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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förstudie om byggande av parkeringshus i Kvarnberget i Karlstad

Söderqvist Wermelin, Albert January 2023 (has links)
The background for this degree project being carried out is that there are not enough parking spaces in Karlstad Municipality. Then an idea came from Veidekke's side to break out the rock in Kvarnberget to build parking spaces.

Erfarenhetsöverföring i eventprojekt : En studie av lärandet i två organisationer med olika frekvens på eventen / The transfer of experience in event projects : A study of learning in two organizations with different frequency on their events

Nygren, Roy, Bjärnered, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>Two organizations with different frequency on their events have been researched by deep interviews and an observation. The examined organizations are Löfbergs Lila Arena and Karlstad Grand Prix.</p><p>The traditional event organization primarily focuses on solving problems and delegating tasks during their meetings. And can therefore be seen as single loop learning. This leads to a situation where problems are being solved individually and the organization becomes very dependant on certain persons.</p><p>The more process oriented event organization discuss their problems and tries to find the source of the problem. This implies that they use double loop learning and become less dependant on a specific person, rather the position.</p>The tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Sweden. Events are a contributing part of this growth. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the transfer of experience differs between a traditional event organization and a more process oriented one.</p>

Erfarenhetsöverföring i eventprojekt : En studie av lärandet i två organisationer med olika frekvens på eventen / The transfer of experience in event projects : A study of learning in two organizations with different frequency on their events

Nygren, Roy, Bjärnered, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
Two organizations with different frequency on their events have been researched by deep interviews and an observation. The examined organizations are Löfbergs Lila Arena and Karlstad Grand Prix. The traditional event organization primarily focuses on solving problems and delegating tasks during their meetings. And can therefore be seen as single loop learning. This leads to a situation where problems are being solved individually and the organization becomes very dependant on certain persons. The more process oriented event organization discuss their problems and tries to find the source of the problem. This implies that they use double loop learning and become less dependant on a specific person, rather the position. The tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Sweden. Events are a contributing part of this growth. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the transfer of experience differs between a traditional event organization and a more process oriented one.

Skuggsidan av platsmarknadsföring : En djupstudie av Karlstads platsvarumärkesmaterial / The Shadow side of place marketing : An in-depth study of Karlstad place brand material

Nelson, Nicole January 2015 (has links)
Platsmarknadsföring är ett växande fenomen internationellt och i Sverige, då det påstås att ”städer tävlar mot andra städer” om besöksnäringen, nyetableringar av företag och befolkning. Att platsmarknadsföra sin stads specifika värden, genom att paketera och ”sälja” in staden, har blivit mer av en regel än ett undantag, där man genom texter och bilder vill lyfta fram stadens specifika kvalitéer.Men vad gömmer sig i skuggsidan av platsmarknadsföringen? Och vidare vad blir effekterna av de bilder man visar upp av staden?Många kritiska forskare menar att risken är att befolkningen i staden inte känner igen bilden av sin stad och då känner sig åsidosatta och platsmarknadsföringen förlorar då sin styrka. Därför blir också intern platsmarknadsföring oerhört viktigt för att vinna legitimitet hos befolkningen.I min undersökning har jag gjort en djupstudie av Karlstad relativt nya platsvarumärke °Karlstad med tillhörande platsvarumärkesmaterial. Genom analyser av materialets texter och bilder och med kompletterande intervjuer med nyckelpersoner som arbetar med marknadsföringen, har jag dessutom fått ett djupare perspektiv och förståelse för platsvarumärkets syfte. Genom analyser har jag kunnat urskilja teman och diskurser som återkommer i materialet.Det finns inga faktiska siffror på hur mycket platsmarknadsföringen ger en stad eller om det i huvud taget ger en ekonomisk vinning för staden. Det som marknadsföringen däremot ger om man lyckas i sin marknadsföring, är igenkännande och vidare ett stark platsvarumärke som blir igenkänt nationellt och kanske till och med internationellt. Om man dessutom har starka värden, som Karlstad faktiskt har lyckats skapa och som stark förknippas med platsen, ger det också bredare djupverkningar och igenkännande på marknaden. På lång sikt kan det ge starkt underlag för att locka till sig besöksnäring, befolkning och företag. / Place marketing is a growing phenomenon both internationally and in Sweden, where it is alleged that "cities are competing against other cities' of the tourism industry, new businesses and population. To place market the specific values of the city, by packaging and "sell" an idea of the city, has become more of a rule than an exception, where they want to highlight the specific qualities of the city through texts and images.But what hides in the shadow-side of the place marketing? And what will the actual effects be of the photos used to showcase the city?Many critical scholars believe that a risk is that the population of the city does not recognize the image of their own town and may feel neglected leading to the marketing losing its power. Hence the importance of internal site marketing as it is extremely important to win legitimacy among the population.In my research I have done in-depth study of Karlstads relatively new place brand °Karlstad with related brand materials. Through analysis of the texts and pictures from the material with additional interviews with key figures working with the marketing in Karlstad municipality, I have also gained a deeper perspective and understanding of the purpose of the subject of place marketing. Through analysis, I have been able to discern themes and discourses that recur in the material.There are no actual numbers or statistics on the gain of place marketing for a town in financial or other values. Instead, what it does give is recognition, and if done properly, a strong brand that can be recognized by citizens of Sweden and even internationally. If there are other strong and important values that can be associated with the town it will give wider effects of depth in the long perspective, creating a possibility to attract tourists, inhabitants and companies.

Rumslig socioekonomisk variation i Karlstad : En studie av vattnets roll för socioekonomisk fördelning i Karlstad tätort / Spatial socioeconomic variation in Karlstad : A study of the impact of blue spaces on socioeconomic distribution in the city of Karlstad

Grund, Henrik, Andersson, Joel January 2018 (has links)
Where people choose to live is a consequence of a variety of factors, such as housing cost, design, localization and personal considerations. Urban blue spaces provide a range of perceived benefits to nearby inhabitants and is generally seen as attractive traits for an area, influencing housing cost and demographics amongst other things. This has implications for socioeconomic spatial distribution, and thus the city could also be viewed as a map of socioeconomic variation. This paper seeks to examine the socioeconomic spatial variation in the city of Karlstad in relation to urban blue spaces. Using publicly available statistics for 23 different areas of the city, this variation is visualised in a series of maps and tables. Two models, one using average income and one using a proposed local socioeconomic index, are devised and used to estimate the impact of blue spaces on socioeconomic spatial variation in Karlstad. Results show a significant socioeconomic variation between different areas. Certain areas score high and certain areas score low in every category of the socioeconomic index, painting the picture of a socioeconomically divided city. The models used are proven to be inaccurate. Although the four areas with the lowest average income are all located in zones furthest from blue spaces, no evidence indicate that high and medium high average income areas, nor areas with high socioeconomic index, generally are located in closer proximity to blue spaces. Findings imply that socioeconomic spatial variation in Karlstad cannot be reduced to blue spaces and is a complex area of further research.

Det rituella motståndet : En kvalitativ undersökning av den andliga krigföringen mot en moské i Karlstad / The Ritual Resistance : A Qualitative Study of the Spiritual Warfare Against a Mosque in Karlstad

Lindahl, Klas January 2018 (has links)
I juli 2017 rapporterade lokalmedia om en händelse i stadsdelen Rud i Karlstad, på platsen för en tilltänkt moské. Snart stod det klart att den pentekostalt kristna rörelsen International Mission Church Karlstad stod bakom vad som visade sig vara en ceremoni. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vad det var som egentligen hände. Vidare ingår uppsatsen i forskningsprojektet ”Karlstads moské – förhandlingar om islam i Värmland”. Ett studentbaserat projekt vid Karlstads universitet som behandlar islams utveckling i Värmland från olika aspekter. I projektet belyser denna studie det religiösa motståndet mot moskébygget. Med hemsökelseriter samt textritualisering som teoretiska utgångspunkter konstateras att det ceremoniella görandets syfte var att skydda platsen samt att visa sitt missnöje mot nämnda moské. I ett manifest som ligger till grund för undersökningen uppmanas det till andlig krigföring mot det som går emot församlingens värderingar. Studien får dels sin relevans genom bristen på rituella skildringar och dels genom det faktum att islam och islamkritik är ett relevant ämne i dagens samhälle. / In July 2017, local media reported on an event in the district of Rud in Karlstad, at the site of an intended mosque. Soon it became clear that the Pentecostal Christian communion International Mission Church Karlstad, was accountable for what proved to be a ceremony. This essay aims to examine what really happened. Furthermore, this essay is included in the research project ”The Karlstad Mosque – Negotiations on Islam in Värmland”. A student-based project at Karlstad University that deals with Islam’s development in Värmland from various aspects. In the project, this study illustrates the religious resistance against the mosque. With rites of affliction and text ritualization as a theoretical premise, it is stated that the purpose of the ceremonial process was to protect the site and to show the communion’s dissatisfaction with the mosque. In a manifesto, that is the basis for the examination, it is called for spiritual warfare against what goes against the values of the communion. The study is partly relevant because of the lack of ritual depictions and partly by the fact that Islam and Islam criticism is a relevant subject in today’s society.

The Square’s Social role in Society : Karlstad: A Study focused on Social Sustainability around Stora torget and Våxnäs torg / Torgets sociala roll i samhället : Karlstad: En studie inriktad på social hållbarhet kring Stora torget och Våxnäs torg

Karlsson Wickman, Lisa, Karlsson Wickman, Maja January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to investigate how the urban planning in Karlstad worksand to study how they work with common areas, specifically squares. To investigatethis and how the square contributes to social sustainability, two case studies havebeen done on two selected squares, Stora torget and Våxnäs torg. A literature studyhas also been done to achieve the purpose of the work. The literature study describesdifferent theories that focus on sustainable public spaces, including important aspectsregarding the design of the square. In our case studies two methods were used: On-site observations and an online survey.The survey was also partly answered by the people who were on the square. Duringthe observation the design of the square was analyzed and also how the square wasused by the people. Many people were waiting for the bus at Stora torget, but somepeople were also sitting down on the benches around the fountain having their lunch.At Våxnäs torg some people were sitting on the benches, but in general it was very fewpeople at the square. Our on-site observations at Stora torget and Våxnäs torg showed that many peopleseem to pass the square on their way to other things. However, our survey showed thatmany people want to use the square environment in several different ways, forexample for events and as a marketplace. Further more, based on the survey, it wasconsidered that the most important aspects for creating a functioning square areseating, lighting, greenery and market trade, which is something that both Stora torgetand Våxnäs torg partially fullfill but it is also somehing that can be improved. / Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur stadsplaneringen i Karlstad ser ut ochstudera hur de arbetar med gemensamma ytor, specifikt torg. För att undersöka dettasamt hur torget bidrar till social hållbarhet har två fallstudier gjorts på två utvaldatorg, Stora torget och Våxnäs torg. En litteraturstudie har också gjorts för att uppnåsyftet med arbetet. Där har delvis olika teorier som fokuserar på hållbara offentligarum tagits upp och beskrivits, bland annat beskrivs vilka aspekter som är viktigagällande torgets utformning och design. I våra fallstudier användes två metoder: observationer på plats och enenkätundersökning som lades ut online. Enkäten besvarades också delvis av demänniskorna som befann sig på torgen. Under observationen analyserades det hurtorget var utformat och hur torget användes av människorna. Många personer väntadepå bussen på Stora torget, men det fanns även de som åt lunch på bänkarna runtfontänen. På Våxnäs torg satt en del människor på bänkarna, men det var generelltytterst få människor som befann sig på torget. Våra observationer på plats på Stora torget och Våxnäs torg visade att mångamänniskor verkar passera torget på väg till annat. Dock visade vår enkätundersökningatt många människor vill utnyttja torgmiljön på flera olika sätt exempelvis till eventeller torghandel. Vidare utifrån enkäten ansåg flera att de viktigaste aspekterna för attskapa ett bra fungerande torg är sittplatser, belysning, grönska och torghandel, vilketär något som både Stora torget samt Våxnäs torg delvis har uppfyllt men som kanförbättras.

Lyftverktyg för att balansera vikt : Lyftverktyg till Falcken Forshaga / Lifting tool for balancing load : Lifting tool to Falcken Forshaga

Emanuelsson, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
Denna rapport är ett examensarbete vid Karlstads Universitet för högskoleingenjör inom maskinteknik. Projektet har genomförts på Falcken Forshaga utanför Karlstad. Falcken Forshaga är ett nystartat företag som konstruerar och tillverkar lyftverktyg till betongindustrin. Falcken vill därför ha hjälp att utveckla ett balanseringsverktyg som ska kunna balansera upp en last där man inte vet vart tyngdpunkten befinner sig. Målsättningen för detta projekt var att genom produktutvecklingsprocessen ta fram konstruktionsunderlag till lyftverktyget. Det skulle även bestämmas vilken lösning utav elektriskt eller mekaniskt som var bäst. Verktyget är konstruerat efter maskindirektivet för att kunna CE-märkas. Utöver detta ska verktyget ha en optimerad design då den ska bli en standardprodukt för Falcken Forshaga. En för- och litteraturstudie har gjorts inom lyftverktyg. Resultaten från denna studie har formulerats på en kravspecifikation tillsammans med önskemål från företaget. Detta dokument är utgångspunkten för fortsatt framtagning av konstruktionen. Alla koncept som under konceptgeneringsfasen har tagits fram har genomgått en eliminering med en elimineringsmatris. I denna matris har koncepten ställts mot kravspecifikationen. Detta har sedan presenteras för företaget som fick göra det slutliga konceptvalet. Efter att konstruktionen färdigställts har beräkningar på verktygets viktiga delar gjorts med både handberäkningar och FEM-analys. Ritningar till tillverkningen har gjorts på samtliga delar som ska tillverkas på Falckens egna verkstad. / This report is a for the bachelor thesis in mechanical engineering at Karlstad University. The project was carried out at Falcken Forshaga outside Karlstad. Falcken Forshaga is a fresh started company that designs lifting tools for the concrete industry. There for they requested help to design an lifting tool for balancing of load. The purpose of this project was to design a tool throughout the product development process which could balance the load. To accomplice this the swedish machine directive had to be followed in order to allow CE-marking. To increase the knowledge about lifting tools a literature study was performed. The result of the study was compiled with the requests from Falcken Forshaga to shape the requirement specification. This document is the backbone for the continued designing of the lifting tool. All concepts developed during the concept generation phase has gone through an elimination matrix. In this matrix has all the concept has been weighed against the requirement specification. This was later presented to the company for decision about which concept to move forward with. When the design layout was done. Calculations and FEM- analysis were made on the critical details. Blueprints have also been made for every part that Falcken Forshaga are going to manufacture in their own workshop.

Development of a surfing leash : Development of ankle strap, rail saver and quick release / Utveckling av en surfing leash; Ankle band, rail saver och quick release

Enetjärn, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to, with the help of supervisors and colleagues, develop a concept suggestion for a surfing leash that is better than the ones found on the market. The purpose was also to create a decision basis for Invencon AB for the continuance of the development of the concept. A planning phase started of the project. In this phase a project plan was created where, for example, the methods to be used were defined and their different time-schedules where specified. A feasibility study was then performed, and the information gathered from the study was summarized into a market requirement specification. This specification was used as a guiding document in the idea generation and during the development of the different concepts. A final concept was chosen at the end of the concept selection phase. This concept was presented to the project commissioner. A handover of relevant documents to the project commissioner was made to facilitate their decision on the continuance of the project. The developed concept has an integrated quick release in the ankle straps clamping function. This allows for the surfer to detach from the surfing leach both safer and faster in a dangerous situation. On both the ankle strap and on the railsaver there are developed attachments where the cord is to be attached. These attachments are designed so that each part of the conceptual surfing leash can be replaced individually. This allows for the surfer to only replace the damaged parts of his surfing leash. A technical requirement specification was also created. This aimed to facilitate the continuance of the project, if the decision is made to continue developing the concept. The conclusion of the project is that it is important to create a comprehensive view over the surfing leashes performance and to where focus should be aimed. A heavy-tailed process was therefore important for the end-result, i.e. to direct a lot of time to the phases that lead up to the concept selection phase. It was also clear that cooperation and discussion was important in a project that aims to create concepts. To be able to discuss ones thoughts and ideas with a project partner has facilitated both the generating and the validating of ideas. To work with a detailed plan and have a clear structure in the work was vital when working close to a project partner.

Det uppätna monopolet : Initiativ, inflytande och resurser vid planeringen av kvarteret Druvan genom projektet Mitt I City

Lind, Pontus January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to examine if the municipality has a real freedom of action to control the use of the land and the shaping of the buildings in a large and prestigious building project.</p><p>In Karlstad there is now (2006) a large building project in form of a shopping mall. This project is in its final stage of completion and offers me a suitable case to examine. To undertake the purpose of the essay, the following research question is formulated:</p><p>Do the municipality have a real freedom of action to control the use of the land and the shaping of the buildings in a large and prestigious building project as the Mitt I City project?</p><p>In an attempt to examine the project and the planning process, three themes are applied. The first theme derives from the hypothesis that the part that initiate the process gets the upper hand as future discussions are taking place in relation to the original ideas. The second theme is influence and attempt to examine how and to what extent the parts can influence each other to inflict their will. The third theme is resources and has the purpose to examine if the municipality is dependent on other parts resources to govern.</p><p>To examine these themes, a number of interviews were undertaken with representatives of both the municipality and the Mitt I City project. These respondents were asked questions to reveal how they apprehended the process. The questions were formulated to correspond with the three presented themes.</p><p>The answer to my research question is no. The municipality of Karlstad exists in a reality where growth and investments are top priorities and Mitt I City are the only party that can offer this kind of project. The municipality therefore takes a more conservative role, and leaves most of the decisions to the exploiter, Mitt I City.</p>

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