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När myndigheter bryter normen : En kritisk diskursanalys av myndighetsskandalerNilsson, Susanne, Westin, Robin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur skandaler där statliga myndigheter är inblandade skapas i relation mellan tryckta medier och myndigheters egna uttalanden. Detta görs utifrån ett diskursteoretiskt perspektiv genom att undersöka vilka diskurser som konstrueras och fungerar konstituerande i skandalernas utveckling. Utöver den kritiska diskursteorin tar vi även hjälp av teorier om intryckshantering och medialisering för att analysera empirin genom en kritisk diskursanalys. Metodvalet har gjorts på grund av dess anknytning till det kritiska diskursteoretiska perspektivet som ser diskurser och sociala praktiker som ömsesidigt konstituerande och konstituerade. Den empiri som analyserats är hämtad från de svenska dags- och kvällstidningarna Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet samt Transportstyrelsens och Pensionsmyndighetens egna uttalanden från respektive myndighets webbsida. Det huvudsakliga resultatet av studien var att myndigheter tenderar att svara efter den rapportering som sker i tryckta medier och anpassa sin kommunikation därefter. De tryckta medierna har därigenom makten att utmana och sätta diskursen kring det normbrott som skandalen innebär. En diskurs som myndigheterna därmed tvingas bemöta och utmana för att undvika att den egna verksamheten uppfattas som avvikande i förhållande till denna diskurs. / The purpose of this paper is to investigate how scandals involving government agencies are created in relation to print media and authorities’ own statements. This is done from a discourse theoretical perspective by investigating the discourses that are constituted and functioning in the development of scandals. In addition to the critical discourse theory, we also use theories of impression management and medialization to analyze the material through a critical discourse analysis. The choice of critical discourse analysis as the methodology has been made because of its connection to the critical discourse theory, which sees discourses and social practices as mutually constitutive and constitutional. The analyzed material has been taken from the Swedish daily and evening newspapers Dagens Industri, Dagens nyheter and Aftonbladet, and Swedish Transport Agency’s (Transportstyrelsen) and Pension Authority’s (Pensionsmyndigheten) own statements from the respective authorities website. The main result of the study was that authorities tend to respond to the reporting in print media and then adjust their communication accordingly. The printed media thus have the power to challenge and discourage the norm violation that the scandal implies. A discourse that the authorities are therefore forced to respond to and challenge to avoid their own activities being perceived as deviating in relation to this discourse.
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Trovärdighet på onlinebutiker inom mode : En kvalitativ studie av den estetiska utformningens påverkan på trovärdigheten vid ett första intryck / Credibility of online fashion retailers : A qualitative study on the impact of the aesthetic design on credibility at a first impressionFurberg, Anna, Lindholm, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
E-commerce is becoming more common in Sweden and many Swedes buy clothing and sporting goods online. Online fashion retailers offer a visually pleasing range of products, which places greater emphasis on the aesthetic design of the online retailer. This paper examines how the perceived credibility of an online fashion retailer is influenced by the aesthetic design through a first impression. This study was conducted through ten interviews where the informants observed, assessed, and then discussed the online fashion retailers that were used in this study. Results show that recognition of an aesthetic design and a perception of usability and professionalism affects the perceived credibility in a positive way. Credibility is also conveyed through a simple aesthetic design and negatively affected by poor readability and a perception of lack of information. The result also shows that the user doesn’t need to find the aesthetic design appealing to assess the online retailer as credible. We hope that our results can be used in future studies and also possibly be helpful for future design of the websites of online fashion retailers. / E-handel blir allt vanligare i Sverige och många svenskar köper kläder och sportartiklar online. Onlinebutiker inom mode erbjuder ett visuellt tilltalande sortiment vilket gör att ökad vikt läggs vid den estetiska utformningen av onlinebutiken. Denna c-uppsats undersöker hur upplevd trovärdighet på en onlinebutik inom mode påverkas av den estetiska utformningen vid ett första intryck. Detta undersöktes genom tio intervjuer där informanterna fick observera, bedöma och sedan diskutera det urval av onlinebutiker som förekom i studien. Vi har sett att igenkänning av den estetiska utformningen och en upplevelse av användbarhet och professionalitet påverkar trovärdigheten positivt. Trovärdighet förmedlas även genom en enkel och stilren estetisk utformning. Den påverkas i sin tur negativt av uppfattningen om dålig läsbarhet samt bristande mängd delgiven information. Resultatet visar även att användaren inte behöver finna den estetiska utformningen tilltalande för att bedöma onlinebutiken som trovärdig. Vi hoppas att våra resultat kan användas i framtida studier och även möjligtvis vara till hjälp vid framtida utformning av onlinebutiker inom mode.
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Filtres accordables volumiques à forts facteurs de qualité pour des applications spatiales / High quality tunable filters for spatial applicationsJolly, Nicolas 02 November 2015 (has links)
A l'heure où la demande en quantité d'informations et le nombre d'utilisateurs explosent, toujours avec des limitations en allocation en fréquence et bande passante, les systèmes de télécommunication tendent à optimiser la gestion de leur capacité en s'orientant vers des systèmes reconfigurables. Dans le cas des filtres d'OMUX, apporter de l'accordabilité en conservant d'excellentes performances électriques, thermiques et mécaniques soulève de nombreuses difficultés.Nous avons dans un premier temps démontré la faisabilité sur un filtre à saut de canal à bande passante constante par le biais d'une cavité métallique chargée par un perturbateur en alumine en mouvement de rotation. Ensuite, nous avons proposé des solutions pour avoir un contrôle de la fréquence et de la bande passante en se basant sur la translation de matériaux diélectriques. Les facteurs de qualité mis en jeu sont de l'ordre de la dizaine de milliers. Enfin nous avons tiré profit de l'évolution des technologies d'impression plastique 3D pour valider différents concepts de filtres accordables. / At a time when the amount of information and the number of users go through the roof in telecommunication market, the telecommunication systems tend to improve the management of their capacity by moving toward reconfigurable RF devices. However frequency and bandwidth allocated are still restricted. Regarding tunable OMUX filters, the actuation systems generally degrade the overall performances of the device and raise questions in terms of mechanic and thermic.We first demonstrated the feasability of a two state filter with constant narrowband, using a dielectric material (alumina) in rotation inside a metallic housing. Then, we suggested solutions to control both frequency and bandwidth with the translation of a ceramics. We deal with quality factor in the range of ten of thousands for these applications. Eventually, we validated some principle for tunable filters thanks to the efficiency of 3D plastic printer.
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Hästunderstött socialt arbete - ett samtalsrum med potentiella möjligheter för ungdomar med självskadebeteenden och deras personalCarlsson, Catharina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis examines, through qualitative methods, the role of the horse in equine-assisted social work (EASW) as well as what facilitates or constrains the role of the horse. Specifically, should interaction be understood in the same manner regardless of which individuals that participate? The thesis is based on empirical data collected throughinterviews with eight staff members and nine female self-harming clients, aged 15–21 years, in a residential treatment facility. In addition, video recordings of the human-horse interaction of three staff members and four clients were analyzed, resulting in the additional issues addressed in a second interview. Critical dialogues between patterns and fragmentations in the narratives and video-recordings, as well as a dialogue with participants, while they were viewing videos of their own EASW sessions, led to the conclusion that adding a horse could qualitatively change therapeutic relationships. The results are presented in four articles that provide an image of the complexity of EASW. The summary chapters focus on a synthesized analysis, based on Goffman’sdramaturgical perspective and Hochschild’s emotional rules in which the concepts were applied: backstage, frontstage, impression management, stigma, emotional management, deep acting and surface acting. The analysis demonstrated that defense mechanisms are reduced when the horse is perceived as non-judgmental and therefore less intimidating. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that it is crucial that the horse is regarded as a subject, a transitional object, which can silence the inner critic and create a ‘moment of silence’ that contradicts stigmas and enablesadolescents to regulate their emotions. This leads to possibilities to be more authentic and the relationship between staff and adolescents to be perceived as more authentic. In summary, the work presented in this thesis contributes to increased knowledge about the role of the horse in opposing impression management and surface acting, depending on the high demands on staff to reach outcomes regarding communication, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-image. The different triads consist of different liaisons, giving rise to unique combinations and the potential to avoid emotional dissonance. The quality of the relationships seems to depend on staff and clients’ attachment orientations. Keywords: Authentic, Emotional work, Equine-assisted social work, Impression management, Moment of silence, Self-harming adolescents, Stigmatization
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DEPENDENCE OF POLITICAL LEADERS' OFFICIAL PHOTOS ON THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT IN THE WESTERN WORLD ( 1821-2013 ) / Závislost oficiálních fotografii politických představitelů na formě vlád západního světa v letech 1821-2013Vejvodová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
I study the role that facial expressions play in determining political ideology. I have collected 20,475 assessments of politicians representing 14 countries. Based on a dataset captured from 1821-2015, our results imply that the facial expressions of politicians do play a significant role in the explanation of their ideology. Controlling for positivism of expressions model confirms this general picture: Democratic regime politicians have a tendency to express positive emotions since they are in principle selling the future. Autocratic regimes are mostly trying to exert fear and the facial expressions of dictators are non-positive. We also find that evaluation of the regime is negatively correlated with TV broadcasting in some countries. Accordingly, we can claim that voting perception and behavior is guided by the pictures and videos which are delivered via television.
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Étude et synthèse par chimie douce de nanoparticules de β-Zn4Sb3 pour la réalisation de composants thermoélectriques par des solutions d’impression / Study and wet chemistry synthesis of Zn4Sb3 nanoparticule for realisation of thermoelectrics compounds by printing technologiesDenoix, Arthur 16 December 2011 (has links)
L'utilisation de la thermoélectricité passe par une amélioration du rendement du module thermoélectrique à travers l'optimisation de ses dimensions et l'augmentation du facteur de mérite des matériaux thermoélectriques, mais aussi par une réduction des coûts de synthèse et de mise en forme. Dans le cadre de cette thèse nous nous sommes intéressés à la synthèse de β–Zn4Sb3 nanométrique par une méthode de chimie douce à faible dépense énergétique. Nous avons étudié la mise en forme de ce matériau par des technologies d'impression qui permettent d'atteindre les dimensions optimales et présentent un coût réduit. β-Zn4Sb3 est obtenu en deux étapes : une synthèse à reflux suivie d'un traitement thermique à 400°C sous vide secondaire. La composition chimique (DRX, affinement Rietveld), la morphologie (MEB, TEM) et la stabilité en température (spectroscopie Raman) de la poudre sont étudiées. β-Zn4Sb3 ainsi obtenu est densifié par SPS et ses propriétés thermoélectriques sont mesurées montrant une augmentation du facteur de mérite pour des températures inférieures à 100°C. Au dessus de cette température, la présence de porosité et de zinc augmente la résistivité électrique et la conductivité thermique et les échantillons ont un facteur de mérite de 0,6 à 400°C. Enfin, la poudre est mise en forme par sérigraphie et atomisation sur substrat en verre et en Kapton. Le β-Zn4Sb3 montre une forte résistivité électrique juste après impression mais l'application de traitement mécanique et thermique permet de la diminuer. Le facteur de mérite estimé des dépôts est de 0,06 à 400°C. Cependant le faible coût de mise en forme et la possibilité d'automatisation rendent ces techniques viables. / Use of thermoelectricy involves an increase of the module efficiency. In this purpose we need to optimize the dimension of the module and to increase the figure of merit of thermoelectric materials. But we also need to reduce the synthesis and shaping cost. Within the framework of this thesis, we focused on the synthesis of β-Zn4Sb3 nanoparticles by a low energy technique: wet chemistry. We also studied the shaping of this material by printing technologies. These cost-effective technologies allow reaching optimized dimensions. β-Zn4Sb3 is synthesized in two steps: a reflux synthesis flowed by a thermal treatment at 400 °C under vacuum. Chemical composition (XRD, Rietveld refinement), morphology (SEM, TEM) and thermal stability of the powder are studied. The as product β-Zn4Sb3 is densified by SPS and we measured its properties. They show an increase of the figure of merit for temperatures below 100 °C. However above this temperature the presence of zinc and porosity increase electric resistivity and thermal conductivity, leading to a figure of merit of 0.6 at 400 °C. Finally the powder is shaped by two printing technologies: screenprinting and atomization on glass and Kapton substrate. Just after printing the samples show a high electrical resistivity but a decrease is observed after mechanical and thermal treatment. The estimate figure of merit of printing β-Zn4Sb3 is 0.06 at 400 °C. However the printing techniques are cost-effective and allow mass production, which make them still interesting.
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Mise en forme de matériaux carbonés biosourcés par voie liquide / Preparation of bio-based carbon materials by wet processesRoman, Julien 05 November 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à la mise en forme de nouveaux matériaux carbonés à partir d’un précurseur biosourcé. Les matériaux carbonés tels que les fibres de carbone utilisés dans les composites sont principalement obtenus à partir de précurseurs d’origine pétrosourcée. Ces précurseurs sont onéreux et incompatibles avec une industrie durable. L’utilisation d’un précurseur biosourcé disponible en grande quantité tel que la lignine permet de pallier ces limitations. La structure moléculaire aromatique et la teneur élevée en carbone de la lignine font d’elle un candidat idéal pour l’élaboration de matériau carboné biosourcé. La lignine a pu être transformée en divers matériaux carbonés tels que des nanofibres de carbone, des tresses de nanofibres de carbone, ou encore des objets 3D composites carbonisés. Ces matériaux ont été obtenus à partir de techniques innovantes que sont l’électrofilage et l’impression 3D. Le tressage des nanofibres de carbone ex-lignine a permis d’évaluer les propriétés mécaniques des fibres de carbone. Les propriétés électrochimiques des tresses de nanofibres de carbone ex-lignine sont apparues intéressantes pour une utilisation potentielle en tant que microélectrodes. La microstructure faiblement organisée du carbone issue de la lignine a pu être améliorée. Un traitement thermique de graphitisation ou un ajout de nanocharges carbonées ont contribué à cette amélioration. Les propriétés mécaniques, structurales et de conductivité électrique des nanofibres nanocomposites ont permis de définir l’influence de l’oxyde de graphène sur la lignine. Un effet composite entre ces deux constituants a pu être observé. L’impression 3D d’encres composites à base de lignine et d’oxyde de graphène a pu être rapportée pour la première fois afin d’élaborer des objets 3D carbonisés denses, organisés et conducteurs d’électricité. / This work is devoted to the preparation of new bio-based carbon materials. Carbon materials, such as carbon fibers used in composites, are mainly obtained from a petroleum precursor. These precursors are expensive and not compatible with a sustainable industry. The use of a bio-based precursor available in large quantities such as lignin makes it possible to overcome limitations of petroleum based precursors. The aromatic molecular structure and high carbon content of lignin make it an ideal candidate for the production of bio-based carbon material. Lignin could be transformed into various materials such as carbon nanofibers, twisted carbon nanofibers, or carbonized composite 3D structures. These materials have been obtained from innovative techniques such as electrospinning and 3D printing. Twisting of the lignin-based-carbon nanofibers allowed for measurements of their mechanical strength. The electrochemical properties of the lignin-based twisted carbon nanofibers are interesting for potential microelectrode applications. The low microstructural order of the carbon from the carbonized lignin has been improved. Graphitization treatment or addition of carbon nanofillers contributed to this improvement. The mechanical, structural and electrical properties of nanocomposite carbon nanofibers illustrate the influence of graphene oxide on lignin. A composite effect between these two components has been observed. The 3D printing of composite inks based on lignin and graphene oxide has been reported for the first time in order to elaborate dense, organized and electrically conductive 3D carbonized structures.
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Apport de l'impression 3D pour la réalisation de familles de fantômes d'étalonnage dédiés à la personnalisation de la mesure en dosimétrie interne / 3D printing contribution to create a set of calibration phantoms dedicated to personalized measurements in internal dosimetryBeaumont, Tiffany 21 September 2018 (has links)
Après l’incorporation de radionucléides dans l’organisme, l’imagerie quantitative en médecine nucléaire et l’anthroporadiométrie sont utilisés pour quantifier l’activité retenue. L’étalonnage de ces systèmes in vivo peut être amélioré afin de tenir en compte de la variabilité individuelle. En vue d’optimiser la mesure de l’activité retenue, des fantômes d’étalonnage innovants ont été réalisés par impression 3D. L’infographie 3D a été utilisée pour la conception, en parallèle avec un travail d’ingénierie permettant l’inclusion de radionucléides et l’adaptation aux besoins des utilisateurs. Un jeu de fantômes thyroïdiens adapté à l’âge a été développé et utilisé pour améliorer la mesure anthroporadiométrique thyroïdienne des enfants. À la suite d’une étude systématique, les coefficients d’étalonnage des installations de routine et de crise de l’IRSN ont été déterminés pour l’adulte et les enfants de 5, 10 et 15 ans. Un fantôme thyroïdien pathologique a été développé en plus du jeu de fantômes thyroïdiens dédié à la crise pour améliorer la mesure de fixation thyroïdienne en médecine nucléaire. Une étude multicentrique a été réalisée pour optimiser l’étalonnage afin de mieux personnaliser le traitement des pathologies bénignes de la thyroïde. Pour l’anthroporadiométrie pulmonaire, une famille de fantômes de poitrine a été développée pour améliorer la surveillance des travailleuses du nucléaire. Finalement, ce travail de recherche a permis de développer des fantômes adaptés aux besoins et de démontrer leur utilité pour la quantification de l’activité en dosimétrie interne. / Following the incorporation of radionuclides in the body, quantitative imaging in nuclear medicine and in vivo spectrometry measurements are used to quantify the retained activity. The calibration of these in vivo systems can be improved to take account of individual variability. To optimize the measurements of the activity retained, innovative calibration phantoms were created and manufactured by 3D printing. 3D computer graphics were used for the design, coupled with an engineering work allowing the inclusion of radionuclides and the fit to users’ needs. A set of age-specific thyroid phantoms has been developed and used to improve the thyroid in vivo measurement of children. Following a systematic study, the calibration coefficients for IRSN emergency and routine installations were determined for adults and 5, 10 and 15 year old children. A pathological thyroid phantom has been developed in addition to the set of thyroid phantoms dedicated to the emergency to improve the thyroid uptake measurement in nuclear medicine. A multicentre study was carried out to optimize the calibration so that treatment of thyroid benign diseases moves towards a better personalization. For lung in vivo measurement, a set of breast phantoms has been developed to improve the monitoring of female workers. Finally, this research work has allowed developing several phantoms adapted to the needs and their usefulness was proven for the quantification of the activity in internal dosimetry.
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Untersuchung von additiv gefertigten Prägeformen mit graduellen Eigenschaften hinsichtlich ihres PrägeverhaltensMohrich, Maximilian 16 July 2021 (has links)
Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist die Untersuchung neuartiger Prägeformkonzepte hinsichtlich ihres Prägeverhaltens. Die Konzepte weisen lokal unterschiedliche Materialeigenschaften auf, die zu einer verbesserten Ausprägung von Karton führen sollen. Die Konzepte sollen anhand der Prägeergebnisse und der Abformgenauigkeit evaluiert werden. Dabei ist ein weiteres Ziel der Arbeit, Methoden zur Quantifizierung der Abformgenauigkeit zu finden. Die Herstellung der Konzepte erfolgt mithilfe eines additiven Fertigungssystems, welches mehrere Materialien in einem Bauvorgang verarbeiten kann. Zur Datengewinnung werden Oberflächenscans der geprägten Kartonproben und Werkzeuge durchgeführt. Auf Grundlage dieser Scans werden drei Methoden zur Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit vorgeschlagen. Abschließend werden die Werkzeuge anhand der Prägeergebnisse und der ermittelten Abformgenauigkeit bewertet. Weiterhin werden die vorgeschlagenen Methoden miteinander verglichen und deren Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Dies gibt Auskunft darüber, unter welchen Bedingungen der Einsatz welcher Methode sinnvoll erscheint.:1. Einleitung
2. Theoretische Grundlagen
2.1 Umformprozesse
2.1.1 Prägen von Faserwerkstoffen
2.1.2 Einsatz von Niederhaltern beim Umformen von Blechen Tiefenziehen Tiefen
2.1.3 Einsatz von Niederhaltern beim Umformen von Karton Ziehen und Pressformen Hydroformen
2.2 Multi-Material-Verarbeitung in der additiven Fertigung
2.2.1 Materialextrusion
2.2.2 Badbasierte Photopolymerisation
2.2.3 Material Jetting
2.2.4 Pulverbettbasiertes Schmelzen
2.2.5 Workflow und Datenvorbereitung
2.3.6 Geeignete Dateiformate
2.3 Soll-Ist-Vergleich von 2.5D-Oberflächendaten
2.3.1 Berechnung von Flächeninhalten und Volumen
2.3.2 Registrierung und Abstandsberechnung von Punktwolken
3. Versuche und Messungen
3.1 Herstellung der Prägeformkonzepte
3.1.1 Beschreibung der Konzepte
3.1.2 Fertigungstechnologie und Materialwahl
3.1.3 Datenvorbereitung für die Polyjet-Fertigung
3.2 Prägeversuche und Datenverarbeitung
3.2.1 Prägeversuche
3.2.2 Oberflächenscan am Keyence 3D-Makroskop
3.3 Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit
3.3.1 Flächen- und Volumenberechnung in MatLab & CloudCompare
3.3.2 Abformgenauigkeit nach ICP-Algorithmus & Abstandsberechnung
4. Ergebnisse und Diskussion
4.1 Betrachtung der Prägewerkzeuge
4.2 Betrachtung der Kartonprägungen
4.2.1 Prägeergebnisse nach Flächeninhalt der Profilschnitte
4.2.2 Einfluss der Faserlaufrichtung auf Kartonprägungen
4.2.3 Prägeergebnisse nach Volumen der Punktwolken
4.3 Betrachtung der Abformgenauigkeit
4.3.1 Abformgenauigkeit nach Flächeninhalt & Volumen
4.3.2 Abformgenauigkeit nach ICP-Algorithmus & Abstandsberechnung
4.4 Bewertung der Methoden zur Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit
4.5 Beurteilung des Bedienereinflusses bei der Datenverarbeitung am Keyence
5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
Eidesstattliche Erklärung / The aim of this master thesis is to investigate novel embossing die concepts with regard to their embossing behavior. The concepts have locally different material properties, which should lead to an improved embossing of cardboard. The concepts are to be evaluated on the basis of the embossing results and the impression accuracy. A further aim of the work is to find methods for quantifying the impression accuracy. The concepts will be manufactured using an additive manufacturing system that can process multiple materials in a single build process. Surface scans of the embossed cardboard samples and tools are performed to obtain data. Based on these scans, three methods are proposed to determine the impression accuracy. Finally, the tools are evaluated based on the embossing results and the determined impression accuracy. Furthermore, the proposed methods are compared with each other and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. This provides information on the conditions under which the use of which method appears to be sensible.:1. Einleitung
2. Theoretische Grundlagen
2.1 Umformprozesse
2.1.1 Prägen von Faserwerkstoffen
2.1.2 Einsatz von Niederhaltern beim Umformen von Blechen Tiefenziehen Tiefen
2.1.3 Einsatz von Niederhaltern beim Umformen von Karton Ziehen und Pressformen Hydroformen
2.2 Multi-Material-Verarbeitung in der additiven Fertigung
2.2.1 Materialextrusion
2.2.2 Badbasierte Photopolymerisation
2.2.3 Material Jetting
2.2.4 Pulverbettbasiertes Schmelzen
2.2.5 Workflow und Datenvorbereitung
2.3.6 Geeignete Dateiformate
2.3 Soll-Ist-Vergleich von 2.5D-Oberflächendaten
2.3.1 Berechnung von Flächeninhalten und Volumen
2.3.2 Registrierung und Abstandsberechnung von Punktwolken
3. Versuche und Messungen
3.1 Herstellung der Prägeformkonzepte
3.1.1 Beschreibung der Konzepte
3.1.2 Fertigungstechnologie und Materialwahl
3.1.3 Datenvorbereitung für die Polyjet-Fertigung
3.2 Prägeversuche und Datenverarbeitung
3.2.1 Prägeversuche
3.2.2 Oberflächenscan am Keyence 3D-Makroskop
3.3 Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit
3.3.1 Flächen- und Volumenberechnung in MatLab & CloudCompare
3.3.2 Abformgenauigkeit nach ICP-Algorithmus & Abstandsberechnung
4. Ergebnisse und Diskussion
4.1 Betrachtung der Prägewerkzeuge
4.2 Betrachtung der Kartonprägungen
4.2.1 Prägeergebnisse nach Flächeninhalt der Profilschnitte
4.2.2 Einfluss der Faserlaufrichtung auf Kartonprägungen
4.2.3 Prägeergebnisse nach Volumen der Punktwolken
4.3 Betrachtung der Abformgenauigkeit
4.3.1 Abformgenauigkeit nach Flächeninhalt & Volumen
4.3.2 Abformgenauigkeit nach ICP-Algorithmus & Abstandsberechnung
4.4 Bewertung der Methoden zur Ermittlung der Abformgenauigkeit
4.5 Beurteilung des Bedienereinflusses bei der Datenverarbeitung am Keyence
5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
Eidesstattliche Erklärung
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“Hör du mig, syns jag?” –En kvalitativ intervjustudie om rekryterares upplevelse av det sociala samspelet vid videointervjuerKarlsson, Emelie, Vilhelmsson, Emmelie January 2020 (has links)
When recruiting new staff, the job interview is the most central and most common selection method, which has traditionally taken place face-to-face with the employer. Video interviews are something that has become more common in recruitment processes as a result of technological development and digitalization but also based on the organization's financial and time rationalization. Previous research in the field indicates that video interviews modify parts of the interaction, and points out that there is a need for further research. The purpose of the study is to investigate how job interviews in video format are experienced by recruiters in terms of social interaction, and what implications there are in assessing the candidate. The results of the study are based on six qualitative interviews with recruiters, where collected data have been analyzed from a social psychological perspective. The results indicate that there is a perceived difference in certain parts of the interaction. Particularly the non-verbal communication and small talk are limited, but the flow and timing are also more difficult in video interviews. The study also shows that the biggest advantage is considered to be that the format is time-saving and provides increased flexibility and the biggest disadvantage is difficulties in connecting with the candidate, which impairs the overall experience. Finally, it emerged that the recruiters consider themselves to have good opportunities to assess candidates in video interviews, but that the data collected indicates an experience of both positive and negative aspects. / Vid rekrytering av ny personal är anställningsintervjun den mest centrala och vanligaste urvalsmetoden, vilken traditionellt ägt rum ansikte-mot-ansikte hos arbetsgivaren. Videointervjuer är något som har kommit att bli mer vanligt i rekryteringsprocesser till följd av den teknologiska utvecklingen och digitaliseringen, men också utifrån organisationens ekonomiska och tidsmässiga rationalisering. Tidigare forskning på området pekar på att videointervjuer modifierar delar av interaktionen, och poängterar att behovet av vidare forskning är stort. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur anställningsintervjuer i videoformat upplevs av rekryterare i termer av det sociala samspelet, samt vilka implikationer som finns vid bedömning av kandidaten. Studiens resultat baseras på sex kvalitativa intervjuer med rekryterare, där insamlade data analyserats utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv. Resultatet tyder på att det finns en upplevd skillnad i vissa delar av interaktionen. Framförallt begränsas icke-verbal kommunikation och småprat, men även flytet och timingen försvåras i videointervjuer. Studien visar även att de största fördelarna anses vara att formatet är tidsbesparande och ger utrymme till ökad flexibilitet och den största nackdelen är svårigheter att känna in kandidaten, vilket försämrar helhetsupplevelsen. Till sist framkom att rekryterare anser sig själva ha goda möjligheter att bedöma kandidater vid videointervjuer, men att insamlade data indikerar på en upplevelse av både positiva och negativa aspekter.
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