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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrering av miljöaspekter i detaljplanering : att uppnå integration för att säkra en hållbar utveckling

Oscarsson, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
Miljöhänsyn i detaljplanering tillämpas antingen via den ordinarie planprocessen eller via miljöbedömningar enligt Miljöbalken. Denna uppsats har ämnat att undersöka hur de två olika metoderna för miljöhänsyn i detaljplanering tillämpas och vilken påverkan de respektive metoderna  i sin tur har på den fysiska planeringen och det politiska målet om en hållbar utveckling. Uppsatsen grundar sig i utgångspunkten att en integration av miljöaspekter i planeringen är ett önskvärt tillstånd och att miljöbedömningar och annan miljöhänsyn innebär en integrering av miljöaspekter som markerar vägen mot integration. Diskussionen bygger på stridigheter mellan två paradigm - miljövård och planering, prioriteringar och samspel mellan de båda i strävan mot gemensamma övergripande mål.     Uppsatsen visar på ett behov av utvecklat samspel mellan översiktlig planering och detaljplanering, samt mellan ekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska aspekter. Även ett behov av mer aktivt hänsynstagande till miljön vid detaljplanering uppdagas. Hur detta ska ske är för vidare forskning att söka svar på. / Environmental consideration within the boundaries of Swedish detailed planning is taken either through the standard planning process or Strategic Environmental Assessments as they are described by Swedish law. This paper means to examine how the two different methods of environmental consideration are put to practice and in turn what affect the specific methods have on the spatial planning and the political goal of a sustainable development. The basis for this paper is that an integration of environmental consideration is a desired state, whilst Strategic Environmental Assessments and other forms of environmental consideration are integrating aspects; the road towards integration. The two paradigms, environmental protection and planning, marks the frame for the discussion; priorities and interaction between the two in the strive towards common comprehensive goals.    The paper points towards a need of a developed interaction between comprehensive planning and detailed planning, a developed interaction between ecological, social and economical aspects of a sustainable development and a more active consideration towards the environment in detailed planning. How this is supposed to come about is for further research to explore.

Quality Assurance in the Review Process of the Swedish EIA System / Kvalitetssäkring av granskningsprocessen i det svenska MKB-systemet

Mällberg, Camilla January 2015 (has links)
By 2050, the world population is projected to exceed nine billion and sustainable development measures are therefore critical. There has been a clear consensus internationally regarding the importance of assessing projects’ environmental impacts as a mean to promote sustainable development. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) system has a fundamental role of being a tool for reaching sustainable development. Therefore, continuously enhancing its quality by evaluating the system is important. This study focused on the quality of the review process in the Swedish EIA system, as it is the last step of quality assurance before the final decision-making. Currently, various authorities are responsible for assessing the quality of the environmental impact statement (EIS), something that can naturally lead to varied review qualities. The purpose of this Master Thesis was to question the quality of the current review process in Sweden’s EIA system and raise awareness as to how it possibly can be improved. An approach to promote consistency in the review process exists in the Dutch EIA system, where a national independent authority built up of experts is set to critically review EISs of complex proposed projects. Objectives of this study were to contribute with research on whether or not Sweden should implement an independent national commission to review the quality of EISs, to identify participants’ views and attitudes regarding the subject and to analyze whether or not it is favorable and possible to change the current system. A comparison with the Dutch review process along with eight semi-structured interviews were completed, and results showed that it is likely that the Swedish review process can improve by implementing a national independent review authority and thus increase the current quality and uniformity. The study also found that it would not lead to any major losses to the current system. By using a national authority, standardized working procedures can be developed and independence can be reached through utilizing impartial reviewers. However, feasible problems include funding regulations and having to modify Swedish EIA legislation. It is also estimated that a national commission would not have sufficient resources to review all incoming EISs, hence, restrictions are required. / År 2050 förväntas världens befolkning överstiga nio miljarder och det är mycket viktigt att vidta åtgärder mot en hållbar utveckling. Det har skett en tydlig internationell enighet om vikten av att bedöma projekts miljöpåverkan som ett medel för att främja en hållbar utveckling. Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningssystemet har en grundläggande roll som verktyg för att nå en hållbar utveckling. Därför är det viktigt att kontinuerligt förbättra dess kvalitet genom att utvärdera systemet. Denna studie fokuserar på kvaliteten av granskningsprocessen i det svenska MKB-systemet, eftersom det är det sista steget i kvalitetssäkringen innan det slutliga beslutsfattandet. För närvarande har olika myndigheter ansvaret för att bedöma kvaliteten på miljökonsekvensbeskrivningen (MKB), vilket naturligtvis kan leda till varierande kvalitet på handläggningen. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att ifrågasätta kvaliteten av den pågående granskningen i det svenska MKB-systemet och öka medvetenheten om hur det möjligen kan förbättras. En strategi för att främja likvärdighet i granskningen finns i det nederländska MKB-systemet, där en oberoende nationell myndighet uppbyggd av experter är satt till att kritiskt granska miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar av komplexa föreslagna projekt. Målet för denna studie var att bidra med forskning om huruvida Sverige bör införa en oberoende nationell kommission för att granska kvaliteten på miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar, att identifiera deltagarnas åsikter och attityder kring ämnet och att analysera om det är fördelaktigt och möjligt att modifiera det nuvarande systemet. En jämförelse med den nederländska granskningsprocessen tillsammans med åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes, och resultaten visade att det är troligt att den svenska granskningsprocessen kan förbättras genom att införa en nationell oberoende granskningsmyndighet och därmed öka den nuvarande standarden och enhetligheten. Studien visade också att det inte skulle leda till några större förluster av det nuvarande systemet. Genom att använda en nationell myndighet, kan standardiserade arbetsmetoder utvecklas och självständighet kan nås genom att utnyttja objektiva granskare. Möjliga problem är finansieringsbestämmelser och behovet av att ändra svensk miljölagstiftning. Det är också sannolikt att en nationell kommission inte skulle ha tillräckliga resurser för att granska alla inkommande miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar, i och med det krävs begränsningar.

Kartläggning av externa effekter vid etablering av storskaliga solcellsparker : En fallstudie av tre storskaliga solcellsparker

Fanous, Nicola, Lohsar, Iqra January 2022 (has links)
Det här är en stuide om externa effekter som kan uppstå vid etablering av solcellsparker och om hur sådana effekter kan påverka samhällsbeslut. Förnybara energikällor spelar en nyckeroll för att skapa en hållbar framtid, där storskaliga soclellsparker kan ses som ett hållbart alternativ till energikällor. Det finns en risk att Solcellsparker kan medföra globala och lokala negativa externa effekter och är därför intressant att studera. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod, där intervjuer med fya sakägare som har goda kunskaper och insikter om solcellsparker genomförts. Empiriskt material från fysisk planering, miljöbedömningar och andra pålitliga källor har använts för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Resultaten visar att anläggningen av en solcellspark kan leda till en så kallad green vs. green-konflikt, där det finns olika intressen och åsikter. Genom att jämföra tre befintliga solcellsparker har vi sett vilken roll externa effekter spelar i beslutsfattande när det gäller att anlägga en solcellspark och hur väsentliga samhällintressen, till exempel livsmedelsförsörjning, också kan påverka beslut om att anlägga solcellsparker. Resultaten visar också att lokaliseringsprinicipen spelar en stor roll, genom att påverka vilka externa effekter som kan uppstå lokalt på platsen. / This study examines the external effects that can arise from the establishment of solar parks and how these effects can influence societal decisions. Renewable energy sources play a key role in moving towards a sustainable future, where solar parks can be viewed as a sustainable energy source alternative. There is a risk that solar parks can lead to global and local negative externalitiets, which makes it very interesting to study. The study is based on a qualitative method, where interviews were conducted with four stakeholders, containing existing knowledge and insights about solar parks. Empirical materials were also utilized, which consisted of various materials from, environmental assessments, and other reliable sources, to answer our study questions. The results show that the establishment of solar parks can lead to a so called green vs. green- conflic, where there are contradicting interests and opinions. By comparing three existing solar parks, we were able tol understand what role external effects play in the decision making of establishing a solar park, and how public interests, such as food management can also influence this decision.  The results also show that the localization prinicple plays a huge role in influencing what external effects that might arise int that specific location.

Network Based Tools and Indicators for Landscape Ecological Assessments, Planning, and Design

Zetterberg, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Land use change constitutes a primary driving force in shaping social-ecological systems world wide, and its effects reach far beyond the directly impacted areas. Graph based landscape ecological tools have become established as a promising way to efficiently explore and analyze the complex, spatial systems dynamics of ecological networks in physical landscapes. However, little attention has been paid to making these approaches operational within ecological assessments, physical planning, and design. This thesis presents a network based, landscape-ecological tool that can be implemented for effective use by practitioners within physical planning and design, and ecological assessments related to these activities. The tool is based on an ecological profile system, a common generalized network model of the ecological infrastructure, graph theoretic metrics, and a spatially explicit, geographically defined representation, deployable in a GIS. Graph theoretic metrics and analysis techniques are able to capture the spatio-temporal dynamics of complex systems, and the generalized network model places the graph theoretic toolbox in a geographically defined landscape. This provides completely new insights for physical planning, and environmental assessment activities. The design of the model is based on the experience gained through seven real-world cases, commissioned by different governmental organizations within Stockholm County. A participatory approach was used in these case studies, involving stakeholders of different backgrounds, in which the tool proved to be flexible and effective in the communication and negotiation of indicators, targets, and impacts. In addition to successful impact predictions for alternative planning scenarios, the tool was able to highlight critical ecological structures within the landscape, both from a system-centric, and a site-centric perspective. In already being deployed and used in planning, assessments, inventories, and monitoring by several of the involved organizations, the tool has proved to effectively meet some of the challenges of application in a multidisciplinary landscape.</p>

Network Based Tools and Indicators for Landscape Ecological Assessments, Planning, and Design

Zetterberg, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
Land use change constitutes a primary driving force in shaping social-ecological systems world wide, and its effects reach far beyond the directly impacted areas. Graph based landscape ecological tools have become established as a promising way to efficiently explore and analyze the complex, spatial systems dynamics of ecological networks in physical landscapes. However, little attention has been paid to making these approaches operational within ecological assessments, physical planning, and design. This thesis presents a network based, landscape-ecological tool that can be implemented for effective use by practitioners within physical planning and design, and ecological assessments related to these activities. The tool is based on an ecological profile system, a common generalized network model of the ecological infrastructure, graph theoretic metrics, and a spatially explicit, geographically defined representation, deployable in a GIS. Graph theoretic metrics and analysis techniques are able to capture the spatio-temporal dynamics of complex systems, and the generalized network model places the graph theoretic toolbox in a geographically defined landscape. This provides completely new insights for physical planning, and environmental assessment activities. The design of the model is based on the experience gained through seven real-world cases, commissioned by different governmental organizations within Stockholm County. A participatory approach was used in these case studies, involving stakeholders of different backgrounds, in which the tool proved to be flexible and effective in the communication and negotiation of indicators, targets, and impacts. In addition to successful impact predictions for alternative planning scenarios, the tool was able to highlight critical ecological structures within the landscape, both from a system-centric, and a site-centric perspective. In already being deployed and used in planning, assessments, inventories, and monitoring by several of the involved organizations, the tool has proved to effectively meet some of the challenges of application in a multidisciplinary landscape.

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