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Vård och omsorg i Tidöavtalet : En motivanalys av Moderaternas, Kristdemokraternas, Liberalernas och Sverigedemokraternas vård- och omsorgspolitik i TidöavtaletRajala, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to examine the health and care policies of the Moderates, the Christian Democrats, the Liberals and the Sweden Democrats, then compare each policy with the Tidö-agreement and analyze the parties' potential motives for cooperation. To help achieve the purpose of the study, following questions have been formulated: How did the care and care policies of the Moderates, Christian Democrats, Liberals and Sweden Democrats look before the elections in 2018 and 2022 respectively?, in what way, and to what extent, are care and care presented in the Tidö-agreement? and what political motives can explain the Moderates', Christian Democrats', Liberals' and Sweden Democrats' reasons for entering into cooperation with each other? The method is a motive analysis and to find out the possible motives of the parties, and the theory is Wolfgang C. Müller's and Kaare Strøm's theory regarding motives for the parties' actions where the parties are either most policy-seeking or office-seeking. The hypotheses are that the Moderates', Christian Democrats' and Liberals' mostly are office-seeking parties, while the Sweden Democrats' mostly is policy-seeking. However, the study results in only the hypothesis about the Liberals being strengthened, while the remaining hypotheses fall.
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Are Place-based Communities Threatened by our Increasing Network Connectedness? Examining the Effect of Internet Use on Students' Psychological Sense of CommunityAgyeman-Budu, Esther Akosua 25 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The complex network topology of trade in a globalized worldMaluck, Julian 30 August 2018 (has links)
Die Organisation von Handelsstrukturen bringt seit je her weitreichende soziale, politische sowie ökonomische Implikationen mit sich. Da die zugrundeliegenden Dynamiken von Handelssystemen a priori unbekannt sind bieten Konzepte aus der Theorie komplexer Systeme nützliche Werkzeuge, um neue Muster zu entdecken, sowie neue Hypothesen zu den Vorgängen innerhalb der Handelssysteme zu entwickeln. Einen nützlichen Ansatz stellen dabei komplexe Netzwerke dar, da Handelsströme zwischen ökonomischen Einheiten sinnvoll als Knoten und Verbindungen im Netzwerk darstellbar sind.
In dieser Arbeit erweitern wir spezielle Methoden auf komplexen Netzwerken, um die Netzwerk-Topologie des Handels auf globaler und auf nationaler Ebene zu untersuchen. Auf dem Level einzelner Industriesektoren erhalten wir neue Einblicke in die topologische Struktur des internationalen Handelsnetzwerks. Dazu führen wir neue Netzwerkmaße ein, welche die Funktion von Knoten in Subgraphen unter dem Blickwinkel, dass das Gesamtsystem durch ein Netzwerk aus mehreren Subnetzwerken dargestellt wird, beschreiben. Im Zuge der Globalisierung gewinnen bilaterale Handelsabkommen bei Entscheidungsträgern an Aufmerksamkeit und werden in zunehmender Zahl verhandelt. Wir entwickeln in dieser Arbeit einen neuen Ansatz, um die Auswirkungen dieser Abkommen auf die beteiligten Ökonomien zu analysieren und zu quantifizieren. Weiterhin behandeln wir die Fragestellung, in welchem Maß Handel als ein Übermittler von Nachfrage- und Angebotsveränderungen auf andere Industrien angesehen werden kann. Schließlich betrachten wir Handelsnetzwerke auf der Ebene von einzelnen Firmen und beschreiben die Funktion von einzelnen Knoten, insbesondere deren Rolle innerhalb von 3er-Motiven. Obwohl alle Methoden und Maße, die wir im Zuge dieser Arbeit einführen, aus Fragen im Kontext des Handels motiviert sind, sind die methodischen Konzepte auf komplexe Netzwerke in anderen Forschungsrichtungen anwendbar. / The organization of trade and its patterns and structures have always had far reaching implications among social, political and economic dimensions. The underlying dynamics of trade systems are often a priori unknown and concepts from complex system theory provide useful tools to discover new patterns and to develop new hypotheses on the mechanisms of the system. Complex networks offer a particularly useful approach to trade systems, as trade flows between economic entities can be intuitively and meaningfully represented as nodes and links in a network.
In this thesis, we extend specific methods of complex networks with a focus on the relations between different subnetworks to investigate the network topology of trade on both the global and national scale. On an aggregation level considering individual industries as nodes, we obtain new insights about the topological structure of the international trade network by introducing new network measures that characterize the roles of nodes in subnetworks from a network of networks perspective. During the process of globalization bilateral trade agreements have received rising attention among policy makers and have been negotiated at an increasing pace. Here, we develop a framework to analyze and quantify impacts of these agreements on the involved economies. A further question that we address is to what extent trade can be regarded as a mediator of demand and supply spillovers to other industries. Finally, we look into trade networks at the scale of individual business firms and describe the role of nodes with a focus on 3-node motifs. Although all new methods and measures introduced in this thesis are motivated by questions in the context of trade, the methodological concepts are widely applicable to complex networks of other research disciplines.
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Implicit vs. explicit processes of motivation and affect regulation in unconsciously and consciously critical situations in sportsWegner, Mirko 14 May 2012 (has links)
Duale Prozessmodelle unterscheiden implizite und explizite Formen der Informations-verarbeitung (Strack & Deutsch, 2004). Implizite Verarbeitung erfolgt schnell und un-bewusst und basiert auf affektiv-assoziativen Netzwerken. Explizite Verarbeitung geschieht überlegt und langsam und beinhaltet bewusste, kognitive Entscheidungsprozesse. In dualen Prozessmodellen der Motivation sagen implizite Motive langfristiges Verhalten und explizite Motive bewusste Entscheidungen vorher (McClelland, et al., 1989). Hoher positiver Affekt sowie geringer negativer Affekt aktivieren implizite kognitive Systeme während eine entgegen gesetzte Ausprägung explizite Informationsverarbeitung bahnt (J. Kuhl, 2000a). Drei Feldstudien untersuchen die diskriminante Validität impliziter vs. expliziter motivationaler Prozesse für das Verhalten in unbewussten vs. bewussten kritischen Situatio-nen im Hochleistungssport. In Studie 1 und 2 wird bei Tennis- (N = 60) und Basketballspielern (N = 56) die Fähigkeit erhoben, positiven und negativen Affekt zu regulieren (ACS-90; J. Kuhl, 1994). In Studie 3 (N = 86) werden zusätzlich implizite (OMT; J. Kuhl & Scheffer, 1999) und explizite Motive (PRF; D. N. Jackson, 1999) sowie die Fähigkeit zur bewussten Selbstregulation (VCQ; J. Kuhl & Fuhrmann, 1998) gemessen. In Studie 1 sagen explizite Formen der Verarbeitung (niedrige positive Affektregulation) die Tennisleistung in objektiv kritischen (wie Tie Breaks) aber nicht in bewusst kritischen Situationen vorher. In Studie 2 führt implizite Verarbeitung (hohe negative Af-fektregulation) zu besseren Basketballleistungen in objektiv kritischen Spielen. In Studie 3 unterstützt explizite Verarbeitung Leistungen in bewusst kritischen Situationen im Rückschlagsport. In unbewusst kritischen Situationen erzielen dagegen Sportler mit ausgeprägten impliziten Motiven bessere Ergebnisse. Die Befunde werden hinsichtlich der Sportartenspezifik, dem Grad der Bewusstheit sowie Persönlichkeitsunterschiede diskutiert. / Dual-process models distinguish implicit and explicit ways of information processing (Strack & Deutsch, 2004). Implicit processes are based on associative affective networks and operate fast and unconsciously. Explicit processing is a cognitive, usually slow, deliberate, and conscious way of decision-making. Dual-process models of motivation propose that implicit motives predict long-term behavior and explicit motives predict deliberate decisions (McClelland, Koestner, & Weinberger, 1989). Up-regulation of positive affect and down-regulation of negative affect activate implicit cognitive systems while regulation in the opposite direction triggers explicit information processing (J. Kuhl, 2000a). Within three field studies it is investigated whether implicit vs. explicit motivational processes are of discriminant validity for professional athletic behavior in unconsciously vs. consciously critical situations. In study one and two, tennis (N = 60) and basketball professionals’ (N = 56) abilities to regulate positive and negative affect (ACS-90; J. Kuhl, 1994) are assessed. In study three (N = 86) the additional measures of implicit (OMT; J. Kuhl & Scheffer, 1999) and explicit motives (PRF; D. N. Jackson, 1999) as well as conscious self-regulation (VCQ; J. Kuhl & Fuhrmann, 1998) are used. Study one proposes that explicit processing supports performance in objective critical situations (tie breaks) in tennis. However, in consciously critical situations no advantage for explicitly processing athletes could be found. In study two implicitly processing basketball players perform better in objectively critical games. In the final study racquet sportsmen who process explicitly perform better in consciously critical situations. In contrast, in unconsciously critical situations athletes with high implicit motives gain better results. Findings are discussed from the perspective of task specificity, degree of awareness, and individual differences.
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The contribution of justice MM Corbett to the development of the law of taxation in South AfricaVan der Walt, Wessel Johannes 30 September 2007 (has links)
Mr Justice Corbett made a substantial contribution to the South African tax law as he delivered several judgements during his long career on the bench. Starting from the lower ranks as a judge he became Chief Justice of South Africa. Precedents set by his judgements are considered important and indicative of the level of South African tax law.
This dissertation observes his background, looks at the operations of the tax court in South Africa and examines whether his judgements were cited and applied in subsequent cases as accepted precedent. International case law is referred to, to compare his judgements with comparable international tax law. / Auditing / M. Comm. (Accounting)
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Die misdaad onsedelike aanrandingDu Plooy, Renita Elizabeth Evelyn 11 1900 (has links)
Indecent assault consists in an unlawful and intentional indecent assault which is and is
intended to be indecent.
There is some controversy in the case law whether the indecency is committed only by acts
which are, objectively speaking indecent, against the view that even though the act is not
indecent itself, may nevertheless found a conviction of indecent assault if it was the intention
of the accused to act indecent and such intention was conveyed to the victim.
It is submitted that the last mentioned approach is to be preferred but that the following test
should be used:
1. If the act, is objectively speaking indecent and there is no doubt about the
unlawfulness as well as the indecent intention of the accused, the crime of indecent
assault was committed.
2. If the act is objectively speaking indecent but the indecent intention of the accused can
not be proven, there is a rebuttable presumption that the accused acted with an
indecent intention. Such as presumption must be rebutted b the accused himself.
3. If the act is not objectively speaking, indecent but the indecent intention of the accused
can for example be proven by the accused confession to such an intention, the act
became indecent. / Text in Afrikaans / Law / LL.M.
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Post Keynesian monetary theory and its implications for monetary policy in South AfricaJackson, Michael Keith Caulton 06 1900 (has links)
The theoretical foundations of the Post Keynesian view of money are examined,
including the nature of money, role of uncertainty and time, and the use of
equilibrium concepts. This provides a backdrop against which the Post
Keynesian analysis of interest rates, investment behaviour: inflation and
demand determination is presented in a framework of non-neutral money and
Keynes' principle of effective demand. A model of the Post Keynesian theory of
money is presented, with arguments as to why the IS/LM model of the
neoclassical synthesis is considered deficient. The money supply endogeneity
view is explored, together with Keynes' finance motive. The open economy
case is considered, with emphasis on a small open economy. The monetary
policy perspectives of the Post Keynesian camp are examined. The implications
for South Africa are considered in respect of money supply targeting, interest
rate policy, anti-inflation measures, public debt management, exchange rates
and Reserve Bank objectives. / Economics / M.A. (Economics)
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Die simfonie in Suid-Afrika, 1970-1990 : 'n styl en struktuurstudieKriek, Elizabeth Margaretha 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / D.Mus. (Musiekwetenskap)
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The motives behind Swazi men's increasing interest in circumcisionMaibvise, Charles 10 September 2013 (has links)
The demand for circumcision in Swaziland has dramatically increased since it was
reported that circumcision ensures 60% protection against HIV infection. The aim of this
study was to explore the reasons for, and the motives behind, this increasing interest in
undergoing circumcision. A generic qualitative research design was used, in which 17
circumcised men selected by convenience sampling at FLAS Clinic, Mbabane,
participated. In-depth unstructured face-to-face interviews were used to collect data.
The results showed that the main reasons for circumcision are perceived health,
hygiene and sexual benefits, community influences, as well as medical reasons. It was
concluded that the major motives underlying circumcision are personal and partner
safety and satisfaction during sex. These motives were found to be both promotive and
threatening to the interests of public health. After evaluating the risks and benefits, it
was recommended that mass circumcision be promoted alongside reinforced and
accurate health education on circumcision / Health Studies
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寂寞經濟時代─行動交友App自我揭露與使用動機研究 / The Era of Loneliness-Self-Disclosure and Motive of Online Dating Apps鐘心辰 Unknown Date (has links)
6.交友軟體使用動機中僅有日常社交之構面對於寂寞感程度與自我揭露有中介效果。 / The purpose of this study is to explore how “loneliness” which is widely prevalent throughout the society affects the motives of using online dating applications and the behavior of self-disclosure. Furthermore, how the quality of online dating apps operates in between the motives of using online dating apps and the behavior of self- disclosure. Online survey was conducted and 307 respondents completed the questionnaire. The research results are presented as follow:
1.Most of the respondents in the study are male, aged from 18 to 25, graduated from college and are currently single. Still, there are some of them in a relationship and even married. Subjects mostly have been used the dating apps less than 2 years, and averagely downloaded 2.66 dating apps. Furthermore, the most popular dating apps is Beetalk. Respondents use dating apps 5.07 days a week and 5.43 hours a week in average. Besides, there are 94.1% of the respondents have used other social media or social apps to communicate with other users they met in dating apps and 88.9% of the respondents have actually met up in real life.
2.Different degree of loneliness have statistically significant and positive predictable effect on the motives of using online dating apps including “Daily Social Needs”, “Escape to Virtual World”, and “Romance”.
3.Different degree of loneliness have statistically significant and positive predictable effect on the different aspects of self-disclosure including: Honesty, Quantity, and Positivity.
4.The motives of using online dating apps including “Daily Social Needs”, “Escape to Virtual World”, “Romance” have statistically significant and predictable effect on the honesty of self-disclosure. “Daily Social Needs” and “Romance” of motives have significant and predicable effect on the quantity of self-disclosure. Only “Daily social needs” have statistically significant and predictable effect on the positivity of self-disclosure.
5.Only the quality of “Love Achievement Rate” of online dating apps have operation effects in between the motives of using online dating apps and the behavior of self- disclosure.
6.Only “Daily social needs” of motives of using online dating apps have mediation effects between loneliness and the behavior of self disclosure.
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