Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mock"" "subject:"mdc""
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Quantitative analysis of coordinated epithelial rotation on a two-dimensional discoidal pattern / 二次元円盤状パターンを用いた上皮細胞集団の回転運動についての定量解析LUO, Shuangyu 23 May 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第24822号 / 生博第502号 / 新制||生||67(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科統合生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 上村 匡, 教授 見学 美根子, 教授 鈴木 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-6: Posttranslational modifications and sorting in polarized MDCK cells / Insulin-ähnlicher Wachstumsfaktor Bindungsprotein 6: Posttranslationale Modifikationen und Sortierung in polarisierten MDCK ZellenShalamanova-Malinowski, Liliana Dimitrova 30 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Studium lékových interakcí inhibitoru HIV proteázy darunaviru na efluxních ABC transportérech in vitro / In vitro study of drug-drug interactions of HIV protease inhibitor darunavir on efflux ABC transportersBezděková, Dominika January 2021 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Dominika Bezděková Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: IN VITRO STUDY OF DRUG-DRUG INTERACTIONS OF HIV PROTEASE INHIBITOR DARUNAVIR ON EFFLUX ABC TRANSPORTERS Abstract: Darunavir is a drug used in the therapy of HIV belonging to the group of protease inhibitors. These protease inhibitors are used as a part of the combination antiretroviral therapy. For the increase of bioavailability, darunavir is always used in combination with ritonavir or cobicistat. As the CYP3A4 and ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein) transporter substrate, darunavir is a drug with a high potential to drug interactions. Considering the amount of adverse effects that can be caused by darunavir, it is necessary to know these drug interactions for the safety of therapy. Inhibition of the intestinal ABCB1 by the co-administrated drugs could also lead to the increased bioavailability of darunavir and to reduction of frequency of administration leading to a cheaper therapy. This thesis studies the drug-drug interactions of darunavir with in vitro methods using two cell lines - MDCKII and Caco-2 cells. The results from the transport of darunavir across the MDCKII cell monolayer indicates that darunavir is a ABCB1...
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Lipid transport by ABC proteins / studies on MDR1 P-Glycoprotein and Breast Cancer Resistance ProteinPohl, Antje Heide 19 July 2002 (has links)
In eukaryotischen Zellen sind die Lipidspezies häufig asymmetrisch zwischen den Hälften der Plasmamembran verteilt. Insbesondere Phosphatidylserin (PS) weist oft eine ausgeprägte transversale Asymmetrie auf, da es fast ausschliesslich auf die innere Hälfte der Plasmamembran beschränkt ist. In den letzten Jahren wurden mehrere Proteine diskutiert, die Lipide zwischen den Membranhälften transportieren und möglicherweise die transversale Lipidasymmetrie sowie damit verbundene Zelleigenschaften beeinflussen. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Promotion steht der Auswärtstransport fluoreszierender (C6-NBD-) Lipid-Analoga und endogener Lipide durch das Multidrug Resistance 1 P-Glycoprotein (MDR1 Pgp), das der ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) Transporter Superfamilie angehört. Interessanter Weise wird für MDR1 Pgp eine ungewöhnlich breite Substratspezifität angenommen. Das anionische Lipid PS war hier von besonderem Interesse, obgleich es in vorhergehenden Arbeiten nicht als MDR1 Pgp Substrat betrachtet wurde. Der Auswärtstransport von Phosphatidylcholin-, Phosphatidylethanolamin-, Glucosylceramid- und Sphingomyelin-Analoga durch MDR1 Pgp konnte in einer humanen Magenkarzinomlinie (EPG85-257), die MDR1 überexprimiert, mittels Fluoreszenzspektroskopie bestätigt werden. Zudem legt die verringerte Akkumulation von Diacylglycerol- und Ceramid-Analoga den Transport dieser Lipidspezies durch MDR1 Pgp nahe. Im Anschluß an die intrazelluläre Markierung mit C6-NBD-PS mittels eines neuen Verfahrens konnte der signifikant erhöhte Auswärtstransport dieses Analogons in MDR1 überexprimierenden Zellen durch Verwendung spezifischer Inhibitoren MDR1 Pgp zugeschrieben werden. In flusscytometrischen Versuchen war die Exponierung von endogenem PS auf der äusseren Membranhälfte von MDR1 überexprimierenden Zellen signifikant höher als in Kontrollzellen. Verringerung der PS-Exponierung durch einen Inhibitor von MDR1 Pgp deutet auf den Transport von endogenem PS durch MDR1 Pgp hin. Zusätzlich wurde hier der Transport von C6-NBD-PS in vier weiteren Zellinien mit verschiedener Spezies- und Gewebezugehörigkeit charakterisiert, die unterschiedliche Mengen an MDR1 Pgp synthetisieren. Wie Experimente in einer BCRP überexprimierenden EPG85-257-Sublinie nahelegen, ist ausser MDR1 Pgp möglicherweise ebenfalls der ABC Halb-Transporter Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) am Transport von C6-NBD-PS und an der verstärkten Exponierung von endogenem PS beteiligt. / In eukaryotic cells, the lipid species are frequently distributed asymmetrically between the plasma membrane leaflets. Phosphatidylserine (PS), in particular, often exhibits a distinct transverse asymmetry, being restricted almost exclusively to the inner leaflet. In the past years, several proteins were suggested to transport lipids between the leaflets of a membrane, and to potentially influence transverse lipid asymmetry and related cell properties. This thesis focuses on outward transport of fluorescent (C6-NBD-) lipid analogs and endogenous lipids by the Multidrug Resistance 1 P-Glycoprotein (MDR1 Pgp), a member of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily. Interestingly, MDR1 Pgp has been suggested to exhibit an unusually broad substrate specificity. Here, the anionic PS was of particular concern, although previously reported not to be an MDR1 Pgp substrate. In a human gastric carcinoma cell line (EPG85-257) overexpressing MDR1, outward transport of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, glucosylceramide and sphingomyelin analogs via MDR1 Pgp was confirmed using fluorescence spectroscopy. In addition, decreased accumulation of analogs of diacylglycerol and ceramide suggest MDR1 Pgp mediated transport of these lipid species. Upon intracellular labelling with C6-NBD-PS using a novel approach, significantly increased outward transport of this analog in MDR1 overexpressing cells could be attributed to MDR1 Pgp by employing specific inhibitors. In a flow cytometry setup, the exposure of endogenous PS on the outer plasma membrane leaflet was significantly elevated in MDR1 overexpressing cells compared to controls. Reduction of PS exposure by an MDR1 Pgp inhibitor suggests transport of endogenous PS by MDR1 Pgp. Transport of C6-NBD-PS was furthermore characterized here in four additional cell lines of different species and tissue origin with varying synthesis levels of MDR1 Pgp. Besides MDR1 Pgp, the ABC half-size transporter Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) is possibly also involved in transport of C6-NBD-PS and in increased exposure of endogenous PS, as found in a BCRP overexpressing EPG85-257 subline.
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Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Tight Junction-Proteins Claudin-3 in Epithel- und EndothelzellenMilatz, Susanne 16 February 2011 (has links)
Die Tight Junction (TJ) reguliert den parazellulären Transport von Ionen, Wasser und Soluten an Epithelien und Endothelien und ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Aufrechterhaltung der Funktion von Organen und Geweben. Obwohl Claudin-3 zu den zuerst identifizierten und ubiquitär exprimierten Komponenten der TJ gehört, konnte seine spezifische Funktion bislang nicht geklärt werden. Für die funktionelle Charakterisierung des humanen Claudin-3-Proteins wurden stabile Überexpressionsklone der lecken Nierenepithel-Zelllinie MDCK II generiert. Die Überexpression von Claudin-3 führte zu einer deutlichen Änderung des TJ-Strangmusters sowie zu einer starken Zunahme des transepithelialen Widerstandes und einer verminderten Permeabilität für Ionen und Moleküle der Größe 332 Da und 4000 Da. Der parazelluläre Durchtritt von Wasser war unverändert. Claudin-3 konnte eindeutig als abdichtende Komponente der TJ identifiziert werden. Anhand des endothelialen Zellkulturmodells HUVEC wurden Expression und Regulation von Claudin-3 und anderen TJ-Proteinen unter dem Einfluss mechanischer Strömungsverhältnisse und des Sauerstoffpartialdrucks analysiert. Die Behandlung mit fehlender Wandschubspannung führte zur Hochregulation der abdichtenden TJ-Proteine Occludin, Claudin-3, Claudin-5 und Claudin-11, nicht aber Claudin-23. Die Regulation der einzelnen TJ-Komponenten wurde durch unterschiedliche Signalwege vermittelt, wobei der verstärkten Proteinexpression jeweils eine Hochregulation auf mRNA-Ebene zugrunde lag. Die kombinierte Behandlung mit fehlender Wandschubspannung und Hypoxie resultierte in einer sehr stark erhöhten Expression von Claudin-3. Durch die Hochregulation abdichtender TJ-Komponenten unter Bedingungen fehlender Wandschubspannung und Hypoxie, wie sie in verschiedenen physiologischen und pathologischen Situationen auftreten, könnte einem unerwünschten Durchtritt von Substanzen aus dem Blut in das umliegende Gewebe vorgebeugt werden. / The tight junction (TJ) regulates the paracellular transport of ions, water and solutes in epithelia and endothelia and is of particular importance for a correct function of organs and tissues. Although claudin-3 is one of the first identified and ubiquitously expressed TJ components, its specific function was unsolved as yet. For functional characterization, human claudin-3 was stably overexpressed in the leaky epithelial cell line MDCK II. Overexpression of claudin-3 led to a marked alteration of TJ meshwork pattern, a strong increase in transepithelial resistance and a decrease in permeability for ions and paracellular tracers (332 or 4000 Da). Paracellular water transport was not affected. It was proved that claudin-3 acts as a „tightening“ TJ component. The endothelial cell culture model HUVEC was used for analysis of expression and regulation of claudin-3 and several other TJ proteins under different conditions of wall shear stress and oxygen saturation. Treatment with lacking wall shear stress led to an upregulation of the “tightening” TJ proteins occludin, claudin-3, claudin-5, and claudin-11, but not claudin-23. Upregulation of all proteins was due to increased mRNA levels. Apparently, different signaling pathways were involved in regulation of particular TJ components. Combined treatment with lacking shear stress and hypoxia resulted in drastically increased claudin-3 expression. Upregulation of tightening TJ components under lacking shear stress and hypoxic conditions as occuring in different physiological or pathological situations would limit the passage of solutes from the blood into the surrounding tissue.
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Mise en place d’un nouveau test de perméabilité membranaire à l’aide de la glycoprotéine-P reconstituée dans des protéoliposomesFlandrin, Aurore 08 1900 (has links)
Les membranes cellulaires jouent un rôle important dans l’absorption des médicaments et la distribution de ceux-ci dans le corps humain. Elles contiennent différents transporteurs membranaires qui sont responsables des profils pharmacocinétiques, d’innocuité et d’efficacité des xénobiotiques. Lors du développement d’un médicament, il s’avère donc indispensable, de prédire l’interaction des nouveaux composés avec les transporteurs présents dans l’organisme. Le but du projet de recherche est de créer un nouvel outil pour étudier le comportement de la glycoprotéine-P (P-gp), un transporteur membranaire responsable du rejet de nombreux composés, sur différents médicaments. Pour cela, un modèle non cellulaire est développé en utilisant des protéoliposomes : des liposomes dans lesquels des transporteurs sont incorporés.
La méthodologie consiste tout d’abord à produire, extraire et purifier la protéine d’intérêt à partir de deux systèmes d’expression : MDCK-MDR1 (cellules de chien transfectées avec le gène humain MDR1) et Pichia pastoris (levures) fin de déterminer les avantages et les limites de ces deux types cellulaires. Différentes méthodes de reconstitution dans des protéoliposomes ont ensuite été testées avec la P-gp obtenue. Puis, l’activité ATPasique de la P-gp reconstituée a été évaluée en présence de différents substrats.
Les protocoles de culture cellulaire, d’extraction et de purification des deux systèmes d’expression ont été implémentés avec succès au sein du laboratoire. Les résultats montrent que les rendements obtenus sont supérieurs avec les levures qu’avec les cellules de mammifère. En outre, Pichia pastoris offre les avantages d’être facile et rapide à cultiver et peu couteux. Les premiers résultats d’activité ATPasique obtenus avec la P-gp reconstituée en protéoliposomes étaient prometteurs mais n’ont pas été reproduits en raison de la dégradation de la protéine membranaire. Les prochaines études du projet porteront sur un autre transporteur membranaire de la famille ABC, BCRP, une protéine de plus petite taille qui devrait montrer une plus grande stabilité pour mener à bien les tests. / Cellular membranes play an important role in the absorption and distribution of drugs in the human body. They contain different membrane transporters, which are responsible for the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs, as well as the safety and efficiency of their diffusion. When developing a new drug, it is thus of utmost importance to study the way that it will interact with the transporters present within the body. The aim of this study was to evaluate a new tool for measuring permeability in order to understand the function and mecanisms of P-glycoprotein (P-gp). P-gp is a transporter that is responsible for the rejection of many different compounds found in various drugs. This study thus seeks to use proteoliposomes to develop non-cellular models of membrane permeability including efflux and uptake transporters. This novel model of permeability will be utilized to study the underlying mechanisms of membrane permeability to xenobiotics.
The human P-gp was produced, extracted and purified using two different expression systems: MDCK-MDR1 cells (Madin-Darby canine kidney cells transfected with the human MDR1 gene) and Pichia pastoris. Both expression systems were studied in order to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each system. We then tested different methods of reconstituting the P-gp into protéoliposomes. Finally, we measured the level of ATPase activity using different substrates.
The protocols of cell culture, extraction and purification of both expression systems were accomplished in a laboratory during this study. These results demonstrated that expressing P-gp using yeast was more effective than that of mammalian cells. Furthermore, working with Pichia pastoris offers multiple advantages: expressing P-gp was easier, faster and cheaper than working with mammalian cells. The first measurements of ATPase activity using reconstituted P-gp proteoliposomes were promising, however they proved difficult to reproduce due to the possible degradation of the membrane protein.Further studies in this project will look to evaluate another ABC membrane transporter, BCRP. This smaller protein should prove to be more stable than P-gp, facilitating experimentation.
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Ruthenium Oxide Based Combined Electrodes as Nitric Oxide (NO) Sensors: Towards Measuring NO in Cystic Fibrosis Cell Line ModelsTiyash, Bose 13 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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A Novel Therapeutic Approach To Regulate CAREx8 Protein Expression Through E6-Conjugated Cell Penetrating PeptidesCompaleo, Jared D. 02 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of Sensitive In Vitro Assays to Assess the Ocular Toxicity Potential of Chemicals and Ophthalmic ProductsMcCanna, David January 2009 (has links)
The utilization of in vitro tests with a tiered testing strategy for detection of mild ocular irritants can reduce the use of animals for testing, provide mechanistic data on toxic effects, and reduce the uncertainty associated with dose selection for clinical trials. The first section of this thesis describes how in vitro methods can be used to improve the prediction of the toxicity of chemicals and ophthalmic products. The proper utilization of in vitro methods can accurately predict toxic threshold levels and reduce animal use in product development. Sections two, three and four describe the development of new sensitive in vitro methods for predicting ocular toxicity. Maintaining the barrier function of the cornea is critical for the prevention of the penetration of infections microorganisms and irritating chemicals into the eye. Chapter 2 describes the development of a method for assessing the effects of chemicals on tight junctions using a human corneal epithelial and canine kidney epithelial cell line. In Chapter 3 a method that uses a primary organ culture for assessing single instillation and multiple instillation toxic effects is described. The ScanTox system was shown to be an ideal system to monitor the toxic effects over time as multiple readings can be taken of treated bovine lenses using the nondestructive method of assessing for the lens optical quality. Confirmations of toxic effects were made with the utilization of the viability dye alamarBlue. Chapter 4 describes the development of sensitive in vitro assays for detecting ocular toxicity by measuring the effects of chemicals on the mitochondrial integrity of bovine cornea, bovine lens epithelium and corneal epithelial cells, using fluorescent dyes.
The goal of this research was to develop an in vitro test battery that can be used to accurately predict the ocular toxicity of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations. By comparing the toxicity seen in vivo animals and humans with the toxicity response in these new in vitro methods, it was demonstrated that these in vitro methods can be utilized in a tiered testing strategy in the development of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations.
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Development of Sensitive In Vitro Assays to Assess the Ocular Toxicity Potential of Chemicals and Ophthalmic ProductsMcCanna, David January 2009 (has links)
The utilization of in vitro tests with a tiered testing strategy for detection of mild ocular irritants can reduce the use of animals for testing, provide mechanistic data on toxic effects, and reduce the uncertainty associated with dose selection for clinical trials. The first section of this thesis describes how in vitro methods can be used to improve the prediction of the toxicity of chemicals and ophthalmic products. The proper utilization of in vitro methods can accurately predict toxic threshold levels and reduce animal use in product development. Sections two, three and four describe the development of new sensitive in vitro methods for predicting ocular toxicity. Maintaining the barrier function of the cornea is critical for the prevention of the penetration of infections microorganisms and irritating chemicals into the eye. Chapter 2 describes the development of a method for assessing the effects of chemicals on tight junctions using a human corneal epithelial and canine kidney epithelial cell line. In Chapter 3 a method that uses a primary organ culture for assessing single instillation and multiple instillation toxic effects is described. The ScanTox system was shown to be an ideal system to monitor the toxic effects over time as multiple readings can be taken of treated bovine lenses using the nondestructive method of assessing for the lens optical quality. Confirmations of toxic effects were made with the utilization of the viability dye alamarBlue. Chapter 4 describes the development of sensitive in vitro assays for detecting ocular toxicity by measuring the effects of chemicals on the mitochondrial integrity of bovine cornea, bovine lens epithelium and corneal epithelial cells, using fluorescent dyes.
The goal of this research was to develop an in vitro test battery that can be used to accurately predict the ocular toxicity of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations. By comparing the toxicity seen in vivo animals and humans with the toxicity response in these new in vitro methods, it was demonstrated that these in vitro methods can be utilized in a tiered testing strategy in the development of new chemicals and ophthalmic formulations.
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