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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozvojová pomoc EU: idealismus či pragmatismus? / EU Development Aid: Idealism or Pragmatism?

Phamová, Xuan Mai January 2020 (has links)
My thesis looks into development into why European Union provides development assistance. My hypothesis is that it is becoming more pragmatic throughout the period 2014 to 2019. I begin my work with introduction into the topic, literature overview and presentation of the hypothesis. In the second part, I present theoretical framework of constructivism and methodology of motive analysis. Motive analysis is a method developed for studying motives via discourse. I have defined 7 motives in a coding book, which will be analysed in the speeches of EU representatives, concretely European Commission's Presidents and High Representatives / Vice-Presidents responsible for European External Action Service. In the third pat, I provide brief overview and context of EU's aid policies. In the last, analytical part, I analysed the speeches and identified each motives one by one, I have looked into development of motives throughout time and came to conclusion that most of time, all motives are prevalent behind development aid, only their occurrence and importance slightly changes, depending on internal and external factors. It can be seen thant while in 2014 the aid was slightly more tilted towards idealism, in 2019 the aid motives slightly shifted towards pragmatism.

Återvinning, återanvändning eller LCA? : en kvalitativ studie inom den svenska textilindustrin / Recycle, reuse or LCA? : a qualitative study within the swedish textile industry

Kollberg Stolt, Paulina, Padron, Melinda, Knutsson, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har textilindustrin bevittnat en ökad medvetenhet gällandehållbarhet. Redan 2010 nämner Karl-Johan Persson, före detta VD för H&M, att hållbarhet är en naturlig del av att göra affärer i en globaliserad värld (H&M 2010). Trots att detta uttalades redan för ett decennium sedan, kan det än idag ifrågasättas ifall textilindustrin verkligen har utvecklat någon realistisk lösning. Allt fler så kallade "hållbara affärsmodeller “tillkommer inom modebranschen, men tyvärr kan ordet "hållbarhet" ibland användas som ett generellt container begrepp utan att betona de faktiska aspekterna som hållbarhet inkluderar(Van Weele 2014). Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka svenskaproduktutvecklande företag och analysera dess bakomliggande motiv, implementeringsprocesser och genererade effekter som kan ses vid användning avhållbarhetsaktiviteterna återvinning (recycle), återanvändning (reuse) och Life CycleAssessment (LCA). Följaktligen ämnar studien till att skapa en djupare förståelse för länken mellan företags existerande affärsmodell och valda hållbarhetsaktiviter. För att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi tillämpats, där studiens empiriska information samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med svenskaproduktutvecklande företag. Avsikten är således att forma sammanhängande tolkningar av studiens insamlade data för att därigenom skapa ett resultat som kan användas praktiskt i vidare studier och aktiviteter inom området. Studiens resultatet tyder på att företagens motiv kan kategoriseras inom de tre fundamentenligt modellen Triple Bottom Line; (1) ekonomiskt, (2) socialt och (3) miljömässigt. Ytterligare kategorisering sågs för (4) motiv avseende varumärke. Vidare kan det konstaterasatt olika hållbarhetsaktiviteter kräver olika implementeringar, samt att inga stora åtgärder i dagsläget har skett inom företagens befintliga affärsmodeller under implementering. Följaktligen, efter implementering av vald hållbarhetsaktivitet, har ekonomiska, sociala, miljömässiga samt effekter avseende varumärket uppstått. Vidare visar studien att hållbarhetsaktiviteter eventuellt bör implementeras och prioriteras olika utifrån verksambransch. Det är därmed av rekommendation för praktiker inom arbets- och sportbranschen att fokusera på LCA, då studiens empiri har konstaterat att återvinning och återanvändning inte är lämplig för dessa produktkategorier. Det kan även rekommenderas att modebranschen prioriterar återanvändning före återvinning. Dels på grund av att återvunna plagg ofta har en kortare livscykel beroende på sämre kvalitet, men även på grund av att det är en meravancerad hållbarhetsaktivitet i jämförelse med återanvändning. Slutligen kan denna studiedra kopplingen att det blir betydligt viktigare att utföra en LCA på produkter som ej kan återanvändas eller återvinnas. / In recent decades, the textile industry has witnessed an increased awareness of sustainability. Already in 2010, Karl-Johan Persson, former CEO of H&M, mentioned that sustainability is a natural part of doing business in a globalized world (H&M 2010). Although this was stated a decade ago, it can still be questioned today if the textile industry has really developed any realistic solution. More and more so-called "sustainable business models" are emerging within the industry, but unfortunately the word "sustainability" can sometimes be used as a general container concept without emphasizing the actual aspects that sustainability includes(Van Weele 2014). The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate Swedish product development companies and analyze its underlying motives, implementation processes and generated effects that can be seen when using the sustainability activities recycling, reuse and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Accordingly, the study aims to create a deeper understanding of the link between existing business models and selected sustainability activities, which is required in previous research. To answer the study's research questions, a qualitative research strategy was applied, in which the study's empirical information was collected through various semi-structured interviews with Swedish product development companies. The intention is therefore to try to implement coherent interpretations of the study's collected data, in order to obtain a result that can be practically used in further studies and activities in the field. According to the study's results, the companies' motives can be categorized into the three foundations according to the Triple Bottom Line model; (1) economically, (2) socially and(3) environmentally. Further categorization was seen for (4) trademark motifs. Furthermore, it can be noted that different sustainability activities require different implementations, and that no major measures have been taken within the companies' existing business models during implementation. After implementation of a chosen sustainability activity, economic, social, and environmental effects regarding the brand have arisen. Finally, the study considers that sustainability activities should be implemented and prioritized differently based on industry. It is therefore a recommendation for practitioners in the work and sports industry to focus on LCA, as the study's empirical findings have found that recycling and reuse are not suitable for these product categories. Furthermore, it is recommended that the fashion industry prioritize reuse before recycling. Partly because recycled garments often have a shorter life cycle due to poorer quality, but also because it is a more advanced sustainability activity compared to reuse. As a result, this study can draw the link that it becomes significantly more important to perform a LCA on products that cannot be reused or recycled. The thesis will be given in Swedish.

Hedersmotiv som en försvårande omständighet : - En tematisk analys av tingsrättens resonemang / Honour Motive as an Aggravating Circumstance : A Thematic Analysis of the District Court's Reasoning

Jansson, Emelie, Lundström, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Hedersrelaterad brottslighet är ett allvarligt samhällsproblem där brottsoffer ofta utsätts för både psykiskt, fysiskt och socialt våld och förtryck. Sedan den första juli 2020 regleras hedersmotiv som en försvårande omständighet i Brottsbalken, 1962:700 29 kap 2 § p.10. Den nya straffskärpningsregeln syftar till att höja straffvärdet för brott som begås med ett hedersmotiv samt att förtydliga för domstolar vilka omständigheter ett sådant motiv kan utgöras av. För att få en djupare förståelse för hur tingsrätten resonerar kring hedersmotivet syftar studien till att jämföra dessa resonemang före respektive efter införandet av straffskärpningen. Vidare ämnar studien att undersöka hur tingsrätten styrker hedersmotiv samt vilken påverkan som straffskärpningen har inneburit vid värdering av straffvärdet. För att besvara frågeställningar har studien tillämpat en tematisk analys, där totalt 14 domar har analyserats. Resultatet visar att tingsrätten har blivit mer enhetlig och tydlig i sitt resonemang kring hedersmotiv efter införandet av straffskärpningen. Vid styrkande av föreliggande hedersmotiv har den tilltalades olika former av kontroll över målsägande, samt kollektiva omständigheter, beaktats i stor utsträckning. Innan införandet utgick tingsrätten från olika definitioner av fenomenet och motiverade sällan varför ett hedersmotiv förelåg. Vad gäller straffskärpningens påverkan vid värdering av straffvärdet har det inte gått att urskilja en generell påverkan på straffvärdets längd. Däremot har straffskärpningen inneburit en mer konsekvent bedömning av hedersmotivet som en försvårande omständighet under påföljdsbeslut. Då studien endast har inkluderat domslut mellan 2018–2022 rekommenderas framtida forskning inom området att vidga detta tidsperspektiv för att identifiera ytterligare förändring i tingsrättens resonemang samt motivering för hedersmotiv. / Honour-related crime is a serious societal problem where victims are often subjected to psychological, physical, and social violence and oppression. Since the first of July 2020, honour motives have been regulated as an aggravating circumstance in accordance with Chapter 29 2§ p.10 (The Swedish Penal Code, 1962: 700). The aim of this aggravating circumstance is to harshen the penalty value for crimes committed with an honour motive and to clarify to courts what circumstances such a motive may consist of. To gain a deeper understanding of the district court’s reasoning, the study aims to compare these reasonings before and after the introduction of this aggravating circumstance. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to examine how the district court proves honour motives and what impact this has had on the penal value. To answer these questions a thematic analysis was used, where a total of fourteen verdicts were analysed. The result shows that the district court has become more coherent and clearer in its reasonings regarding honour motives. Furthermore, the district court usually supports the motive based on different circumstances surrounding the defendant's control over the victim and collective circumstances. Before the introduction of this aggravating circumstance the district court used different definitions of the phenomenon and rarely provided an explanation of why an honour motive was present. It has not been possible to distinguish a general impact on the length of the penalty value. However, this change has led to a more consistent assessment of the motive as an aggravating circumstance during penalty decisions. As the study only included verdicts between 2018-2022, future research is advised to identify further changes over time.

Globalization in emerging markets : A study of how financial globalization can affect emerging markets by viewing correlation in index return.

Jama Elmi, Nimco, Karlsson, Beatrice January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates whether financial globalization influences emerging markets by examining the correlation between a global market in relation to emerging markets. By constructing yearly correlation coefficients through collecting daily return from index markets, financial contagion can be detected. International trade serves as a measurement for financial globalization, in the context of the continuation of globalization in the world. Through the progress of creating the correlation coefficients, the significance of trade globalization has been identified along with the relationship the correlation coefficients have with it. Leading to the conclusion that financial globalization does impact the emerging markets and have done so throughout the timespan of 25 years.

Психологические корреляты мотивации профессионального выбора старшеклассников : магистерская диссертация / Psychological correlates of motivation of high school students ' professional choice

Власов, М. А., Vlasov, M. A. January 2019 (has links)
Объектом исследования является психологические корреляты выбора профессии. Предметом исследования стали психологические корреляты выбора профессии старшими школьниками. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (64 источников) и приложений, включающих в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 96 страниц, на которых размещены 7 рисунков. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируется основная гипотеза, указываются методы исследования. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования. Первая подглава включает в себя описание подходов к изучению мотивации. Вторая включает в себя описание подходов к мотивации выбора профессии в психологии в целом и к изучению мотивов в частности. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методам: «Тест смысложизненных ориентаций» (Д.А. Леонтьев), «Определение склонностей личности к различным сферам профессиональной деятельности» Методика Йовайши в адаптации Резапкиной, «Определение основных мотивов выбора профессии» (Павлютенков Е.М.), «Мотивы выбора профессии» ( Гриншпун С.С). Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам. / The object of the study is the psychological correlates of choice of profession. The subject of the study was the psychological correlates of the choice of profession by senior students. Master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of references (64 sources) and applications, including forms of applied techniques. The volume of the master's thesis 96 pages, which contains 7 figures. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of problems, the purpose and objectives of the study are defined, the object and subject of the study are defined, the main hypothesis is formulated, the research methods are specified. The first Chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of the study. The first sub-Chapter includes a description of approaches to the study of motivation. The second includes a description of approaches to motivating the choice of profession in psychology in General and to the study of motives in particular. The conclusions of the first Chapter are the results of the study of the theoretical. The second Chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It describes the organization and methods studies and results obtained by all used methods: "Test of life-meaningful orientations" (D. A. Leontiev), "Determining inclinations of the individual to various spheres of professional activity" Methods Youichi in adapting Resorcinol, "Determination of the basic motives of choice of profession" (Pavlyutenkov E. M.), "the Motives of choice of profession" ( Grinspoon S. C). The conclusions of Chapter 2 include the main results of the empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as the conclusions on the hypotheses are summarized.

Ukrainakrigets rötter : En motivanalys av Rysslands invasion av Ukraina 2022 / The roots of the Ukraine war : A motive analysis of Russia's 2022 Invasion of Ukraine

Thoms Jensen, Christoph January 2023 (has links)
This study is a qualitative case study, with a theory-consuming approach and motive analytical structure that aims to examine Russia's ulterior motives, for the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework of two different international relations theories: realism and constructivism. Realism highlights security, military power and the survival of state in the international system while constructivism highlights the interactions between different constructed identities, norms and ideas within the international system. Together with the theoretical framework the analysis uses Kremlin's own statements, to see if it corresponds with the theoretical findings. The study concludes that the two theoretical perspectives complement each other in explaining Russia's ulterior motives and that Kremlin's own statements on Ukraine was able to correspond with the theoretical findings.

Analysis of the Relationships between Changes in Distributed System Behavior and Group Dynamics

Lazem, Shaimaa 02 May 2012 (has links)
The rapid evolution of portable devices and social media has enabled pervasive forms of distributed cooperation. A group could perform a task using a heterogeneous set of the devices (desktop, mobile), connections (wireless, wired, 3G) and software clients. We call this form of systems Distributed Dynamic Cooperative Environments (DDCEs). Content in DDCEs is created and shared by the users. The content could be static (e.g., video or audio), dynamic (e.g.,wikis), and/or Objects with behavior. Objects with behavior are programmed objects that take advantage of the available computational services (e.g., cloud-based services). Providing a desired Quality of Experience (QoE) in DDCEs is a challenge for cooperative systems designers. DDCEs are expected to provide groups with the utmost flexibility in conducting their cooperative activities. More flexibility at the user side means less control and predictability of the groups' behavior at the system side. Due to the lack of Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees in DDCEs, groups may experience changes in the system behavior that are usually manifested as delays and inconsistencies in the shared state. We question the extent to which cooperation among group members is sensitive to system changes in DDCEs. We argue that a QoE definition for groups should account for cooperation emergence and sustainability. An experiment was conducted, where fifteen groups performed a loosely-coupled task that simulates social traps in a 3D virtual world. The groups were exposed to two forms of system delays. Exo-content delays are exogenous to the provided content (e.g., network delay). Endo-content delays are endogenous to the provided content (e.g., delay in processing time for Objects with behavior). Groups' performance in the experiment and their verbal communication have been recorded and analyzed. The results demonstrate the nonlinearity of groups' behavior when dealing with endo-content delays. System interventions are needed to maintain QoE even though that may increase the cost or the required resources. Systems are designed to be used rather than understood by users. When the system behavior changes, designers have two choices. The first is to expect the users to understand the system behavior and adjust their interaction accordingly. That did not happen in our experiment. Understanding the system behavior informed groups' behavior. It partially influenced how the groups succeeded or failed in accomplishing its goal. The second choice is to understand the semantics of the application and provide guarantees based on these semantics. Based on our results, we introduce the following design guidelines for QoE provision in DDCEs. • If possible the system should keep track of information about group goals and add guarding constraints to protect these goals. • QoE guarantees should be provided based on the semantics of the user-generated content that constitutes the group activity. • Users should be given the option to define the content that is sensitive to system changes (e.g., Objects with behavior that are sensitive to delays or require intensive computations) to avoid the negative impacts of endo-content delays. • Users should define the Objects with behavior that contribute to the shared state in order for the system to maintain the consistency of the shared state. • Endo-content delays were proven to have significantly negative impacts on the groups in our experiment compared to exo-content delays. We argue that system designers, if they have the choice, should trade processing time needed for Objects with behavior for exo-content delay. / Ph. D.

„Wenn nicht jetzt, dann machst du es nie!“ / Die Studienentscheidung nicht-traditioneller Studierender

Otto, Alexander 27 July 2021 (has links)
Die Arbeit widmet sich der Gruppe der nicht-traditionellen Studierenden. Unter dem Begriff nicht-traditionelle Studierende werden dabei all jene Studierenden gefasst, die – ohne (Fach-)Abitur – auf der formalen Grundlage beruflichen Qualifikation eine Hochschulzugangsberechtigung erhalten haben. Einen Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung bildet der Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) von 2009 zum „Hochschulzugang für beruflich qualifizierte Bewerber ohne schulische Hochschulzugangsberechtigung“. Im Fokus der Untersuchung steht das Phänomen der Studienentscheidung. Gefragt wird: Wie und warum haben sich nicht-traditionell Studierende für ihr Studium entschieden? Empirische Grundlage bildet eine Interviewstudie mit insgesamt 82 nicht-traditionellen Studierenden, die bis zu viermal über den Verlauf ihres Studiums hinweg befragt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Studienentscheidungen vor allem unter den subjektiven Eindrücken und objektiven Bedingungen der Erwerbsarbeit getroffen werden und dass Studienmotive stark von berufsbezogenen Orientierungen gekennzeichnet sind. Die Studienentscheidungen werden durch höchst individuelle Ereignisse und Entwürfe nicht nur angestoßen, sondern auch vollzogen. Allein die Tatsache, dass ein Übergang aus dem Beruf in die Hochschule keine gesellschaftlich genormten Präskripte aufweist, macht den Studienwunsch zu einer höchst individualisierten und selbstverantworteten Entscheidung. In Anschluss an Becks (1986) Individualisierungsthese wird die Studienentscheidung im Rahmen von Wahlbiografien durch das Zusammenspiel von Freisetzung, Entzauberung und Re-Integration als individualisierte Entscheidung rekonstruiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen zudem eine tiefe Verankerung einer Normalitätsvorstellung von Lebensläufen, die im Entscheidungsprozess als Orientierungsmuster wirksam sind. Schließlich wird die Studienentscheidung auch als ein Prozess des Abwägens rekonstruiert. Neben den als fallübergreifend zu rezipierenden Ergebnissen schlägt die Arbeit schließlich eine typologische Bestimmung der Studienentscheidungen im Kontext biografischer Orientierungen vor. / The present paper examines the group of non-traditional students in Germany. The term non-traditional students defines all those students who have received their university entrance certificate based on occupational skills without having a school-based university entrance qualification. One starting point of this survey is based on the determination of the German „Kultusministerkonferenz“ in 2009. Under these conditions, educational decisions gain importance in later phases of life, at least for the group envisaged here. The focus of this study is the phenomenon of the decision to study. The empirical basis of the work is an interview study with a total of 82 non-traditional students who were questioned up to four times over the course of their studies. The results refer to a complex bundle of different aspects that constitute the decision. First of all, it is revealed that the decision to study is made under subjective perceptions and objective conditions of gainful employment, as well as, reasons to study are strongly marked by job-related orientations. The decision to study was initiated and fulfilled through highly individual life events and drafts. Even a transition from a job to an institution of higher education is socially non-standard; this makes the desire to study a highly individual and self-responsible decision. Following Beck´s (1986) thesis of individualization, the decision to study is reconstructed by biographical choices through interaction of detraditionalization, disenchantment and reintegration as an individualised decision. Furthermore, the results indicate a deep establishment of beliefs in institutionalized life course which affect the decision process as a pattern of orientation. Finally, the decision to study is also reconstructed as a process of balance pros and cons. In addition to the cross-case results to be received, this paper proposes a construction of types of study decisions in the context of biographical orientation.


李錫永, LI, XI-YONG Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文共一冊,約六萬字,分為五章,包括一、導論;二、文獻探討;三、研究方 法;四、研究結果;五、結論與建議。 內容主要探討主管人售面臨三種不同的衝突情境時(人際、組織間、國際)對七種衝 突解決方式(武力脅迫、經濟制裁、靜觀其變、接受現況、退讓、第三者介入、破壞 聲譽)的偏好程度。並探討不同的權力基礎(威迫、獎賞、合法、參考、訊息、專家 、關連)與成就動機(精熟、工作導向、與人競爭、對人不在意)對七種衝突解決方 式的影響。

跨國企業併購建立品牌之研究 / A Study on International Corporation Building Brand By M&A

黃愛倫, Huang, Ai-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年企業跨國併購活動頻繁,尤其亞洲企業併購歐美知名品牌形成一種趨勢。亞洲各國政府有感品牌對於消費市場的重要性,因此建置併購外國企業的鼓勵政策,藉此汲取跨國營運與品牌經營經驗。例如:自1997年起中國政府鼓勵企業「走出去」,透過海外直接投資活動形成跨國企業,2004年之後對知名品牌企業進行併購引起全球關注。而我國政府於2003年積極輔導「品牌台灣發展計畫」,希冀企業能著眼於「品牌」的培養,另外為加速台灣跨國企業品牌能在全球舞台嶄露頭角,外貿發展協會在2005年正式推動「併購國外品牌與通路計畫」,透過政府單位與併購專業機構等管道,著眼於品牌與通路資產尋找適合的對象,協助我國廠商拓展國際市場以進行跨國營運、提升企業品牌權益,進而打響台灣的國家品牌形象。 本研究即以亞洲企業併購歐美品牌為研究主體,探討企業併購動機與企業內部品牌資產(專利、商標、通路)的關連性,以及併購後對外品牌策略的使用,結合內部資產與外部品牌策略的使用,說明主併企業的品牌權益能否借他人力量提升並立足於跨國市場上。 本研究以個案分析的方式,以「聯想併購IBM PC部門」與「成霖全球品牌併購」進行探討,得出亞洲企業併購歐美知名品牌後,保留被併標的的品牌並採取聯合品牌、彈性使用品牌策略,來提升主併企業的品牌權益或維持各區域品牌的營運。另得出以下建議,希冀能對我國企業採取併購活動時有所助益: 1.提升併購品牌的策略層次: 併購動機的層次會影響併購後企業營運方式及品牌策略,如聯想藉由併購及聯合品牌策略提升其內部技術與亞洲品牌的層次,成霖的併購與品牌策略展現其現階段以佈局國際市場的營運、增加營收為主,對自身品牌權益的提升較少。 2.併購標的應具備多項品牌資產: 品牌資產可使企業掌握市場的競爭優勢,除掌握通路進入市場外,亦應觀察其專利、商標等權利運用與移轉,牽制競爭對手與影響市場結構,利於主併企業品牌權益的提升。 3.注重併購品牌的整合: 要使被併品牌發揮市場效益,併購後資產的整合與運用更須注意,對外需熟知當地政府對企業之獎懲法規、勞工保護規範以及當地顧客市場的需求,對內則瞭解被併企業營運方式與員工需求以此進行融合管理,讓內部員工與當地市場能接受主併企業,由內而外槓桿併購品牌的實質效益。 / The mergers between Asian enterprises and famous American and European brands become a trend in the frequent international mergers and acquisitions in recent years. Asian governments become more aware of the importance of brand in the markets and thus formulate policies to encourage cross-border M&A, through which enterprises can learn international corporation and brand management. For example, China government had urged enterprises become international corporation through foreign direct investments since 1997. The mergers of famous companies and brands after 2004 become a global concern. Taiwan government enthusiastically developed “Branding Taiwan” to encourage enterprises to focus on brand development. Taiwan External Trade Development Council started “M&A Foreign Brand and Channel” in 2005 to promote Taiwan brand to global business. Government units and M&A professional organizations try to help Taiwan firms find suitable merging targets of good brand and channel to get more brand equity and experience concerning international business management, thus to promote Taiwan brands. This thesis aims to focus on Asian enterprises merging famous American and European brands to explore the correlation between M&A motives and internal brand assets of enterprises and to analyze the external brand strategies in post merger. The discussion will involve the possibility whether the acquiring firm can enhance their brand equity through M&A. This thesis will take “Lenovo Acquired IBM PCD” and “Globe Union M&A Global Brands” for case studies. Asian firms retain acquired brand and take co-brand strategy to raise their corporate brand equity, or take flexible brand strategy to operate regional brand enterprise individually. Further, it provides three suggestions to Taiwan enterprises when they decide to proceed with a merger. 1.Enhancing Motives to Strategic Level: acquiring firms would be led to different business operation level by what goal they set. 2.Acquired targets should possess more brand assets: the more brand assets acquiring firm can manipulate, the much competency they will have. 3.Emphasizing on Brand Integration after Merger: In order to obtain more revenues from acquired brands, acquiring firms have to pay more attention to all factors through the integration, including local industrial policies and labor protection regulations. They should also know the corporate culture and employees’ expectations of the acquired companies to better management and lessen the resistance from the employees and local market.

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