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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Satisfação pós-recuperação e intenção de recompra no varejo online : proposição e teste de moderadores dessa relação

Nagel, Mateus de Brito January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo central investigar fatores que moderam a relação entre satisfação pós-recuperação e intenção de recompra no varejo online. Mais especificamente, esta pesquisa visa analisar se os construtos qualidade do relacionamento, resistência à mudança e motivo inferido moderam a relação entre satisfação com o gerenciamento de reclamações e intenção de recompra no varejo online. Para verificar tais moderações, inicialmente foi realizada a etapa exploratória de pesquisa, na qual, por meio de entrevistas em profundidade, evidenciou-se que as variáveis propostas poderiam moderar a relação entre a variável independente e dependente desta dissertação, bem como foi adicionado o construto valor econômico como possível moderador da relação entre satisfação pós-reclamação e intenção de recompra. Em seguida, para testar as hipóteses propostas foi aplicada uma survey junto a consumidores norte-americanos (N=500), operacionalizada com auxílio do Qualtrics, via Mechanical Turk. Como resultado dos testes, tem-se que a qualidade do relacionamento, o motivo inferido e a percepção de valor econômico moderam a relação entre satisfação pós-recuperação e intenção de recompra no varejo online, ou seja, podem explicar, em partes, a não linearidade da relação entre a variável independente e dependente desta pesquisa. Destaca-se ainda que as dimensões da qualidade do relacionamento (a saber: satisfação, confiança e comprometimento) sugeridas neste estudo também moderaram, individualmente, a relação entre a variável independente e dependente desta pesquisa. Sendo assim, esta dissertação contribuiu para a literatura de Marketing e comércio eletrônico ao evidenciar que tanto a qualidade do relacionamento, bem como as dimensões de satisfação, confiança e comprometimento moderam a relação entre satisfação com o gerenciamento de reclamações e intenção de recompra. Além disso, evidencia-se que a elevada percepção de valor econômico, e os motivos inferidos pelos clientes (se positivos), diante da falha inicial ocorrida, também podem sinalizar intenções de recompra dos consumidores junto a sites varejistas. / This dissertation aims to investigate factors that moderate the relationship between satisfaction with complaint handling and repurchase intention in online retail. More specifically, this research aims to examine whether the quality of the relationship constructs, resistance to change and inferred motive moderate the relationship between satisfaction with complaint handling and repurchase intention in online retail. To test such moderations, was taken an exploratory research stage through in-depth interviews in which it became clear that the proposed constructs could moderate the relationship between the independent and dependent variables of this dissertation, as well as the variable economic value was added as a possible moderator of the relationships between satisfaction with complaint handling and repurchase intention. Then, to test the hypotheses was applied a survey with online consumers (N=500) from United States, through Qualtrics and Mechanical Turk. The results indicate that the relationship quality, the inferred motive and the perceived economic value moderated the relationship between satisfaction with complaint handling and repurchase intention in online retail. It is emphasized that the dimensions of relationship quality (satisfaction, trust and commitment) suggested in this study also moderated, in an individual way, the relationship between the independent and dependent variables of this study. Thus, this dissertation has contributed to the literature of marketing and e-commerce by showing that both the relationship quality as well as the dimensions (satisfaction, trust and commitment) moderate the relationship between satisfaction with complaint handling and repurchase intention. Furthermore, it is evident that the high perceived economic value, and the motive inferred by customers (if positive), facing the initial failure occurred, can also indicate repurchase intentions of consumers with online retailers.

Justifying a New Beginning: The Case of An Urban, Jewish Congregation in the 1970s

Ochrach-Konradi, Tirza 01 January 2019 (has links)
This research applies C. Wright Mills’ theory of vocabularies of motive to reveal the collective narratives, which were used to justify the atypical founding of an urban Jewish congregation in the 1970s. Prior to and during this period, US Jewish communities were migrating out of city centers into their surrounding suburbs. Most Jewish congregations followed their congregants and moved into the suburbs. This study identifies the collective justifications within the Hatchala Chadasha community, which are the accepted reasons for the organization’s atypical urban location and organizational structure. The findings of this research are based in the examination of interviews with individuals who were community members during the earliest years of Hatchala Chadasha’s existence. Patterns of similar accounts across the interviews revealed the collective narratives that defended four of the congregation’s fundamental decisions: why the congregation was founded, where the congregation chose to locate, how the congregation acted politically, and what organizational structure the congregation employed. These justifications are further examined, in relation to the behavior and values common within the broader Jewish community and other contextual components, to theorize why certain accounts became the accepted narrative within Hatchala Chadasha. Fundamentally, this research examines informants’ motive statements to discern and analyze the collective narratives formed in a community, which justify the community’s atypical behavior in the context of a predominant, external culture.

Le personnage vu de dos au cinéma et dans les autres arts ˸ esthétique, migrations et imaginaires d’une histoire à revers / The figure seen from behind in cinema and other arts ˸ aesthetic, migrations, and imaginings of a reverse narrative

Croteau, Stéphanie 03 May 2019 (has links)
Ce doctorat porte sur un motif visuel qui circule entre les arts : le personnage vu de dos. Par l’entremise de notions que j’ai approfondies ou développées – l’apparaître, l’inévidence, la dorsalité –, j’interroge comment cette posture fait naître une manière d’habiter l’image et le monde, et j’analyse ses implications dans les pratiques artistiques comme dans le champ philosophique et social. Pour mener cette enquête, je me suis inspirée d’un geste d’Aby Warburg, celui de la fabrication d’atlas d’images. La fabrication d’atlas m’a permis de faire apparaître trois modalités expressives du dos qui traversent l’histoire de l’art et du cinéma, et qui se retrouvent au sein de mes planches. J’aborde ces questions dans le premier chapitre de la thèse. Le deuxième chapitre, intitulé « Repli(s) », porte sur ma première planche d’images, consacrée aux personnages de dos qui se dérobent et s’esquivent, exprimant un retrait de la signifiance expressive. Le troisième chapitre aborde ma deuxième planche d’images, dans laquelle je cherche à faire voir une forme d’absorbement mené par le personnage de dos depuis l’âge romantique. Le quatrième et dernier chapitre, intitulé « Exclusion(s) », traite d’une violence faite au sujet. En me penchant sur la représentation des Afro-Américains dans les films de plantation états-uniens, j’explore comment une forme d’exclusion esthétique, sociale et politique s’est fabriquée par la posture de dos. Que nous disent les personnages repliés, absorbés ou exclus en regard de la frontalité qui prévaut encore aujourd’hui ? Les personnages vus de dos présentés dans ma thèse introduisent une dorsalité des représentations et de l’existence. / The research topic addressed in this paper is a visual motif circulating widely among the arts: the figure seen from behind. Through notions that I have been led to further or develop – appearance, inevidence, dorsality, I examine how this posture depicts a way of inhabiting the image and its world, and analyze its implications in artistic practices as well as in the philosophical and social field. In order to carry out this survey, I was inspired by a gesture of Aby Warburg, the creation of atlases of images. Atlas making allowed me to reveal three expressive modalities of the back running through the history of art and cinema, and which are also found within my boards. I address these questions in the first chapter of the thesis. The second chapter, titled "Repli (s)", focuses on my first picture board, devoted to figures from behind who avoid and sneak away, conveying a withdrawal of expressive meaning. The third chapter addresses my second picture board, in which I sought to depict a form of absorption led by the figure from behind since the Romantic Age.The fourth and last chapter, entitled "Exclusion (s)", examine a violence committed upon the subject. By focusing on the portrayal of African-Americans in American plantation films, I try to show how a form of aesthetic, social, and political exclusion has been created by the representation from behind. What are withdrawn, absorbed or excluded characters telling us in view of the frontality that still prevail today? The figures seen from behind, as presented in my thesis, introduce a dorsality of representations and of existence.

The Twentieth-century Canon: An Analysis of Luigi Dallapiccola's Canonic Works from his 'Quaderno musicale di Annalibera'

Ravensbergen, Jacqueline 10 August 2012 (has links)
The compositional technique of cross partitioning is one of Luigi Dallapiccola's most used twelve-tone devices. Through a detailed analysis of three contrapuntal canonic movements from Dallapiccola's Quaderno Musicale di Annalibera, I examine his use of cross partitioning as a motivic tool and as a referential collection. The development of the BACH motive and the derivation of tone-row statements reflects on Dallapiccola's extensive use of cross partitioning and his compositional principles used to achieve a sense of polarity. Upon a preliminary analysis based on set-theory analysis set out by Joseph Straus I draw an interpretive analysis through Alegant's cross partitioning model as well as develop my own set of parameters for interpretation in regards to polarity which is based on intervallic stability.

Relationship Status: It's Complicated - The Role of Narcissism in the Development of Relationships Through Facebook

Saad, Michael 13 September 2012 (has links)
The presence of both narcissism and social capital in the digital social networking site Facebook is altering the dynamic of relationship development. Therefore, the central research question directing this study is as follows: What role do narcissistic personality traits play in bridging social capital on Facebook? From this, two sub-questions are raised: 1) What are the motives for users to express narcissistic traits through Facebook? 2) How is narcissistic-motivated activity influencing social capital development through Facebook? Guiding this thesis are concepts of social tie relationships (as they apply to narcissism), and digital social networks. An exploratory study of in-depth interviews was utilized to conduct such research. A key objective in this thesis is understanding motive and purpose for generating social capital in an online environment. The findings from this study suggest Facebook is a facilitator for the expression of narcissistic traits. As a result, this is influencing the disconnected and questionable value of digital social capital.

Computer-mediated peer response in a level-IV ESL academic writing class: A cultural historical activity theoretical perspective

Jin, Li 01 June 2007 (has links)
Very few studies focus on how English as a second language (ESL) students' agency and their unique histories as an integral part of the social cultural environment influence his or her participation in computer-mediated peer response tasks, particularly in a multimedia-based synchronous communication environment. Considering each ESL student as an active agency with unique historical bearings, the dissertation investigated ESL students' participation in computer-mediated peer response (CMPR) tasks that used instant messenger (IM) as the communication technology between students from the cultural historical activity theoretical (CHAT) perspective, which views all human interaction as a dynamic developmental process. A case study approach was adopted to collect qualitative data from five ESL students enrolled in a level-4 academic writing class in summer, 2006. The entire study spanned from May to August. Each of the five participants participated in three CMPR tasks throughout the semester. Data were collected from multiple sources including a demographic survey, IM chat transcripts, the researcher's participative observations, participants' on-screen and off-screen behaviors, their first and second writing drafts, interviews, the researcher's reflective journals as well as documents collected in each instructional modules. Both within-case and cross-case analysis were used to identify emergent themes. Specific methods included constant comparison method, content analysis, revision analysis, and CHAT analysis. The findings showed that ESL students had multiple and heterogeneous motives and goals within and across CMPR tasks. Some motives were learning-oriented while others were non-learning-oriented or even entertainment-oriented. The use of IM not only triggered each student's motive and goal formation and shift, but also transformed his or her particular behaviors and the relationship established during each CMPR session. ESL students' online contributions were strongly influenced by the pair's IM communication styles and competences rather than the task types or their motives. Students also developed new perceptions about CMPR tasks, which shaped and were dialectically shaped by their participatory behaviors in each task. Conflicts and tensions existed within and between both contemporary and historical activity systems in which each student was involved. Those who actively sought solutions to the conflicts developed new knowledge and skills such as writing an exploratory essay and competences of conducting CMPR tasks. Those who ignored the conflicts experienced scarce expected development.

Ekologiškų maisto produktų rinkodaros sprendimų pagrindimas vartotojų elgsenos veiksniais / Grounding the decisions of the ecological food products marketing on consumer behavior factors

Mockutė-Čiukienė, Aušra 25 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Research object – consumers of ecological food products. Research subject – consumer behavior of ecological food products Research aim – to present marketing decisions stimulating purchase of ecological products. Tasks: 1.To analyze outward and inward factors impact on consumer behavior. 2.To identify marketing tools influence on consumer behavior. 3.To prepare the research methodic of ecological products consumer behavior. 4.To conduct a sample survey and to identify factors impact of purchase of ecological food products. 5.To recommend marketing decisions stimulating purchase of ecological products. Research methods - Lithuanian and foreign authors scientific literature analysis and synthesis, logical abstracts, sample survey, data grouping, method of statistical analysis, graphic presentation. Marketing decisions recommended stimulating purchase of organic products are based on Lithuanian and foreign authors theoretical principles of outward, inward and marketing factors impact on consumer behavior, sample survey, identified consumers motives of purchase and usage of ecological food products, investigated marketing tools influence to ecological food products consumer behavior.

Мотив искушения в творчестве позднего Л.Толстого / Pagundos motyvas L.Tolstojaus vėlyvojo periodo kūriniuose / Motive of temptation in works of L.Tolstoy of late period

Vasiliauskaitė, Gražina 16 August 2007 (has links)
В магистерской работе исследуется мотив искушения в творчестве позднего Толстого (на повестях "Крейцерова соната", "Дьявол", "Отец Сергий"). Этот мотив в позднем творчестве писателя становится частью сюжета. Толстой заставляет героев или подчинить��я искушению, ил�� бороться с ним. Анализ произведений раскрывает влияние эгоизма на душу человека. Внутренний мир героев показывается посредством диалога с собой и посредством модели поведения. Исследуемые герои ��з критической ситуации выходят, совершая преступление. Только пережив катастрофу, они могут осмыслить бывшую неправильную свою жизнь и сделать выводы. Катастрофа является точкой отсчёта для новой, духовной жизни. / Magistro darbe tyrinėjamas pagundos motyvas Tolstojaus vėlyvojo laikotarpio kūryboje (apysakos "Kreicerio sonata", "Velnias", "Tėvas Sergijus"). Šis motyvas vėlyvuoju rašytojo kūrybos laikotarpiu tampa siužeto dalimi. Tolstojus priverčia veikėjus pasiduoti pagundai arba kovoti su ja. Kūrinių analizė atskleidžia egoizmo poveikį žmogaus dvasiai. Veikėjų vidinis pasaulis parodomas per dialogą su savimi ir per veikimo modelį. Tyrinėjami veikėjai iš kritinės situacijos išeina padarydami nusikaltimą. Tik išgyvenę katastrofą jie sugeba permąstyti buvusį neteisingą savo gyvenimą ir padaryti išvadas. Katastrofa yra naujo, dvasinio gyvenimo atskaitos taškas. / The paper to obtain the Master's Degree deals with the motive of temptation in L.Tolstoy's creative works of the late period (short novels "Kreutzer Sonata", "Devil", "Father Sergius"). The motive in the works of the late period becomes a part of the plot. Tolstoy compels his characters either to surrender to the temptation or to fight it. Analysis of the creative works reveals the effect of egoism on the human spirit. The inner world of the characters is depicted through their dialog with themselves and the pattern of activity. The characters analysed and critical situations are revealed through the wrongdoing committed. Only by experiencing a crash the characters are able to reflect their inappropriate life and to draw conclusions. The crash becomes a kick-off point to start a new, spiritual life.

Noro tęsti savanorišką veiklą sąsajos su įsitraukimu ir pasitenkinimu darbu bei jų pokyčiai į sprendimus sutelktos refleksijos metu / Relationships between the intention to continue voluntary work, involvement and work satisfaction and changes of them during the Solution focused reflection

Semokaitė, Asta 19 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - nustatyti noro tęsti savanorišką veiklą Jaunimo linijoje sąsajas su įsitraukimu ir pasitenkinimu darbu bei šių veiksnių pokyčius į sprendimus sutelktos refleksijos metu. Tyrime dalyvavo 62 savanoriai, savanoriaujantys Jaunimo linijoje Vilniuje, Kaune ir Klaipėdoje. Jų tarpe buvo 53 moterys ir 9 vyrai. Savanorių amžius svyravo nuo 18 iki 36 metų. Į sprendimus sutelkta refleksijas užpildė 17 savanorių iš Kauno. Tyrimas parodė, jog žmonėms renkantis savanorišką veiklą Jaunimo linijoje svarbiausia yra padėti kitiems žmonėms, tobulinti save ir įgyti patirties ir šie trys motyvai yra labiausiai patenkinami savanoriaujant. Nors skirtumų tarp savanorių nustatyta mažai, moterys labiau nei vyrai įsitraukusios į darbą ir patenkintos darbo pobūdžiu, o psichologai ir supervizoriai jaučiasi labiausiai patenkinantys savo motyvus lyginant su kitais savanoriais. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad didėjant motyvų patenkinimui didėja pasitenkinimas darbu ir įsitraukimas į darbą. Taip pat nustatyta, kad noras tęsti savanorišką veiklą susijęs su didesniu motyvų, dėl kurių ši veikla pasirinkta, patenkinimu, saviveiksmingumu, įsitraukimu ir pasitenkinimu darbu. Taikant standartizuotus metodus, nenustatyti noro tęsti savanorišką veiklą JL, saviveiksmingumo, įsitraukimo į darbą ir pasitenkinimo darbu pokyčiai į sprendimus sutelktos refleksijos metu. Tačiau refleksijų atsakymų analizė atskleidžia, kad daugiau nei pusė savanorių įvardina pokyčius tarp refleksijų, kurie leidžia jiems manyti, jog... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the work – determine correlation between the wish to continue voluntary work in Jaunimo linija, involvement and job satisfaction and changes of these factors during the Solution focused reflection. 62 volunteers from Jaunimo linija in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda participated in the survey. Between them were 53 females and 9 males. Age group of the volunteers was from 18 till 36 years. Solution focused reflection filled 17 volunteers from Kaunas. The survey revealed, that people, who choose voluntary work in Jaunimo linija appreciate the help to other people, self improvement and experience achievement the most and these tree motives are the most fulfilled during volunteering. Though there are little differences found, females are more involved into the job and more satisfied with the job nature than males, and psychologists and supervisors fulfill their motives the most, comparing with other volunteers. The survey defined that job satisfaction and job involvement is increasing with the growth of motives fulfillment. Also, was defined that the wish to continue voluntary work is related to the better motive‘s (why this work was chosen) fulfillment, self-efficacy, involvement and job satisfaction. There was found no changes of wish to continuing volunteering, self-efficacy, job involvement and job satisfaction during Solution focused reflection using standardize methods. The analysis of Solution focused answers revealed, that more than half volunteers names... [to full text]

Deconstructing the "Power and Control Motive": Developing and Assessing the Measurability of Internal Power

Wagers, Shelly Marie 01 January 2012 (has links)
Despite the increased social recognition, law and policy changes within the criminal justice system, and the widespread use of court mandated batterer intervention programs (BIPs) domestic violence continues to be a persistent problem. The lack of significant decline in incidence rates along with a growing body of empirical evidence that indicates BIPs are, at best, only moderately effective raises serious concern. Effective policies and programs are based upon empirically tested theory. The assertion "the batterer's motive is power and control" has become fundamental to almost all of our currently used and accepted mainstream theoretical explanations regarding domestic violence. However, the domestic violence literature has not yet advanced any specific conceptualizations of power as a construct, it has not produced a theoretical model of power that articulates why or how power specifically acts as a motive for a batterer, and it has never empirically tested this fundamental assertion. The purpose of this research is to address this gap by focusing on the role of power in domestic violence theory and offer a more complete conceptualization and precise operationalization of power. The main goal of this study was to advance our current understanding of an individual's sense of power and control as a motive for using coercive control tactics, such as psychological and physical abuse tactics against an intimate partner. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to develop and assess the measurability of the construct "internal power". Specifically, it defined, conceptualized, and operationalized internal power. Then a Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient was examined and a principal components factor analysis was conducted to investigate the dimensionality and underlying factor structure of internal power. Findings indicated empirical support for the proposed measure of internal power, allowing its relationship to an individual's use of psychological and physical abuse tactics to be empirically assessed. Results of a t-test and examination of a Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient indicated that internal power is inversely related to an individual's use of psychological and physical abuse tactics. Findings indicate that both the measure for internal power and its potential relationship to an individual's use of psychological and physical abuse tactics warrants further exploration and development.

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