving from changes in their project of life and seem to have greater facility to accept and assimilate life s lessons, reinventing themselves / Pesquisas enfocando a população idosa apontam que dentre os muitos medos associados ao envelhecimento está o medo da dependência econômica. Diante de tal quadro e ante a falta de pesquisas mais específicas sobre esta temática, surgiu o interesse em estudar o impacto do empobrecer na velhice para idosos que gozaram de uma situação financeira confortável durante toda a vida. Para tanto, desenvolvemos uma pesquisa qualitativa, com entrevistas junto a seis pessoas de 59 a 82 anos, dois homens e quatro mulheres, que foram ricas e em decorrência de um determinado evento se viram empobrecidos na velhice. Partimos da hipótese de que tais sujeitos negaram tal possibilidade durante toda a vida e não procuraram proteger-se financeiramente, fato este que acabou por agravar ainda mais o impacto sofrido diante do evento de vida negativo. Os dados levantados permitiram concluir que o impacto ocasionado pelo empobrecimento em idosos que gozavam de uma situação financeira confortável foi sentido em maior ou menor intensidade, dependendo do tipo de trajetória de vida construída por cada sujeito. Aqueles que cultivaram uma rede social apoiada em múltiplos eixos demonstram possuir uma maior capacidade de adaptação aos eventos estressores provenientes das reviravoltas do projeto de vida e aparentam uma facilidade maior em aceitar e assimilar as lições da vida, reinventando-se

O trabalho docente : pauperização, precarização e proletarização?

Fernandes, Hélio Clemente 05 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T16:17:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Helio_Clemente_ Fernandes.pdf: 2321742 bytes, checksum: 3aa62e96c856ad27ecab7472071402ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-05 / This research seeks to better understand the teaching. We made a historical approach since the early communities and to the way the organization slave, feudal and capitalist present some data showing how it takes place today and reflect on the categories of pauperization, impoverishment and proletarianization. The main objective is to understand the teaching, which in turn can not be sufficiently scaled regardless of its connection to the whole of society. The research is supported by authors who have dealt with this theme, however, also contains some elements of field research that shows the health status of teaching in Parana. The bibliography worked to establish relationships between teachers' work and the way society organizes and prepares people to live in itself. The study is divided into three chapters. The first entitled Panorama of teaching: the primitive communities the modern age. This seeks to build the background to understand the teachers' work with reference to its origin in history. Reflected on the teaching work in connection with the various companies they operated in the past and focus today. The second chapter "The teachers' work: from Brazil to the State of Paraná, highlights some features of teaching in Brazil, in order to complete the historical context to provide elements that allow the unveiling of the Parana State from 2002, seeking help, specifically in the discussion of health workers from the present reality in Western State, with the vantage point of the city of Cascavel, PR. In this chapter point to some data that show how the work is done teaching in Parana and the conditions under which it takes place. The third chapter received the title The teaching and pauperization, impoverishment and proletarianization, intends to investigate the implications of the development of capitalism in Brazil about the teaching profession, especially since the 1990s. This study allows us to infer some changes that have occurred in education and teaching as the changes occur in society. / A presente pesquisa busca melhor compreender o trabalho docente. Para tanto, realizamos uma abordagem histórica desde as comunidades primitivas, passando pelo modo de organização escravocrata, feudal e capitalista; apresentamos alguns dados que demonstram como ele ocorre na atualidade e refletimos sobre as categorias de pauperização, precarização e proletarização. O objetivo central é entender o trabalho docente, que por sua vez, não pode ser suficientemente dimensionado sem levar em consideração a sua ligação como a totalidade social. A pesquisa apoia-se em autores que se ocuparam desta temática, porém, também contém alguns elementos de pesquisa de campo que evidencia as condições da saúde do trabalho docente no Paraná. A bibliografia trabalhada permite estabelecer relações entre o trabalho docente e a forma como a sociedade se organiza e prepara os indivíduos para viverem nela mesma. O estudo está dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro intitulado Panorama do trabalho docente: das comunidades primitivas a Idade Moderna. Este procura construir o pano de fundo para se compreender o trabalho docente tendo como referência sua origem na história. Reflete-se sobre o trabalho docente em conexão com as diferentes sociedades que vigoraram no passado e incidem nos dias de hoje. O segundo capítulo denominado O trabalho docente: do Brasil ao Estado do Paraná, destaca alguns traços do trabalho docente no Brasil, com o intuito de completar o contexto histórico para indicar alguns elementos que possibilitem o desvelar deste no Estado do Paraná a partir de 2002, buscando contribuir, de modo específico, na discussão acerca da saúde desses trabalhadores a partir da realidade presente na Região Oeste do Estado, tendo como ponto de observação a cidade de Cascavel, PR. Neste capítulo apontam-se alguns dados que demonstram como é realizado o trabalho docente no Paraná e as condições em que ele se processa. O terceiro capítulo recebeu como título O trabalho docente e a pauperização, precarização e proletarização, pretende verificar as implicações do desenvolvimento do capitalismo no Brasil sobre o trabalho docente, sobretudo a partir da década de 1990. Este estudo permite inferir algumas mudanças que ocorreram no âmbito da educação e do trabalho docente conforme ocorrem as transformações na sociedade.

Contribution des TIC à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations défavorisées : l’exemple de la rive droite du Fleuve Sénégal, en Mauritanie / Contribution of ICT to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged populations : the example of the right bank of river Senegal

N'Diath, Mouhamadoul Hady 17 January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de la contribution des TIC à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations défavorisées. A partir d’un cadre empirique et spatial qu’est la Contrée de Law située sur la rive droite du Fleuve Sénégal, nous tentons de montrer comment les populations enclavées et pauvres et abandonnées par les pouvoirs publics ont pu faire des TIC des outils pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie. En effet, dans cette localité enclavée, la sécheresse des années 70, a détruit le tissu économique local qui reposait sur une agriculture de subsistance. Les émigrés qui ont déserté cette localité se sont retrouvés en Europe pour subvenir aux besoins des familles restées au pays. En effet, les transferts d’argent constituent, pour beaucoup de familles, le seul moyen de faire face aux besoins quotidiens. Ces transferts d’argent empruntent des canaux informels grâce au téléphone portable. Après avoir passé en revue les différents types de transferts, l’étude empirique s’est intéressée sur les retombées de cette manne financière dans les villages et villes du bassin du Fleuve Sénégal utilisant, non pas du PIB par tête, mais des indicateurs de développement humain plus objectifs en termes de retombées sociales. En plus d’assurer la survie de la famille, les immigrés regroupés en associations dans les localités d’accueil, entreprennent des projets communautaires. Les transformations urbaines grâce aux projets immobiliers sont aussi un indicateur important. Les chantiers qui émergent créent de l’emploi dans les petites et moyennes entreprises comme la soudure, la menuiserie et la quincaillerie. Par ailleurs, les radios communautaires installées le long de la rive gauche du fleuve ont un impact important au sein des populations de la rive droite. Ces radios, prolongement de l’oralité, sont très proches des préoccupations locales. En effet, les annonces et les informations véhiculées à travers ces radios concernent le quotidien des populations. Mais en même temps cette appropriation des TIC a entraîné des changements socioculturels importants au sein de populations et a creusé davantage la fracture sociale par la paupérisation et la marginalisation. Cependant, l’oralité support de l’identité culturelle semble épargnée par cette perte de repères car les médias comme la radio et le téléphone portable sont une sorte « d’oralité seconde », une sorte de préservation des formes de communications traditionnelles largement évoquées dans la partie empirique. / This thesis deals with the study of the contribution of ICT to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged populations. From an empirical and spatial framework that is the Law Contrée located on the right bank of the River Senegal, we try to show how populations isolated and poor and abandoned by the public authorities were able to make ICT tools for the improvement of living conditions. Indeed, in this enclave locality, droughts of the 1970s, has destroyed the local economic fabric based on subsistence agriculture. Emigrants who have deserted this locality are found in Europe to meet the needs of families remained in the country. In fact, money transfers for many families are the only way to cope with everyday needs. These money transfers through informal channels through the mobile phone. After reviewing the different types of transfers, empirical study is interested on the impact of this financial windfall in the villages and towns of the basin of river Senegal using, rather than of GDP per capita, but more objective indicators of human development in terms of social benefits. In addition to ensuring the survival of family, immigrants grouped into associations in host communities undertake community-based projects. Urban transformations through real estate projects are also an important indicator. Sites that create employment in small and medium-sized enterprises such as welding, carpentry and hardware. Furthermore, community radio located on the left bank of the River has an impact of populations on the right bank. These radios, extension of Orality, are very close to local concerns. Indeed, announcements and information conveyed through these radios relate to the everyday life of the populations. But at the same time this appropriation of ICTs has resulted in significant socio-culturalchanges in populations and deepened further the social divide by poverty and marginalization. However, oral cultural identity support appears to be spared by this loss of marks because the media like radio and mobile phones are a kind of second Orality", a kind of preservation of traditional communications widely evoked in the empirical part forms.

Dynamiques paysagères et guerre dans la province de Thừa Thiên-Huế (Viêt Nam central) , 1954-2007 : entre défoliation, déforestation et reconquêtes végétales / Landscape dynamics and war in Thừa Thiên-Huế province (central Viêt Nam), 1954-2007 : between defoliation, deforestation and reforestation

Robert, Amélie 03 December 2011 (has links)
La guerre du Việt Nam mit la forêt au coeur des enjeux militaires. Nées des controverses sur lesconséquences environnementales des épandages d’herbicides, des hypothèses ont émergé sur les impacts decette pratique : différentiels selon les unités paysagères, aggravés par les perturbations anthropiques antérieureset postérieures à la guerre. Relevant de la biogéographie, l’analyse géohistorique confronte des sources souventdivergentes et privilégie les princeps pour reconstituer, à des dates clés, les paysages d’une province au coeurdu conflit. L’état actuel de partition en trois unités – plaine, collines et montagnes – révèle le lien entreperturbation et accessibilité. Circa 1954, les pratiques précoloniales et coloniales avaient déjà perturbé lesécosystèmes, de manière croissante des montagnes vers la plaine. Les impacts d’une guerre dirigée contre lemilieu furent directs et indirects. Après-guerre, ils furent aggravés par les pratiques civiles, qui bloquèrent lareconquête spontanée et provoquèrent déboisements et déforestations ; la pression s’accrut dans les collines etles montagnes, plus affectées par la guerre. Depuis circa 1990, les décisions politiques ont placé officiellementla forêt entre protection et développement mais elles se heurtent aux nécessités du développement économique.La reconquête, dirigée, accélérée par la plantation d’espèces à croissance rapide, est engagée dans dessylvosystèmes perturbés et épargnés par la guerre. Aujourd’hui, dans les trois unités paysagères, les zonesdéfoliées ne sont pas identifiables : cicatrisation, poursuite du recul des forêts surtout ont fait leur oeuvre.Restent visibles les géofaciès de cratères et les anciennes bases militaires américaines. La conjugaison desperturbations empêche l’identification du strict impact actuel de la guerre et relativise celui-ci ; plus affaiblissont les sylvosystèmes de la plaine qui, moins touchés, subissent une forte pression séculaire. / The Việt Nam war put the forest at the heart of military stakes. The controversies over the environmentalconsequences of herbicide spraying inspire the hypothesis that the impacts of this practice are differentialaccording to landscape units, worsened by the human disturbances prior to and after the war. Coming underbiogeography, the geohistorical analysis compares sources, that are often divergent, and favors primary ones toreconstruct, at key dates, the landscapes of a province at the heart of the conflict. The present state of partitioninto three units – plain, hills and mountains – reveals the link between disturbance and accessibility. Circa1954, the precolonial and colonial practices had already disturbed ecosystems increasingly from the mountainsto the plain. The impacts of a war against the environment were direct and indirect. In the post-war years, theywere worsened by the civilian practices, which inhibited spontaneous reforestation and provoked forestimpoverishment and deforestation; the pressure increased in the hills and mountains, which were more affectedby the war. Since circa 1990, the political decisions have officially put the forest between protection anddevelopment but they come up against the necessities of economic development. Managed, accelerated by theplantation of fast-growing species, the reforestation is started in some sylvosystems, that were disturbed orspared by the war. Today, in the three landscape units, the defoliated areas are not identifiable because ofhealing and, above all, continuation of forest decline. Geofacies of craters and former American military basesremain visible. The combination of disturbances prevents from identifying the strict present impact of the warand puts this one into perspective; more weakened are the plain sylvosystems, which were less hit but suffer astrong secular pressure.


MONICA DE FREITAS FRIAS CHAVES 18 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre deficiência estrutural na esquizofrenia, no qual foi investigado o uso de sujeitos pronominais e o tipo de sentenças em narrativas produzidas por falantes nativos do Português do Brasil coloquial diagnosticados com esquizofrenia. Tomando como base a Teoria da Gramática Gerativa, na qual a gramática humana é definida como um mecanismo computacional cognitivo, exploramos a hipótese de que a esquizofrenia acarreta um empobrecimento estrutural no nível sintático. Dois corpora de relatos de sonho e de vigília foram examinados considerando o sujeito pronominal e o tipo de sentenças. No geral, nossos resultados mostram que, comparado ao grupo controle, os participantes com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia produziram uma proporção significativamente maior de sentenças matriz, de pronomes nulos, em especial de nulos referenciais de 3ª. pessoa. Nossos resultados estão de acordo com a hipótese de empobrecimento estrutural na esquizofrenia, especialmente se pronomes nulos forem considerados elementos que apresentam redução estrutural em comparação com pronomes plenos. Nossos resultados corroboram ainda com a hipótese de que a gramática em face da esquizofrenia, possivelmente, apresenta um déficit em termos de categorias funcionais, o que levaria ao empobrecimento estrutural e às anomalias no uso referencial de pronomes (Tovar et al., 2019). Nossos resultados são, portanto, evidência extra de que a deficiência estrutural e uma característica universal da esquizofrenia, ao mesmo tempo em que sugerem que a manifestação dessa deficiência depende da língua, estando, assim, sujeita à variação paramétrica. / [en] The present dissertation is an exploratory study of structural deficiency in schizophrenia, in which the usage of subject pronouns and type of sentence in narratives produced by native speakers of Colloquial Brazilian Portuguese diagnosed with schizophrenia is investigated. Couched within Generative Grammar Theory, in which human grammar is defined as a computational cognitive device, we explored the hypothesis that schizophrenia leads to structural impoverishment at the syntactic level. Two corpora of narratives of dream and waking reports were examined considering subject pronouns and type of sentences. Overall, our results showed significant higher proportion of matrix sentences and null pronouns, particularly of 3Person referential null pronouns in the schizophrenia group as compared to the control group. These findings are in line with the hypothesis of structural impoverishment in schizophrenia, especially if null pronouns are taken to be elements with reduced structure in comparison to full pronouns. Also, our results corroborate with the hypothesis that grammar in the face of schizophrenia might present a deficit in terms of functional categories, which leads to structural impoverishment and to anomalies in the referential use of pronouns (Tovar et al., 2019). Our findings are thus extra evidence that structural deficiency is a universal feature of schizophrenia, while suggesting manifestations of this deficiency is language dependent, being, thus, subject to parametric variation.

Armut in Mexiko-Stadt (Mexiko) und Berlin (Deutschland) / eine Studie über Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede im Verarmungsprozess

Velasco, Mireya Arauz 17 November 2014 (has links)
Das Phänomen der Armut zählt zu den größten Problemen der Großstädte. Die im Fokus dieser Arbeit stehende Armut in zwei Städten kann nur mit einer breiteren Betrachtung der sozialen Ungleichheit, zunehmender Arbeitslosigkeit, der Verschlechterung von Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen, der Einkommensdisparitäten etc. verstanden werden. Diese Merkmale sind in zunehmendem Maße in Städten der Industrieländer wie Berlin zu spüren. Die wachsende Ausbreitung von Armut in den industrialisierten Gesellschaften sowie in den sogenannten Schwellenländern führte zu einer breiteren Diskussion über das Armutsphänomen auf internationaler Ebene. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Phänomen der Armut in zwei Großstädten untersucht. Mexiko-Stadt und Berlin sind zwei unterschiedliche Städte mit ähnlichen sozialen Problemen. Mexiko-Stadt ist die ,typische’ Stadt in einem Schwellenland, die sich von Städten der Industrieländer durch den Grad der sozialen Ungleichheit, die ausgeprägte Kluft zwischen arm und reich sowohl strukturell als auch funktionell deutlich unterscheidet. Berlin andererseits nähert sich nach der Wiedervereinigung den Problemen anderer großen Metropolen an. In den letzten Jahren traten folgende Phänomene auf: das Entstehen neuer Formen der Armut, eine wachsende Zahl von Sozialhilfeempfängern, eine zunehmende Migrationsbevölkerung ohne wirtschaftliche Perspektiven u.a. Die Studie fasst Untersuchungsergebnisse und Berichte über Armut in Mexiko-Stadt und Berlin zusammen. Es handelt sich nicht um die Erhebung neuer empirischer Daten, sondern um die Selektion, Darstellung und Analyse verschiedener Studien zu Armut in beiden Städten. Die Analyse widmet sich der Armut unter dem Gesichtspunkt gemeinsamer Aspekte, verschiedener Charakteristiken und der jeweiligen Entwicklungstrends in den zwei untersuchten Städten. / The phenomenon of poverty is one of the most serious problems of big cities. The focus of this doctoral thesis is an examination of poverty in two major cities, which must be understood on a broader basis while considering social inequality, rising unemployment, deterioration of working and living conditions, income disparities, etc. These increasing characteristics are notable in cities of developed countries such as Berlin. The growing spread of poverty in industrialized societies and in emerging countries has led to a broader discussion about the phenomenon of poverty at the international level. This doctoral thesis analyzes the phenomenon of poverty in two major cities. Mexico City and Berlin are two different cities with similar social problems. Mexico City is a ,typicalʼ city in a emerging country, which is structurally as well as functionally different from cities of developed countries by the degree of social inequality and the pronounced gap between rich and poor. On the other hand, after its reunification Berlin faces problems of other large cities. In recent years the following phenomena have occurred: the emergence of new forms of poverty, a growing number of welfare recipients, an increasing migrant population without economic prospects etc. This study summarizes investigative findings and reports on poverty in Mexico City and Berlin together. The goal is not to collect new empirical data, but rather to emphasize the selection, presentation and analysis of various studies on poverty in both cities. The analysis focuses on poverty from the standpoint of common aspects, differing characteristics and the respective development trends in the two researched cities.

Socio-economic history of North Shawa, Ethiopia (1880s-1935)

Demisie, Dechasa Abebe 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis attempts to address how and why North Shäwa deteriorated from a political heartland to a region of impoverished peasants by the beginning of the 20th century. One of the factors that determine the selection of the place for a seat of the government for a region or country and sustainability of its system is its resource potential. In this case, arable and grazing land with other related land resources were decisive. They were some of the major factors contributing to both the origin and development of the kingdom. However, by the beginning of the 20th century, the region was abandoned by the court and by a significant proportion of its population. This was mainly because of the impoverishment of the region. The growth of the number of consumers (town dwellers) and the supplies needed by the kingdom exceeded the carrying capacity of North Shäwa. The economic productivity of the region could not correspond to the development of its needs. Thus, this thesis accords due emphasis to the factors that contributed to the impoverishment of North Shäwa and the consequences that followed. Throughout the thesis, North Shäwan peasants are the main subject of discussion. Political, social, cultural and geographical factors that impacted on the peasants’ economy and that retarded its development are discussed in the study. It also attempts to unearth the measures taken by the court and peoples of North Shäwa to withstand or escape from the prevailing socio-economic problems. Finally a comparison is made with other regions of the country to describe the political and socio-economic status of North Shäwans that continue to live in the region. This discussion covers the period from the 1880s up to the Italian occupation of Ethiopia in 1935 / History / D.Litt. et Phil. (History)

Empobrecimento da experiência, formação e juventude / Impoverishment of experience, formation and youth

Franco, David Budeus 27 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-09-19T10:19:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 David Budeus Franco.pdf: 3579404 bytes, checksum: 301eb8906feba479bc23d234d1049a86 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-19T10:19:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 David Budeus Franco.pdf: 3579404 bytes, checksum: 301eb8906feba479bc23d234d1049a86 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-27 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This work has as central problem understand what does young people (high school students) think on education and work in relation to the future, based on their experiences. Whereas the complexity of subject, this investigation has searched put on discussion concepts crystalized, like youth and experience, in order that could realize an exam more objective and central about the studied question. To this research is important analyze the relation among youth, experience and their expectations, whereas this stage, wherein high school students are, is the moment of many definitions, since biological and cognitive aspects, until the psychological and socials. This is an investigation which has in critical theory of society, Frankfurt's School, especially on first generation, the conceptual basis - from this theoretical perspective, that intent to make the data interpretation. The research was made on South zone of São Paulo city, especially on Capão Redondo district, where, from four selected schools, this study obtained 314 participants, who agreed to answer the proposed quiz. The research achieved the central objective firstly proposed, that was: to examine the relationship among daily social relations and the cultural habits of youthful and their expectation about future. Also was possible to confirm the central hypothesis and its outspread: there is not meaningful differences in youthful expectations in function of diversity of objective situations faced by them and two main tendencies are predominant: i) a meaningful number of youthful investigated present traces of indifference about the future; ii) there are a restrict number of youth unsatisfied, nevertheless with difficulties to see social alternatives. In the end of data examinations was possible realize that investigated youth reflect the tendencies of social phenomena of impoverishment of experience, which, in its turn, conduct to conformation of consciousness and of expectations / Este trabalho tem como problema central compreender o que pensam os jovens, estudantes do ensino médio, sobre educação e trabalho em relação ao futuro, tendo como referência suas próprias experiências. Considerando a complexidade do tema, buscou-se melhor definir conceitos já cristalizados, como os de juventude e experiência, a fim de que se pudesse realizar exame mais objetivo e central da questão estudada. Analisar as relações entre juventude, experiência e suas expectativas interessa na medida em que se considera essa fase na qual os estudantes do Ensino Médio se encontram é um importante momento de definições de toda ordem, desde os aspectos biológicos e cognitivos, até os psicológicos e sociais. Esta é uma investigação que tem na teoria crítica da sociedade, Escola de Frankfurt, especialmente a sua primeira geração, a base conceitual – é a partir desta perspectiva teórica que se busca realizar as interpretações dos dados. A pesquisa foi realizada na zona sul da cidade de São Paulo, especificamente na região do Capão Redondo, onde, a partir de quatro escolas selecionadas, obteve-se 314 participantes, os quais aceitaram responder ao questionário proposto. A pesquisa atingiu o objetivo central inicialmente proposto, qual seja: examinar os nexos entre o cotidiano das relações sociais e os hábitos culturais dos jovens e as expectativas que expressam acerca do futuro. Também foi possível confirmar a hipótese central e seus desdobramentos: não há diferenças significativas nas expectativas dos jovens em função da diversidade de situações objetivas enfrentadas por eles e duas tendências principais são predominantes: i) número significativo dos jovens investigados apresentam traços de indiferença quanto ao futuro; ii) há um número restrito de jovens inconformados, todavia com dificuldades de vislumbrar alternativas sociais. Ao final do exame dos dados foi possível perceber que a juventude pesquisada reflete as tendências do fenômeno social do empobrecimento da experiência, o que, por sua vez, leva à conformação de consciências e de expectativas

Socio-economic history of North Shawa, Ethiopia (1880s-1935)

Deschasa Abebe Demisie 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis attempts to address how and why North Shäwa deteriorated from a political heartland to a region of impoverished peasants by the beginning of the 20th century. One of the factors that determine the selection of the place for a seat of the government for a region or country and sustainability of its system is its resource potential. In this case, arable and grazing land with other related land resources were decisive. They were some of the major factors contributing to both the origin and development of the kingdom. However, by the beginning of the 20th century, the region was abandoned by the court and by a significant proportion of its population. This was mainly because of the impoverishment of the region. The growth of the number of consumers (town dwellers) and the supplies needed by the kingdom exceeded the carrying capacity of North Shäwa. The economic productivity of the region could not correspond to the development of its needs. Thus, this thesis accords due emphasis to the factors that contributed to the impoverishment of North Shäwa and the consequences that followed. Throughout the thesis, North Shäwan peasants are the main subject of discussion. Political, social, cultural and geographical factors that impacted on the peasants’ economy and that retarded its development are discussed in the study. It also attempts to unearth the measures taken by the court and peoples of North Shäwa to withstand or escape from the prevailing socio-economic problems. Finally a comparison is made with other regions of the country to describe the political and socio-economic status of North Shäwans that continue to live in the region. This discussion covers the period from the 1880s up to the Italian occupation of Ethiopia in 1935 / History / D.Litt. et Phil. (History)

As relações de trabalho na indústria calçadista de Franca

Crico, Ana Paula 25 August 2006 (has links)
The present work seeks to enlarge the discussion about the several transformations that happened in the work relationships inside the Franca footwear industries. To better understand such transformations the research was developed over the many transformations occurred in the city, since the geographical displacement of the industrial pole, until the places that were of great importance in the life of the francanos workers, as the Praça Nossa Senhora da Conceição, the heart of the city. The process of productive reorganization of the footwear industry was marked by the machinery modifications, by the subcontracting process of the productive sector parts (followed by the intense impoverishment of the work starting from 1990 decade) and by the organizational reorganization inside the companies, that reflected in a new form of the worker to exert their functions in the footwear industries. The workers demonstrated, through their experiences, how the alterations in their lives had happened inside of this so important productive footwear pole that Franca became. Moving by your people's power and generating and attracting more and more labor force, the city became world-wide known for the shoes production, mainly the masculine ones. In the "City of the Shoe" the shoemakers lived changes, organized themselves, searched and formed syndical union and political representations, and went to the streets to fight and bleed for their sacred rights of worker. / O presente trabalho visa ampliação da discussão sobre as diversas transformações ocorridas nas relações de trabalho na indústria calçadista de Franca. Para entender melhor tais transformações a pesquisa desenvolveu-se em cima das muitas alterações que se sucederam na cidade, desde o deslocamento geográfico do pólo industrial, até os locais que foram de grande importância na vida dos trabalhadores francanos, como a Praça Nossa Senhora da Conceição, o coração da cidade. O processo de reestruturação produtiva da indústria calçadista foi marcado pela modificação do maquinário, pelo processo de terceirização de partes do setor produtivo (acompanhado pela precarização intensa do trabalho a partir da década de 1990) e pela reestruturação organizacional dentro das empresas, o que se refletiu em uma nova forma do trabalhador exercer as suas funções nas fábricas de calçados. Os trabalhadores demonstraram, através de suas experiências, como as alterações em suas vidas foram ocorrendo no interior deste pólo produtivo de calçados tão importante em que Franca se tornou. Movendo-se pela força de sua gente e gerando e atraindo cada vez mais mão-de-obra, a cidade fez-se conhecida mundialmente pela produção de sapatos, principalmente os masculinos. Na "Cidade do Calçado" os operários sapateiros vivenciaram mudanças, organizaram-se, buscaram e formaram representações sindicais e políticas, foram à luta e sangraram nas ruas por seus direitos sagrados de trabalhador. / Mestre em História

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