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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hyllningskultur: de samarbetande kvinnornas strategi : En sociologisk studie om hur hyllningskultur tar sig uttryck bland kvinnliga scenkonstnärer i sociala medier

Tingskog, Hedda January 2018 (has links)
Det här är en uppsats som sökt svaret på frågorna: Vad är hyllningskultur och hur tar den sig uttryck bland kvinnliga scenkonstnärer i sociala medier idag? Hur kan hyllningskultur förstås ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv? Sammanlagt har material från 119 Instagraminlägg tillhörande 46 personer samlats in via snöbollsurval och bearbetats med hjälp av framinganalys. Detta har möjliggjort för en analys av hur hyllningskultur framställts. Med vetenskapliga begrepp som inkludering, homosocialitet, kapital och ryktesbaserat samarbete har hyllningskultur beskrivits till att innefatta framställningen av huvudpersonens process, framställningen av upphovspersonens position, relationen dem samt andra konstnärer emellan samt det samhälleliga projektet som konsten är en del av. Tillsammans har de beskrivit det sociala fenomenet hyllningskultur. Hyllningskultur är ett samarbete för att uppvärdera ens egna erfarenheter och ställa om maktförhållandet mellan den egna verksamheten och mainstream. Det är en förhandling med kapital för synlighet, makt och resurser. Hyllningskultur är de samarbetande kvinnornas strategi – en tydlig protest mot den ensamme mannens geni. / This study aims to answer the questions: What is is culture of tribute and how is it expressed amongst female performance artists in social media today? How can culture of tribute be understood in sociological terms? A total of 119 Instagram posts from 46 creators have been analysed. The posts were collected by chain sampling and processed by framing analysis, to visualize how culture of tribute has been portrayed. This study applies theories of inclusion, homosociality, capital and reputation-based cooperation and describes culture of tribute as the framing of the chief character's process, the framing of the consignor's position, the framing of the relationship them between and the political and social project of which the art is  part of. Together, these describe the social phenomenon 'culture of tribute'. The results show culture of tribute as a cooperation aiming to upgrade own experiences and challenge the relationship between the own artistic work and mainstream, culture of tribute is a negotiation of capital with social visibility, power and control over resources as a goal. It is the strategy of cooperating women and a protest against the notion of the autonomous male genius.

Kronobergsgatan 35 : Från brandvägg till utställningsrum / Kronobergsgatan 35 : From firewall to exhibition room

Sjöberg, Mikaela January 2018 (has links)
Utställningsrummet för gatukonst växte fram långsamt på Kronobergsgatan 35. Genom att följa utvecklingsprocessen, platsen och verken som visats undersöker jag hur väggen växer fram till en hybrid som inte bara är ett utställningsrum. Det är även centrum för urban konst i Stockholms offentliga rum. Utställningsrummet är ett ovanligt inslag i en stad som fortsatt är präglad från en långvarig nolltolerans. Curering av väggen återspeglar ett utbildningssyfte för att visa att graffiti är mer än klotter. Jag undersöker vilka aktörer som är inblandade och deras mål med väggen utifrån curating teori. Väggen har flera intressenter. Kollektivet Livet som curerar väggen har en bakgrund inom graffiti och i sitt arbete att etablera konstformen kommer de även närmare att institutionalisera den, något som går emot dess historiska roll som subkultur. I mitt arbete studerar jag var utställningsrummet placerar sig i förhållande till graffitikulturen kontra konstinstitutionen. Fastighetsägaren står för resurserna och ser mot förmodan en slags vinst i sin investering, jag har döpt denne till konsthandlaren som förmedlar konsten till betraktaren. Att konsthandlaren associerar företaget till kulturella åtaganden gynnar företagsprofilen i ansamlande av kulturellt kapital. Utställningsrummet är även starkt påverkat av dess position i Stockholms centrala offentliga rum. Det skapar debatt om vem som får ta plats i stadsrummet och vilken konst som bör finnas, en debatt som curatorn välkomnar. Det är en debatt som potentiellt involverar hela staden, där alla är potentiella konstkritiker. Görandet av plats skapas i samverkan mellan tjänstemännen som formar stadsrummet och aktörerna som verkar i det. Jag undersöker denna samverkan och hur de förhåller sig till sina motsättningar. / I have followed the process of development of Kronobergsgatan 35 as an exhibition room for street art and graffiti in Stockholms public space. By interviewing the curators and analyzing with referens to institutional- and curating theory my aim has been to investigate the surrounding circumstances for said exhibition. Stockholm has a history of zero tolerance which makes this exhibition room a rare sight. The curators has, with an educational agenda, wanted to normalize graffiti as an artform but in so doing places the exhibition somewhere between it's subcultural history and the established art institution. The wall is made possible by the contribution of the property owner. I investigate the possible purposes of this investment and how association with culture affiliations could have positive effect on a business profile by obtaining cultural capital.  As an exhibition room in public space it works with and in contrast to the official public art of the city. I investigate this relationship between official and unofficial public art and the discussion of a democratic public space.

Bikulturalism och ackulturation : andragenerationsinvandrares erfarenhet av att leva med två kulturer

Forseth Åhman, Lisa January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this paper was to examine the specific experience of being bicultural, what ackulturation strategy the person utilized and what influenced the use of this strategy. The findings were analyzed with the help of Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus and cultural capital. The empirical data was collected through qualitative interviews with four women of Chilean background, who either were born in or had been living in Sweden since childhood. The results of the interviews showed that all the respondents predominantly utilized the integration strategy, meaning that they participated in and felt a connection to both the Swedish and Chilean culture. However three of them had elements of the separation strategy and one had elements of the assimilation strategy. The respondent’s stories revealed that factors like parent’s encouragement and expectations, the Swedish society’s inaccessibility, type of residential area and knowing the Swedish language, had all influenced the use of a specific strategy. By being bicultural, the respondents had experienced the feeling of being an outsider and a pressure to assimilate, but still valued the access to two different cultures as a resource. The results can be interpreted as there being a reciprocal and significant influence between ackulturation strategy and cultural capital/habitus.</p>

Varför ska vi gå till skolan? : En kvalitativ studie om skolk på gymnasiet utifrån ett sociologiskt perspektiv / Why should we go to school? : A qualitative study about absenteeism among high-school students

Ugolini, Lorenza January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this paper is exploring questions regarding the problem of absenteeism among high-school students in Sweden. Fifteen students attending an urban high-school have been interviewed about their views and experiences of absenteeism. The author analyzes the students’ answers by taking into account two different sociological approaches which give two different explanations about the way young people experience and estimate education. The French sociologist Bourdieu theorized that differences in cultural capital influence the permanent internalization of patterns of thought and behavior. Bourdieu defined as <em>habitus</em> the result of the process of internalization of cultural and social structures which affects the way individuals think and act.</p><p>The German pedagogue Thomas Ziehe explored the changes in norms and tradition connected with the modernization of society. Ziehe argued that we are witnessing a period of cultural release and erosion crisis that have deeply affected and changed the lives of young people today.  What does influence students’ attitude towards absenteeism? Does absenteeism reflect different possession of cultural resources or may be explained by the changes in norms that have occurred over recent decades? The findings of this study show that the students’ socio-economical background still matters in affecting their opinions and attitude towards absenteeism, but that is not an exhaustive argument in explaining all the reasons why students do not go till school. The students’ answer suggested that the relation to the teacher may be a determining factor in explaining absenteeism.</p>

Vinkultur som finkultur : Det kulturella och ekonomiska kapitalet, samt globaliseringens effekter på dryckesmönstret i Sverige

Sandberg, Markus, Brohede Tellström, Monica January 2008 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vilken eller vilka faktorer som påverkar alkoholförsäljningens fördelning mellan olika alkoholvarugrupper och vilken av faktorerna som är mest betydelsefull, samt om det skett någon förändring av dessa faktorers påverkan mellan åren 1998 och 2007. Detta har skett genom regressionsanalyser där vi har använt oss av statistik om Sveriges kommuner och använt dessa som analysenheter. Vi har valt att analysera resultaten med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus begrepp ekonomiskt och kulturellt kapital, samt Anthony Giddens teori om globaliseringen och världsstäder. Vi har använt oss av medianinkomst som indikator på ekonomiskt kapital. För kulturellt kapital har vi använt utbildningsnivå som indikator och för världsstäderna som globaliseringens nav, har vi undersökt närheten till världsstäderna Stockholm och Köpenhamn. Vår undersökning visar att andelen sålt vin ökar och andelen såld sprit minskar, ju högre utbildningsnivån i kommunen är. Vi fann även att sambandet mellan andelen sålt vin och sprit i förhållande till utbildningsnivån minskade mellan åren 1998 och 2007. Vidare kunde vi även finna att kommuner som ligger nära världsstäderna Stockholm och Köpenhamn, har högre andel vinkonsumtion. Detta visar att på att globaliseringen påverkar dryckesmönstren och även denna faktor hade större betydelse 1998 än 2007. Vi fann också att kommunernas medianinkomst påverkar vilken alkoholtyp som det säljs mest av i kommunen, men när vi jämförde den med andra faktorer förlorade den sin betydelse.Nyckelord: Sociologi, dryckesmönster, alkoholförsäljning, kulturellt kapital, ekonomiskt kapital, globalisering</p> / <p>The aim of this study is to examine which variable or variables that affect the division of alcoholic beverage selling in different types of alcoholic beverage, which variable that is the most important and if there have been any changes during the time between 1998 and 2007. We used regression analysis of statistics and used the Swedish municipalities as units. Furthermore we used Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts economic capital and cultural capital to analyse our data. We also used Anthony Gidden’s theory about the globalization and global cities. We used median income as an indicator for economic capital and level of education as an indicator for cultural capital. We also viewed how close the municipalities are located to Stockholm and Copenhagen as indicators for the importance of global cities. Our study shows that the proportion of sold wine increases and the proportion of sold spirits decreases the higher the mean education level in the municipalities is. The connection between the alcoholic beverage types and education level were stronger 1998 than 2007. We can also see a connection between how close to the global cites Stockholm and Copenhagen the municipalities are located. The wine selling is higher in the municipalities that are located close to the global cities than other municipalities. This shows the importance of the globalization as a factor that affects the alcoholic beverage selling. We also discovered a connection between median income and which alcoholic beverage type that is the most popular in a municipality. The importance of median income disappeared when we compared it to other variables.Keywords: Sociology, drinking pattern, alcoholic beverage selling, cultural capital, economic capital, globalization</p> / VG

Gentrifiering : teorierna som får människor att flytta / Gentrification : theories that make people move

Pettersson, Lukas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Gentrifiering pågår idag ständigt i vårt samhälle. Det är en social förändringsprocess som består i att människor med hög socioekonomisk status flyttar till områden som traditionellt sett har dominerats av människor ur lägre sociala klasser och från etniska minoriteter.</p><p>Den här studien undersöker teorier och bakomliggande faktorer till varför människor väljer att gentrifiera och vilka likheter det finns mellan dem som väljer att gentrifiera. Genom en litteraturstudie visar pekar undersökningen på tidigare forskning och för en diskussion om ämnet.</p><p>Resultat av den här studien visar att anledningarna till varför människor gentrifierar idag ser väldigt olika ut, man har alltså inte kommit fram till vad den gemensamma nämnaren som får gentrifierarare att gentrifiera är. Vad man har ringat in är vad som sker, vilka det drabbar och vilka som har bra förutsättningar att bli gentrifierare.</p><p>Studien visar också att man måste sätta in gentrifiering i ett större samhällsperpektiv i vidare forskning för att finna nya svar och att inte bara studera den gentrifierande sidan, de som flyttar in i dessa områden.</p> / <p>Gentrification is something that is constantly going on in our society. It is a social change that consists of people with high socioeconomic status that are moving to areas which traditionally have been dominated by people from lower social classes and ethnic minorities.</p><p>This is a study which examines theories and underlying factors of why people choose to gentrify and what similarities exist between them. Through a literature study I examine previous research and I undertake a discussion of the topic.</p><p>The results of this study show that the reasons why people gentrify today are very different, they have not figured out what the common denominator is which make gentrifiers gentrify. What it has identified is what happens, what it affects and which individuals has good potential to become gentrifiers.</p><p>The study also shows the need to deploy gentrification in a broader societal point of view in further research to find new answers and to think not only of the gentrifiers, those who move into these areas.</p>

Bikulturalism och ackulturation : andragenerationsinvandrares erfarenhet av att leva med två kulturer

Forseth Åhman, Lisa January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this paper was to examine the specific experience of being bicultural, what ackulturation strategy the person utilized and what influenced the use of this strategy. The findings were analyzed with the help of Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus and cultural capital. The empirical data was collected through qualitative interviews with four women of Chilean background, who either were born in or had been living in Sweden since childhood. The results of the interviews showed that all the respondents predominantly utilized the integration strategy, meaning that they participated in and felt a connection to both the Swedish and Chilean culture. However three of them had elements of the separation strategy and one had elements of the assimilation strategy. The respondent’s stories revealed that factors like parent’s encouragement and expectations, the Swedish society’s inaccessibility, type of residential area and knowing the Swedish language, had all influenced the use of a specific strategy. By being bicultural, the respondents had experienced the feeling of being an outsider and a pressure to assimilate, but still valued the access to two different cultures as a resource. The results can be interpreted as there being a reciprocal and significant influence between ackulturation strategy and cultural capital/habitus.

Kulturellt och psykiskt avstånd : En studie om EU:s inre marknad

Makram, Cecilia, Ibradzic, Naida January 2013 (has links)
Objective: The papers objective is to create a deeper understanding for whether or not cultural and psychic distance affects corporate establishments in the EU. Method: The results have been gathered through intense data collection through interviews with ScaniaAB and Business Sweden. There has also been extensive research of 36 different companies and their first establishments in different countries. We have then analyzed the results through cultural and psychic distance and through Uppsala University's internationalization process model. Conclusion: The conclusions of this paper are: Corporate establishment often occurs in neighboring countries because of the similarity to the domestic markets which contribute with a greater security. Since the introduction of the EU single market, corporate establishments have become easier within the single market. The cultural and psychic distance does exist within the EU, however the internal market decreases these distances and the impact on corporate establishments. The market commitment is essential to the corporates survival within the new market. Cultural and psychic distance affects small firms more often since their lack of network and experience. Cultural and psychic distances are two different but related phenomena.

Vinkultur som finkultur : Det kulturella och ekonomiska kapitalet, samt globaliseringens effekter på dryckesmönstret i Sverige

Sandberg, Markus, Brohede Tellström, Monica January 2008 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vilken eller vilka faktorer som påverkar alkoholförsäljningens fördelning mellan olika alkoholvarugrupper och vilken av faktorerna som är mest betydelsefull, samt om det skett någon förändring av dessa faktorers påverkan mellan åren 1998 och 2007. Detta har skett genom regressionsanalyser där vi har använt oss av statistik om Sveriges kommuner och använt dessa som analysenheter. Vi har valt att analysera resultaten med hjälp av Pierre Bourdieus begrepp ekonomiskt och kulturellt kapital, samt Anthony Giddens teori om globaliseringen och världsstäder. Vi har använt oss av medianinkomst som indikator på ekonomiskt kapital. För kulturellt kapital har vi använt utbildningsnivå som indikator och för världsstäderna som globaliseringens nav, har vi undersökt närheten till världsstäderna Stockholm och Köpenhamn. Vår undersökning visar att andelen sålt vin ökar och andelen såld sprit minskar, ju högre utbildningsnivån i kommunen är. Vi fann även att sambandet mellan andelen sålt vin och sprit i förhållande till utbildningsnivån minskade mellan åren 1998 och 2007. Vidare kunde vi även finna att kommuner som ligger nära världsstäderna Stockholm och Köpenhamn, har högre andel vinkonsumtion. Detta visar att på att globaliseringen påverkar dryckesmönstren och även denna faktor hade större betydelse 1998 än 2007. Vi fann också att kommunernas medianinkomst påverkar vilken alkoholtyp som det säljs mest av i kommunen, men när vi jämförde den med andra faktorer förlorade den sin betydelse.Nyckelord: Sociologi, dryckesmönster, alkoholförsäljning, kulturellt kapital, ekonomiskt kapital, globalisering / The aim of this study is to examine which variable or variables that affect the division of alcoholic beverage selling in different types of alcoholic beverage, which variable that is the most important and if there have been any changes during the time between 1998 and 2007. We used regression analysis of statistics and used the Swedish municipalities as units. Furthermore we used Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts economic capital and cultural capital to analyse our data. We also used Anthony Gidden’s theory about the globalization and global cities. We used median income as an indicator for economic capital and level of education as an indicator for cultural capital. We also viewed how close the municipalities are located to Stockholm and Copenhagen as indicators for the importance of global cities. Our study shows that the proportion of sold wine increases and the proportion of sold spirits decreases the higher the mean education level in the municipalities is. The connection between the alcoholic beverage types and education level were stronger 1998 than 2007. We can also see a connection between how close to the global cites Stockholm and Copenhagen the municipalities are located. The wine selling is higher in the municipalities that are located close to the global cities than other municipalities. This shows the importance of the globalization as a factor that affects the alcoholic beverage selling. We also discovered a connection between median income and which alcoholic beverage type that is the most popular in a municipality. The importance of median income disappeared when we compared it to other variables.Keywords: Sociology, drinking pattern, alcoholic beverage selling, cultural capital, economic capital, globalization / VG

Från 7-Eleven till vegetarisk KRAV-märkt buffé : Den förändrade organisationen av skolmåltider och dess relation till skolornas symboliska tillgångar

Herdy, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how school meals are organized in a selection of Stockholm's secondary schools and to examine the relationship between school meals and the different parameters that indicate each school's symbolic capital and educational capital. By looking at the statistics from each school on the basis of the final grade average, percentage of pupils with foreign background and gender, I examine whether it is possible to see a relationship between how schools organize meals and which pupils attend the school.  In my study, I systematically went through each school's website and tried to identify how school meals at each school are organized. To increase the validity of the study, I have also conducted a questionnaire survey by mail addressed to school principals.   In order to analyse and understand my results and put them in relation to my current knowledge about the schools in my sample, I am using Bourdieu's theoretical tools that a given aid, both in methodological and analytical purpose. Based on Bourdieu's theories of symbolic capital, cultural capital and educational capital, I can understand and analyse school meals are organized and focused as part of schools' symbolic assets in competition with other schools.   The first part of the study shows that there are four different organizational models for school meals, fully equipped kitchen and canteen, heating kitchen and canteen, school meals in restaurants and school meal card.    In the second part, I have examined the relationship between the type of organization for school meals used and the symbolic resources available at the school. I can conclude from the results that it is difficult to find a correlation between the symbolic resources and the different categories. But even though it is not possible to see all the schools' symbolic assets equally clear, there are still some very telling examples. In many ways, these examples can be seen as polar opposites to each other based on Mikael Palme’s concepts ”goal rational” and ”education oriented” schools.

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