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Musicking i fritidshemmet : Ett utvecklingsinriktat arbete om att lyfta fram musiken i fritidshemmet och öka samverkan med musikämnet i skolan / Musicking in after school center : A development oriented work to highlight music in the after school center and increase cooperation with the subject of music in schoolLarsson, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med utvecklingsarbetet var att lyfta fram musik som en naturlig del av fritidshemmets undervisning och att utveckla en samverkan mellan lärarna i fritidshemmet och musikläraren i skolan. Arbetet utgick från aktionsforskning samt Comprehensive Musicianship som metoder och presenterades utifrån följande steg; nulägesanalys, tidigare forskning, teoretiska begrepp, planering och genomförande avaktioner. I nulägesanalysen framkom det att fritidshemmet bedriver väldigt lite musik i verksamheten jämfört med andra estetiska uttrycksformer. Genom genomförda musiska aktioner har eleverna fått ett brett utbud av varierande musiska aktiviteter i strävan efter att aktivt involvera eleverna i musik och att inspirera fritidshemslärare till att bedriva musikundervisning. Tidigare forskning belyste vikten av att uppmärksamma elevernas intressen på fritidshemmet och att musik är en del av elevers sociala tillhörighet. Teoretiska begrepp som arbetet vilar på är musicking, vilket beskriver ett perspektiv av musik och som handlar om själva görandet i musik. Social tillhörighet är det andra begreppet som arbetet tar stöd ifrån vilket tidigare forskning belyser i relation till musik. Genomförandet av aktionerna har visat på elevers intresse för musik och att en social tillhörighet skapas i elevernas populärkultur. Resultatet av genomförda aktioner har visat att elever lättare kan beskriva musiken de hör när de har någon starkare koppling till musiken men att elever överlag har svårt för att beskriva mer djupgående tankar och känslor som framkommer via musik.
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"Inspired Industry."Dock, Amanda M 17 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis supports the Master of Fine Arts exhibition entitled "Inspired Industry" at Johnson City Area Arts Council, Johnson City, Tennessee, from November 14 - December 22, 2005. It is the culmination of studies and research affected by the artist's own industry vis-à-vis personal inspirations, including: discussion of aesthetics and personal utilization of the techniques learned in relation to both functional and non-functional ceramic forms. This is a self-evaluation of personal preferences and how this body of ceramic work evolved.
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Den konstnärliga friheten : Att fördjupa och utveckla en romans för sång och pianoBjörkegren, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Detta examensarbete tar på olika sätt avstamp i Rebecca Clarkes romans The Seal Man (1922) för mezzosopran och piano med text av John Masefield. Jag har tillsammans med pianisten Josefin Orrmalm Puccio arbetat med en fördjupad tolkning av verket, texten och uttrycket. Under arbetes gång har jag reflekterat över de olika arbetsmetoder vi använt i såväl det enskilda som det gemensamma arbetet. För att gestalta de tre karaktärerna som finns i The Seal Man, Berättaren, Flickan och The Seal Man, har jag arbetat med olika sångtekniker och hämtat inspiration från annan repertoar. Arbetet med The Seal Man har även lett till att jag komponerat ett eget verk, en romans som bygger på fortsättningen av Masefields novell The Seal Man. I kompositionsarbetet inspirerades jag av Clarkes tonspråk och historiska perspektiv och den så kallade ”Murder Ballade”- genren. Som en sista del av mitt examensarbete har Josefin Orrmalm Puccio och jag skissat på det som ska komma att bli vår sceniska gestaltning av The Seal Man och som utöver de bägge romanserna också kommer att innehålla talade textpartier från Masefileds novell. Arbetet heter Den konstnärliga friheten – Att fördjupa och utveckla en romans för sång och piano, och det är just det steget till konstnärlig frihet som jag har tagit och vågat arbeta med olika verktyg, skapa och dela med mig av min konstnärlighet. Samt att samarbetet mellan sångaren och pianisten är en viktig del att fördjupa sig i för mitt framtida yrke som sångerska.
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I huvudet på en ledare : Att leda under makroekonomisk kris i börsnoterade bolagNierenburg, Niina, Pita, Dino January 2023 (has links)
Background: A changing world requires strong leadership. The pressure can increase in the event of the effects of a macroeconomic crisis in listed companies, as the demands from primarily shareholders increase. When a company is public, mandates within the leadership become even more important. Leadership in crisis and the crisis management work itself is decisive for how a listed company should instill security and stability. Through the ability to adapt the leadership according to the given situation, the leader can succeed in crisis management and at the same time motivate the employees in an effective way. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze leadership styles in listed companies and whether leadership adapts during a macroeconomic crisis. Method: The study is based on qualitative interview research and has an abductive approach. Literature, newspaper articles and scientific articles form the basis of the study's theoretical frame of reference. The study's empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews with six leaders from different levels and experience. What they have in common is that they all base their leadership experiences from listed companies. Conclusions: Leadership must be adapted in the event of a macroeconomic crisis. As a leader, you should come forward and be extra clear, visible and communicative. If this is not done, uncertainty will arise and employees may find it more difficult to perform. The leader's actions are fundamental in crisis management. In addition, the study shows that the more leadership experience a leader has behind them, the greater understanding the leader has of what adaptations are required from a purely strategic point of view for the interests of the company and the shareholders. The study shows that it is not unusual for a leader who normally adopts a certain leadership style, e.g. transformative leadership style (which means to change), to adopt the authoritarian style with great confidence, when it is necessary to get employees to engage in the company's goals in stressful situations.
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Tempus Fugit : – En studie i Bud Powells musik och pianospel utifrån en konstnärlig bearbetning.Erlingsson, Jonatan January 2022 (has links)
<p>Repertoar:</p><p>Budpology- Jonatan Erlingsson</p><p>Strictly Confidential- Bud Powell</p><p>Tempus Fugit- Bud Powell</p><p>The Fruit- Bud Powell</p><p>Celia- Bud Powell</p><p>I´ll Keep Loving You- Bud Powell</p><p>I´ll Remember April- Gene de Paul</p><p></p><p>Medverkande Musiker:</p><p>piano, arrangemang, komposition - Jonatan Erlingsson</p><p>kontrabas - August Eriksson</p><p>trummor - Henrik Jäderberg</p><p>saxofon - Amanda Sedgwick</p><p>violin 1 - Tor Alvin Wika</p><p>violin 2 - Natasja Dluzewska</p><p>viola - Stina Ahlgren</p><p>cello - Åse-Maria Bygland Larsen</p>
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Interpolation inom populärmusik : Konsten att stjäla musikPersson, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie har jag utforskat vilka kreativa möjligheter samt utmaningar det finns i musikskapande efter förgiven förlaga. Det som kallas Interpolation. Interpolation är en form av lånande, där låtskaparen implementerar en del av en redan inspelad låt i skapandet av något nytt. Arbetet rör sig inom populärmusik-genren där jag har försökt se hur jag kan använda interpolation som ett verktyg i mitt eget musikskapande. Jag har sett att användandet av interpolationer är allt oftare förekommande i den musiken jag själv lyssnar på och det var detta som inspirerade mig att genomföra denna undersökning, då jag ville få mer kunskap och utforska användandet av interpolationer. Studien genomförde jag genom att skriva och producera tre olika låtar med tre olika interpolationer. Interpolationerna hade olika infallsvinklar till det jag valde att interpolera med i respektive låt; melodi, text och sound (icke melodiskt). Under arbetets gång förde jag även en strukturerad loggbok, med syftet att skapa en förklaring av mitt praktiska arbete.Resultatet av studien har gett mig en bredare kunskap om begreppet interpolation och dess kreativa användningsområde inom musikskapande. Jag har i och med detta utökat min konstnärliga verktygslåda. Förutom de kreativa möjligheterna med interpolation har även studien gett mig insikt i andra användningsområden så som användandet av interpolation för att ”boosta” sin karriär som artist.
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Multiscale Structures and Mechanics of Biomineralized Lattices in Hexactinellid sponges and EchinodermsChen, Hongshun 30 June 2023 (has links)
Biomineralized lattice materials with have high mineral contents (~ 99 wt%), usually "conceal" multiscale structural arrangements for unique mechanical or functional performance, such as the remarkable damage tolerance despite of the brittle nature of the constituents (e.g., biogenic silica and calcite). However, the quantitative explorations of the structure-mechanics relationships in multiscale of biomineralized lattices remain insufficient and hence hinder the leverage of the functional benefits to design architected cellular materials. In this dissertation, I selected two groups of marine animals (i.e., Hexactinellid sponges and Echinoderms) for systematic structural-mechanical study. Their biomineralized lattice skeletons exhibit three representative types of multiscale structures: 1) multiscale hierarchical structure: skeleton of Hexactinellid sponge such as Euplectella aspergillum; 2) multiscale functionally graded structure: spine of sea urchin Heterocentrotus mammillatus; and 3) dual-scale (atomic and microlattice scales) periodic structure: ossicle of starfish Protoreaster nodosus. This dissertation develops quantitatively the structural-mechanical/functional correlations in biomineralized cellular materials for bio-inspired material design.
Four different species of Hexactinellid sponges have been studied with particular focus on the species E. aspergillum. As an example of the multiscale hierarchical biomineralized lattice, the extremely lightweight skeleton (~99% porosity) of E. aspergillum exhibits 1) amorphous nanoparticular biogenic silica; 2) micron-sized fibrous spicule with cylindrically laminated silica layers separated by organic interfaces; 3) spicule bundles where the individual spicules merged by secondary silica deposition; 4) a centimeter-sized Voronoi-like cellular dome known as sieve plate; and 5) a centimeter-sized cylindrically arranged rectangular lattice with double-diagonal reinforcement and external helical ridge. Here, we discovered a series of mechanical or functional properties or formation process of structures in different length scales: 1) for the biogenic silica in three different species of Hexactinellid sponge, consistent modulus and hardness of the biogenic silica throughout the cross section of the spicule are found via substantial correlation between the measured values and locations; 2) for the sieve plate, the Voronoi-like cellular dome constructed by porous branch with increased height achieves balance between improved mechanical stiffness and large pore opening for sponge's current pumping mechanism; 3) via microstructural study, the formation process of the sieve plate is proposed; and 4) for the cylindrical skeletal body, the double-diagonal configuration and the ridge structure are found to provide tendency to optimize torsional rigidity, and enhanced radial stiffening and improved permeability, respectively.
The cellular structure in the spine of the H. mammillatus (i.e., stereom) made of ~99wt% of single-crystalline calcite shows a multiscale functionally graded structure. We developed and optimized a cellular network analysis workflow on the large-volume 3D lattice structure obtained from the synchrotron-based micro-Computed Tomography scan. The analysis provides quantitative descriptions of the branch, ring structure, and septum which reveals a functionally graded structure in multiscale from the center region to the edge region of the spine: 1) in microscale, the branch thickness and length increases, resulting in a significantly decreased porosity; and 2) in macroscale, the center region of the spine with galleried stereom of highly aligned branches transits to the edge region with laminar stereom of radially arranged septa and interconnecting branches. The multiscale structural variations lead to the mechanical variations the increased elastic modulus and mechanical isotropy from the center to the edge of the spine. This provides a biological pathway for designing the lightweight, strong, and tough beam with multiscale structural gradient.
In previous work, we discovered that ossicle in starfish P. nodosus possesses a unique dual-scale periodic lattice structure, which means periodic single crystal calcite in nanoscale and diamond triply periodic minimal surface (diamond-TPMS) lattice in microscale. It has three unique structural features: 1) microlattice dislocations in ossicles similar to those found in crystals with diamond cubic lattice; 2) a diamond-TPMS microlattice with ca. 50% relative density; and 3) dual-scale crystallographic coalignment between c-axis of the single-crystalline constituent calcite and the [111] direction of the diamond-TPMS microlattice. Based on this work, this dissertation mainly reveals: 1) unique type and core structures of the dislocations in the ossicle for stiffness, strength, and toughness; 2) the 3D property compensation of dual-scale crystallographic coalignment for improved mechanical isotropy; and 3) mechanical benefits (improved mechanical isotropy and effective fragment jamming) and morphological benefits (minimal surface and highest surface area to volume ratio) for 50% relative density. / Doctor of Philosophy / Architected lattice materials, featured by their tailorable 3D multiscale architectures, achieve unique mechanical properties such as breaking the trade-off between strength and toughness, and mechanical isotropy reaching theoretical limit. In nature, as a result of evolutionary driving force, the biomineralized skeletons of the animals such as sea sponge, sea urchin, and starfish usually delicately control the architectural arrangements in different length scales and provide excellent templates for the design of architected lattices with desirable properties. Quantitative understanding of the 3D multiscale structures and mechanics of these natural biomineralized lattices allows the development of bio-inspired materials that are, for example, simultaneously stiff, strong, and tough.
This dissertation establishes the quantitative structural-mechanical/functional relationships in multiscale of three biomineralized lattices with high mineral contents (~99 wt%) and a wide range of porosity (50~99 vol%) in Hexactinellid sponges with main emphasis on species (Euplectella aspergillum), sea urchin Heterocentrotus mammillatus, and starfish Protoreaster nodosus. They are selected for their representative multiscale structures, i.e., multiscale hierarchical structure, multiscale functionally graded structure, and dual-scale (i.e., atomic and microlattice scales) periodic structure, respectively. Study of these biomineralized lattices significantly improve our understanding of the biological strategies in structural arrangement and pave the way towards bio-inspired modeling to leverage the mechanical benefits.
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Art in the light of knowing a cognitive approach to the creative processKnoe, Victor M. 01 January 2011 (has links)
Art can be an elusive concept. Neither an outsider nor a professional artist is immune to abstractions in the attempt to describe it. Every individual must necessarily come from their own, unique perspective. The obstacles that we experience in defining the essence of art can be better understood if we see them as a gauge for our historical period. Given the limits of our contemporary conditions, it seems impossible that we may ever overcome the vast chasms that imprison us. We are discouraged to build bridges, at almost every turn, by the suggestive hopelessness of the abysmal distances between us. The series of work that I have developed for this thesis is a reflection on limitations. Whether we find them in the creative process or within the simple contemplations of our life experiences, thinking on our limits can lead us to a heightened cognition where we may find a lofty expression of human freedom. If art is to have a proper role in human culture, human individuals must begin to solve the problems of our limitations through the freedom that cognition affords us. We can begin by thinking imaginatively. Although difficult, it is quite possible to imagine reality. Beyond the mere production of beautiful objects, art is the very current that warms human beings to the reality that surrounds us. Artists can become involved by attempting to immerse their life in a new light of knowledge. With this sentiment, inspiration can begin offering us flight towards unreachable heights. The path that leads us, then, to an authentic concept of art will also take us into the world of another just as elusive: spirit.
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A Revolutionary Patience: The Life of a WriterThompson, Blaire Evan 09 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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The Use of Sibyls and Sibylline Oracles in Early Christian WritersHooker, Mischa A. 25 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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