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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les imaginaires dans l'industrie : analyse critique et stratégique du modèle californien d'Apple / Apple : critical and strategical analysis of the industrial californian model

Hammaoui, Wahiba 29 September 2017 (has links)
Associer analyse industrielle et imaginaire peut sembler audacieux. C’est la puissance de ce travail de recherche qui propose d’aborder les nouvelles institutions que sont devenus les géants du CaC40 non pas par leur pouvoir financier mais par leur puissance de penser. Une des hypothèses fortes observées après plusieurs années d’expériences professionnelles en France et à l’international dans le domaine de la recherche (Silicon Valley, Stanford University, University of Berkeley, University of California (UCLA)) et de l’industrie, est de défendre que l’industrie pense. Avant même de répondre à la mission qu’on lui attribue, soit de produire, l’industrie compose et diffuse une idéologie. Les industries « classiques » de l’imaginaire s’amplifient et se métamorphosent avec les industries high-tech du logiciel, des jeux vidéo et du web dont Apple est le parangon. Notre sujet prend alors une double dimension théorique et critique, mais aussi industrialo -technique. Ce n’est pas seulement un enjeu heuristique qui l’anime, mais le souci d’analyser un « terrain » de grande actualité et de forte visibilité. Une autre originalité de ce travail stratégique est de proposer une méthode de recherche applicable afin de questionner le monde industriel. Ce travail a permis de constituer un corpus complexe et riche ainsi que de rencontrer de multiples acteurs stratégiques de la Silicon Valley dont le co-fondateur d’Apple Steven Wozniac, Daniel Kottke premier salarié d’Apple, des professeurs californiens comme Fred Turner et des Designers-artistes afin de questionner l’entreprise la plus chère du monde, qui détient autant de richesses que des dizaines d’États. / Combining industrial and imaginary analysis may seem daring. It is the power of this research that proposes to address the new institutions that have become the giants of the CaC40 not by their financial power but by their power of thinking. One of the strong hypotheses observed after several years of professional experience in France and abroad in the field of research (Silicon Valley, Stanford University, University of California, University of California (UCLA)) and industry, is to defend that the industry thinks. Even before responding to the mission attributed to it, to produce, the industry composes and disseminates an ideology. The "classic" industries of the imaginary are amplified and metamorphosed with the high-tech industries of software, video games and the web, of which Apple is the paragon. Our subject then takes on a double dimension, theoretical and critical, but also industrialtechnical. It is not only a heuristic issue that drives it, but the desire to analyze a "terrain" of great relevance and high visibility. Another originality of this strategic work is to propose an applicable research method to question the industrial world. This work has made it possible to build a complex and rich corpus as well as to meet many strategic people in Silicon Valley including Apple co-founder Steven Wozniac, Daniel Kottke, Apple's first employee, Californian professors like Fred Turner and Designers-artists to question the most expensive company in the world, which holds as much wealth as dozens of states.

Venturing Into Uncharted Territory – Exploring the Psychological Implications of AI-Driven Automation for Employees

Sureth, Antonia Marie 15 May 2024 (has links)
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird immer leistungsfähiger und KI-basierte Systeme werden zunehmend zur Automatisierung einer steigenden Anzahl von Arbeitstätigkeiten eingesetzt. Kurz- bis mittelfristig führt dies zu Veränderungen von Jobs. Langfristig könnte dies zu strukturellen Arbeitsmarktveränderungen führen, die gesellschaftliche Anpassungen einschließlich der Transformation des bestehenden Wohlfahrtssystems erfordern würden. Beides birgt Potenzial für tiefgreifende psychologische Implikationen für Beschäftigte. Psychologische Forschung, die sich mit den Auswirkungen KI-bedingter Automation befasst, ist jedoch rar. Ziel der Dissertation war es daher, zu einer psychologischen Perspektive auf das Thema beizutragen und die psychologischen Implikationen KI-bedingter Automation für Beschäftigte zu untersuchen. Die Dissertation umfasst drei Projekte. Der Fokus in Projekt 1 und 2 lag auf den kurz- bis mittelfristigen Auswirkungen KI-bedingter Automation. In Projekt 1 wurden fünf Interviewstudien mit Expert*innen und Beschäftigten aus dem Gesundheits- und Finanzdienstleistungssektor (N=91) durchgeführt, um Anwendungsfelder von KI-bedingter Automation, damit verbundene Chancen und Risiken sowie Auswirkungen auf die Tätigkeiten sowie das Erleben und Verhalten von Beschäftigten zu untersuchen. In Projekt 2 wurde ein Fragebogen entwickelt, um die Relevanz ausgewählter psychologischer Konstrukte im Kontext KI-bedingte Automation zu untersuchen. Die Fragebogenentwicklung war in drei Phasen unterteilt und beinhaltete zwei Vorstudien (N=1293). Der Fokus von Projekt 3 lag auf den langfristigen Auswirkungen KI-bedingter Automation und untersuchte das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen (BGE), eine mögliche und grundlegende Veränderung in der Organisation unseres Wohlfahrtssystems. Auf Basis einer repräsentativen Stichprobe der deutschen Erwerbsbevölkerung (N=1986) wurden sozio-demografische und psychologische Prädiktoren für die Akzeptanz eines BGE untersucht. / The capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) are expanding rapidly, and AI-based systems are increasingly used to automate a growing number of job tasks. In the short- to medium-term, jobs are changing as a result. In the long term, this development may also lead to structural changes in the labor market, requiring societal adaptation including the transformation of the existing welfare system. Both carry great potential for far-reaching psychological implications for employees. However, psychological research dedicated to the impact of AI-driven automation is scarce. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation was to contribute to a psychological perspective on the topic and investigate the psychological implications of AI-driven automation for employees. The dissertation comprises three projects. Projects 1 and 2 focused on the short- to medium-term impact of AI-driven automation, exploring how jobs are changing and the related psychological implications for employees. In Project 1, five interview studies with experts and employees from the healthcare and financial services sectors (N=91) were conducted to explore application fields of AI-driven automation, associated opportunities and threats, its impact on employees’ job tasks, and employees’ experience and behavior in response to these changes. In Project 2, a questionnaire was developed to investigate the relevance of selected psychological concepts in the context of AI-driven automation. The questionnaire development was divided into three phases and included two preliminary studies (N=1,293). Project 3 focused on the long-term impact of AI-driven automation, investigating a universal basic income (UBI), one possible and fundamental shift in the organization of our welfare system. Using a representative sample of the German working population (N=1,986), socio-demographic and psychological predictors of UBI acceptance were investigated.

Effect of Modern Training Techniques on Economically-Disadvantaged Homeless People

Frankenberger, John J. (John Joseph) 08 1900 (has links)
This study examined a segment of the homeless population who participated in a jobs training program. The research investigated the effect of socioeconomic status, self-esteem, and locus of control on the clients in getting and keeping jobs. The training was a comprehensive 36-day treatment dealing with three major areas: (a) how to get a job, (b) how to keep a job, and (c) how to develop life-coping skills. A quasi-experimental research design was used for testing by t-tests, two-by-two repeated-measured anova, chi-square tests, and regression analysis. The findings showed that high socioeconomic status clients demonstrated higher self-esteem and internal locus of control than low socioeconomic status clients at the start of the treatment. The treatment had a significant effect on both groups with an increase in self-esteem and internal locus of control and a decrease in both external locus of control dimensions of powerful others and chance. The treatment had a greater effect on the low socioeconomic status clients than on the high socioeconomic status clients on increases in self-esteem and locus of control—internal. Both groups were successful in finding jobs, with 79% for high socioeconomic status clients and 74% for low socioeconomic status clients having jobs at the end of the treatment. Both high self-esteem and high socioeconomic status had a positive effect on the length of time over a sixmonth period following treatment that clients were able to maintain employment (job retention). This study must be considered largely as exploratory in its findings. Restrictions in the selection process prevented the results from being generalized. It does, however, provide a very important profile of a segment of the homeless population that can be useful in the research for new and improved methods of dealing with the problems of the homeless unemployed.

Le tourisme rural et la réduction de la pauvreté / Rural tourism and poverty reduction

Sonko, Seedou Mukthar 19 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse traite un sujet pointu qui est la contribution du tourisme rural à la réduction de la pauvreté. Théoriquement parlant nous pouvons comprendre que le tourisme en général est un des secteurs qui contribue le plus à l'économie des pays. Ainsi, puisque nous parlons de tourisme rural et de réduction de la pauvreté, voici comment notre travail est constitué. Trois parties composent le travail que nous allons vous présenter. Dans la première partie, nous procédons à une évaluation et une tentative de définition du tourisme et de la réduction de la pauvreté après avoir expliqué brièvement l'historique et l'évolution du tourisme en général. Nous avons aussi abordé la question de la pauvreté dans le monde et plus particulièrement dans les pays sous-développés. La deuxième partie porte sue les fondements du développement touristique en milieu rural. Elle présente alors les différentes théories du développement ainsi que les spécificités touristiques des petites économies rurales. Nous essayons d'y faire une proposition sur le choix de la stratégie de développement touristique rural à opter en mettant l'accent sur les critères et les objectifs du développement durable. Notre troisième partie fait une analyse empirique du rôle du tourisme rural dans la réduction de la pauvreté en Casamance (Sénégal). Tout au long de cette partie, nous présenterons notre méthodologie d'analyse de terrain, notre enquête sur le terrain et ses résultats après avoir fait une analyse globale de la situation de la pauvreté dans la région. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de tirer une conclusion qui reste discutable par rapport à la contribution du tourisme à la réduction de la pauvreté. / This thesis deals with a subject that is sharp tourism's contribution to rural poverty reduction. Theoretically speaking we can understand that tourism in general is one of the sectors that contribute most to the economy of the country. Therefore, since we are talking about rural tourism and poverty, our work is composed of three parts. In the first part, we conduct an evaluation and attempt to define the tourism and poverty reduction after having briefly explained the history and evolution of tourism in general. We would have also address the issue of poverty in the world, especially in underdeveloped countries. The second part focuses on the fundamentals of tourism development in rural areas. It then presents the different theories of development and specificities of small rural tourism economies. We try to make a proposal on the choice of rural tourism development strategy to opt emphasis on the criteria and objectives of sustainable development. Our third part makes an empirical analysis of the role of rural tourism in poverty reduction in Casamance (Senegal). Throughout this section, we present our methodology for analyzing field, our field survey, and the results after a comprehensive analysis of the situation of poverty in the region. The results we have had, allow us to make a conclusion as far as rural tourism in poverty reduction is concerned. However, that conclusion is also questionable.

Mediální obraz společnosti Apple v českých internetových médiích za života Steva Jobse a po jeho smrti / Media image of the Apple Inc in Czech internet media before and after Steve Jobs'death

Nováková, Věra January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with media image of Apple Inc. in selected Czech internet media. It presents Apple Inc., its evolution and Steve Jobs's personality. The theoretic framework is semiotics and main method is semiotic analysis. There is also an introduction to the selected Czech internet media - iDnes.cz and jablickar cz. These are the sources of articles that have undergone semiotic analysis and are followed by comparation. The results of analysis is a phenomenon showing that the level of positivity of Apple products presentation in selected articles is lower after Jobs's death compared to the level of positivity of Apple products presentation during Jobs's life. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

O lugar do imigrante indocumentado no Estado Democrático de Direito: identificação e reparação dos danos aos direitos metaindividuais decorrentes da exploração de trabalhadores bolivianos na cadeia de produção têxtil de São Paulo / The place of undocumented immigrants in the Democratic State of Law: identification and reparation of damages to metaindividual rights resukting from the exploitation of Bolivian workers in the textile production chain of São Paulo

Melo, Amanda Morais de 10 November 2017 (has links)
A dissertação apresenta uma análise de casos envolvendo trabalhadores bolivianos que tiveram o vínculo de emprego, com três grandes empresas do ramo têxtil e de confecções, situadas na capital paulista reconhecido por três Varas do Trabalho do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 2ª Região. O estudo teve a finalidade de identificar, nas decisões conteúdos que contribuam para a proteção e inclusão socioeconômica dos imigrantes bolivianos pelo acesso aos direitos sociais nos termos dos objetivos do Estado Democrático de Direito, consagrados pelo artigo 3º. da Constituição Federal Brasileira. Buscou-se responder por meio da análise proposta, qual o lugar conferido a esses indivíduos nas tutelas trabalhistas quando desrespeitados direitos metaindividuais do trabalho na cadeia de produção têxtil de São Paulo, capital. A base de dados foi composta por cinco decisões judiciais que reconheceram o vínculo empregatício entre os trabalhadores e as grandes lojas de confecções empregadoras, a fim de convalidar autos de infração trabalhista e relatórios de fiscalização lavrados pelo Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, para responsabilizar tais empresas por dumping social e dano moral coletivo. O estudo das decisões permitiu concluir que, em que pese o avanço no entendimento das Varas do Trabalho do TRT 2ª que proferiram as decisões a respeito da responsabilidade atribuída às grandes marcas no que toca às cadeias produtivas decorrentes da reestruturação da produção e divisão internacional do trabalho, o imigrante ainda tem sido visto como uma ameaça ao mercado de trabalho local, o que se evidencia, principalmente, nas condenações em obrigação de fazer e destinação das multas cominadas e contribui para a discriminação desses trabalhadores já explorados a contrariar as finalidades do Estado Democrático de Direito expressas na Constituição em relação ao combate às desigualdades e a segregação dessas minorias. / This dissertation addresses an analysis of cases involving Bolivian workers whose employment relationship with three major textile and garment manufacturers in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, was recognized by three courts of the Regional Labor Court of the second region. The study identified contents in the decisions that would contribute to the socioeconomic protection and inclusion of undocumented Bolivian immigrants to social rights, in accordance with the objectives of the Democratic State of Law set forth in Article 3 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. The analysis aimed at revealing the place conferred to those individuals in labor courts when metaindividual labor rights are disrespected in the textile production chain in São Paulo. A database was comprised of five judicial decisions that recognized the employment relationship between workers and employers\' clothing stores for the validation of labor infraction notices and inspection reports issued by the Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment and held the companies accountable for social dumping and collective moral damage. Despite the Regional Labor Court\'s progress towards understanding the responsibility of major brands regarding the restructuring of production chains and the international labor division, the undocumented immigrant is still deemed a menace to the local labor market. Moreover, the fines imposed by the court contributed to the continued discrimination of undocumented and exploited immigrants, which is against the intent of the Democratic State of Law incorporated in the Brazilian Constitution towards precluding inequality and segregation of such minorities.

Turismo e desenvolvimento regional: um ensaio de operacionalização no Estado de São Paulo / Tourism and development regional: a research in Saint Paul State

Aulicino, Madalena Pedroso 20 April 2004 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é clarear a relação entre o desenvolvimento regional e a atividade turística e discutir implicações para um país em desenvolvimento como o Brasil, diante das atuais condições da sociedade urbano-industrial ou pós-industrial e frente ao fenômeno da globalização. Nesse sentido, estabeleceu como hipótese principal a afirmação de que o turismo pode gerar desenvolvimento regional. A presente pesquisa foi dividida em duas partes. Na primeira parte, foi feito um resgate teórico de estudos pertinentes ao desenvolvimento regional e `as peculiaridades do fenômeno turístico; na segunda parte operacionalizou-se uma pesquisa em municípios do Estado de São Paulo principalmente a partir da Teoria de Base Econômica Regional. Dentro dos parámetros e limites estabelecidos para esta pesquisa, os resultados obtidos confirmam em algum grau as possibilidades de desenvolvimento regional por meio da atividade turística, demonstrando-se que o turismo pode se constituir numa atividade exportadora ou básica a estimular atividades não-básicas ou locais no espaço de uma região, estimulando assim o crescimento econômico. / The aim of this research is to clarify the relationship between regional development and tourist activity as well as discuss its implications in a developing country like Brazil in view of the current conditions of the urban-industrial or post-industrial society, besides the phenomenon of globalization. Hence, a main hypothesis was stated, namely, that tourism may generate regional development. The present research is divided into two parts. In the first part, theoretical studies relevant to regional development as well as peculiarities of the tourist phenomenon were elucidated. In the second part, a research was carried out in several towns, especially on the Theory of Regional Economic Base. According to the parameters and limits established in the current study, the results somehow confirm the possibility of regional development through tourist which can stimulate non-basic or local activities, consequently, encouraging economic development.

Negociação coletiva como instrumento de incremento do mercado de trabalho no âmbito do Mercosul

Lima, Aldo José Fossa de Sousa 15 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aldo Jose Fossa de Sousa Lima.pdf: 1131948 bytes, checksum: b6165b54c0adbbafdb0c6c3e8a7fa67d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-15 / Faced with a scenario where states experienced today are increasingly weakened by capital strength, at which time, especially because of the crisis in European countries, the world starts to turn their attention to America, when the union of nations is inevitable and necessary for strengthening the respective regions of the planet, it seems essential to make possible the increase of relations between countries, for over twenty years, decided to create the Southern Common Market and plotted as one of its foundations the free movement of goods and services. And the free movement of workers between these states is presented as a real possibility for increased regional integration, enabling the same way the social and economic development. We analyze these issues and found that the absence of law can be an obstacle to the development of the labor market in the region, which is why the group negotiation emerged as the fastest and most efficient instrument for achieving this integration. We found that the grounds on which they were recorded Mercosul, as well as the domestic laws of member countries, plus an effective political will, can allow this possibility becomes a reality soon. Thus, we see a growth of relations between these countries with greater opportunities for citizens and the possibility of integral development of the economic bloc / Diante de um cenário hoje vivenciado onde os Estados estão cada vez mais fragilizados pela força do capital, época em que, notadamente em razão da crise que assola países europeus, o mundo começa a voltar suas atenções para a América, momento em que a união das nações é necessária e inevitável para fortalecimento das respectivas regiões do planeta, parece fundamental tornar viável o incremento das relações entre os países que, há mais de vinte anos, resolveram criar o Mercado Comum do Sul e traçaram como um de seus fundamentos a livre circulação de bens e serviços. E a livre circulação dos trabalhadores entre esses Estados apresenta-se como uma possibilidade efetiva para maior integração da região, viabilizando da mesma forma o desenvolvimento econômico e social. Analisamos esses aspectos e verificamos que a ausência de regramento legal pode ser um óbice para o desenvolvimento do mercado de trabalho na região, motivo pelo qual a negociação coletiva surge como o mais rápido e eficiente instrumento para viabilizar essa integração. Verificamos que os fundamentos sobre os quais foram constituídos o Mercosul, bem como a legislação interna dos países integrantes, acrescida de uma efetiva vontade política, podem permitir que esta possibilidade se torne realidade em breve. Assim, poderemos assistir a um crescimento das relações estabelecidas entre estes países com maiores oportunidades para os cidadãos e possibilidade de desenvolvimento integral do bloco econômico

Cargos em extinção : as marcas das mudanças do e no trabalho na universidade

Sarmento, Thaís Ferrugem January 2016 (has links)
O atual processo de reestruturação produtiva trouxe profundas transformações na gestão e na organização do trabalho no contexto das universidades públicas no Brasil, repercutindo na saúde de seus servidores. A extinção de cargos no âmbito do serviço público federal, preconizada no Plano Diretor da Reforma do Estado nos anos 1990 e implementada pela Lei nº 9.632 de 1998, atinge o conjunto do funcionalismo, incidindo nas universidades públicas federais. Assim, esta pesquisa objetiva dar visibilidade aos efeitos das transformações ocorridas nas universidades públicas federais na saúde e no trabalho dos servidores ocupantes de cargos em processo de extinção. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), o qual contou com a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com nove servidores ativos ocupantes de cargos em processo de extinção, um representante do setor de gestão de pessoas e um representante sindical. As entrevistas, depois de transcritas, foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo temática e divididas considerando-se as seguintes categorias: mercado de trabalho; condições de trabalho; saberes do trabalho; relações do e no trabalho; relações entre trabalho e outras dimensões da vida; cargo e atividades desempenhadas. Os servidores descrevem as dificuldades de inserção no mercado de trabalho como a principal justificativa para ingresso e permanência na universidade. A escolaridade acima da exigida pelo cargo e o amplo conhecimento institucional adquirido ao longo dos anos de trabalho, aliados à falta de servidores em algumas áreas, contribuem para que suas atividades se modifiquem ao longo dos anos. Tal contexto permite a estes servidores suprir lacunas institucionais, tornando o desvio de função uma das principais características desses cargos. Práticas de gestão com caráter fortemente culpabilizante e individualizante levam ao ocultamento dos processos institucionais que constituem a realidade de trabalho desses servidores. O enfrentamento das dificuldades se dá predominantemente por meio de estratégias individuais, as quais, conjuntamente com as frágeis estratégias coletivas sustentadas nas relações de troca e ajuda mútua, têm efeitos meramente paliativos, sendo incapazes de modificar a condição em que os servidores se encontram. Conclui-se que o trabalho destes servidores é composto por um conjunto de elementos heterogêneos e contraditórios, no seio do qual lhes restam poucas e limitadas alternativas, sendo as estratégias individuais por eles empregadas incapazes de solucionar as dificuldades enfrentadas. O sofrimento social emerge como principal efeito das mudanças da universidade na saúde dos servidores ocupantes de cargos em extinção. / The current productive reorganization process has brought significant changes in management and organization of work in the context of public universities in Brazil, which has influenced the health of their public servants. The extinction of positions in Brazil’s national public service, as advocated in the Directive Plan of the State Reform in the 1990s and implemented by Law n. 9.632, from 1998, affects the entire public workers category, including the ones who work in national public universities. Therefore, this research aims to give visibility to the effects of changes occurred in the national public universities considering health and work of public servants who have a job position which is becoming extinct. The study was developed at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and included semi-structured interviews with nine active public servants who have a job position which is becoming extinct, a representative of the people management department and a union labor representative. The interviews, after transcribed, underwent thematic content analysis and were divided considering the following categories: labor market; working conditions; knowledge about the job; relationships of and in work; relationships between work and other aspects of life; job and activities performed. Public servants describe the difficulties to enter the labor market as the main reason to start and stay working in the university. Their education, higher than required by the position, and the broad institutional knowledge acquired over the years of work, along with the lack of public servants in some areas, contribute for a change on their activities over the years. This context allows these public servants to fill institutional gaps, which makes the change in the work performed be one of the main characteristics of these positions. Strong guilt-inducing and individualizing management practices lead to hiding institutional processes which are a working reality to these servants. The difficulties are faced predominantly through individual strategies, which, along with the fragile collective strategies sustained in the exchanging relationships and mutual support, have only palliative effects, being unable to change the condition in which the servants are. These servers’ jobs are composed by a set of heterogeneous and contradictory elements and, thus, there are few and limited alternatives left, and the individual strategies used by them are unable to solve the difficulties faced. Social suffering emerges as the main effect of the changes of the university on the health of public servants who have a job position which is becoming extinct.

Apple Inc. : En marknadsdriven organisation med Steve Jobs i fokus. / Apple Inc. : A market-driven organization with Steve Jobs in focus.

Abulkheir, Zachariah, Chen, Liyah January 2013 (has links)
Kundens behov och värderingar förändras ständigt, vilket har medfört att fokus på bådemarknadsföring och management behövs för att kunna överleva konkurrensen påmarknaden. Marknadsföringskonceptet har dock varit en paradox när det gällermanagement. Det krävs exceptionellt mycket av det interna ledarskapet för att motiveratill kund- och marknadsorientering. I många årtionden har chefer blivit uppmanade att”vara nära kunden”, ”sätta kunden i toppen av organisationsplanen” och definiera ettverksamhetssyfte med att skapa och behålla nöjda kunder.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka Apple Inc.’s marknadsfokus och hur Steve Jobsledarskap influerade företaget och hur han påverkade organisationensmarknadsorientering. Resultatet ska vara till hjälp för att se vad det är som skiljer dennaorganisation från andra och om nya insikter kan utvecklas. Uppsatsen bygger på endokumentationsstudie där vi jämför vår egen utformade teoretiska modell med vårtempiriska resultat, det vill säga det insamlade materialet.Av studien framgår det att Apple Inc. har en väldigt annorlunda ledning och kulturjämfört med de konkurrerande företagen, och ändå fungerar företaget så bra att de idagtoppar sina konkurrenter inom PC-industrin. Steve Jobs var en karismatisk ochtransformerande ledare som visste vad kunderna ville ha och han kombinerade designmed användarvänlighet. Tack vare att Apple fokuserar på få produkter, till skillnad frånandra konventionella elektronikföretag, har de lyckats lägga ner mer tid och fokusera påatt göra den aktuella produkten ännu bättre. Apple gör något som få företag gör, och detär att de skapar en identitet där kunderna kan koppla sig till företaget och produkterna.Steve Jobs vilja att tjäna pengar gjorde att han struntade i konkurrenterna och gick sinegen väg. Genom hans förmågor fick Apple många konkurrensfördelar på marknaden. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

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