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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manet après Manet : 1900-1960 : le spectre du moderne / Manet after Manet : 1900-1960 : the spectrum of modernity

Léglise, Matthieu 01 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de décomposer le spectre des commentaires critiques, historiques ou littéraires qui se sont projetés sur l'œuvre d'Édouard Manet dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, en regard de multiples contrepoints visuels. Cet «exercice de style méthodologique total» que permet Manet, selon les mots de Pierre Bourdieu, vise à rendre compte d'une réception mythique, monumentale et pourtant méconnue, tout en procédant en permanence à l'analyse réflexive de ses propres outils d'investigation. Par le prisme de ces présences posthumes très hétérogènes, souvent d'une grande violence, le but est de retracer la généalogie du concept narratif de «modernité» qui s'est déployé à partir d'Édouard Manet, en Europe et aux États-Unis, alors que son œuvre était simultanément défigurée en incarnation du classicisme national. Plus qu'une origine, Manet peut alors se définir comme un «carrefour» : un embranchement, à la puissance spéculaire considérable, d'idéologies, d'historicités et de projections fantasmagoriques. Ces analyses ont pour objet des réseaux très denses d'attraction, de répulsion, et de contamination entre différents systèmes d' énonciation dissonants, envisagés en regard des procédés déployés par Manet lui-même, dans le mouvement d'une œuvre à la fois profondément relationnelle et d'une radicale altérité. La problématique récurrente du fractionnement - dans la multiplicité de ses enjeux et de ses déterminations schizoïdes, du dualisme au fétichisme - forme le fil directeur de cet effort d'exhumation intellectuelle : est ici retracée en détail l'impossible tentative d'en finir avec un peintre qui ne cesse d'inquiéter une modernité constituée sur son nom. / The purpose of this dissertation is to decompose the spectrum of commentary, historical and literary, along with the multiple visual counterpoints, that were generated from the work of Édouard Manet in the first half of the 20th century. Manet allows for this « total methodological exercise », in Pierre Bourdieu's words, which endeavours to reckon with a mythical, monumental, yet mostly unknown reception, while continually conducting a reflexive analysis of its own investigative tools. Through the scope of these posthumous, heterogeneous and often extremely violent occurrences, the goal is to retrace the genealogy of the narrative concept of« modernity » which was uncoiled from the figure of Édouard Manet, in Europe and the United States, during a time when his work was simultaneously being distorted as an incarnation of national classicism. More than a point of origin, Manet can be defined as a « crossroad » : a powerful specular junction of ideologies, historicities and phantasmagorical projections. The abject of these analyses is the dense network of attraction, repulsion, and contamination that has been woven between the various and discordant systems of enunciation, studied in the light of processes set up by Manet himself, through a body of work both profoundly relational, yet radically alien. The recurrent question of fractioning, in its multiple issues and schizoid determinations - from dualism to fetishism - make up the guiding principle of this effort of intellectual exhumation; here are retraced in detail the impossible attempts that were made to do away with a painter who has time and again proven to be cause for concern to an idea of modernity created under his name.

Do You Know the Storm?: The Forgotten Lieder of Franz Schreker

Wallace, Alicia 05 1900 (has links)
Franz Schreker (1878-1934) was a Jewish-Austrian composer of great success during the first decades of the twentieth century. Schreker’s reputation diminished after 1933 when Hitler came to power and, in 1938, his compositions were labeled Entartete Musik (“degenerate music”) by the Nazis in a public display in Düsseldorf. The Third Reich and post-war Germany saw Schreker as a decadent outcast, misunderstanding his unique style that combined elements of romanticism, expressionism, impressionism, symbolism, and atonality. This study of Schreker’s Lieder will pursue two goals. First, it will analyze the Mutterlieder (before 1898), the Fünf Gesänge (1909), and the first piece from Vom ewigen Leben (1923) stylistically. Schreker composed nearly four dozen Lieder, incorporating a wide range of styles and ideas. By studying and performing these songs written at various points in his career (including early songs, songs written after he met Schoenberg, and his last songs during the height of his fame), I hope to develop a clearer understanding of how Schreker synthesized the many cultural forces and artistic movements that seem to have influenced his compositional style. Second, this study will consider the sociopolitical circumstances that fueled the disintegration of his reputation. This disintegration occurred not just during the Third Reich, but also afterwards, notably in an often discussed essay by Theodor Adorno. Only in the last thirty years have scholarly voices critical of such rejections of Schreker emerged. My ultimate goal, then, is to join this reevaluation, studying and contextualizing this repertory to develop a new understanding of an oft-neglected chapter in the history of the German Lied.

The Diary from Qutang Gorge and the letters about Donner Lake : A literary study of Mulberry and Peach by Nie Hualing

Jiang Nyfelt, Ling January 2022 (has links)
Mulberry and Peach is a novel written in the 1970s by a Chinese American writer named Nie Hualing (1925- ). It contains overlapping letters and diaries with flashbacks and flashforwards in first-person narration. Taohong is the new identity after Sangqing’s schizophrenia in the USA in 1969-1970. The book starts with Taohong’s letter, which introduces the main female character Sangqing´s life stories, told through her diaries between 1945-the 1970s in four places of her diasporic lives from mainland China to Taiwan, then the USA. The aim of this thesis is to explore the title of the book, the prologue and the epilogue, Sangqing’s first Dairy on Qutang Gorge (1945), and the four letters from Taohong, using the close reading method and combining the theories and concepts of characterization and symbolism, impressionistic, female aesthetic, intertextuality in literature and the cultural symbols for a deep and detailed text reading analysis.

L’expérience des femmes bourgeoises dans les espaces publics et privés dans deux tableaux de Georgina de Albuquerque

de Oliveira Savoi, Camila 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur la représentation de femmes bourgeoises par l’artiste brésilienne Georgina de Albuquerque (1885-1962), active durant la première moitié du 20e siècle. Appartenant elle-même à la bourgeoisie, Albuquerque était sensible aux réalités que vivaient ces femmes, notamment au début du 20e siècle, une époque marquée par d’importants changements qui ont entraîné une augmentation de la présence des femmes dans les centres urbains. Largement absente des livres d’histoire de l’art, Albuquerque avait pourtant réussi à se tailler une place importante dans le monde de l’art : parmi les reconnaissances obtenues de son vivant, elle était devenue la première femme à diriger l’École nationale des beaux-arts à Rio de Janeiro. M’appuyant sur des images et textes de l’époque, ainsi que sur les travaux d’historiennes de l’art telles que Ruth Iskin et Griselda Pollock afin de réfléchir à la « Femme nouvelle » ou aux espaces occupés par les femmes de la bourgeoisie, j’analyse les représentations du quotidien de ces femmes au sein de la société patriarcale. Je me penche ainsi sur deux scènes de genre, en mettant l’accent sur les espaces dans lesquels les femmes sont représentées : Coin de la rivière (vers 1926), où deux femmes se trouvent dans un espace public, et Jeunes femmes et ara (sans date), où l’on voit deux femmes dans un espace privé. Albuquerque dépeint les libertés acquises par les bourgeoises au début du 20e siècle, ainsi que les limites de ces libertés, se trouvant déchirées entre l’envie d’occuper pleinement leur place dans la société et les contraintes imposées par une culture patriarcale qui cherche à les cantonner au rôle de maîtresse de maison. Adoptant un style impressionniste qui lui permet de s’exprimer plus librement, Albuquerque représente l’amitié comme jouant un rôle essentiel pour surmonter ces défis, démontrant ainsi l’importance d’une sororité pour que les femmes puissent s’épanouir dans l’espace privé comme public. Albuquerque cultivait des liens d’amitié avec d’autres femmes dans sa propre vie, lesquels ont été importants pour le développement de sa carrière tout comme pour celles d’autres artistes femmes. L’étude de l’héritage artistique inestimable d’Albuquerque ouvre la voie pour faire sortir de l’obscurité cette remarquable artiste impressionniste brésilienne. / This study focuses on the representation of bourgeois women by Brazilian artist Georgina de Albuquerque (1885–1962), active in the first half of the twentieth century. As a member of this social class, Albuquerque was sensitive to the realities experienced by these women, particularly at the beginning of the twentieth century, a period marked by important changes that led to an increased presence of women in urban centers. Largely ignored by the history of art, Albuquerque succeeded in carving out an important place for herself in the artworld of her time: among the recognitions achieved during her lifetime, she became the first woman director of the National School of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro. My study brings together images and texts of the period, as well as the work of art historians such as Ruth Iskin and Griselda Pollock to think about representations of the “New Woman” and of the spaces in which women are represented within patriarchal society. I concentrate on two genre scenes, focusing on the spaces in which the women protagonists are depicted: River Corner (circa 1926), where two women are in a public space, and Young Women and Ara (no date), which shows two women in a private space. Albuquerque depicts the freedoms acquired by bourgeois women in the early 20th century – as well as the limits of those freedoms – as they struggle between the desire to fully occupy their place in society and the constraints imposed by a patriarchal culture that tries to limit them to the role of mistress of the house. Embracing an impressionist style that allows her to express herself more freely, Albuquerque portrays friendship as essential to overcoming these challenges, demonstrating the importance of sisterhood. This study underlines the importance of this sorority for women to achieve fulfillment in both the private and public spheres. Albuquerque cultivated this bond with other women in her own life, maintaining ties that were important to the development of her career as well as those of other female artists. Studying Albuquerque’s inestimable legacy opens the way to lifting this remarkable Brazilian impressionist artist from obscurity. / Este estudo tem como foco a representação da mulher burguesa pela artista brasileira Georgina de Albuquerque (1885-1962), atuante na primeira metade do século XX. Como integrante dessa classe social, Albuquerque foi sensível às realidades vividas por essas mulheres, principalmente no início do século XX, período marcado por importantes mudanças que levaram a uma maior presença feminina nos centros urbanos. Em grande parte ignorada pela história da arte, Albuquerque conseguiu conquistar um lugar de destaque no mundo artístico de seu tempo: entre os reconhecimentos alcançados em vida, está o de primeira mulher diretora da Escola Nacional de Belas Artes do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo reúne imagens e textos da época, bem como o trabalho de historiadoras da arte como Ruth Iskin e Griselda Pollock, para pensar as representações da "Nova Mulher" e os espaços de representação da mulher na sociedade patriarcal. Analiso duas cenas de género, centrando-me nos espaços em que as mulheres protagonistas são representadas: Canto do rio (cerca de 1926), onde duas mulheres se encontram num espaço público, e Moças e arara (sem data), que mostra duas mulheres num espaço privado. Albuquerque retrata as liberdades adquiridas pelas mulheres burguesas no início do século XX - bem como os limites dessas liberdades -, que se debatem entre o desejo de ocupar plenamente o seu lugar na sociedade e os constrangimentos impostos por uma cultura patriarcal que tenta limitá-las ao papel de dona de casa. Abraçando um estilo impressionista que lhe permite expressar-se mais livremente, Albuquerque retrata a amizade como essencial para ultrapassar estes desafios, demonstrando a importância da irmandade. Este estudo salienta a importância desta irmandade para que as mulheres se realizem tanto na esfera privada como na esfera pública. Albuquerque cultivou esse vínculo com outras mulheres em sua própria vida, mantendo laços que foram importantes para o desenvolvimento de sua carreira e de outras mulheres artistas. O estudo do valioso legado de Albuquerque abre caminho para tirar da marginalidade essa notável artista impressionista brasileira.

Konstnärsförbundets förnyelse av måleriet : Skolundervisning med influenser från Delacroix / The Swedish Artists´ Associations´s Renewal of Painting : School Teaching with Influences from Delacroix

Derefeldt, Gunilla January 2024 (has links)
En av 1800-talets främsta franska konstnärer Eugène Delacroix fick stor betydelse för de nya konstriktningarna under senare hälften av 1800-talet. I Frankrike står han som symbol för konstnärlig frigörelse, för sin långa och envetna kamp mot den franska konstakademin där "les Artistes Indépendants" fortsatte kampen efter honom, vilket ledde till en brytning med akademin år 1884. I samtida internationell forskning har Delacroix betydelse för den moderna konstens utveckling betonats. Syftet med denna magisteruppsats har varit att med formal stilanalys studera influenser från Delacroix måleri i verk med anknytning till det svenska Konstnärsförbundet, som bildades år 1886 i opposition mot och brytning med den svenska konstakademin. Konstnärsförbundet  kom att få stor betydelse för den unga svenska modernismen. Konstnären Richard Bergh var i det svenska kulturlivet tongivande för den svenska konstens förnyelse med den franska unga konsten som förebild. Som konstnärlig ledare för Konstnärsförbundets skolor åren 1890-1908 införde han individuell frihet för eleverna, ljus-och färgstudier inspirerat av Delacroix och neoimpressionismen. Teoretiska utgångspunkter för uppsatsen har varit M.E. Chevreuls lagar om simultan färgkontrast och Paul Signacs analys av Delacroix betydelse för impressionismen till neoimpressionismen. Fantasins roll för att skapa ett själsligt berörande måleri har diskuterats utifrån Charles Baudelaires konstkritik, Delacroix Dagbok och Gauguins symbolism från 1884. För den formala analysen har konstbilder av Richard Bergh, Olof Sager-Nelson, Ivan Aguéli och Isaac Grünewald analyserats med avseende på komplementära färgkompositioner, ljusreflexioner, färger och ljus i belysning och skuggor. Dessa konstnärer har valts ut då de alla på olika sätt representerar ett personligt och nydanande måleri och en konst som fortfarande berör. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att alla konstnärerna praktiserat komplementära färgkompositioner, effekter av simultan färgkontrast och att ljuset haft central betydelse för dem alla. Ljuset har artikulerats såväl i ljus inomhus som utomhus i himmelsljuset, i speglingar, skarpa och diffusa ljusreflexioner, varmare färger i solbelysta delar och kallare i skuggor. Den formala analysen visar att Delacroix måleri med komplementära färgkompositioner otvetydigt kan spåras i de verk som analyserats i uppsatsen. Alla konstnärerna har också strävat efter och lyckats att skapa ett själsligt berörande måleri. Delacroix tankar och måleri kan därför sägas ha bidragit till det svenska måleriets förnyelse genom Konstnärsförbundet. / One of the foremost French artists of the 19th century, Eugène Delacroix stands as a symbol of liberation, for his long and determined struggle against the French Academy of Arts, where the continued struggle of the "Artistes Indépendants" led to a break in 1884. The Swedish Artists´Association was formed in 1886 in opposition to the Swedish Academy of Arts. In Sweden, the artist Richard Bergh set the tone for the renewal of Swedish art. As artistic director of the Artists´Association´s schools in the years 1890-1908, he introduced individual freedom for the students, light and colour studies inspired by Delacroix and the neo-impressionism. In contemporary art history, Delacroix´s importance for the development of modern art has been emphasized. The aim of this master thesis is to use formal style analysis to study influences from Delacroix´s painting in some works of Swedish artists connected to the Swedish Artists´Association´s schools. Art images by Richard Bergh, Olof Sager-Nelson, Ivan Aguéli, and Isaac Grünewald have been analysed for complementary colour compositions, light reflections, colours and light in lighting and in shadows.  Theoretical starting points have been M.E. Chevreul´s Law of Light Reflections and Simultaneous Colour Contrast and Paul Signac´s analysis of the importance of Delacroix painting in relation to the neo-impressionism. To highlight the artist´s desire to touch the viewer, Baudelaire´s art criticism, Delacroix´s Diary, and Gauguins´s symbolism from 1884 have been considered. The results show that all the artists practiced complementary colour compositions, effects of simultaneous colour contrast, and that light was of central importance to all of them. The light has been articulated both in light indoors and outdoors in the sky, in reflections, sharp and diffuse light refelctions, warmer colours in sunlit parts and colder in shadows. All the artists have also strived for and succeeding in creating a soul-touching painting. Delacroix´s thoughts and painting can therefore be said to have unequivocally contributed to the renewal of Swedish painting through the Swedish Artists´ Association.

Un Monde pour les XX: Octave Maus et le groupe des XX :analyse d'un cercle artistique dans une perspective sociale, économique et politique / A World for the XX: Octave Maus and the Groupe des XX :a study of an artistic circle from a political, economical and social perspective

Goldman, Noémie 13 June 2012 (has links)
Notre thèse se concentre sur la question des mécanismes de restructuration du système du monde de l’art à Bruxelles à la fin du XIXe siècle. Nous cherchons à démontrer comment une nouvelle scène artistique construite autour du cercle des XX à Bruxelles, dont l’épanouissement sera pris en charge par l’animateur d’art Octave Maus, produit un art qui est influencé par les enjeux sociaux et politiques portés par un milieu défini de manière sociale, culturelle et générationnelle.<p>Nous avons ainsi voulu replacer le groupe des XX dans son contexte économique, politique et social. La diversification des approches et des sources était donc un aspect essentiel de nos recherches. Plusieurs voies d’approche ont été empruntées, telles que l’histoire culturelle, la sociologie de l’art, l’histoire du marché de l’art, l’analyse politique ainsi que l’étude de la visual culture. <p>Dans un premier temps, nous analysons l’émergence de la nouvelle scène artistique construite autour du groupe des XX. Nous débutons par une analyse plus monographique du parcours de Maus afin de définir les qualités essentielles de l’animateur d’art qu’il incarne, ainsi que son rôle dans la reconfiguration du milieu culturel. Ensuite, notre étude se concentre sur la mobilisation d’un public autour des salons et la mise en place d’un nouveau marché de l’art aux XX. <p>Dans un second temps, notre étude se penche sur les œuvres créées par les XX et sélectionnées par le public d’amateurs fidèles au groupe. Nous éclairons cette production artistique en y décelant les influences des questionnements et des prises de position sociales et politiques du public des XX, défini précédemment. L’analyse iconographique et stylistique des œuvres s’accompagne d’un travail sur ce milieu culturel, et particulièrement sur ses positions face aux débats sociaux de l’époque. Cette étude aboutit, d’une part, à une description approfondie du public des XX, et, d’autre part, à une meilleure compréhension de l’originalité de la production esthétique des artistes du groupe. /<p><p>This PhD thesis concentrates on the mechanisms by which the artistic world in Brussels was reorganized at the end of the 19th century. The research focuses on the places, institutions, publics, art markets and aesthetic developments that characterized the new artistic scene constructed around the “Salon des XX”. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that this artistic circle, led by Octave Maus, produced an art influenced by social, political and economic issues. Another aim has been to analyze the public that defended the artists by studying its social, cultural and generational nature.<p>This thesis, which is divided into two parts, for the first time explores the circle of the XX in its economic, political and social environment. The diversification of sources and scientific methods was therefore an essential aspect of the research. Different methods were applied such as, for example, the cultural history, the sociology of art, the history of the art market, political sciences and the visual culture.<p>The first part of this study is about the emergence of a new artistic scene founded around the “Groupe des XX”. The first objective was to investigate the personal and professional path followed by Octave Maus, the manager of the XX, who played a major role in the evolution of the cultural world. Subsequently the research focuses on the mobilization of a particular public and the creation of a new art market around the XX’s exhibitions.<p>The second part of this thesis considers the works of art created by the artists of the “Groupe des XX” and chosen by the public for private collections. New light is shed on this artistic production by the study of the social and political position of the XX’s public, considered as a social group. Hence the iconographic and stylistic analysis of the works goes together with a study of the XX’s milieu, and in particular with its political action. The present thesis, and the method that aims to study the works in parallel with the public’s social nature, lead to a better understanding of the cultural milieu and, at the same time, of the originality of the XX’s artistic creation. <p><p> / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Ulrich Hübner - Stadt, Land, See

Westerhausen, Simone 30 March 2021 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Bedeutung der Landschafts- und Marinemalerei für die nationale Einheit und bürgerliche Identifikation im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik beispielhaft am Werk des Berliner Secessionskünstlers Ulrich Hübner (1872-1932) untersucht. Zu Beginn wird die Rolle der Landschaft für die Konstitution von Staatswesen und nationaler Identität allgemein erläutert, um deutlich zu machen, vor welchem Hintergrund die Landschaftsmalerei Ulrich Hübners einen Beitrag zur bürgerlich-nationalen Identitätsfindung im (neugegründeten) Nationalstaat leisten konnte. Im Hauptteil werden dazu anhand Hübners biographischer Stationen unterschiedliche Gesichtspunkte, wie die pluralistischen Einflüsse auf Hübners Landschaftsmalerei, seine Rolle in der Berliner Secession, seine Positionierung auf dem Kunstmarkt, seine Rezeption durch die Kunstkritik und seine Funktion an der Akademie der Künste, untersucht. Hübners Konzentration auf Küstendarstellungen, Seestücke und Stadtansichten führte in Abgrenzung zur Marinemalerei zu dem neuen Typus der Stadt- und Wasserlandschaft, zwischen klassischer Veduten- und Landschaftsmalerei und impressionistischen Stimmungsbildern. Auf Grundlage des erstellten Werkverzeichnisses wird durch die Betrachtung Hübners Werks im Gesamtzusammenhang des Berliner Kunstgeschehens unter dem Aspekt des wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Erfolges und der Entwicklung des privatwirtschaftlichen Kunstmarktes deutlich, wie ein Künstler in diesem System agierte. Hübners Erfolg mit dem neuen Typus der Stadtlandschaft und der Konzentration auf bestimmte Vertriebswege und erfolgreiche Motive steht exemplarisch für den deutschen Impressionismus in Zeiten des Stilpluralismus. Als Vertreter einer moderaten Moderne wurden seine Gemälde heimatlicher Landschaften Identifikationsbilder des aufgeschlossenen Bürgertums und somit eine Versicherung von Kontinuität in den politisch bewegten Zeiten vom Kaiserreich bis zum Ende der Weimarer Republik. / This doctoral thesis examines the significance of landscape and maritime painting for the national unity and civil identification in Imperial Germany and the Weimar Republic through the case study of the oeuvre of the Berlin Secession artist Ulrich Hübner (1872-1932). In the first instance, we will outline the effect that landscape painting in general had on the constitution of the political system and national identity in order to assess the extent of which Hübner’s landscape painting contributed towards the shaping of a civil-national identity in the newly founded nation state. To this effect we will then study key events in his biography, focusing on the following aspects: the pluralist influences that shape Hübner’s landscape painting, his role in the Berlin Secession, his place in the art market, art criticism’s response to his work and his position at the Berlin Academy of Arts. Hübner’s focus on coastal views, sea- and cityscapes, as opposed to maritime painting, lead to the new type of Urban Landscape and Waterscape which is situated between classical Veduta and landscape painting on one hand and impressionist “Stimmungsbilder” on the other. The catalogue raisonné will form the basis on which we examine his oeuvre in the context of the greater Berlin art scene with particular emphasis on his commercial and social success on one hand as well as seen within the more specific framework which is the development of the commercial art market on the other. The success Hübner had with his new type of Urban Landscape and his focus on specific commercial channels and successful subject matters is exemplary for the German Impressionism in times of stylistic pluralism. Representing a moderate Modernism, his paintings of “Heimat”-landscapes became symbols that the liberal bourgeoisie could identify with and thereby a guarantee of continuity during the politically agitated times from the beginning of the German Empire to the end of the Weimar Republic.

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