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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamische Autoregulation der Nierengefässe von wachen Ratten

Schönfeld, Stefan Georg 26 April 2004 (has links)
An 23 wachen Ratten wurde die dynamische Regulation der Nierengefäße als Antwort auf schwingungsförmige Änderung des renalen Perfusionsdruckes (RPP) gemessen. Es wurden der Renale Perfusionsdruck (RPP), der Nierenarterienfluss (RBF) sowie lokale Gefäßflüsse der Nierenrinde und des äußeren Nierenmark (Laser-Doppler) aufgezeichnet und daraus die entsprechende Conductance (Leitwert) der Gefäße errechnet. Der mittlere RPP wurde rampenförmig mit einer langsamen Änderungsrate gesenkt (dp/dt), wobei nach jeder absteigenden Flanke eine aufsteigende Rampe gleicher Geschwindigkeit gemessen wurde. Eine Überlagerung des RPP mit Schwingungen unterschiedlicher Frequenz (f=0,005, f=0,01 und f=0,02 Hz) bei einer Amplitude von 20 mmHg führte zu einem Anstieg von dp/dt und einem erhöhten Shearstress an der Gefäßwand (WSS). Der Einfluss der Schwingungen auf RCV war signifikant abhängig vom mittleren RPP. So war die Conductance in tieferen Druckbereichen des RPP mehrfach höher als in den Ausgangsdruckwerten. Innerhalb der absteigenden Rampen führte ein Erhöhung der Frequenz zu einem Anstieg der maximalen Amplitude des RVC des Nierengesamtflusses. Die größten Amplituden wurden bei RPP Werten zwischen 58 und 46 mmHg gemessen. Diese Abhängigkeit war bei den ansteigenden Flanken nicht gegeben. Außerdem zeigte sich in den abfallenden Versuchsteilen ein plötzlicher Phasenwechsel zwischen der RPP- und der RVC-Schwingung bei mittleren RPP-Werten zwischen 95 und 80 mmHg. Dies lässt schließen, dass oberhalb dieses Druckwertes aktive myogenen Vasokonstriktion die passiven Gefäßdilatation vollständig ausgleicht, während unterhalb dieses RPP-Wertes die Vasokonstriktion insuffizient reagiert, bis bei ca. 50 mmHg die RCV ausschließlich der passiven Vasodilatation folgt. Höhere Schwingungsfrequenzen führen durch einen Anstieg des WSS zu einer Erhöhung der Amplitude des RVC. Dies bewirkt eine Änderung der charakteristischen renalen Autoregulation des RPP. Auf diese Weise ändert sich die Effizienz der Autoregulation. / In 23 conscious rats, the dynamic features of renal vascular conductance (RVC) in response to oscillatory changes in renal perfusion pressure (RPP) were studied at different mean RPPs. RPP, renal blood flow, and regional cortical and outer-medullary fluxes (laser-Doppler) were continuously recorded and the respective RVCs calculated. Mean RPP was changed ramp-wise with a low rate of change (dp/dt), whereby a decremental ramp was immediately followed by an incremental ramp. Superimposing RPP oscillations (amplitude 20 mmHg) of different frequencies (f=0.005, f=0.01, and f=0.02 Hz) increased maximum dp/dt, and thus increased vascular wall shear stress (WSS). The impact of RPP oscillations on RVC critically depended on mean RPP. RVC oscillations were several times higher at lower mean RPPs than at control RPP During the decremental ramps, increasing the frequency led to an increase in the maximum amplitude of total RVC, and decreased mean RPP where maximum amplitude occurred from 58 to 46 mmHg. This frequency dependence was abolished during incremental ramps. Lowering mean RPP resulted in a sudden reversal of phase between RPP and RVC oscillations at mean RPP between 95 and 80 mmHg. It is concluded that, above this RPP, myogenic vasoconstriction fully counterbalances passive vasodilatation, whereas, below that RPP, myogenic constriction gradually tapers off until, at about 50 mmHg, RVC is exclusively determined by passive dilation. Higher oscillatory frequencies, assumed to be due to increased WSS, elicit a greater response in RVC amplitude as an expression of vessel compliance, and, thus change the RPP characteristics of renal autoregulation. However, the efficiency of autoregulation is thereby barely changed.

Embryo Adoption: Implications of Personhood, Marriage, and Parenthood

McMillen, Brooke Marie 14 April 2008 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / One’s personal claims regarding personhood will influence his moral belief regarding embryo adoption. In Chapter One, I consider the personhood of the human embryo. If the human embryo is a person, we are morally obligated to permit the practice of embryo adoption as an ethical means to save human persons. However, for those who do not claim that an embryo is a person at conception, embryo adoption is not a necessary practice because we have no moral obligation to protect them. There are still others who claim that personhood is gained at some point during gestation when certain mental capacities develop. I offer my own claim that consciousness and sentience as well as the potential to be self-conscious mark the beginning of personhood. Embryo adoption raises several questions surrounding the institution of marriage. Due to its untraditional method of procreation, embryo adoption calls into question the role of procreation within marriage. In Chapter Two, I explore the nature of the marriage relationship by offering Lisa Cahill’s definition of marriage which involves both a spiritual and physical dimension, and then I describe the concept of marriage from different perspectives including a social, religious, and a personal perspective. From a personal perspective, I explore the relationship between marriage and friendship. Finally, I describe how the concept of marriage is understood today and explore the advantages to being married as opposed to the advantages of being single. Embryo adoption changes the way we customarily think about procreation within a family because in embryo adoption, couples are seeking an embryo from another union to be implanted into the woman. This prompts some philosophers to argue that embryo adoption violates the marriage relationship. In Chapter Three, I further consider the impact of embryo adoption on the family as an extension of the marital relationship as well as the impact of embryo adoption on the traditional roles of motherhood and fatherhood. I examine motherhood by looking at how some philosophers define motherhood and when these philosophers claim a woman becomes a mother. After considering these issues regarding motherhood, I examine the same issues surrounding fatherhood. Peg Brand, PhD., Chair

An incarnational Christology set in the context of narratives of Shona women in present day Zimbabwe

Chimhanda, Francisca Hildegardis 30 June 2002 (has links)
Implicit in the concepts Incarnation, narrative, Christology, Shona women of Zimbabwe today is the God who acts in human history and in the contemporaneity and particularity of our being. The Incarnation as the embodiment of God in the world entails seizing the kairos opportunity to expand the view and to bear the burdens of responsibility. A theanthropocosmic Christology that captures the Shona holistic world-view is explored. The acme for a relational Christology is the imago Dei/Christi and the baptismal indicative and imperative. God is revealed in various manifestations of creation. Human identity and dignity is the flipside of God's attributes. Theanthropocosmic Christology as pluralistic, differential and radical brings about a dialectic between the whole and its parts, the uniqueness of the individual, communal ontology and epistemology, the local and the universal, orthodoxy and orthopraxis, Christology and soteriology. God mediates in the contingency of particularity. Emphasis is on life-affirmation rather than sex determination of Jesus as indicated by theologies of liberation and inculturation. At the interface gender, ethnicity, class and creed, God transcends human limitedness and artificial boundaries in creating catholic space and advocating all-embracing apostolic action. Difference is appreciated for the richness it brings both to the individual and the community. Hegemonic structures and borderless texts are view with suspicion as totalising grand~narratives and exclusivist by using generic language. The kairos in dialogue with the Incarnation is seizing the moment to expand the view and to share the burdens, joys and responsibility in a community of equal discipleship. In a hermeneutic of engagement and suspicion, prophetic witness is the hallmark of Christian discipleship and of a Christology that culminates in liberative praxis. The Christology that emerges from Shona women highlights a passionate appropriation that involves the head, gut, womb and heart and underlies the circle symbolism. The circle is the acme of Shona hospitality and togetherness in creative dialogue with the Trinitarian koinonia. The Shona Christological designation Muponesi (Deliverer-Midwife) in dialogue with the Paschal Mystery motif captures the God-human-cosmos relationship that gives a Christology caught up in the rhythms, dynamism and drama of life. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Kvinnors förhållningssätt till kropp och ätande : om ätbeteende, kroppsmissnöje och ålders samband med den självmedvetna emotionen skam / Women´s attitudes to food and feelings toward their bodies : the associations between eating behaviour, body dissatisfaction, age and body shame

Brocker, Ann January 2016 (has links)
Undersökningen som är en korrelationsstudie från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv vände sig till kvinnor i en normalpopulation. Deltagarna var mellan 19 och 59 år. Ett syfte var att undersöka samband mellan kroppsmissnöje, skam och känslor, attityder och beteenden kopplade till ätande. Kroppsmissnöje konceptualiserades och mättes som missnöje med kroppsform. Skam konceptualiserades och mättes som body shame (skam över den egna kroppen). Enligt feministiska objektifieringsteorier lärs flickor tidigt att se sin egen kropp från en utomstående observatörs perspektiv. En del av de flickor och unga kvinnor som i kulturen erfar sexuell objektifiering internaliserar normer som objektifierar deras kroppar. Detta förutsätts kunna leda till skamkänslor och ätproblem. Eftersom kroppsnormerna är orealistiska är de omöjliga att mot-svara och misslyckandet med detta genererar ytterligare skamkänslor. Menopausen kan för många individer innebära mindre exponering för sexuell objektifiering varför skamkänslor kan antas minska. Ett ytterligare syfte var därför att undersöka ålders samband med skam. Resultatet indikerar att såväl kroppsmissnöje som skam är riskfaktorer för utvecklandet av attityder och beteenden kopplade till ätproblem. Kroppsmissnöje korrelerade starkt positivt med skam och det förelåg ett svagt negativt samband mellan ålder och skam.


鍾佳純 Unknown Date (has links)
按聯合行為之執法實務,因面臨直接證據取得不易之現實,各國執法機關與法院莫不仰賴間接證據以證明事業間存乎於心的「合意」,從而「合意」要件的認定,成為在認定聯合行為時,最艱困的挑戰。鑑於我國學說與實務,尚未就如何運用間接證據證明合意之存在,形成一套可資依循之操作法則,從而本文乃一秉經濟理論、法律理論並重,而兼採法律經濟分析之方法,參諸反托拉斯法施行歷史最久、執法經驗最為豐富之美國,分析觀察其理論與實務之發展,加之以大量案例之研析,歸納出其長期踐行所形成之操作原則,並於檢視我國聯合行為之實務運作情形後,在我國實定法律與執法實務之架構下,提出本文所建議之間接證據操作原則,期能供作我國行政院公平交易會與行政法院,於認定聯合行為案件「合意」要件時,可資依循之操作準則,相關操作準則之具體內容,則包括間接證據之類型化、不同類型間接證據之論究先後順序、經濟分析方法與經濟性證據之運用方式、評價經濟性證據時應採取之合理心證運作模式、為控制經濟性證據之無規則性本質而導致的法律不確定性風險,而就證據價值所為之必要限制、以及本於公平正義與效率之理念,而設定出之聯合行為行政訴訟之據證明度標準,及於該證明度標準下所形成之具體操作內涵。 關鍵字: 卡特爾、合意、間接證據、證明度標準、有意識平行行為、促進行為、附加因素 / The competition authorities and courts nowadays have difficulty to obtain direct evidence to prove a cartel’s agreement for horizontal conspiracies seldom entailing refined articulation of mutual understanding—often the understanding is no more than a wink or a nod, in this situation, inferring the conspiracy based on circumstantial evidence is the normality rather than the exception and has bedeviled the enforcer and courts when distinguishing between innocent interdependence and illegal conspiracy. In view of deficient in a systematic way for Taiwan Fair Trade Commission and the Administrative Courts in manipulating circumstantial evidence when proving the existence of an agreement, this thesis proposes a systematic mode and criteria of manipulating through surveying numerous horizontal restraint cases covering U.S. and Taiwan by means of equally emphasizing law theory and economic theory as well as the approach of economic analysis of law. And the contents includes classifying the types of circumstantial evidence, the proper and reasonable way of economic evidence evaluation, the essential conditions in the probative value of economic evidence in order to control the pitfalls of uncertainty in the law resulting from increased reliance on such evidence as well as the standard of proof which conforms to justice and efficiency imposing on a cartel administrative litigation, with regard to the main issues of the suggestion framework. Key words: cartel, agreement, circumstantial evidence, the standard of proof, conscious parallelism, facilitating practice, plus factor

Approche psychocritique de l'œuvre romanesque de Tierno Monénembo

Keita, Mohamed 27 June 2011 (has links)
La présente thèse a pour but de ressortir l’implicite de l’œuvre de Tierno Monénembo. Elle se structure autour de trois axes principaux ; le premier étudie les instances narratives ; le deuxième porte sur les principaux actants du récit ; le troisième axe permet d’élaborer la genèse du mythe personnel de l’écrivain à travers l’exil. L’analyse psychocritique de l’œuvre de Monénembo se veut être aussi une étude portant sur la psychologie des personnages, elle tâche de mettre en exergue le malaise identitaire des personnages et celui de l’exilé en somme, face à des traumatismes sociopolitiques, les personnages éprouvent la nostalgie du royaume de l’enfance. Cette structure récurrente dans l’œuvre est la résultante d’un passé troublant. Celui-ci se traduit dans le discours des narrateurs. Ces derniers s’inspirent en général de l’univers familial ou de celui du pays natal « mal sorti » du joug colonial français / The present theses is aimed at taking out again the implicit of literary oeuvre of Tierno Monenembo. It is structured around three main axles ; the first studies narrative authorities ; second door on the main actors of the tale ; the third axles allows to work out the origin of the personal myth of the writer across banishment. The analysis psychocritique of oeuvre of Monenembo Is meant be also a study concerning the psychology of the figures. It tries to head with the self-defining feeling of faintness of the figures and with that of the exile. All in all, faced with traumas sociopolitiques, the figures feel the nostalgia of the infantile stadium. This recurrent structure in oeuvre is the result of a disturbing past. This one is translated by speeches on the sly of storytellers. These last draw inspiration in general from the family world or from that of the natal country “badly taken out” from French colonial yoke

Validação da medida da pressão crítica de fechamento da faringe durante o sono induzido / Validation of the pharyngeal critical closing pressure during induced sleep

Genta, Pedro Rodrigues 31 March 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A pressão crítica de fechamento da faringe (PCrit) é a pressão nasal em que há colapso da faringe. Conceitualmente a Pcrit reflete a contribuição anatômica na gênese da apnéia obstrutiva do sono (AOS). No entanto, a relação entre a PCrit e a anatomia das vias aéreas superiores (VAS) tem sido pouco estudada. A PCrit determinada durante o sono requer pesquisadores experientes durante a noite. A indução do sono com midazolam é usada na prática clínica para a realização de procedimentos ambulatoriais e poderia ser uma alternativa mais conveniente para se determinar a Pcrit. Porém, o midazolam pode provocar sedação além de simples indução do sono, reduzir a atividade muscular das VAS e aumentar a colapsabilidade quando comparado com o sono normal. Objetivos: 1. validar a determinação da PCrit durante o dia após a indução do sono com midazolam; 2. comparar a arquitetura do sono induzido com baixa dose de midazolam com o sono natural; 3. correlacionar a PCrit com a anatomia das VAS. Métodos: Homens com graus variados de sintomas sugestivos de AOS foram submetidos a polissonografia completa noturna, determinação da PCrit durante o sono natural e após a indução do sono com midazolam bem como tomografia computadorizada de cabeça e pescoço para avaliação das VAS. Resultados: Foram estudados 15 sujeitos com idade (média±DP) de 54 ± 10 anos, índice de massa corporal de 29,9 ± 3,9 kg/m2 e índice de apnéiahipopnéia (IAH) de 38 ± 22 (variação: 8-66 eventos/h). A indução do sono foi obtida em todos os sujeitos, utilizando doses mínimas de midazolam (mediana [intervalo interquartil]) (2,4 [2,0-4,4] mg). A PCrit durante o sono natural e induzido foram semelhantes (-0,82 ± 3,44 e -0,97 ± 3,21 cmH2O, P = 0,663) e se associaram (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse=0,92 (IC 95% 0,78-0,97 P<0,001). A distribuição das fases do sono durante sono natural e induzido foi similar, com excessão da fase 1 (10,5 ± 5,1% vs. 20,6 ± 8,1, respectivamente; P=0,001). A Pcrit determinada durante o sono natural e induzido se correlacionaram com o IAH (r=0,592, P=0,020 e r=0,576, P=0,025, respectivamente). Além disso tanto a Pcrit determinada por sono natural e induzido se correlacionaram com diversas variáveis tomográficas de VAS, incluindo a posição do osso hióide, ângulo da base do crânio e as áreas seccionais da velofaringe e hipofaringe (r variando de 0,577 a 0,686, P<0,05). A regressão linear múltipla revelou que o IAH foi independentemente associado com a Pcrit durante sono induzido, circunferência da cintura e idade (r2 = 0,785, P = 0,001). Conclusão: A PCrit determinada durante o dia com indução do sono é semelhante à determinada durante o sono natural e é um método alternativo promissor para determinar a PCrit. O sono induzido por doses baixas de midazolan promove um sono similar ao sono natural. A Pcrit determinada tanto durante o sono natural e induzido correlaciona-se com várias características anatômicas das VAS / Introduction: The pharyngeal critical closing pressure (Pcrit) is the nasal pressure at which the airway collapses. Pcrit is thought to reflect the anatomical contribution to the genesis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, the relationship between Pcrit and upper airway anatomy has been poorly investigated. Pcrit determined during sleep requires experienced investigators at night. Sleep induction with midazolam is frequently used in clinical practice during ambulatory procedure and could be a more convenient alternative to assess Pcrit. On the other hand, midazolam could induce sedation rather than sleep, decrease upper airway muscle activity and increase collapsibility compared with natural sleep. Objectives: 1. validate Pcrit determination during the day after sleep induction with midazolam; 2. compare the sleep architecture of induced sleep after low doses of midazolam with natural sleep; 3.correlate Pcrit with upper airway anatomy. Methods: Men with different severity of OSA symptoms underwent baseline full polysomnography, Pcrit determination during natural sleep and after sleep induction with midazolam and head and neck computed tomography. RESULTS: Fifteen men aged (mean±SD) 54±10ys, body mass index=29.9 ± 3.9 Kg/m2 and apnea hypopnea index=38±22, range: 8-66 events/h were studied. Sleep induction was obtained with minimum doses of midazolam (median[interquartile range] (2.4 [2.0-4.4] mg). Sleep phase distribution during natural and induced sleep was similar, except for stage 1 (10.5 ± 5.1% vs. 20.6 ± 8.1, respectively; P=0.001). Natural and induced sleep Pcrit were similar (-0.82 ± 3.44 and -0.97 ± 3.21 cmH2O, P=0.663) and closely associated (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.92 (95%CI 0.78-0.97, P<0.001). Natural and sleep induced Pcrit correlated with AHI (r=0.592, P=0.020; r=0.576, P=0.025, respectively). Pcrit determined both during natural and induced sleep were significantly associated with several tomographic variables, including hyoid position, cranial base angle and cross sectional areas of the velopharynx and hypopharynx (r range: 0.577 to 0.686, P<0.05). Multiple linear regression revealed that AHI was independently associated with induced sleep Pcrit, waist circumference and age (r2=0.785, P=0.001). Conclusion: Pcrit determined during the day with sleep induction is similar to natural sleep and is a promising alternative method to determine Pcrit. Sleep induction with small doses of midazolam promoted sleep similar to natural sleep. Pcrit determined both during natural and induced sleep correlates with several anatomical characteristics of the upper airway

Cache-conscious off-line real-time scheduling for multi-core platforms : algorithms and implementation / Ordonnanceur hors-ligne temps-réel et conscient du cache ciblant les architectures multi-coeurs : algorithmes et implémentations

Nguyen, Viet Anh 22 February 2018 (has links)
Les temps avancent et les applications temps-réel deviennent de plus en plus gourmandes en ressources. Les plate-formes multi-cœurs sont apparues dans le but de satisfaire les demandes des applications en ressources, tout en réduisant la taille, le poids, et la consommation énergétique. Le challenge le plus pertinent, lors du déploiement d'un système temps-réel sur une plate-forme multi-cœur, est de garantir les contraintes temporelles des applications temps réel strict s'exécutant sur de telles plate-formes. La difficulté de ce challenge provient d'une interdépendance entre les analyses de prédictabilité temporelle. Cette interdépendance peut être figurativement liée au problème philosophique de l'œuf et de la poule, et expliqué comme suit. L'un des pré-requis des algorithmes d'ordonnancement est le Pire Temps d'Exécution (PTE) des tâches pour déterminer leur placement et leur ordre d'exécution. Mais ce PTE est lui aussi influencé par les décisions de l'ordonnanceur qui va déterminer quelles sont les tâches co-localisées ou concurrentes propageant des effets sur les caches locaux et les ressources physiquement partagées et donc le PTE. La plupart des méthodes d'analyse pour les architectures multi-cœurs supputent un seul PTE par tâche, lequel est valide pour toutes conditions d'exécutions confondues. Cette hypothèse est beaucoup trop pessimiste pour entrevoir un gain de performance sur des architectures dotées de caches locaux. Pour de telles architectures, le PTE d'une tâche est dépendant du contenu du cache au début de l'exécution de la dite tâche, qui est lui-même dépendant de la tâche exécutée avant et ainsi de suite. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de prendre en compte des PTEs incluant les effets des caches privés sur le contexte d’exécution de chaque tâche. Nous proposons dans cette thèse deux techniques d'ordonnancement ciblant des architectures multi-cœurs équipées de caches locaux. Ces deux techniques ordonnancent une application parallèle modélisée par un graphe de tâches, et génèrent un planning statique partitionné et non-préemptif. Nous proposons une méthode optimale à base de Programmation Linéaire en Nombre Entier (PLNE), ainsi qu'une méthode de résolution par heuristique basée sur de l'ordonnancement par liste. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la prise en compte des effets des caches privés sur les PTE des tâches réduit significativement la longueur des ordonnancements générés, ce comparé à leur homologue ignorant les caches locaux. Afin de parfaire les résultats ainsi obtenus, nous avons réalisé l'implémentation de nos ordonnancements dirigés par le temps et conscients du cache pour un déploiement sur une machine Kalray MPPA-256, une plate-forme multi-cœur en grappes (clusters). En premier lieu, nous avons identifié les challenges réels survenant lors de ce type d'implémentation, tel que la pollution des caches, la contention induite par le partage du bus, les délais de lancement d'une tâche introduits par la présence de l'ordonnanceur, et l'absence de cohérence des caches de données. En second lieu, nous proposons des stratégies adaptées et incluant, dans la formulation PLNE, les contraintes matérielles ; ainsi qu'une méthode permettant de générer le code final de l'application. Enfin, l'évaluation expérimentale valide la correction fonctionnelle et temporelle de notre implémentation pendant laquelle nous avons pu observé le facteur le plus impactant la longueur de l'ordonnancement: la contention. / Nowadays, real-time applications are more compute-intensive as more functionalities are introduced. Multi-core platforms have been released to satisfy the computing demand while reducing the size, weight, and power requirements. The most significant challenge when deploying real-time systems on multi-core platforms is to guarantee the real-time constraints of hard real-time applications on such platforms. This is caused by interdependent problems, referred to as a chicken and egg situation, which is explained as follows. Due to the effect of multi-core hardware, such as local caches and shared hardware resources, the timing behavior of tasks are strongly influenced by their execution context (i.e., co-located tasks, concurrent tasks), which are determined by scheduling strategies. Symetrically, scheduling algorithms require the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) of tasks as prior knowledge to determine their allocation and their execution order. Most schedulability analysis techniques for multi-core architectures assume a single WCET per task, which is valid in all execution conditions. This assumption is too pessimistic for parallel applications running on multi-core architectures with local caches. In such architectures, the WCET of a task depends on the cache contents at the beginning of its execution, itself depending on the task that was executed before the task under study. In this thesis, we address the issue by proposing scheduling algorithms that take into account context-sensitive WCETs of tasks due to the effect of private caches. We propose two scheduling techniques for multi-core architectures equipped with local caches. The two techniques schedule a parallel application modeled as a task graph, and generate a static partitioned non-preemptive schedule. We propose an optimal method, using an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation, as well as a heuristic method based on list scheduling. Experimental results show that by taking into account the effect of private caches on tasks’ WCETs, the length of generated schedules are significantly reduced as compared to schedules generated by cache-unaware scheduling methods. Furthermore, we perform the implementation of time-driven cache-conscious schedules on the Kalray MPPA-256 machine, a clustered many-core platform. We first identify the practical challenges arising when implementing time-driven cache-conscious schedules on the machine, including cache pollution cause by the scheduler, shared bus contention, delay to the start time of tasks, and data cache inconsistency. We then propose our strategies including an ILP formulation for adapting cache-conscious schedules to the identified practical factors, and a method for generating the code of applications to be executed on the machine. Experimental validation shows the functional and the temporal correctness of our implementation. Additionally, shared bus contention is observed to be the most impacting factor on the length of adapted cache-conscious schedules.

An incarnational Christology set in the context of narratives of Shona women in present day Zimbabwe

Chimhanda, Francisca Hildegardis 30 June 2002 (has links)
Implicit in the concepts Incarnation, narrative, Christology, Shona women of Zimbabwe today is the God who acts in human history and in the contemporaneity and particularity of our being. The Incarnation as the embodiment of God in the world entails seizing the kairos opportunity to expand the view and to bear the burdens of responsibility. A theanthropocosmic Christology that captures the Shona holistic world-view is explored. The acme for a relational Christology is the imago Dei/Christi and the baptismal indicative and imperative. God is revealed in various manifestations of creation. Human identity and dignity is the flipside of God's attributes. Theanthropocosmic Christology as pluralistic, differential and radical brings about a dialectic between the whole and its parts, the uniqueness of the individual, communal ontology and epistemology, the local and the universal, orthodoxy and orthopraxis, Christology and soteriology. God mediates in the contingency of particularity. Emphasis is on life-affirmation rather than sex determination of Jesus as indicated by theologies of liberation and inculturation. At the interface gender, ethnicity, class and creed, God transcends human limitedness and artificial boundaries in creating catholic space and advocating all-embracing apostolic action. Difference is appreciated for the richness it brings both to the individual and the community. Hegemonic structures and borderless texts are view with suspicion as totalising grand~narratives and exclusivist by using generic language. The kairos in dialogue with the Incarnation is seizing the moment to expand the view and to share the burdens, joys and responsibility in a community of equal discipleship. In a hermeneutic of engagement and suspicion, prophetic witness is the hallmark of Christian discipleship and of a Christology that culminates in liberative praxis. The Christology that emerges from Shona women highlights a passionate appropriation that involves the head, gut, womb and heart and underlies the circle symbolism. The circle is the acme of Shona hospitality and togetherness in creative dialogue with the Trinitarian koinonia. The Shona Christological designation Muponesi (Deliverer-Midwife) in dialogue with the Paschal Mystery motif captures the God-human-cosmos relationship that gives a Christology caught up in the rhythms, dynamism and drama of life. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Validação da medida da pressão crítica de fechamento da faringe durante o sono induzido / Validation of the pharyngeal critical closing pressure during induced sleep

Pedro Rodrigues Genta 31 March 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A pressão crítica de fechamento da faringe (PCrit) é a pressão nasal em que há colapso da faringe. Conceitualmente a Pcrit reflete a contribuição anatômica na gênese da apnéia obstrutiva do sono (AOS). No entanto, a relação entre a PCrit e a anatomia das vias aéreas superiores (VAS) tem sido pouco estudada. A PCrit determinada durante o sono requer pesquisadores experientes durante a noite. A indução do sono com midazolam é usada na prática clínica para a realização de procedimentos ambulatoriais e poderia ser uma alternativa mais conveniente para se determinar a Pcrit. Porém, o midazolam pode provocar sedação além de simples indução do sono, reduzir a atividade muscular das VAS e aumentar a colapsabilidade quando comparado com o sono normal. Objetivos: 1. validar a determinação da PCrit durante o dia após a indução do sono com midazolam; 2. comparar a arquitetura do sono induzido com baixa dose de midazolam com o sono natural; 3. correlacionar a PCrit com a anatomia das VAS. Métodos: Homens com graus variados de sintomas sugestivos de AOS foram submetidos a polissonografia completa noturna, determinação da PCrit durante o sono natural e após a indução do sono com midazolam bem como tomografia computadorizada de cabeça e pescoço para avaliação das VAS. Resultados: Foram estudados 15 sujeitos com idade (média±DP) de 54 ± 10 anos, índice de massa corporal de 29,9 ± 3,9 kg/m2 e índice de apnéiahipopnéia (IAH) de 38 ± 22 (variação: 8-66 eventos/h). A indução do sono foi obtida em todos os sujeitos, utilizando doses mínimas de midazolam (mediana [intervalo interquartil]) (2,4 [2,0-4,4] mg). A PCrit durante o sono natural e induzido foram semelhantes (-0,82 ± 3,44 e -0,97 ± 3,21 cmH2O, P = 0,663) e se associaram (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse=0,92 (IC 95% 0,78-0,97 P<0,001). A distribuição das fases do sono durante sono natural e induzido foi similar, com excessão da fase 1 (10,5 ± 5,1% vs. 20,6 ± 8,1, respectivamente; P=0,001). A Pcrit determinada durante o sono natural e induzido se correlacionaram com o IAH (r=0,592, P=0,020 e r=0,576, P=0,025, respectivamente). Além disso tanto a Pcrit determinada por sono natural e induzido se correlacionaram com diversas variáveis tomográficas de VAS, incluindo a posição do osso hióide, ângulo da base do crânio e as áreas seccionais da velofaringe e hipofaringe (r variando de 0,577 a 0,686, P<0,05). A regressão linear múltipla revelou que o IAH foi independentemente associado com a Pcrit durante sono induzido, circunferência da cintura e idade (r2 = 0,785, P = 0,001). Conclusão: A PCrit determinada durante o dia com indução do sono é semelhante à determinada durante o sono natural e é um método alternativo promissor para determinar a PCrit. O sono induzido por doses baixas de midazolan promove um sono similar ao sono natural. A Pcrit determinada tanto durante o sono natural e induzido correlaciona-se com várias características anatômicas das VAS / Introduction: The pharyngeal critical closing pressure (Pcrit) is the nasal pressure at which the airway collapses. Pcrit is thought to reflect the anatomical contribution to the genesis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, the relationship between Pcrit and upper airway anatomy has been poorly investigated. Pcrit determined during sleep requires experienced investigators at night. Sleep induction with midazolam is frequently used in clinical practice during ambulatory procedure and could be a more convenient alternative to assess Pcrit. On the other hand, midazolam could induce sedation rather than sleep, decrease upper airway muscle activity and increase collapsibility compared with natural sleep. Objectives: 1. validate Pcrit determination during the day after sleep induction with midazolam; 2. compare the sleep architecture of induced sleep after low doses of midazolam with natural sleep; 3.correlate Pcrit with upper airway anatomy. Methods: Men with different severity of OSA symptoms underwent baseline full polysomnography, Pcrit determination during natural sleep and after sleep induction with midazolam and head and neck computed tomography. RESULTS: Fifteen men aged (mean±SD) 54±10ys, body mass index=29.9 ± 3.9 Kg/m2 and apnea hypopnea index=38±22, range: 8-66 events/h were studied. Sleep induction was obtained with minimum doses of midazolam (median[interquartile range] (2.4 [2.0-4.4] mg). Sleep phase distribution during natural and induced sleep was similar, except for stage 1 (10.5 ± 5.1% vs. 20.6 ± 8.1, respectively; P=0.001). Natural and induced sleep Pcrit were similar (-0.82 ± 3.44 and -0.97 ± 3.21 cmH2O, P=0.663) and closely associated (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.92 (95%CI 0.78-0.97, P<0.001). Natural and sleep induced Pcrit correlated with AHI (r=0.592, P=0.020; r=0.576, P=0.025, respectively). Pcrit determined both during natural and induced sleep were significantly associated with several tomographic variables, including hyoid position, cranial base angle and cross sectional areas of the velopharynx and hypopharynx (r range: 0.577 to 0.686, P<0.05). Multiple linear regression revealed that AHI was independently associated with induced sleep Pcrit, waist circumference and age (r2=0.785, P=0.001). Conclusion: Pcrit determined during the day with sleep induction is similar to natural sleep and is a promising alternative method to determine Pcrit. Sleep induction with small doses of midazolam promoted sleep similar to natural sleep. Pcrit determined both during natural and induced sleep correlates with several anatomical characteristics of the upper airway

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