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Utvecklande ledarskap i kommunal verksamhet : En komparativ fallstudie om kommunala chefers förståelse för ledarskap efter genomförd ledarskapsutbildning / A comparative case study of municipal managers' understanding of leadership after completing leadership trainingAlm, Frida, Ängman, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
Organisationer investerar årligen avsevärda summor pengar i ledarskapsutbildningar enligt tidigare forskning. Ledarskapsutbildningen UL är en av Sveriges mest etablerade. Det är av intresse att studera hur utbildningens målsättning uppfylls hos dess deltagare. Denna studie är en kandidatuppsats i Personal och arbetslivsprogrammet på Högskolan Dalarna. Studiens syfte är att undersöka förståelsen för det egna ledarskapet i relation till UL:s målsättningar mellan respondenter som genomgått utbildningen år 2020 respektive 2022. Studiens utgångspunkt grundar sig i ett medarbetarperspektiv men resultatet är även av intresse ur ett arbetsgivarperspektiv. Tolkningen av denna kvalitativa studies empiri grundar sig i den begränsade tidigare forskning som finns kring en av Sveriges mest etablerade ledarskapsutbildningar. Åtta intervjuer med chefer inom kommunal verksamhet ligger till grund för studiens datainsamling. Respondenternas svar har sedan sammanställts via en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att förståelsen för det egna ledarskapet i relation till UL:s målsättningar skiljer sig mellan respondenter som genomgått utbildningen år 2020 respektive 2022. En mindre skillnad mellan respektive respondentgrupp kunde utläsas gällande upplevelsen av dialog för att uppnå högre effektivitet. I den ena gruppen återger flera respondenter endast vad som bör göras hypotetiskt medan merparten av den andra gruppen ingående beskriver genomförandet knutet till faktiska handlingar och situationer. Respondentgrupperna kunde ej skiljas åt gällande reflektionens betydelse, dock så återgavs tidsbrist i det dagliga arbetet av samtliga respondenterna som ett hinder för utförandet samt prioriterandet av reflektionen. Den markanta skillnaden mellan grupperna återfanns i användandet av självinsikt för att utveckla det egna ledarskapet. Den ena gruppen beskrev aktivt hur de använde sig av självinsikt samt medvetenhet kring det, något som ej kunnat identifierats i den andra gruppen som endast återgav förmodade svar i form av vad som borde göras eller övergripande svar om hur ledare i allmänhet bör agera. / Organizations annually invest significant amounts of money in leadership training, according to previous research. The leadership training UL is one of Sweden´s most established. It is of interest to study how the objectives of the education are met by its participants. This study is a bachelor´s thesis in the Human Resources and Labour Relations Programme at Dalarna University. The purpose of this study is to examine the understanding of one's own leadership in relation to UL's objectives between respondents who completed the education in 2020 and 2022. The study's starting point is based on an employee perspective, but the results are also of interest from an employer perspective. The interpretation of this qualitative empirical study is based on the limited previous research that exists around one of Sweden's most established leadership educations. Eight interviews with managers in municipal operations form the basis for the study's data collection. The respondents' answers have then been compiled via a thematic analysis. The results show that the understanding of one's own leadership in relation to UL's objectives differs between respondents who completed the training in 2020 and 2022, respectively. In one group, several respondents only reproduce what should be done hypothetically, while most of the other group are involved in the detailed implementation of actual actions and situations. The respondent groups could not be separated as to the significance of the reflection, however, lack of time in the daily work was reproduced jointly by the respondents as an obstacle to the execution and prioritization of the reflection. The marked difference between the groups was found in the use of self-insight to develop their own leadership. One group actively described how they used self-insight and awareness about it, something that could not be identified in the other group that only reproduced presumed answers in the form of what should be done or overall answers about how the leader in general should act.
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Skolledares upplevda effekter av den statliga rektorsutbildningen : - en studie efter år 1 på RektorsprogrammetBergman, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
I denna masteruppsats studeras ett antal rektorers uppleveda effekter av utbildningen vid Rektorsprogrammet efter år1. Fokus ligger på hur det pedagogiska ledarskapet påverkas när rektor går utbildningen. Med rektor avses i denna uppsats den person på skolan/förskolan som är chef för lärarna/förskolelärarna och övrig personal, och som har uppdraget att leda verksamheten så att lärarna kan genomföra sitt uppdrag, d.v.s. att utifrån skolans mål säkerställa att eleverna når målen. Detta kan alltså även vara en biträdande rektor, en förskolechef eller en biträdande förskolechef. Med upplevda effekter avses den upplevelse av förändring vad gäller erfarenheter, kunskaper och lärdomar som rektorerna tar med sig från utbildningen. Studien undersöker inte de faktiska effekter som rektors utbildning leder till ute på skolorna eller om den leder till förbättrade resultat. Denna uppsats baseras på textanalys av reflekterande brev som skrivits av deltagare som påbörjade Rektorsprogrammet vid två lärosäten våren 2014. Detta görs genom ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt med en narrativ ansats. Den narrativa ansatsen innebär att, genom rektorernas brev, försöka fånga den betydelse rektorerna tillskriver sina erfarenheter från utbildningen. Dessa brev är förankrade i rektorernas kontext som skapats genom deras interaktion med sin omgivning i vardagen. Den narrativa ansatsen ökar förståelsen för rektorernas subjektiva upplevelse av utbildningen. Med hjälp av två perspektiv: pedagogiskt ledarskap och vuxnas lärande har empirin sedan analyserats med hjälp av ett raster i form av en ledarskapsmodell som bygger på en teoretisk modell där ledarskap förstås som något som tar gestalt relationellt i skärningspunkten där Ledare, Följare och Situation möts. Denna analys av breven visar att det första året av rektorsutbildningen primärt ger rektorerna allmänt ökad kunskap som de tillämpar i sina skolor och använder/sprider i verksamheten och att detta gör att rektorerna känner sig säkrare i rollen som ledare. Under det första året på Rektorsprogrammet handlar detta primärt om juridiska aspekter av ledarskapet. Det är tydligt att rektorerna upplever att de har stärkts i rollen som pedagogiska ledare under år 1 vid Rektorsprogrammet. Resultatet av denna studie visar att det inte primärt handlar om att via utbildningen ge rektorerna ökade ämneskunskaper utan snarare om att utveckla det pedagogiska ledarskapet och därmed skapa säkrare och bättre rektorer. / This thesis investigates what effects a number of Swedish school principals experience during the first year of the National School Leadarship Training Programme, focusing on how the educational leadership is affected by the education. The term principal refers to the person at a school/pre-school designated to lead the organization and enabling the teachers/pre-school teachers and staff to do their work, i.e. to make the students reach the educational goals. The term experienced effects refers to the sense of change in experiences and knowledge that the principals gain from the education. The thesis does not take into account the actual effects of the education at the principal’s organizations or if it leads to improved school results. This thesis is based on the analysis of reflective letters written by participants who started the programme at two different universities during the spring of 2014. This is done by applying a hermeneutic and narrative approach. The narrative approach means that, by analyzing the principals’ letters, try to capture the meaning that they attribute to their experiences from the education. These letters are based in the context of each principal which has been created through their interaction with the surrounding environment in the daily work. The narrative approach increases the understanding for the principals’ subjective experience of the education. By using two different perspectives: educational leadership and adult education, the material has been analyzed by using a raster in the shape of a leadership model based on the assumption that leadership can be understood as something that is taking relational form at the point of intersection between Leader, Follower and Situation. This analysis shows that the first year of the education primarily provides the principals with increased general knowledge which they apply in practice in their respective organizations and that this increased knowledge makes the principals feel stronger in their role as leaders. During the first year of the programme this general knowledge primarily relates to legal aspects of leadership. It is evident that the principals experience that they have developed as educational leaders during the first year of the National School Leadership Training Programme. This thesis indicates that the main effect of the program is not to increase the principals’ knowledge in specific areas, but to develop the educational leadership and thus create more confident and better principals.
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Os princípios políticos e a prática educativa do CESEP: processos formativos de uma ONG em Sergipe: 1988/1998 / The political principles and practice of educational CESEP: formative processes of an NGO in Sergipe: 1988/1998Figuerêdo, Acácio Nascimento 23 October 2003 (has links)
This study analyses the Political Principles and the Educational Practice of Centro Sergipano de Educação Popular (CESEP) from 1988 to 1998. As well as its institutional nature, its social political role of formation of social movements in Sergipe, and of support for these movements. It interprets the Social Movements, Social Class and Work as explanatory
categories for the investigated object. The reseach focuses on the formative processes developed in the educational programs of this NGO`s. In order to accomplish this, it starts
with the interpretation of the NGO`s in the context of globalization, emphasising that in Latin America, Brazil, and especially in the Northeast, the apogee of the neo-liberalism, in the 1990`s, determined the new ways of social policies. The work follows the principles of Historical Science in the patterns of Critical-Historical Pedagogy. The conclusion is that
CESEP reveals itself as an institution in tune with the neo-liberalism precepts when it comes to its insertion in the global movement proper to the NGO`s, moreover, it presents advances towards the transmission of an Education towards Citizenship , although it is still based on
concepts of social rights in the liberal patterns. / O presente trabalho analisa os Princípios Políticos e a Prática Educativa do Centro Sergipano de Educação Popular (CESEP) no período compreendido entre 1988 e 1998, bem como sua
natureza institucional, seu papel sociopolítico de formação dos movimentos sociais em Sergipe e de assessoria a esses movimentos. Interpreta os Movimentos Sociais, Classe Social
e Trabalho como categorias explicativas desse objeto investigado. A pesquisa enfoca os processos formativos desenvolvidos nos programas educacionais dessa ONG. Para tanto parte da interpretação das ONGs no contexto da globalização, destacando que na América Latina, no Brasil e especificamente, no Nordeste o apogeu do neoliberalismo na década de 1990 determinou as formas de políticas sociais. O trabalho segue os princípios da Ciência da História, e está calcado nos moldes da Pedagogia Histórico-crítica. Concluiu-se que, o CESEP revela-se uma instituição sintonizada com o ideário neoliberal, no que se refere à inserção do Centro no movimento global das ONGs. Não obstante, apresenta avanços em direção à transmissão de uma "educação para a cidadania", ainda que baseada na concepção de direitos
sociais nos moldes liberais.
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The Effectiveness of Digital Escape Rooms to Deliver Leadership Training: A Mixed-Methods StudyArpin, Rachel Ann 07 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Rater and Leader Gender on Ratings of Leader Effectiveness and Attributes in a Business EnvironmentHura, Geraldine M. January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Statliga rektorsprogrammet och dess kunskapsinnehållMagnusson, Joakim January 2023 (has links)
The study highlights the knowledge content of the Swedish National Leadership Training Programme based on Basil Bernstein's conceptual apparatus. The aim is to investigate what knowledge is offered to the principal through studies at the state-regulated principal's program. Through a document study, a first step examines which knowledge is made relevant in the target document established by the Swedish National Agency for Education. In a second step, what knowledge is actualized and made relevant in course plans that each university has developed based on the target document established by the Swedish National Agency for Education. In total, 22 documents have been analyzed via a content analysis that has been applied. The results show that the Swedish National Agency for Education's target document has a controlling effect on the universities' self-determination to design their curricula. In addition, the results show that the knowledge content of the Swedish National Leadership Training Programme has some limitation in terms of supporting a school on a scientific basis. This is due to the way the knowledge is organized in the state-regulated principal's program. / Studien belyser kunskapsinnehållet på rektorsprogrammet utifrån Basil Bernsteins begreppsapparat. Syftet är att undersöka vilka kunskaper som erbjuds för rektor genom studier vid det av staten reglerade rektorsprogrammet. Genom en dokumentstudie undersöks i ett första steg vilka kunskaper som görs relevanta i det av Skolverket fastställda måldokumentet. I ett andra steg, vilka kunskaper som aktualiseras och görs relevanta i kursplaner som varje lärosäte tagit fram med utgångspunkt i det av Skolverket fastställda måldokumentet. Sammantaget har 22 dokument analyserats via en innehållsanalys som har tillämpats. Resultaten visar att Skolverkets måldokument har en kontrollerande effekt över lärosätenas självbestämmande att utforma sina kursplaner. Därtill visar resultaten att rektorsprogrammets kunskapsinnehåll har viss begränsning i avseende att stödja en skola på vetenskaplig grund. Detta med anledning av hur kunskaperna är organiserade på det av staten reglerade rektorsprogrammet.
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Virtual Simulation in Leadership Development Training: The Impact of Learning Styles and Conflict Management Tactics on Adult Learner PerformancePutman, Paul G. 17 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Preparing Global Leaders: A Program Evaluation of a Train the Trainer Model for Children's International Summer VillagesCatania, Charles A. 05 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Age-differentiated leadership and recovery-promoting work designKemter, Anne Carolin 05 December 2024 (has links)
The ongoing shift in demographics, marked by declining birth and mortality rates and a shrinking qualified workforce, necessitates that organizations promote health, motivation, organizational commitment, and workability to maintain (older) employees (Chand & Tung, 2014; He et al., 2016; Hertel & Zacher, 2018; Ilmarinen & Tempel, 2002; United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Population Division, 2022). Thus, the probability of age-diverse teams and the share of older employees in organizations rises (Hertel & Zacher, 2018; Wegge & Schmidt, 2015). While this development can favor employee performance and health (Hertel & Zacher, 2018), managing an age-diverse workforce poses severe challenges for organizations, including suitable ergonomic and personnel measures (Beier, 2015; Deller et al., 2008; Hertel & Zacher, 2018). However, age-diverse teams can negatively impact health and performance if appropriate techniques are not implemented (Joshi & Roh, 2009; van Dijk et al., 2012), such as age-differentiated leadership (Jungmann & Wegge, 2023; J. Wegge et al., 2012). Moreover, the Job-Demand Resources theory (Bakker & Demerouti, 2017; Bakker et al., 2023) describes how demands and resources can affect exhaustion and work motivation. Supervisors may influence these demands and resources on several pathways, such as designing work, performing as a buffer for demands, and acting as a resource for employees, promoting job crafting, and hindering self-undermining (Tummers & Bakker, 2021). In addition, recovery as a self-regulation technique poses another critical factor in the JD-R model (Bakker & de Vries, 2021; Dolce et al., 2020).
This dissertation aims to contribute a scientific-based and empirical-examined training approach to improve supervisors' general and age-differentiated leadership behavior as well as the recovery (behavior) of employees and supervisors in various field settings. Furthermore, it adds to training research regarding different contents, target groups, and methods. Studies 1 and 2 had the goal of promoting age-differentiated leadership and positive age-diversity mindsets. However, the age-differentiated training programs used in these studies varied in terms of the target group (large-scale vs. small-scale, one organization vs. various organizations), methods used (web-based vs. face-to-face, trainer vs. no trainer), and length of the training (one-and-a-half vs. two-and-a-half-days vs. required amount to complete the training within 42 weeks).
Study 1 was aimed at training supervisors of small- and medium-sized enterprises. The study consisted of Study 1A, which was a one-and-a-half-day face-to-face training (Supervisor sample: N = 74 (warm-up), N = 68 (one-day-training) and N = 47 (booster), subordinates: N = 366 (pre-measurement), N = 115 (post-measurement), N = 55 (matching pre-post measurements), and Study 1B, which was a self-guided web-based training (supervisors: N = 44 (matching pre-post measurement), subordinates: N = 57 (matching pre-post measurements). Based on the beneficial results of Study 1A that displayed, for an example, self-reported increase in subjective knowledge of the training topics, age-differentiated leadership, and age-diversity appreciation, the web-based training was developed. The web-based training also indicated a self-reported increase in subjective knowledge, age-differentiated leadership and age-diversity appreciation. Furthermore, assessments of employees of the trained supervisors showed beneficial tendencies. Based on the supervisor's assessment, several team interaction processes (e.g., team reflexivity) significantly increased, including innovation and team reflection. Thus, findings supported enhanced performance through age-differentiated leadership. Unfortunately, the results were not replicated on the employee or the team level. Nevertheless, non-significant increases in overall age-differentiated leadership and goal-setting were also detected at these levels of analysis. Regarding health, employees also showed non-significant beneficial tendencies. The comparison between the web-based and the face-to-face training yielded no significant differences. However, the web-based version displayed a stronger non-significant increase regarding the measured outcomes (e.g., age-differentiated leadership, age-diversity appreciation).
Study 2 conveyed age-differentiated leadership and a positive age-diversity mindset within a two-and-a-half-day training program in a large-scale car manufacturing company. The longitudinal study involved 123 supervisors, and over 800 employees in 90 teams at each of the three measurement times (t1:989, t2: 838, t3: 937). It also looked into the correlation between age-differentiated leadership and break behavior, recovery experiences, and absenteeism. Results indicated a significant self-reported and externally assessed (individual employee level) increase in age-differentiated leadership in the training group compared to the waiting-control group. Effects for age-diversity appreciation and team interaction processes (team identification, conflicts) were not significant. Nevertheless, the training group displayed a more beneficial development. The latter beneficial effects were only detected for innovation on the individual employee level. The study also confirmed the association between age-differentiated leadership with break behavior, recovery after breaks, and recovery behavior. It also supported the expected negative association between age-differentiated leadership and absenteeism.
Study 3 investigated a new web-based training for improving break behavior at work and recovery behavior after work in the care sector (N = 17 (pre-post comparison), N = 9 pre- follow-up comparison) over three times of measurement. The training content was derived from a literature review, interviews with care experts, and workshops with care professionals. Supervisors and employees were investigated as one group. Recovery behavior, including recovery planning and behavior, significantly increased. Similarly, a significant improvement in overall recovery experience was detected. In addition, training had a significant positive effect (decrease) on the need for recovery and burnout.
Training is a promising approach to improving age-differentiated leadership and recovery in organizations and, consequently, health and performance. In addition, the dissertation extended findings of age-differentiated leadership towards additional sectors (e.g., car manufacturing), perspectives (individual, team, and supervisor) SMEs, and associations with recovery and absenteeism. It also showed that training could deliver age-differentiated leadership and recovery. Furthermore, the dissertation fulfilled Bell et al. (2017)`s request for further comparison between web-based and face-to-face training programs, while also incorporating the web-based attendance (adherence perspective). With respect to the JD-R model underlying the tested hypotheses in the three studies it can be concluded that both age-differentiated leadership and recovery can be integrated into this framework. Moreover, an association between these two added components was confirmed. Future research should investigate this interaction in more detail. In addition, training is an approach to improving these components.
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Ledarskap och självkännedom : En studie om UGL:s påverkan på ledareBenediktsson, André, Thomsson, Theodor January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines the effects of the UGL course (Development of Group and Leader), a popular leadership training program in Sweden. The study analyzes differences in leadership styles, particularly transformational and destructive leadership, between leaders who have completed the UGL course and those who have not. Using a quantitative method, participants self-evaluate their leadership behaviors with the Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ). The results indicate that UGL participants report an increase in transformational leadership and a decrease in destructive leadership, although these changes were not statistically significant. The study highlights how self-awareness, a major component of UGL, can influence leadership quality. It also points to the need for further research with larger and more diverse sample groups to validate the results and establish statistical significance.
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