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Ensemble som tillval : Samtal om ensemblespel med gymnasieelever som läser musik som tillvalKarlsson, Hans, Lönnroos, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Detta självständiga arbete fokuserar på att utforska hur gymnasieelever som läser ett nationellt program med musik som tillval uppfattar ensemblespel. Syftet med arbetet är att bidra med kunskap om hur dessa elever ser på och upplever ensemblespel. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes en kvalitativ metod med fokusgruppsintervjuer för att samla in data från ett homogent urval av elever. Resultatet som besvarar frågeställningarna visar att eleverna beskriver ensemblespel som en möjlighet att utveckla färdigheter i social interaktion, samarbete och ledarskap. Eftersom musik inte är elevernas huvudämne har de sällan samma tid för övning och musikalisk ambition som elever med musik som huvudämne har, vilket gör att en stark gruppdynamik värdesätts högre än speltekniska färdigheter. Det förekommer även gruppdynamiska svårigheter, och resultatet visar på att processen för att ta ett demokratiskt beslut ibland är en orsak till stress inom gruppen. Trots dessa svårigheter är elevernas inställning till ensemblespel positiv och ensemble ses som ett roligt och engagerande komplement till den annars teoretiska skolveckan. Resultatet av detta arbete ger en större inblick i elevernas syn på ensembleundervisning, vilket kan hjälpa musikpedagoger som vill förbättra kvaliteten och tillgängligheten för musikutbildning i gymnasieskolor. / This study focuses on exploring how high school students who are studying a national program with music as an optional subject perceive ensemble classes. The aim of this research is to contribute with knowledge about how these students view and experience ensemble classes. The study employed a qualitative approach, using focus group interviews to collect data from a homogenous sample of students. Findings show that ensemble classes provide the students with opportunities for developing skills in social interaction and teamwork as well as leadership. Since music isn’t their primary subject, they rarely have the same musical competence or time for practice as students with music as primary subject do, which is why a strong group dynamic is highly valued. However, the students also expressed difficulties about said group dynamic, finding the process of a democratic decision to sometimes be a cause of distress within the group. Despite these difficulties the students view ensemble classes in a positive light, seeing them as a fun and engaging complement to the otherwise theoretical school week. The findings of this study focus of the students’ perception of ensemble, which can benefit music educators who seek to improve the quality and accessibility of music education in high schools.
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A Nudist ResortBuchy, Phillip E. 22 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Aspekte unendlichdimensionaler Martingaltheorie und ihre Anwendung in der Theorie der FinanzmärkteSchöckel, Thomas 19 October 2004 (has links)
Wir modellieren einen Finanzmarkt mit unendlich vielen Wertpapieren als stochastischen Prozeß X in stetiger Zeit mit Werten in einem separablen Hilbertraum H. In diesem Rahmen zeigen wir die Äquivalenz von Vollständigkeit des Marktes und der Eindeutigkeit des äquivalenten Martingalmaßes unter der Bedingung, daß X stetige Pfade besitzt. Weiter zeigen wir, daß (unter gewissen technischen Bedingungen) für X die Abwesenheit von asymptotischer Arbitrage der ersten/zweiten Art (im Sinne von Kabanov/Kramkov) äquivalent zur Absolutstetigkeit des Referenzmaßes zu einem eindeutigen, lokal äquivalenten Martingalmaß ist. Hat X stetige Pfade, so ist die Abwesenheit von allgemeiner asymptotischer Arbitrage äquivalent zur Existenz eines äquivalenten lokalen Martingalmaßes. Außerdem geben wir ein Kriterium für die Existenz einer optionalen Zerlegung von X an. Dies wenden wir auf das Problem der Risikominimierung bei vorgegebener Investitionsobergrenze (effizientes Hedgen (Föllmer/Leukert)) an, um dieses im unendlichdimensionalen Kontext zu behandeln. Außerdem stellen wir eine unendlichdimensionale Erweiterung des Heath-Jarrow-Morton-Modells vor und nutzen den Potentialansatz nach Rodgers, um zwei weitere Zinsstrukturmodelle zu konstruieren. Als Beitrag zur allgemeinen stochastischen Analysis in Hilberträumen beweisen wir eine pfadweise Version der Itoformel für stochastische Prozesse mit stetigen Pfaden in einem separablen Hilbertraum. Daraus läßt sich eine pfadweise Version des Satzes über die Vertauschbarkeit von stochastischem und Lebesgue-Integral ableiten. Außerdem zeigen wir eine Version der Clark-Formel für eine Brownsche Bewegung mit Werten in einem Hilbertraum. / We model a financial market with infinitely many assets as a stochastic process X with values in a separable Hilbert space H. In this setting we show the equivalence of market completeness and the uniqueness of the equivalent martingale measure, if X has continuous paths. Another result for our model is, that under some technical conditions, the absence of asymptotic arbitrage of the first/second kind (in the sense of Kabanov/Kramkov) is equivalent to the absolute continuity of the reference measure to a unique, locally equivalent, martingale measure. If X has continuous paths, the absence of general asymptotic arbitrage is equivalent to the existence of an equivalent local martingale measure. Furthermore, we give a sufficient condition for the existence of the optional decomposition of X. We apply this result to the problem of risk minimization with given upper limit for investion (efficient hedging (Föllmer/Leukert)). This allows us to solve this optimization problem in our infinite dimensional context. Another result is an infinite dimensional extension of the Heath-Jarrow-Morton term structure model. Two further term structure models are constructed, using the Markov potential approach developed by Rodgers. As a contribution to the theory of stochastic analysis in Hilbert spaces, we proof a pathwise version of the Ito formula for stochastic processes with continuous paths in a separable Hilbert space. This leads to a pathwise version of the interchangability theorem for stochastic and Lebesgue integrals. We also show a version of the Clark formula for Hilbert space valued Brownian motion.
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Zájmové činnosti v mateřských školách v Českých Budějovicích / Leisure education of pre-school childrenLICHTENBERGOVÁ, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the character of leisure activities offered by kindergartens in České Budějovice. The theoretical part characterizes interest and leisure activities in the general meaning and in a child at preschool age. Next, it describes the relationship of the areas of leisure activities and the areas of preschool education. The practical part - research - presents the characteristics of leisure activities offered in kindergartens in České Budějovice, the extra activities offered, the reasons for their use, and their specific form. The data collected is interpreted in the context of leisure pedagogy and preschool pedagogy.
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Complex pleasures : designing optional interactions for public spacesHelgason, Ingi January 2017 (has links)
This research aims to contribute to knowledge about the design of interactive systems sited in public spaces. In particular, the study concerns "optional interactions" where systems invite interaction from passers-by. These systems are action-orientated ratherthan goal-oriented, are designed to encourage engagement, and offer positive and rewarding experiences through the activity of interaction. This is in contrast to systems that provide functional services that are actively sought out by people, such as ticketvending machines or cash dispensers. This thesis asserts that this kind of optimal, designed experience can be examined and understood through comparisons with approaches taken by new-media artists working in interactive, technological media. Artists have different priorities, and use different methods to those employed by Human-Computer Interaction researchers, and this study aims to further understanding of the potential of these artistic approaches for interaction designers. The setting for these optional interaction systems is any public or semi-public environment, including museums, galleries, shopping centres, foyers and urban settings. As well as understanding the public and social context of these interactions, the experiential aspects of interaction are of primary importance in this study. The work is conducted with the aim of providing practical and theoretical resources to interaction designers tasked with creating engaging interactive systems that initiate and sustain experiences that are highly regarded by the participant. The thesis presents a designframework titled the Optional Interactions Design Framework.
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“Girls for sale” : Understanding the difficulties in protecting girls in Nepal from being exploited for prostitutionSemenets, Natasha January 2019 (has links)
The number of girls that are being exploited for prostitution in Nepal has increased in recent years, and girls suffer a high risk of being exposed when they come from already poorly conditions. Previously, uneducated girls could be found in the adult entertainment sector, but nowadays even educated girls are being exploited. This thesis aims to gain further understanding to why girls are being exposed and why it is difficult to protect them. By conducting qualitive interviews with employees from several NGOs working to protect girls from being exploited for prostitution, insights has been given about socio-structural factors that influences the situation for girls. By examining these factors with support from theoretical approaches that highlights social injustice, gender discrimination and structural oppression this thesis presents how different factors affect the work of protecting girls, and how the same factors also are contributing to why girls get exposed. The state of Nepal shows several efforts in trying to eradicate the problem and have ratified both the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. The state has also made changes in national law that shall promote and strengthen children's rights. Although the laws are strong, the protection for girls is insufficient and girls are vulnerable to being exploited by traffickers. The Government of Nepal, NGOs and several other authorities are working together to eradicate the problem, but the work needs be strengthened, coordinated and responsive to influencing factors simultaneously in order to achieve a long-term solution. This thesis suggest that cultural norms need to be challenged more and that the Government of Nepal needs to oversee how structural injustices affect opportunities for girls to take part of social benefits. In addition, knowledge about legal and moral rights needs to be increased among girls and in society as a whole, moreover the knowledge about trafficking and prostitution needs to be spread.
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Relaciones entre España y la Santa Sede durante la etapa final de la Restauración borbónica (1902-1923). La cuestión matrimonialCobacho López, Ángel 02 June 2008 (has links)
La tesis se ocupa de las relaciones diplomáticas entre España y la Santa Sede durante la fase final de la Restauración borbónica, desde 1902 hasta 1923, con especial mención a la cuestión matrimonial. De los tres capítulos que la componen, el primero contextualiza el reinado de Alfonso XIII. Se alude a cuestiones históricas y a medidas normativas relevantes en el ámbito eclesiástico y en el civil. El segundo capítulo comienza con la entrada en vigor de la Ley de 18 de junio de 1870, de matrimonio civil obligatorio, y abarca hasta 1902. El tercero versa sobre la cuestión matrimonial durante el reinado de Alfonso XIII. El sistema matrimonial vigente, salvo el caso aislado de la Real Orden de 27 de agosto de 1906, derogada un año más tarde, fue el de matrimonio civil subsidiario. La interpretación del término "profesión de fe" sería el motivo de mayores controversias. / The thesis deals with the diplomatic relationships between Spain and the Holy See during the final period of the Bourbon Restoration, focusing especially on matrimonial matters. The first chapter of the thesis contextualises the kingdom of Alfonso XIII of Spain; historical issues and regulatory measures relevant within both the ecclesiastical and the civil context are mentioned in this chapter. The second chapter covers the years between the coming into force of the Ley de 18 de junio de 1870 − which introduced compulsory civil marriage in Spain - and the year 1902. The third chapter deals with matrimonial matters during the reign of King Alfonso XIII. The subsidiary civil marriage constituted the current matrimonial system at the time, with the only exception being the Real Orden de 27 de agosto de 1906, which was abrogated the following year. The interpretation of the term "profession of faith" was to cause major controversy.
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Kartläggning av allmänna gång- och cykelvägar på kvartersmark : utan rättsligt genomförandeDalhammer, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Detaljplaner reglerar hur Sveriges mark och vatten ska användas. Detaljplanering regleras i plan- och bygglagen (2010:900). En detaljplan ska ange vad som är allmän plats, kvartersmark och vattenområde. Allmän plats får beträdas av allmänheten och ägs av kommunen. Kvartersmark kan ägas av olika aktörer men framförallt av privatpersoner. På kvartersmark kan ändamål såsom bostäder, kontor, handel, skola m.m. förekomma. Frivilliga planbestämmelser kan tillämpas i en detaljplan. Den här studien handlar om den frivilliga planbestämmelsen "x". Ett gement "x" i en detaljplan symboliserar ett markreservat för allmän gång- och cykelväg vilken planläggs på kvartersmark. Vid planläggning av "x", inskränks den berörda fastighetsägaren i sin äganderätt.Genom att bilda en rättighet för x-området undviks fastighetsägarens möjlighet att stänga ute allmänheten från fastigheten. Oklarheter rörande drift och underhåll undviks också när en rättighet bildats. Rättigheten i fråga skapas lämpligast genom bildande av servitut eller nyttjanderätt. Det finns två olika typer av servitut, avtalsservitut och officialservitut. Officialservitut skrivs in automatiskt i fastighetsregistret och är ett säkrare alternativ än avtalsservitutet. Bildande av officialservitut sker efter ansökan till lantmäterimyndigheten som bland annat prövar om servitutet är av väsentlig betydelse för den fastighet som får förmån av servitutet. Vid bildande av servitut för x-område bör den fastighet som får förmån av servitutet (härskande fastighet) vara en kommunal fastighet, med tanke på dess allmänna ändamål. Genomföranderegler saknas för x-områden vilket medför en risk för att en rättighet aldrig bildas för dem. När en rättighet inte bildas finns det ingen rätt för kommunen att använda marken för allmän gång- och cykelväg. Det medför även oklarheter rörande drift och underhåll i och med att gång- och cykelvägen är lokaliserad till en fastighet som inte ägs av kommunen men som nyttjas av allmänheten.Vid avsaknad av bildad rättighet kan fastighetsägaren om så önskas stänga ute allmänheten, till exempel genom förbudsskyltar eller bommar vilket antagligen bidrar till att x-området inte uppfyller sin funktion. Tidigare studier har visat att x-områden används i större utsträckning än vad som var ämnat med införande av bestämmelsen. Det har även tidigare framgått att "x" kombineras med "g" med syfte att undvika kostnader, som istället överlåts från kommunen på de delägande fastighetsägarna i gemensamhetsanläggningen. Ett "g" i en detaljplan innebär att en gemensamhetsanläggning ska bildas inom området. Det har även uttryckts under föreläsningar vid Högskolan Väst att oklarheter gällande vem som ansöker om officialservitut förekommer vid exploateringar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka förändring av användningsfrekvensen för "x". Studien gäller beslut mellan 1 januari 2002 och 31 december 2011 i de tre kommunerna Motala, Linköping och Mjölby i Östergötlands län. Syftet är även att utreda hur många av x-områden som ett officialservitut har bildats för.Resultatet av studien visar att inrättande av x-områden minskar. De två sista åren i studien har få inrättningar av x-områden ägt rum. Motala kommun har till skillnad från Linköpings och Mjölby kommun en uppåtgående trendlinje. Dock avviker 2011 i Motala då inga x-områden inrättats. Det avvikande resultatet tyder på en förändring även i Motala kommun. Resultatet från de intervjuer som hållits med planarkitekter i de olika kommunerna kompletterar resultatet ovan. Planarkitekterna bekräftar att de inrättar "x" mer sällan idag än för några år sedan. Av samtliga x-områden i studien har 44 % inte genomförts genom bildande av officialservitut. Markåtkomst kan ha lösts genom annan rättighet eller saknas helt. / Detailed development plans regulate how Sweden's land and water should be used. Statutes on detail planning are to be found in the Swedish planning and building act. A detailed development plan must specify public area, private property area and water area. Everybody may enter the public areas which the municipality owns. The private property area is private and has owners like a housing company or an individual. Optional rules can be used in the detailed development plan. This study deals with the optional regulation "x", which is a land reserve for public pathways. "X" is located on the private property areas.The private property owner may suffer from a restriction of their property rights by getting an "x" over the property. To avoid the risk that the public is prevented from passing through the x-field, a right is formed. If no right is formed, the owner of the property can choose to shut the public out. The right in question occurs appropriate by official easement which occurs by an application. An application can be made to the land survey to create an official easement. The land survey investigates if the official easement has an essential use for the property that has the advantage of the easement.Implementation rules are missing for x-areas, which results in that no right is formed. When no rights are formed there is no legal right for the public to use pedestrian and bicycle pathways. The property owner can choose to put up prohibiting signs and barriers to exclude the public, which results in that the x-areas are not filling their purpose. Previous studies have shown that the x-areas are used more often than intended. Its also used as a combination with "g", to avoid costs for the municipality. A "g" in a detail development plan means that a joint facility will be formed, that consist of the property owners in the area. The cost transfer to the members instead. During lectures at University West it has aroused uncertainties who it is that applies for official easement. The purpose of this study is to investigate how often x-areas have been applied for in the three municipalities of Motala, Linköping and Mjölby in Östergötland County, January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2011. The purpose is also to see how many official easements that have been formed for the x-areas.The result of this research shows that the use of x-areas decreases. The last two years very few x-areas have been established. Motala municipality has unlike Linköping and Mjölby an increasing trend of x-areas. However, in 2011 Motala municipality had no establishment of x-areas. The abnormal result indicates a change, even in Motala. Interviews with plan architects in the different municipalities confirm the result above. The plan architects admit to establish fewer x-areas today than a few years ago. Of all x-areas in the study, 44 percent have no official easement. It may have another easement but it is also possible that they have no easement at all.
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A Sociolinguistic Comparison of the French and Anglo-Saxon Cultures : from codeswitched substantives to borrowings : the issue of grammatical gender / Comparaison sociolinguistique des cultures française et anglo-saxonne : des substantifs issus de l’alternance codique aux emprunts : la question du genre grammaticalMartin, Élodie 16 November 2017 (has links)
L’attribution du genre grammatical est une notion complexe qu’il est difficile d’expliquer de manière rationnelle en français car elle est, la plupart du temps, arbitraire. Cette thèse a pour but de théoriser le genre grammatical attribué aux substantifs issus de l’alternance codique et aux emprunts de l’anglais au français. L’alternance codique est un phénomène individuel alors que l’emprunt est un phénomène collectif. Ces deux phénomènes linguistiques sont donc généralement considérés comme différents. Ainsi, le second objectif de cette thèse est de démontrer l’existence d’un continuum entre l’alternance codique et l’emprunt. Dans un premier temps, les concepts clés sont présentés, définis et exemplifiés. Puis, les principales notions caractérisant l’alternance codique et l’emprunt sont détaillées. Ce second chapitre met donc naturellement ces deux phénomènes en opposition dans le but de pouvoir les analyser comme un continuum lorsque des hypothèses concernant le genre grammatical qu’ils se voient attribuer sont formulées. Le troisième chapitre est consacré aux études de cas, et plus précisément à l’analyse de quatre corpus différents. Ce dernier chapitre a donc pour but de confirmer les hypothèses émises dans les deux chapitres précédents et permet de les classer dans cinq catégories afin d’expliquer l’attribution du genre grammatical. Ces catégories sont les suivantes : la raison extralinguistique, la raison interlinguistique, la raison métalinguistique, la raison à la fois interlinguistique et métalinguistique, et la raison grammaticale. Les résultats concernant les pourcentages de substantifs féminins et masculins sont présentés sous forme de graphiques, ainsi que ceux concernant les pourcentages de raisons expliquant l’attribution du genre grammatical aux substantifs issus de l’alternance codique, aux emprunts facultatifs, et aux emprunts obligatoires. Ainsi, l’interprétation de ces résultats est plus claire, plus objective, et plus scientifique. En outre, l’existence d’un continuum alternance codique – emprunt est par conséquent démontrée au moyen de l’explication de l’attribution du genre grammatical, ce qui crée un lien entre l’alternance codique et l’emprunt facultatif, ainsi que par le biais du processus de lexicalisation menant à l’emprunt facultatif, dans lequel l’alternance codique est le point de départ. Le lien entre l’alternance codique et l’emprunt obligatoire n’apparaît, quant à lui, pas de manière évidente étant donné que ces deux phénomènes linguistiques ne partagent pas de caractéristiques communes. / Grammatical gender attribution is quite a difficult notion to logically explain in French, due to the fact that it is, most of the time, arbitrary. This PhD thesis aims to theorise the grammatical gender allocated to codeswitched and borrowed substantives from English to French. Codeswitching and borrowing being generally considered as two distinct linguistic phenomena, since the former is an individual phenomenon, while the latter is a collective phenomenon, the second objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the existence of a codeswitching – borrowing continuum. Throughout three chapters, key concepts are firstly presented to lay the foundation of the thesis. Then, the main notions characterising codeswitching and borrowing are detailed – which naturally opposes these two linguistic devices – in order to eventually analyse them as a continuum, when hypothesising grammatical gender attribution. The last chapter devoted to case studies, and more precisely to the analysis of four different corpora, confirms the hypotheses exposed in the two previous chapters, and enables to classify them into five categories to explain grammatical gender attribution. These categories represent extralinguistic, interlinguistic, metalinguistic, both interlinguistic and metalinguistic, and grammatical reasons. Results on the percentages of feminine and masculine substantives, as well as the reasons explaining the grammatical gender allocated to codeswitched substantives, optional borrowings, and compulsory borrowings are displayed through graphs so that their interpretation is clearer, more objective, and more scientific. Additionally, the existence of a codeswitching – borrowing continuum is therefore demonstrated through the explanation of grammatical gender attribution, linking codeswitching with optional borrowing, as well as through the process of lexicalisation, in which codeswitching is the starting point of the chain, leading to optional borrowing. As for compulsory borrowing, connecting it with codeswitching is not that obvious considering that they do not share common features compared with optional borrowing.
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Une Union de droits parallèles : la portabilité des régimes juridiques dans la législation de l’Union européenne / A Union of parallel laws : the portability of legal regimes in European Union legislationKeys, Alexander 21 December 2018 (has links)
Malgré les spécificités politiques de l’Union européenne, le fonctionnement du droit communautaire a généralement été assez traditionnel, s’appliquant obligatoirement à tous. Ces dernières années, toutefois, nous assistons à la création d’un corps de droit atypique dont l’application est optionnelle, et qui existe donc en parallèle au droit national normalement applicable. Ces hypothèses de choix sont essentiellement de deux types. D’abord, les instruments optionnels de droit européen peuvent être choisis comme alternative au droit national. Ensuite, le droit de l’Union européenne permet dans certaines hypothèses le choix de la loi nationale applicable à une situation. Dans ces deux cas, l’expression d’un choix mène à la portabilité du régime juridique choisi dans toute l’Union. Cette thèse vise à répondre à plusieurs questionnements autour de ce phénomène, en analysant les raisons politiques qui poussent à créer des droits d’option, en regardant l’impact véritable de l’exercice du droit d’option en termes de l’autonomie véritable des régimes optionnels et des contours de l’espace de liberté ainsi laissé aux sujets de droit de s’écarter du droit national normalement applicable, et en évaluant le taux d’utilisation de ces instruments juridiques particuliers. / Despite the specificities of the European Union’s political set-up, the operation of EU law has generally been relatively traditional, in the sense that EU law mandatorily applies to all. These last few years, however, a body of atypical law has been created which is applied optionally and therefore exists in parallel with national law. Legal regimes applicable by choice in this way essentially fall into two categories. Firstly, there are optional instruments of EU law, which can be chosen as an alternative to national law. Secondly, in some cases, EU law allows a choice of the national law to be applied to a given situation. In both cases, the expression of a choice leads to the portability of the chosen legal regime across the EU. This thesis aims to address various issues surrounding this phenomenon: by analysing the political reasoning which has led to the creation of a right to choose, by looking at the true impact of the use of the right to choose in terms of the real autonomy of optional instruments and the extent of the freedom to deviate from the national law applicable by default, and by evaluating the level of usage of these unusual legal instruments.
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