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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O pior dos dois mundos? A construção legítima da punição de adolescentes no Superior Tribunal de Justiça / Are youth offenders getting the worst of both worlds? The legitimate construction of juvenile justice by the Superior Court of Justice

Eduardo Gutierrez Cornelius 08 August 2017 (has links)
O pior dos dois mundos traduz a hipótese de que atualmente adolescentes seriam tratados com a informalidade histórica associada à justiça juvenil, isto é, com poucas garantias processuais, ao mesmo tempo em que receberiam sanções mais duras, como é a atual tendência na justiça criminal adulta. Este trabalho investiga o que o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) decide em 53 casos paradigmáticos acerca dessas duas questões: proteção processual e controle penal de adolescentes. Verifica-se também como o tribunal decide em relação à gravidade dos casos, à possibilidade de privação de liberdade e à solução que o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) confere a cada caso. Igualmente, pesquisa-se como o tribunal justifica suas decisões. A partir de elementos da sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu, constrói-se a decisão judicial punitiva como ato de Estado, que detém o monopólio da violência física e simbólica legítima. Essa construção sublinha a importância de se observar que a decisão judicial não acarreta apenas a imposição física de um castigo, mas também contribui para a instituição das formas legítimas de se pensar sobre o fenômeno. Igualmente, utiliza-se a noção de vocabulários de motivos de Wright Mills, que permite pensar as justificativas dos magistrados não como explicações de por que agiram de determinada forma, nem como mera justificação para encobrir suas reais intenções, mas como construções linguísticas cujo uso se estabiliza em certas ações socialmente situadas, tornando-se, portanto, os vocabulários socialmente aceitos nessas situações. Assim, padrão decisório e padrão de justificação são estudados em conjunto, dada sua contribuição para a legitimação de práticas e de discursos sobre a punição no campo jurídico e no restante do espaço social. Para apreender o padrão decisório do tribunal, utiliza-se a qualitative comparative analysis, que permite a verificação da associação entre os atributos das decisões e seu resultado. Infere-se que o tribunal institui como legítimos dois modelos distintos de justiça juvenil. Nos casos graves, amplia o controle penal e a possibilidade de aplicação de internação e restringe a proteção processual (mesmo em contrariedade ao ECA). Nos leves, restringe o controle penal e a possibilidade de internação e amplia a proteção processual (mesmo em contrariedade ao ECA). Há ainda os casos que são indiferentes à gravidade, pois se aplicam tanto a situações graves como leves. Nestes o STJ impõe o controle penal previsto no ECA (não costuma contrariá-lo para ampliar ou restringir o controle) e restringe a proteção processual (mesmo em contrariedade ao ECA). A ampliação do controle penal é sustentada pela afirmação do caráter punitivo da sanção e pela importância de se tomarem decisões de acordo com a gravidade da situação e com o caso concreto. Já a informalidade do procedimento é sustentada a partir de uma aproximação à justiça penal adulta, e não pela afirmação da finalidade reabilitadora da intervenção, como ocorreu historicamente na justiça de jovens. A restrição do controle penal é sustentada pela afirmação de que o ato sob julgamento não é grave. Já a ampliação de proteção processual é justificada pela ideia de que o procedimento da justiça juvenil deve respeitar a Constituição. Outros vocabulários não foram associados de modo unívoco a um resultado, mas revelam que o STJ realiza uma justaposição de modelos ideais de justiça, cuja relação é aditiva: é legítimo punir e educar; afastar a lei adulta e aproximá-la, focalizar a gravidade do ato e as características pessoais do adolescente, proteger o jovem e a sociedade. Se por um lado esses vocabulários não são construídos como contraditórios, tampouco há um esforço em mostrar sua ligação. / According to the worst of both worlds hypothesis, youth offenders are being treated with the informality (and consequent lack of procedural protection) that has historically guided juvenile justice, while simultaneously being punished in a harsher fashion (especially with incarceration), as is the tendency in adult justice. This dissertation investigates how the Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) rules in 53 landmark cases regarding penal control and procedural protection in juvenile justice, and how the court motivates its rulings. Three other elements of the courts attitudes toward cases are considered: seriousness of offenses, use of incarceration and the literal solution the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent provides to each case. Employing elements of Pierre Bourdieus theory, punitive judicial decisions are construed as acts of state, which carry the monopoly of physical and symbolic violence. According to this perspective, criminal courts rulings not only impose suffering, but also communicate the legitimate ways of conceiving crime and its appropriate reactions to it. Also, this dissertation relies on Wright Mills concept of vocabularies of motive to construe judicial motivation theoretically. This concept avoids framing motives as real explanations for why courts decide and as mere rationalizations that covers courts real intentions. Instead, courts motivations are interpreted as linguistic constructions whose use become stable in certain social situations, hence becoming the legitimate motives accepted in such situations. An adaptation of qualitative comparative analysis is used to account for the SCJ decision-making pattern. In sum, the SCJ institutes two legitimate juvenile justice models. In serious cases, the SCJ expands penal control and the use of incarceration, and restricts procedural protection (even against statutory provisions). In non-serious cases, the SCJ restricts penal control and the use of incarceration, and expands procedural protection (even against statutory provisions). Some cases apply to all youths, regardless of the crime committed. In these cases, the SCJ shows an intermediary stance regarding penal control (it simply follows statutory positions), and restricts procedural protection (even against statutory provisions). As to its reasoning, the SCJ expands penal control on the following grounds: i. state response has a punitive character; ii. seriousness of the offense is an important criterion to make decisions in youth justice, iii. as is the need to make individualized decisions. Procedural protection restriction, on the other hand, is justified by an embracement of criminal justice principles, which contrasts with the historical tendency of the juvenile justice system that had rejected these same principles. Penal control restriction is justified by the idea that some acts are not serious. Procedural protection expansion is justified by the idea that juvenile justice procedures should follow Constitutional principles. Other vocabularies employed by the SCJ have not been clearly associated with specific outcomes. However, they reveal that the court promotes a juxtaposition of different ideal models of justice. According to the SCJ, it is legitimate both to punish and to rehabilitate, to accept adult criminal law rules and to reject them, to focus on cases seriousness and on offenders characteristics, to protect offenders and society. Though these pairs are not presented as contradictory, their connection is not made explicit.

Lernmotivation und volitionale Handlungssteuerung : eine Längsschnittsuntersuchung beim Statistik Lernen im Psychologiestudium / Learning motivation and volitional action regulation : a longitudinal study on learning elementary statistics

Engeser, Stefan Hermann January 2005 (has links)
Statistik Lernen im Rahmen des Psychologiestudiums wurde als Untersuchungsgegenstand zur empirischen Überprüfung der angenommenen Wirkung volitionaler Handlungsregulation herangezogen. Neben fähigkeitsbezogenen und motivationalen Faktoren sollten bei dieser von vielen Studierenden aversiv erlebten Tätigkeit die Aspekte der volitionalen Handlungsregulation entscheidend sein. Nur Personen, die sich trotz des aversiven Tätigkeitserlebens zum Statistik Lernen "zwingen" können, sollten erfolgreich sein. Auf dem Hintergrund des Prozessmodells der Lernmotivation wurden die angenommenen Wirkungen der volitionalen Faktoren denen der motivationalen Einflussgrößen zugeordnet und in einem längsschnittlichen Design an zwei aufeinander folgenden Wintersemestern an der Universität Potsdam und an der TU Berlin empirisch überprüft (N = 273).<br><br> Die Annahmen zu den fähigkeits- und motivationsrelevanten Faktoren des analyseleitenden Prozessmodells der Lernmotivation konnten weitgehend bestätigt werden. Die Personenmerkmale (fähigkeitsbezogene Merkmale, Leistungsmotiv und Commitment für das Psychologiestudium) bedingen zu einem wesentlichen Teil die Aspekte der aktuellen Motivation für das Statistik Lernen. Letztere wurde durch die Komponenten des Erweiterten Kognitiven Motivationsmodells (EKM) und anhand der Lernintentionen erfasst. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die aktuelle Motivation für das Statistik Lernen insgesamt günstig ausgeprägt ist. Die Aspekte der aktuellen Motivation beeinflussen wiederum Prozessvariablen wie den Lernaufwand, das emotionale Erleben und den Funktionszustand während des Lernens. Der Lernaufwand und das Flow-Erleben (als Indikator für den Funktionszustand) sowie deren Interaktion sagen die Klausurleistung am Ende des Semesters vorher (dies auch, wenn fähigkeitsbezogene Merkmale mit berücksichtigt werden). Vor dem Hintergrund des insgesamt theoriekonsistenten Gesamtbildes ergeben sich dennoch einige Abweichungen von den theoretischen Annahmen. Diese werden eingehend diskutiert. <br><br> Entgegen der zentralen Annahme, tragen die dem Prozessmodell der Lernmotivation zugeordneten volitionalen Faktoren insgesamt betrachtet kaum zu einem weitergehenden Verständnis des Lernprozesses bei. Die theoretischen Annahmen können weitgehend nicht bestätigt werden. So sagen die volitionalen Faktoren nicht, wie angenommen, bei hoher instrumenteller Handlungsveranlassung und gleichzeitig aversivem Tätigkeitserleben Prozessmerkmale des Lernens vorher. Ausführlich diskutiert wird, inwieweit dies auf falsche theoretische Annahmen oder auf eine mangelnde Operationalisierung und Auswertung zurück geht. Zusätzlich zum Prozessmodell der Lernmotivation wurden weitergehende Annahmen zur Wirkung des impliziten und expliziten Leistungsmotivs überprüft. Dabei zeigt sich erwartungsgemäß, dass sich das implizite Leistungsmotiv beim Statistik Lernen bei einer individuellen Bezugsnorm förderlich auswirkt. Die moderierende Wirkung der sozialen Bezugsnorm für das explizite Leistungsmotiv kann anhand der vorliegenden Daten nicht bestätigt werden. Für das implizite Leistungsmotiv zeigt sich über die Annahmen hinaus eine förderliche Wirkung auf die Klausurteilnahme. Für Personen mit einem hohen impliziten Leistungsmotiv findet sich eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, die Klausur mitzuschreiben. Dieser Befund macht den in der Leistungsmotivationsforschung gefundenen Zusammenhang zwischen Leistungsmotiv und Karriereerfolg "im Kleinen" verständlich. Theoretische Arbeiten legen nahe, dass die volitionale Handlungssteuerung nicht eine unabhängige, sondern eine zum Teil von dem Zusammenwirken der impliziten und expliziten Motivsysteme abhängige Größe darstellt. Für das Leistungsmotiv konnte dies bestätigt werden. So wirkt sich eine hohe Ausprägung des expliziten Leistungsmotivs dann positiv auf die volitionale Handlungssteuerung aus, wenn das implizite Leistungsmotiv hoch ausgeprägt ist. Die Ergebnisse bei den Machtmotivsystemen zeigen, dass nicht immer eine Übereinstimmung der Motive förderlich ist. Eine funktionale Perspektive scheint hier angemessen und weiterführend. Die Arbeit schließt mit der Frage, welche Motivkonstellationen im Sinne einer volitionalen Handlungssteuerung ideal sind. Dabei wird postuliert, dass das Wissen über implizite Vorlieben einer Person helfen sollte, für sie passende Situationen aktiv aufzusuchen oder herzustellen und dadurch eine volitionale Handlungssteuerung besser gelingt sowie diese Art der Steuerung weniger nötig macht. / Learning statistics as part of a psychology degree was empirically investigated in terms of the assumed effect of volitional action regulation. In addition to ability-related and motivational factors, the aspects of volitional action regulation should be decisive with this activity, which is experienced by many students as aversive. Only persons who, in spite of the aversive experience of the activity, can "force" themselves to learn statistics should be successful. Based on the process model of learning motivation, the assumed effects of the volitional factors were assigned to those of the motivational factors and in a longitudinal design were empirically examined over two consecutive winter semesters at the University of Potsdam and the Technical University of Berlin (N = 273).<br><br> The assumptions regarding the ability and motivation-relevant factors of the process model of learning motivation that formed the basis of the analysis were confirmed to a large degree. The personal characteristics (ability-related characteristics, achievement motive and commitment to the psychology degree) determine to a considerable extent the aspects of the current motivation to learn statistics. The latter was recorded through the components of the expanded cognitive model of motivation and with the help of the learning intentions. Through this it is apparent that the current motivation to learn statistics is, on the whole, favourably pronounced. The aspects of the current motivation in turn influence process variables such as the learning expenditure, the emotional experience and the functional state during learning. The learning expenditure and the flow experience (as an indicator for the functional state) as well as their interaction predict the exam performance at the end of the semester (even when ability-related features are also taken into consideration). However, although the overall picture is, on the whole, consistent with theory, some deviations from the theoretical assumptions do emerge. These are discussed in detail. <br><br> Contrary to the central assumption, seen as a whole the volitional factors assigned to the process model of learning motivation contribute very little to an in-depth understanding of the learning process. The theoretical assumptions cannot for the most part be confirmed. Thus the volitional factors do not, as assumed, with high instrumental reason for action and simultaneous aversive activity experience, predict process features of learning. It is discussed in detail to what extent this is attributable to false theoretical assumptions or to a lack of operationalisation and evaluation.<br><br> In addition to the process model of learning motivation, further assumptions on the effect of the implicit and explicit achievement motive were examined. In line with expectations it is apparent that the implicit achievement motive in learning statistics with an individual reference norm has a beneficial effect. The moderating effect of the social reference norm for the explicit achievement motive cannot be confirmed with the current data. Beyond the assumptions outlined, for the implicit achievement motive a beneficial effect on exam participation is apparent. For persons with a high implicit achievement motive there is a higher probability of taking part in the exam. This finding sheds a little light upon the correlation found between achievement motive and career success found in research on achievement motivation.<br><br> Theoretical works suggest that the volitional action control does not represent an independent dimension but rather one that in part depends on the concurrence of the implicit and explicit motive systems. This was indeed confirmed for the achievement motive. If the explicit and explicit achievement motives are both high, an especially positive effect on volitional action control can be found. Findings related to power motive systems show that a concurrence of the motives is not always beneficial. A functional perspective appears to be appropriate and conducive here. The work closes by asking which constellations of motives in the sense of a volitional action control are ideal. It is postulated that the knowledge about implicit preferences of a person should help in the active search for and production of appropriate situations for the individual in question, making a volitional action control more successful and this type of control less necessary.

Structure and Dynamics of AcrA, a Periplasmic Component of a Multidrug Efflux Pump

Ip, Hermia 18 February 2010 (has links)
AcrA is the periplasmic component of an efflux system AcrA-AcrB-TolC, which can expel different classes of antibiotics. AcrB is the inner membrane (IM) pump that utilizes proton-motive force for the active transport, TolC is the outer membrane (OM) channel, and AcrA coordinates the actions of AcrB and TolC, so that substrates are expelled across the two membranes, bypassing the periplasm. It has been proposed that AcrA either provides a static seamless link between AcrB and TolC, or acts like its analogous viral membrane fusion protein (MFP) and actively brings the IM and OM closer for substrate transfer. To better understand the role of AcrA in the efflux mechanism, site-directed spin labeling (SDSL)/EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy is used to investigate the structure and dynamics of AcrA in solution. My results demonstrated that AcrA is a dynamic protein that undergoes pH-dependent and reversible conformational changes. AcrA contains an interrupted alpha-helical, coiled-coil domain flanked by a pair of beta-stranded lipoyl motifs, and my SDSL/EPR analysis revealed that the pH-induced conformation change mainly involves the coiled-coil and the lipoyl domains. In addition, I found that each AcrA monomer folds into an intra-molecular hairpin and AcrA monomers oligomerize with their coiled-coil hairpins aligned in parallel. Unlike the pH-induced conformational rearrangement of a viral MFP, change in pH alters both intra- and inter-molecular interaction along the coiled-coil of AcrA without rearranging the hairpin fold. The organization of AcrA protomers and its pH-induced conformational switching are, however, congruent with the TolC coiled-coil hairpins in the iris-like opening of the TolC channel. Together, my studies suggest that rather than being a passive structural linkage between AcrB and TolC, AcrA plays an active role mediating the drug efflux. The reported AcrA dynamics provides new insights into the AcrA-TolC interactions for the channel opening during the efflux process.

Structure and Dynamics of AcrA, a Periplasmic Component of a Multidrug Efflux Pump

Ip, Hermia 18 February 2010 (has links)
AcrA is the periplasmic component of an efflux system AcrA-AcrB-TolC, which can expel different classes of antibiotics. AcrB is the inner membrane (IM) pump that utilizes proton-motive force for the active transport, TolC is the outer membrane (OM) channel, and AcrA coordinates the actions of AcrB and TolC, so that substrates are expelled across the two membranes, bypassing the periplasm. It has been proposed that AcrA either provides a static seamless link between AcrB and TolC, or acts like its analogous viral membrane fusion protein (MFP) and actively brings the IM and OM closer for substrate transfer. To better understand the role of AcrA in the efflux mechanism, site-directed spin labeling (SDSL)/EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy is used to investigate the structure and dynamics of AcrA in solution. My results demonstrated that AcrA is a dynamic protein that undergoes pH-dependent and reversible conformational changes. AcrA contains an interrupted alpha-helical, coiled-coil domain flanked by a pair of beta-stranded lipoyl motifs, and my SDSL/EPR analysis revealed that the pH-induced conformation change mainly involves the coiled-coil and the lipoyl domains. In addition, I found that each AcrA monomer folds into an intra-molecular hairpin and AcrA monomers oligomerize with their coiled-coil hairpins aligned in parallel. Unlike the pH-induced conformational rearrangement of a viral MFP, change in pH alters both intra- and inter-molecular interaction along the coiled-coil of AcrA without rearranging the hairpin fold. The organization of AcrA protomers and its pH-induced conformational switching are, however, congruent with the TolC coiled-coil hairpins in the iris-like opening of the TolC channel. Together, my studies suggest that rather than being a passive structural linkage between AcrB and TolC, AcrA plays an active role mediating the drug efflux. The reported AcrA dynamics provides new insights into the AcrA-TolC interactions for the channel opening during the efflux process.

Born Globals Internationalization and Competitive advantage - A Resource-based View perspective : The case study research of Swedish Born Globals to the roles of firm Resources in firm‟s establishment, internationalization and competitive advantage

Nguyen, Thi Tram Anh, Yodmunee, Sopawan January 2011 (has links)
The phenomenon of Born Globals in particular to the internationalization process has been highlighted by many scholars. The insufficient of the existing researches to the ability of Born Globals going international since their inceptions with limited resources encouraged us to study more in-depth. Resource-based View (RBV) and firm‟s competitive advantage are chosen as the theoretical framework. Three Swedish Born Globals were chosen as case studies, the data was collected by semi-structure and e-mail interviews which within-case and cross-case analysis were applied. The empirical data and analysis draws us to the conclusion that human resource especially entrepreneurs and network are the key firm resources that significantly contribute to Born Globals‟ establishment, internationalization and competitive advantage. However, the finding is highlighted that entrepreneur has a crucial role to both establishment and internationalization stages. Entrepreneur‟s personal network has high contribution when Born Globals is started up while firm‟s network plays more important role at the internationalization stage. By using network, Born Globals gain an easier way to find financial and operating resource. Moreover, entrepreneur‟s capability is the main key resource that creates competitiveness to Born Global firms. Future research suggestions and implications are discussed in the conclusion.

Analyses of Junior High School Students' Online Gaming Experiences and its Relationship with Self-concept, Life Adaptation and Well-being

Huang, Kai-Lin 06 July 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the junior high school students' online gaming experiences and its relationship with self-concept, life adaptation and well-being. The data was collected by means of questionnaires, and the participants were junior high school students in Kaohsiung area. The employed instruments were to reorganize questionnaires of other people. A questionnaire including basic data, scale of online game experiences, scale of online game participation motive, scale of self-concept, scale of life adaptation, and scale of well-being was implied to the studnets of 10 junior high schools in Kaohsiung area and 887 effecitve paritcipants were obtained. Finally, the data was analyzed with the methods of Chi-square test, Independent t-test, MANOVA, Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of this study were as following: 1. At present, 68.5% of junior high students participate in online games. Among them, most students choose to play free online games at home. 2. In the online gaming participation rate, player experiences, everyday average time of playing online games and participation motive, boys are significantly higher than girls. 3. Parents don¡¦t restrict children to play online games, and then children spend longer time playing online games and the motive in playing online games is stronger. 4. Compared with the non-experience, students who have online gaming experiences have poor ¡§family self¡¨, but have better ¡§physical self¡¨. 5. Compared with students of having online gaming experiences, students who don¡¦t have online gaming experience have better ¡§life adaptation¡¨. 6. ¡§Self-assurance¡¨ dimensions, ¡§social interaction¡¨ dimensions and ¡§recreation amusement ¡§ dimensions of the online gaming participation motive toward self-concept, life adaptation and well-being are low explanation. That shows other important factors need exploring. Finally, some practical suggestions based on the results of this study were provided to those related education organizations, teachers, parents, and researchers as the references in the future.

The effect of Uplink and Downlink relationship within Multi-level Marketing Sales

Tsai, Chin-Chang 10 November 2000 (has links)
Abstract In this research we focus on MLM companies in Taiwan area, interrelationship between each direct sales and how their own characteristics affect business. Our goal is to understand the uplink and downlink interrelationship in order to improve the their relationship in direct sales companies. This will promote the uplink to help downlink into fast development state and improve the business. As for MLM system, every direct sale does not have legal contract with MLM Company and every marketing unit act as an independent unit. On the other hand, every direct sales requires other units for support and makeup the whole MLM system. Therefore, the relationship between uplink and downlink is the base and strength element of MLM system. Researchers discover that direct sales joins in the MLM system is based on product requirement market more than open market or potential market. Therefore, all those direct sales need to take product requirement market into concern. If the product has large requirement market then it will be easier for the direct sales to expend their MLM system. For those people who did not join into direct sale their direct downlink will be their classmates and friends. In long term direct sales marketing, classmates and friends market are not enough, we need to walk out and open stranger market. In order to gain new market we need to continuously build up new relationship with all kind of people and only this will continuously expend the direct sales market. After direct sales join the MLM system, during the interaction with uplink it will go through initial state, enhance state, stable state and independent state four different states. Every single state will affect the relationship between uplink and downlink on how they build up, maintain and expend. During the direct sales time period we need to think of different tactics base on each state in order to achieve successful direct sales marketing. During each state when we are the uplink then we need to think how to lead the downlink into the whole system and make them become one of the whole system. In order to build up the long term relationship between direct sales and direct sales system is based on trust and mutually beneficial. In direct sales market the relationship between uplink and downlink makeup the base strength of the whole direct sales system. Therefore, enhance the relationship between the uplink and downlink is the key element in successful direct sales market. When direct sales are leading all the downlink they need to use admiration and inspirer as enhance elements. Let downlink learn, grow and independent and lead into road of success. Direct sales market mainly focus on ¡§duplicate¡¨. Therefore, uplinks pass all kind of successful ideas into downlinks and build up the strength base on the interaction between uplinks and downlinks. This is the truth strength behind the MLM.

An Investigation of the Donation Willingness of the Donators of the Non-Profit Organizations: A Comparison Between Religious and Non-religious Organizations

Hsin, Jia-chen 22 June 2009 (has links)
Because of the diversity of the society,the contents of the service and production provided by the public department (Government) and the private department (Business) can not fit the present and future needs. Based on the failures of the functions of the society and the government,NPO or NGO is flourishing to make up for the insufficiency of the two departments. There is a vigorous development of NPOs in Taiwan since 921 earthquake,and the numbers of NPOs rise steeply.As to NPOs,it is very critical to understand the donation willingness of the donators on the situation of limited society resources and private donations. The goals of the research are to discuss the donation willingness of the donators of the NPOs including the personalities, motives, religious beliefs of the donators,the fame of NPOs,the extent of expositions of information and the usage of the donation.And then probe the causes of the donation willingness of the donators. The goals of the rsearch are as following: 1.To probe the recognition of the NPOs managers,volunteers and donators to influence the donation willingness of the donators in Kaohsiung district. 2.To analyze the factors that influence the donators of the NPOs in Kaohsiung district. 3.To provide the suggestions to the managers of the NPOs in Kaohsiung district.

Implicit personality and leadership in stressful and dangerous situations: a first step

Smith, Daniel R. 05 April 2012 (has links)
Leadership in stressful and dangerous situations is vitally important in terms of lives, property, and national strategic objectives. But our understanding of effective leadership in these and other contexts is limited. Part of the problem is that interactionist theoretical perspectives are not reflected in contemporary leadership thinking. In addition, the impact of individual differences on leadership is often misrepresented or hidden by linear correlations and regressions conducted on continuous scores. This study employed new, innovative, indirect conditional reasoning measures to assess the personalities of 627 leaders entering the militaryâ s most challenging and stressful combat leader development course (the US Army Ranger School). These innovative measures predicted compelling differences in leadership, attrition, and in the peer evaluations made during the training. Analyses conducted on the continuous personality scores demonstrate that these findings are misrepresented or hidden by linear correlations and regressions. As an alternative, I present a configural scoring scheme, couched in a poker analogy, to explain how these individual differences combine to predict the odds of success for each of the 18 personality types studied.

Operation Ajax : Studie om USA:s och Storbritanniens involvering i statskuppen, Iran 1953

Panahirad, Ashkan January 2008 (has links)
<p>University of Växjö, School of Social Sciences</p><p>Course: PO 5363, Political Science, G3</p><p>Title: the Role of the USA’s and Great Britain in the Coup d'Etat, Iran 1953</p><p>Author: Ashkan Panahirad</p><p>Supervisor: Lennart Bergfeldt</p><p>The purpose of this study is to examine Great Britain’s and US’ motives and action alternatives in regards to the Coup d'état against the iranian regime under Mossadegh in 1953.</p><p>The method used is motive analysis (investigates the actors motives). The theories used are Rational actors model and Governmental politics. Rational actor model allows states to choose among a set of alternatives displayed in a particular situation in order to achieve their goals. Governmental politics explains what happens in states as a result of bargaining games between important actors in the government.</p><p>Analysis from the rational actor model shows that the motives behind the Coup d'état were oil, economical reasons, Iran and communism. Coup d'état was the most rational action for them to achieve their goals. Governmental politics reveal the shifting of policies from one administration to another. While Clement Attlee’s government and Harry Truman’s administration where more moderate, Winston Churchill’s and Eisenhower’s where more eager to replace Mossadegh, which finally lead to a Coup d'état</p>

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