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EFFEKTEN AV VIKTMANIPULERAD UTRUSTNING PÅ DRAGSKOTTSHASTIGHET OCH GREPPSTYRKA I INNEBANDY : EN SEX VECKORS STUDIE PÅ MANLIGA 17-ÅRIGA INNEBANDYSPELARE / The effect on drag shot velocity and grip strength with weight manipulated equipment : A six week study on male 17-year old floorball playersLinke, Mats, Saarela, Tobias January 2011 (has links)
Innebandy är en växande idrott, som framför allt utövas i Sverige, Finland och Schweiz, men där väldigt lite forskning ännu finns publicerad. Tidigare studier inom ishockey och baseboll har visat att träning med viktmanipulerad utrustning förbättrat bland annat greppstyrka och svinghastigheten av slagträ i baseboll. Annan forskning har visat på att det är en förbättring i det neuromuskulära samspelet snarare än ökad muskelmassa som förbättrat prestationen vid dynamisk motståndsträning. Skotthastigheten anses vara en viktig faktor inom innebandy för prestationen och eftersom det inom baseboll har visats att viktmanipulerad utrustning kan förbättra svinghastigheten så vore det intressant att se om samma resultat kan uppnås inom innebandy. Syftet med studien var att undersöka effekten av innebandyträning med en viktmanipulerad innebandyklubba med avseende på dragskottshastighet och greppstyrka hos manliga innebandyspelare samt undersöka korrelationen mellan dragskottshastighet och greppstyrka. Även testpersonernas subjektiva uppfattning av träningen med den viktmanipuleradeutrustningen undersöktes. Testgruppen bestod av 13 stycken 17-åriga manliga innebandyspelare. Under en sex veckors period genomförde testpersonerna 30 minuter av sin vanliga innebandyträning med den viktmanipulerade klubban (40 gram tyngre) tre gånger i veckan. Dragskotten filmades med en höghastighetskamera (Casio Exilim EX-FH25) med 250 fps och analyserades sedan i Dartfish för att mäta hastigheten. För att fastställa greppstyrkan användes en handdynamometer (Jamar – Baseline Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer). Träningen resulterade i en signifikant skillnad hos testpersonernas greppstyrka i den nedre handen på klubban (p<0,05). Däremot hittades ingen signifikant skillnad för den övre handens greppstyrka eller dragskottshastigheten. Studien visade heller inte på någon korrelation mellan dragskottshastighet och greppstyrka hos testpersonerna. Testpersonerna hade olika åsikter kring hur den extra tyngden påverkade innebandytekniken.De funna resultaten indikerar att träning med viktmanipulerad utrustning i innebandy signifikant förbättrar spelarnas greppstyrka i den nedre handen. Den ökade kraftutvecklingen kan eventuellt förklaras av ett ökat neuromuskulärt samspel. Studien ger en ökad förståelse för hur dynamisk motståndsträning kan implementeras i den dagliga innebandyträningen, vilket kan tillämpas vid planeringen av träningsprogram. / Floorball is a sport with increasing number of participants, which has not been studied extensively according to the literature. Previous studies on ice hockey and baseball have shown that training with weight manipulated equipment improved grip strength and swing speed. Other research has shown that the increased performance with dynamic resistance training rather occurs from the improvements in the neuromuscular facilitation than an increase in muscle mass. In floorball shooting velocity is considered to be an important factor of the performance. Since it has been shown in baseball that training with weight manipulated equipment can improve the bat velocity, it would be interesting to see if the same results can be found in floorball. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of grip strength and drag shot velocity in floorball training with a weight manipulated floorball stick. The study also investigated the relationship between grip strength and drag shot velocity. The test subjects’ subjective perception about the training method was also investigated. Thirteen 17-year-old male floorball players participated in the study. During a six weeks period the subjects used the weight manipulated equipment during 30 minutes, three times per week during their regular team practice. 40 grams lead tape was attached to the player's equipment to increase the resistance. The drag shots were filmed with a high speed camera (Casio Exilim EX-FH25) at 250 fps. The drag shot velocity was analyzed in Dartfish. To assess grip strength a hand dynamometer (Jamar - Baseline Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer)was used. The training resulted in a significant increase for the subjects’ grip strength in the lower hand on the stick (p <0,05). The study found no significant difference for the upper hand grip strength or drag shot velocity. No correlation between drag shot velocity and handgripstrength among the subjects were found. Conclusion: The results found in this study indicate that training with weight manipulated equipment can significantly improve the player’s lower hand grip strength. The results can eventually be explained by more effective fiber recruitment in the muscles. Studying floorball can contribute to increase the interest in research on floorball and increase the understanding for how dynamic resistance training can be incorporated in daily floorball practice.
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Vad gör att elever söker sig till och stannar kvar på nationella idrottsutbildningarBroadhall, Gustav, Nordström, Amadeus January 2023 (has links)
Detta arbete letar efter vilka faktorer som får elever att söka sig till samt slutföra sinNationella Idrottsutbildningar (Niu) inom sin valda idrott. Detta kan sedan användas inomföreningar för att få spelare att stanna kvar inom både föreningen och i vissa fall idrotten. Idenna differentiella studie användes en tvärsnittsdesign och data samlades in genom en enkätsom eleverna fick fylla i. De som deltog i enkäten var 56 elever i åldrarna 16-19 år (årskurs1-3 i gymnasiet), både kvinnor och män, eleverna spelade antingen handboll eller innebandy.Data analyserades med oberoende T-test och deskriptiv statistik. T-tester visade på att detfanns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan årskurserna i hur viktig gemenskapen tillträningsgruppen är. Där skattade årskurs 3 högre än årskurs 1. T-test visade ocksåsignifikanta skillnader mellan könen i två variabler. Variablerna tränarnas inflytande ochvikten av att få utöva sin idrott på skoltid och huruvida dessa påverkade deras vilja att sökasig till Niu. För kvinnor verkade tränaren spela större roll och för män så var det viktigare attfå utöva sin idrott på skoltid.Saker som kan missas av denna studie samt potentiella problem är storleken på grupperna.Storleken på grupperna är inte så stor, de flesta har liknande bakgrund så väl som att det ärskolelever som svarat på enkäterna i slutet av en lektion vilket kan leda till att svaren inte ärde mest genomtänkta så väl som lika varandra.För framtida forskning, att kombinera enkäter med intervjuer kan ge både bättre resultat såväl som en djupare insyn i vad samt hur det kommer sig vad eleverna anser vara viktigt fördem att välja Niu och slutföra sin utbildning.Nyckelord: elitidrottsgymnasium, studieavbrott, Niu, handboll, innebandy. / This work seeks to find factors leading to students applying for as well as finishing theirNational sports education (Niu) in their chosen sport. This can later be used within clubs tokeep players within the club or in some cases the sport. In this differential study a crosssectional design was used and data collected through a survey filled in by the students. The56 participants were between the ages of 16-19 years old (year 1-3 in the gymnasium), bothwomen and men, the students played either handball or floorball.The data was analyzed by using independent T-tests and descriptive statistics. The T-testsshowed there was a significant difference between the groups year 1 and year 3 in howimportant the connection to the group is. Where year 3 ranked higher than year 1. The T-testalso showed significant differences between the genders in two variables. The variablesImportance of coach and Importance of practicing their chosen sport during school hours,which impact these had on their will to go to Niu. For women the coach seemed to have ahigher importance and for men getting to practice their chosen sport during school hours wasof a higher importance.A limitation with this study is the sample size of the groups. The sample size is not that large,most are from a similar background as well as it being school students answering the surveysat the end of a class which could lead to the answers not being the most thought-out answersas well similar to each other.4For future research, combining survey answers with interviews might yield better results anda deeper understanding to what as well as how come the students find as important factors fortheir choice to go to Niu and complete their education.Keywords: sport high school, interrupted studies, Niu, handball, floorball.
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Skiljer sig totala antalet tekniska aktioner i innebandy beroende på planstorlek för tjejer i olika åldersgrupper? : En kvantitativ och systematisk observationsstudie / Does the total number of technical actions in floorball depend on the rink size for girls in different age groups?Celander, Sebastian, Cedervall, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Aim The aim of the study was to investigate how different types of small-sided games (SSG) for girls in the ages between 12–21 years and how it affects the number of technical actions. How does the number of the total technical actions affect based on different types of small-sided games among girls in floorball and wich technical action differ? Method The Swedish floorball federation recruited one association with three different types of teams,younger red-level, older red-level and black level were the number of participants amounted to 39 outfield players and seven goalies with varied experience of exercise within the game of floorball. Data collection happened under respective teams ordinary training times where four different game forms of SSG were filmed. Each team was recorded one time in each gameform and each player got six shifts in each SSG and the shift length was one minute. Then the collected data from the video analysis was determined into an excel document and from that we put in the data in jamovi to analyze it and to see if there were any significance between the groups. Result There was no significant difference between the groups in the total amount of technical actions. The study shows that younger red has the most technical actions in 5 vs 5. The study also shows that red older has the most technical actions in 4 vs 4. In black level arose thegreatest number of technical actions in 3 vs 3. Conclusion The study will not be generalizable because of a low number of participants and no significance was reached which also previous research indicates. The conclusion of the study was that two age groups generated the most total number of technical actions in SSG while one age group generated the most total number of technical actions in a full-sized rink. The authors see trends on SSG produce more technical actions compared to a full-sized rink. More research is needed around SSG in floorball to see if this is the case. / <p>Jacob Cedervall är student på tränarprogrammet.</p><p>Sebastian Celander är student på ämneslärarprogrammet, specialidrott.</p>
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Spelvolym i innebandyns smålagsspel : en kvantitativ studie i icke-linjär pedagogik / Volume of play in small-sided games in floorball : a quantitative study in nonlinear pedagogyStorm, Mårten, Lind, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Väldigt lite är känt om hur olika träningsmetoder påverkar teknisk utveckling hos innebandyspelare. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur olika typer av smålagsspel i innebandy påverkar spelvolymen samt antal avslut och avslut på mål. Frågeställningarna för arbetet var: skiljer sig spelvolymen i innebandyns smålagsspel mellan spel två mot två (2v2), 3v3, 4v4 och 5v5? Skiljer sig antalet avslut i innebandyns smålagsspel mellan spel 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 och 5v5? Skiljer sig antalet avslut på mål i innebandyns smålagsspel mellan spel 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 och 5v5? Metod Två testgrupper rekryterades till studien där grupperna bestod av två olika amatörlag. Det ena laget var ett damveteranlag där 15 spelare deltog, med en medelålder på 38 år, med 2-15 års erfarenhet av organiserad innebandy. Det andra laget var ett pojklag med 21 deltagande spelare, i åldrarna 12-13 år, med 5-6 års erfarenhet av innebandy. Datainsamlingen skedde sedan under respektive lags ordinarie träning där fyra olika spelformer filmades. Ena laget filmades tio gånger för vardera spelform och det andra laget filmades tio gånger för vardera spelform förutom en, där en spelsekvens försvann på grund av oförutsedda händelser. Varje spelsekvens var en minut lång. Därefter analyserades filmmaterialet varpå spelvolym, antal avslut samt avslut på mål registrerades för varje minut spelad i de olika spelformerna. Rådata sammanställdes och genomgick sedan en statistisk analys för att undersöka om spelen skiljde sig signifikant i någon del. Resultat Grupp A visade på signifikant skillnad i spelvolym mellan alla spelformer där den högsta volymen hittades i spel 2v2, därefter följde 3v3, 4v4 och sist 5v5. Alla smålagsspel för grupp A visade signifikant fler avslut och avslut på mål jämfört med spel 5v5 men ingen signifikant skillnad hittades smålagsspelen emellan. I grupp B hittades samma mönster för spelvolym som i grupp A, dock visades ingen signifikant skillnad mellan spelformerna 4v4 och 5v5. Antalet avslut var signifikant högre i alla smålagsspel jämfört med 5v5, dock hittades endast signifikans mellan 2v2 och 5v5 när det kom till avslut på mål. Slutsats Studien indikerar att en minskning i antalet spelare verkar vara ett effektivt sätt att öka frekvensen på de tekniska aktionerna under spel. För teknikträning i spel verkar därför smålagsspel vara att föredra framför fullstort spel 5v5. Mer forskning på området behövs för att öka förståelsen kring möjliga användningsområden för innebandyns smålagsspel. / Aim Very little is known about how different types of training influence technical development in floorball. The purpose of this study was to investigate how volume of play, shots, and shots on goal, were affected in different types of small-sided games (SSG). The research questions this paper sought to answer were: in floorball, does the volume of play differ between the game formats: two versus two (2v2), 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5? In floorball, does the number of shots differ between the game formats: 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5? In floorball, does the number of shots on goal differ between the game formats: 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5? Method Two amateur teams were recruited for the study. One team was a women’s team of 15 players participating, with an average age of 38, with 2-15 years’ experience of organized floorballpractice. The other team was a boys’ team of 21 players participating, aged 12-13 and 5-6 years’experience of organized floorball practice. The data were collected during one of each team’sregular floorball practice sessions, where video captured the four different SSGs. One team was filmed ten times for one minute for each SSG and the other team was filmed ten times in three SSGs and nine times in one. The videos were analysed for volume of play, as well as registering shots and shots on goal. The compiled data was then statistically analysed in order to see if there were any significant difference between the game formats. Results Group A showed a significant difference in volume of play between all SSGs, where the highest volume of play was found in 2v2, and the rest with a lower volume of play in ascending order. As for shots and shots on goal, group A showed significantly more shots and shots on goal in 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 compared to 5v5, but no significance was found between the SSGs. Group B showed a similar pattern in volume of play as found in group A, but no significant difference between 4v4 and 5v5. The amount of shots were significantly higher in 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 compared to 5v5. However, for shots on goal group B only showed 2v2 producing significantly more shots than 5v5. Conclusion The study indicates that reducing the number ofplayers is aneffective wayto increase technical actions. Therefore, SSGs seems to be better for skill acquisition in games than the large game of 5v5. However, more research is needed in this field for further understanding of the uses of SSG:s in floorball.
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Hur mår svensk innebandy? : En kvantitativ undersökning om förekomsten kring svensk innebandys psykiska faktorer samt föreningars preventiva och reaktiva arbete.Svensson, Simon, Svensson, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
The essay starts with an introduction to the chosen topic. Then the background goes through the different definitions of mental illness and elite sports, the correlation between these two, the stigmatisation of mental illness and lastly promotional and preventional work. Later, today’s problem with mental illness is raised along with floorball and furthermore the essay’s objectives. The essay’s purpose is to investigate which factors cause mental illness to a greater extent in national series than in federal series in Swedish floorball. Also how associations work to prevent mental ill health within their organization. Additionally the essay’s method is a quantitative and digital survey. The survey is distributed via email and the authors personal contacts. The essay´s results showed that the swedish floorball players have a high level of stress, anxiety and overtraining. It also shows that the players don't feel support from their organisation when a player is experiencing mental disorders. Furthermore, the result shows that floorball club is not working with prevention and supporting of mental illness.
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Acute sports injuries in Sweden and their possible prevention : an epidemiological study using insurance dataÅman, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy life, e.g. to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease and premature death, of which sports can be an important part. Unfortunately, sports activities increase the risk of both overuse and acute injuries. Severe acute injuries may also lead to a permanent medical impairment (PMI), which may influence the ability to be physically active throughout life. However, sports injuries may be prevented, but a profound understanding of the injuries and how to prevent them is needed. This doctoral thesis examine acute sports injuries reported by licensed athletes of all ages and level of sports nationwide in Sweden, by using national insurance data. Approximately 80% of all the Sports Federations (SF) had their mandatory accident insurance in the insurance company Folksam, and since there is no national sports injury surveillance system in Sweden, this is a unique database, able to be used in epidemiological studies on acute injuries occurring in organized sports in Sweden. The main aim of this thesis was to identify high-risk sports for acute injuries, the most common and the most severe injuries, especially in large sports with numerous licensed athletes, many injuries and injuries resulting in PMI. Based on the results, there will be recommendations regarding sports and body locations where injury prevention efforts should be focused to gain the greatest prevention effect at a national level in Sweden. Another aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of a neuromuscular knee control training program (KCP) that has been implemented nationwide to reduce knee and cruciate ligament injuries, among football players in Sweden. After evaluating the validity and reliability of the information within the database based on international guidelines, acute injury data were examined and the results presented in four papers. These results showed that there is a need of injury prevention especially in motorcycle sports, team ball sports, and ice hockey. Particularly, knee injuries need to be prevented since they were both the most common injuries and leading to PMI. The severe head- and upper limb injuries also need attention. Sixty-nine percent of the PMI injured athletes, were younger than 25 years. The injury prevention training program, KCP can be considered partially implemented nationwide, since 21 out of 24 district SFs provided KCP educations. The incidence of knee and cruciate ligament injuries has decreased among football players in Sweden. A concerning aspect is that there is no national official policy regarding sports injury and injury prevention in Sweden, nor an official authority that has the explicit responsibility for these issues.
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