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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ambitioner och en osäker framtid : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser och erfarenheter med ett tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd

Mahdi, Nermin, Simsek, Büsra January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how people with a temporary residence permit are motivated to integrate into a society, though, among other things, language learning, work and studies. On July 20, 2016, a new temporary law was introduced, where instead of a permanent residence permit, a temporary residence permit is granted with requirements to fulfill for extension. The empirical evidence for the study has been collected through semistructured interviews with eight people who, at the time of the interview, had a temporary residence permit. Previous research describes topics related to integration in general ,temporary residence and lastly motivation, and contributes with knowledge to the research topic, where a knowledge gap is their own descriptions of motivation to integrate, as well as motivation to learn the language, work and study with a temporary residence permit. The theoretical framework for the study includes theories about the concepts of integration and motivation, but also Georg Simmel's contribution about the ‘Stranger’ in combination with temporality and mobility. The results show motivation for integration in the form of language learning, studies and work, despite high demands and an uncertain future. A permanent residence permit is for many a purpose for establishing themselves and realizing long-termgoals. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur personer med ett tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd motiveras till att integrera sig i ett samhälle, genom bland annat språklärande, arbete ochstudier. Den 20 juli 2016 infördes en ny tillfällig lag, där istället för ett permanent uppehållstillstånd ges ett tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd med krav att uppfylla för förlängning. Empirin för studien har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta personer som vid tiden intervjun ägde rum, hade tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd. Tidigare forskning redogör ämnen som berör integration i allmänhet, tillfälliga uppehållstillståndet och sist motivation, och bidrar med kunskap till eget forskningsämne, där en kunskapslucka är egna beskrivningar av motivation till att integrera sig, samt motivation till att lära sig språket, arbeta och studera med ett tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd. Den teoretiska ramen för studien innefattar teorier om begreppen integration och motivation, men även Georg Simmels bidrag om ‘Främlingen’ i kombination med temporalitet och mobilitet. Resultatet visar på motivation till integration i form av språklärande, studier och arbete, trots höga krav och en osäker framtid. Ett permanent uppehållstillstånd är för flera ett ändamål till att etablera sig och förverkliga långsiktiga mål.

Nyutbildade intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vara ny på en intensivvårdsavdelning samt deras erfarenheter av given introduktion : En deskriptiv studie / Newly trained intensive care nurses´experiences of being new to an intensive care unit and their experiences of the given introduction : A descriptive study

Lundin, Marie January 2021 (has links)
Intensivvård är en avancerad och resurskrävande form av vård och ställer stora krav på intensivvårdssjuksköterskans kompetens och kunskapsnivå. Tidigare studier inom området belyser i huvudsak den grundutbildade sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vara ny på en intensivvårdsavdelning och deras erfarenheter av introduktionen. Däremot saknas kunskap som beskriver den nyutbildade IVA-sjuksköterskans upplevelser av att vara ny på en intensivvårdsavdelning samt deras erfarenheter av given introduktion. Syftet med studien var att beskriva nyutbildade intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vara ny på en intensivvårdsavdelning samt belysa deras erfarenheter av given introduktion. Datamaterialet bestod av beskrivande berättelser som analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats. I resultatet framkom tre kategorier; ”Från osäkerhet till ansvarskännande”, ”Stöd under introduktionen gav trygghet” och ”Brist på tid, uppföljning och kontinuitet av handledare under introduktionen upplevdes otryggt”. Deltagarna upplevde en osäkerhet i sin nya roll som IVA-sjuksköterska kopplat till bristande klinisk kunskap och erfarenhet. Stödet de fick under introduktionen av en checklista, kollegor, handledare och mentorer gav trygghet. Brist på tid för handledning samt bristande uppföljning och kontinuitet av handledare under introduktionen upplevdes otryggt och negativt för utvecklingen som novis. Konklusionen av resultatet var att IVA-sjuksköterskan upplevde en osäkerhet i början av sin anställning vid intensivvårdsavdelningen men med en stöttande i / Intensive care is the most advanced and resourcing care and demands great competence and level of knowledge on the intensive care nurse. Previous research shows newly trained nurses experiences of starting to work in an intensive care unit and their experiences of the introduction. While there is a lack of knowledge that describes newly trained ICU-nurses experiences of being new in an intensive care unit and their experiences of the given introduction. The aim of this study was to describe newly trained ICU-nurses experiences of being new in an intensive care unit and their experiences of the given introduction. The data consisted of descriptive stories that were analyzed according to qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. The result shows three categories; "From uncertainty to a sense of responsibility", "Support during the introduction gave sense of security" and "Lack of time, follow-up and continuity of supervisors during the introduction was experienced uncertain”. The participants experienced an uncertainty in their new role as an ICU-nurse linked to a lack of clinical knowledge and experience. The support they received during the introduction of a checklist, colleagues, supervisors and mentors provided security. Lack of time for supervision and lack of follow-up and continuity of supervisors during the introduction was perceived as insecure and negative for the progress as a novice. The conclusion of the result was that the ICU-nurses experienced insecurity in the beginning but with a supportive introduction the feeling of being a novice nurse became a feeling of being an advanced beginner.

Hotel Rumburk ve Stříbrnicích / Hotel Rumburk in Stříbrnice

Klemeš, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The content of this project is a new building of a hotel with a restaurant. The object is designed as a three-storey structure without basement. The 1st floor will feature an entrance area with the reception, storage premises, technical facilities, as well as the restaurant section with sanitary facilities and kitchen. The 2nd and 3rd floor will feature apartments for the guests, equipped with own bathrooms. Two double rooms on the 3rd floor are designed as barrier-free. There will also be a large lounge, game room and children’s room on the 2nd floor, and a small lounge on the 3rd floor. The construction will be based on foundation slabs made of plain concrete and ferroconcrete bases. The vertical construction system is solved as combined and is formed by porous concrete blocks and ferroconcrete columns. The ceiling structure above the 1st floor will consist of ventricular prestressed ferroconcrete panels. The object will be roofed with a sloping jerkinghead and a flat roof.

Hotel / Hotel

Koudelová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is design a hotel in Žďár nad Sázavou. The hotel is designed for 36 guests. The building is with partial basement and it is composed of three parts. These parts have one, two and five above-ground floor. Structural system is frame and load-bearing elements are columns and beams. The roof is flat. Part of the design is also a thermal assessment and fire safety assessment.

“Du är välkommen här, precis som du är”: Det räcker inte att bara säga det, bevisa det. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om nyanländas upplevelser av erkännande under sin skolgång. / “You are welcome here, just as you are”: It´s not enough to just say it, prove it. : A qualitative interview study of newly-arrived experiences of recognition during their schooling.

Castro Avelar, Esteban, Englund Lindvall, Cicci January 2021 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att undersöka nyanlända elevers upplevelser av erkännande under sin skolgång. Det empiriska materialet för denna studie består av fyra lågt strukturerade livsberättelseintervjuer. Intervjupersonerna består av tidigare nyanlända elever som retrospektivt reflekterar kring och ser tillbaka på upplevelser under sin skolgång. Empirin tolkas med hjälp av erkännandets moral (Honneths, 2003), samt en teoretisk framställning av erkännande i en skolkontext (Trondman, 2016). Datan analyserades utifrån en hermeneutisk tolkning, där resultatet visade på att det är upplevelsen av handlingar som är avgörande för om det nås ett erkännande eller en moralisk kränkning. Vidare synliggörs det att oavsett vilken form av erkännande som ämnas uppnås, behöver individens självrelationer relateras till handlingarna. Således behövs en holistisk bild för att kunna bidra till att individen bygger upp eller bibehåller en positiv självrelation. / The purpose of this study is to explore newly arrived students' experiences of recognition during their schooling. The empirical material for this study consists of four low structured life-story interviews. The interviewees consist of former newly arrived students who retrospectively reflect on and look back on experiences during their schooling. The empirical data is interpreted with the help of the morality of recognition (Honneths, 2003), as well as a theoretical interpretation of recognition in a school context (Trondman, 2016). The data was analyzed based on a hermeneutic interpretation, where the results showed that it is the experience of an action that is decisive if recognition or a moral violation is achieved. Furthermore, it is made clear that regardless of what form of recognition is intended to be achieved, the individual's self-relations need to be related to the actions. Accordingly, a holistic picture is needed to be able to contribute to the individual building up or maintaining a positive self-relationship.

Newly Graduated Nurses’ Experiences Of The Intervention Practitioner Training Nurse. : A Qualitative Interview Study.

Rose, Anna-Karin January 2021 (has links)
Aims and objectives: To describe newly graduated nurses’ experiences of the intervention practitioner training nurse.  Background: Newly graduated nurses need support to establish the profession. Several studies have shown that the first years in the profession, is the most challenging time. Method: The intervention practitioner training nurse was initiated to empower, and support newly graduates nurses in their professional role. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with ten newly graduate nurses having experience of the intervention. The data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis results in the overarching theme; “Organizational prerequisites” The theme consisted of three categories, "Activator" comprised the subcategories compiliating and attractive workplace. This involved that the practitioner training nurse were the activator creating a clear structure and the wards became more attractive workplaces. “Supportive nursing" comprised the subcategories present assistance, emotional support, and patient safety. This involved that practitioner training nurse constituted an important support function and helped to ensure patient safety. “Professional development” comprised the subcategories nurse's competence, feeling of security, and learning. This created the opportunity for professional development. Conclusion: The newly graduate nurses' experience of the intervention shows that the creation of an organisational structure enabled the practitioner training nurse to be an important support and to contribute to professional development. This was accomplished by strategic decision of the hospital management. Relevance to practice: The results of the current study can be transferred to other similar healthcare organizations and can be a support for managers who plan to initiate interventions to empower and support newly graduated nurses.

Matematiska svårigheter hos de nyanlända eleverna : En kvalitativ studie om lärarnas arbetssätt och erfarenheter kring nyanlända elevers svårigheter i matematikundervisningen / Mathematical difficulties for the newly arrived pupils : A qualitative study of teachers’ teaching methods and experiences with newly arrived pupils’ difficulties in mathematics instruction

Suleiman, Mariem, Rofael, Rana January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie berör lärares uppfattningar om nyanlända elevers matematiska svårigheter i årskurs 1–3. Flera nyanlända elever börjar i den svenska skolan, vissa av dem har skolbakgrund och vissa saknar det. Oavsett vilket är det skolans och lärarens plikt att handleda och stötta eleverna i deras studier. Tidigare forskning visar att de nyanlända eleverna ofta presterar sämre än andra elever i matematikundervisningen, speciellt när de stöter på textbaserade uppgifter. Det har framkommit tydligt att de nyanlända elevernas matematiska svårigheter uppstår på grund av att de saknar det svenska språket. I denna studie kommer det att presenteras vilka svårigheter några lärare upplever att nyanlända elever har i matematikundervisning och på vilket sätt lärarna stödjer dessa elever i matematikundervisningen. Denna studie är en kvalitativ studie där semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts för att besvara forskningsfrågorna. Tre matematiklärare och tre SvA-lärare har deltagit och bidragit med sina tankar och resonerat kring studiens valda problemområde. Studien tar avstamp från det interkulturella perspektivet. Det framkommer i resultatet från de sex respondenterna att språket spelar en stor roll för de nyanlända elevernas lärande i ämnet matematik. I resultatet framkommer att lärarna hade liknande resonemang och tankar kring hur de ska uttala sig vid genomgångar och tydliggöra olika matematiska begrepp, termer och symboler. Studiens slutsats är att användning av studiehandledning, modersmål samt formellt och informellt språk är olika sätt att underlätta för nyanlända elever i matematikundervisningen. Vidare framkom att de modersmål som de nyanlända eleverna har kan utnyttjas för att öka elevernas förståelse för begrepp, termer och symboler i matematikundervisningen. Detta betyder att språket kan spela en stor roll i de nyanlända elevernas kunskapsutveckling. / This study deals with teachers’ views of mathematical difficulties for newly arrived students in Grades 1-3. Several newly arrived students have started in the Swedish schools, some of them have a school background and some do not. Either way, it is the duty of the school and the teacher to manage and support the students in their education. Previous research show that newly arrived pupils often perform worse than other pupils in mathematics education, especially when the instruction relies on text-based assignments. It has become clear that the newly arrived pupils’ mathematical difficulties arise partly because they lack the Swedish language. This study will present what difficulties some teachers of newly arrived students have in mathematics instruction and in what way they support newly arrived students in their mathematics teaching. This study is a qualitative study where semi-structured interviews have been done to answer the research questions. Three mathematics teachers and three Swedish as second language teachers have participated and contributed with their thoughts and reasoned about the study's chosen problem. The study has taken off from the intercultural perspective. The results from the six respondents clearly show that language plays a significant role in the newly arrived students' learning abilities in mathematics. The result shows that the teachers had similar thoughts and opinions about how they should express themselves during lectures and how to clarify different mathematical concepts, terms and symbols. The study's conclusion is that study guidance, mother tongue as well as formal and informal language is strategies to advance mathematics teaching for the newly arrived students. In addition, it was found that the native languages that the newly arrived students have can be appointed to increase the students' understanding of concepts, terms and symbols in mathematics education. This means that language plays an important role in the newly arrived students' development of knowledge.

Grossesse et reconnaissance du sujet. Parcours de soins de femmes enceintes primo-arrivantes en France. / Pregnancy and the Recognition of the Subject. Care paths of pregnant newly arrived immigrant women in France.

Virole, Louise 20 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les formes de subjectivation produites au cours des parcours de soins de femmes enceintes primo-arrivantes – étrangères arrivées depuis moins de cinq ans sur le territoire français. L’enquête de terrain s’appuie sur des observations au sein de structures de soins à Paris et en Seine-Saint-Denis, ainsi que sur une soixantaine d’entretiens semi-directifs menés avec des professionnelles de la périnatalité et des femmes primo-arrivantes enceintes ou ayant accouché récemment en Île-de-France. À partir de ce travail ethnographique, la thèse analyse de manière intersectionnelle les effets subjectivants de l’entrée dans des dispositifs médico-sociaux dédiés aux femmes enceintes primo-arrivantes. Alors que dans un premier temps, l’annonce de la grossesse fragilise les conditions de vie de ces sujets déjà exclus en France, les femmes primo-arrivantes acquièrent en revanche une légitimité auprès des institutions médicales du fait de leur grossesse. Identifiées comme public à risque prioritaire par les politiques de santé publique, ces femmes sont orientées vers des prises en charge spécifiques, qui participent à les reconnaitre en tant que sujets. La thèse interroge les effets réifiants de cette reconnaissance : reconnues uniquement grâce à leur corps enceint, ces femmes connaissent une forme d’assignation racialisée à la maternité. Dans ce contexte, les femmes enceintes primo-arrivantes peuvent en venir à mobiliser leur corps enceint comme ressource pour limiter les effets de la domination. En définitive, la thèse donne à voir les mécanismes d’altérisation ethno-raciale opérés par les professionnelles de santé et les pratiques de résistance des usagères au sein des dispositifs dédiés. / This thesis studies subjectification’ process produced during the care path of pregnant newly arrived immigrants – foreigners who arrived for less than five years in France. The field study is based on observations in health care structures in Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis, and sixty semi-directive interviews with perinatal health professionals and newly arrived immigrant women, pregnant or who have just given birth, in Île-de-France. From this ethnographic study, the thesis analyses, with an intersectional perspective, the entrance in perinatal dedicated health structures and their effects on newly arrived immigrants’ subjectivities. At first, the announcement of pregnancy can degrade their living conditions in a context where they are excluded in France. However, they acquire a legitimacy with health care institutions because of their pregnancy. Targeted as public at risk by the perinatal public policies, these women are guided into dedicated healthcare facilities, which recognize them as subjects. The thesis interrogates the reifying effects of this type of recognition. The newly arrived immigrant women are recognized only through their pregnancy; they experience a racialized assignment to maternity. They develop incorporated strategies to counter mechanisms of domination, by using their pregnant body as a resource. Finally, the thesis analyses racialization mechanisms inside the health care structures and users’ practices of resistance.

Stöttning eller utstötning? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om nyanlända elevers upplevelser av ämnet idrott och hälsa. / Support or exclusion? : a qualitative interview study on newly arrived students’ experiences of the subject physical education.

Zethraeus, Albin, Grande, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad nyanlända elever upplever har påverkat deras möjlighet att aktivt kunna delta och tillgodogöra sig undervisningen i idrott och hälsa. Frågeställningar: - Vad upplever nyanlända elever har begränsat dem i tillgodogörandet av undervisningen i idrott och hälsa samt vilka konsekvenser har dessa begränsningar medfört? - Vad upplever nyanlända elever har främjat dem i tillgodogörandet av undervisningen i idrott och hälsa? - Vad upplever nyanlända elever hade kunnat fungerat bättre i tillgodogörandet av undervisningen i idrott och hälsa? Metod: En kvalitativ inriktning har använts för att få större förståelse av studieobjektet. Sex semistruktuterade intervjuer med nyanlända elever ligger till grund för datainsamlingen. Studiens data analyserades och tematiserades till följande teman: begränsande faktorer, konsekvenser av begränsande faktorer, främjande faktorer samt möjligheter till främjande faktorer. Utifrån ovanstående teman skapades koder för att tydliggöra respondenternas upplevelser av undervisningen i idrott och hälsa. Resultat: Alla respondenter vittnade om olika erfarenheter till undervisningen i idrott och hälsa vilka presenteras under resultatets fyra övergripande teman. Resultatet visar att stöttning, anpassning, kommunikation och gruppsammanhållning är avgörande faktorer som påverkar nyanlända elever till att aktivt kunna delta och tillgodogöra sig undervisningen i idrott och hälsa. Slutsats: Utifrån föreliggande studie kan ett mönster ses gällande stöttning och anpassning i relation till nyanlända elevers upplevelser av undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Stöttning och anpassning har varit avgörande vad det gäller både begränsade och främjande faktorer i nyanlända elevers tillgodogörande av undervisningen. / Aim: The aim of this study is to examine what newly arrived students experience has affected their ability to actively participate and assimilate teaching in physical education. - What do newly arrived students experience have limited them in assimilation of the teaching of the subject physical education and what consequences have these restrictions had? - What do newly arrived students experience has promoted them in the assimilation of the teaching of the subject physical education? - What do newly arrived students experience could have worked better to help them assimilate the teaching of the subject physical education? Method: A qualitative aim has been used in the purpose of getting a greater understanding of the study object. Six semi-structured interviews with newly arrived students form the basis for the data collection. The data of the study were analyzed and thematized to the following themes: limiting factors, consequences of limiting factors, promoting factors and opportunities for promoting factors. Based on the above themes, codes were created to clarify the respondents’ experiences of the teaching in physical education. Result: All the respondents testified about different experiences of the teaching of the subject physical education, which are presented through the four overarching themes of the result. The result shows that support, adaption, communication and group cohesion are crucial factors that influence newly arrived students to be able to actively participate and assimilate the teaching of physical education. Conclusions: Based on the present study, a pattern can be seen regarding support and adaptation in relation to newly arrived students’ experiences of the teaching in the subject of physical education. Support and adaptation have been crucial in terms of both limited and promoting factors in newly arrived students’ assimilation of the teaching.

Ömsesidig socialisation? : En studie av organisationsocialisation på en ny verksamhet

Kapicic, Elma, Kapidzic, Anela January 2021 (has links)
Kunskaper inom området organisationssocialisation bygger mestadels på studier genomförda i relativt stabila organisationsmiljöer. Med utgångspunkt i att dagens arbetsliv snarare karaktäriseras av förändring och utveckling ser vi dock ett behov av kompletterande studier. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur vår studie riktade sig därför till att undersöka hur socialisationen av nyanställda ser ut i nyskapade verksamheter med avsikt att utveckla kunskap om hur nyanställda på en sådan verksamhet utvecklas i sina roller till att bli fullvärdiga medlemmar. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare inom en verksamhet vilken betraktas som nystartad. Med utgångspunkt i ett teoretiskt perspektiv om osäkerhetsreducering framkommer tre centrala fynd. I studien framgår det att de nyanställda funnit väldigt starka band och sociala relationer till varandra, av den anledningen att det saknats annan tidigare anställd personal och samtliga nyanställda såg sig själva kliva in i organisationen som en gemenskap. Organisationskulturens ostadiga karaktär var något som bidrog till ett proaktivt beteende hos noviserna där de i den nya verksamheten, tillsammans med andra nya anställda, i högre grad fick driva sin egen socialisering med stöd och bekräftelse av varandra i hanteringen av osäkerheter som präglat både deras och verksamhetens första tid. / Knowledge in the field of organizational socialization is mostly based on studies conducted in relatively stable organizational environments. Based on the fact that today's working life is rather characterized by change and development, we see a need for supplementary studies. The purpose of this study has been to investigate how socialization of new employees looks like in newly created businesses, with the intention of developing knowledge on how new employees in such businesses are shaped in their role to become a worthy member of the organization. The study was conducted with the help of semi-structured interviews with employees in a business considered to be newly started. Based on a theoretical perspective of uncertainty reduction, three key findings emerged. The study shows that the new employees found very strong associations and social relations with each other. Because of the lack of other previously employed staff, all new employees saw themselves stepping into the organization as a community. The unstable nature of the organizational culture was something that contributed to a proactive behavior of the novices, where in the new business together with other new employees, they were more likely to pursue their own socialization with support and confirmation of each other in dealing with uncertainties that characterized both their and the business' first time.

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