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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

INDIVIDERS PÅVERKAN : på beslut under en kommunal målprocess / Impact of the individuals : on decisions during a municipal goal process

Karlsson, Anna, Silva, Christian January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem:         Målstyrning, som utvecklades inom den privata sektorn, blev som en följd av New Public Management (NPM) ett vanligt styrsätt inom svenska kommunorganisationer redan i början av 1990-talet. Skillnader i förutsättningarna mellan privata och offentliga organisationer har sedan dess gjort att det funnits svårigheter att tillämpa styrsättet. Tidigare forskning har identifierat problem i form av målträngsel, målformulering, mätbarhet och uppföljning. Studier som fokuserat på beslut i kommunorganisationer har bland annat tittat på tjänstemanna- kontra politikerrollen och individernas egenskaper. I den här studien dockas de båda områdena samman då beslut under kommunala organisationers målprocesser studeras med särskilt fokus på individers påverkan på besluten. Forskningsfråga:                        Hur påverkar individer i en kommunorganisation, i praktiken, de beslut om mål och delmål som förekommer under målstyrda arbeten? Och varför ser påverkan ut som den gör? Syfte:                                              Syftet med studien är att förklara individers påverkan på beslut om mål och delmål under ett målstyrt arbete i en kommunorganisation, detta för att skapa en helhetsbild som ökar den totala förståelsen för målarbeten i dessa organisationer. Teoretisk referensram:           Studien koncentreras kring individers påverkan på beslut, genom att ta utgångspunkt i den vidareutvecklade Garbage-Can-teorins begrepp; problem, lösningar, tid, engagemang och möjligheternas fönster. Samtliga delar inriktas på målstyrda kommunorganisationers förutsättningar, genom att de beskrivs med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning kring NPM, målstyrning samt individers roller och egenskaper. Ett praktikteoretiskt perspektiv används för att länka samman delarna till en förklarande helhet. Metod:                                           Arbetet har genomförts som en kvalitativ fallstudie och empiriinsamlingen har i första hand gjorts genom direkta observationer under mötestillfällen i en kommunal målprocess. Slutsatser:                                    Studien har visat att individer i målstyrda kommunorganisationer påverkar beslut om mål och delmål genom att argumentera för olika problem och lösningar och agera med skiftande tidsinsats och engagemang. Detta i sin påverkan av målförslagen, arbetsfördelningen och beslutsprocessen. Att påverkan ser ut på detta sätt beror enligt vår studie på att den, tillsammans med den sociala värld där den ägt rum, är en del av en ömsesidigt grundläggande helhet. Den sociala verkligheten är formad av flera strukturella och politiska förutsättningar som både påverkas av individerna och som påverkar dem. / Background and problems:   Management by objectives was developed in the private sector and became, with the help of New Public Management (NPM), a commonly used mode of control in Swedish municipalities in the early 1990s. Different prerequisites between private and public organizations have made the implementation problematic all from the beginning. Previous research has identified problems with goal inflation, goal writing, measurability and monitoring. Studies of decision making in municipal organizations has focused on the roles of officials and politicians and the characteristics of these individuals. This study brings the two areas together by focusing on decisions during municipal goal processes and the impact of the individuals on the decisions made in these processes. Research question:                   How do the individuals in a municipal organization, in practice, affect the decisions of objectives that occur during work managed by objectives? And why does the affect appear this way? Purpose:                                        The purpose of this study is to explain the individual’s impact on objectives set for a municipal work managed by objectives; this will help to create an overall picture that increases the understanding of goal processes in this kind of organizations. Frame of reference:                 The study concentrates on individual’s impact on decisions by starting off from the concepts of the extended Garbage Can theory; problems, solutions, time, dedication and windows of opportunity. By being described in relation to previous research of NPM, MBO and the roles and characteristics of individuals, these components where oriented towards the conditions of a municipal organization managed by objectives. Practice Theory has been used to link the concepts together to a holistic explanation. Method:                                        This study was made as a qualitative case study where the empirical data collection where made primarily through direct observations during meetings in a municipal goal process. Conclusions    The study has shown that individuals in municipal organizations managed by objectives affect decisions of objectives by arguing in favor of different problems and solutions and acting with shifting time effort and dedication. This in their effect on the suggested objectives, the division of labor and the decision process. According to this study, the affect appears this way because it is, together with the social world that surrounds it, a part of a mutual constitution. The social world is formed by both structural and political conditions that are being affected by the individuals as well as they affect them.

För- och nackdelar med privatpersoner på den svenska Private Equity-marknaden / Advantages and disadvantages with private individuals in the Swedish Private Equity Market

Kulti, Mikaela, Andersson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Private Equity har länge utgjort ett attraktivt tillgångsslag på grund av dess höga riskjusterade avkastning. Den historiskt höga avkastningen i kombination med dagens låga räntor och starka kapitalmarknad har bidragit till ett växande intresse för tillgångsslaget, däribland hos privatpersoner. Syftet med arbetet var att kartlägga den svenska Private Equity-marknaden och privatpersoners möjlighet till exponering mot tillgångsslaget, genom att undersöka för- och nackdelar för företag att ha med privatpersoner som investerare samt för- och nackdelar för privatpersoner att exponeras mot Private Equity. För att fastställa respektive för- och nackdelar applicerades en kvalitativ forskningsmetod bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom området.  Av studiens resultat framgick det att främst kapitalstarka privatpersoner som anses som professionella eller semi-professionella investerare har möjlighet att investera direkt i Private Equity. Det framgick även att möjligheten för mindre kapitalstarka individer att investera i tillgångsslaget är begränsad, främst på grund av lagstiftningen och högt satta lägsta investeringsgränser. Utefter studiens resultat och analys kunde slutsatsen dras att det föreligger flertalet tydliga för- och nackdelar med att ha med privatpersoner som investerare och för privatpersoner att investera i tillgångsslaget. Att ha med privatpersoner som investerare kan bidra med fördelar i form av att de kan bidra med kunskap, kompetens, erfarenhet och affärsmöjligheter. Privatpersoner utgör även en intressant källa till kapital för Private Equity-fonder och företag. Privatpersoners delaktighet innebär även nackdelar. Privatpersoner som investerare medför stora administrationskrav, en möjlig operationell risk samt utgör en osäker källa till kapital. En ytterligare nackdel med att ha med privatpersoner som investerare, sett till att enbart ha institutionella investerare, är att det kräver fler investerare för att uppnå samma nivå av kapital. Fördelarna för privatpersoner att investera i Private Equity är främst att tillgångsslaget bidrar till hög avkastning och diversifiering. Vidare kunde slutsatsen dras att investering i tillgångsslaget innebär en inlåsningseffekt som förhindrar irrationella beslut och bidrar följaktligen till högre avkastning. Nackdelarna för privatpersoner vid investering i Private Equity kunde fastställas till mindre likviditet, brist på transparens och höga förvaltningsavgifter. Komplexitet hos tillgångsslaget och individens generella kunskapsbrist påvisades även vara nackdelar som bidrar till lägre lönsamhet. / Over the past decades Private Equity has been an attractive asset class due to its high risk-adjusted return. The historically high return in combination with today's low interest rates and strong capital markets has contributed to increased interest for the asset class, including among private individuals. This study was set out to identify the Swedish Private Equity market and private individuals' access to the asset class by examining the advantages and disadvantages for companies to have private individuals as investors and the advantages and disadvantages for private individuals to be exposed to Private Equity. To determine the advantages and disadvantages, a qualitative research method was applied in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with key people within the field. The results of the study showed that mainly high-net-worth individuals who can be considered as professional or semi-professional investors have the opportunity to invest in Private Equity. It also emerged that the opportunity for less wealthy individuals to invest in Private Equity is limited, mainly due to the legislation and high minimum investment limits. From the study it could be concluded that there are several clear advantages and disadvantages with both having private individuals as investors as well as for private individuals to invest in the asset class. Having private individuals as investors can contribute with benefits in the form of knowledge, competence, experience and business opportunities. Private individuals also constitute an interesting source of capital for Private Equity funds and companies. The main disadvantages, with having private individuals as investors, concluded from the study was that their participation places great demand on administration, may pose an operational risk and that they compose an uncertain source of capital. A further disadvantage with having private individuals as investors, compared to having only institutional investors, is that a larger number of investors is needed to raise the capital that the funds require. The main advantages for private individuals to invest in Private Equity, concluded from the study, are the high returns and contribution to diversification. Furthermore, it could be concluded that investing in the asset class has a lock-in effect that prevents individuals from making irrational decisions, which in turn contributes to a higher return. The disadvantages of investing in the asset class are concluded to be less liquidity, the lack of transparency and high management fees. The complexity of the asset class and individuals general lack of knowledge are also shown to be a disadvantage that contributes to lower profitability.

Educação-especial entre o clínico e o escolar : em busca da terceira margem

Brito, Mariana Pires January 2015 (has links)
Diante do enigma representado pelos alunos incluídos, sobretudo, aqueles com graves problemas psíquicos, ou com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento, o conhecimento do professor parece ser insuficiente. Na falta de beira do pedagógico, o discurso clínico é chamado a margear os processos de ensino e aprendizagem, sendo recorrente a desligitimação da escola como espaço potente e a indicação de práticas reeducativas. Que razões levam a escola a não reconhecer seu papel constitutivo? A educação, ao se ocupar dos que estão fora do ideal de normalidade, perdeu a referência de sujeito como uma trama enigmática? Trata-se de um estudo teórico, no qual essas questões são problematizadas a partir da experiência profissional da pesquisadora, das fontes primárias da educação especial (Relatórios de Jean Itard – 1901 – e Tratado médico filosófico sobre alienação mental ou mania – 1800 – de Phillip Pinel), do campo da psicopatologia médico-biológica e fundamental e do conto A terceira margem do rio, de Guimarães Rosa. Defendemos a partida de Itard como gesto capaz de partir áreas e instaurar um novo espaço-tempo, uma terceira margem, no que antes era dual. Educação – especial. O traço que une e separa, surge da aposta, do diagnóstico como margem, de Itard na transformação de Victor pela educação. Traço instaurador de uma área e de um sujeito, não guarda um sentido a priori. A fim de sublinhar a função constitutiva da escola e do professor, o traçado precisa deslizar do ideal de normalidade à pergunta pelas condições de possibilidade de uma educação, duvidando, suspendendo, verdades cristalizadas e empobrecedoras do humano. / Given the enigma represented by the students included, especially those with severe psychological problems, or with Global Development Disorders, the knowledge of the teachers seems to be insufficient. In the absence of pedagogical border, clinical discourse is called to do margin in the processes of teaching and learning, often not legitimating the school as potent and powerful space, and indication of re-educational practices. What reasons lead school not to recognize his role constitutive? The education, dealing with the "out of the ideal of normality", lost the individual as an enigmatic plot? It is a theoretical study, in which these issues are raised from the professional experience of the researcher, the primary sources of special education (Reports of Jean Itard- 1901- and A treatise on insanity and others disorders affecting the mind -1800- Philippe Pinel), the field of biological medical and fundamental psychopathology and from the tale called “A terceira margem do rio” (The third margin of the river) written by Guimarães Rosa. We advocate the departure of Itard as capable of break off areas and establish a new space-time, a third margin, in what used to be dual. Special – education. The lineament that unites and separates, arises from the investment, the diagnosis as margin, from Itard believing in Victor transformation through education. Lineament originator of an area and an individual, don't keep a sense a priori. In order to emphasis the constitutive function of the school and the teacher, the stroke need to slide off the ideal of normalcy to question the conditions of possibility of an education, doubting, suspending, petrified and depleting the human truths.

A eficácia contra particulares dos direitos (drittwirkung) sob enfoque de seus deveres de proteção (schutzflichten)

Gehlen, Gabriel Menna Barreto von January 2006 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo de Direito Constitucional acerca dos direitos fundamentais. Inicialmente estudam-se os conceitos de direito subjetivo e de direito fundamental, elencandose as suas assim chamadas “gerações”. Após, enfrenta-se a construção doutrinária dos “deveres de proteção” dos direitos fundamentais. De mão desses conhecimentos, volta-se o foco, na segunda parte, para a teoria da “eficácia contra particulares” dos direitos fundamentais. Inicialmente, ubica-se-a no fenômeno maior da “Constitucionalização do Direito Privado”. Após, enunciam-se as teorias contrapostas que se construíram para a explicação dessa “eficácia contra particulares”, apresentando-se solução de conciliação. Aborda-se também particularidade processual atinente à divisão de competências dos tribunais de Brasília (STF e STJ) para aplicação da “eficácia contra particulares”. Conclui-se, finalmente, sobre possibilidade de superação dos riscos que os detratores dessa teoria levantam, contanto que respeitados determinados marcos teóricos. / This is a study on Constitutional Law about fundamental rights. First are focused the concepts of subjectiv right, fundamental rights, and its “generations”. Afterwards the attention shifts to the “duty of protection” of the fundamental rights. In the second part, the doctrine of the “effect of fundamental rights against private individuals” and the opposing theories about it are researched, with the proposal of a conciliatory solution. Then, the particular division of judiciary competences in Brasilia (between STJ and STF) to enforce that doctrine is targeted. Finally, the study concludes in favour of the possibility of avoiding the risks presented by the enemmies of that doctrine, if some theoretical marks are respected.

Determinantes da concessão de crédito livre para pessoas físicas no Brasil

Lopes, Ivan Campello 22 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ivan Lopes (ilopes@opportunity.com.br) on 2017-10-09T14:41:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ivan Lopes - Versão Completa Final.pdf: 1306277 bytes, checksum: cebb5ea871fc8ae1392d7e2bc350ec75 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by GILSON ROCHA MIRANDA (gilson.miranda@fgv.br) on 2017-11-07T12:45:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Ivan Lopes - Versão Completa Final.pdf: 1306277 bytes, checksum: cebb5ea871fc8ae1392d7e2bc350ec75 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-29T13:31:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ivan Lopes - Versão Completa Final.pdf: 1306277 bytes, checksum: cebb5ea871fc8ae1392d7e2bc350ec75 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-22 / This paper aims to identify, with an econometric model, the main micro and macroeconomic variables that were responsible for the process of credit concession for individuals that took place in Brazil during 2004 and 2016, using quarterly data. The variables referred to bank spread, working population, confidence index, admission salary and country’s leverage, measured by credit as a percentage of product, were statistically significant. Finally, it was developed a prediction model based on VAR and the result shows that the model presented less uncertainty than a Randon Walk model, especially the prediction for the one quarter ahead. / Este trabalho busca identificar, através de um modelo econométrico, as principais variáveis micro e macroeconômicas que foram determinantes para o processo de concessão de crédito livre para pessoas físicas ocorrido no Brasil no período de 2004 a 2016, com dados trimestrais. As variáveis referentes ao spread bancário, população ocupada, índice de confiança, salário de admissão e alavancagem total, medida pelo crédito como percentual do PIB, se mostraram estatisticamente significativas. Por fim, foi desenvolvido um modelo de previsão baseado em VAR e os resultados apresentaram incerteza inferior ao de um modelo Randon Walk, principalmente para o primeiro trimestre à frente.

Educação-especial entre o clínico e o escolar : em busca da terceira margem

Brito, Mariana Pires January 2015 (has links)
Diante do enigma representado pelos alunos incluídos, sobretudo, aqueles com graves problemas psíquicos, ou com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento, o conhecimento do professor parece ser insuficiente. Na falta de beira do pedagógico, o discurso clínico é chamado a margear os processos de ensino e aprendizagem, sendo recorrente a desligitimação da escola como espaço potente e a indicação de práticas reeducativas. Que razões levam a escola a não reconhecer seu papel constitutivo? A educação, ao se ocupar dos que estão fora do ideal de normalidade, perdeu a referência de sujeito como uma trama enigmática? Trata-se de um estudo teórico, no qual essas questões são problematizadas a partir da experiência profissional da pesquisadora, das fontes primárias da educação especial (Relatórios de Jean Itard – 1901 – e Tratado médico filosófico sobre alienação mental ou mania – 1800 – de Phillip Pinel), do campo da psicopatologia médico-biológica e fundamental e do conto A terceira margem do rio, de Guimarães Rosa. Defendemos a partida de Itard como gesto capaz de partir áreas e instaurar um novo espaço-tempo, uma terceira margem, no que antes era dual. Educação – especial. O traço que une e separa, surge da aposta, do diagnóstico como margem, de Itard na transformação de Victor pela educação. Traço instaurador de uma área e de um sujeito, não guarda um sentido a priori. A fim de sublinhar a função constitutiva da escola e do professor, o traçado precisa deslizar do ideal de normalidade à pergunta pelas condições de possibilidade de uma educação, duvidando, suspendendo, verdades cristalizadas e empobrecedoras do humano. / Given the enigma represented by the students included, especially those with severe psychological problems, or with Global Development Disorders, the knowledge of the teachers seems to be insufficient. In the absence of pedagogical border, clinical discourse is called to do margin in the processes of teaching and learning, often not legitimating the school as potent and powerful space, and indication of re-educational practices. What reasons lead school not to recognize his role constitutive? The education, dealing with the "out of the ideal of normality", lost the individual as an enigmatic plot? It is a theoretical study, in which these issues are raised from the professional experience of the researcher, the primary sources of special education (Reports of Jean Itard- 1901- and A treatise on insanity and others disorders affecting the mind -1800- Philippe Pinel), the field of biological medical and fundamental psychopathology and from the tale called “A terceira margem do rio” (The third margin of the river) written by Guimarães Rosa. We advocate the departure of Itard as capable of break off areas and establish a new space-time, a third margin, in what used to be dual. Special – education. The lineament that unites and separates, arises from the investment, the diagnosis as margin, from Itard believing in Victor transformation through education. Lineament originator of an area and an individual, don't keep a sense a priori. In order to emphasis the constitutive function of the school and the teacher, the stroke need to slide off the ideal of normalcy to question the conditions of possibility of an education, doubting, suspending, petrified and depleting the human truths.

Manipulating exercise and recovery to enhance adaptations to sprint interval training

Taylor, Conor W. January 2017 (has links)
Highly-trained athletes are accustomed to varied and high-volume based exercise stimuli and eliciting adaptation in individuals already possessing the necessary physiology to compete at the highest level is difficult. Therefore, identifying novel, potent and time efficient methods of achieving cumulative training stress is a continual quest for coaches and exercise scientists. This thesis examined the acute and chronic effects of manipulating exercise and recovery during brief all-out sprint cycling on adaptive responses favouring enhanced endurance capacity. Chapter 3 highlighted that low-volume non-work matched all-out sprint cycling, whether it be interval- (4 x 30 s bouts) or continuous based (1 x 2 min bout) provides a similarly potent stimulus for the acute induction of cell signalling pathways and key growth factors associated with mitochondrial biogenesis and angiogenesis in trained individuals. In line with manipulating recovery and in attempting to identify a novel and potent exercise intervention capable of giving athletes more return on their training investment, Chapters 4-6 investigated the efficacy of combining sprint interval training with post-exercise blood flow restriction (BFR). Firstly, it was demonstrated that BFR potentiates HIF-1α mRNA expression in response to SIT, tentatively suggesting an enhanced stimulus for hypoxia- and/or metabolic-mediated cell signalling associated with mitochondrial biogenesis and angiogenesis over SIT alone. Secondly, four weeks of SIT combined with post-exercise BFR provides a greater training stimulus over SIT alone in trained individuals to enhance VO2max (4.7 v 1.1 % change) and MAP (3.8 v 0.2 % change), but not 15-km TT performance. Finally, in response to four weeks of SIT combined with post-exercise BFR, an international female track sprint cyclist increased her CP and W by 7 and 2 % and VO2max and absolute MAP by 3 and 4 %, respectively. Through a combination of an acute in vivo molecular experiment, a training study and an athlete case study, this thesis has introduced a potentially potent and novel training concept that appears capable of augmenting aerobic capacity.

Individuals with Disabilities in Self-Employment through Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies across the United States

Yamamoto, Scott Hiromi 06 1900 (has links)
xv, 111 p. : ill. / Despite numerous legislative and programmatic efforts, individuals with disabilities continue to experience greater difficulties gaining employment and poorer outcomes of employment than individuals without disabilities. These disparities negatively impact society. My review of the U.S. empirical research literature suggests, however, that self-employment could improve employment opportunities and outcomes for individuals with disabilities, and their success is most influenced by individual characteristics, level of supports, and accountability systems. In this dissertation study, I used a nonexperimental research design to investigate six research questions with Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) statistical analyses. Extant data on more than a million clients of vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies from the 50 states and District of Columbia for fiscal years 2003 to 2007 were obtained from the Rehabilitation Services Administration. Results of the HLM analysis indicated that among the significant (<italic>p</italic><.001) predictors of self-employment closure across the fiscal years, ethnicity had the strongest effect. The initial SEM analysis produced an inadmissible solution; the respecified model of individual characteristics, level of supports, and accountability systems produced a reasonable model fit in each fiscal year. The model invariance testing across the four U.S. Census Regions indicated a reasonable fit in each fiscal year when model parameters were freely estimated for each region, but very poor fit and significant differences were indicated when some parameters were fixed to be equal across the regions. The major limitations of this dissertation study are model misspecification in HLM and SEM and the small number of RSA fiscal years that were analyzed; causal inferences cannot be made. The primary implication of this study for researchers is using the results of the statistical analyses to develop and test theories about self-employment of individuals with disabilities through VR. The primary implication for VR is using the results to make decisions about services and agency policies. Recommendations for further research include (a) using Laplace estimation in HLM, (b) analyzing other HLM random effects and predictors, (c) testing a SEM model of different indicators and factor structure with Bayesian estimation, and (d) conducting empirical longitudinal studies given the complex developmental processes of self-employment. / Committee in charge: Richard Albin Chair; Deanne Unruh, Member; Deborah Olson, Member; Lauren Lindstrom, Member; Patricia Gwartney, Outside Member

Errância dos desejos: Territórios e sujeitos marginais no centro da cidade do Salvador

Souza, Eric Ferreira 18 July 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-02T18:41:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Eric Ferreira Souza.pdf: 155766 bytes, checksum: bbed116ebd2003cf2e910a545c070963 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-03T19:19:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Eric Ferreira Souza.pdf: 155766 bytes, checksum: bbed116ebd2003cf2e910a545c070963 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-03T19:19:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de Eric Ferreira Souza.pdf: 155766 bytes, checksum: bbed116ebd2003cf2e910a545c070963 (MD5) / As primeiras décadas do século XX foram marcadas por uma tentativa de modernização do centro da cidade de Salvador conduzida pelo poder público, que ao fazer uso de um aparato policial, médico-sanitário e jurídico recartografou a área interferindo no cotidiano de sujeitos marginalizados que a habitavam ou a freqüentavam, o que provocou o posicionamento desses sujeitos sob a forma de enfrentamentos abertos ou de sutis negociações com os mecanismos disciplinadores do Estado. O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar os processos através dos quais esses sujeitos fazendo uso de micro-poderes des-re-territorializaram a área, a partir de processos permeados por complexas e tensas relações de gênero, contrapondo à cartografia oficial outra de caráter marginal. The first decades of the twentieth century were marked by governmental attempts to modernize the town center of Salvador , which by employing the police, medical and juridical apparatuses remapped the area, interfering in the day to day of the marginalized individuals who either lived there or frequented it. This led to positionings on the part of these individuals either in the form of open defiance or through subtle negotiations with the State disciplinary mechanisms. The objective of this research is to investigate the processes through which these individuals, using micro powers, deterritorialized the area through processes permeated by complex and tense gender relations, setting against the official cartography another one of a marginal character.

Marcadores de diferença e jocosidade entre sujeitos LGBT na cidade de Maputo / Markers of difference and jocoseness between LGBT individuals in Maputo

Nelson André Mugabe 27 February 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Esta dissertação analisa marcadores sociais produtores de hierarquia, desigualdade e discriminação entre sujeitos LGBT na cidade de Maputo. A análise das intersecções de gênero, raça, classe social, idade e sexualidade demonstra que os sujeitos LGBT em contextos de sociabilidades, e mesmo nas relações sociais, constroem hierarquias e formas de discriminação, que por sua vez geram sentimentos tais como a humilhação e o desprezo. O estudo discute também de que maneira esses marcadores posicionam determinados sujeitos LGBT na dinâmica de sociabilidade e preferências sexuais no pólo de valorizados, relegando outros ao pólo de desvalorizados. O humor, a jocosidade, e a informalidade observados reforçam os marcadores sociais das diferenças entre os sujeitos LGBT, e ainda informam moralidades por meio de um discurso irônico. A pesquisa é de carácter etnográfico e baseou-se nos métodos e técnicas tradicionais da antropologia: observação-participante e conversas informais com sujeitos LGBT; e incluiu ainda análise de documentos. Um objectivo secundário desta dissertação é contribuir para a construção da história do movimento LGBT moçambicano, que ainda está por ser realizada e o desenho de tal história faz parte do levantamento realizado. / This dissertation analyzes social markers that produce hierarchy, inequality and discrimination among LGBT individuals in Maputo. The analysis of gender and its intersection with race, social class, age and sexuality demonstrates that LGBT individuals in the context of social relations build hierarchies and forms of discrimination, which in turn generate feelings such as humiliation and the contempt. The study also discusses how these markers place certain LGBT subjects, in the dynamics of sociability and sexual preferences, in a valued position, relegating others to the opposite position. The humor, jocoseness, and the observed informality reinforce the social markers of the differences between LGBT individuals, and also inform morality through an ironic discourse. The research is ethnographic and was based on the traditional methods and techniques of anthropology: participant observation and informal conversations with LGBT individuals; and even included document analysis. A secondary objective of this dissertation is to contribute to the construction of the history the Mozambican LGBT movement, which is yet to be held - and the design of such a story is part of the conducted survey.

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