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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mångfald i förskolan : En undersökning som belyser värdegrundsarbetet i relation till mångfald

Persson, Matilda, Skoglund, Anette January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur begreppet mångfald i relation till värdegrundsarbetet tolkas och praktiseras i olika förskoleverksamheter. Målgruppen har varit verksamma förskollärare inom samma kommun utan några krav på erfarenhet eller ålder. Undersökningen är tänkt att skapa diskussioner kring värdegrundsarbetet. Undersökningens resultat grundar sig på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer där förskollärare har beskrivit sin syn på vad mångfald i barngruppen innebär samt hur de arbetar med att synliggöra mångfalden i barngruppen genom värdegrundsarbetet.   Resultatet av vår undersökning visar på att begreppet mångfald i relation till värdegrundsuppdraget är komplext och svårt att definiera. Förskollärarna reflekterar över de effekter som barngruppens mångfald bidrar till, både de positiva men även de utmaningar som kan uppstå med värdegrundsarbetet. En slutsats vi dragit av resultatet är att det krävs medvetenhet och samsyn kring begreppet. För att uppnå detta krävs närvaro, lyhördhet och gemensam reflektion. / The purpose of the study is to examine how the concept of diversity in relation to the values work is interpreted and practiced in different pre-school activities. The target group has been an active preschool teacher in the same municipality without any requirements for experience or age. The survey is intended to create discussions about the values work. The results of the survey are based on eight semi -structured interviews where preschool teachers have described their views on what diversity in the children's group means and how they work to make the diversity of the children's group visible through the values work.   The results of our survey show that the concept of diversity in relation to the work of values is complex and difficult to define. Preschool teachers reflect on the effects of the diversity of children's groups, both positive but also the challenges that may arise from the work of values. One of the conclusions we have drawn from the results are that awareness and consensus are needed on the concept. To achieve this, presence, responsiveness and joint reflection are required.

Tjejer kan väl inte spela fotboll? : En komparativ studie om normer, genus och etnicitet i barnlitteratur utgiven på två skilda förlag. / Girls Can’t Play Football, Can They? : A comparative study on norms, gender and ethnicity in children's literature published by two different publishers.

Andgrim, Kajsa, Nevalainen, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på om Sveriges största förlag inom barnlitteratur Bonnier Carlsen och ett av Sveriges mindre förlag Olika förlag skiljer sig ifråga om normer, genus och etnicitet i deras barnlitteratur. Vi tittar på hur flickor och pojkar framställs i böckerna, vilka normer som finns, om det finns med personer med annan etnicitet än skandinavisk etc. Vi har valt tre stycken böcker från vardera förlag med liknande handling och genre. De genrer vi valt är hästböcker, fotbollsböcker och skräckböcker. Böckerna vi fokuserar på är för åldrarna 6-9 år. Vi har analyserat böckerna enskilt för att sedan jämföra dem med varandra. I resultatet kan vi se att det skiljer sig en del förlagen emellan. Vi fick ett tydligt resultat att böckerna från Olika förlag har mycket fokus på frågor som rör genus, normer och etnicitet medan böckerna från Bonnier Carlsen inte har lika mycket fokus på det. Böckerna från Olika förlag har med fler karaktärer som har en annan etnicitet än skandinavisk samt att de böckerna var mer normbrytande.

Integration av nyanlända barn i förskolan : Förskollärares erfarenhet och förhållningssätt till integration

Olsson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to describe the preschool teacher's perception of the integration work in pre-school, with newly arrived children and their families. The study describes the experiences and the attitudes of preschool teachers approach to newly-arrived children in preschool. To answer my research questions, I employ focus groups as my methodology, together with an interview guide. Using an interview guide and theories on attitudes and knowledge can highlight the pre-school teacher’s opinion and actions. The interviews are based on four preschool teachers experience of integration of newly arrived children, they are all active in preschool in a multi-ethnic area.   The conclusion shows that empathy and responsiveness are two important aspects of integration with newly arrived children and families. To allow children to be sad and cry is prioritized over certain routines and activities to create stability in the new culture. The challenges are many and the balance seems difficult based on the framework and guidelines, at the same time the integration process seems challenging, fun and educational. The outcome shows both exclusion and inclusion of cultures, identities, and language. Preschool teachers often balance between children and carers ' wishes, and to carry out their work based on policy documents. / SAMMANFATTNING                                   Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva förskollärarens uppfattning av integrationsarbetet i förskolan med nyanlända barn och deras familjer. Studien handlar om förskollärares erfarenheter och förhållningssätt till nyanlända barn i förskolan. För att få svar på frågeställningar, har fokusgruppintervjuer gjorts tillsammans med en intervjuguide som kan belysa förskollärarnas utlåtande. Intervjun och teorier om förhållningssätt och kunskap, kan belysa förskollärares interaktioner och handlande. Intervjun utgjordes av fyra förskollärare vilka alla är aktiva inom förskola i ett multietniskt område.   Slutsatsen visar att empati och lyhördhet är två viktiga aspekter i integrationen med nyanlända barn och familjer. Att tillåta barn få vara ledsna och gråta, går före vissa rutiner och lek för att skapa stabilitet i den nya kulturen. Utmaningarna är många och balansen svår utifrån ramverk och riktlinjer som skall följas,  integrations processen som helhet ses som utmanande, kul och lärorik. Samtidigt förekommer exkludering och inkludering av kulturer, identiteter och språk. Förskollärare balanserar ofta mellan barn och vårdnadshavares önskemål, och att utföra sitt arbete utifrån styrdokument.

Det levande biblioteket : retorik kring fördomar och möten. En argumentationsanalys i relation till folkbibliotekets mångfaldsuppdrag. / The living library : a rhetorical analysis about prejudices and meetings in relation to the mission of cultural diversity in the public library

Olsson, Nina January 2009 (has links)
The living library started in Denmark at the festival of Roskilde in 2000. It was initiated by the youth organisation ”Stop volden” (”Stop the violence”). Since 2005 the idea of lending a human being who represents a prejudice has also become a practice in a few public libraries in Sweden. I found it interesting to analyse the living library in relation to the mission of diversity in the public library. The concept of the living library and its rhetorics about prejudices and meetings are analysed from The Living Library Organiser’s Guide, published by the Nordic council of Ministers. The rhetorics are related to the practice in the public library, methodologically based on an inquiry and interviews with four librarians and one living book. The results from my research indicate that the living library is part of the politics of cultural diversity, a creed that supports the idea of recognizing diverse cultures in order to gain knowledge, understanding and a peaceful coexistence in society. The main impression of the rhetorics of the handbook indicates however that the cultural representation of the event is essential and static. The other as different and opposed to an implicit norm is therefore reproduced. The public library however shows a different way where the representation of stereotypes is less obvious and the actual meeting between human beings is essential. The results from this study indicate that the living library is a way for the public library to market itself as an organisation associated with human rights and a new exciting image.

Likhet och särart : en studie av Internationella biblioteket och dess besökare ur ett mångfaldsperspektiv / Difference and equal dignity : a study of the International Library and its visitors from a perspective of diversity

Gustafsson Chen, Anna, Soares, Tatiana January 2008 (has links)
The underlying purpose of this study is to see whether a library focused solely on providing literature in other languages than Swedish serves as a unifying, integrating force, or as an agent for division and exclusion. The study focuses on the International Library in Stockholm. The authors have created a profile of the visitors of the selected library, concerning their characteristics, their library habits and their perceptions of the International library. This profile has then been compared with the staff’s perception of the visitors as a group. To assemble data in order to create a profile of the visitors, a survey has been conducted looking into factors such as age, language, native country, educational level, reasons for coming to the library and attitudes towards the library. A small group of the staff, five persons, have been interviewed to inquire about their attitudes towards and perceptions of the visitors, as well as attitudes towards issues such as multilingualism, and their estimation of the importance of and right to literature in ones mother tongue. The authors found that the visitors are a very heterogeneous group of people, with various backgrounds and language skills. A larger number than expected were Swedish speaking and ethnic Swedes. The staff’s impression of the visitors was largely in accordance with our findings. The staff expressed a strong belief in the idea that access to literature in one’s mother tongue can actually be helpful when one is trying to settle in a new country. Although other libraries may be reluctant to handle literature in foreign languages, the staff of the International Library feels that their expertise helps to ensure the inhabitants of the greater Stockholm area good quality and access to literature in many languages. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Biblioteken som stöd för invandrare under integrationsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie på stadsbiblioteken i Malmö och Lund / Libraries as support for immigrants during the integration process : A qualitative study at the town libraries in the cities of Malmö and Lund.

Lovdalen, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine how the public libraries participate in the integration of immigrants in the Malmö-/Lund region. Librarians and immigrants were interviewed about the services offered by the libraries in the area of multiculturalism and what kind of service that is requested by the immigrants. The interviews also included possibilities to contribute to increased knowledge among the native Swedish people about different cultures represented among immigrants in Sweden. From the qualitative analyses it is concluded that the libraries represented in the study contribute to the integration of immigrants. The respondents gave multiple examples of the libraries’ usefulness in the integration process by offering immigrants possibilities to develop their knowledge in the Swedish language, and also to find information about the Swedish society and culture. The libraries are also meeting places for people representing different cultures. The respondents also exemplified possibilities of future developments that could be of benefit in the integration process, such as informing the recently arrived immigrants about the services offered by the libraries. They also requested activities that could be useful when seeking employment, and also programs or study circles to spread knowledge about different cultures to prevent racism and hostility towards immigrants. The respondents also asked for a more extensive choice of literature in their different native languages and improved marketing of the services which the international library actually is able to provide. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Det mångspråkiga biblioteket : en studie av folkbibliotekens arbete med medieförsörjning på andra språk än svenska. / The multilingual library : a survey of the libraries provision of literature in other languages than Swedish

Larsson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
The underlying purpose of this study is to investigate how the libraries in Sweden organize and administrate the service of providing literature in other languages than Swedish. The study focuses on the central guiding principles that regulate the provision of multilingual literature and how these guidelines are implemented in to practice at the libraries. As the guidelines are closely connected to the official discourse in Sweden concerning policies targeted towards immigrants, the guidelines will be examined from a perspective of integration politics. To assemble data a survey has been conducted looking into factors such as how the libraries perceive the guidelines, how the libraries do business intelligence and user inquires to reach out to the users of the multilingual media, forms for statistics and method of working. The results points out that the libraries in their work with multilingual media are confronted with three tensions; the first tension is that between the libraries aim to promote equality and freedom for the individual and at the same time to fulfil certain collective interests and goals. The second tension emanates from the fact that the libraries intend both to promote integration within the community of the users of the library, demos, and to promote the fact that the users also enjoy membership in different ethnic communities, ethnos. Thirdly there is an underlying tension between a policy strategy that is general in the sense that all users in principle are involved as recipients and a policy strategy that is targeted as it identifies only members of a certain category of the population as its recipients.

“The white point of view” : En fallstudie av tre lokalredaktioner och deras syn på etnisk mångfald.

Oscarsson, Ida, Toplica, Leonora January 2018 (has links)
Den tidigare forskningen visar att rapporteringen om invandring och utanförskapsområden främst är negativ i Sveriges riksmedia samt lokala TV4 redaktioner, samt att den etniska mångfalden är bristfällig. I denna studie tar vi reda på hur tre lokala tidningsredaktioner ser på etnisk mångfald på redaktionen och hur deras syn på gestaltningen av utsatta områden är. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med hjälp av en intervjuguide är studiens resultat baserat på material från tolv intervjuer. Huvudresultatet visar att journalisterna anser att gestaltningen av de utsatta områdena främst är negativ, även om de menar att de försöker balansera bilden så gott de kan. Deras syn när det kommer till etnisk mångfald på redaktionen är att det är viktigt, men i nuläget låg eller obefintlig till vilket de ger flera olika förklaringar. Det visade även att den bristande mångfalden på redaktionen påverkade hur rapporteringen gestaltade utsatta områden. Resultatet är analyserat med hjälp av gestaltningsteorin, etnocentrismen och representationsteorin.

Den (o)lönsamma mångfalden : Om forskningens, marknadsekonomins och den funktionella dumhetens roll i organisationers olikhetsskapande / The (un)solid business case of diversity management : The role of researchers, functional stupidity and market economy in the construction of essentialist categories of human differences in organizations.

Kanon, Miranda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mångfald som begrepp introducerades i Sverige under 1990-talet med den amerikanska ledningsstrategin Diversity management som förebild, där man i slutet av 1980-talet började tala om anti-diskriminering i termer av organisationsnytta. Insikten om vikten av diversifierade arbetsstyrkor som kan generera effektivitet och kundanpassning beskrivs tillsammans med den demografiska utvecklingen ha gjort mångfald till en etablerad managementfråga. Begreppet konceptualiseras emellertid på en mängd olika sätt - en normativ managementlitteratur tenderar att framhäva mångfaldens fördelar, medan en omfattande kritik mot mångfald som managementstrategi vuxit fram i den akademiska sfären. Syfte: Studien syftar till att studera hur mångfaldsbegreppet konstrueras i olika svenska organisationer samt att förstå villkoren för dessa konstruktioner. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med elva respondenter i tio organisationer inom offentlig och privat sektor. Slutsats: Människors olikheter utgör själva utgångspunkten för konstruktionen av mångfaldsbegreppet och ses som en förutsättning för organisationers prestationsförmåga. En funktionalistiskt orienterad forskning betraktas som sann och objektiv och olika normativa element i den institutionella omgivningen beskrivs prägla organisationernas konstruktion av begreppet. Mångfaldsfrågan förstås som frikopplad från praktiken och starka institutionella krav på ekonomisk rationalitet i den organisatoriska kontexten beskrivs vara avgörande för begreppets konstruktion. Genom att betona den särartsideologi som utgör själva förutsättningen för diskriminering beskrivs vidare konstruktionen av den lönsamma mångfalden bidra till att skapa och upprätthålla maktrelationer och social ojämlikhet. / Background: Diversity management was introduced in Sweden during the 1990s along with its desirable arguments which stresses the importance of diversified workforces in order to ensure organizational efficiency and customization. These assumptions along with demographic changes in the Swedish labour force has led to diversity being described as an established issue for management. However, the concept can be conceptualized in a variety of ways – a functionalistic orientated management literature tend to highlight the benefits of diversity in organizations, while extensive criticism of diversity as a management strategy has emerged in the academic sphere.  Purpose: The purpose is to study how the concept of diversity is constructed in Swedish organizations. Furthermore to understand the conditions of these constructions.   Method: The study was conducted with a qualitative research method,  through ten semi-structured interviews in both public and private organizations. Conclusion: Human differences constitute the very basis of the construction of diversity management and is seen as a prerequisite for organizations' performance ability. A functionalist-oriented research is regarded as true and objective and various normative elements in the institutional environment are described as important for the construction of diversity. However, the issue of diversity management is understood to be decoupled from practice and strong institutional requirements for economic rationality in the organizational context are described as crucial for the concept's construction. By emphasizing the specific ideology that constitutes the very premise of discrimination, the construction of diversity as a business case is further described to contribute to creating and maintaining power relations and social inequality.

Biologisk mångfald i små grönområden : Inventering av insekter och fåglar i bebyggda områden i Solna kommun / Biological diversity in small green patches : An insect and bird survey in residential areas in Solna municipality (Sweden)

Thylén, Louise January 2006 (has links)
<p>All over the world the urbanisation increases at the expense of green areas. Many plants and animals are endangered today because their habitats gets smaller or disappear. The green areas that are left in city centres and suburbs are often small and surrounded by roads and buildings. Despite this, several studies have shown that these small green areas may house large biological diversity.</p><p>This project aims to study the biological diversity in small green patches in residential areas. The study has been carried out in Råsunda in Solna municipality (Stockholm county) during the period May–July 2006.</p><p>Three equivalent areas (5000–10 000 m2) with quite many old oaks were chosen for the study and inventoried for birds and saproxylic insects. The results were compared with other studies in areas of different sizes, both inside and outside of suburbs. Birds were inventoried at eight occasions between 7.00 and 9.25 am. In each area a few places were chosen as inventory spots. These were distributed to cover the whole area. At each spot, all birds that were heard or seen during a ten-minutes-period were counted. Insects were collected by attaching a pitfall trap or a window trap to each of seven old oaks (Quercus robur).</p><p>The results show that the patches, despite their size and nearness to buildings and roads, contained a high diversity of animal species. In total 26 bird species and ten orders of insects were found. The number of bird species in the present study are correlated with the number of bird species in residential areas and larger green areas in another study made in Örebro. There was however no correlation with inventories carried out in the city centre and the periphery in the same study. In comparison with the periphery, the areas in Solna had fewer species of woodpeckers, forest birds, hole-nesters and vulnerable species, but more urban species. Among the identified insects were three red-listed species, Lymexylon navale, Euryusa sinuata and Eupachygaster tarsalis, which all are attached to old deciduous trees. In addition, Eupachygaster tarsalis has previously only been found a few times in Sweden.</p><p>A larger survey would probably have generated more species but this study have shown that even small green patches in residential areas can house a large biological diversity and therefore be important to conserve and take care of. To maintain this kind of diversity within residential areas, it is necessary to let trees grow old and protect green areas from further exploitation.</p>

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