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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tillitsbaserat Ledarskap & dess Praktiker : En kvalitativ studie om hur tillitsbaserat ledarskap uttrycks i praktiken / Trust Based Leadership & It ́s Practices :  A qualitative study on how trust-based leadership is expressed in practice

Idriz, Mediha, Ligic, Zlatan January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och analysera hur Tillitsbaserad Styrning och Ledning kommer till uttryck i praktiken inom offentlig sektor med fokus på de organisatoriska förutsättningarna ur ett individperspektiv. Inledningsvis ges en introduktion och bakgrund till begreppen New Public Management och Tillitsbaserad Styrning och Ledning. Därefter presenteras studiens problemområde och en sammanfattning av tidigare forskning. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på diskursen kring idén om tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning och introducerar de centrala teoretiska begreppen: idéresan, översättning och praktikteori, vilka används som analytiska verktyg för att analysera det empiriska materialet. Metodologin för studien beskrivs, inklusive insamlingen av empiri genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta sektionschefer. Resultaten från den tematiska analysen av empirin presenteras och visar att sektionscheferna medvetet arbetar utifrån tillitsbaserat ledarskap och betonar betydelsen av tillit i deras ledarskap. Dock, varierar implementeringen av tillitsbaserat ledarskap på lokal nivå beroende på olika organisatoriska förutsättningar. Avslutningsvis presenteras rekommendationer för framtida forskning inom området. / The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze how Trust Based Governance and Leadership is expressed in practice within the public sector with a focus on the organizational conditions from an individual perspective. Initially, an introduction and background to the concepts of New Public Management and Trust Based Governance and Leadership is given. Next, the study's problem area and a summary of previous research are presented. The theoretical frame of reference builds on the discourse of Trust Based Governance and Leadership, and introduces the central theoretical concepts: idea travel, translation process, and practice theory, which are used as analytical tools to analyze the empirical material. The methodology of the study is described, including the collection of empirical evidence through semi-structured interviews with eight section managers. The results from the thematic analysis of the empirical evidence are presented and show that the section managers consciously work based on Trust Based Leadership and emphasize the importance of trust in their leadership. However, the implementation of Trust Based Leadership at the local level varies depending on different organizational conditions. Finally, recommendations for future research in the area are presented.

Vård-och omsorgspersonalens upplevelse av arbetsmiljö och ledarskap under covid-19-pandemin : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Health and social care staff's experience of work environment and leadership during the covid-19 pandemic : A qualitative interview study

Klenze, Paula, Lesic, Mariana January 2022 (has links)
Coronapandemins effekter har påverkat hälso-och sjukvården runt om i världen. Det har i sin tur utmanat den svenska sjukvården generellt och personalen som jobbar inom vård-och omsorg, specifikt äldreomsorg och inom Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade, LSS (SFS 1993:387). Ökade hygienkrav och besöksförbud inom vård-och omsorg är några exempel på hur coronapandemin förändrat vård-och omsorgspersonalens sätt att arbeta. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vård- och omsorgspersonal inom äldreomsorgen och LSS upplevde den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, och hur ledarskapet har fungerat under covid-19-pandemin. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod där empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem respondenter från olika kommuner i Sverige. Ett bekvämlighetsurval gjordes med totalt fem yrkesverksamma respondenter inom hemtjänst och LSS. Resultatet visar att vård-och omsorgspersonal upplever att covid-19-pandemin har påverkat och belastat deras arbetsmiljö. Faktorer som kan kopplas till den försämrade arbetsmiljön är smittspridning och hög personalfrånvaro. Det har inneburit en överbelastad arbetsmiljö i det dagliga arbetet för vård-och omsorgspersonal. Resultatet visar även att arbetsgivare har följt Folkhälsomyndighetens riktlinjer för att minska risken av covid-19 genom att informera om rådande situation, uppmana att arbetstagare stannar hemma om de är sjuka med symptom. Vård-och omsorgspersonal betonar vikten av närvarande chefer och att arbetsgivaren arbetar med riskfaktorer och förebyggande insatser för att minska smittspridningen. Det framgår även att arbetsgivare har hanterat arbetstagarnas oro för smitta och vidtagit åtgärder genom tillfällig omplacering. / The effects of the Corona pandemic have affected health services around the world. This in turn has challenged the Swedish health care system in general and health care workers in particular. Increased hygiene requirements and visiting bans in health and social care are some examples of how the corona pandemic has changed the way health and social care work. The aim of this study is to investigate how care workers in elderly care and the Act on Support and Services for the Disabled, LSS (SFS 1993:387) experienced the psychosocial work environment, and how leadership has functioned during the covid-19 pandemic. The study is based on a qualitative method where the empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with five respondents from different municipalities in Sweden. A convenience sample was used with a total of five professional respondents in home care and LSS. The results show that care workers feel that the covid-19 pandemic has affected and burdened their work environment. Factors that can be linked to the deterioration of the working environment are the spread of infection and high staff absenteeism. This has resulted in an overloaded work environment in the daily work of health care workers. The results also show that employers have followed the Public Health Agency's guidelines to reduce the risk of covid-19 by providing information about the current situation, encouraging workers to stay at home if they are ill with symptoms. Health care workers emphasize the importance of present managers and that the employer works on risk factors and preventive measures to reduce the spread of infection. It also appears that employers have addressed workers' concerns about infection and taken action through temporary reassignment.

Balansen mellan tillit och kontroll : En studie av sektionschefer inom Arbetsförmedlingen och hur de balanserar tillit och kontroll i sitt arbete / The balance between trust and control : A study of how section managers within the Swedish Public Employment Service balance trust and control in their work

Andersson, Emma, Lazar, Tom January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den svenska offentliga sektorn har länge präglats av förvaltningsfilosofin New Public Management som associerats med bland annat resultatorienterad planering och kontroll. På senare år har en ny förvaltningsfilosofi introducerats, tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning, som komplement för att adressera vissa av New Public Management svagheter. Dessa två förvaltningsfilosofierna utgör studiens bakgrund och är anledningen till varför de båda styridealen, tillit och kontroll, undersöks inom Arbetsförmedlingen. Syfte: Studien syftar till att utveckla en förståelse för betydelsen styridealen tillit och kontroll har för både sektionschefer och medarbetare inom myndigheten. Detta genom att utforska och analysera hur och varför sektionschefer inom Arbetsförmedlingen arbetar för att balansera styridealen tillit och kontroll i relation till sina medarbetare. Frågeställning: Hur och varför arbetar sektionschefer inom Arbetsförmedlingen med att balansera de båda styridealen tillit och kontroll i relation till sina medarbetare? Metod: I studien har en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod använts. Det empiriska resultatet utgörs av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta sektionschefer inom Arbetsförmedlingen.  Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att de studerade sektionscheferna på Arbetsförmedlingen balanserar styridealen tillit och kontroll genom att agera som ett filter mellan sina medarbetare genom att maskera kommunikationen av kontrollerna till medarbetarna. Vidare inser respondenterna effekterna av ett utökat fokus på kontroll och påverkan som det har på medarbetarna. Respondenterna förhåller sig därför kritiska till organisationens omfattande kontrollmekanismer. / Background: The Swedish public administration has for long carried the brand of the management philosophy New Public Management, which is often associated with, among other things, result oriented planning and control. In recent years, a new administration philosophy has been introduced, trust-based governance and leadership, as a complement to address some of the weaknesses with the aforementioned New Public Management. These two administration philosophies constitute the background of this study and consequently the rationale behind why the two governing ideals, trust and control, are being examined within the Swedish Public Employment Service.  Purpose: The study aims to develop an understanding of the significance that the governing ideals, trust and control, have on both section managers and employees within the agency. This is done by exploring and analyzing how and why section managers within the Swedish Public Employment Service work to balance both governing ideals in relation to their employees.  Question: How and why do section managers within the Swedish Public Employment Service work to balance both governing ideals, trust and control in relation to their employees?  Method: To carry out this study, a qualitative method was used. The studies' empirical results consist of eight semi-structured interviews with section managers from the Swedish Public Employment Service.  Results and conclusion: The results of this study show that the studied section managers within the Swedish Public Employment Service balance trust and control by acting as a filter for their employees. This is done by masking the communication of the controls to the employees. Furthermore, the section managers realize the effects and impact that an increased focus on control has on employees, and they are therefore critical of the comprehensive control mechanisms that exist within the organization.

Kvalitetsarbete i vården : Skillnaden i kvalitetsarbetet inom offentlig och privat verksamhet – sektor vård och omsorg / Quality work in healthcare : The difference in the quality work in public and private organizations - sector care and nursing

Andersson, Julia, Olsson, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sveriges vård och omsorg har sviktat de senaste åren vilket har gjort att frågan om vilken vårdleverantör en kund ska välja uppmärksammats. Det finns olika faktorer som har en inverkan på kundens val, bland annat förtroende och kvaliteten för tjänsten. Där kommer valet mellan offentlig och privat vård in. Därigenom har frågan om vinst i välfärden lyfts, och vad som egentligen är skillnaden mellan privat och offentlig vård och omsorg. Kvalitetsarbetet blir således det som ger förtroendet för vården. För att kunna utveckla den kvaliteten som kunden efterfrågar behöver ett lärande finnas i verksamheten. Utan lärande kan inte kvalitetsarbetet utvecklas och det sviktande förtroendet för vården återstår. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen ämnar undersöka begreppet kvalitetsarbete och hur privata samt offentliga aktörer inom vård och omsorg arbetar med fenomenet. Studien vill uppnå en ökad förståelse för hur kvalitetsutveckling bedrivs inom olika verksamheter. Studien har för avsikt att jämföra den privata vård- och omsorgssektorn med den offentliga för att få en så stor överblick och insikt i ämnet som möjligt. Teoretisk referensram: Föreliggande studie använder teorier och begrepp som exempelvis new public management, kaizen och lärande organisationer. Kärnbegreppen som studien bygger på är ständiga förbättringar, vilket kommer från kaizen, och organisatorisk lärande. Dessa utgör kvalitetsarbetet i en verksamhet och är därav sammankopplade. Dessa teorier kommer att stöjda studiens undersökning av skillnaderna mellan privat och offentlig verksamhet. Metod: Studien använde en kvalitativ forskningsansats, där semistrukturerade intervjuer utgjorde den huvudsakliga datainsamlingen och kompletterades med en dokumentanalys. Studien undersökte två fallstudieorganisationer, vilket gjorde att en triangulering utfördes. Slutsats: Det studien indikerade var att privata verksamheter känner en stark press för att både leverera till sina aktieägare och till sina kunder, vilket blir en paradox där vinstmaximering och god service möts. Offentliga verksamheter har en automatisk tillgång till brukare vilket gör att de inte känner samma påtryckningar. Generellt indikerade studien att kvalitetsarbetet inom organisationerna var liknande, det som skiljde sig kom framförallt ifrån skillnader inom arbetssätten. Privata verksamheter arbetar mer med att skapa konkurrenskraftiga tjänster, där lärande och konkurrenskraft kan kopplas samman. Det kan i sin tur härledas till att offentliga verksamheter inte känner samma press att arbeta konkurrenskraftigt.

Att implementera med hjälp av samverkan : En studie av implementering av ett stödboende med samverkan som metod

Hansson, Max January 2021 (has links)
In this licentiate thesis studies how a systematic work of implementing a supported housing develops from idea to practice with the purpose to analyze collaboration and its impact on the development of the implementation. The study followed how the four organizations created a collaboration to implement a supported housing.; the social services in Kalmar municipality, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service in the form of the local probation service in Kalmar, the association KRIS (Kriminellas Revansch I Samhället, [Criminals' Revenge In Society]) in Kalmar and Kalmarhem AB a housing company,  The starting point for the study consists of a process evaluation of an implementation process, how collaboration established between the organizations, how collaboration as a way of working affects the process and finally the split-up of the project. The study conducted in two parts: partly during the years 2006-2008 when implementation studied, partly during the years 2014-2015 when the split-up of the project studied. The methods used was interviews, participatory observations and document studies. The empirical evidence collected during the two periods forms the basis for the analysis. The results indicate that collaboration created between the actors of the implementation is of crucial importance. That is, how the actors confronted and solved the problems that arose during the implementation and that both time and various forms of resources are required to create a comprehensive collaboration.  The concluding part of the study describes how a split-up of collaboration takes place. The change can attributed to a new arrangement with clear operational management in accordance with the impact of New Public Management [NPM]. A consequence for the supported housing, in line with this logic, was a separation and division of clients and contractors and division between businesses in accordance with a competitive mindset. At the time of writing, the supported housing remains, albeit in a different form. One explanation is that during the implementation, a close and sustainable collaboration was developed that could withstand some of the threats created through changed forms of governance. This indicates that the collaboration that developed between the four organizations can still provide some space if it is able to find forms that can fit into new control logics.

Det är olyckligt att det har blivit business av familjehemsplaceringar. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om privatiseringen av familjehemsplaceringar. / It is unfortunate that it has become a business of foster care : A qualitative interview study on the privatization of family home placements.

Björklund, Emma, Wallbom, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med studien, som grundar sig i en kvalitativ ansats, är att genom semistrukturerade intervjuer få uppfattning om vilka positiva och negativa aspekter det finns med privatisering av barn- och ungdomsvård. Dessutom grundar sig studien på att upptäcka socialarbetare upplevda skillnader i uppföljningsarbetet hos kommunalt utredda familjehem respektive konsulentstödda familjehem. Utifrån tidigare forskning framgår det att barn och vuxna är väldigt beroende av kontinuitet gällande att träffa samma socialarbetare för att uppleva situationen på ett bra sätt. Stor omsättning av socialarbetare leder till att upplevelsen med dessa inte blir lika bra och att förtroendet för socialarbetaren sjunker.   Genom tematisk analys framkom det att uppföljningen av placerade barn skiljer sig beroende på om barnet är placerat i kommunal eller privat verksamhet. I studien framkommer det att socialtjänsten besitter det yttersta ansvaret för det placerade barnet men saknar insyn i de privata aktörernas arbete. Det finns inte heller någon granskning från IVO gällande de privata verksamheterna. Detta skapar en osäkerhet om barnets behov tillgodoses på rätt sätt. / Abstract The purpose of this study is to get an idea through a qualitative method based in semi-structured interviews of which positive and negative aspects exist with the privatization of child and youth care. In addition, the study is based on discovering social workers perceived differences in the follow-up work of municipally investigated family homes and consultant-supported family homes. Previous research conclude that children and adults are very dependent on continuity in meeting the same social worker to experience the situation in a good way. A high turnover of social workers generates a bad experience and a lack of trust between the social worker and client.  Through thematic analysis, it emerged that the follow-up of placed children differs depending on whether the child is placed in a municipal or private operation. In the study it appears that the social service has the ultimate responsibility for the placed child but lacks insight into the work of the private operations. This creates uncertainty as to whether the child’s needs are being met in the right way.

How Can Science and Research Work Well? Toward a Critique of New Public Management Practices in Academia From a Socio-Philosophical Perspective

Kruse, Jan-Philipp 30 May 2024 (has links)
While New Public Management practices (NPM) have been adopted in academia and higher education over the past two decades, this paper is investigating their role in a specifically socio-philosophical way: The preeminent question is what organization of science is likely to make science and research work well in the context of a complex society. The starting point is an obvious intuition: that academia would be “economized” by NPM (basically, that something is coming from the outside and is disturbing the inside). Habermas provides a sophisticated theorization for this intuition. In contrast, the thesis advanced here is that we should consider NPM potentially problematic—but not for descending from economics or administration outside academia. It is because NPM often cannot help research and science to function well. In this (rather “essayistic” than strictly deductive) consideration, I will therefore tentatively discuss an alternative approach that takes up critical intuitions while transposing them into a different setting. If we understand science and research as a form of life, a different picture emerges that can still bring immanent standards to bear, but at the same time compose them more broadly. This outlines a socio-philosophical critique of NPM. Accordingly, the decisive factor is not NPM's provenance. What is decisive is that it addresses some organizational problems while at the same time creating new ones. At the end, an outlook is sketched on how the specific situation of NPM allows some hypotheses on academy's [by “academy”, I am referring to the whole research community (like “academia”)] future organization. Ex negativo, it seems likely that qualitative evaluation criteria and creative freedom will have to play a greater role.

A business process reengineering framework to enhance strategic planning within higher education : the case of the Tshwane University of Technology / Avhashoni Michael Mushaathoni

Mushaathoni, Avhashoni Michael January 2015 (has links)
The strategic alignment and reengineering of business processes is critical for institutions across sectors worldwide to achieve performance improvement and subsequently, competitive advantage. Competition within higher education forces higher education institutions, such as TUT, towards management approaches such as business process reengineering to improve effectiveness and efficiency. This research was triggered by an observation of a lack of a framework, within TUT, to guide the manner in which business processes could be strategically reengineered in a uniform, coordinated, and focused fashion. The main focus of the research was to identify core elements which could be included in a comprehensive framework to assist higher education institutions, specifically TUT, to strategically align and reengineer their core business processes in order to achieve performance improvement, which is a prerequisite for higher education institutions across sectors to achieve competitive advantage. The findings of the research were based on the triangulation of data from a robust literature survey to uncover the theoretical underpinnings and to pinpoint core elements of business process reengineering and strategic planning, prescripts from legislation and the regulatory framework governing higher education in South Africa, an analysis of relevant strategic documents within TUT, and opinions and perceptions of sampled respondents within TUT to compare and contrast the data gathered. The findings of the empirical exploration confirmed the problem that triggered the research, namely, that TUT lacks a framework to guide the manner in which it could strategically align and reengineer business processes. An analysis of documents within TUT and consistent with the results of the empirical exploration revealed that although various strategic documents allude to the strategic alignment and reengineering of business processes, lack of a standardised methodology hampers the uniform, coordinated, and focused operationalisation of this noble intent which is critical for the enhancement of strategic planning across sectors worldwide. Consequently, the main contribution of the research was to develop a comprehensive framework to guide the manner in which TUT and other similar higher education institutions could strategically reengineer business processes. The proposed framework advocates an incremental approach to business process reengineering to allow for the continuous improvement of reengineered business processes. At the core of the proposed business process reengineering framework is strategy alignment and stakeholder focus. The framework suggests that when higher education institutions, such as TUT, embark on business process reengineering, they should realise that they are engaging in a strategic endeavour and that business processes targeted for reengineering should be of critical importance to the enhancement of a strategic orientation. It is imperative that higher education institutions, such as TUT, should prioritise the strategic alignment and reengineering of business processes that provide stakeholder satisfaction to create competitive advantage and survival. Considering that TUT and other similar higher education institutions operate as an open system, the proposed framework is based on the systems approach to management. Given the dynamic nature of the South African higher education sector, the proposed framework promotes a business process reengineering methodology which, amongst others, involves the reengineering of business processes with due consideration of the national higher education imperatives and legislative requirements. Consideration of the external environment should cover an analysis of critical developments within higher education, including changes to national legislation and other national strategic imperatives. TUT and other similar higher education institutions should continuously monitor changes that might have an impact on their business processes to ensure timeous and strategic alignment and reengineering of core business processes in accordance with the changing environment. Due cognisance of the internal factors and acknowledgement of a need for internal interaction of various departments and operational units within higher education institutions, such as TUT, should also form the basis of all business process reengineering efforts. Given the theoretical underpinning that business process reengineering is a strategic endeavour and that the strategic alignment of business processes is critical for institutions across sectors to improve institutional performance so as to achieve competitive advantage and survival, proposing a comprehensive business process reengineering framework and advocating the strategic reengineering of business processes within a South African public higher education institution constitute an advancement of knowledge within the Public Administration field of study. / PhD (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

A business process reengineering framework to enhance strategic planning within higher education : the case of the Tshwane University of Technology / Avhashoni Michael Mushaathoni

Mushaathoni, Avhashoni Michael January 2015 (has links)
The strategic alignment and reengineering of business processes is critical for institutions across sectors worldwide to achieve performance improvement and subsequently, competitive advantage. Competition within higher education forces higher education institutions, such as TUT, towards management approaches such as business process reengineering to improve effectiveness and efficiency. This research was triggered by an observation of a lack of a framework, within TUT, to guide the manner in which business processes could be strategically reengineered in a uniform, coordinated, and focused fashion. The main focus of the research was to identify core elements which could be included in a comprehensive framework to assist higher education institutions, specifically TUT, to strategically align and reengineer their core business processes in order to achieve performance improvement, which is a prerequisite for higher education institutions across sectors to achieve competitive advantage. The findings of the research were based on the triangulation of data from a robust literature survey to uncover the theoretical underpinnings and to pinpoint core elements of business process reengineering and strategic planning, prescripts from legislation and the regulatory framework governing higher education in South Africa, an analysis of relevant strategic documents within TUT, and opinions and perceptions of sampled respondents within TUT to compare and contrast the data gathered. The findings of the empirical exploration confirmed the problem that triggered the research, namely, that TUT lacks a framework to guide the manner in which it could strategically align and reengineer business processes. An analysis of documents within TUT and consistent with the results of the empirical exploration revealed that although various strategic documents allude to the strategic alignment and reengineering of business processes, lack of a standardised methodology hampers the uniform, coordinated, and focused operationalisation of this noble intent which is critical for the enhancement of strategic planning across sectors worldwide. Consequently, the main contribution of the research was to develop a comprehensive framework to guide the manner in which TUT and other similar higher education institutions could strategically reengineer business processes. The proposed framework advocates an incremental approach to business process reengineering to allow for the continuous improvement of reengineered business processes. At the core of the proposed business process reengineering framework is strategy alignment and stakeholder focus. The framework suggests that when higher education institutions, such as TUT, embark on business process reengineering, they should realise that they are engaging in a strategic endeavour and that business processes targeted for reengineering should be of critical importance to the enhancement of a strategic orientation. It is imperative that higher education institutions, such as TUT, should prioritise the strategic alignment and reengineering of business processes that provide stakeholder satisfaction to create competitive advantage and survival. Considering that TUT and other similar higher education institutions operate as an open system, the proposed framework is based on the systems approach to management. Given the dynamic nature of the South African higher education sector, the proposed framework promotes a business process reengineering methodology which, amongst others, involves the reengineering of business processes with due consideration of the national higher education imperatives and legislative requirements. Consideration of the external environment should cover an analysis of critical developments within higher education, including changes to national legislation and other national strategic imperatives. TUT and other similar higher education institutions should continuously monitor changes that might have an impact on their business processes to ensure timeous and strategic alignment and reengineering of core business processes in accordance with the changing environment. Due cognisance of the internal factors and acknowledgement of a need for internal interaction of various departments and operational units within higher education institutions, such as TUT, should also form the basis of all business process reengineering efforts. Given the theoretical underpinning that business process reengineering is a strategic endeavour and that the strategic alignment of business processes is critical for institutions across sectors to improve institutional performance so as to achieve competitive advantage and survival, proposing a comprehensive business process reengineering framework and advocating the strategic reengineering of business processes within a South African public higher education institution constitute an advancement of knowledge within the Public Administration field of study. / PhD (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

E-förvaltning – ett förvaltningsideal eller bara ett stort IT-projekt? : En beskrivande idéanalys om den svenska e-förvaltningen utifrån tre olika förvaltningsmodeller

Hajdarevic, Asmir January 2016 (has links)
Since the millennium shift the Swedish public administration has, in a successive and significant way, been moving towards an electronic government. By analyzing policy goals formulated by the Swedish government, this essay aims to describe e-government as an administration model and subsequently answer the question if e-government challenges the traditional Swedish public administration. Based on three different ideal types; The bureaucratic model, The user-oriented model and New Public Management, this essay also aims to relate the policy goals of e-government to the ideal types. The analysis shows that the Swedish e-government is based on ideas which can be related to all three ideal types. While the analysis is not able to unequivocally answer the question if e-government challenges the traditional Swedish public administration, it yet indicates that, reversibly, the traditional Swedish public administration challenges e-government.

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