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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Examination of Bias Incident Response at Postsecondary Institutions

Gonyer, Howard A. 17 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Managing Student Death at Small College Campuses:Experiences of Senior Student Affairs Administrators

Kirchner, Lisa Maureen 10 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Spridning av lärdomar från dammsäkerhetsincidenter : Utveckling av en kommunikationsstrategi baserat på en undersökning av svenska dammaktörers arbetssätt, utmaningar och behov / Disseminate Lessons Learned from Dam Safety Incidents

Brun, Mina, Norman, Vendela January 2024 (has links)
Dammar är viktiga byggnadsverk som möjliggör olika samhällsfunktioner. För att säkerställa deras säkerhet krävs noggranna säkerhetsåtgärder och att lära från incidenter. Syftet med studien är att föreslå en kommunikationsstrategi för Svenska kraftnät, för att vägleda hur dammaktörer kan samla in och sprida lärdomar från dammsäkerhetsincidenter. Kommunikationsstrategin utvecklades genom en inkrementell designmetod och den huvudsakliga datainsamlingsmeteoden var intervjuer med 16 aktörer. Intervjuerna strukturerades efter de didaktiska frågorna hur, vem, varför, när och vad gällande kommunikationen mellan dammaktörerna. Aktörerna berättade om hur de samlar in och sprider lärdomar samt vilka utmaningar och behov av utveckling som finns kring dagens arbete. Datan analyserades tematiskt. Kommunikationsmetoderna som identifierades genom intervjuerna var inrapporteringssystem, sammankomster, rapporter, tekniska kanaler och informell kommunikation. Förekomsten och frekvensen av dessa varierade beroende på om kommunikationen skedde internt eller externt mellan aktörskategorierna. Aktörernas svar på frågorna när, varför och vem varierade, medan vad-frågan var svår att finna trender kring. Aktörerna uttryckte utmaningar kring att sprida lärdomar vidare till vissa aktörer, att få dammägare att dela med sig av information och att förhålla sig till säkerhetsskyddslagstiftning kopplad till dammverksamheten. Behoven som identifierades var förbättringar och nyttjande av olika typer av system, interaktiva sammankomster samt olika vägledningar och begreppsdefinitioner. Faktorerna som har legat till grund för kommunikationsstrategin är svaren från intervjuerna, en workshop och teoretiska ramverk kring kommunikation och lärande. I kommunicationsstrategin ges förslag för att möta behoven genom vägledningar, uppmaningar kring att nyttja och utveckla system, förbättra befintlig inrapportering och göra sammanställningar som kan publiceras och utgöra grunden för interaktiva workshop / Dams are important for societal functions, and ensuring their safety requires safety measures and learning from incidents. This study aims to propose a communication strategy for Svenska kraftnät, guiding stakeholders in the dam safety industry on gathering and disseminating lessons learned from dam safety incidents. The communication strategy was developed through an “incremental design method” and the primary method for collection of data was interviews with 16 stakeholders. The interviews were structured around the didactic questions of who, how, why, when and what, regarding the communication between stakeholders. The respondents explained how they gather and disseminate lessons learned, as well as the challenges and development needs for today’s methods. The data was analyzed thematically. The communication methods identified through the interviews were reporting systems, assemblies, reports, technical channels, and informal communication. The occurrence and frequency of these methods varied depending on whether the communication was internally or externally among the stakeholders. Responses to questions of when, why and who varied, while trends for the what-question were challenging to identify. Stakeholders expressed challenges in disseminating lessons to certain stakeholders, getting dam owners to share information, and understanding certain safety legislation. The identified needs included improvements and better utilization of various systems, interactive assemblies, and different guidelines and definitions. The interview responses, a workshop and theoretical communication frameworks provided the foundation for the communication strategy. The strategy includes guidelines, encouraging the use and development of systems, improving existing reporting, and ultimately compiling these for publication and as a basis for workshops.

A grounded theory of critical incidents impact management among SAPS officers in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province

Gumani, Andronica Masefako 06 1900 (has links)
A study was conducted to describe and interpret the personal strategies that South African Police Service officers in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, use in their line of work. These are strategies to deal with the impact of the primary victims’ critical incidents of rape, domestic violence, murder and road accidents. The focus was on describing the impact of the critical incidents that the officers are exposed to, which manifest in a form of traumatic stress, namely, vicarious traumatisation, and management of this impact. Twenty participants were selected through purposive and theoretical sampling techniques from the family violence, child protection and sexual offences, domestic violence, field training, detective and social crime prevention units. Unstructured open-ended interviews, diaries and follow-up telephone interviews were used as data collection methods and data were collected in the participants’ home languages, Tshivenda and Xitsonga. Data gathered necessitated looking into both the aspects of the officers’ organisational and operational work. Data were thus analysed through the content thematic and constant comparative data analysis methods. The results first presented a profile of police vicarious traumatisation in the Vhembe District, which include the types of critical incidents exposed to, the organisational and operational stressors that lead to vicarious traumatisation, and the description of vicarious traumatisation symptoms. Second, a theoretical framework of the process of police critical incidents impact management (PCIIM) was developed. The framework shows that the management of the impact of the encountered incidents is inspired by various coping needs and subcultures of the officers, and the management takes place through the use of two styles of trauma management, namely, the linear and multilateral styles, which refer to application of coping strategies successively and the combination of horizontal and vertical application of coping strategies, respectively. The coping strategies used by the officers help them to have an objective understanding of the critical incidents encountered, have less severe symptoms of vicarious traumatisation, some symptoms last for shorter periods than before, and other symptoms are no longer experienced. Resilience to the encountered incidents is shown through the development of coping strategies to handle the incidents, facing them, and showing cognitive hardiness. The officers also manage to reflect on the experiences encountered, engage in narratives about them and mutual help thus still working towards attaining posttraumatic growth. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

The impact of critical incidents on marketing intangibles

Tischer, Sven 22 May 2014 (has links)
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit den Folgen negativer kritischer Ereignisse und gibt Hinweise, was Manager vor und nach dem Ereignis tun könnten, um potentiell negative Effekte zu minimieren. Während sich die ersten zwei Aufsätze mit der Wirkung kritischer Ereignisse aus Sicht der Konsumenten befassen, widmen sich die Aufsätze 3 und 4 der Shareholder-Perspektive. Aufsatz 1 untersucht die Wahrnehmungsveränderungen in Folge verschiedener Ereignisse mit Hilfe des Konzepts der Markenpersönlichkeit. Die Ergebnisse des Online-Experimentes implizieren, dass die negative Wirkung von der Markenstärke, der Geschäftsbeziehung vor bzw. während des Vorfalls und der Art des Ereignisses abhängt. Aufsatz 2 analysiert, ob die Effekte auch mit Hilfe des Konzepts des kundenbasierten Markenwerts bestätigt und erweitert werden können. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Reaktionen nach Bekanntwerden derselben kritischen Ereignisse für die Markenwertdimension „Perceived quality“, „Perceived value“, „Brand personality“, „Organizational associations“, und „Loyalty“ quantifiziert. In Übereinstimmung mit den in Aufsatz 1 gewonnenen Erkenntnissen deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass sowohl ein hoher Markenwert und das anhaltende persönliche Produkterlebnis während eines kritischen Ereignisses den negativen Effekt mindert, als auch eine zwischen tatsächlichen und potentiellen Kunden differenzierende Kommunikationsstrategie im Nachgang sinnvoll sein könnte. Die Aufsätze 3 und 4 untersuchen auf Basis einer „Event study“ den Zusammenhang zwischen der Veröffentlichung von „Corporate Reputation-Rankings“ des Manager Magazins und dem Shareholder Value. Die gefundenen Ankündigungseffekte weisen darauf hin, dass, über die gezeigte Verbindung zwischen Reputation und Shareholder Value, die in Folge kritischer negativer Ereignisse resultierende Reputationsänderung durch Investoren berücksichtigt wird. / The doctoral dissertation analyzes effects of negative critical incidents and points out, what manager could do before and after an incident in order to minimize possible negative impacts. While the first two essays take a closer look at effects of critical incidents from the consumer’s point of view, the essays 3 and 4 deal with the shareholder perspective. Essay 1 examines perceptional changes in consequence of various incidents using the concept of brand personality. The results of the online experiment imply that the negative impact depends on brand strength, type of event and business relation before respectively during the incident. Essay 2 analyzes whether or not effects can be confirmed and extended using the concept of customer based brand equity. For this purpose, reactions of respondents are measured after getting exposed to the same critical incidents as in the previous essay. The reactions are quantified for brand equity dimensions such as perceived quality, perceived value, brand personality, organizational associations and loyalty. The results are in line with findings of Essay 1. They indicate, on the one hand, that high brand equity and persistent product experience during crisis reduce negative effects and, on the other hand, that a communication strategy which differs between actual and potential customers could be favorable after the incident. Using event study methodology, the Essays 3 and 4 examine the linkage between publications of corporate reputation rankings of the Manager Magazin and shareholder value. The existence of negative announcement effects indicates that investors consider a reputational loss in consequence of negative critical incidents via the observed linkage between reputation and share prices.

A grounded theory of critical incidents impact management among SAPS officers in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province

Gumani, Andronica Masefako 06 1900 (has links)
A study was conducted to describe and interpret the personal strategies that South African Police Service officers in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, use in their line of work. These are strategies to deal with the impact of the primary victims’ critical incidents of rape, domestic violence, murder and road accidents. The focus was on describing the impact of the critical incidents that the officers are exposed to, which manifest in a form of traumatic stress, namely, vicarious traumatisation, and management of this impact. Twenty participants were selected through purposive and theoretical sampling techniques from the family violence, child protection and sexual offences, domestic violence, field training, detective and social crime prevention units. Unstructured open-ended interviews, diaries and follow-up telephone interviews were used as data collection methods and data were collected in the participants’ home languages, Tshivenda and Xitsonga. Data gathered necessitated looking into both the aspects of the officers’ organisational and operational work. Data were thus analysed through the content thematic and constant comparative data analysis methods. The results first presented a profile of police vicarious traumatisation in the Vhembe District, which include the types of critical incidents exposed to, the organisational and operational stressors that lead to vicarious traumatisation, and the description of vicarious traumatisation symptoms. Second, a theoretical framework of the process of police critical incidents impact management (PCIIM) was developed. The framework shows that the management of the impact of the encountered incidents is inspired by various coping needs and subcultures of the officers, and the management takes place through the use of two styles of trauma management, namely, the linear and multilateral styles, which refer to application of coping strategies successively and the combination of horizontal and vertical application of coping strategies, respectively. The coping strategies used by the officers help them to have an objective understanding of the critical incidents encountered, have less severe symptoms of vicarious traumatisation, some symptoms last for shorter periods than before, and other symptoms are no longer experienced. Resilience to the encountered incidents is shown through the development of coping strategies to handle the incidents, facing them, and showing cognitive hardiness. The officers also manage to reflect on the experiences encountered, engage in narratives about them and mutual help thus still working towards attaining posttraumatic growth. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

Analysis of Learning from IncidentsProcesses in Swedish and DutchHealthcare Systems : A Mixed Methods Study for Cross-Border Learning / Analys av lärande från incidentprocesser i svenska och nederländskasjukvårdssystem : En mixed methods studie för gränsöverskridande lärande

van Wincoop, Sven January 2021 (has links)
Many healthcare organisations face repetitive incidents because organisations tend to fail to learn from the past. Learning from incidents (LFI) in healthcare is a process through which healthcare professionals and the organisation as a whole seek to understand adverse events that have taken place. The LFI process consists of five main steps: data acquisition, investigation and analysis, planning interventions, implementing interventions, and evaluations. In order to reduce the reoccurrence of incidents, it is important that LFI processes are improved. As a prerequisite, it is necessary to gain insight into the steps of the LFI process to identify hindrances (bottlenecks) and mitigate them. This thesis is a broad comparative study of the LFI processes in Dutch and Swedish healthcare systems. Cross-border comparisons between LFI systems can support mutual learning, and consequently lead to improvements of healthcare organisations’ learning processes. The study consists of an analysis of Swedish and Dutch legislation, national healthcare inspectorates, and hospitals’ learning from incidents processes. Legislation was analysed through a (legal) documentation study. Healthcare inspectorates’ practices in LFI were analysed by a combination of documentation studies, and by conducting interviews with one Dutch inspector, one Swedish inspector, and one Swedish development strategist. For analysis of hospitals’ LFI processes, a questionnaire and interview study with fourteen Dutch and eleven Swedish hospitals were conducted. Analysis of these processes was done at the hand of a number of quality statements developed based on a literature study. The main differences between how the two countries’ learn from incidents are in data acquisition, and investigation and analysis. The Netherlands have various reporting systems, as well as diversity in incident investigation methods. Sweden has more uniformity in these matters. Moreover, Sweden has a national system for sharing lessons learned between hospitals, which can benefit the learning process on a national level. The Netherlands currently does not have such a system. Sweden and the Netherlands have similar strengths and weaknesses in LFI. Both countries have accessible data acquisition systems, and it does not take much time to report incidents. There are however significant disparities between incidents and sentinel events in both countries in the quality of investigations and analyses, planning of interventions and implementation of interventions. The implementation and evaluation phases are also regarded to have the lowest quality, based on analysis of the quality statements. Dutch and Swedish legislation and the supervision of the healthcare inspectorates only cover these last two phases to a limited extent. Requirements with respect to incidents are also only formulated to a limited extent (except data acquisition), which may explain the significant difference of quality when compared to sentinel events. There are resemblances between the scopes of the legal frameworks and inspectorates, and the LFI processes in hospitals. There is therefore reason to believe that hospitals typically do not excel above what is required by legislation or by the healthcare inspectorates. / I många vårdorganisationer upprepar sig incidenter eftersom organisationer tenderar att misslyckas med att lära sig från incidenter. Att lära från incidenter (LFI) inom hälso- och sjukvården är en process genom vilket vårdpersonal och organisationen som helhet försöker förstå incidenter som har ägt rum. LFI-processen består av fem huvudsteg: datainsamling, utredning och analys, planering av åtgärder, implementering av åtgärder, och utvärderingar. För att minska upprepande av incidenter är det viktigt att LFIprocesser förbättras. Det här examensarbetet är en jämförande studie av LFI-processerna i holländska och svenska sjukvårdssystem. Gränsöverskridande jämförelser mellan LFI-system kan stödja ömsesidigt lärande och därmed leda till förbättringar av vårdorganisationernas lärande. Studien består av en analys av svensk och holländsk lagstiftning, nationella inspektioner och sjukhusens lärande från incidensprocesser. Lagstiftningen analyserades genom en (juridisk) dokumentationsstudie. Sjukvårdsinspektionernas praxis i LFI analyserades med en kombination av dokumentationsstudier och genom att göra intervjuer med en holländsk inspektör, en svensk inspektör och en svensk utvecklingsstrateg. För analys av sjukhusens LFI-processer genomfördes en enkätstudie och intervjustudie med 14 holländska och 11 svenska sjukhus. Analysen genomfördes med ett kvalitetsindikatorer som är baserade på en litteraturstudie. De viktigaste skillnaderna mellan hur de två länderna lär sig av incidenter är inom datainsamling och incidentutredning. I Nederländerna används många olika rapporteringssystem och utredningsmetoder för händelser. Sverige har mer enhetlighet i dessa frågor. Dessutom har Sverige ett nationellt system för att dela lärdomar mellan sjukhusen, vilket kan gynna lärningsprocessen på nationell nivå. Nederländerna har för närvarande inget liknande system. Sverige och Nederländerna har liknande styrkor och svagheter i LFI. Båda länderna har tillgängliga datainsamlingssystem och det tar inte mycket tid att rapportera incidenter. Det finns betydliga skillnader mellan incidenter och händelser som har medfört allvarliga vårdskador i båda länderna. Detta gäller kvaliteten på utredningar, planering av åtgärder och implementering av årgärder. Implementerings- och utvärderingsfaserna anses ha lägsta kvalitet, baserat på analys av kvalitetsindikatorerna. Holländsk och svensk lagstiftning och tillsynen av inspektionerna täcker dessa två sista faser endast i begränsad utsträckning. Krav på incidenter formuleras också endast i begränsad omfattning (förutom datainsamling), vilket kan förklara skillnaden i kvalitet jämfört med händelser som har medfört en allvarlig vårdskada. Det finns likheter mellan räckvidden av lagstiftningen och inspektionen, och LFIprocesserna på sjukhus i både länder. Det finns därför anledning att tro att sjukhus vanligtvis inte utmärker sig högre än vad som krävs enligt lagstiftningen eller av hälsooch sjukvårdsinspektionerna.

The nature of rape incidents involving children ages 7-15 years in the Queenstown district / Sivuyile Nqaphi

Nqaphi, Sivuyile January 2013 (has links)
As an employee in the South African Police Service, Family Violence, Child Protection Unit the researcher has noticed that there is an increase in the number of rape incidents in children. This became evident from the intake statistics which indicate that there is an estimate of 15 children per month from the Queenstown district who reported incidents of alleged sexual abuse and/ or rape at the offices of the Family Violence Child Protection Unit during 2009. The number of intakes at the Family Violence, Child Protection Unit increased even more after an awareness campaign on sexual abuse and rape was launched in the Queenstown area. Out of these office statistics it is clear that the phenomenon of child sexual abuse and rape is a very serious problem in Queenstown. Unfortunately no research is available regarding the unique situation of victims in the specific geographical area that contributes to the high incident levels. The aim of the research was to explore the nature of rape incidents involving children in the Queenstown area in order to assist social worker in this area to better understand possible risk factors contributing to child sexual abuse, as well as how to address the phenomenon better by means of effective prevention programmes and forensic social work services. Purposive sampling was conducted among forensic social workers and children from the caseload of the researcher who had been raped in the Queenstown area. This research reveals that children in the Queenstown area do not have adequate knowledge on child sexual abuse and rape. The children in this area are vulnerable because of many circumstances and become, therefore, victims of rape. Looking at the nature of rape incidents in the Queenstown area, there is a definite need for social workers with specialized knowledge, skills and experience regarding forensic social work who can render services to children who were raped. / MSW (Forensic Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The nature of rape incidents involving children ages 7-15 years in the Queenstown district / Sivuyile Nqaphi

Nqaphi, Sivuyile January 2013 (has links)
As an employee in the South African Police Service, Family Violence, Child Protection Unit the researcher has noticed that there is an increase in the number of rape incidents in children. This became evident from the intake statistics which indicate that there is an estimate of 15 children per month from the Queenstown district who reported incidents of alleged sexual abuse and/ or rape at the offices of the Family Violence Child Protection Unit during 2009. The number of intakes at the Family Violence, Child Protection Unit increased even more after an awareness campaign on sexual abuse and rape was launched in the Queenstown area. Out of these office statistics it is clear that the phenomenon of child sexual abuse and rape is a very serious problem in Queenstown. Unfortunately no research is available regarding the unique situation of victims in the specific geographical area that contributes to the high incident levels. The aim of the research was to explore the nature of rape incidents involving children in the Queenstown area in order to assist social worker in this area to better understand possible risk factors contributing to child sexual abuse, as well as how to address the phenomenon better by means of effective prevention programmes and forensic social work services. Purposive sampling was conducted among forensic social workers and children from the caseload of the researcher who had been raped in the Queenstown area. This research reveals that children in the Queenstown area do not have adequate knowledge on child sexual abuse and rape. The children in this area are vulnerable because of many circumstances and become, therefore, victims of rape. Looking at the nature of rape incidents in the Queenstown area, there is a definite need for social workers with specialized knowledge, skills and experience regarding forensic social work who can render services to children who were raped. / MSW (Forensic Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

看不見的維穩:中國群體性事件的媒介框架與話語 / Invisible Stability Maintenance: Framing mass incidents in Chinese market-oriented media

陳宇, Chen, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過去20餘年來,在「穩定壓倒一切」的思維邏輯下,中國特色的維穩體系顯著擴張,預示中國正步入維穩國家。維穩體系主要是處理改革、發展與穩定的關係,目的無外乎鞏固中共韌性威權。然而,既往學者從媒介控制角度研究中共威權統治,往往聚焦於改革與發展,漠視已成社會常態的維穩。本研究旨在彌補這一不足,並希望以群體性事件為觀察對象,檢視市場化媒體與維穩之間的統合與衝突。依框架包裹取徑,本文歸納出高壓維穩、開明維穩、官民互動、為民維權四種媒介框架與話語。研究結果發現,面對群體性事件,媒體分別扮演了黨國喉舌、監督者和公眾利益代言人的角色;媒介框架呈現出多元化特徵,但框架並非固定不變,相反潛藏著動態變化的可能;多元衝突的框架實際可以整合到更宏觀的信任與擁護政府的框架中。本研究的另一重要發現是,在嚴格新聞管制之下,媒體最常見的框架建構是開明維穩,表明市場化媒體服從維穩需要仍是主流。這一研究結果在一定程度上解釋了市場化媒體如何鞏固中共威權統治。 / Over the past two decades, the systematic stability maintenance apparatus has expanded dramatically under the logic of “stability overrides everything”, which indicates that China is turning into a security state. The operation of Stability Maintenance mainly deals with the relationship between reform, development and stability. The purpose is nothing less than strengthening the CCP’s resilient authoritarianism. However, Stability Maintenance has been ignored when researchers who study China’s authoritarian rule from the perspective of media control paid much attention to the reform and development. Choosing mass incidents as case study, this paper aims to cover the shortage mentioned above, and examines the relationship between market-oriented media and Stability Maintenance. By taking framing package approach, this paper showed that mass incidents were framed as one of the following: coercion, enlightened coercion, official-civil interaction, and legal rights safeguarding. This study found that market-oriented media played different roles as party-state mouthpiece, supervisors and spokesperson for the public interest. It also showed that the pluralistic frames of mass incidents actually can be integrated into a broader pro-government frame. More important, enlightened coercion became the most common frame under tight news censorship. It indicated that market-oriented media subjected to the necessity of Stability Maintenance is still the mainstream for media coverage on mass incidents. To a certain extent this result explained how market-oriented media sustain the CCP’s authoritarian rule.

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