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Att koordinera distribuerade IT-projekt med stöd av informations- och kommunikationsteknik : En fallstudie på IFS World Operations AB / Coordinating distributed IT-projects using information and communication technology : A case study at IFS World Operations ABLöfstedt, Truls, Jonsson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
IT-system utvecklas idag ofta i globalt distribuerade organisationer. Detta görs för att möta de krav som ställs från omgivningen samt för att finna specialkompetens. En global organisation kan medföra distribuerat arbete, alltså att utvecklingsgrupper sprids över flera platser. Ett problem med detta kan vara att få alla delar av verksamheten att arbeta mot ett gemensamt mål. Koordination – att hantera beroenden mellan element i komplexa organisationer för att möjliggöra effektivt arbete mot ett gemensamt mål – blir då en viktig aktivitet. Att kommunicera över distans i den takt organisationen kräver är en omöjlighet utan att implementera informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) – digitala verktyg med fokus på kommunikation och spridandet av information. Vi vill i denna uppsats undersöka hur koordination sker i distribuerade IT-projekt, samt vilken roll IKT-stöd har vid koordination av distribuerade IT-projekt. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap gällande användandet av IKT-stöd för koordination i distribuerade IT- projekt. Vi genomför denna kvalitativa fallstudie hos IFS World Operations AB – en global affärssystemsleverantör. Data har samlats in genom intervjuer med personer i olika roller inom det undersökta it projektet. Vi har ställt de empiriska resultaten i relation till teorier inom områden som koordination, IT-projekt samt IKT. Våra resultat visar att koordination i agila, distribuerade IT-projekt sker på två nivåer; strategisk samt operationell koordination. Dessa syftar att uppnå mål på olika nivåer. Vi har också kunnat dela in koordinationshandlingar i tre typer utvecklade från teori och observationer; ömsesidig anpassning, framväxande standardisering och organisationsförvaltning. Vi kan även sluta oss till att IKT-stöd främst förhåller sig till koordination på tre sätt i ett distribuerat IT-projekt; möjliggörande, medierande samt begränsande. Med stöd av de ovan presenterade resultaten har vi tagit fram faktorer vi funnit påverka möjligheten att koordinera IT-projekt. Dessa är; gruppdynamik, graden av distribution, fasta utvecklingsgrupper, utveckla teknik tillsammans med organisation samt standardiserade kommunikationskanaler. / Information systems are often developed in globally distributed organizations. Many times the reason for being distributed is to meet requirements and demands from the organizations surrounding and to acquire a specialized set of skills. Global organizations may choose to work distributed, which means that development teams are spread out over multiple locations. This can create problems; how do you make all parts of the organization work together towards a common goal? Thus, coordination – The management of interdependent elements in a complex organization so as to enable them to work together effectively toward a specific goal – becomes important. Long distance communication using information and communication technology (ICT) – digital tools with the purpose of endorsing communication and knowledge – is required to coordinate between locations. In this thesis we examine how coordination is performed in distributed IT-projects. We will also address the role that information and communications technology plays in coordination of these projects. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge in the area of using ICT tools for coordinating distributed IT-projects. This qualitative case study was conducted in cooperation with IFS World Operations AB – a global provider of an Enterprise Resource Planning system. Our empirical data has been collected using five interviews, all with different types of roles from within IT-projects. The data has then been put in relation to theories concerning coordination, IT-projects and ICT. Our findings show coordination in distributed, agile software development projects is working on two levels; strategic and operational coordination. The difference lies with the motivation to complete goals on different levels of the organization. We can also conclude that there are three different kinds of means to carry out coordination; Mutual Adjustment, Emerging standardization and organizational management. Concerning the role of ICT in the coordination of distributed IT-projects we have found it to be threefold; enabling, mediating and limiting. Based on these findings we conclude this study by presenting five factors that influence the ability to coordinate distributed IT-projects. These are: group dynamics, level of distribution, fixed development teams, parallel development of technology and organization and standardized communication channels.
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Spécificités de l'implant électro-acoustique : indications, interface bioélectrique et stratégie de codage / Specificities of electric-acoustic stimulation : indications, bioelectrical interface and coding strategySeldran, Fabien 19 December 2011 (has links)
Le clinicien se trouve parfois confronté à des sujets qui présentent une surdité supérieure à 90 dB HL au-delà de 1 kHz avec une audition résiduelle dans les fréquences graves. Pour réhabiliter les hautes fréquences, il existe aujourd’hui différentes technologies : amplification conventionnelle, compression fréquentielle, implant cochléaire et depuis une dizaine d’année la stimulation électro-acoustique EAS qui consiste à stimuler acoustiquement les sons graves et électriquement les sons aigus via un implant cochléaire. La première partie de cette thèse a consisté à identifier les facteurs qui influencent les capacités des patients sourds partiels à traiter l’information basse fréquence de la parole. Nous avons utilisé un test d’audiométrie vocale filtrée passe-bas. Nos résultats indiquent que les scores d’intelligibilité de la parole sont positivement corrélés avec la durée de la surdité. Ceci signifie qu’avec le temps, ces sujets malentendants apprennent à comprendre avec cette audition type filtre passe-bas, à tel point que certains ont des performances supra-normales pour l’utilisation des basses fréquences. Nos résultats montrent également une corrélation négative entre l’âge d’apparition de la surdité et les scores l’intelligibilité. Ce test pourra aider le clinicien à mieux cibler l’appareillage le plus adapté à chaque profil de patient. La seconde partie de cette thèse, consacrée à l’EAS, a consisté à évaluer par des simulations chez le normo-entendant, diverses stratégies de codage du son par l’implant EAS. Actuellement, la stratégie utilisée pour l’EAS est calquée sur celle de l’implant cochléaire et nos résultats suggèrent que cette stratégie peut être optimisée. / Clinicians may face patients who have a deafness superior to 90 dB HL above 1 kHz with good lowfrequency residual hearing. Today, several technologies are available to provide high frequencies: conventional amplification, frequency compression, cochlear implant since about 10 years Electric-Acoustic Stimulation EAS which consists in stimulating acoustically low frequencies while stimulating electrically high frequency sounds via a cochlear implant. The firt part of this dissertation consisted in identifying the factors which may influence abilities of partially deaf subjects to process low-frequency speech information. We used a low-pass filtered speech test. Our results show that speech intelligibility scores are positively correlated to the duration of deafness. This means that these hearing-impaired subjects learn to understand with this lowpass-like hearing, in such a way that some of them exhibit supranormal abilities for the processing of low-frequency sounds. Our results also show a negative correlation between the age at onset of deafness and speech intelligibility scores. This test may help the clinician to better evaluate which device would be best for every patient’s profile. The second part of this dissertation, about EAS, consisted in evaluating through simulations in normal hearing listeners, several coding strategies by the EAS implant. Now the strategy used for EAS duplicates the strategy used by cochlear implants and our results suggest that this strategy could be optimized.
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Méthodologies pour la création de connaissances relatives au marché chinois dans une démarche d'Intelligence Économique : application dans le domaine des biotechnologies agricoles / Methodologies for building knowledge about the Chinese market in a business intelligence approach : application in the field of agricultural biotechnologiesGuénec, Nadège 02 July 2009 (has links)
Le décloisonnement des économies et l’accélération mondiale des échanges commerciaux ont, en une décennie à peine, transformés l’environnement concurrentiel des entreprises. La zone d’activités s’est élargie en ouvrant des nouveaux marchés à potentiels très attrayants. Ainsi en est-il des BRIC (Brésil, Russie, Inde et Chine). De ces quatre pays, impressionnants par la superficie, la population et le potentiel économique qu’ils représentent, la Chine est le moins accessible et le plus hermétique à notre compréhension de par un système linguistique distinct des langues indo-européennes d’une part et du fait d’une culture et d’un système de pensée aux antipodes de ceux de l’occident d’autre part. Pourtant, pour une entreprise de taille internationale, qui souhaite étendre son influence ou simplement conserver sa position sur son propre marché, il est aujourd’hui absolument indispensable d’être présent sur le marché chinois. Comment une entreprise occidentale aborde-t-elle un marché qui de par son altérité, apparaît tout d’abord comme complexe et foncièrement énigmatique ? Six années d’observation en Chine, nous ont permis de constater les écueils dans l’accès à l’information concernant le marché chinois. Comme sur de nombreux marchés extérieurs, nos entreprises sont soumises à des déstabilisations parfois inimaginables. L’incapacité à « lire » la Chine et à comprendre les enjeux qui s’y déroulent malgré des effets soutenus, les erreurs tactiques qui découlent d’une mauvaise appréciation du marché ou d’une compréhension biaisée des jeux d’acteurs nous ont incités à réfléchir à une méthodologie de décryptage plus fine de l’environnement d’affaire qui puisse offrir aux entreprises françaises une approche de la Chine en tant que marché. Les méthodes de l’Intelligence Economique (IE) se sont alors imposées comme étant les plus propices pour plusieurs raisons : le but de l’IE est de trouver l’action juste à mener, la spécificité du contexte dans lequel évolue l’organisation est prise en compte et l’analyse se fait en temps réel. Si une approche culturelle est faite d’interactions humaines et de subtilités, une approche « marché » est dorénavant possible par le traitement automatique de l’information et de la modélisation qui s’en suit. En effet, dans toute démarche d’Intelligence Economique accompagnant l’implantation d’une activité à l’étranger, une grande part de l’information à portée stratégique vient de l’analyse du jeu des acteurs opérants dans le même secteur d’activité. Une telle automatisation de la création de connaissance constitue, en sus de l’approche humaine « sur le terrain », une réelle valeur ajoutée pour la compréhension des interactions entre les acteurs car elle apporte un ensemble de connaissances qui, prenant en compte des entités plus larges, revêtent un caractère global, insaisissable par ailleurs. La Chine ayant fortement développé les technologies liées à l’économie de la connaissance, il est dorénavant possible d’explorer les sources d’information scientifiques et techniques chinoises. Nous sommes en outre convaincus que l’information chinoise prendra au fil du temps une importance de plus en plus cruciale. Il devient donc urgent pour les organisations de se doter de dispositifs permettant non seulement d’accéder à cette information mais également d’être en mesure de traiter les masses d’informations issues de ces sources. Notre travail consiste principalement à adapter les outils et méthodes issues de la recherche française à l’analyse de l’information chinoise en vue de la création de connaissances élaborées. L’outil MATHEO, apportera par des traitements bibliométriques une vision mondiale de la stratégie chinoise. TETRALOGIE, outil dédié au data-mining, sera adapté à l’environnement linguistique et structurel des bases de données scientifiques chinoises. En outre, nous participons au développement d’un outil d’information retreival (MEVA) qui intègre les données récentes des sciences cognitives et oeuvrons à son application dans la recherche de l’information chinoise, pertinente et adéquate. Cette thèse étant réalisée dans le cadre d’un contrat CIFRE avec le Groupe Limagrain, une application contextualisée de notre démarche sera mise en œuvre dans le domaine des biotechnologies agricoles et plus particulièrement autour des enjeux actuels de la recherche sur les techniques d’hybridation du blé. L’analyse de ce secteur de pointe, qui est à la fois une domaine de recherche fondamentale, expérimentale et appliquée donne actuellement lieu à des prises de brevets et à la mise sur le marché de produits commerciaux et représente donc une thématique très actuelle. La Chine est-elle réellement, comme nous le supposons, un nouveau territoire mondial de la recherche scientifique du 21e siècle ? Les méthodes de l’IE peuvent-elles s’adapter au marché chinois ? Après avoir fourni les éléments de réponses à ces questions dans es deux premières parties de notre étude, nous poserons en troisième partie, le contexte des biotechnologies agricoles et les enjeux mondiaux en terme de puissance économico-financière mais également géopolitique de la recherche sur l’hybridation du blé. Puis nous verrons en dernière partie comment mettre en œuvre une recherche d’information sur le marché chinois ainsi que l’intérêt majeur en terme de valeur ajoutée que représente l’analyse de l’information chinoise / The rise of globalization, including technological innovations and the dismantling of trade barriers, has spurred the steady acceleration of global trade and, in barely a decade, has transformed the competitive environment of enterprises. The area of activity has been expanded by the emergence of new markets with very attractive potential. So are the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Among the four of them, all impressive by their size, population and economic potential they represent, China is the least accessible and the more closed to our understanding because of a linguistic system radically different from the Indo-European languages on the one hand and of the fact of a culture and a thought system at odds with those of Western countries. Yet for a company of international size, which wants to extend its influence or simply to maintain its market position, including its own market, it is now essential to be present on the Chinese market. How does a western company operate on a market that appears at first as inherently complex and enigmatic because of its otherness? During six years of observation in China, we have found out the pitfalls in access to information about the Chinese market. As on many markets, our companies are subject to some unimaginable destabilization. The inability to “read” China and understand the issues that take place in spite of sustained efforts, the tactical errors that arise from a misjudgement of the market or a biased understanding of the game players led us to consider a methodology that could provide French companies an approach to China as a market. The methodologies of Business Intelligence (BI) came out to be the most suitable for several reasons: the goal of BI is to find out the right action to realise, the specificity of the context in which the organization is evolving is taken into consideration and the analysis is done just in time. If a cultural approach is made of human interactions and subtleties, a market approach is now possible by the automatic processing of information and its modelling. In any process of economic intelligence accompanying the establishment of a foreign operation, a large part of the strategic information comes from analysis of the game players operating in the same sector of activity. Such an automation of knowledge creation is, in addition to the human approach on the field, a real high value added to help the understanding of the interactions between the players. It provides a set of knowledge, which taking into account more large entities, are more comprehensive. They are more elusive anywhere else. Because has highly developed technologies linked to the knowledge economy, it is now possible to explore the scientific and technological sources of information science in China. We are also convinced that Chinese sources of information will take a more and more crucial importance in any global watch. It is therefore an urgent need for organizations to get solutions that not only allow the access to this information but also are able to handle the masses of information from these sources. The aim of this thesis is mainly to adapt the tools and the methods invented by French university research to the analysis of Chinese information in order to create useful knowledge. Matheo software will provide some bibliometrical treatments that will give a global vision of the Chinese strategy. Tetralogy software, a tool dedicated to data-mining, will be tailored to the linguistic environment and to the structure of the Chinese scientific databases. In addition, we participate in the development of a method for the information retrieval (MEVA) which integrates the data of recent discoveries in cognitive science. We develop this method to the research of the relevant and appropriate information among the Chinese datas. As this thesis is conduced under a contract university /enterprise with Limagrain, an application of our approach will be implemented in the field of agricultural biotechnology and in particular around issues of research on techniques for hybridization of wheat. The analysis of this sector, which is an area of fundamental research, experimental and applied is a very current topic as it gives rise to the acquisition of patents and to the marketing of commercial products. Is China really, as we suppose to, a new territory Global Scientific Research of the 21st century? Can the methods of BI be adapted to the Chinese market? After providing some answers to these questions in the first two parts of our study, the third part will describe the global context of agricultural biotechnologies and its issues in terms of economic and financial power but also geopolitical. Then we will focus on the problematic of research on hybridization wheat. Then we will see in the fourth and last part how to implement a search for information on the Chinese market and the major interest in terms of added value of information analysis in China
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Proceedings of the International Workshop "Innovation Information Technologies: Theory and Practice": Dresden, Germany, September 06-10.2010Konrad, Uwe, Iskhakova, Liliya January 2010 (has links)
This International Workshop is a high quality seminar providing a forum for the exchange of scientific achievements between research communities of different universities and research institutes in the area of innovation information technologies. It is a continuation of the Russian-German Workshops that have been organized by the universities in Dresden, Karlsruhe and Ufa before.
The workshop was arranged in 9 sessions covering the major topics: Modern Trends in Information Technology, Knowledge Based Systems and Semantic Modelling, Software Technology and High Performance Computing, Geo-Information Systems and Virtual Reality, System and Process Engineering, Process Control and Management and Corporate Information Systems.
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DET BÄSTA HAR INTE HÄNT ÄN : - En kvalitativ studie av hybridledarskap / THE BEST IS YET TO COME : - A qualitative study of Hybrid LeadershipJibbefors, Linnéa, Ohrlander, David January 2022 (has links)
Date: June 1st, 2022 Level: Bachelor/masters thesis, Business Economics, 15 hp Institution: EST – Economy, Society & Technology, Mälardalens University Authors: Linnea Jibbefors, 1999-06-17, David Ohrlander, 1997-08-10. Title: THE BEST IS YET TO COME - A qualitative study of Hybrid Leadership Supervisor: Magnus Hoppe Keywords: Digital leadership, leadership, teleworking, communication, information- and communication technology, digital communication, global teams, virtual teams, hybrid leadership and hybrid work. Research questions: ● How does hybrid leadership apply in practice? ➢ What are the most apparent possibilities and challenges between workplace leadership and digital leadership? ➢ How is the leadership affected in regards to clarity, trust, technology and teams, related to hybrid leadership? Purpose: The authors of this study aims to investigate how the phenomenon of hybrid leadership, leadership that occurs both at physical workplaces and digital workplaces, appears in practice. Method: In this study a qualitative research method has been applied where the empirical data has been gathered through semi structured interviews. The theoretical framework was the foundation for the interview questions and a total of 13 interviews were conducted. Thereafter the empirical material was analyzed through the theoretical framework, which led to the answering of the purpose and the research questions. Conclusion: Hybrid leadership has contributed to multiple possibilities and challenges for organizations. The most apparent possibility is for workers to conduct their work both from home and digitally, which contributes to efficiency since the workers can accomplish work rather than traveling. The respondents have stated that this is the future of working. Hybrid leadership consists of four important ground stones: Clarity, Trust, Technology and Team. The hybrid leader must communicate a clear objective, maintain an open and continuous two-way communication, contribute to as high a social presence as possible and promote team dynamics on the digital platform. To do this, the hybrid leader must have an increased focus on the workers social satisfaction and well-being through the digital platforms, by using cameras and conducting one-to-one-meetings regularly. / Datum: 2022-06-01 Nivå: C-uppsats, Företagsekonomi, 15 hp Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Universitet Författare: Linnea Jibbefors, 1999-06-17, David Ohrlander, 1997-08-10 Titel: DET BÄSTA HAR INTE HÄNT ÄN - En kvalitativ studie av hybridledarskap Handledare: Magnus Hoppe Nyckelord: Digitalt ledarskap, ledarskap, distansarbete, kommunikation, informations- och kommunikationsteknik, digital kommunikation, globala teams, virtuella teams, hybridledarskap och hybridarbete. Forskningsfrågor: ● Hur tillämpas ett hybridledarskap? ➢ Vilka är de mest framträdande möjligheterna och utmaningarna mellan arbetsplatsförlagt ledarskap och digitalt ledarskap? ➢ Hur påverkas ledarskapets tydlighet, tillit, teknik och team vid ett hybridledarskap? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur fenomenet hybridledarskap, ledarskap som äger rum både vid arbetsplatsförlagt och digitalt arbete, framträder i praktiken. Metod: I denna studie har en kvalitativ forskningsmetod använts där den empiriska datan samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den teoretiska referensramen la grunden för intervjufrågorna och totalt genomfördes 13 intervjuer. Därefter analyserades det empiriska materialet med stöd från teorin, vilket resulterade i att syftet och forskningsfrågorna kunde besvaras. Slutsats: Hybridledarskapet har bidragit till en rad möjligheter och utmaningar för organisationer. De främsta möjligheterna innefattar att medarbetarna kan arbeta hemifrån eller på plats, vilket bidrar till effektivitet, då tiden kan användas till arbetsuppgifterna istället för att resa. Respondenterna menar att detta är framtidens sätt att arbeta för organisationer. Hybridledarskapet bör hantera fyra viktiga beståndsdelar; Tydlighet, Tillit, Teknik och Team. Hybridledaren måste kommunicera ut en tydlig målbild, upprätthålla en öppen och kontinuerlig tvåvägskommunikation, bidra till hög social närvaro samt främja gruppdynamiken på den digitala plattformen. För att göra detta bör hybridledaren ha ett ökat fokus på medarbetarnas sociala tillfredsställelse och välmående via de digitala plattformarna, genom användandet av kamera och regelbundna one-to-one–möten.
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LCA of ICT solutions: environmental impacts and challenges of assessmentArushanyan, Yevgeniya January 2013 (has links)
Information and communication technology (ICT) is playing an important role in modern society, contributing to economic growth and affecting society and people’s lifestyles. There are high expectations on ICT to contribute to sustainable development, e.g. through greenhouse gas emissions reductions. ICT solutions (ICT products and services) are often perceived as having low or no environmental impacts compared with conventional alternatives. In order to determine the potential of ICT to reduce environmental impacts, environmental assessments of ICT solutions compared with other alternatives are needed. A number of studies have already assessed the environmental impacts of individual ICT solutions and the ICT sector. However, more research is needed, covering different types of impacts (primary, secondary, rebound, etc.) in a variety of impact categories (e.g. climate change, ozone depletion, eutrophication, human and ecotoxicity, etc.). The findings then need to be systematised in order to identify hot-spots and draw generic conclusions. As the area is rather new and fast-developing, assessment methods need to be critically appraised in order to identify challenges and developments necessary for high quality assessments. This thesis aims to contribute to the knowledge on the direct life cycle environmental impacts of ICT solutions and to investigate and analyse the challenges of applying Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a tool for environmental assessment of ICT solutions. Two research questions: “What life cycle environmental impacts and their causes can be identified for ICT solutions?” and “What are the methodological challenges of assessing the ICT solutions using LCA?” were analysed by reviewing published LCAs on ICT solutions and conducting a case study of online and printed newspapers. The literature review helped identify hotspots in the life cycle of ICT solutions, draw generic conclusions concerning environmental impacts and their causes, and identify major challenges to LCA application. The case study assessed the environmental impacts of traditional and new media solutions and provided information on methodological challenges. The results show that impacts other than climate change potential and energy use are not well-studied in the ICT sector, creating a risk of possible sub-optimisation and problem shifting. Manufacturing and the use phase are concluded to be the most environmentally intense life cycle stages of ICT products in many studies. However, transportation and end-of-life treatment should not be omitted in the assessments, although their impacts appear lower, as uncertainty and lack of data might be a reason for underestimations. As ICT is under constant and rapid development, environmental assessment of ICT solutions faces challenges regarding e.g. data quality and availability; choice of data type; methodological choices (e.g. choice of functional unit, scope definition and allocation); and assumptions on user behaviour. These affect the final results and thus need to be carefully considered by LCA practitioners. The outcomes of this thesis can benefit practitioners and decision-makers, improving knowledge on the environmental impacts of ICT solutions and challenges in applying LCA for assessment of ICT solutions, and providing improved grounds for more informed decision-making. Areas for further research regarding methodology development and filling knowledge gaps are also identified. / Informations-och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) spelar en viktig roll i dagens samhälle genom att bidra till ekonomisk tillväxt, påverka samhällstrukturer och människors livsstil. Det finns höga förväntningar på att IKT skulle kunna bidra till hållbar utveckling, bland annat genom minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser. Miljöpåverkan från IKT-lösningar (produkter och tjänster) anses ofta vara obefintlig eller mycket lägre än konventionella alternativ. Men för att uppskatta vilken potential IKT har för att minska miljöpåverkan, behöver miljöbedömningar göras. Ett flertal studier har också genomförts för att bedöma miljöpåverkan av specifika IKT-lösningar och av branschen i sin helhet. Fortfarande behövs mer forskning som ger ökad kunskap om olika typer av påverkan (direkt, indirekt, rebound, etc.) och om olika slags miljöeffekter (t.ex. övergödning, toxiska effekter, markanvändning och biodiversitet. De resultat som redan finns kan också sammanställas för att identifiera de betydande aspekterna och för att dra generella slutsatser. Eftersom miljöbedömning av IKT-lösningar är relativt nytt och eftersom sektorn och dess produkter och tjänster utvecklas snabbt behöver metodiken analyseras, diskuteras och vidareutvecklas. Avhandlingens syfte är att bidra med ökad kunskap om IKT-lösningars direkta miljöpåverkan sett ur ett livscykelperspektiv, samt att identifiera och diskutera olika utmaningar med att använda livscykelanalys (LCA) som verktyg för miljöbedömning av IKT-lösningar. Två forskningsfrågor besvaras: ”Vilken miljöpåverkan har IKT-lösningar, sett ur ett livscykelperspektiv, och vad orsakar denna påverkan?” samt ”Vilka är de metodmässiga utmaningarna vid bedömningar av IKT -lösningar med hjälp av LCA?”. Genom en litteraturstudie över livscykelanalyser av IKT-lösningar identifieras betydande aspekter och generella slutsatser gällande miljöpåverkan och dess orsaker dras. Dessutom identifieras och diskuteras metodik-utmaningar. En fallstudie av online- och tryckta tidningar exemplifierar miljöpåverkan från traditionella och nya medielösningar med IKT, och ger dessutom underlag för diskussion om metodmässiga utmaningar. Avhandlingen visar att annan miljöpåverkan än klimatpåverkan och energianvändning inte är särskilt väl studerade inom IKT-sektorn. Detta kan leda till suboptimering och att problem överförs från en typ av miljöpåverkan till en annan. Generellt gäller att det är i tillverknings- och användningsfaserna som den största miljöpåverkan uppkommer. Transporter och avfallshantering visar inte särskilt hög miljöpåverkan i de studier som utförts och sammanställts. Transporter och avfallshantering bör ändå fortsatt inkluderas vid miljöbedömning av IKT-lösningar, eftersom osäkerhet och brist på data kan vara en orsak till resultaten. Eftersom IKT är under ständig och snabb utveckling kommer det fortsatt att vara en utmaning att göra miljöbedömningar av IKT-lösningar. Datakvalitet och -tillgänglighet, typ av data, olika metodval såsom val av funktionell enhet, systemgränser och allokering samt antaganden om användarnas beteende påverkar de slutliga resultaten och måste övervägas noga under en livscykelanalys. Resultaten från avhandlingen kan vara till nytta både för praktiker och för beslutsfattare. De kan bidra till ökad kunskap om miljöpåverkan från IKT-lösningar och utmaningar när det gäller att använda LCA på detta område och ger därmed en bättre grund för mer välunderbyggda beslut kopplade till IKT lösningar. Avhandlingen identifierar även områden för vidare forskning om metodutveckling. / Информационно-коммуникационные технологии (ИКТ) играют важную роль в современном обществе, внося свой вклад в экономический рост и оказывая влияние на общество и стиль жизни людей. Большие надежды возлагаются на вклад ИКТ в устойчивое развитие, например, посредством уменьшения выбросов парниковых газов. Часто предполагается, что ИКТ решения имеют меньшее негативное воздействие на окружающую среду (ВОС) по сравнению с традиционными решениями, или не имеют его вообще. Для того, чтобы определить потенциал ИКТ в уменьшении ВОС, необходима оценка воздействия на окружающую среду ИКТ по сравнению с другими альтернативами. Уже опубликовано довольно большое количество работ, оценивающих ВОС отдельных ИКТ и ИКТ сектора в целом. Не смотря на это, необходимо больше исследований, охватывающих различные виды воздействий (первичные, вторичные, т.д.) в различных категориях (например, изменение климата, разрушение озонового слоя, токсичность и т.д.). Затем результаты необходимо систематизировать для того, чтобы определить так называемые «проблемные точки» и сделать общие выводы. Поскольку эта сфера довольно нова и развивается быстро, методы анализа также необходимо подвергнуть критической оценке для того, чтобы определить возможные трудности, а также усовершенствования, необходимые для проведения последующих анализов высокого качества. Цель этой работы - пополнить базу знаний о воздействии на окружающую среду жизненного цикла ИКТ, а также изучить и проанализировать трудности, возникающие при применении Оценки Жизненного Цикла (ОЖЦ) как метода анализа ИКТ решений относительно их экологического воздействия. Два вопроса были изучены в этой работе: «Каково воздействие на окружающую среду жизненного цикла ИКТ решений и каковы его причины?» и «Каковы методологические трудности в оценке ИКТ решений с использованием ОЖЦ?». Для того, чтобы ответить на эти вопросы был сделан обзор опубликованых работ по ОЖЦ ИКТ решений, а также проведена ОЖЦ интернет газет и их печатных аналогов. Обзор опубликованных работ помог определить «проблемные точки» в жизненном цикле ИКТ решений, сделать общие выводы касательно ВОС и его причин, а также определить главные трудности в применении ОЖЦ. При проведении ОЖЦ интернет газет и их печатных аналогов было оценено ВОС традиционных и новых видов медиа решений и собрана информация о методологических трудностях. Результаты показали что различные виды экологического воздействия ИКТ сектора (кроме влияния на изменение климата или энергопотребления) мало изучены, что создает риск возможной суб-оптимизации и переноса проблем из одной сферы в другую. Производство и фаза использования во многих исследованиях были выявлены как стадии жизненного цикла, имеющие наибольшее экологическое воздействие. Однако, нельзя пренебрегать такими стадиями жизненного цикла, как транспортировка и утилизация отходов, даже если их ВОС кажется небольшим, т.к. это может быть обусловлено недостатком данных для оценки. Поскольку ИКТ быстро развивается, при оценке экологического воздействия ИКТ решений легко столкнуться с трудностями касающимися, например, качества данных и их доступности; выбора типа данных; методологических решений (выбор функциональной единицы, определение границ исследования, т.д.); предположений по поводу поведения пользователя. Все это влияет на окончательные результаты и поэтому должно быть учтено ОЖЦ специалистами. Результаты этой работы вносят вклад в усовершенствование знаний об экологическом воздействии ИКТ решений и трудностях применения ОЖЦ для анализа ИКТ решений, а также предоставляют улучшенную базу для более информированного принятия решений, а следовально могут быть полезны практикующим исследователям и лицам, ответственным за принятие решений. В работе так же обозначены направления дальнейших исследований: изучение методологии, пополнение недостающих знаний.
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Sanitization of embedded network devices : Investigation of vendor’s factory reset procedureLarsson, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Embedded devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls commonly have sensitive information stored on them such as passwords, cryptographic keys, and information about the network around them and services that these device(s) provide. When disposing of or reselling this equipment in the secondary market it is crucial to erase this sensitive information. However, there is an important question that must be asked: Do the erase commands and routines offered by the device manufacturers actually erase the sensitive data? This thesis investigates methods and tools to determine the completeness of this erasure in some common network devices. These methods are used on a sample of networking equipment found to still contain sensitive information after being erased according to vendor recommendations. A computer program was developed to show how this information can be removed. The information in this document is useful for equipment owners, brokers and others looking to remarket their current equipment; all of whom want to minimize the risk of leaking sensitive data to other parties. / Nätverksutrustning såsom routrar, switchar och brandväggar har ofta känslig information lagrad internt, som lösenord, kryptografiska nycklar, information om nätverket runt dem samt tjänster de tillhandahåller. Om denna utrustning ska säljas på andrahandsmarkanden eller på annat sätt byta ägare är det viktigt att all känslig information raderas. Men kan man lita på att raderings rutiner och metoder som tillhandahålls av tillverkaren verkligen raderar känslig data? Denna avhandling undersöker lämpliga verktyg och metoder för att granska vilken information som minnen i inbyggda system innehåller. Dessa metoder testas praktiskt på några system som visar sig ha kvar känslig information efter att de raderats enligt tillverkarens rekommendationer. Ett datorprogram som demonstrerar hur denna information kan undersökas och raderas finns med som en del av avhandlingen. Informationen i detta dokument är användbar för ägare av datakomutrustning, mäklare av sådana samt andra som vill minimera risken för att läcka känslig information vid återförsäljning av sin begagnade utrustning.
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Information Geometry and the Wright-Fisher model of Mathematical Population GeneticsTran, Tat Dat 04 July 2012 (has links)
My thesis addresses a systematic approach to stochastic models in population genetics; in particular, the Wright-Fisher models affected only by the random genetic drift. I used various mathematical methods such as Probability, PDE, and Geometry to answer an important question: \"How do genetic change factors (random genetic drift, selection, mutation, migration, random environment, etc.) affect the behavior of gene frequencies or genotype frequencies in generations?”.
In a Hardy-Weinberg model, the Mendelian population model of a very large number of individuals without genetic change factors, the answer is simple by the Hardy-Weinberg principle: gene frequencies remain unchanged from generation to generation, and genotype frequencies from the second generation onward remain also unchanged from generation to generation.
With directional genetic change factors (selection, mutation, migration), we will have a deterministic dynamics of gene frequencies, which has been studied rather in detail. With non-directional genetic change factors (random genetic drift, random environment), we will have a stochastic dynamics of gene frequencies, which has been studied with much more interests. A combination of these factors has also been considered.
We consider a monoecious diploid population of fixed size N with n + 1 possible alleles at a given locus A, and assume that the evolution of population was only affected by the random genetic drift. The question is that what the behavior of the distribution of relative frequencies of alleles in time and its stochastic quantities are.
When N is large enough, we can approximate this discrete Markov chain to a continuous Markov with the same characteristics. In 1931, Kolmogorov first introduced a nice relation between a continuous Markov process and diffusion equations. These equations called the (backward/forward) Kolmogorov equations which have been first applied in population genetics in 1945 by Wright.
Note that these equations are singular parabolic equations (diffusion coefficients vanish on boundary). To solve them, we use generalized hypergeometric functions. To know more about what will happen after the first exit time, or more general, the behavior of whole process, in joint work with J. Hofrichter, we define the global solution by moment conditions; calculate the component solutions by boundary flux method and combinatorics method.
One interesting property is that some statistical quantities of interest are solutions of a singular elliptic second order linear equation with discontinuous (or incomplete) boundary values. A lot of papers, textbooks have used this property to find those quantities. However, the uniqueness of these problems has not been proved. Littler, in his PhD thesis in 1975, took up the uniqueness problem but his proof, in my view, is not rigorous. In joint work with J. Hofrichter, we showed two different ways to prove the uniqueness rigorously. The first way is the approximation method. The second way is the blow-up method which is conducted by J. Hofrichter.
By applying the Information Geometry, which was first introduced by Amari in 1985, we see that the local state space is an Einstein space, and also a dually flat manifold with the Fisher metric; the differential operator of the Kolmogorov equation is the affine Laplacian which can be represented in various coordinates and on various spaces. Dynamics on the whole state space explains some biological phenomena.
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Effets de l’adversité précoce sur le système physiologique de stress et la cognition chez l’adulte en santé : le rôle modulateur de l’âge d’exposition à l’adversitéRaymond, Catherine 04 1900 (has links)
L’exposition à l’adversité précoce (AP) a été suggérée comme augmentant le risque de souffrir de psychopathologies associées à une dérégulation du système physiologique de stress ainsi qu’une altération de certains processus cognitifs. Cela dit, les études rapportent des résultats divergents quant à la direction de l’association entre l’AP, la sécrétion de cortisol (la principale hormone de stress chez l’humain) ainsi que la nature de ces dérèglements cognitifs chez l’adulte. Le ‘modèle du cycle de vie’ souligne l’importance de considérer le moment où l’AP a eu lieu pour la première fois (c.-à-d. l’âge minimal d’exposition) en vue d’expliquer ces discordances, considérant que les régions cérébrales importantes à la régulation du stress physiologique et possédant des récepteurs à cortisol (l’hippocampe, l’amygdale et le cortex préfrontal) ne se développent pas au même rythme. En vue de tester le modèle du cycle de vie, le but de cette thèse est d’évaluer le rôle modulateur de l’âge de la première exposition à l’AP sur le système physiologique de stress de même que sur les processus cognitifs soutenus par l’hippocampe, l’amygdale et le cortex préfrontal d’adultes en santé. Précisément, l’objectif de la première étude était de déterminer si l’âge minimal d’exposition à l’AP modulait le cortisol basal et réactif d’adultes en santé, et ce, en comparaison avec un modèle compétitif : celui de l’accumulation de l’AP, qui considère qu’il est important de considérer le nombre d’AP auquel l’individu a fait face au cours de son développement. Pour ce faire, nous avons mesuré le cortisol basal à l’aide d’échantillons de salive récoltés à la maison de même qu’en réaction à un stresseur psychosocial validé, le Trier Social Stress Test, chez 85 adultes en santé. Nous avons démontré que l’âge minimal d’exposition à l’AP module bel et bien le cortisol basal et réactif d’adultes en santé, et que ce modèle est un meilleur prédicteur du système physiologique de stress que celui du modèle d’accumulation mesuré via le Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire. En effet, nous avons démontré qu’être exposé pour la première fois à l’AP entre 3 et 7 ans (importante fenêtre de développement de l’amygdale) mène à une réponse cortisolaire au réveil plus élevée ainsi qu’à une réactivité cortisolaire plus faible en comparaison aux adultes ayant été exposés pour la première fois avant 3 ans ou après 7 ans. Ensuite, étant donné que l’hippocampe, l’amygdale et le cortex préfrontal possèdent des récepteurs à cortisol qui sont affectés par la sécrétion chronique d’hormones de stress en lien avec l’AP, l’objectif de la seconde étude était d’évaluer l’effet de l’âge minimal d’exposition à l’AP sur les processus cognitifs soutenus par ces structures. Pour ce faire, nous avons mesuré la mémoire déclarative (hippocampe), les biais attentionnels vers les informations menaçantes (amygdale) et la régulation émotionnelle (connexion frontoamygdalienne) en fonction de l’âge minimal d’exposition à l’AP chez les mêmes sujets en santé. Nous avons démontré que les femmes exposées à l’AP pour la première fois après l'âge de 8 ans (fenêtre de développement de la connectivité frontoamygdalienne) présentent un biais attentionnel vers les informations menaçantes. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats de cette thèse soutiennent partiellement le modèle du cycle de vie et offrent une perspective nouvelle sur certaines fenêtres développementales qui semblent plus sensibles aux effets de l’AP sur certaines régions du cerveau responsables de réguler le stress et les émotions. / Early adversity (EA) has been shown to be a potent risk factor in the development of psychopathologies associated with a deregulation of the physiological stress system as well as cognitive functions. However, studies report divergent results as to the direction of the association between EA, the secretion of cortisol (the main stress hormone in humans) and the nature of these cognitive dysfunctions in adulthood. The Life cycle model of stress underlines the importance of considering the moment at which EA first occurred, given that the brain regions that are necessary to regulate the stress response and that are dense in cortisol receptors (the hippocampus, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex) do not develop at the same rhythm. In order to test the Life cycle model of stress, the aim of this thesis is to evaluate the modulating role of the age at first exposure to EA on the physiological stress system as well as on the cognitive processes sustained by the hippocampus, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex in healthy adults. Precisely, the goal of the first study was to determine if the minimal age at exposure to EA modulated basal and reactive cortisol levels in 85 healthy adults, and to compare these results to a competing model: the Accumulation model (which suggests that the number of
EA predicts patterns of cortisol dysregulations). To do so, we measured basal cortisol using saliva samples collected at home as well as in response to a validated psychosocial stressor, the Trier Social Stress Test. We have shown that minimal age at exposure to EA does indeed modulate the basal and reactive cortisol patterns in healthy adults, and that this model is a better predictor of the physiological stress system as opposed to the Accumulation model measured using the Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire. Indeed, results showed that although the number of EA was not associated with patterns of basal or reactive cortisol secretion, adults first exposed to EA between the ages of 3 and 7 – an important time window for amygdala development – showed greater cortisol awakening response and lower cortisol reactivity relative
to those first exposed to EA before 3 or after 7. Then, given that the hippocampus, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex possess cortisol receptors that are affected by the chronic secretion of stress hormones following EA, the goal of the second study was to evaluate the effect of minimal age at exposure to EA on the cognitive processes sustained by these structures. To do this, we measured declarative memory (hippocampus), attentional bias to threat (amygdala) and emotional
regulation (frontoamygdala connection) as a function of minimal age at exposure to EA in the vi same healthy subjects. Results revealed increased attentional bias to threat in women first exposed to EA after 8 years (prefrontal cortex and frontoamygdala connectivity development). Overall, the results of this thesis partially support the Life cycle model of stress and highlight the importance of considering the age at first exposure to EA when investigating the long-lasting effects of EA on physiological stress and cognitive processes in healthy adults.
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Enhancing information mediation to employees at Willys : How a analysis of Willys onboarding process led to a mobile application for employeesBergerstam, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
A well thought out process is today a commonly used approach to enable new employees to become efficientin their new role. Axfood is a Swedish company group that operates in the food and logistics industry. Thegroup includes chains as Willys & Hemköp, among others. With over ten thousand employees and a growingcompany the need for recruitment is always present. Axfood is currently in the process of reorganizing theirinternal onboarding processes, rebuilding it from the ground up. This master thesis has been a part of thisbigger initiative and have focused on the onboarding process at the store chain Willys. The project has followed the human centered design process, developed by IDEO. This process includes thethree phases, inspiration, ideation, and implementation. The methods used to reach a final result has been interviews,user journey maps, creative workshop, ideation methods, wireframing, prototyping and user testing. In the inspiration phase the current state and the users experiences of the onboarding process was explored.This made it possible to identify enhancement opportunities, one of them being the fact that none of the askedemployees did continuously use Willys intranet. In decision with Axfood, this opportunity was selected as thefocus of the solutions proposal. When the project reached the creative phase it therefore had a new direction,which led: how can Axfood use digital tools to reach employees and distribute information in an attractiveway? Throughout the creative and implementation phase a solution for this problem was explored, prototyped,tested and enhanced.The project resulted in a solutions proposal in the form of a mobile application aimed to employees. Thesolution functions as an inspiration of how Axfood can mediate information to employees in a attractive anduser friendly way. The content has been developed based on the user groups request and needs, providingthem with information and support that make them more efficient in their role. Beyond the final result theproject has also contributed Axfood with usable data of their employees needs and knowledge of how humancentered methods can be used in the future. / En väl genomtänkt introduktionsprocess är idag ett vanligt tillvägagångssätt för att göra det möjligt för nyamedarbetare att bli effektiva i sin nya roll. Axfood är en svensk koncern som verkar inomdetaljhandel. Igruppen ingår bland annat kedjor som Willys & Hemköp. Med över tiotusen anställda och ett växande företagfinns alltid behovet av rekrytering. Axfood håller för närvarande på att genomföra ett koncernövergripande projekt för att effektivisera och utveckla introduktionsprocesserna. Detta examensarbete har varit en del avdetta större initiativ och har fokuserat på introduktionsprocessen på butikskedjan Willys.Projektet har följt en användar centrerad designprocess utvecklad av IDEO. Denna process inkluderar de trefaserna, inspiration, ideation och implementation. Metoderna som används för att nå ett slutresultat har varit intervjuer, user journey maps, kreativ workshop, idégenererings metoder, wireframing, prototyper och användartestning. I inspirationsfasen undersöktes det nuvarande läget och användarnas upplevelser av introduktionsprocessen.Detta gjorde det möjligt att identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter, en av dem var det faktum att ingen av de tillfrågade medarbetarna kontinuerligt använde Willys intranät. I beslut med Axfood valdes denna möjlighet som fokusför lösningsförslaget. När projektet nådde den kreativa fasen fanns därför en ny inriktning som löd: hur kan Axfood använda digitala verktyg för att nå anställda och distribuera information på ett attraktivt sätt? Under kreativitets- och implementeringsfasen undersöktes, prototypades, testades och förbättrades en lösning för detta problem. Projektet resulterade i ett lösningsförslag i form av en mobilapplikation riktad till anställda. Lösningen fungerar som inspiration för hur Axfood kan förmedla information till anställda på ett attraktivt och användarvänligt sätt. Innehållet har utvecklats baserat på användargruppernas åsikter och behov, vilket ger dem information och stöd som gör dem effektivare i sin roll. Utöver det slutliga resultatet har projektet också bidragit till Axfood med värdefull data om deras anställdas behov och kunskap om hur användarcentrerade metoder kan användasi företaget i framtiden.
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