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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mali-tarisation of the Swedish 'peace-nation' narrative? : A narrative analysis of Swedish peacekeeping in the peace support operation in Mali

Peldán Carlsson, Moa January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, I explore everyday militarisation in UN peace operations by studying how Sweden's s 'peace nation' narrative is possibly militarised by participating in the robust peacekeeping operation in Mali. The aim is to increase understanding around how militarisation occurs in modern peace operations, domains that are meant to be peaceful but are becoming increasingly war-like. The Swedish narrative is generated through interviews with Swedish peacekeepers that have previously been deployed to Mali and through readings of the Swedish Armed Forces blog Malibloggen. The material is analysed through a narrative analysis inspired by Mieke Bal (2009). I find that the Swedish narrative is partly militarised during participation in the mission, as it can be argued that Sweden arranged its sense of belonging around military values and chose military modes of conflict resolution over civilian to some extent. The soldiers were also cognitively preparing for war and military measures were partially normalised. This result illustrates that when countries that regard themselves as 'peace nations' take part in militarised UN PSOs, their narrative can become militarised to some extent as they arrange their sense of belonging around values of war and military force. This, in turn, has implications for the spread of militarisation across the globe, potentially leading to a lower threshold of war.

Étude comparative de l’administration militaire de l’Italie et de la France au Fezzan libyen. : Un cas de modèle colonial en continuité (1930-1951) / Comparative study of the military administration of Italy and France in the Libyan Fezzan. : A case of colonial model in continuity (1930-1951)

Palmieri, Tommaso 30 March 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette recherche est celui d’analyser le développement structurel d’une présence coloniale courte, chronologiquement successive. À partir d’une étude d’histoire comparée, on entend décrire le processus d’installation, création et gouvernance d’une double administration coloniale européenne, celle de l’Italie fasciste et de la France, installée au Fezzan, région du désert sud-occidental libyen. Nous montrons d’abord, dans une perspective de longue durée, comment l’urgence de contrôler les espaces amples du Sahara libyen détermine, du côté des Empires, la nécessité stratégique de créer une macro-région coloniale, à gérer uniquement par l’élément militaire. Le noyau central de la thèse analyse la manière dont les structures de ces administrations ont été conçues et mises en place par les militaires européens, ainsi que leur impact réel sur le tissu social de la région. Enfin, en guise de conclusion, nous évoquons les éléments de rupture et de continuité parmi les deux expériences, et les conséquences de l’action des administrations coloniales en termes de construction idéntitaire de la Libye indépendante. / Desert Libya’s region of Fezzan presents an interesting case of a consecutive colonial military administration. A fascist italian period of ten years is followed by a french shortest-term direct administration of eight years. The research highlights the emergence to bridge an historical gap. In the framework of a comparative study, the main goal of the thesis is to investigate the development of the administrative changeover from fascist Italy to France in the region, illustrating the establishment of the double administration managed by soldiers of the two colonial powers, its impact toward the social regional structures and its elements of continuity and change. The period we take into consideration extends from 1930 to 1951, between the full realization of the italian colonization of Libya, through the so-called fascist “pacification”, and the transition process of the Independent Libyan State. This leads to explore a final understanding hypothesis, concerning the repercussion of this military continuum administration on the independence process of Libya. / Il presente studio analizza lo sviluppo strutturale di una breve presenza coloniale, temporalmente consecutiva. Nel quadro di una ricerca di storia comparata, l’obiettivo è quello di descrivere il processo di instaurazione, esecuzione e governance di una duplice amministrazione coloniale europea: quella dell’Italia fascista e della Francia nel Fezzan libico. Si tratta anzitutto di precisare in che modo le zone desertiche del Sud libico divengono, progressivamente, un oggetto di contesa strategica tra le potenze imperiali, tali da rendere necessaria l’urgenza del ricorso ad una gestione amministrativa a carattere esclusivamente militare. Il nucleo centrale dell’elaborato indaga sulla maniera in cui dette strutture amministrative sono state concepite e messe in pratica da parte dei rispettivi militari impegnati sul posto, e il loro effettivo impatto sul tessuto sociale regionale. Nelle conclusioni, si evocano gli elementi di continuità e discontinuità tra le due esperienze; inoltre, tenuto conto del periodo storico preso in considerazione, compreso tra la piena realizzazione del colonialismo italiano in Libia e l’avvio del processo di transizione che porta il Paese nord africano verso l’indipendenza, si analizzano le conseguenze della gestione amministrativa in termini di costruzione identitaria dello Stato postcoloniale.

L’âme des régiments : le corps des sous-officiers : promotion, recrutement et discipline dans les rangs de l’armée française (1872-1914) / Soul of the regiment : the non-commissionned officier corps : promotion, recruitment and discipline in the French Army (1872-1914)

Marly, Mathieu 12 December 2015 (has links)
De 1872 à 1914, l’armée française s’ouvre à un ensemble toujours plus grand de Français venus accomplir leur service militaire obligatoire. L’armée devient alors une « armée nationale » en ce sens qu’elle réunit la nation et l’institution militaire à travers l'imaginaire politique du « soldat-citoyen ». Au-delà des discours et des postures idéologiques entourant le thème de l’armée nationale, l’objectif de cette recherche est de comprendre comment l’institution militaire a été transformée par l’universalisation progressive du service et de saisir les effets éventuels de celui-ci dans la société française de la Belle Époque. L’approche méthodologique retenue est celle d’une socio-histoire de l’armée, réalisée à partir d’un groupe méconnu, celui des sous-officiers dont la position et le statut permettent d’explorer les mécanismes ordinaires de la promotion hiérarchique et de la discipline dans le rang. Cette approche permet de comprendre comment la défense d’une « spécificité militaire » a renforcé la domination symbolique des officiers sur la troupe. L’attention portée à l’avancement révèle également la progression, à tous les niveaux de la hiérarchie, du principe de la méritocratie scolaire qui transforme les rapports sociaux et hiérarchiques dans l’armée. Enfin, l’étude des « règles du jeu » disciplinaires par lesquelles les sous-officiers exercent leur contrôle sur la troupe permet de mieux cerner les raisons de l’obéissance militaire obtenue dans les casernes avant 1914. Ces dynamiques éclairent en définitive l’organisation d’une institution dont les critères de recrutement, de promotion et les techniques disciplinaires, élaborés en temps de paix, ne disparaissent pas dans les tranchées de la Première Guerre mondiale. / From 1872 to 1914, the French Army kept incorporating a growing number of young men who came to perform their military service. Thus, the Army became a « National Army » , associating the Nation and the military institution through the figure of the « citizen-soldier ». Beyond words and ideological postures, the point of this research is to comprehend how the military institution and the French society have been transformed by compulsory military service. To this end, a socio-historical approach focusing on non-commissioned officers, allows us to explore the features of hierarchical promotion and military discipline. This research reveals how the defense of the « military specifics» was a way of strengthening the symbolic domination of officers. A notice to military promotion also reveals the crucial part of meritocracy which transformed social and hierarchical relations in the French Army. Finally, the analysis of disciplinary rules give reasons for military obedience into the barracks. These elements enlighten how the criteria for recruitment, promotions and disciplinary procedures developed during peacetime did not disappear after 1914.

The cultural paradigms of British imperialism in the militarisation of Scotland and North America, c.1745-1775

Martin, Nicola January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examines militarisation in Scotland and North America from the Jacobite Uprising of 1745-46 to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War in 1775. Employing a biographical, case study approach, it investigates the cultural paradigms guiding the actions and understandings of British Army officers as they waged war, pacified hostile peoples, and attempted to assimilate 'other' population groups within the British Empire. In doing so, it demonstrates the impact of the Jacobite Uprising on British imperialism in North America and the role of militarisation in affecting the imperial attitudes of military officers during a transformative period of imperial expansion, areas underexplored in the current historiography. It argues that militarisation caused several paradigm shifts that fundamentally altered how officers viewed imperial populations and implemented empire in geographical fringes. Changes in attitude led to the development of a markedly different understanding of imperial loyalty and identity. Civilising savages became less important as officers moved away from the assimilation of 'other' populations towards their accommodation within the empire. Concurrently, the status of colonial settlers as Britons was contested due to their perceived disloyalty during and after the French and Indian War. 'Othering' colonial settlers, officers questioned the sustainability of an 'empire of negotiation' and began advocating for imperial reform, including closer regulation of the thirteen colonies. And, as the colonies appeared to edge closer to rebellion, those officers drew upon prior experiences in Scotland and North America to urge the military pacification of a hostile population group to ensure imperial security. Militarisation, therefore, provides important insights into how cultural imperialism was implemented in Scotland and how it was transferred and adapted to North America. Further, it demonstrates the longer-term interactions and understandings that influenced transformations in eighteenth-century imperial policy.

Presse sportive en Catalogne (1931-1951) / Sporting press in Catalonia (1931-1951)

Ndemengana, Jean Francis 15 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la question du rapport entre les conjonctures socio-politiques de l'Espagne de la première moitié du XXe siècle et le traitement ou la considération du ''fait sportif'' en Catalogne. Dans cette étude, le quotidien barcelonais El Mundo Deportivo (1906- à nos jours), constitue une source de recherche intéressante dans l'interprétation de la trajectoire de la pratique et de l'information sportive catalane, et sa relation avec le monde politique, de la Seconde République au franquisme, en passant par la Guerre civile. Ainsi, la période républicaine est marquée par un certain détachement du pouvoir politique vis-à-vis du fait sportif. Quant au régime totalitaire du Généralissime Francisco Franco, il suppose une mise sous tutelle de la presse et une centralisation de la direction de la vie sportive espagnole au début des années quarante. Cette analyse établit, notamment une corrélation entre le statut social de la femme espagnole, sa présence réelle dans la vie sportive, et le régime politique en vigueur dans le pays / This thesis is about the relation between the Spanish socio-political conjunctures in the first half of the twentieth century and the dealing with or the consideration of the "sporting fact" in Catalonia. In this study the barcelonan daily paper El Mundo Deportivo (1960 - till today), is an interesting source of research about interpreting the practice trajectory and the catalan sporting information, and its relation with the political world during the Second Republic to the francoism, through the civil war. Thus, the republican period is marked by a certain political power detachment from the sporting fact. As for the Generalissimo Francisco Franco totalitarian regime, it supposes the press to be under supervision and a centralization of the Spanish sporting activities management in the beginning of the 1940s. This analysis shows particularly a correlation between the social status of the Spanish woman, her real presence in sporting life, and the country political regime in force

Cinéma et expérience totalitaire : le laboratoire du genre du film de guerre dans l'Italie fasciste (1935-1943) / Cinema and the totalitarian experiment : the laboratory of the war film genre in Fascist Italy (1935-1943)

Courriol, Marie-France 10 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les films de guerre de fiction produits dans l’Italie fasciste de 1935 à 1943, de la Guerre d’Ethiopie à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle démontre que le genre de guerre fonctionne comme un laboratoire pour l’entreprise de révolution anthropologique de l’Italie, inhérente à l’expérience totalitaire fasciste. Ce modèle cinématographique et social est en effet célébré comme devant s’étendre à l’ensemble du monde cinématographique italien, et ses caractéristiques à l’écran sont censées fournir l’image d’une société fasciste idéale.Après avoir analysé la mise en place du film de guerre italien dans ses discours, ses institutions et ses circulations internationales, ce travail examine les réponses de la production cinématographique. Il se clôt sur la perception du genre de guerre, ses spectateurs, sa réception et sa publicité. Il montre que les films de guerre de la période forment un lieu où coexistent de nombreux objectifs servant des groupes variés. Reposant en grande partie sur des archives d’Etat et de cinéastes, ce travail se concentre sur des études de cas de producteurs (Scalera, Bassoli Film), de réalisateurs (Goffredo Alessandrini, Mario Camerini, Francesco De Robertis, Augusto Genina, Romolo Marcellini, Roberto Rossellini), de scénaristes (Asvero Gravelli, Gian Gaspare Napolitano) et de réception de films particuliers. Cette étude des réponses multiples aux demandes d’un système totalitaire en formation dans le champ cinématographique entend contribuer au débat historiographique sur l’adhésion populaire au fascisme, en en élargissant les paramètres. En outre, bien que le genre joue un rôle central dans le développement de l’industrie cinématographique nationale, ce travail démontre cependant la nécessité d’interpréter ces films en termes transnationaux et non comme simples produits politiques et nationaux. / This thesis analyses the fictional war films produced in Fascist Italy from 1935 to 1943, from the Ethiopian war to the end of WWII. It argues that this genre functioned as a laboratory for the anthropological renewal of Italy in the Fascist totalitarian experiment. Fascist critics celebrated it as a cinematic and social model that had to be applied to the whole Italian film world, and whose on-screen features were to become the mirror image of an ideal Fascist society. After tracing the foundations of the Italian war film genre (critical debates, international circulation), the thesis interrogates the positioning of film professionals in relation to Fascist cultural policies. Lastly, it redefines the genre in terms of its interactions with Italian viewers and through advertisement. This thesis shows that war films of the period constitute a contested site serving multiple purposes for multiple groups. Relying primarily on archival material from Italy’s state archives and filmmakers’ private papers, this work presents several case studies of producers (Scalera, Bassoli Film), directors (Goffredo Alessandrini, Mario Camerini, Francesco De Robertis Augusto Genina, Romolo Marcellini, Roberto Rossellini), screenwriters (Asvero Gravelli, Gian Gaspare Napolitano) and reception of specific films. A study of the multiple responses to the demands of an aspiring totalitarian system, both from the point of view of film consumption and filmmaking, contributes to the historiographical debate on Fascism by broadening the parameters of the longstanding debate on popular consent for the regime. In addition, this work demonstrates the need to interpret these films in a transnational perspective and not as mere political and national products.

The impact of militarisation, conflict and small arms & light weapons proliferation on women and children : a case study of the pastoralists of North East Africa

Riungu, Eunice Muthoni January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the impact of militarisation, conflict and Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) proliferation on women and children amongst the pastoralist communities of North East Africa. It explores the way pastoralists communities' lives have changed over the decades with the introduction of SALW to make cattle rustling a lethal pastime that involves all members of society but with implications for the vulnerable population caught between warring groups. The study delves into the variety of options facing them, such as the fact that the dangers posed by introduction of SALW in turn militarises the vulnerable population caught between being helpless bystanders or taking up arms to defend their herds or else perish from hunger when the remaining stock are stolen at gunpoint. After an introductory chapter examining thematic issues involved in the complex web knitted by militarisation, conflict, SALW proliferation, cattle rustling and pastoralist communities, the thesis examines circumstances surrounding the need to wage war on neighbours in cattle raids pitting pastoralist communities' against governments interested in the pursuit of politics that disfavour their interests. The following chapters examine various aspects of this complex militarisation/SALW proliferation/cattle rustling web placing it in the context of the subsequent implications for both the pastoralist communities' vulnerable population and the security of the entire region. It delves into ways the vulnerable population is impacted upon with a view to show that the side effects have far-reaching implications for the pastoralists and citizens of the states they belong to. We analyse existing efforts to combat proliferation and instruments aimed at protecting the vulnerable population in armed conflict with a view to ascertain their strengths and challenges. We finally examine possible ways out of the quagmire resulting from the marriage between SALW proliferation and cattle rustling and conclude by offering policy recommendations.

Repositioning the problematic gender formation of a generation of white South African men through performance art

Swanepoel, Andrew Peter 08 1900 (has links)
An overview of global statistics on violence, country to country and worldwide, indicates that men are the main perpetrators of violence in our societies. Furthermore, the behavioural traits of risk-taking and self-harm are also associated with men. It is my contention that the formative processes involved in gender identity are at the root of these dysfunctions. In an attempt to present a positive alternative, I focus on a group I name the X- Men: white South African Generation X males. Drawing on Judith Butler‟s theory of performativity and its allowance for agency and resistance, I argue that they are not necessarily trapped by how their gender identities were formed through Apartheid‟s gendered institutions. These included schools, sport and the military. I posit that within the institution of art, self-aware artists may present visual representations of resistance and transformation. Acknowledging art as signifying text, the X-Men situate signs differently in an effort to accomplish a social and intersubjective raising-of-awareness. Additionally, this new identity and its associated positive performance have the potential to undermine certain stereotypical perceptions harboured by the broader society as a result of problematic behaviour associated with men. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.V.A.

Les projets politiques et les fondements historiques de la communauté chiite au Bahreïn depuis l’indépendance 1971 / The political projects and the historical foundations of Shi’a in Bahrain since independence in 1971

Al shaikh, Aayat 12 May 2018 (has links)
Le chiisme au Bahreïn est un phénomène sociopolitique complexe. A l’époque contemporaine, les projets politiques chiites transnationaux et nationaux ont connu une nouvel ascension. Les analyses politiques et médiatiques dominants réduisent souvent le chiisme dans le champ sociopolitique bahreïni aux projets politiques dominants en Iran, en Iraq, et au Liban, qui projettent le renforcement de leur pouvoir religieux et politique. Or, les chiites de Bahreïn sont souvent assimilés à des adeptes des politiques menées par les clercs influents outre le pays insulaire. Ils sont considérés comme des instruments de l’hégémonie des acteurs chiites. Ces grilles de lecture ne représentent qu’une approche réductrice et partielle du champ chiite. Certes, le chiisme bahreïni est influencé par les acteurs et les politiques régionales et transnationales, mais l’analyse de ses fondements et de son évolution démontre qu’il est spécifique à son contexte local. Le champ chiite local est façonné par des interactions sociopolitiques diverses, tels que des processus de socialisation politique, la transnationalisation, la pratique des rites particuliers, l’organisation des institutions, les relations avec l’Etat, etc. A l’époque contemporaine, les acteurs chiites bahreïnis sont influencés par des théories et des projets qui émanent de la sphère transnationale, cependant ils développent des projets sociopolitiques distincts. Dans ce contexte spécifique du Bahreïn, l’Etat même dominant, ne peut pas contrôler ses acteurs et leurs projets sociopolitiques, qu’ils soient transnationaux ou nationaux. / Shiism in Bahrain is a complicated socio-political phenomenon. The contemporary era is marked by a new rise of national and transnational shi’a political projects. Dominant political and media analysis consider shi’ism in the Bahraini context as a simplest extension of dominant political projects in Iran, Iraq, and in Lebanon.However, Bahraini shi’a are frequently assimilated to unconditional followers of influential non-Bahrainis clerics and their politics. In that framework, shi’a in Bahrain are considered as instruments of the shi’a actors’ hegemony. Those methods of interpretation appear superficial.Certainly, as we noted above, regional and transnational actors and politics affect the shiism in Bahrain, but the examination of its basis and its evolution demonstrate that it’s specific to the local schema. Various socio-political interactions shapes the local political sphere; such as political socialization processes,transnationalization, rites’ practicing, institutions’ organization's, relations avec the State, etc. In the contemporary period Bahrainis shi’a actors are indeed influenced by the theories and the projects stems from the transnational sphere, however, they develops their own and distinct socio-political projects. In this specific context, the State, even dominant, control neither these actors, nor their projects whether they are transnational or nationals.

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