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Vi är alla olika : Kulturens inverkan vid kommunikation inom hälso- och sjukvården / We are all different : Cultural influence on communication within healthcareRunestam, Julia, Enlöf, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Befolkningen i Sverige blir alltmer mångkulturell. Detta bidrar till att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal möter fler patienter med en annan kulturell bakgrund. Kommunikationen är ett viktigt hjälpmedel för sjuksköterskan i omvårdnadsarbetet och det kan därför leda till allvarliga konsekvenser när sjuksköterska och patient inte förstår varandra. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av kommunikation med patienter med olika kulturella bakgrunder i hälso- och sjukvården. 12 kvalitativa artiklar ligger till grund för denna litteraturstudie. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskan förutom de språkliga hindren, ser kulturella olikheter som ett stort problem. De eftersöker mer utbildning för att kunna hantera detta på ett bättre sätt. Då sjuksköterska och patient inte förstår varandra eller inte kan kommunicera, kan detta leda till att patienten inte får den vård han/hon har rätt till. Tolken har en stor betydelse, men används dessvärre inte i tillräcklig utsträckning. Bättre tillgång och större ekonomiska resurser krävs enligt sjuksköterskan, som anser att tolk i vissa fall är nödvändigt för att kunna genomföra en god omvårdnad. / The Swedish population is getting more and more multicultural. This means that medical staff meets many patients, belonging to a large variety of cultures. Communication is a vital part of nursing and when lacking, it can lead to serious consequences. The aim of this study was to investigate how nurses experience communication with patients from another culture, within healthcare. This research study is based on 12 research articles using the qualitative approach. The result shows that, besides language barriers, cultural differences are experienced as a major problem for nurses today and they believe education is necessary to handle these situations. If the nurse can’t communicate with the patient, it could affect the patients’ quality of care. An interpreter is needed to overcome these communication difficulties but unfortunately, health care personnel do not use it enough. There has to be financial resources available and the interpreter needs to be easily accessible.
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Nuo platformos nepriklausomos programinės įrangos išmaniesiems telefonams karkasas / Platform independent software framework for smartphonesŽemaitis, Tomas 13 August 2010 (has links)
Šiomis dienomis labai greitai tobulėja mobilios technologijos. Į išmaniuosius įrenginius montuojamų procesorių taktinis dažnis jau pasiekė 1Ghz, ekranai tapo labai didelės raiškos, jautrūs lietimui bei pasižymintys labai kokybišku spalvų atkūrimu. Dėl daugybės į išmaniuosius telefonus montuojamų papildomų įtaisų, jų panaudojimo sritis vis plečiasi, jų populiarumas auga. Kartu su aparatūros tobulėjimu, tobulėja ir jiems skirta programinė įranga. Per paskutinius kelis metus pasirodė net trys naujos išmaniesiems telefonams skirtos operacinės sistemos.
Visos šios naujovės ir greitas jų tobulėjimas labai apsunkina programuotojų darbą. Labai sunku suspėti su visomis naujomis technologijomis. Kiekviena atsiradusi platforma atsineša ir savo programavimo principus. Norint, kad sukurta programinė įranga pasiektų kuo didesnę vartotojų auditoriją, būtina ją pateikti kelioms skirtingoms ir dažnai nesuderinamoms platformoms. Tai pareikalauja didesnių laiko sąnaudų, daugiau žmogiškųjų resursų kas sąlygoja ir didesnius programinės įrangos kūrimo kaštus. Taip pat, labai trūksta profesionalių specialistų gerai išmanančių šias visai neseniai rinkoje pasirodžiusias technologijas.
Tyrimo objektas – nuo platformos nepriklausomos programinės įrangos išmaniesiems telefonams kūrimo galimybės.
Tyrimo tikslas – realizuoti ir ištirti nuo platformos nepriklausomą programinės įrangos karkasą, palengvinantį programinės įrangos išmaniesiems telefonams kūrimą.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. išanalizuoti nuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / With the introduction and popularity of wireless devices, the diversity of the platforms has also been increased. There are different platforms and tools from different vendors such as Microsoft, Sun, Nokia, SonyEricsson and many more. Because of the relatively low-level programming interface, software development for wireless devices platforms, such as Symbian, is a tiresome and error prone task. This paper introduces the problem of the software development for incompatible mobile platforms, moreover, it provides a solution based on easy to use web technologies – JavaScript and XML. In the presented approach, the platform-independence lies in JavaScript interpretation and XML structures based user interface. The subject of research, object and subject relevance were detectable through literature analysis and through existing approaches are presented in the first part. The platform independent mobile application framework was implemented to demonstrate the proposed solution. System components design and programming process are presented in the second part. The implemented system static view is provided by using class diagrams and dynamic view - by sequences and activities diagrams. In the third part are provided assessment of the platform independent mobile software framework capabilities and quality. Program developed by using this framework was compared to program developed by using standard Symbian OS native means.
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Using Haskell to Implement Syntactic Control of InterferenceWarren, Jared 11 June 2008 (has links)
Interference makes reasoning about imperative programs difficult but it can be controlled syntactically by a language's type system, such as Syntactic Control of Interference (SCI). Haskell is a purely-functional, statically-typed language with a rich type system including algebraic datatypes and type classes. It is popular as a defining language for definitional interpreters of domain-specific languages, making it an ideal candidate for implementation of definitional interpreters for SCI and Syntactic Control of Interference Revisited (SCIR), a variant that improves on SCI. Inference rules and denotational semantics functions are presented for PCF, IA, SCI, and SCIR. An extension to Haskell98 is used to define Haskell functions for those languages' semantics and to define type constructions to statically check their syntax. The results in applied programming language theory demonstrate the suitability and techniques of Haskell for definitional interpretation of languages with rich type systems. / Thesis (Master, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2008-06-10 21:23:33.291
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Slicing UML's Three-layer Architecture: A Semantic Foundation for Behavioural SpecificationCrane, Michelle Love 13 January 2009 (has links)
One of the main notational contexts in which model-driven software development has been studied is the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the de facto standard in software modelling. The current trend in software development is not just towards the use of models, but the use of executable models. In 2006, the Object Management Group issued a Request for Proposal (RFP), soliciting the definition of an Executable UML Foundation, with a fully specified executable semantics. The purpose of such a version of UML is to make the advantages of executable models available to UML users by enabling "a chain of tools that support the construction, verification, translation, and execution" of models.
An oft-voiced criticism of UML is its lack of a formal, unambiguous description of its semantics. In an effort to improve the support for model-driven development, especially with respect to executable modelling, the UML 2 specification introduced a novel three-layer semantics architecture. This architecture provides a stratification of the description of UML models that clearly separates 'low-level' behavioural specification mechanisms, such as actions, from 'high-level' behavioural formalisms, such as activities, state machines and interactions. Although UML describes the effect of actions, it does not provide either the concrete syntax or the formal semantics of an action language.
Our research focuses on a top-to-bottom slice of the three-layer architecture. We formally define the execution semantics of two-thirds of UML actions, including the most complicated actions---invocation actions. Our formal definition is expressed in terms of state changes to a global state machine representing an executing UML model. Our work provides an alternate formalization to that of the current submission to the RFP and could be used to enhance that submission.
To validate our formal semantics and to determine the usefulness of the three-layer architecture, we have created an interpreter for UML actions and activities. This interpreter was designed in accordance with the complex token passing semantics of UML and provides analysis capabilities that have been successfully used to identify problems even in published activity diagrams. In effect, we have created a tool that supports the construction, verification and execution of a subset of UML models, namely activities. Our handling of this slice of the three-layer architecture is a preliminary step to realizing the grander vision of general executable (and analyzable) models. / Thesis (Ph.D, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2009-01-12 20:16:47.738
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Do you know what I mean > :( : A linguistic study of the understanding ofemoticons and emojis in text messagesKelly, Caroline January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the understanding of emoticons and emojis used in text messages. Theaim of this study is to determine whether there is a universal understanding of emoticons andemojis, which is important considering the number of people using them every day whensending text messages. Many studies have been made of communication via text messagesand the usage of emoticons and emojis, but no study has focused on the interpretation of thesymbols and the importance of the context.For the purposes of this study, a questionnaire was completed in an uppersecondary school (Swedish gymnasium) in Stockholm, during normal school hours inNovember 2014, by 90 16-19 year old students. The result was then analysed through a‘Relevance Theory’ perspective, and in the light of the works of, amongst others, Saussure,Peirce and Thomas.The result revealed that, for the interpreter of a text message, it is important thata textual context is established, in order for the interpreter to be able to understand what theemoticons or emojis used in text messages mean. The result also showed that the emoticonsand emojis do not have a meaning in themselves and that they can have different meaningsdepending on the situation, and the mood or the person for whom the message is intended.
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The Maternal Migration Effect : Exploring Maternal Healthcare in Diaspora Using Qualitative Proxies for Medical AnthropologyBinder, Pauline January 2012 (has links)
This project explores the 'maternal migration effect'. Following migration to a high-income country with a low maternal mortality rate, we assume that some immigrant women’s reliance upon maternal practices that respond to a low-income, high-mortality context can adversely affect care-seeking and utilization of treatment facilities. At highest risk in the United Kingdom and Sweden are those from Africa's Horn, particularly Somali women who have experienced diasporic migration. By applying constructivist qualitative methods as proxies for medical anthropology, we propose a framework for identifying socio-cultural factors, and then we explore how these can influence the western facility-based maternity care encounter. Study 1 proposes a conceptual framework to understand why sub-Saharan African immigrants might experience adverse childbirth outcomes in western settings. Analysis was guided by 'naturalistic inquiry method' to explore delay-causing socio-cultural factors to optimal maternity treatment. Delays can result from (a) broken trust underlying women’s late-booking or refusal of treatment interventions, and care provider frustration; (b) over-reliance on poorly-functioning interpreter services that deny women’s access to medical expertise; and (c) mutual broken trust and miscommunication, and limited development of guidelines for treatment avoidance. Limited coherence exists in the perspectives between women and providers about caesarean section and other interventions, refusal of treatment, and coping strategies following adverse birth outcomes. Care providers' held misconceptions about women’s preferences for gender- and ethnic-congruence. Women preferred competent care. Congruent language was identified as the key ingredient for optimal culture-sensitive care. Study 2 applied 'grounded dimensional analysis' and 'functional narrative analysis' to explore pre-migration socio-cultural factors that influence Somali parents' childbearing in Sweden. Women’s delayed care-seeking continues, despite that childbearing is still perceived as life-threatening. Decision-making is shared between the couple. Men more than women trust care providers to fill gaps in their knowledge. The postpartum period showed that fathers play an important role. "Aftercare" concerns include unarticulated sexual aversion combined with loss of traditional kin support. Women's autonomy is enhanced but greater necessity exists for intimate partner communication and reliance upon professional care services. Medical anthropology can provide a complementary instrument for developing qualitative evidence-based strategies that target prevention of adverse childbirth outcomes in European countries.
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A Bilingual, Bicultural Interpreter and Researcher Navigates Blurry Boundaries and IntersectionalityJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: A researcher reflects using a close reading of interview transcripts and description to share what happened while participating in multiple roles in a larger ethnographic study of the acculturation process of deaf students in kindergarten classrooms in three countries. The course of this paper will focus on three instances that took place in Japan and America. The analysis of these examples will bring to light the concept of taking on multiple roles, including graduate research assistant, interpreter, cultural mediator, and sociolinguistic consultant within a research project serving to uncover challenging personal and professional dilemmas and crossing boundaries; the dual roles, interpreter and researcher being the primary focus. This analysis results in a brief look at a thought provoking, yet evolving task of the researcher/interpreter. Maintaining multiple roles in the study the researcher is able to potentially identify and contribute "hidden" knowledge that may have been overlooked by other members of the research team. Balancing these different roles become key implications when interpreting practice, ethical boundaries, and participant research at times the lines of separation are blurred. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2011
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När sjuksköterska och patient inte talar samma språk : En litteraturstudieCarlsson, Anton, Jawad, Farah January 2018 (has links)
Språkliga hinder kan vara en utmaning för sjuksköterskor i mötet med patienter som talar ett annat språk än svenska. Vårdrelationen kan bli lidande på grund av språkliga hinder och sjuksköterskor får det svårare att vårda patienterna utifrån deras unika behov. Att vårdrelationen blir lidande kan vara förödande för patienten då vårdrelationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient är av avgörande betydelse för en patients hälsoprocesser. Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av möten med patienter som talar ett annat språk än svenska. Examensarbetet är en litteraturstudie som grundar sig på elva vetenskapliga studier som beskriver sjuksköterskors upplevelse av språkliga hinder i vården. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskors erfarenheter är att det kan vara svårare att skapa en god vårdrelation med patienter som inte talar samma språk som sjuksköterskan själv gör. Dessa språkliga hinder gör att patienterna inte kan uttrycka sina behov och sjuksköterskor får svårt med att göra adekvata bedömningar av patientens hälsa. Därmed anses denna patientgrupp vara svårare att vårda. Språkliga hinder kan upplevas som en barriär mellan sjuksköterska och patient och därmed blir det svårare att bygga en vårdrelation tillsammans. Patienters hälsoprocesser beror till stor del på vårdrelationen och att kunna uttrycka sina behov. Tolkanvändning i vården är däremot ett bra exempel på hjälpmedel som kan göra att vårdrelationen kan byggas trots språkliga hinder. Icke-verbala kommunikationsuttryck har också visat sig fungera bra för att göra det möjligt för sjuksköterskan att ge den vård som varje patienten har rätt till, trots språkliga hinder dessa emellan.
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El oficio de lengua de un indio bilingüe de Chachapoyas Perú-Siglo XVIHuamanchumo de la Cuba, Ofelia January 2016 (has links)
Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal perfilar la biografía de un indio bilingüe —Juan de Albarado, natural de Chachapoyas— a través de los datos de la experiencia de vida de quien a la manera del más alto ideal renacentista destacó en el ejercicio de la espada y la pluma, es decir, como soldado indioa favor de la Corona y como lengua oficial de la Audiencia de Lima. Las fuentes documentales revisadas (una memoria y una probanza) contienen además muestras ilustrativas de la competencia lingüística y jurídica de un indiolengua de esa época.
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A atuaÃÃo do intÃrprete de Libras em uma InstituiÃÃo de Ensino SuperiorDinà Souza da Silva 28 February 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / The Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Brazil has been undergoing a series of
transformations necessary for the development of quality education accessible to all. It can be
seen that the establishment of policies accessible and inclusive is the only effective means to
achieve these actions, through programs or support centers already existing or to be created in
these institutions. When considering the inclusion of deaf students, the first point is the
linguistic accessibility, provided by the presence of the professional interpreter Brazilian Sign
Language (Libras). The objective of this research is therefore to investigate the practice of
educational interpreters with deaf students in an institution of higher education, inclusive
practices from experienced, focusing and evaluating aspects of that experience through the
analysis of the following specific objectives: to determine how place policies insertion of a
professional institution of higher learning, profiling this interpreter, and also discuss the
practical activities developed by this, the educational spaces in question. The research is
qualitative, performed through a case study, and the study of documents. To collect data, a
priori, there was a exploratory observation, which were raised initial information about the
survey data, bringing new ideas and or clarification on the matter, in order to make possible a
clearer understanding about the object of study. Then it was realized, for ten weeks, the
fieldwork itself, through observations of classroom and with previously established routes.
All data were recorded in a diary. For the collection of specific elements, we opted for a
structured interview conducted with four core members who coordinates interpreters,
composed of four students and four deaf performers, working at undergraduate and
postgraduate level. The results point to the need to establish an institutional policy, focused on
the role of interpreter Pounds, and also a thorough knowledge on the part of institutions, the
role of the interpreter, their powers and their limits in these. It is clear, too, the obligation to
study and reflect on practices, mature ideas and actions pertaining to this group, which in
most cases do not have adequate specific training. It is observed that despite the imposition
have a theoretical knowledge about the accessibility and insertion of deaf people, there is
much yet to be performed, in relation to the effective inclusion. Finally, it is understood that,
for effective performance of this professional in higher education, these educational
institutions have the challenge of trying to understand that the process of inclusion of a broad
manner, reflecting on its role as a participant in this process, and not only as the interpretation
service, since, so only the interpreter in the classroom does not ensure that this inclusion
happen. It happens that there is a prism that frames do this, where the pillars are teachers,
students and performers, incidents on the ridge called institution. / As InstituiÃÃes de Ensino Superior (IES) do Brasil vÃm passando por uma sÃrie de
transformaÃÃes necessÃrias para o desenvolvimento de uma educaÃÃo acessÃvel a todos.
Percebe-se que, o estabelecimento de polÃticas acessÃveis e inclusivas à o Ãnico meio efetivo
para a realizaÃÃo destas aÃÃes, por via de programas ou nÃcleos de apoio jà existentes ou a
serem criados nestas instituiÃÃes. Quando se pensa na inclusÃo dos alunos surdos, o primeiro
ponto à a acessibilidade linguÃstica, proporcionada atravÃs da presenÃa do profissional
intÃrprete de LÃngua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras). O objetivo geral desta pesquisa Ã, portanto,
investigar a prÃtica dos intÃrpretes educacionais junto a alunos surdos, em uma instituiÃÃo de
ensino superior, a partir das prÃticas inclusivas vivenciadas, focalizando e avaliando aspectos
dessa experiÃncia atravÃs da anÃlise dos seguintes objetivos especÃficos: verificar como
acontecem as polÃticas de inserÃÃo deste profissional em uma instituiÃÃo de ensino superior,
traÃar o perfil deste intÃrprete, e, ainda, discorrer sobre as prÃticas de atuaÃÃo, desenvolvidas
por este, nos espaÃos educacionais em questÃo. A pesquisa realizada à de carÃter qualitativo,
realizada atravÃs de um estudo de caso, alÃm do estudo documental. Para a coleta de dados, a
priori, realizou-se uma observaÃÃo exploratÃria, na qual foram levantadas informaÃÃes
iniciais sobre os dados da pesquisa, alcanÃando novas ideias e ou esclarecimentos sobre o
assunto, com o intuito de tornar possÃvel um entendimento mais claro sobre o objeto de
estudo. Em seguida, foi concretizado, durante dez semanas, o trabalho de campo propriamente
dito, atravÃs das observaÃÃes das aulas teÃricas e prÃticas, com roteiros previamente
estabelecidos. Todas as informaÃÃes foram registradas em um diÃrio de campo. Para a coleta
dos elementos especÃficos, optou-se pela entrevista estruturada, realizada com quatro
membros do nÃcleo que coordena os intÃrpretes, composta de quatro alunos surdos e quatro
intÃrpretes, atuantes na graduaÃÃo e na pÃs-graduaÃÃo. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a
necessidade de se estabelecer uma polÃtica institucional, voltada à atuaÃÃo do intÃrprete de
Libras, e, ainda, um conhecimento aprofundado, por parte das instituiÃÃes, sobre o papel do
intÃrprete, suas atribuiÃÃes e seus limites nestas. Percebe-se, tambÃm, a obrigaÃÃo de se
estudar e de se refletir sobre as prÃticas utilizadas, amadurecer as ideias e as aÃÃes inerentes a
este grupo, os quais, na maioria das vezes, nÃo possuem uma formaÃÃo especÃfica adequada.
Observa-se que, apesar da instituiÃÃo possuir um conhecimento teÃrico sobre a acessibilidade
e a inserÃÃo de pessoas surdas, hà muito, ainda, a ser realizado, no que se refere a uma efetiva
inclusÃo. Por fim, entende-se que, para uma eficaz atuaÃÃo deste profissional no ensino
superior, estas instituiÃÃes de ensino tem o desafio de buscar compreender referido processo
de inclusÃo de uma maneira ampla, refletindo sobre o seu papel, como participante deste
processo, e, nÃo apenas como disponibilizadora do serviÃo de interpretaÃÃo, visto que, tÃo
somente a presenÃa do intÃrprete em sala de aula nÃo garantirà que esta inclusÃo aconteÃa.
Ocorre que, existe um prisma que emoldura este fazer, onde os pilares sÃo professores, alunos
e intÃrpretes, incidentes no cume denominado instituiÃÃo.
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