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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pascalʾs Pensées and Baudelaireʾs Les fleurs du mal : a study of the parallels and development of the theme of ʺennuiʺ

Hammond, Nicholas Gascoigne January 1987 (has links)
From Introduction: Upon first reading the writings of both Pascal and Baudelaire, one cannot help being struck by a sensation of awe at the penetrating insight into the human condition possessed by both writers. A further exploration of the realms of Pascalian and Baudelairian thought considerably strengthens this initial reaction into a recognition that both authors were men of equal moral and spiritual intensity. Despite their outward differences, both sought to attain a deep understanding of human nature, but without attempting to offer any excuses on behalf of man. Furthermore, the two writers employ an identical term to describe the condition of humanity: "ennui". Although the word exists in the writings of contemporaries of both Pascal and Baudelaire, no other author makes such full, unique and significant use of ennui. As this thesis will hopefully prove, Baudelaire was indeed directly and positively influenced by Pascal. However, it is not our intention to concentrate upon such an influence; rather, we wish to indicate the parallels and development of the theme of ennui, so central to each man's outlook, in their respective writings. Evidently, it would be beyond the boundaries of this thesis if we were to try to analyse closely the entire creative output of Pascal and Baudelaire; and so, although their other works will act as points of reference, the two books which are generally regarded as their masterpieces will be used as the basis of the unfinished Christian "Apologie" which was projected by Pascal, now known as the Pensées (1670), and Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal (1857 and 1861)

Universo femenino y mal en la narrativa de Espido Freire / Univers féminin et mal dans l'œuvre d'Espido Freire / Feminine universe and evil in Espido Freire's work

Rodríguez, Samuel 07 October 2016 (has links)
Espido Freire nous plonge dans un univers littéraire catalyseur du mal considéré comme une substance universelle possédant sa propre entité, construit à travers l'altérité et la violence symbolique qui peut conduire à la rébellion des personnages féminins –les éternels protagonistes de son œuvre–, participant eux aussi au mal, parfois au-delà du symbolique. Mais le mal est un concept profondément vaste et polysémique chez un sujet marquée par l'angoisse, la “maladie mortelle” kierkegaardienne. La violence peut être l'une de ses conséquences immédiates. Pourtant, souvent nous considérons aussi bien le mal que la violence d'après leur apparence externe et d'après l'altérité. Le mal c’est les autres, la violence est ostensible. Par contre, l'œuvre d'Espido Freire renvoie au mal caché chez tous et toutes, où habite une violence subtile exercée fréquemment à travers des voix symboliques, invisibles pour les personnages, notamment les féminins.La violence (symbolique ou non) chez Espido Freire se construit à travers la suggestion du mal et l'universelle “intention” (Gesinnung) kantienne du sujet angoissé de faire le mal. Il faut donc déployer les concepts de mal, d'angoisse, de mort –liée au principe de contingence angoissante– et de violence par rapport au réseau complexe des personnages féminins –oppresseurs et opprimés– qui font partie de l'œuvre d'Espido Freire, notamment dans les sept romans que nous analysons ainsi que dans ses contes. Au-delà du profond débat philosophique autour de cette éternelle (non) substance représentée par le mal, nous avons recours à des outils psychiatriques, psychanalytiques, sociologiques, narratologiques et picturaux permettant d'élucider le phénomène de la projection du mal et de la violence ainsi que la musique, qui participe au dialogue interdiscursif avec le texte littéraire à l'aide des formes, des leitmotive et des textures qui offrent un dialogisme bakhtinien de “polyphonie textuelle”. / Espido Freire offers us a literary universe which is a catalyst of the evil understood as a universal substance with proper entity, and which is built through alterity and symbolic violence what can lead to the rebellion of the female characters who are also part of evil – on occasions more than symbolically. However, the evil is a deeply wide and polysemous concept in a subject marked by anguish, the Kierkegaardian “sickness unto death”. Violence can be one of its immediate consequences. However, we often consider evil as much as the violence from their external appearance and from the alterity. The evil are the others, the violence is ostensible. On the other hand, the work of Espido Freire refers to the hidden evil in everyone where a subtle violence lies often exercised through oppressive, symbolic ways which are invisible even for the own –especially feminine– characters.The (symbolic or not symbolic) violence by Espido Freire is established through the suggestion of evil and the Kantian universal “intention” (Gesinnung) of the subject distressed because of doing wrong. It is thus necessary to develop the concepts of evil, anguish, death –linked to the principle of anguishing contingency– and violence in the complex network of –oppressive and oppressed– female characters that the narrative of Espido Freire consists of, especially in the seven novels analyzed by us, as well her tales. In addition to the extensive debate in philosophy about this eternal (no) substance that represents evil, we use psychiatric, psychoanalytic, sociological, narratological and pictorial tools that illuminate the phenomenon of projecting evil and violence as well as music that participates in the interdiscursive dialogue with the literary text through the forms, leitmotivs and textures that offer a Bakhtinian dialogism of “textual polyphony”. / Espido Freire (Bilbao, 1974) nos sumerge en un universo literario catalizador del mal entendido como una substancia universal con entidad propia, construido a través de la alteridad y la violencia simbólica que puede conducir a la rebelión de los personajes femeninos –eternos protagonistas de su obra–, participando también ellos del mal, en ocasiones más allá de lo simbólico. Pero el mal es un concepto profundamente amplio y polisémico dentro de un sujeto marcado por la angustia, la “enfermedad mortal” kierkegaardiana. La violencia puede ser una de sus consecuencias inmediatas. Sin embargo, solemos valorar a menudo tanto el mal como la violencia desde su apariencia externa y desde la alteridad. El mal son los otros, la violencia es ostensible. Por el contrario, la obra de Espido Freire remite al mal oculto en todos y todas, donde subyace sutilmente una violencia ejercida a menudo mediante vías opresivas simbólicas, invisibles incluso para los propios personajes, especialmente los femeninos.La violencia (simbólica o no) en Espido Freire se establece a través de la sugerencia del mal y la universal “intención” (Gesinnung) kantiana del sujeto angustiado de obrar mal. Es necesario desarrollar por tanto los conceptos de mal, angustia, muerte –vinculada al principio de contingencia angustiosa– y violencia en la compleja red de personajes femeninos –opresores y oprimidos– que componen la obra de Espido Freire, especialmente en las siete novelas que analizamos así como en sus cuentos. Además del profundo debate filosófico en torno a esta eterna (no) substancia que representa el mal, hacemos uso de herramientas psiquiátricas, psicoanalíticas, sociológicas, narratológicas, pictóricas y estudios de género que arrojen luz sobre el fenómeno de la proyección del mal y la violencia así como la música, que participa en el diálogo interdiscursivo con el texto literario a través de formas, leitmotive y texturas que ofrecen un dialogismo bakhtiano de “polifonía textual”.

Conditions de travail et état de santé physique et psychique du personnel non médical des établissements d'hébergements pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD) / Working conditions and physical and mental health in non-medical staff of nursing homes for elderly patients

Pélissier, Carole 09 December 2015 (has links)
Contexte : Le personnel non médical des Etablissements d’Hébergements pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes (EHPAD) est exposé à des contraintes physiques et psychiques élevées du fait de la prise en charge de résidents de plus en plus dépendants et polypathologiques. Notre démarche de recherche s’appuie sur le modèle de santé publique de Green et Kreuter. Il s’agit de préciser l’état de santé physique et psychique du personnel (diagnostic épidémiologique) et d’explorer les conditions de travail perçues par les salariés (diagnostic comportemental et environnemental). Matériels et Méthode : Une étude transversale a été menée par 78 médecins du travail auprès 2649 salariés (706 agents de service, 1565 agents de soins et 378 infirmiers) provenant de 105 maisons de retraite de la Région Rhône Alpes. Plusieurs questionnaires standardisés validés ont été utilisés pour recueillir des informations auprès des salariés. Les analyses statistiques ont été réalisées à partir du logiciel SAS, version 9.3. Résultats : Le personnel interrogé exprime un fort niveau de pénibilité et souhaite recevoir plus fréquemment une formation continue aux soins palliatifs. Il est fortement exposé aux contraintes psychosociales (efforts élevés, récompenses faibles, déséquilibre effort/récompense et surinvestissement). Les plaintes musculo-squelettiques du cou et des membres supérieurs et les signes de détresse psychique de ce personnel sont significativement liées à l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales. Conclusions : La prochaine étape de recherche consisterait à établir le diagnostic éducationnel en précisant les facteurs organisationnels associés aux contraintes psychosociales de ce personnel / Background: Non-medical staff in nursing homes for the elderly are exposed to high levels of physical and psychological stress related to managing increasingly dependent residents with multiple pathologies. Our research approach is based on Green and Kreuter's public health model. This is intended to describe the physical and mental health (epidemiological diagnosis) and to explore working conditions as experienced by nursing home staff (behavioral and environmental diagnosis). Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted by 78 occupational physicians on 2,649 employees (706 housekeepers, 1,565 nursing assistants and 378 nurses) in 105 nursing homes for the elderly in the Rhône-Alpes Region of France. Employee data were collected on several validated questionnaires. All statistical analyses were performed on SAS software, version 9.3. Results: Respondents related elevated hardship and desired more continuous training in palliative care. They were highly exposed to psychosocial stress (strong effort, low reward, effort/reward imbalance, overcommitment). Neck and upper limb musculoskeletal complaints and signs of psychological distress were significantly associated with exposure to psychosocial stress. Conclusions: The next phase of the research plan should consist in establishing an educational diagnosis by assessing the organizational factors associated with psychosocial stress in nursing home staff

Pauvreté et mal-développement. Une géographie sociale de la Martinique / Poverty and underdevelopment. A social geography of Martinique

Legrand-Picard, Dominique 12 January 2015 (has links)
Les déséquilibres socio-économiques entre les départements d’Outre-mer et l’Hexagone sont criants. En Martinique, la pauvreté est plus intense et plus diffuse qu’au plan national, elle frappe fortement les exclus du marché du travail et jusqu’aux salariés. Le chômage, un phénomène structurel et endémique, y est deux fois plus élevé et touche majoritairement les jeunes, les femmes et les non-diplômés. Depuis le mouvement social de 2009, et l’instabilité politico-institutionnelle qui l’a accompagné, les tensions sociales restent vives et sont l’expression de frustrations liées à des inégalités persistantes. Comment s’expliquent-elles ? La paupérisation croissante d’une part importante de la population découle d’un environnement économique particulièrement défavorable. La région se caractérise par un développement faible, une situation dégradée du marché de l’emploi, une économie dépendante des transferts publics. L’analyse géographique met en lumière les structures de la pauvreté : profils des familles, accès à l’emploi, qualification et formation, conditions de logement et situation sanitaire des publics démunis. Les dimensions territoriales des dynamiques de pauvreté soulignent le lien entre espace social et espace géographique : les phénomènes de pauvreté, de précarité et d’exclusion sont étudiés à l’échelle des quartiers d’habitat spontané et informel, encore nombreux aujourd’hui en Outre-mer, principaux espaces de production de pauvreté et de ségrégation dans les milieux urbains et ruraux. / There exist blatant socio-economic imbalances between the French overseas departments and metropolitan France. In Martinique more particularly, poverty is more intense and more diffuse than at the national level; it strongly hits both people excluded from the labor market and wage-earning laborers. Unemployment, both a structural and an endemic phenomenon, mainly affects young women and non-graduates. Since the social movement of 2009 and the political and institutional instability that followed, social tensions have remained high, revealing the people’s frustration as to persistent inequalities. How can one account for these inequalities? The increasing impoverishment of a large part of the population stems from a particularly unfavorable economic environment. The region is characterized by its low development, its degraded and deteriorating labor market, and its peculiar economy, relying on government subsidies. The geographic analysis provided by this dissertation highlights the distinctive features of poverty: the profiles of affected families, as well as the characteristics of the impoverished populations in terms of access to employment, skills and training, and health. The territorial dimensions of the dynamics of poverty will also be studied, thus emphasizing the link between social space and geographic space, as poverty, insecurity and exclusion will be analyzed at the level of spontaneous settlement areas (shantytowns / squatter homes). Indeed, poverty and segregation are primarily found in these spontaneous settlements – which are still very numerous in the French overseas departments – in both urban and rural environments.

Contribution à la résolution de problèmes inverses sous contraintes et application de méthodes de conception robuste pour le dimensionnement de pièces mécaniques de turboréacteurs en phase avant-projets. / Contribution to solving inverse problems under constraints and application of robust design methods for the design of mechanical parts of preliminary design stage

Biret, Maëva 18 November 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer une nouvelle démarche pour améliorer et accélérer les études de dimensionnement des pièces de turboréacteurs en avant-projets. Il s'agit de fournir une méthodologie complète pour la conception robuste sous contraintes. Cette méthodologie consiste en trois étapes : la réduction de la dimension et la méta-modélisation, la conception robuste sous contraintes puis la résolution de problèmes inverses sous contraintes. Ce sont les trois principaux sujets abordés dans cette thèse. La réduction de la dimension est un pré-traitement indispensable à toute étude. Son but est de ne conserver, pour une sortie choisie du système, que les entrées influentes. Ceci permet de réduire la taille du domaine d'étude afin de faciliter la compréhension du système et diminuer les temps de calculs des études. Les méthodes de méta-modélisations contribuent également à ces deux objectifs. L'idée est de remplacer le code de calculs coûteux par un modèle rapide à évaluer et qui représente bien la relation entre la sortie étudiée et les entrées du système. La conception robuste sous contraintes est une optimisation bi-objectifs où les différentes sources d'incertitudes du système sont prises en compte. Il s'agit, dans un premier temps, de recenser et modéliser les incertitudes puis de choisir une méthode de propagation de ces incertitudes dans le code de calculs. Ceci permet d'estimer les moments (moyenne et écart-type) de la loi de la sortie d'intérêt. L'optimisation de ces moments constitue les deux objectifs de la conception robuste. En dernier lieu, il s'agit de choisir la méthode d'optimisation multi-objectifs qui sera utilisée pour obtenir l'optimum robuste sous contraintes. La partie innovante de cette thèse porte sur le développement de méthodes pour la résolution de problèmes inverses mal posés. Ce sont des problèmes pour lesquels il peut y avoir une infinité de solutions constituant des ensembles non convexes et même disjoints. L'inversion a été considérée ici comme un complément à l'optimisation robuste dans laquelle l'optimum obtenu ne satisfaisait pas une des contraintes. Les méthodes d'inversion permettent alors de résoudre ce problème en trouvant plusieurs combinaisons des entrées qui satisfont la contrainte sous la condition de rester proche de l'optimum robuste. Le but est d'atteindre une valeur cible de la contrainte non satisfaite tout en respectant les autres contraintes du système auxquelles on ajoute la condition de proximité à l'optimum. Appliquée au dimensionnement d'un compresseur HP en avants-projets, cette méthodologie s'inscrit dans l'amélioration et l'accélération des études marquées par de nombreux rebouclages chronophages en termes de ressources informatiques et humaines. / The aim of this PhD dissertation is to propose a new approach to improve and accelerate preliminary design studies for turbofan engine components. This approach consists in a comprehensive methodology for robust design under constraints, following three stages : dimension reduction and metamodeling, robust design under constraints and finally inverse problem solving under constraints. These are the three main subjects of this PhD dissertation. Dimension reduction is an essential pre-processing for any study. Its aim is to keep only inputs with large effects on a selected output. This selection reduces the size of the domain on which is performed the study which reduces its computational cost and eases the (qualitative) understanding of the system of interest. Metamodeling also contributes to these two objectives by replacing the time-consuming computer code by a faster metamodel which approximates adequately the relationship between system inputs and the studied output. Robust design under constraints is a bi-objectives optimization where different uncertainty sources are included. First, uncertainties must be collected and modeled. Then a propagation method of uncertainties in the computation code must be chosen in order to estimate moments (mean and standard deviation) of output distribution. Optimization of these moments are the two robust design objectives. Finally, a multi-objectives optimization method has to be chosen to find a robust optimum under constraints. The development of methods to solve ill-posed inverse problems is the innovative part of this PhD dissertation. These problems can have infinitely many solutions constituting non convex or even disjoint sets. Inversion is considered here as a complement to robust design in the case where the obtained optimum doesn't satisfy one of the constraints. Inverse methods then enable to solve this problem by finding several input datasets which satisfy all the constraints and a condition of proximity to the optimum. The aim is to reach a target value of the unsatisfied constraint while respecting other system constraints and the optimum proximity condition. Applied to preliminary design of high pressure compressor, this methodology contributes to the improvement and acceleration of studies currently characterized by a numerous of loopbacks which are expensive in terms of cpu-time and human resources.

La question du péché et du mal chez Montaigne et Descartes / The question of sin and evil in Montaigne and Descartes

Muller, Jil 16 September 2019 (has links)
Depuis le Moyen Âge, l’intérêt philosophique pour le péché originel, la chute d’Ève et d’Adam, ainsi que le châtiment divin, a produit de nombreuses interprétations du récit de la Genèse. La question la plus importante était celle de comprendre la responsabilité de l’homme dans le mal et de disculper Dieu. Comment un Dieu tout puissant et tout bon pourrait-il accepter que ses créatures tombent dans l’abîme du péché ? Contrairement à ce qu’on pourrait s’attendre, cet intérêt ne perd pas en vigueur au début de la Renaissance : il se voit même renforcer à travers les divergences naissantes de la Réforme. C’est pourquoi il est intéressant d’interroger la pensée de Montaigne et de Descartes, deux penseurs à première vue sans rapport avec une quelconque controverse religieuse (ou en tout cas officiellement non engagés dans des débats de nature théologique). Considèrent-ils le péché dans sa compréhension théologique et religieuse ? Ou le concept de péché se présente-t-il sous une nouvelle forme, qu’on pourrait alors appeler humaniste ou encore naturaliste ? Ni Montaigne ni Descartes n’emploient le terme de péché originel, ce qui marque leur originalité par rapport aux autres penseurs de leurs époques. L’intérêt est donc de savoir si l’absence de ce terme signifie un désintérêt pour la religion chrétienne dans leurs morales, ou si elle marque le début d’une pensée qui essaie de donner une interprétation laïque et sécularisant du mal et du péché. Montaigne et Descartes séparent-ils leurs morales avec la tradition chrétienne ? / Since the Middle Ages, philosophers’ interest in the original sin, in the fall of Eve and Adam and in divine retribution has produced many interpretations of Genesis. The most important question was to understand the responsibility of man in evil and to exculpate God. How could almighty and merciful God accept that his creatures fall into the abyss of sin? Contrary to what one might expect, this interest does not lose its force at the beginning of the Renaissance: it is even strengthened through the emerging differences of the Reformation. This is why it is interesting to analyze the thought of Montaigne and Descartes, two thinkers who seem at first sight unrelated to any religious controversy (or, at least, officially non-engaged in debates of a theological nature). Do they consider sin in his theological and religious understanding? Or, does the concept of sin face a new form of understanding which could then be called humanist or naturalist? Neither Montaigne nor Descartes uses the term original sin, a choice which marks their originality compared to other thinkers of their times. Therefore, we must examine if the absence of this term means a disinterest in the Christian religion in their morals, or if it marks the beginning of a thought which tries to propose a laic and secularized interpretation of the evil and the sin. Do Montaigne and Descartes distance their moral thoughts from the Christian tradition?

Aurores étripées ; suivi de, Henri Michaux ou l'incapacité prodigieuse

Uribe, Justina 08 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création. / Le fragment comme blessure, comme forme fracturée qui, dans les brèches du langage qu’il incarne, fait signe à l’indicible, est au centre de ce mémoire en recherche-création. Dans le roman Aurores étripées, la forme fragmentaire sert à sonder l’imaginaire de la postmémoire. En effet, le parcours de la protagoniste est marqué par des deuils collectifs et personnels ; sa douleur de vivre est liée, de façon intime, inextricable, à la dictature Pinochet et à ses retombées. Des récits de torture, de collaboration, mais aussi de combats menés, de solidarité à travers l’horreur hantent la narratrice. Dans cette traversée du silence qui l’entoure et menace toujours de l’engloutir, elle sera accompagnée par des voix de femmes de sa famille, surtout par les paroles de Carmen, ancienne résistante. L’essai Henri Michaux ou l’incapacité prodigieuse explore les formes que prend le mal-être dans l’œuvre du poète, notamment dans La nuit remue. L’on observe que chez Michaux, la douleur de vivre est indicible en cela qu’elle est infigurable : élusive et paradoxale, elle ne saurait prendre une forme définitive, pourtant, dans cet univers marqué par le changement et la métamorphose, elle est la seule constante, et, on le pense, la seule essence. À la fois fatalité et façon d’être au monde, sa sentence est à la source de ce que Michaux appelle l’espace du dedans. / The fragment as injury, as the fractured form which in the fissures of the very language it incarnates, gestures at the unutterable, is at the center of this research-creation thesis project. In the novel Aurores étripées, the fragment-form serves to probe the imaginary aspect of postmemory. The protagonist’s course is beset by both collective and individual grief ; her existential anguish is intimately, inextricably linked to Pinochet’s dictatorship. Stories of torture, collaboration, as well as those of combat and solidarity in the face of horror, all haunt the narrator. The female voices of her family, above all that of Carmen, a former member of the resistance, help the protagonist traverse the silence that threatens to engulf her. The essay Henri Michaux ou l’incapacité prodigieuse explores the various forms which existential malaise comes to inhabit in the work of the poet, most notably in La nuit remue. One notes that in Michaux’s work the anguish of living is unutterable, and in that very fact is also nonfigurable : both elusive and paradoxical, it is incapable of adopting a determinate form, however, in a universe characterized by change and metamorphosis, it is the only constant, and one may well think, the only essence. At once fate and the way of being in the world, its determination is the source of what Michaux terms the space within.

El significado y la transformación de las máscaras y los trajes de la Diablada de Puno

Zhou, Xueqing 22 March 2019 (has links)
El objetivo de la investigación fue descubrir el significado y la transformación que tienen las máscaras y los trajes de La Diablada de Puno para sus artesanos, danzantes y pobladores. Para esto se emplearon técnicas etnográficas como asistir a la Octava de la Fiesta de la Candelaria de Puno (2018), a los talleres de Puno que confeccionan máscaras y trajes, y a un espectáculo de la Asociación Cultural Brisas del Titicaca. Del mismo modo, se entrevistó a danzantes, artesanos, pobladores y especialistas puneños en el tema. Además, se empleó el método visual para registrar y recopilar fotografías y videos de las máscaras y los trajes de esta danza y complementar el análisis realizado. Los resultados de la presente investigación mostraron que desde la perspectiva de la población estudiada, los personajes de La Diablada representan el bien y el mal (ángel y diablo); en cuanto a las máscaras, estas representan diversos elementos de la cosmovisión andina y la religión católica; y con respecto a los trajes, los elementos que los componen también tienen significados religiosos, y una gran influencia de la cultura oriental y la cultura Tiahuanaco. Finalmente, en cuanto a las transformaciones de las máscaras y los trajes, las principales variaciones han sido el cambio de materiales y el aumento de detalles y adornos; sin embargo, los entrevistados no reportan que se haya generado un cambio de significados en las máscaras y los trajes de la danza. En conclusión, el estudio muestra que la autenticidad de la tradición es una invención de discursos que varían y se construyen a lo largo del tiempo. / The objective of the research was to discover the meaning and transformation of the masks and costumes of the Puno’s Diablada for its artisans, dancers and residents. For this, ethnographic techniques were used, such as: attending the Octave of the Candelaria Festival of Puno (2018), the Puno’s workshops where make masks and costumes, and a show held by the Brisas del Titicaca Cultural Association. In the same way, it interviewed to Puno’s dancers, artisans, residents and specialists in the subject. In addition, the visual method was used to record and compile photographs and videos of the masks and costumes of this dance and complement the analysis made. The results of the present investigation showed that, from the perspective of the population studied, the characters of La Diablada represent the good and the evil (Angel and Devil); as for the masks, they represent different elements of the Andean cosmovision and the Catholic religion; and with respect to the costumes, the elements that compose them also have religious meanings, and a great influence of the oriental culture and the Tiahuanaco culture. Finally, regarding the transformations of the masks and costumes, the main variations have been, the change of materials and the increase of details and ornaments; however, the interviewees do not report that it has generated a change of meanings in the masks and costumes of the dance. In conclusion, the study shows that the authenticity of tradition is an invention of discourses that vary and are built over time.


JOSE LUIZ MORAES FERNANDES 19 April 2022 (has links)
[pt] O problema do mal é algo que, infelizmente, está presente na história da humanidade e que afeta o ser humano, independente de sua crença, religião ou cultura. Aliado a isso, podemos considerar o mal como a ferida aberta da teologia e a rocha do ateísmo. No entanto, apesar de sua imbatível presença, esse problema precisa ser combatido através de uma práxis cristã responsável, coerente e obstinada. Dito isto, esta pesquisa, através de uma revisão bibliográfica, tem por objetivo propor uma reflexão coerente e relevante sobre o problema do mal e a presença de um Deus amoroso e bondoso. Sendo assim, para concatenar esses dois fatos, que aparentemente parecem contraditórios, recorreremos à teologia do teólogo alemão Jürgen Moltmann como uma proposta de resistência diante do problema do mal. Para isso, iniciaremos esta pesquisa refletindo sobre o problema do mal numa perspectiva filosófica e teológica cristã, já que o ser humano sempre buscou uma solução racional e/ou teológica para esse problema. Em seguida, nos perguntaremos sobre o lugar de Deus no sofrimento, apresentando a teologia moltmanniana a partir teobiografia do nosso autor, passando pelas teologias da esperança e da cruz, chegando ao exercício da justiça de Deus. Depois dessa etapa, chegaremos a pergunta sobre o lugar do ser humano diante do mal e como ele deve agir na sociedade a partir da teologia moltmanniana. Assim, esperamos que essa reflexão produza um sentimento de inconformidade, resistência e denúncia do ser humano em relação à quantidade de mal e sofrimento experimentados pela sociedade. / [en] The problem of evil is something that, unfortunately, is present in the history of humanity and that affects human beings, regardless of their belief, religion or culture. Allied to this, we can consider evil as the open wound of theology and the rock of atheism. However, despite its unbeatable presence, this problem needs to be tackled through responsible, coherent and obstinate Christian praxis. That said, this research, through a literature review, aims to propose a coherent and relevant reflection on the problem of evil and the presence of a loving and kind God. Therefore, to concatenate these two facts, which apparently seem contradictory, we will resort to the theology of the German theologian Jürgen Moltmann as a proposal of resistance in the face of the problem of evil. For this, we will start this research reflecting on the problem of evil in a Christian philosophical and theological perspective, since the human being has always sought a rational and/or theological solution to this problem. Next, we will ask ourselves about the place of God in suffering, presenting the Moltmannian theology from the theobiography of our author, passing through the theologies of hope and the cross, arriving at the exercise of God s justice. After this stage, we will come to the question about the place of human beings in the face of evil and how they should act in society based on Moltmannian theology. Thus, we hope that this reflection produces a feeling of nonconformity, resistance and denunciation of the human being in relation to the amount of evil and suffering experienced by society.


ANA CRISTINA BARTOLO 09 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] A tese tem como objeto os cursos ministrados por Roland Barthes no Collège de France (1977-1980) tomando como guia a enunciação barthesiana, explicitada no título desta pesquisa, de que estes cursos são por ele experimentados como um caminho associado à palavra chinesa Tao (cf. Barthes: protocolo da colheita). Esta concepção de caminho se oferece a Barthes como uma metodologia para a realização de uma nova prática de escritura que ele intitula como Romance. Na tese, a observação projetiva deste suposto método em operação é designada em termos de um mal-estar do método. Essa terminologia se justifica a partir de outra enunciação pessoal, esta proferida em Cerisy-la-Salle (1977), em que Barthes defende que a paixão do medo tenha o valor de método pois dela parte um caminho iniciático. Em outro eixo de desenvolvimento da pesquisa, há a simulação de uma poética do tempo que faz para corresponder a uma virada na naturalidade que Barthes designa como uma terceira volta do parafuso e que no curso A preparação do romance I está vinculada à prática do haicai. E, por fim, em um último eixo de abordagem, os cursos são trabalhados na perspectiva de um manual de escritura para destacar uma pedagogia suscitada pelo próprio texto barthesiano, ou ainda, pela singularidade de uma escrita que explicita seus procedimentos em um duplo registro: um dizer crítico-reflexivo associado a um mostrar poético-performativo. Nesse registro há uma reunião de considerações barthesianas relacionadas aos atos de abordar, anotar, apontar, burlar, captar, classificar, comentar, definir, descrever, escutar, fichar, flutuar, interpretar, observar etc. Barthes diz que um ponto de fuga do Curso seria a realização de um romance: passar da preparação para uma práxis de escritura. Mon Roland. Mon Roman. E, aqui, o retorno em espiral à problemática inicial do curso A preparação do romance I: como passar da anotação ao romance, do descontínuo ao fluxo, do fragmento ao não-fragmento. Ou ainda: como escrever um romance? / [en] This thesis analyzes the courses given by Roland Barthes at Collège de France (1977-1980), drawing on his utterance cited in the title of this work in which he claims to experience the courses as a way, alluding to the Chinese word Tao. Barthes draws on this conception of way as a methodology for undertaking a new practice of writing, which he calls the novel. In the thesis, the projective observation of this supposed method in operation is designated in terms of methodological malaise. This terminology is justified by another personal utterance, this one proffered in Cerisy-la-Salle (1977), in which Barthes argues that the passion of fear has methodological value, because it is from it that an initiating way begins. Elsewhere in this research there is the simulation of a poetic of time in the making to correspond to the natural turn that Barthes calls a third turn of the screw and which, in the course The preparation of the novel I, is associated with the haiku. And finally, in the last branch of the approach, the courses are observed from the perspective of a writing handbook to highlight a pedagogy brought about by Barthes text itself, or indeed by the singularity of a writing that explicates its procedures on two levels: reflexive and critical discourse alongside poetic and performative demonstration. In this register, Barthes considerations about the acts of approaching, noting, indicating, misleading, capturing, classifying, commenting, defining, describing, listening, listing, floating, interpreting, observing, etc. are combined. Barthes said that a vanishing point for the course was the writing of a novel: moving from the preparation to the praxis of writing. Mon Roland. Mon Roman. And here we spiral back to the initial inquiry of the course The Preparation of the Novel I: how to progress from notation to novel, from discontinuity to flow, from fragment to non-fragment. Or else: how to write a novel?

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