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Tidskriftsdesign med praktisk tillämpning på Close-Up MagazineRydberg, Simon, Ellsveden, Magnus January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Magasinets sköna, nya värld : Så förändras journalistiken i klivet från papper till surfplatta. En studie av Svenska Dagbladets Ipadmagasin InsiktBaldo Zagadou, Catarina January 2012 (has links)
Medievanorna förändras fort. Dagens mediekonsument kräver medier med ett ”rikt” utbud, med rörliga bilderoch musik, ungefär som i den smarta mobilen. Och produkten ska vara möjlig att ta med sig överallt, för det är juvad den nya teknologin vant oss vid. Ipaden erbjuder just detta. Många medieexperter menar att den är lösningenmed stort L för den krisande magasinsbranschen.Men hur förändras journalistiken i klivet från papper till Ipad? Det är vad min undersökning vill ge ett svar på.Den bygger på ett närstudium av de första åtta utgåvorna av Svenska Dagbladets Insikt, det mest utveckladeIpadmagasinet i Sverige just nu.Surfplattan är framför allt ett visuellt medium, men det ger också en totalupplevelse, på ett helt annat sätt än enpapperstidning. Flera sinnen stimuleras samtidigt, syn, hörsel, känsel. Texter kan vara praktiskt taget hur långasom helst här – men min studie visar att antalet bilder ökar ännu mer. I Insikt är det det rikt illustrerade ochtidlösa kulturreportaget med många interaktiva inslag som är särskilt gynnat. Mycket tyder också på att arbetetmed den nya plattformen har inspirerat till ökad lekfullhet och kreativitet på Svenska Dagbladets redaktion.
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Könsligt minne : Ett kvalitativt receptions- och minneskvasiexperiment med killar och tjejer / Gender-memory : A qualitative reception and memory quasi-experiment with guys and girlsKevric, Aida, Frising, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to see if there are any differences between high school girls and boy’s reception ability and memory after reading two Swedish lifestyle magazines. 9 boys and 9 girls from ages 17-18 were chosen to participate in the study. They were placed in a room one by one where they had to read one women’s magazine (Cosmopolitan) and one men’s magazine (Café). They did not know this was a memory and reception test until after they finished their reading. With help from former reception studies and the magazines, questions were selected so the interviews would give as much information as possible. The study gave some unexpected results, for example both genders seemed to remember numbers very well even if they didn’t remember the article itself. The myth that boys pay immediate attention to half naked girls more than anything else was not confirmed. They seemed to look at the half naked guys to compare themselves instead. When it comes to who remembered the most, girls outshined the boys. They paid more attention to the magazines and they got higher scores on the questions during the interviews. Overall the participants remembered far less than they thought which indicated that when they read these magazines they don’t think or reflect much. Interesting was the most common answer to why they seemed to remember an article.
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Annonsering i övergången från tryckt till digitalt magasin : En komparativ innehållsanalys av annonsering i magasins tryckta och digitala upplaga / Advertising in the transition from print to digital magazines : A comparative content analysis of advertising in magazines printed and digital editions.Strandberg, Michael January 2011 (has links)
Avsikten med denna fallstudie är att jämföra annonsering i några svenska magasins tryckta och digitala upplaga. Fokus ligger på hur annonseringen förändrats i övergången från tryckt till digital produkt. Skillnader i mängden annonser, dess layout samt avsändare och budskap har undersökts. I vilken grad annonsering i de digitala magasinen använder sig av multimedieinnehåll ämnas också undersökas. Det vill säga ljud, video och hyperlänkning samt länkning till sociala nätverk. Uppsatsens uppgift är att ge en inblick i hur annonseringen i de digitala magasinen ter sig och skiljer sig från den i de analoga utgåvorna. Undersökningen ska också ge svar på om den webbaserade annonseringsmetoden affiliate annonsering kan vara ett sätt för magasinen att skapa nya och lönsamma modeller för annonsering i den digitala upplagan. Genom att använda en kombination av den kvalitativa och kvantitativa innehållsanalysen har tre olika svenska magasin i båda upplagor undersökts. Dessa är Runners World, Mobil och Sköna hem. Överlag har magasinen lika mycket annonsering i sina båda upplagor och dessa upptar generellt lika mycket utrymme och är placerade på samma sidor. Några skillnader i hur annonsernas layout är utformad i de digitala magasinen förekommer inte. Detta gäller också avsändare och budskap för annonserna. Det finns dock undantag från dessa likheter och beror då på att den digitala upplagan i undantagsfall är kraftigt omarbetad och innehåller en mindre mängd annonser, från helt andra annonsörer. Beträffande användandet av multimedia och interaktivitet har de digitala magasinen utvecklats olika mycket. Den digitala annonseringen spänner från helt statiska annonser hämtade från den tryckta upplagan till att använda en rik flora av olika multimedieelement. Hyperlänkning är relativt vanligt förekommande medan video är relativt ovanligt. Några kopplingar till sociala nätverk förekommer inte i de digitala magasinen. I de magasin som tillämpar hyperlänkning och multimedia skulle affiliate annonsering vara ett sätt för förlagen att vända trenden med minskade annonsintäkter och skapa en attraktiv, prestationsbaserad betalningsmodell. / The purpose of this case study is to compare advertising in Swedish magazines printed and digital editions. Focus is on how the advertising has changed in the transition from printed to digital product. The amount of advertisements, the layout, company or organization behind it and the overall advertising message is also a part of this study. To which degree the digital magazines utilize multimedia content such as video, sound, hyperlinks and connections with social networking sites are also meant to be investigated. The overall aim of this thesis is to give a clear understanding of how advertising in both digital and printed editions differs from each other. This study should also answer if the web-based marketing method affiliate marketing could be one way for the magazines to create a new and profitable advertising model for the digital edition. By using a combination of qualitative and quantitative content analysis three Swedish magazines in both editions has been compared to each other. These are Runners World, Mobil and Sköna hem. Overall the magazines contain the same amount of advertising in both printed and digital edition. They occupy the same space and are place at the same pages in both editions. Differences in layout has not ben observed. This also applies to company or organization behind the advertisement and the message mediated in them. There are off course exemptions from these similarities. This because of rare cases where the digital editions have been substantially revised, resulting in fewer pages than in the printed edition and a completely new set of advertisers. The use of multimedia and interactivity in the digital magazines has evolved in various degrees. Digital advertisement differs from the completely static as in printed magazines to the implementation of a rich variety of multimedia. Hyperlinks is common but video is still rare. Integration with social networks in the advertisements of digital magazines is non-existent. In magazines that utilize hyperlinks and other multi media could affiliate marketing be one solution for the publishers to turn the negative trend with declining ad revenues and create an attractive and performance based economic model.
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Kåta tjejer och Kärriärsmammor - kvinnan ska vara allt : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnan skildras i magasinen Cosmopolitan och Slitz / A woman in two worlds : A study on the definition of women in Cosmopolitan and Slitz magazinesSihlman, Hanna, Vackerberg, Janneke January 2012 (has links)
Every day readers of magazines receive advice on how their life is expected to be. Magazines write about what to wear, who you should be dating and where you should work. People are social beings and are affected on what they read, hear and see. In that way media is one of the main channels which defines people and draws examples on for example how a "normal" woman should be. This essay dealt with several questions: how women are described in Swedish women magazine Cosmopolitan and men ́s magazine Slitz and how they are differ from each other. The possible consequences of the way magazines write about women have on the society as a whole were also discussed. The theoretical framework included Judith Butler’s theories about gender and language. Gauntlett theories were used as an implement to analyze the relationship between media and the identity. As a resource for this study both Anja Hirdman’s and Pia Höök’s studies were also used. The main findings of this essay are that the descriptions of women differ between Slitz and Cosmopolitan. In Slitz women are objectified and their role is to please and obey the will of men. Women are defined by their looks. Also in Cosmopolitans message an obvious double standard could be found. On one hand women were described as independent and powerful but on the other as dependant on their look and men. Women were described as always striving for perfection and through the instructions from Cosmopolitan they could reach that. The findings of the study are relevant and significant because not only do the readers get affected, but others who do not read these magazines are also influenced by the use of the same language as in the magazines in their everyday lives. In that way the discourses on women do not just stay on the pages of the magazines.
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Nöjesnytt Vs React Magazine : En innehållsanalys av två lokala gratismagasin i Jönköping / Nöjesnytt Vs React Magazine : A content analysis of two local free magazines in JönköpingDubovina, Gorjana, Shwani, Cheya, Haddad, Josette January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Opera i Stockholm, VärtahamnenFabre, Thibaut January 2011 (has links)
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Digitala magasin - En undersökning av huruvida förbättrad navigation och fler interaktionsmöjligheter kan förbättra läsupplevelsen av ett digitalt magasin på surfplattorEidous, Alice January 2013 (has links)
Nyligen har ett nytt medium för magasinutvecklats - surfplattan. Magasinen somlanserats för plattan - de digitala magasinen -har ännu inte till fullo funnit sitt uttryck och ärinte alltid anpassade till den nya plattformensom läsarna läser på. Denna uppsats ären undersökning av huruvida förbättradeinteraktions- och navigationsmöjligheter idessa magasin kan ge användaren en bättreläsupplevelse. Undersökningen grundar sig påett remedieringsperspektiv och visar att det finnsbåde fördelar - så som en snabbare navigationoch ökade möjligheter för en individualiseradläsprocess och nackdelar - så som en längreinlärningsprocess och potentiell förvirringhos nya användare. Metoden som används iundersökningen är kvalitativa intervjuer med inslagav deltagande observation. / Recently a new form of media for magazines hasemerged, the tablet. These new digital magazineshave not yet fully found their expression and manyare not adjusted to the new platform throughwhich they are viewed by their readers. This is aninvestigation of whether improved navigation andan increase in interactivity in these magazines canimprove the readers experience. The investigationis grounded in a remediation perspective, andshows that there are both advantages, includinga speedier navigation and increased possibilityto create a personalized reading-experience,and disadvantages, including a longer learningprocess and potential confusion for new readers.The methods used to reach this conclusion arequalitative interviews with elements of participantobservation.
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Les édifices commerciaux du front de mer à Délos à l'époque hellénistique : étude architecturale du Magasin des colonnes et du Magasin δ (delta) "à la baignoire" / The commercial buildings of the seafront in Delos during the Hellenistic period : architectural study of the Magasin des colonnes and the Magasin δ known as Magasin "à la baignoire"Malmary, Jean-Jacques 12 January 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’étude architecturale des vestiges de deux édifices du front de mer occidental à Délos, le Magasin des colonnes et le Magasin δ, dit « à la baignoire », qui ont tous deux été découverts au cours des fouilles menées par A. Jardé et H. Convert en 1903 et 1904. Ils sont situés dans une bande de constructions longeant le rivage, entre l’Agora des Compétaliastes au nord et le sanctuaire des Dioscures au sud. Proches du rivage et pourvus de nombreuses pièces de grandes dimensions, ils ont été identifiés par les premiers chercheurs, A. Jardé puis J. Pâris, à des magasins en lien avec l’essor du grand commerce maritime à Délos au cours de la seconde domination athénienne.La présente étude a consisté à poursuivre le travail d’A. Jardé de sorte à mieux restituer la configuration de ces monuments, à mieux définir leurs spécificités architecturales et à mieux en cerner leurs usages. Elle a d’abord consisté à observer les vestiges des deux bâtiments sans préjuger de leur destination. Elle a ainsi débuté par une analyse approfondie des matériaux ayant servi à leur construction et de leurs composantes architecturales : les murs, les baies, les revêtements muraux, les colonnades, les cloisons, les planchers, les escaliers, les sols et les couvertures. Cette première partie de la thèse, qui a permis d’explorer plusieurs pistes relatives aux techniques de construction, a essentiellement eu pour finalité d’élaborer des outils d’analyse destinés à servir l’étude générale de l’architecture des deux magasins, celle de leur composition et celle de leur situation dans le tissu urbain de Délos, qui ont toutes trois été réunies dans la deuxième partie. Dans la troisième partie, l’étude du fonctionnement et de la destination des deux édifices a nécessité une extension du champ d’investigation, en incluant des bâtiments dont les éléments du mobilier et la situation urbaine sont analogues à ceux du Magasin des colonnes et du Magasin δ : les Magasins α, β et γ. Les cinq édifices ont d’abord pu être réunis grâce à la découverte dans chacun d’eux d’un grand sèkôma à mesure unique. La présence de cet instrument de mesure a permis de mieux justifier le rôle que ces édifices ont joué dans le grand commerce à Délos au tournant des IIe et Ier s. av. J.-C. et de supposer qu’ils ont tous eu la même destination. Une fois associés, ils ont fait l’objet d’une comparaison morphologique. À quelques variations près, ils sont constitués de types d’espaces similaires organisés de la même manière : une entrée principale, ouverte sur le rivage et alignée sur l’axe d’une cour centrale, un rang de pièces de façade longeant le rivage, dans lequel s’insèrent des cages d’escalier reliant la voie du front de mer avec l’étage, et un ensemble de pièces dans le cœur d’îlot distribuées autour de la cour et équipées de fenêtres. De fait, ces bâtiments ont pu être différenciés des autres types de bâtiment présents à Délos, les maisons déliennes notamment. Une relation a ainsi pu être établie entre la destination probable des cinq édifices – stockage de marchandises et commerce au rez-de-chaussée et hébergement à l’étage – et leur forme architecturale. Cette relation a permis de définir un type particulier d’édifice ayant abrité des activités liées au stockage des marchandises, à leur inventaire, à leur mesure – poids et/ou volume – et à leur commerce ainsi que des pratiques d’ordre domestique telles l’hébergement des marchands itinérants. Dans son acception moderne, le terme « magasin » proposé par A. Jardé s’avère encore être le plus approprié pour désigner de tels édifices mêlant les fonctions d’entrepôt à celles des lieux de commerce. Ce type d’édifice, dont plusieurs indices révèlent le statut locatif, semble en outre être étroitement lié à la profession d’entrepositaire mentionnée dans les inscriptions de Délos. / The aim of this doctoral dissertation consists in the architectural study of the remains of two buildings on the western coast in Delos, the Magasin des colonnes and the Magasin δ, also known as Magasin à la baignoire, both of which were discovered during excavations carried out by A. Jardé and H. Convert in 1903 and 1904. They are located in a strip of buildings along the shore, between the Agora des Compétaliastes in the north and the sanctuary of Les Dioscures in the south. Close to the seashore and provided with numerous large rooms, they were identified by the first researchers, A. Jardé then J. Pâris, to commercial buildings in connection with the rise of the great sea trade in Delos during the second Athenian domination.The present study consisted in continuing the work of A. Jardé in order to better restore the configuration of these monuments, to better point out their architectural specificities and to better define their uses. First, it consisted in observing the remains of the two buildings without prejudging their function. It began with an in-depth analysis of the materials used in their construction and their architectural components: walls, bays, wall coverings, colonnades, partitions, grounds, stairs, floors and roofing. This first part of the work, which made it possible to explore several tracks relating to construction techniques, was essentially aimed at developing analytical tools intended to support the general study of the architecture of the two buildings, that of their composition and that of their situation in the urban fabric of Delos, all three which are developed together in the second part. In the third part, the study of the functioning and the uses of the two buildings required an extension of the field of investigation, by including buildings whose archaeological material and urban situation are similar to those of the Magasin des colonnes and the Magasin δ : the Magasins α, β and γ. The five buildings were first brought together owing to the discovery in each of them of a large sèkôma with a unique tank. The presence of this measuring instrument made it possible to better justify the role that these buildings played in the great trade in Delos at the turn of the 2nd and 1st centuries BC and to suppose that they all had the same destination. Once associated, they were morphologically compared. With a few variations, they are made up of similar types of spaces organized in the same way: a main entrance, opened on the seashore and aligned on the axis of a central courtyard, a row of façade rooms along the shore, in which are inserted staircases connecting the waterfront path with the floor, and a set of rooms in the heart of a block distributed around the courtyard and equipped with windows. In fact, these buildings could be differentiated from the other types of buildings present in Delos, in particular the houses. A relationship was thus established between the probable functions of the five buildings - storage of goods and trade on the ground floor and accommodation on the first floor - and their architectural form. This relationship has made it possible to define a particular type of building dedicated to house activities related to the storage of goods, their inventory, their measurement - weight and/or volume - and their trade, as well as domestic practices such as the accommodation of itinerant merchants. In its modern sense, the term "magasin" proposed by A. Jardé still proves to be the most appropriate to designate such buildings mixing the functions of a warehouse with those of commercial premises. This type of building, of which several indices reveal the rental status, also seems to be closely linked to the profession of entrepositaire – warehouse keeper – mentioned in the inscriptions of Delos.
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En enfärgad regnbåge : Hur den homosexuella normen formas i HBT-magasinet QX / A Monochrome Rainbow : How the homosexual norm is formed in the Swedish LGBT-magazine QXEmbretsén, Hanna, Palmberg, Maria January 2012 (has links)
The HBTQ-society is not a homogeneous group; it contains a range of different sub-groups. QX is Sweden’s biggest magazine aimed at members of the HBTQ-society. The purpose of this study is to analyze if the magazine is more directed towards gay men or women – both by examining how many men versus women appear in QX, but also by looking at the different ways in which the articles are more relevant to either men or women, such as by tone, language or choice of subjects. In this study, we have analyzed twelve issues of QX, from January 2012 to December 2012, in order to get the most current results as possible. We used a quantitative content analysis when examining the division of men and women, and a qualitative analysis to investigate the direction towards each gender in the texts. Identification and power have been significant theories with which to analyse the results. The study clearly shows that QX is more aimed towards homosexual men rather than women, despite its claim to be gender neutral. During 2012, 66 % men and 34 % women appeared in QX. It was also discovered that more articles were aimed at gay men rather than women. The results support the theory that lesbian women could feel excluded from the HBTQ-society by reading QX. Since role models are crucial in the process of identification – and gay women access less of them than gay men – lesbians have a disadvantage in finding representation and identification in QX, which is unequal and therefore a problem.
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